Miracle of St. Therese ( 1952) - Filme de Santa Teresinha do Menino Jesus

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when as early as June 9 1940 Pope Pius the tenth decides to introduce at the court of Rome the case of the little Carmelite who died 17 years before by you after thorough inquiry the Apostolic process is formally closed on October 30th 1917 in 1919 contrary to ecclesiastical law Pope Benedict the 15 authorizes the College of Cardinals to reopen proceedings which will lead to the beatification of st. torres 26 years after her death bioessence a O'Lakes audience they are difficut co-ed Canon Adagio nice surveyed a thorough history yay aquario yes Usman yollie's professed a or discarnate are exchanged state aroun in monastery or lake so VNC little torres mata was born at ala seoul on January the 2nd 1873 brought up by exemplary parents she had known a happy childhood and then Puss in Boots all right get it gasps telephone terrible terrible terrible terrible go on papa what'd he say he said you must say good night to Papa and go to bed five minutes more no you always get into her she's my little Queen there there is matured early through a series of painful experiences come to this come kiss your mother for the last time and go downstairs with a we know not Grindr a 40 I'm nan he lookin to be man a short time after his wife's death Monsieur Mata and his children moved too late we so nee the villa at leaves you 10,000 men were crying however some of the soldiers were laughing or trying to one soldier in a mad fury that sworn to place another bundle on the fire but whilst Joan of Arc was dying he suddenly became him his comrades took him to a tavern for someone to help him get his strength back but he was Mabel to the cover he cried out we are lost we have burned a saint well no no it's late we'll continue tomorrow I'll be like Joan of Arc well if you're doing about why don't you go close the garden gate no no you know very well she's afraid in the dark no pop I'm not afraid at all well then come come along well go down despite her sensitive nature Torres learns to be master of herself it is during moments such as thee that her spiritual calling was revealed well my little Joan of Arc I look so good and if you want you to avert everyone that's a good but soon Pauline her little mother enters Carmel to become sister Agnes of Jesus the separation is a terrible blow to Torres yes Father it is here that my life is begun it is a mistake to call life that which must end twice and often it is too much this is a trial which seems to be an attack upon Torres's : so painful is it a Torres is taken ill hand reaching likes it burning black pieces coming inside tell me Marie you know at what time your father will return about seven o'clock why do you ask tell him I'll be back after dinner I have to speak to him you must try to be brave you're cured my little terrain you cured tell me to race was it the holy virgin who cured you yes it was the holy battle looked a little smile and I thought that a number of doctors declared the Torres's recovery had been complete and instantaneous several years have gone by Marie too has entered the Carmelite Order she has become sister Marie of the Sacred Heart the visiting room which before was a source of tribulation to Terez is now one of her greatest joys you to pronounce your vows it's my first communion it must have a significance I've been thinking about you this morning what have you given to Jesus I've already offered during my two months of preparation 3,700 acts of novel set aside more than 50 reading this God is not able to count it means someone else's do it yes all right through this with my liberty fast mistakes Atalissa me you asked for the most difficult that's the fashion by halves and what's wrong and you're falling what did you give this morning my whole life because I know what his answer will be he'll answer now it's like it's true Turin we must prepare for God's turn God as Terez grew up a resolve was unshakable I'm going to hurt your father to hurt me it'll be for the first time it'll be the last believe me I understand to the Karma why you to my little Queen it's asking a great deal of you having given 14 and married you'll believe that I'd stay by your side I'm not thinking of myself but of you you're very young to take a decision of this nature oh now I'm not a child anymore since Christmas I've changed I'm not the same girl so the stain I feel Emma's d'lai never was found so if you're loving more than so repenting I'm sure that I'm able to save sinners and make God love more than we've ever been I shall not try to keep you from me it is another God has summoned all my daughters one out of the other may his will be done I gather this he gathers you I have nothing better to offer him encouraged by her father Torres seeks admittance to the Carmelite convent at least yer however the superior of the community abbe de Lafayette the clients are requests because of her tender years furthermore the Bishop of Baia refuses to overrule this decision my poor child we have tried