05-31-2019 | Bishop Clifton Jones - Fighting In The Last Round | Logan Park Assembly of Christ

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] but come on and put your heads together give God a break hallelujah I just wanted it to be known that I feel welcome when I drove up over the parking lot I feel like shouting when my feet hit the ground on the parking lot I'll praise the Lord because I came here looking for the Lords of Alessa on behalf of our pastor Bishop Charles Edward Davis and our lovely first ladies dr. Jesse Davis the IPC bishops choir come tonight to sing to you the Spirit fall hallelujah we're looking for the spirit to fall and Jesus you brought me out put your hands together give God praise wrap up a choir is Jesus makes [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] we're gathered here in your presence Lord with our arms open wide [Music] with vivid hair and with open heart we welcome you to a bath [Music] [Applause] [Music] right [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] until you care below but we are unworthy to even [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] God for me and who are holding up the standard like bishop because people are losing the vision of what holiness is all about so we thank God and we want to say Bishop Clifton Jones we appreciate truth and we don't want no new way we want the same way in which the pastas laid down that's gonna get us to have us I'm gonna say Bishop Jones preach the word and Jesus name Bishop Clifton Jones and Jesus [Music] the pastor said to me I'm glad you accepted the invitation I said to him I'm glad you gave it this church is blessed tonight I did a service before I left Birmingham that suppose have been an hour but they had so many questions that went on and on and on so when I got here I just had about 15-20 minutes left so can you stand 15 or 20 minutes preaching okay since since you're standing and musician thank you evidently you don't know me I can't stand your music unless I'm singing and I'm not gonna sing revelations chapter 12 I'll learn to preach on the streets and as a result I didn't get used to the organ and other instruments and look at records in say man either some of them did say old mind revelations chapter 12 it was such a thrill for me to walk in and see my old friend I told him something he told me the last time I saw him he big piece of junk the Lord Lord called us at the road of trumpet we play a saxophone that stuck with me saxophone has melody trumpet as a blast now what I want to share with you tonight hit me some time ago and it sound as if I need to keep preaching it our focus is on verse 12 revelations chapter 2 and verse number 12 and we will read it together if you don't mind if you have it's a man shall we all read therefore rejoice ye heavens and ye that dwell in them woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea for the devil is come down unto you having great wrath because he knoweth that he had but a short time I tell you what says I'm not going to be up here but so long would you go back to that verse that phrase that begins with for the devil is come down come on for the devil is come down unto you having great wrath because he knoweth that he had but a short time I pray tonight that what is said will find a home in every heart let it wake up something in us and put us on notice that the hour is far spent the day is at hand save us from self save us from the world save us from the devil cover us with your blood and Lord Jesus upon our departure let us leave here better equipped to better serve you in Jesus name Amen now that says you seated before I introduce my subject and I know how people are they love subject what was his subject there are words in this text that gets my undivided attention it begins by telling heaven to rejoice and the dwellers therein and then it proceeds by telling earth and ac2 weakness one group is rejoiced the other is too weak if you wonder why having a devil dismissed creates a different kind of atmosphere so going to rejoice your devil trouble is over for earthbound creatures and I wonder how many of you heard that new lot of Virginia Beach this evening well some dummy murdered eleven people and wounded four others he was disgruntled and angry let me said yes indeed I'll introduce one subject because he knoweth that he hath but a short time I'm not asking anybody that act like the devil but at least you ought to learn something from him he knows he has a short time and can't you tell by how he's operated that he believes it then at about time for choice folks to start believing we don't have much time in at about times luster since the hour is far spent the day is anything what I am going to do I need to get it done because time is running out the difference between me and the devil when it comes to time he takes the advantage of it by trying to penetrate perpetrate spread all the ugliness the meanness and corruption he can treat time as if it doesn't matter I got plenty of it termination has caused much difficulty in a walk with God now one more time he knew it that he had but a short time I want to speak on the subject tonight fight him in the last round fight him in the last round two weeks ago today I was having lunch but a longtime friend he asked me that you see did George Foreman and whatever they got a name fight I said no see I'm the oven I'm a non boxing enthusiast I kept nothing about doc nothing never did probably never will he said did not fight George was getting whipped but the man got careless and left the window open you know God's too far far left when George landed a right the man hit the canvas George said I knew when I hit him he wouldn't get up when the man finally came to himself he asked the trainer he said what round is this the trainer said to him the fight is over I hope you can see what disadvantage it is to be in a battle and lose the round that ends the fight and wind announcement is made it's over I'm not speaking for you I'm speaking for me Jesus did not hang on the cross to stay go he's coming back it may not seem that he's coming anytime soon but since we don't know where and it pays to be ready he never told us exactly what day he was coming but many times in Matthew and in mark I find the word be ye also ready read it does not mean