MINNOWS | Omeleto

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foreign [Music] da da it's amore [Music] they need any help you all right let me help you out real quick here real quick hey hey what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] are you doing foreign [Music] why did you not speak up huh if you had said something I would have come earlier and smashed that guy's head but you did not say nothing why did you not say anything I'm a fisherman you know right there in San Pedro I go out to the sea on a big boat [Applause] it's very dangerous you know so what do you do a motivational speaker woman so you're not a motivational speaker woman I knew it I knew it man it's a pretty cool job good for you I'm Angelo I'm Meredith what Meredith well hello Mary did see this jerk you know he was trying to steal the bike but then I come and then I punch you so hard and they fell on the ground and then he punched me but then he ran away because he was scared you know but I was going to attack him with a lot of punches [Music] excuse me hey sunburn do you live far away I just don't want to have the bad guys to run up to you we don't need to talk if you don't want just walking it's okay no we can just go you know it's okay it's okay I'll just go over here you know it's okay let's go I'll be far away don't worry don't worry I'll just uh not follow you home but follow you what oh you think this is hard for me huh do not talk well you are wrong man I can do anything no problem for me and talking is not always what's best I know that my mom taught me that you know to think further than talk she says a lot of dumb things and she thinks too much like you you're always like hi I'm thinking okay no more talking for real be quiet now it's a pretty night huh amazing because it was everyone from from Manila from Cebu from Mindanao and we all oh this is it okay well good night Meredith good night Angelo [Applause] I'm here for five seconds and you're knocking [ __ ] over hi babies yeah you cannot have pinkies oh my God Meredith I don't mean to be mean but I can't just leave the kids there but I also can't get a refund on Pilates anymore I'm I'm not asking you to raise my kids for me I'm just asking you to clean the house and show up on time really disappointing Meredith where's your bike what are you gonna say anything for once please I'm sorry everybody [Music] baby hi Mary Dad how are you today hi Angelo you ready to learn how to fish hey you know what you're going to be a very good fisherwoman you know why because the fish don't like talking so better than me okay come on don't be afraid it's not going to bite we're trying to catch a bite now look this is going to be your friend it is like an extension of your arm you know you ready here this is what you can do you can hold the line like this like this a lot okay very good no release the bill go ahead come on okay now release the line oh there it is now it is dropping very good okay now put the bill back put it back I believe in you are you ready by yourself okay here we go remember what to do one two and throw it yeah yes whoa that's awesome it's awesome Mary dad very good hey did the bill the bill foreign [Music] thank you so we fished some more tomorrow afternoon I know I don't work tomorrow oh man no to talk tomorrow for you one more time for fishing I get off the boat at noon see what other spot at one okay okay and do you want me to walk you to your real home or your fake home hair's fine I'm just right over there cool cool okay good night Meredith night Angelo we're going to catch the big one today I feel it oh yeah yeah there were big waves out there this morning man scary the ocean is very powerful you know ocean can do many things it's like a magnet you get so drawn into it ever since I arrived here in the US I would come here every day after work I see you here too man it's in you as you get off the bus you come over here and then you get right back onto the next bus I like it here it's like it's like home huh yeah yeah you got a bite you got a bite come on come on come on oh nice nice and slow oh my God oh my God slowly slowly okay okay oh my God slowly slowly slowly okay okay oh my God look at that look at that oh oh my God okay okay go to fish you take it out all right knuckle come down oh okay come on come on let's put in the bucket oh yes there's my little babies they're going to get us our second fish these are the good ones baby minnows yeah but there's salt water but they're not babies okay a lot of people think that they're babies they're not babies they're just small that's how they are they cannot grow any bigger they're small they're powerful and they are always together like family they cannot grow any bigger do you think they're related I think the ocean brings them together soon the ocean will take them away honey I'm home just kidding it's just me shoes please thank you okay go sit down unless you want to learn how to get the fish a lot of ocean [ __ ] I know I'm so hungry aren't you [Applause] that's my brother oh he's very handsome am I cute yes he was come on I'm gonna play with the good ship from back home and you tell me if you like it okay the good [ __ ] yes and you don't tell me if you don't like it okay [Music] I'm going this way and then I'm going that way where am I going I don't know but I'm going somewhere very good [Music] a super Jedi professional you can feel it right I'm feeling it oh it's baby Bonito baby lumpia and you have to eat the whole thing except the gills okay how did you know that I've always wanted to know how to fish for all I could really do was read about it it's supposed to be good luck right yes but you kiss it when you catch it what do I do now for good luck then too late it's not too late oh oh wow oh my God it tastes lucky like a true Filipino see now you are not thinking I can't remember the um last time I was a guest when there was wanted anyways I don't remember the last time I had a guess too really you yeah I'm a very private person really I am but you always seem to be like surrounded by people who like you well not everyone that talks a lot is really talking about themselves do you do you have someone that you talk to about yourself no I don't need anyone I don't have any family here they're all back in the Philippines um why did you leave them well I told you my mom says a lot of stupid things right yeah a lot of mean things they don't like me not the real me my mom she was kinda crazy protective she took me away from her family when I was like two growing up she always said it was like her and Me Against the World and that everybody else was just out to get us in one way or another but um then she died and it was just me against the world I didn't know how to find anyone else and now I'm alone no you're not hmm do you want to come see my place I have to wake up early tomorrow the ocean is calling for me I see you tomorrow though foreign thank you [Music] that you gave to me [Applause] excuse me um have you seen Angelo their boat was um flipped over from the waves he um he was hit in the head by the sale well it'll ain't be okay he's in a coma now if he makes it out of it we'll take it from there I'll give you two sometime foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] then sometimes the immense quiet of the dark blue at night with millions of stars waiting watching makes you unsure and sometimes a sound of far-off music makes it true and sometimes a look in someone's eyes foreign [Music] the last cerebral Imaging shows new swelling in in areas of the brain where it wasn't before what does that mean that it's now more unlikely that he'll awake than our previous estimations um even if he does there will be severe brain damage memory loss to the extent of motor functions like what hard to say speaking again will need to be relearned okay of course he could lose all of his self-sustaining functions permanently the hospital right now is taking that into consideration on whether to keep a life support or not Jody says that you've been great um that you've really helped improve his condition you know he was he was very lucky to have a friend like you I feel bad sometimes about being happy while you're here at least happier I just I'm sorry I thought I thought you could come back to me you can do anything right I wanted to be here for you when you made it back next shot was just a couple of days and they were so happy I just saw Maybe maybe it was possible that somebody would actually like want me foreign [Laughter] [Music] foreign can I help you I'm I'm sorry I this used to be my friend's place no I just moved in a few weeks ago I'm sorry it's okay I'm here to that I was so proud of you and we were doing so well and now we're right back to where we started and I just please tell me what you need because I know you don't care anymore and I just want to make you care again but try shutting the [ __ ] up are you guys hiring he awoke a few days ago but his memory is not what it used to be his English is gone but his Tagalog seem fluid still okay we left him for less than an hour and he disappeared no one knows where he's been so did he um he doesn't remember anything or anyone but when he first awoke he was calling for his husband I'll give you some time [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] hey come here come on do you wanna do you want to learn um do you want to learn to fish you see these guys here these are the good ones [Music] thank you foreign [Music]
Channel: Omeleto
Views: 129,929
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: mDvkux01G3A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 37sec (2257 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 16 2023
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