everything no not everything Rome oh yes since we have to go there I will see the Pope he will listen to me I should enter Carmel even if I have to walk for slave you remember you must proceed in silence it is absolutely forbidden to speak to his holiness we want me to speak what's your advice speak holy father I would like to ask you something please permit me in honor of your jubilee to enter caramel underneath I forbad you to say do you know who this child is I do Your Holiness the superiors are now examining her requests yeah well my dear child you must do as the superiors - said o Holy Father if you said yes they would accept me you will enter Carmel if God wills it God willed it you well my Reverend mothers you may now sing the today a delegate to the bishop I present you this 15 year old child whose admission you've allowed I shall pray that she lives up your expectations let me remind you that if she doesn't you alone will bear the responsibility you you I shall stay here forever we shall help you with your things sister please don't come in they're not here to read your family life what do you think of the new one Oh much too young and not very strong two models were enough the three that's too much sister Elizabeth would you be so kind as to take a blanket the cell of sister Torres of the infant Jesus you're not taking it yourself you should be happy to get your little sister back sister to raise herself pointed out that we are no longer back home listening anyway she is visiting our mother Prioress I never forget that you entered Carmel to live your life in imitation of our Lord Jesus Christ you must love yourself for years there of a present remember it is not enough simply to respect the silence you should seek it silence that brings peace and comfort to you lives in solitude has no other enemy but himself yes Reverend Mother is it true that you know the whole imitation of Christ by heart yes I do mother very well recite for me one of the chapters the love of Jesus above all other things blessed is he who understands that he must love Jesus and he must despise himself for Jesus sake I must one day be separated from or whether thou wilt it or what not good I see will not be necessary to remind you of the words of his large delegate there gracias just a Mary of the Angels I place in your hands on new postulant and I'm standing nature oh yes out stand the proud don't be discouraged you must work without shrinking for even the most menial tasks all roads lead to God especially the most humble mother Genevieve is think the res the founders of our community she's an age that are have done it is plain to see I places are being swept by a child to display after recreation remove that cub live remote careful in the future didn't I say she's a good-for-nothing of identity is begging you to go speak it is not because in the beginning this thing's not too hard come to see me once in a while I'll turn how can I ever thank you my good loving certain of us this does appear to be imperfect they are is another spirit all those sisters were suffering from some painful malady I'm beginning to realize mother but a sister with there's more in accomplishing part of her duties then a sister found in body and mind who accomplishes old well I'm pleased to see those who understood my trials I entered here without any illusions mother I should expect nothing but from God I know that my karma should be my way of the cross please follow me I'll show you to the kitchen so the doll the doll veto the thermal resistance I haven't the courage please forgive me it seems to me that you're not giving your prayer all the concentration required it is especially regrettable since it's been reported to me that you've been boasting on several occasions and wanting to be a saint is that correct yes Reverend Mother such presumption confine yourself to not offending God temper your desires with humility but Reverend Mother I do not find such desires intemperately because our Lord told us to be perfect as our Heavenly Father is perfect do you think it's enough Miller to do what you have to do to become a saint it could be too easy our Lord asks more these children go now you you you you are you sure you have no regrets yes a little one so it isn't the season I would wish everything to be white or covered with snow marry what are you asking for I am asking for God's mercy the poverty of the order and the company of the sisters have you come here of your own accord and of your own free will to receive the habit of this order I have your lordship we wish to enter this order for the love and fear of our Lord I do for the grace of God in the prayers of the sisters you know many pathways HPV its since durock dear father is very you they've taken him to the hospital boss over there at home oh my god I'm afraid to tell the news too tired what a blow this will be to her yes yesterday she was saying I don't understand Saints who don't love their parents anyone to see that you have marked with will in use and straight and you sister Sam Pierre you especially like indulgence when you