I was headed read it does not mean it used to work ready does not mean I once was on fire read it means a consistent relationship with a God who you have come this Inn is coming for charts without spot or without wrinkle ready doesn't mean sweep it under the rug ready doesn't mean pretended didn't blame somebody else wrong with you hola [Music] me llamo medicine listen let's think about quittin another word I want to draw from the text the devil is come down to you having great wrath now I'm not a devil sympathize but I can understand why he's mad if I had lost what he loves knowing I couldn't get it back I'd be mad too ha ha ha [Applause] see and furthermore to complicate and compound and to disturb his mind even more since he messed up jesus's purchase a plan called salvation and given a gift car repentance and when a price and turn from their sin they get another chance he got no second chain he was [Applause] he mad with us who has another chance let me tell you something that repentance more than like to give him more trouble than anything else when he think he's got someone in all of a sudden they start hearing about what Jesus has done and what Jesus has to offer their heart breaks over the sins of their life and it come out with the hands and Lord I'm sorry I let you down I'm sorry I disappointed you I'm sorry I broke your heart if anybody can help me you can anybody need you help me to get my mind right help me to get my jaw back help me they get some power in my life help me [Applause] come down with great wrath now you read in revelation didn't you chapter 12 the devil is an accuser of the Brethren and he accuses us day and night before God look at that used to be little drinking cigarettes sucking mother you gave him another chance all I did has made one mistake and you cast me out I don't know about the rest of you I'm glad to look beyond my faults and see money that's why that's why the devil is so busy trying to get us to find something we enjoy so much we forget about heaven and God well I Got News for you the best bang gone is a relationship with a man by the name of Jesus and the closer you get to him the better he manifests himself in you and the greater your relationship on short floor it ought to be somebody in here right now we are we have seven more minutes and may I say this I don't know why I didn't tell you in the beginning you are subject to hear me use the word help many times I picked that word up about seven or eight years ago and my god I don't want to shake it see help means I am trying to do something but to something I'm trying to do is more than what I can do alone so I need help and [Applause] may I say this often time the volume of the cry is an indicator of the seriousness of the need now if you don't if you don't need much in my sound like this yeah but if you're in trouble you need [Music] nada I'm having trouble in my mind help me I'm having trouble in my heart help me I'm having trouble in my Outlook help me having trouble in my appetite help me I need to wake up everything come on lay your hands upon me come on wrap your arm around me [Applause] help confusion is trying to sit in help the person is trying to make yourself at home how heaviness is trying to weight me down help my job l don't seem to ring like they used to help my fire is almost out my peace is disturbed my vision is blurred my appetite is dense that outlook is bleak help my courage is greening me before I leave me while I'm here [Music] [Applause] and it got news word you can say what you will of may God has given and sad how serious he is about helping us he put it in his book so we know he won't help us Psalm 34 and verse number 15 the eyes of the Lord of unrighteousness his ear is open unto their cry verse 17 the righteous cry and the Lord here is and delivered him out of all of his trouble Psalm 50 in 15 and call upon me in the day of trouble I will deliver you Psalm 91 and 14 because he said his love upon me therefore when I honor him I will be with him in trouble and delivering him so when you get in trouble tell that troublemaker I know you came to put me out of business but I got a helper waiting for me to make a call [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on and help me I say Psalm 34 and six fillets this poor man this poor man and his now if you just need a physical demonstration of the help of God in trouble or you do is flip over to the third chapter look at Daniel there was three young men who would not die and therefore it put the burden responsibility on God to make sure they do not burn they would not bow put him in the fiery furnace went back to check them out guess how many they saw how many did they put in whether the four one come from he shall not be with you in trouble I wish somebody to tell the devil devil that box you making they put me in make sure you're making big enough I'm gonna have company yes it's not listen baby I will tell you something I know this isn't this is the convention and we don't visualize having revival in convention but see revival is designed to go down into the compartments of your soul and wake up everything that is going to sleep and the raise up everything that is fallen to strengthen that which has gotten weak and the replenish that which is running low some of you hisses good shut up for revival right now all you need to do is a God now that you let me in here and you're already here don't let me out of here can you do something for me God's mouth-to-mouth resuscitation and the beautiful picture that he left in the 37 chapter the Book of Ezekiel he went down into your Valley that was full of dry bone and my little mind said if he could start a movement in a boneyard he wouldn't have any trouble at all in a Pentecostal church it ought to be somebody here right now I don't like where I am what I want to get back what I lost I can do it you can [Applause] I remember about 13 years ago I was teaching Bible playing and I said if you get the notion God don't see you get yourself a banners up and start waving is that high god I'm over here listen I better cover those of you that has the feeling you know all of that coloring is not necessary because God is not hard of hearing and I want to inform you he's not nervous so you can't scare him off [Applause] this poor man cried see the