Minister's Workshop with Bishop Clifton Jones

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in a manner that would enlighten you to get from where you are or I can always teach a lesson so it's up to you if you want my best ask me questions what is it about where you are what you're trying to do how you're thinking what would better equip you to get to where you're trying to go and let me say this before anybody opened his or her mouth every one of us in here to know what ministry is about I've made that statement so I can make this statement God never called anyone to do nothing and he didn't call all of us to do the same thing but he called all of us to do something question number one to you are you comfortable comfortably exercising the assignment got placed upon your heart don't try to answer that do you sense that what you have been able to accomplish more could have been done it could have been undone in a more effective way or do you sense that maybe I'm just spending my wheels getting nowhere dude I threw it out there that's called wake up your mind if you are satisfied with where you are that is where you will always be because you put forth no effort to get anyplace else I tell people preachers particular that or listen to me when you feel angry with yourself with such small accomplishment that's a good sign good sign good sign when you feel that you don't know you can do that's a bad sign well and most sense is the pastor get blamed for my ministry not blossoming it's always the pastor's fault he won't use me he won't John's you be careful somebody me thank you talking to them I will be if they think that I was I work in a council years ago on the credential committee back in those days you came gave a test this brother flunked the test big time then he got upset but us there was only committee these are paid we rebuked him and got him straight now then he start blaming his past but the reality was wasn't within himself when God called you as an individual to any assignment in the body of Christ song leader deacon person whatever your speak are calling for he also had in mind what he wanted you to accomplish and watch this the majority of us a - I don't know what to say to go to God talk to him about the assignment he's given you we use a hit and miss method we use the type of cat method do what we have seen done very rarely do we pray to God as to a revelation and insight on the assignment that I'm supposed to do do what you call me to do if someone should approach us to correct us it changes us because they picking on us all right so have you decided now whether you want to ask them ask me questions want me to just gonna run my mouth yes sir you don't in a correct manner see what you want to do remember now you listen to a guy that came out of his chest that had a hundred and twenty some licensed preachers in it get that in mind so you so next thing I say make sense and twenty five preachers with license that I never saw blessed offering never saw leader testimony they were just preaching I remember praying Oh God I don't want to be just another preacher based upon what I was seeing if you're not careful you'll end up in the fat of folks who do nothing all right so when you're approached guards at Lord I feel that you call me to do XYZ but lord I cannot do it successfully without your guidance without you without your direction and Lord when you see I have reached a level that you intended I'm sure you will reveal it to those in charge see I didn't care my path I'm ready to preach he told me whoa he blew my mind when I went to him to say to him I have been given an offer to pastor he said to me he said you know when I get ready to have bananas over the weekend I buy him green but by Monday they're right and over what he said you you're not there yet but if you hang in there you ripen he was right I spent 40 years in one day in one place and nobody ran me off some of them tried to and wanted to but they did but see now watch me read your mind what you just said to me that what if God is giving you something to do but the leadership is not prepared for it what can you do then you can do nothing but wait until God move the stumbling block you said you not God see I would fear thinking that someone would get in the way of them gift God is developing and neither should any one of us kick the door down ourselves now I thank God if I ask you can I come preach for you I just wrecked you auntie you know I'm teasing I'm just joking God will open doors for you I was in a certain city and God knows I'm not gonna mention what city laws because some of you probably got relatives there this preacher came up to me yeah I never seen this preacher before he never heard me preach Aggie you should have been here last Sunday I had this place Rocking and all of a sudden something meets our only see if you must advertise yourself you might not be sure you have the goods on the other hand let what you and God doing private become so important that your God has a promotion let what you and God do in private becomes so important until God has a promotion let what you and God do in secret become so necessary it has to be publicly displayed see I tell people that are listen to me everybody will listen we need to develop a great confidence in the God within us and his ability to speak to us and to lead us if we don't we're gonna allow other people to dictate and to conversate and to direct us in areas that we might not need to be in see I'm glad the church stop this crazy stuff we listen to folk testify huh I read a lot is calling you of a good testimony fuzziness red hot cello tape thank God I'm leading artists calling you I'm so glad we got away from that I don't think they still do that huh Oh see if God has called you he called you to a ministry in in America we cannot separate the word ministry from the word preached everybody that's called to the ministry is not called to preach some people are called