give information to break the silence what's going on please forgive me mother for 16 days sister Sandhya has been browbeating me go back to your fill matter with your permission I do what I can to help sister sent yes good too young too young way to hold a person you're much too clumsy you heard this a cousin of mr. Torres is the married to dr. Lanier y-yes everyone's talking about it but then sister tears too is getting married here's the announcement she's composed an announcement God Almighty Creator of heaven and earth sovereign and spiritual who loved the world and a glorious virgin mary queen of the heavenly coast hereby announce the spiritual marriage of their noble son jesus lord of lords and King of Kings with the maiden tears master henceforth I sister heirs of the infant Jesus make my profession and promise of chastity poverty and obedience to God our Lord - the Blessed Virgin and to you mother pride oh yes over sixty years ago that tedium was suffering and perhaps tonight I shall give it the Sun in heaven do you Gracia Oh mother I'm so sorry that you weren't with me when I took my Dale my heart was there I've been watching you for a long time now at this moment I'm taking the place of God by your side and I can assure you there is that is very pleased with you you have learned to master yourself and to bear many painful experiences it is you who have consoled me mother you who've been suffering for seven years not for seven years sister Therese it's been over 40 years yes but nobody would have suspected nobody if I had not fainted that night in front of you how you must have suffered nothing much more and much less than one imagined can't be used wounds are more embarrassing than painful the main thing Saturday is to be at peace with oneself I have always been at least at peace with myself in I I think that everything it's enough to what and to her the great eyes sure they're very great eyes sure the assurance that God is only men I'm benevolent that the yoke of the Lord is gentle and his birth is light sir with peace and with dry remember always my time that our God is the God of peace I've just caught the last teardrop of a saint after mother Genevieve death Torres's sister Pauline is elected Prioress it was to be expected our new priorites had given a difficult task to her sister just think instructing novices it's her reign sister Mary it is not for you to pass judgment on our new prior their choice of sister Torres was dictated by no other motives than the welfare of the community you everything seems to be perfect now light the candles and make sure that the flowers are in place I'll go and tell our mother prior Oh such a terrace with no more matches let me show you you see sisters just a small lamp hardly a light produced all these flames and these will in turn light an infinity of others and illuminate perhaps the whole world each of us resembles that insignificant light I'm glad you're here doctor LaBelle is no longer necessary to announce a visitor huh oh no doctor they're only three healthy sisters left in common sister Sam Pierre is much weaker this epidemics getting worse than ever I haven't been able to get any sleep in two days thank you sister sister sentir is dead where is this the mouth of Jesus she must come to help us I'll go call her there grass sister Elizabeth needs your help in the infirmary while you're burning with fever sister Turay please don't bother about me sister go to the infirmary but sister to raise mother Marie of Gonzaga may need my help one of the essential rules of our community is that we must never show preference for one or the other of our companions sister Therese our mother better report to her afterwards I'd prefer to be censured or even expelled from the convent rather than fail in my duty now go quickly to the infirmary why have you hidden you're suffering from me rewarded you to wear that iron cross a mother Mary of konjac one side to war that small cross when I first became a nun but I gave it up long ago the great penances were not meant for us are you having trouble with your novices there is it I'm forced to take by the skin and others by the tips of their wings here's what dr. de Kanye gave me during his last visit is it true sister Therese that you've been raising protests against certain modifications that I advise sister Madeleine to perform yes Reverend Mother aren't you aware that the greatest Saints modified themselves I believe that if God had really willed it sister Mary Madeleine would not have been sick for so little I pity all those who are here or refuse to battle against the flesh spiritual combat seems to be much more important on pretext of mortification one commits successes which are injurious to one's health and interfere with the performance of one's duty what difference if they contribute to our salvation they too often lead to a desire to gratify oneself our the life of death matter we mustn't do anything which might either preoccupy our minds or keep us from reaching God after you trying to do sister Torres to question the principles of our mother to