Western world people think crying is limited to the over secretion of the tear ducts where water protrudes out of your eyes that's all we know by crying but see in the Bible time crying that's why you cry here that's funny [Applause] if the devil not a shame to mess with you you shouldn't be ashamed to try get will you do that again I will call my daddy [Applause] let me ask you a question you don't have to answer tonight you can answer when I come back oh by the way past it don't let me stay away as long as I get this time if I if I stay away again I wouldn't be able to stand up devil you've been messing with my stuff my jaw is not working like he used you clouded it up with a lot of distractions but I recognize this is something your oklet hand has been messing with devil you better get you some earplugs I'm getting ready start calling I'm not gonna take this laying down he told me he called it I will call him he told me to cry I'm no prize [Applause] why [Music] ha [Music] before I sit down let me mention two things and I know are important you know a little bit about fires right baby if you can get fire and wind to work together you got something that's what we saw in Ezekiel 37 verse number 4 he said can need bone Leah and the Prophet had some does that you know verse number 7 he said prophesy to the phone and then he said I prophesied as I was commanded and verse number 8 the bones came together but they had no spirit then he said prophesy to the wind Oh Lord if the truck can get the wind to come back no can I get my job back no till I get back on the right track no till I become determined no till I become courageous [Applause] I'm quittin I could go on I could go you know I could go but you can understand where I'm coming from you see why he's angry he's made in the eyes of the devil you thought that is trying to serve God got something he used to have and you know how people are you get something that daint use that they get little tikki I told some ladies ladies man put your fingers in year I told some ladies you know man run off and leave you marisol my cross I bow laid and snagger to move right across in front of you don't be talking about what she got ain't got no she got that sorry man [Applause] so no they'll be kicking you he'll be kicking yourself no you'll be beating up on yourself so please share this with the saints before you go sit down tell them that the devil stuff won't work on obedient children [Applause] watch this Paul tells us in fresh current the first uh solonius first Timothy chapter 12 verse six fight the good fight of faith it's a good fight lay hold or what it's a good fight as a great reward now I'm gonna get you mad now just wash it down if the devil is mad over what he lost don't you think we already mad over him messing with what we got I said this the other night anyway my lord there are three areas folk don't like for you to mess with they don't want you to put your hand in their plate don't talk about that Mama and don't mess with that money what the devil is mess with is more than money food on them this'll get you to Gloria will it be so mad here you are trying to stop me from glorifying God are you kidding me and furthermore you're a backslider you as that and wouldn't stay why you messing with me if you know that much about God why don't you know enough to stay where you are [Applause] this jar that I have I didn't get lucky if the Lord gave it to me [Music] my prey put the rising of the Sun to the going down of the same he's worth [Applause] messin with the best thing you got and you won't be quiet about it I told the class today it's amazing how the devil has the ability to get us to do things he has never done I'm not gonna make a long list I'm gonna make the short list one of the main thing he can get us to do he never does it's miss church [Applause] he's going to all serving even go to choir rehearsal not even in the choir [Applause] why don't why the devil gonna tell you to make sure if you come you will not get deeply involved enough to be changed he wants you to walk out let you walk in he don't mind you pray I would tell you late at night Oh AJ with you long as you don't lay hold on what's being offered and it bring about a change in your rotten life he's alright you go to the supermarket you don't just push a basket down now and come back Brad ina supermarket we go we buy we cook we eat and the evidences all over us [Applause] come to church well at preaching I don't like his kind of preaching young man I tell someone the other day young man some plays I don't remember well well I walked out to meet you I never heard you preach I'm coming back tonight and see if I like I said you probably won't [Applause] much of it depends on how you are living if you want to over the Christmas phase to hide your Halloween heart you won't like me [Applause] let me say this before I sit down when you look at what you have and look at how much it cost you should be more responsible with salvation was not purchased at Walmart Dollar Tree don't have this Dollar General do not offer it I wish I saw five and less they don't have it this thing cost Jesus his whole life and let me tell you this the very fact that he moved inside of our lives sends a message of confidence he has in himself God you know we hear a lot about the devil devil devil devil devil devil don't you'd almost think nobody was in town but the devil devil devil in whatever we're doing but look how bad our guardian he knew before he came here that the devil is a murderer he walked among men but didn't walk like man didn't turn around and died for me in was buried as one of us but got up with all we got a bad guy anymore [Applause] Jesus said I can make what's bothering him so at peace he will need you he can go from drugs to her hai-yah take power [Music] go back to the crack house but it's time to get ready to go to God's house I'm not gonna tell you what I wore but I'm thinking God what I am I told like plans today I've never heard of any good taste in whiskey most people drink it because of what it does for them hide make them high and never give them but I told him kool-aid tastes better now and how would you know guess but anyway there's nothing like Jesus when he get down see what he did he made a place in every human being that only himself