to make things better for the preacher by doing what he or she can to prevent the preacher from having to do it see and I'll get confused if that's not your ministry Qi get behind the pulpit and everybody is ready to go to the bathroom my home something wrong with that picture now let me say this this is ugly we live in a day and time of imitating preaching you two got a lot of visitors if you have to go to youtube to get something please maybe God didn't call you if your motivation come from YouTube maybe you hadn't been called YouTube is there for people who want to listen and watch something that is not derogatory to the degree it would put an apple on your spirit that I don't think there's anybody on YouTube has a message that God has to give to you to give to his people see imitate I've said this and owner said now in this day and time there are certain people that appear to have the gift and the ability to preach you out of your socks those people style is often imitated and copied and sought to duplicate above being the person God called you to be God you don't want all Clifton Joneses he wants you to be you you have something I'll never get I tell forgetting listen to me I don't tell any church all I know cuz if I tell you all I know and you mix what you know you are no more than I know cuz you know some stuff I don't know so until everything I try to tell everything I feel that God is saying hallelujah and when God is not saying it I don't need to say it and beware of flattering compliments when you feel you've done pretty good because those are folks that'll help you get set up for the Keele I remember an old sister watched me preach pulled me aside told me everything that I didn't need to do when I was up there I thank God for that Oh so she was watching she sound like she's concern about my improvement see they won't mean to get hung up with floors unnecessary gestures and expressions that wouldn't help her chicken she took me aside I've had others mother down in Georgia heard me preach to say you don't have to do that son help me see how I feel I came out of the church in the first refrigerator and Miss Ross I saw something like Rutland Jack frog she took me outside say you saw on you don't have to do that now I try to communicate I try to communicate I try hard not to be misunderstood if after I finish you don't understand me I don't want it to be my fault mm-hmm I wanted to be on your in you know the voices record now did I come here close to what you wanted me to say okay any other course to be in ministry before God can use him or that depends on the individual God is not working with seniority he's working with yields than this the more you yield the quicker he can get the job done see some people standing minutes for years never do nothing but get called a preacher I'm a pretty you must don't know I'm a preacher if I how can you be a preaching you never preach could you be a duck without classes where we don't preach my house don't let you mess with the wrong person now your past won't let you free he's just over one pulpit here over the whole world I don't tell everybody this one will tell you all this I've said this in the local level on the council level as a brother let me brothers and sisters the materialist your ability to explain to one person is the thing that develops your ability to speak to 10,000 with an ability to make plain what you're talking about you got that from witnessing to one person see explaining why acts 2:38 is the key to your baptism y1 is may hear one's mouth speak a language that no one taught him uh-huh in school why you must go down in his name who is it that hung on the cross Jesus who is it that was buried Jesus who is it at a roll Jesus who isn't it coming back Jesus so that's why we baptized in his name he's to all and all so your ability to explain to one person one person one person run faster than my mouth or to talk but you know it just hit me maybe that's why we're not developing preachers anymore because we're not showing them the responsibility as an individual to share the gospel with others we think they were just automatic you say yeah they all come you take you haven't told them anything that goes on that church you don't even talk about judge you don't tell tell anybody I know he did but you know this modern bunch we awesome poor sales person we can sell popcorn better we do two gospel oh yeah y'all wanna go say hallelujah see from Mississippi I learned a lot of things on my first job was picking chopping and picking cotton then as I got to be a big teenager I learned how to work on a chicken farm and on that chicken farm was laying hands he's this guy raised him relates to eggs but ever so often you have to add a little beep - beep on the cheek you have to clip it to keep him taking the eggs so they call that D beacon I got so good at D beacon chickens until they had to send me to another town miles away to do five thousand chickens which they said you could do it in three days we did it in one day see we got good at it we were getting it see I tell people that listen me now when you are on a job do your job so well that if you were absent they miss you if you are not missed from the job you own they don't need you I appreciate preachers get so good at what you do that somebody needs you if we don't need you why I tell us you a preacher just because you not standing behind the sacred desk you can minister some words that inspire words that motivate that words and encouraged have words that reveal the realness of God to people you never get behind a desk have something to say wife saying and how people want to hear my school bill was paid by the local assembly because they had a meeting and said to me after the meeting he said brother clear how much is your bill I at the time I old man on it fifty dollars fifty one years ago that was real money nine hundred and fifty dollar fifty one years ago was real money today is sub chain and they