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all right guys contrary to popular belief this truck from the front is freaking hideous it looks like it's been doing a little too much math so Casey sent us out a bunch of overhead lighting and for the bumper so we're going to do probably some sort of roof rack on the top come up with a front grill solution and a whole bunch of other stuff but first off we're going to get this thing looking beautiful from the front or I guess as beautiful as it can look what are you doing [Laughter] I'm measuring for the stuff we're going to need so along with all of that stuff we're going to also make a doveet tail that's going to tie in this back bed thing into the bumper with a cool hinge hopefully we can get everything that we need to get this thing done in this video you guys remember that break that I spent like 3 weeks making and it didn't end up working ooh ooh I think it'll work good for something like this we're going to make we have like this perfect area right here for a like basket for the back to carry all sorts of recovery stuff in so we're going to make kind of a cool little basket is that what you call it I think so I'm trying to make the space useful unlike Alex am I right yeah am I right am I right if you guys remember that donor truck that we got from our Buddy Hunter goodr that the mini trucks frame is actually made out of I'm pretty sure there was a rack for a Subaru in this old truck that came with it so we're going to dig through it but haven't been out here in a while so hopefully it's still there I'm pretty sure I can see the corner of it and it's clear at the bottom of this thing stacked all the way to the roof with just random parts from both of these trucks well it's still here we just got to unload the salvage yard on top of it jeez I think Brady put it in there on the very bottom it's like the first thing to put in here like I didn't have anything else at the time here here's a whole six old Dash if anybody needs one I hope it's even going to work hope it's the right size Hunter if you're watching this we love you man ooh this is perfect because it's raged back so we can put lights up here across this thing this thing's going to work like a freaking Dean basically we just got to figure out how to chop the center out put it back together make some brackets and weld it on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I have never taken a transfer case out that easy no that is the dean benp pack sent that thing out and I don't know how we lived without it I can't take that transfer case apart looking like that that's that's terrible [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] many of you guys are probably wondering why we had to tear that transfer case completely apart and the input shaft is the main reason this is the old one and this right here here would slip onto that and obviously that doesn't fit we had to get a new one that now fits onto that output shaft of the transmission so we got to put this in so this thing bolts and slides right onto the transmission so we just got these KC 6in slim lights we got five of them to throw up on this roof rack we've got all five mounts on now we just need to bolt the lights on then we can throw it on the M Rod see how it [Music] looks oh dude that look way better than I even thought it would dude that gave it the look that it needs yeah we'll be able to like put stuff up there like sleeping bags and that look looks freaking sick we do need your guys' help though because when we got these lights KC sent us two kinds of covers leave in the comments whether you like these or these I think I know which ones I like I think Alex knows which one he likes but let us know in the comments which ones you guys like [Music] So lately we've started to have people show up at the shop totally unannounced and a lot of the times when they show up we're not even here so naturally we started looking for a security system for the shop well we reached out to Simply Safe and it just so happened that they wanted to support the channel and sponsor today's video we're trying to keep our junk safe around here and there's no safe like Simply Safe this security system is the Dane we've got multiple different motion sensors cameras heat sensors alarms dead bolts and it's all done to detect threats from fires breaking floods and more with the Smart Alarm indoor camera both you and professional Simply Safe agents can see and speak to Intruders in real time this whole system took three goofballs like 30 minutes to set up and if you don't want to set it up yourself Simply Safe does have installation technicians that will come out to your house and set it up for you professional monitoring plans are available for less than a dollar a day and the cool thing about Simply Safe is they never lock you into a long-term contract the stuff in this shop is literally Priceless to us and with simply safe's new 24/7 lifeguard protection literally keeps everything in here safe and we can sleep good at night save 20% on your system and your first month is free when you sign up for fast protect monitoring as simplysafe decomp that link is in the description we wanted to thank Simply Safe for sponsoring today's video because there is no safe like simply safe while bra's finishing up that transfer case we're going to get this thing back going last time the mini jeep was on the channel Alex decided to break the chain that Jeep's good for about one jump oh I didn't just decide to it was the jump that they made me he was driving it the chain bro so we got a new masterlink and our new muffler showed up that we got off Amazon for like 40 bucks so hopefully by the time we're done here this thing is a completely new machine we should put this thing on the freaking car lift I don't know if we can fit it on that we should try it one day cuz kind of small in here just like that huh the cool thing is we have three spares so we can go do all the jumps we want oh oh my gosh you want me to do it wow I haven't had to do this since I was like six okay Chain's on a few moments later a couple weeks ago me and Caleb decided to chop the muffler right there