could occupy and feel and bring the level of satisfaction that's me so until he moves into that place he made for himself you will be empty and branched up in trying to get satisfaction and end up getting hooked but when you let him come in and get hooked on him you can praise at all no and even on a bad day it's a good day I may not have done everything I wanted to do but God has been good to me this jaw that I had liquor didn't give it to me Sally didn't give it to me Jeannette didn't give it to me this job I got it down on my knees my ears hurt my mouth speaking of language they did not teach in school well I felt like running nobody after me I feel like howleen and nothing was hurting me I felt so good I decided I'd bless him while I leave [Applause] will you stand with me as we pray together I'm quitting I could go on and on and on but you forget half of what I talk about father first of all we want to thank you for thinking enough of us to allow us to come tonight thank you that you brought us here because you wanted to help us we pray that your word will find a home in our very hearts how about it we'll say let it bring about a transformation in our spirits wake up everything in us that is fallen asleep bring us back into notice oh god help us to recognize consciously that your coming is even at the door my god help us not to lay hold on anything that we cannot leave alone when you declare is unfit but help us to walk in the glorious light of Liberty holding up the blood-stained banner and walking before you in a manner pleasing in your sight save us Lord save us Lord save us within save us without give us a steadfastness of mind give us a hug no heart give us a determination of Spirit God help us to make up our mind fully that we want to see your face in peace and after you bless us please make us a blessing to someone else we ask it in Jesus name he-man I'm giving at the same I'm getting ready saying he's in my show he I wonder in my my soul-g my hello [Applause] my show anybody else feel that way the the G MA [Music] [Applause] [Music] I cannot live without you what about you know I can [Music] [Applause] I'd say I cannot I cannot live without you I cannot I cannot I can't [Music] [Music] healed wonder and guess what he's coming back coming back to get me [Music] he's coming back coming back to get me [Music] I say it's coming back coming back to get me it's coming back to get me he's coming back to get me [Music] [Applause] [Music] he's coming [Music] [Music] and here's a catch word I have got to I got to be ready yeah got you I've got to be ready got to I got to I got to be ready I've got to be ready I've got to be ready [Music] I got to be ready I'm not a wussy car I've got to before I take my seat I'm gonna take your I've got to be ready I don't want him to have to lead no I don't want him to have to [Music] [Music] [Music] waaah exit stage left right let me ask you a question if Jesus had come tonight will you be coming for you or what is coming be against you I think it's wise for all of us to think soberly that we are not the master of time and since we don't know wind it behooves us to seek to be ready if you shrub something under the rug and you know it's there you're not ready if you line like a train track you're not ready if you're holding on to something call of goods bitterness resentment hostility and animosity cruelty hatred you're not ready you don't need to die you need to outlive them Isuzu mainly you need to get right why does God keep letting us come to church because he want us to hear something to wake up something in us if you're in the audience tonight and God has spoken to your soul then I didn't bring you here just for you to say I've been to church I want your undivided attention I want to fix you up and get you ready to take your home with you this is your invitation this is your invitation don't wait for someone else to come I've found myself thinking God that Monday night I walked in this strange search so I was brought up one way and I went to a church like y'all and my god i sat on the third roll I'm glad I wasn't a back seat man oh when the author called me seemed like everybody in the church was having a good time except me st. sellers hypocrites and backsliding they were all having a ball I seen it been the only miserable person in there but thank God that Monday night I responded and the rest of it is history the best decision I ever made when I went down in his name hallelujah and when my ears hurt my mouth speaking of language they forgot to teach me in school I knew something is going on here with me I'm so thankful listen friend if you give the devil more time that means you are less likely to make the right choice if you come while you feel the warmth of his presence saying I want you now you better they may increase and if they increase only remember this what I have in me is so much bigger than what's acting me so I just leaned on him how did you [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you know I have the kind of personality that like to help people for those of you that have the litigated gall to say that don't make you ever done there never read the Bible there's a lot of stuff in the bow it don't make sense Jesus told people to sit down nor he had to fish and thigh biscuits where's your son soon to fix factors you got five thousand me not counting the women and children it may not make him and she'll made a meal and if Jonah was here he said it didn't make sense for me to catch the pain to catch a boat knowing I'd have to get where I'm going in a whale [Applause] [Music] water call has already been made hallelujah amen I don't know about you help me Lord help me though you don't want it lord help me hey man amen by way of announcements for those who are seeking TV you
Channel: Logan Park Assembly of Christ
Views: 3,924
Rating: 4.9436622 out of 5
Keywords: Logan Park Assembly of Christ, logan park, church convention, convention, bishop george stearnes, george stearnes, elder jeffery allen, jeffery allen, bishop clifton jones, clifton jones, pentecostal, apostolic, indiana, doctrinal, truth, doctrine, preaching, Bible
Id: OdEIreUqUGk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 46sec (4126 seconds)
Published: Thu May 28 2020
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