said you've been such an inspiration to us we want to pay your bill now four years earlier I got a note in church that I was making too much noise now father shut up I'll have to pay my own video have something worth offering nobody want is impressed with you cuz you say you're a preacher hungry got call me to the medicine I'm a minister do I need some encouragement don't take the side road of being angry with your pastor he'll never let me preach he's not blocking you can preach it he just got blocked you blocked from a certain area the streets is filled open y'all got any homeless folks y'all got any drugs y'all got any mongers liars fees and connivers you got somewhere to preach got ended two timers and six timers got any liquor drinking cigarettes suckers you got somewhere to preach you feel it wide open I guarantee not glass I don't mean to put yours but I can't eat you if every locked about to look around and now somebody you don't brought in here and they got the Palestine must have something safe but if you having trouble getting here yourself who wants to hear you Joe knows talk like a Joe my what so Joe deny our ministers meeting on regular basis and they tell you that I I cut no slack so I tried to put salt in their womb and rub on their hi-c pretty got to be tough we got too many cotton candy preachers soon as I get hot they melt see God didn't call you to be just another preacher you got the hell sucked in beyond the ordinary I don't know what preachers after hollow like that when they stop trying to tell him but anyway no one can hold you back more than yourself no one can advance you faster than yourself the more you yield to God the more God open doors for you and the more God reveals to you the more God instills within you and the more you become pregnant with what God is putting you and you got to have a deliverance I grew up with about six six preachers you know I said and I'm sure my and worked close together we will go to surrounding areas to minister will practice with me before we left for the church we will minister at that given time and everybody put his name in the Hat and reaching the Hat and pull out her name and one whose name came out get the preacher so they get they got disenchanted with me call my name came up so much as if I was the one putting my name on all the papers but they got over it they got over it we went to West Virginia and the preacher said but I know radio and I didn't know what to call y'all I just said the gospel Warriors so we we kept that title for years even after wind dispersed going our separate ways another group came along as the gospel warriors but the gospel warriors we had a motto thou cannot eat until thou has worked we've got three s come to your town we will try to get that ten o'clock in the morning hit the streets looking for old folk that's been up all night or got up early to try to get him ready for service I remember one Sunday a little town Delaware Ohio we had so many visitors for the afternoon service it was almost like we made them come will you make them come we impress them by showing them we were concerned brothers and sisters there was a lot of sick people in this world need to find somebody that's concerned I don't believe you can keep ministering to people and they not respond I don't believe you can no one in the church ought to be more efficient and effective and reaching the lost and those who feel God has called them to the ministry hallelujah hallelujah yeah when you get my book which I I have a book entirely if I can you have some preacher chapter number seven deal with the preacher as a soul winner that's worth the whole book watch the whole book you ready right it worked the whole book yeah work the whole book the preacher soul the president got in car you can just look good you know that you know I'm call don't you what you call to do decorate the building talk to the minister my gift is preaching when the last time you free they're passing won't let me preach you mean you got all the street corners block heater block your neighborhood all haven't got blocks on see brother when we thought preaching is only that which trick played behind a sacred death and not realize she Phillip was ministering you read that a chapter in the book of Acts she even Frenchy he was ministered he was sharing a gospel truth that was able soul when you share a gospel truth as things of you ministering baby and guess what the more you minister the more inspired you become and the more energetic you are in the service and the Bolar you become in doing what you do we have just about lost our bonus we're a bunch of wimps well no you know he Dave won't get mad with you so why are you thanking home Jesus on the cross coffee lady we try to avoid country don't you tell anybody I said yes and I'm not gonna not deny but if you tell it one of the same is hindering the pastoral and preaching minister today is our fear of how people will receive us when you asked me to come you asking me to bring what I am NOT okay you asked the skunk to call me he stinks don't get mad with him you knew he was a stock boy he got there what what am I Bishop throwing all trying to make it make me feel bad say use that n-word it'll never change you'll never know what he gonna say he was right sometimes I wonder what I'm gonna say yeah but this stuff about babysitting God didn't call all of us to be babysitters somebody's got to cry loud and spare not the church and the whole is so far from where it ought to be because a lack of challenge we need challenging brother if you want me to do better you got to challenge me if you leave me I will remain that way because I want to put over any effort I know how to do it jealousy Jeremiah would have made it in our day he cried too much I said when I made it nothing he saw too much saw too much saw too much saw too much no here come wonder what he got this time all right you know the question I got to running my mouth in question