rest of a villa to behave like a revolutionary to reform Carmel to listen to God if also score to perfection at first before entering heaven to apply these maceration our Lord would have told us and we would have inflicted them upon ourselves but he told us that there are many mansions in his father's house if there's one for the great there must be one for his smaller children our place is there your way of just two Torres that I think you are afraid to incur damnation tell me why you haven't that fear small children cannot incur damnation good only comes with obedience to give you one example among others you're still persist in asking for communion every day we have our lost sister Torres and they are written for eternity during my lifetime mother you may force me to respect the Lord but after I am gone I will make you change your mind what's every month but she bears it for the sake of her unbelieving brethren thus she will bring back to the faith many non-believers your gracias you see my little mother I obeyed your wish I'm writing my childhood memories but tonight you're in doubt system know before a wall which is hiding here am i still certain that they really either heaven look at st. Paul see how much you wandered before finding the road to Damascus yes but do wrist and such an attack against faith once do bu murder isn't it too much force more so like mine no you have said it yourself the reward for perfect faith is not success it is trial your dream of light you hope one day to emerge from the mists where in your languishing forward forward rejoiced in the death which will give you not what you hope for but is still deeper night the night of everlasting nothingness greater love hath no man than this that a man lay down his life for his friends you compare yourself to God what have you done which refused the life he gave you you wish to be a saint a new struggle in the darkness I give you my peace abide in my love to reach him what do you bring him save your empty hands you are weaker and weaker though bead in this living body which is the church the rather head the limbs the eyes and the hands there are those who think those who were those who heal and those who spread the word but beset us for the better gifts and I show unto you were yet more excellent way a way of channeling yes the church is a living body she has a head and membered that she has a heart a heart that suffers a heart that loves I have to spread light throughout the whole body my vocation I have finally found it my vocation is love I have at last found my place and that place oh my god it is you who gave it to me in the heart of the church my mother I shall be loved and that I shall be all one day a generous donor sends a rather unusual gift to come out don't it please looks like the devil himself let me handle this it's not at all surprising that he should resist he's the only one here who hadn't made a vow of obedience to our mother Prioress here take this to the kitchen and have a stew made of Oh sister to Venice you do you know more consider my advice than my solicitude you must be frozen uh now on the contrary I've never felt the warmth if it continued snowing I begin again every day who wants to keep on washing and who prefers coming with me to prepare the ornaments on your tab so to tears we'd all prefer helping you with the altar thing what shall we do it shouldn't be so difficult to decide what it costs you to wash in cold waters what it costs the others therefore do it by taking the humblest places we practice mortification for ourselves and share it with others in the meantime mother Marie of Gonzaga is again elected Prioress probably slight chill sister Torres however if because of this illness you wish to receive dispensation from the Lenten fasting you may know mother I shall finish the Lenten season as I began it you see I placed it on Hanoi you perhaps know why but sister Therese to be weeks before you arrive there a month and a half maybe even longer sister Torres father who lives here the missionary who's leaving for China yes he's in the visiting room suitor to recipient from Jesus yes I bless your mother Prioress for having chosen for me a spiritual sister of money right our mother is very kind your letters will be a great consolation of consolation I was hoping to be transferred to Hanoi you've come to tell me that they refuse my request I know that your mother has very great need of you here she thought about both at the scabbard was not as steady as the blade and that it will be thrown overboard before leeching China it's really not convenient to have a soul and also a body you won't have the lesson yes I know you will be a missionary of action and I a missionary of love mr. dad your handkerchiefs covered with not here I'm awaiting is arriving it's not very frightening on the contrary I will go and tell our mother prize no I beg you not to say a word how mother knows the time not well if she hasn't sent for the physician then it is the will of God sister we were wrong and hiding from your condition why are you worried my little mother