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today I'm playing Minecraft but acid is rising every 20 seconds you might be like who's scared of acid well I am if you touch it you die and if we die this video ends before we start however we gotta turn on the mod do you see this water it's currently blue and beautiful when you click the like button and three two one go it's three now wait oh no I'm drowning an asset I know how to swim in that water wait because I love my jelly hoodie yeah that's why yeah but it seems to be fine for the squids maybe more than fine - whoa jelly wanna lay a guess I'm going down Oh a jelly it just came up with the chest here with equipment grab it I don't have any tools I was gonna chop some trees man I'm cinnamon or just fuse with you jelly jelly do you see the third jelly I'm sending it okay no what are you doing I fell okay bring my stuff Creina did Peter know I didn't know I'm stupid for leaving it behind in the first place when you died the whole thing ends right I know he's don't die you should have brought me some food we'll collect some old clogs all right and then we'll just build a way back up and that's actually birch blocks and I don't tell you about what kind of wood is sorry calm you want me to get you jelly hey come over here I want to test to see if this is like an instant I'm saying over here over here yeah okay no help yet time you already went to hell pretty much if I was in there a second longer it would have been game over okay that's not good I'm gonna get my tools I'm going go get your stuff jelly wait jelly what whoa guys I'm gonna go over there Josh honestly just go to jelly now right Josh okay there are also trees let's get Mountain trees guys I'll get it let's go to get Kenny just go straight out like that yes I needed my us at all we just wasted so many blocks because jelly built a flipping straight up and not with wood we're wasting so many resources right now it's much turn it's you guys see those chickens down there they're about to get consumed by what I have to watch this no guys we gotta save that is exactly what I was working on Josh I'm taking my badly thank you so much stop yeah I have one request Jilly don't you want to bill that was not even me up you wanted doing you are wasting so nobody would know yeah I know do you think I have because some people take some good guys I have no idea what you guys are coming right now No are you building straight up what do you mean great look at this arena I'm here and now I could not waste any and we'll wait ow typical jars just complain this is a risky it's raising so much right now pretty quickly I don't know I think I'm gonna win the game if I just get a bunch of dirt you're right you guys got plenty of dirt all right hey Josh I can push it down it's gonna be five guys yeah I can push you down no no you can totally trap you guys down there just so you know I can just build straight up crainer yeah wanting to be a troll and I just completely fail at it yeah but hey you control me like this yeah it's actually rising a lot but you control about heading up guys way wait this was the valley we were in and it's just completely gone wait wait yeah see it where memory poor zombie over there in the edge there's a creeper skeleton therefore you feel bad zombies killer wait what if I just push Josh still Josh we don't want them to know what wait another zombie just appeared Isis might drown any second now he's gone and the other one disappear completely peace mr. zombie and mrs. zombie and then we've got a skeleton the creeper - they're about to drown guys a little bit us it's gonna be honest they're both dead okay we gotta go jelly you need to move now okay oh man wait I've got an idea guys what okay you know there's not many trees left over here I say we try and all to the other side come on we need to be real quick that it's rising so Elias Mountain is where the zombie is they will be getting smart to at least get over there some Joe I'm not sure if we can get over there time we don't make it on time you know these challenges John look down sorry okay you gotta be careful no I'm not getting ahead of me absolutely not it's almost you it's actually almost here okay yeah we got it we gotta go up no I'm doing it Creina yeah you know what sorry guys look at this poor lion have we true yeah I don't know yeah kind of just continuing at this point I don't know in front of me here that's just morally wasn't Josh trees and then we need to keep going man these trees can we got not get old clogs does anybody remember how tall these mountains were because holy crap they don't look that tall now guys I know they don't know critter you just blocked me out man this is bad really bad I need anymore Lenny mother I need my dirt I need my door what please please look at that spawn area over there where the zombies are spawning that's just sad where are they they're like below the mouse you're off by them that would be greedy where do you see them Julie are you blind okay we should probably keep heading out I'm doing that I'm doing that actually Josh you're the one always dealing iron that's true he's just trying to turn this around every single time Josh gets something he feels it it's true jelly is not helping us right now let's focus on what's going on yeah thanks with us oh thanks Wow okay I love Thank You jelly on the not want to give me giving it away for free how many blocks did you give Craner I just wanna a guy stop arguing that the tallest mountain in the world is the only mountain left right now anyway well yeah it's gonna be how the right area it's pretty tall right look follow me and um yeah but the acid is pretty close really want to follow Josh anymore I feel like he's gonna follow him I feel like he's gonna he's gonna betray Sunday Oh Josh was better than us I have not wasted a single block yet it's really closed off guys jelly it's like right underneath your feet wait why is your jelly you really don't want to fool it's really you really don't want to get pushed I'm fine no blaming other people for his own actions I just saved your life I was really try to push you jelly he did save you yeah hilarious I am going to build myself a little house on the hilltop boys no this is this is my corner yeah with nothing a house together guys yeah look we're working together for once this just butyl is easy huh anybody got a door we need a door I need to my property bed with you guys anymore I really this is Tara get two doors that'll look better Hey I brought a chest as well look look I can also I can also write in the floor wait what do you mean train up I'm pretty carpet down it's our home it's beautiful okay I'm trying to win right now guys the staircase you built has disappeared and Josh just tried to kill me oh it's getting toxic now it's in stock God get away from me okay goodbye losers I'm getting my own plan really everybody putting up now I was being friendly let's be honest that you're pushing bad vibes jelly what yes we're pushing the bag obsessed a young NC guys I'm taller than you owe me everything pretty high up yeah look at me boys I mean the joint team Josh this time what are you actually I'm gonna join team jelly oh no you're not hey your building is gravel what so hey got a memo you have it how are you calling you supposed to get me with that jelly it's literally brown where is the chair hi by the way I don't know what is where jelly is right now I feel like I feel like Josh or Craner one of you he's gonna push me off I don't like this at all Craner what are you doing nothing we keep going quite far up a crater hey about it oh nice ok I'll just turn away wait where's Josh oh he's coming towards me yes fun reason right I need a little fun reason behind oh hi man let's be honest guys feel like I'm being surrounded right now we're good to go on you know and what killing each other right no it's all fair game at this point wait he built a bomb Oh wha wait Wow so no that was fun we all died go sweets again make sure you guys go to jolly sitcom if you want to get some awesome merchandise this video is gonna end now so you better click on the next one click right here over here you can do it come on click click click click click click click click click
Channel: Jelly
Views: 10,531,155
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: child friendly, family friendly, kid friendly, jelly, minecraft, acid, new, rising acid, mod, funny, funny moments, mine craft, how to play, how to build, minecraft acid mod, MINECRAFT But The FLOOR Is RISING ACID
Id: l2EDbi5l8_w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 40sec (880 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 03 2019
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