all right y'all to me quick [Laughter] well I had enough where you got started it's hard to live what you got to say over that chicken Irene I left a chicken alone I wouldn't lose it could a could I share some things with you on things you must do to improve your ministry yes Rosa all right number one your source of information comes from where wonder who the Bible the bibl ye that's the but for me I stand up on the Word of God to be ible [Music] god I've heard that song that's right that's a real song your Bible is the main source learn to spend time in it don't back away from it because you don't understand all that's in it the more time you spend reading it the more God has to work with in you to reveal to you what you just read consigning him see revelation is that thing that take place in the soul of an individual who has a sense of something happening but not really knowing how and why it happened so reading the word allows God to open it to you open it yeah I was impressed they read in English 24th chapter of the book of Saint Luke but Jesus was walking with the two men on the road of Amaris said he expounded to them on the scriptures the things about Moses and profits and then after I got so far he made as if he was going to continue and they wanted him to stay there with them and then the next verse says did not our our hearts burn within us ha that's heartburn that's what preachers got to get heartburn we got to get so inflamed by the Word of God that we are ready to discharge the message of God it's hard to sit down on fire the more the five burned the less likely one ears to become comfortable with where 1 years you've got to move we have too many preachers sitting on face they put pillows under them well I put on another pillow so I can shed a little longer fine yeah the more you put on it the more it has the bird God give us fire in the book of 2nd Kings Josiah hurt the reading of the book it's so burn in him until he sent messengers to get some more insight on what this mean and when they arrived to the prophetess home she said the man that sets you to me I want you to go back and tell him that does set the Lord I will not do that this in his day because when he heard what I said I would do to this place his heart was tender good God am i why do you need fire they cook my meat so to get tender why do you need God's Word to tenderize your tough heart so God's message will come clearly you need heartburn praying see you praying for a longer car you need to pray for heartburn you praying for a better job you need to pray for - God burning me so the messaging me will not allow me to hold my peace even if I don't want to sad let it burn in me so until you release it know what y'all make me Harlan yeah I better tell you this this has been my motto or me tell it to you learn to enjoy what you do not enjoy what you do and then you got the litigating gall to jump up and sing a song I see become learn enjoy what you do learn enjoy what you do don't make the thief or enjoy stealing more than I do preach it no no as a rule we don't mix natural ability with spiritual insight now right away all of you understand clearly that we all enjoy our work watch this if a don't enjoy I'm gonna soon become bored with it once I've become bored with I'm gonna soon slack up and doing it and pretty soon I'm gonna fall asleep while I'm doing it pretty soon I'll lose my appetite and desire and intention to do it / soon I'm just preacher in name you like the bad folk to do what they enjoy doing the reason the divorce cloth is so crowded folks enjoy each other read the church a song yeah Joan don't you say that yeah go ahead and say stop and John the Lord rid we got so many preachers that never preached they don't enjoy what did you help so much working in you that you don't wait for somebody ask you to preach find yourself doing me and those six fellows but two of them didn't get off of work to nine o'clock at night I'm just on a Friday it was sad when they got off work that we all got together and went to the worst Street in the city the worst street we were standing by the tavern doors for come out with strong on me pull him aside and talk to him often remember this backslider when he walked out and we later on he started weeping he said he meant don't come out here in sin he told her about who his mother was which was one of the most godly women that I knew in that day and the church he came from and all that he said he back slid and he can't find his way back to God see that's the risk you run if you're in here you ought to do all you can while you can for as many as you can as long as you can because if you fool around and get cold see when you get cold you stop doing when you get cold you lose your interest in doing when you get cold you feel you don't have to do enough to feel for Brina got you God didn't call me to be a nobody nothing called me to use me and if anybody has the right to use me he does use me Lord Lord I'm not saying put me behind or sacred dance but Lord give me the kind of ministry that can reach people there are a lot of folks need to be brought into the fold give me that bird and give me that concern give me that ambition give me that intention give me that revelation give me that motivation give me that interest give me that desire God I don't want to sit on the stool I want you to use me use me use me use me Lord use me use me use me it's a hack Christ to be paid you ought to be willing to pay it did he look at the prices to keep up no he came willing he came willing brothers and sisters I'm gonna help you all if you listen every one of us in here can make the pastor's job more successful by us presenting him with new faces that we bring in here for him to minister to I don't know of a preacher who love the priest empty seat at the council where Sir go and ask her brother what is the bishop catchword anymore I'll tell him on the hobby hey if the seats I get loud I hate him to see I hate