and uh we put the muffler up on the the Shelf in case we wanted to weld it back on no you did we put it away and labeled it and Brady went and grabbed it off the shelf and chucked it chucked it so now we don't have a muffler so we went and bought an Amazon Muffler and now we just have to connect from here to here and the problem is we don't have a two bender and we didn't have the right tube but we improvised Caleb went and found a jack handle it was Brady's Brady's Jack handle and we pie cut a radius into it and now it fits like a bean so now all we got to do is weld it up and we have a muffler or now we're going to be in business here in about 10 minutes done it's done it's finished look at this even goes through all the gears there we go that sounds pretty good it's just going to have to selflevel those teeth off and then it probably won't grind as bad well let me let me explain here I went toring down on this thing busted it off this is our little detent thing for our you know for that to actually hit it pushes on that little ball so since I broke that it's not exactly 100% but it's good enough to paint it and make it look shiny and good but you guys should be proud I mean look at that that thing's tight that was a huge bunch of work dude that took me all day I'll bet a guy that actually knew what he was doing could do that in about 45 minutes but I took my time and I'm pretty sure it's right that's a big one to get checked off the [Music] list all right this is the first reaction to how this puppy sounds with the new pipe on it and we got Dad here it's going to sound expensive and Dad's here exactly oh pretty good sounds like a little pit B you spit out some welding wies it dumped out the front well yeah that's where the old one yeah it that's a fresh new pipe on there I think we probably gained at least a half a horsepower so now we have two now there's two too what do you think she's ready to rip actually no I think I don't think Dad's impressed at all don't look at the pipe I I like the pipe I like the look it's sick this is what the Chinese call Performance I think you should have just left the stock one on but that's you know left it oh left the one that you chucked on yeah okay without cutting it off you never know sometimes you cut the muffler off something and it sounds Bad to the Bone another times well pretty much every time you should have just left there what uh like a power stroke though with no Muffler it sounds way better you know I feel like that's what cumins guys say that's true I kind of feel like a cumins guy right now I think our brother is turning into a cumin guy this guy yeah I could see it I almost bought a pair of white sunglasses at the gas station today too it's it's happening so about 3 weeks ago Brady sold his skid steer and if you watch the channel for a while you'll know that we use that skid steer for dang near everything we pull jeep bodies off with it we plow snow with it it D near never shuts off around the shop once The Skit Steer finally left it was like super bad sellers remorse like I was like what did I just do cuz it was such a good unit it's treated me so well for so many years and frankly you can't replace a good used skid steer you just don't know what you're getting so I've been on the hunt looking for another one and my dream is to get a Kabota I've had Cabas in the past and they've treated me super well as well and I think we finally found the deal that I've been looking for so it might end up working out in our favor anyways me and Alex have been on Brady's butt to find another one for the last 3 weeks because we need to use it cuz we want to build a dirt bike track around the shop so we're going to bring you guys with us to check this thing out and hopefully this thing's a Dean we just drove like 3 hours to come get this thing you really never know what you're going to pull up on with something like this what are you thinking said it has high flow Hydraulics and I don't think it does and it doesn't that's how it goes and the high flow Hydraulics are a big selling point on these if it don't have it you just kind of got the base model you know 12 seconds later all right well we're going to settle with this guy but we also scored a deal on another tractor that he's got for a really good deal this guy's freaking awesome I don't know how the flip this kid does it but we're going to drive away with two tractors bus kotas freaking Deans I'm freaking pumped right now [Music] so he's actually throwing this uh bow into the deal too which I'm super excited about cuz I've always wanted one of these so he has no need for it and he wants it gone he's trying to get this place cleaned up so he just threw it in the deal so uh we got to figure out how to get this thing on the trailer we were only planning on one tractor but now we got two tractors and this big old plow and all four of the factory wheels and tires for this skid so we have a lot to pack on one [Music] trailer it don't get a whole bunch closer than that I mean one way or another we were going to fit it but this actually fit pretty [Music] good it might be time for some bags on your truck I've never seen it this squatted if this thing was anything but a power stroke I'd be worried about it hell yeah appreciate man than so much last night while we were picking up the cotas Alex was finishing the wrap on his Jeep this thing looks so good dude that was so much wor work holy cow the other thing that sucked is when I would articulate my tire would hit my Fender so I raised those up like an inch inch and a halfish and then had to recut the fender and rewrap and stuff that's like what took the longest but it's weird cuz it still looks like the silver Jeep to me it's just red but it's going to take a minute to get used to the red now this puppy needs a freaking sick Fastback cage in it it needs a cage so bad that's next on the list all right now that we've got the whole bumper and the lights and the winch thing situated all we have to do to make this front kind of look done is somehow tie the mini truck into the bumper we've had a couple ideas on how to do that we've been talking it over going over everything which would