guard only sent me this heavy cross but the moment I was able to bear it before it might have been a source of discouragement however today my mansion is entirely pacified my mother priors who sent for dr. de cornea you will be cured if God wills it and I'm not sure he is willing but it's not important what is his will that I love I commit myself to God her temperature is due very high continue the vegetation and the hot needle the poor child back is completely so it must be done of course she must not under any circumstances leave the infirmary is it serious doctor I know you're very brave mother there isn't much hope she has enough but those who haven't many I saw this coming long ago there's nothing I can do for her sister two resident from Jesus is no more of this one you have so much courage sister Therese no no I haven't enough courage I'm like a soldier who hearing compliments on his bravery and realizing all the while he's just a coward finally becomes ashamed of his company would like to learn I was gonna but try to read in case you need me don't hesitate to stand for me just attorneys I would like to ask you a question a delicate one if I don't much more wish to die than to live I let Almighty God choose for me anyway I don't know what more I should have in heaven and I have now I would see God it's true but as for being with God I am with him on earth sisters I beg of you Norfolk giving sister Therese since they're always disturbing you I wonder how you're able to put two sentences together well I'm writing on charity it's the moment to give proof of it charity for all is all there is on earth we love God in the measure that we practice it what's that music it's the village feast why don't you rest sister just two more line two lines I promise you I gather this he gathers you I have nothing better to offer him I can see from your eyes what you're thinking mother then they are right in bidding is to keep them Lord do you really believe that if your little to rest be taken away it is I I think that we took care of her a bit too late no you're wrong Reverend Mother for seven years I've said nothing but today's my duty to justify my do you remember I was the first one to uphold against the whole world her admission to condemn but it's a very first I realized the one could not treat like a child a soul of that caliber I know I was severe I never spared her at all I also humiliated her voluntarily I admit it but without that would she be a little saint today to attain that in she needed help from no one he is above watching I was only the instrument of our lost will in that case mother you have no further need of consolation God will judge you have nothing to fear money he will have judged today as before you my humble prayers have been answered and so the biggest to die a death of love will be answered as well how is it you're able system to stay so calm drumming so unafraid one may be afraid of death yes but one mustn't fear what comes after you will look down on us won't you no I should ascend come closer to my sisters I feel that my mission is just beginning my mission is to give my little way to save souls if my desires are granted my heaven will take place here on earth till the end of the world I will I will spend my heaven in doing good here on earth Oh Reverend Mother I realize though that IOU whatever it might be everybody's feeling me when will I breathe the air of heaven never will I know how to die forever - prepare me to die a good death my dear child you are prepared doc yes if I God you have understood the virtue of humility have only been searching for the truth I have understood humility of the heart and that the kingdom of heaven is within all of us I'd never thought it would possible to slap a Sarah never never I'm only able to explain it by the ardent desire that I have to save soon and it was you who said we must leave that to him Jesus our Savior died of love and you know how great was his agony look stars I was sure of it all my wishes have been granted you she will understand she knows what it is to suffer as I do the time of the singing of birds I loved the oh my god mr. Taylor nothing is finished all is just beginning no objection could be raised to the innumerable fruits that Torres had kept her promise to spend her heaven in doing good on her on May 17th 1925 pope pius xi canonized saint Torres of the infant Jesus you her childhood prophecy has come true already patron saint of missions Terez was designated second patron saint of France on an equal footing with Joan of Arc nevertheless the greatest saint of modern tourism will always be to each other's little turrets you you
Channel: Tesouro Espiritual de Santa Teresinha
Views: 540,553
Rating: 4.8519087 out of 5
Keywords: filme santa Teresinha do Menino Jesus, Miracle of St. Therese, filme antigo, Filme Santa Terezinha, filme de santo, Filme santa teresinha, santa Teresinha, filme, antigo
Id: hfHFVy5BoCE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 29sec (5429 seconds)
Published: Thu May 26 2016
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