them I said in when you start hating me up to seat you do all you can to get somebody in them by myself why you have to go by yourself you just lazy you won't throw out the lifeline you know you don't have the right baby did God call you to minister yeah I know he called me no he called me what he call you for to do nothing God is not in to do nothing business leave your matter not to say I don't want to just me call the preacher a deacon or Sunday school teacher I want my watch to speak for themselves I want to be active every Sunday school teacher every preacher should seek ways to advance what he or she is doing the moment I tell people the day you become satisfied that's the same day you start going content it with what you've done we'll put you in reverse always think of more ways and more things that need to be done to keep you from doing nothing I thank God I was sitting on the church steps waiting for the night service when a brother came by and said to me brother cliff what you're doing I said nothing he said well a group of us go visit the sick and shutting in between services would you like to go oh my god it has been 50 some years ago but that brother saved my life hey I think about him often I was thinking about him the other day that brother saved my life he didn't come by saying I'm going to say but he saw this woman and brother they have to bake me the next time that I was ready to go then we move from going from house to house to see about the sick sight to go to nursing home we would go every Sunday we go to a different nurse no and this one I wasn't he Brittany I'm just going with the boat and then they find out I could have we care a tune and I get chance to open up the server and then I went from leading the server till they stand and start let me preach then I found the old preacher who stood on the street corner to bring out he end up going and get with him next thing you know I had enough in me to make me wanna go well I want to thank God I didn't sit around saying yeah y'all know preacher don't you if you got the nerves that then I wonder I you so like that pratima he hurt your feelings good and let us know you got feelings fun why we thought you was twice dead yes sir question I love questions I don't always that answer but I love twists yes sir how important what to be a licen Minister let's say this the license are for identification for those who are in question about your legality of doing what you're doing now that being said license will not make you a preacher [Applause] [Music] your license for identification for people who raised question about geology legitimacy and doing what you do it is not to enhance or to instill or to enlighten your ministry that is that is what takes place between you and the garden call you now watch this if I back into one you said come here and you come up here and I do on these numbers then you begin to wonder yeah one of the first things you want to know when you come one call you what you want I don't know why some I hadn't told you baby you got to go to God by what you want what you want now you see God you know me there's nothing about me that's hidden from you if since you called me what do you have in mind for me to do now might end up like me I almost tried I tried to talk God out of that thing see when I went to Philadelphia Mississippi which wasn't the best best place to go at the time I wish it was I got there 11 days before they had the memorial march of the three civil rights workers that was brutally murdered in 1964 June 21st 1966 I've been there 10 days I heard more gunfire than I had ever heard in my life what had happened there was a memoir much it was so out of honor and so mean-spirited treated by the rednecks and bigots in that town I saw him take cameras and throw them to the pavement I mean ugly and that night I'm by myself yeah I didn't get married till about four months after I saw pastor I'm over there in a room by myself quiet my mind talking God why did you send me here they'll start naming Gotham other towns in Mississippi well let's see if we can't get never say didn't ask me to make a long story short God allowed a Caucasian man they come knock on my door about one o'clock in the morning after having heard all that gunfire I peeped out the curtain solvers of a Caucasian he kept not but here to catch he used the term that we do not use in America parson we don't you that parson Paulson so finally God gave me enough courage I answered the door he said parson but you take me home and she I'm knew that I want I'm only ten days no need to tell me I live in such and such a place Carson got in his car drove the main header Bell doubled over him to where he said he live there were four houses I'm going back a minute I'm God said that man to build my courage so I wouldn't let him intimidate and run me off I stayed yet the thing got better I ended up serving as chairman of the Philadelphia School Board which is a no-no me discolor the chairman of a school board are you kidding me not sir for many years I will tell you how I got the job I went away no I told him before I went away I'm gonna miss the upcoming election I told him I said she I didn't serve over three different people as a vice chairman I said I'm not elected chairman I'm gonna know something's wrong I left came back I was voted in the school board chairman and I serve until I decided it's enough not they didn't and guess what the school never went to court we never had any derogatory negative stuff I told them for upfront all the different-colored me let me tell you alright now when we start making decisions based upon whose child it is we don't get in trouble we got to go by the book we went by the book but anyway that man showed up to build me up to get the fear out of me and from that point on I was courageously able to stay rat in Philadelphia said what they want to say do what they want to do they didn't intimidate me and when they come into church