look the best and we decided that we're going to Dirty Bubble this thing did someone say evil we got to make this mini truck look nasty so people start taking us serious around here when you're out somewhere where you don't want to be and you're broke down you need rescued you don't really want the guy coming in you know with his nice white shoes and he doesn't want to get anything dirty and he really doesn't know look like he knows what he's doing you want the big tough guy the big muscles the right equipment and a pair of work boots to come get you out that's what the mini truck needs to look like those white shoe comments sounded personal yeah we know who he's talking about oh I'm the one wearing white shoes today it's usually Alex you're exactly what they don't want to show up I guess these guys are wishing that I smelled like mushrooms and was mad all the time it doesn't take three guys to do what these guys are going to do to the front so I'm going to spend a little bit of time on my Jeep because I've been dying to get these corners and boat sides all tied together and done so you can kind of see the final look last week we said that we were down fabbing some stuff at our buddy's place and we ended up taking these corners and adding a 6-in piece across the whole entire ire thing grind it you know smooth it out our buddy Bentley is an absolute Genie he's the guy that helped me with a bunch of the stuff on my custom turbo setup and pretty much all of the welding that looks good on it was him the reason that we did that is because this Jeep super low and has big tires so we ran out of body really fast where our wheel opening is so our plan here is to kind of give it a musly car look and give it an arc in the back so we keep some of that body we keep a little bit of rigidity in the tub and kind of give it that cool look a lot of the idea behind this was inspired by the juicy Motorsports LJ that wide open design built I've always been in love with that jeep so this one's going to be like the great value of that jeep yes the Kroger juicy Motorsports Jeep yeah so that's kind of what we're going for I love the look so it's a little different in a lot of ways but it's kind of the same sort of idea so I thought they knocked it out of the park on that one so I'm going to try it [Music] [Applause] [Music] we had an idea that's not the Dirty Bubble that I think might fit our Channel better I don't know yet I think it's pretty cool I'm thinking the problem is The Stingers like covering covering it you can't really tell what it is I agree but the thing that I like is it's a Chinese truck you know in America now it's Americanized and now we added a little French in there a little French this thing's missed worldwide it's true he's got a point bra he does he does then you throw in those African safari lights and we've hit every continent that's true I'm you guys whatever you want I'm going to let you guys do whatever you want here let's get the dirty bubble on there and see how that looks FS all right this could look better we don't know yet dude I I think I know what I like more already oh oh man dude y I made my decision what are you going with that's only that look how cool it almost if you're looking at it it almost looks like mountains like yeah it kind of does and you've just got like all this like rugged equipment I don't know like a snow cat almost it look I don't I'm I like that I like that one it's like 4951 for me this way ties it all together it like borders the winch it looks good with the Stinger the lights look awesome and you can't really tell those ugly shock Hoops what do you think Caleb I've been filming yops I haven't taken a second to look at it the mustache thing is sick it's hard to compete with the mustache thing a I think I might be a dirty bubble guy just because I love having the Dirty Bubble is part of this whole thing I don't know I think I like this one all right Dad just came in and he thinks we should go with the teeth or icicles or whatever you want to call them whatever they look like that's what we're going to go with [Music] [Music] [Music] what do you think I mean other than it being like 70ish per effort on it yeah I wouldn't put it that high maybe not even 70 no I like it actually if it was the same color as the white yeah you know I think it'd look right yeah I think it looks good Alex doesn't like it that much I don't think I thought we should have done the mustache but it is what is it's done well I don't know if I'd say done but it's there it's done it's done is it going to fall off we've got two tapping screws holding it on yeah they're actually sheet metal screws so it's a little better so me and Alex told Brady that he couldn't watch and we are going to put his new corners on that he just got done cutting out they're completely ready to rip he's been planning on doing this for like years and so we want him to turn around and see the full transformation and get reaction because oh man this is a this is a big one oh my gosh that is sick oh my gosh that turned out so good that's such a smooth transition should we bring him in here yeah let's do it all right bra walk backwards with your left arm in the air back up keep walking keep coming all right turn around yes dude yes holy cow I freaking love it I did it like this so way I can slide my soft top windows in as well as a hardtop but I'm also going to make an insert that sits on the factory rail on the top that actually arcs as well and follows this so it'll actually end up looking a little bit taller that's that's oh dude I love it we're going to finally get this tase back in this mini truck so we can measure for Drive Lines now that it's all put together and done and then that gets us one step closer to getting this old truck done dang dude this Jack is a game changer all right that's it for this week we didn't talk much about the Kabota tractors that we picked up earlier but that's coming next week and we're going to have some fun with them
Channel: PeckBrothers
Views: 93,706
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 37sec (1477 seconds)
Published: Wed May 15 2024
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