for the spirit I was already prepared for I've seen some in the church wish I was going but I'd end up leaving before I did I'm a Jones where I come from they don't run fast I got something for my mama is over my daddy and that make me sort of different but anyway license won't do it God and you have to get it done God's approval upon his ability in you is the thing and make folk notice you and help to promote you if you promote yourself that's the wrong promotion and then let's say it says we got some deep focus you are promoting yourself when you hang with God let him instill in you the ability to get the job done you are promoting yourself but you're not doing it in a selfish way you doing it at the divine order God if you gonna use me you got the equipment and I don't want to be the one that has to sell me I want you to saw stand up hit me that other can see you walking through me that they'll invite me hallelujah let God do it and nobody can take it from you do it yourself you don't have it does that come anywhere close to what you had mine okay that's all no okay okay okay and your license would change them we did look at you nice enough bro we're walking nothing wrong with having your life this long you understand the roles they play and it is not the thing that makes you what you are not the thing that solidified that you work all see the life is just something that goes along with the part with the coffin but it's not has nothing to do with the car as far as making you able to carry out the ministry see and let me say this I hate to say it but I better say it everybody got called to ministry he didn't call to preach there are many phases of ministry that we tend to overlook and consider as an insignificant less important all that cuz I believe anything God gives you to do when you do it with all your might you are carrying out your calling I believe that see if you never preach but you're doing with God as later you aren't you see some people are good at encouraging for some people are good at motivating for you know so stick with what you're good stay with it and if you never say do what you're good at I would ya see by the time I reach your age I've been passing 13 years let me say this I guess we are we getting close to our quitting time yes dear yes ma'am keep doing it amen concern of them all [Music] even in from the book of Jones when thou art busy tearing up what thou has been assigned to do that do not have time to watch what someone else is doing or they worry about anything containing to others see see if we would get deeply engaged and carrying out our call we wouldn't have time to play among ourselves if you are not producing don't blame anyone but yourself if you're not motivated don't blame anyone but yourself if you're not engaged if you are a part of the problem blame yourself if your father has a gift thanks to God see someone's more of a part of the problem dead preachers hanging with dead people you know get dead results look all right you came to father's will depends on who you are just sincere you'd have to admit I'm in the wrong spirit I have to get I need prayer myself because I just allowed anger can linger too long now I said that in the light of this you got some people belong to the song who call the great pretenders they can they can perform as well wrong as they can't write I don't know where was this week I heard myself say get angry with yourself when you know you've done what you shouldn't have thought what you shouldn't have thought felt what you shouldn't have felt get angry with yourself if you find yourself satisfied with your bad behavior see if you feel like what you did all right you'll be mad with you see if you felt guilty hurt a shame out of place misrepresenting God that's where you ought to feel anytime you are wrong you are not to get happy don't get happy over your own I'll tell people this when Lipton Jones sin and know before he sin that it is sin there's nothing God can do to happen but when you sin accidentally God will be the first one do you rescue when you acknowledge your transgression yeah but if you do it wipe your mouth put a Christmas face over your Halloween heart and not like everything is alright see God camp you sin must bother me before I am willing to bother God to help me get rid of what's bothering me but if I am comfortable in it God will let me have it I'll tell anybody oh you did but we need here repent as often why because we often drift stray slide back cool off change our mind get caught up in the wrong spirit see repentance is God ringing the bell from heaven that I'm still looking at what's going on I'm still in charge you know don't like what I see somebody god I'm sorry preachers if you forget I'm black study repentance study it study it from the scripture standpoint study it from your personal practice and experience don't ever divorce yourself from repentance because as long as you have a sinful nature you're subject to do wrong think wrong feel wrong act wrong develop the wrong attitude disposition so you can't buy your way back to God you can't cry your way back to God you can't fake your way back to God you can't sing your way back to God you can't preach your way back to God but when you repent God said I can take you from there she Wow does God require repentance because repentance is God's gift to you to allow you to change your mind attitude behavior and disposition toward a bad decision you just made and when you change your mind and attitude to other then I can come I can come to you see lack of repentance shuts a door locks it to keep God out repentance is God's key to unlock that door to let God in see lack of repentance is a jail with one key you locked it and the lock is on the inside you threw the key out the window and now you wondered why you can't get out no repentance no return see sometimes people try to tie the scriptures where in Genesis chapter 6 it repented God that he made man they try to make it sound like God was sorry now see repentance to me is and recognition of an evil which allowed me to change my mind see God can't change his mind if the day God change his mind he is no longer be God God changes his dealings not his mind and the reason he can change his dealings and when a man changes his mind to what the behavior that was put forth say God said now that you changed the way you was thinking the way you were going I can now change my dealings I was gonna drop the hammer on you but now I can deal with your differently so God doesn't change his mind changes it didn't when jonard came up by that fish he had a revelation God is not playing see God got a fish that'll swallow nobody but me and you but we'll never get out of that fish until we change our attitude since some of us God would have used in a greater manner but he couldn't because of my attitude all right let's get my time is up thank you so much I got another hand pass I'm gonna stand up answer just cuz I'm true yes this is a yes man go ahead no man oh yes sir oh you got the wrong man because I can do it both ways but what that is call a cultural difference in your black culture many of you is profession in the south you hurt people who delivered in that manner the Lord said when I that is an emotional type that tends to psychologically saturate the feelings of people and get them involved with what you are saying it's a cultural thing see but I'll say it on a preacher that in the years I listen to him I never saw one bead of sweat we're up on his forehead not one but his message was so profound and he never said aha we probably thought to see the viateur said every was just young whatever now needed raise his voice but he wouldn't that's my black tortoise got me I don't bleed God said haha so that may not answer your question which is the culture thing it's a culture thing the key to ministry listen it is the key to medicine is to say what you say in a manner plain enough for your audience to understand what you are saying that's the key another see we are today shaking a mic - when I first got caught you had three or four mic shakers they didn't impress me I learned about to shake no mic I can remember when that organ business started preacher presents am i eating now if you want to get your feelings like quick faster or you start playing them instrument when I'm trying to preach I can't stand it and I'm not gonna try to get used to it well another nice alone did not tell them before I got a got started freezing from I shall tell the musicians that I don't want to hear any instruments while I'm free I said now at some point I'm gonna sound like I'm preaching but don't help me then I say that song don't help me see I can't see Jesus said and all day and Matthew said don't don't I thank you all so much for coming this evening so I could have a platform to enjoy myself and remember this gentleman here came all the way from Michigan he came farther than you he came over Michigan yep she landed yeah yep she landed however you want to say it yep see yes dear you want you want to sit down now you you will miss it well you will sit down so I can finish that story that go right back to her ass it's a cultural thing that the person who feel and think that embracing a young a person that you are trying to inspire encourage or we in their culture talk to take a distance stand off from people your culture is to express your feelings and how do you deal with that you don't that's not your problem it's the person who feel that way it has a problem if what you did was genuinely done and you feel that is what to do for the next one keep on doing it see don't put up your equipment because someone else don't like to choose you you if what you using getting the job done hey let them do it that way see none of us will ever be able to explain to all of us things that we have that they don't have God I said do not open this thing about saying God didn't call all of us to do the same things called all of us to do something see all of us got something that we can bring to the table all of us see why would God bring us in here if we didn't have anything to offer sandé bright in the corner where you are and you'll never have a dark corner it is to be regretted that we can be judged lambasted criticize ostracize look down on because we have a personality different from someone's else personality we express our feelings more than others see some people I I'm always have a better way of expressing himself than I do she coming up in the culture and home I come upon them my god is calling my house came up in a cold environment are you cold yes I'm cold maybe not keep my fire buddy so I won't get cold this age that you should stop preaching is when you don't have anything to say is that pretty good I think so John did I do pretty good on that one with the age is when you don't have anything say now please remember I passed it 40 years in one day I did not give up pastor because I was old I didn't give up pass because I burnt out I didn't give up I saw years before I reached 65 that my lot of years would be spent sharing see I am now available to more congregations and there are some smart enough to detect it and ask me to come there some kind of game they wouldn't even would even think about asking me to come because they don't know what I'm gonna say I'm a coming in preach about seeing our worst enemy sin the blind sin the grinder sin the destroyer sand a jaw killer sand a distractor Santa in concentrator saying the man Bob loved it you're dying see you wake up guys you know I don't come here man you make my spoke on comfortable I wouldn't dare call her name I walk up to one of our preachers at a convention I say man you want me to come by Sunday with your convention was in his area when we come from preach for your Sunday he laughed he kept walking but anyway I'm not saying if God put you in the pastoral ministry and you can't hardly hear you can't see and you can't walk and God me if you keep bastard I'm not gonna say that I've seen those conditions have was alone we've seen condition where they couldn't do a thing for themself a day the past I don't believe in that I got a friend to keep from falling out with him I had to stop bothering him he's old and his church last time I was there which was January his church is going from hundert down to a few but he's still the pastor he think the people that stopped coming because they live too far they didn't live too far before I told him years ago I said I don't want you all have to take me by the hand I told the council since the day y'all get tired of me and see I'm making bad decisions I want y'all to come to me and tell me sometimes I miss you you you lost tell me I come time feeding it to the council right now don't don't let me sit there and don't know what I'm doing I said the day you hear me say what y'all think I ought to do you know I lost oh I'm I'm a young old gentleman she I won't be 77 to next Thursday see but the thing about it I have enough understanding the note and I said just the three of our leading Bishop I said will tell you awesome when you were young God gave you children because you have the nerve to deal with their type of problem I said no when you get a certain age get on your nerve if they come up doing certain thing that's the same thing it's really fast I said the minute you find yourself giving short answers hoping there take it and get on out of your face that's the sign you need to get up out of here huh I'm Kenya short answers so they're gone had a sister came to me she described her husband in such a way something in me said get your stick and go beat him but the Holy Ghost said have her to have him to come with her this evening when they both got there I heard none of that nothing she said came up luck was a different person and I leave it a thank God that I did not listen to my human mind I'll tell you all this disco help you pray for faster passion is not not a cakewalk every individual represents a personality every personality tend to have different views of most things a pastor got to try to minister to all those personalities and keep them afloat he does not need critics Joe Tillis termites snakes vampires uh-huh take words and that's working inside he needs supporters the best way to support your pastors pray for him I saw Paul in heard Paul said in Ephesians chapter 6 verse 18 he said praying always with all prayer supplication spirit and then he said in verse nine you pray for me that utterance other way you are with your mouth I preached itself you're going to pray for the preachers mouth the best thing you do pray for the preachers not because the precious mouth is the key to your future and extend success if the wrong thing about the preachers mouth and effects and influence you you go wrong if the preacher talks encouraging motivating inspirational talk you are the beneficiary of motivated inspirational insightful language with your help you grow in grace and knowledge of God God get a hold of my posture let him stand as you're represented let him speak with bonus cards and motivation inspiration just touch away it will prick the heart we might leave here better equipped get over to my pastor come down I'm King do I only wanna go down if everybody in the church was just like you what kind of church would this be if everybody supported stood by promote it the church like you do would it be full I empty I'm f---ing god bless you thank you so much appreciate each of you oh by the way pastor can I do my sales pitch thank you sir now I am not known for being a self-promoter but there's a reason God allowed me to put this on paper if I can help some preacher two chapters in this book is worth the whole book chapter 3 and chapter 7 chapter 3 is deal with you and your Bible chapter 7 you as a soul-winner if you inhale and practice these principles you'll never be the same you know me so I'm pushing this like dope man push this dope I'm pushing this so I can said don't come see I never had any other grown man whatever so dope thank God for that and bigger crazy guys are oh I didn't need dope I could be doing on crazy stuff without though as to make it simple I was big enough food without dope who got it I'm like don't ever worry about that uh-uh uh-uh Caucasian mechanic told me that's about to repeal something said in mutant trading notes on the car don't ever worry about how much the gas EU cuz the gals not gonna be higher than oh now this book is shirt sell for more but I'm sending for less it's only $20 I saw some books at the convention with 90 pages $26 they must have more to say than I do this book has 200 and some pages you already have you you are chose dude man you have your that's right and you have your so I do have enough for at least six or maybe seven of you because I stopped in Georgia and and there's some preachers started and uh I'm not through with you yet yes it does mean my newest book I got a few of those now noticed to all Christians you no longer have a right to see this book was motivated by Romans chapter 6 shall we continue in sin that grace may abound well tell y'all something don't tell anybody throw yes the average preacher today don't seem to know what seeing eels if you don't know what seeing is you don't know what sin does if you don't know what sin does you don't know what sin is doing if you don't know what seeing is doing and has done then it's hard to you to explain to people how to get out of it just general what you say a path it will just be alright to sail from this thing after you dismiss that's ten dollars half of what this one cause of it yes first of all already go
Channel: Greater Bethel Temple Louisville - GBTKY
Views: 4,249
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Length: 90min 3sec (5403 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 16 2017
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