Mini Mass Rocket Stove Heater pt 2

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for those of you who are coming in halfway through this build just recapping it took me about three days and four really bad songs to build this so it's time to answer some quick questions and I'm going to be brief and as they're heading in the first video suggests it's it's a mini mass rocket stove heater and in obviously I haven't added the mass yet but that is the reason for this configuration I am trying to create a large surface area that will be and surround that surface area with something that will hold heat and I'm thinking pea gravel or some sort of you know garden rocks or something but this whole section you're not even going to see it it's going to be surrounded by rocks and so my the idea is is to burn this stove to run it hard and hot to light at once and walk away and let it build up heat it's going to have insulation around it let it build up heat store it in the thermal mass and when it goes out yeah that's great I don't have to relight it I don't have to worry about clearing out the ash I'll do that when it's cold but it will have stored all that heat in the thermal mass and just continue to leach it out for a couple more hours after the fire is well and truly gone that's the idea so and I'm trying to do that in the most compact way I can conceive or think of and that being so I instead of having a J that comes up that goes around and comes up and then you know the big shroud that goes down the outside we've all seen them they're great they're just big and then how do you you know I'm trying to get the the mass as close to the heat source as possible so it heats up as quickly as possible that's sort of where I'm going with this and you you know agree or disagree it's this is an experiment I'm I'm sort of I'm just having a go that's what I do I have an idea and I go you know what that might work it might not but I won't know unless I actually give it a go that's that's how I learn I'm sort of I'm not the academic I'm not I was certainly not the masking at school in fact I'm I'm I don't actually crunch numbers in my head man I'm reaching for a calculator I tell you huh so you know I can't calculate out the the volume or the mass or whatever I'm just gonna I have an idea I think it might work and by golly I'm gonna give it a go and and that's sort of why I make these videos and on top of that I'm hoping that you out there watching will also be encouraged to have a go and who knows it might fail miserably but even then you're gonna learn something I learned more from when stuff doesn't work that when I do when it does work straight up because when it doesn't work you have to sort of sit down and go back through it and work out why it didn't work and then the process you usually end up learning a heck of a lot more than just flicking it first off it's nice when you flick it first off but I do find you don't learn as much so that's what this is this is me having a go and I hope you have a go too because hopefully by the end of this this thing will be a real pearl we'll see time will tell so let's get on with this bill I've been told by the YouTube gurus it's best to show and not tell [Music] [Music] [Music] I guess that happens [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay this is pearlite it is basically expanded volcanic rock they basically pop this stuff like popcorn and so yeah it's a it's a man-made thing and and I'm going to wear a dust mask because it's this is a very fine dust probably isn't the best to breathe in so I'm going to be wearing this stuff this sucker go oh yeah definitely not a posture hello it's gonna suck the moisture out of that pretty quick well I've got a little way too much plaster I'm going to Smee that I need to just get some water right well while I've had a mess I'm going to make some more and just fill this whole bottom tray with more perlite and plaster of Paris mix and that'll be my insulation underneath I've got that to the consistency of cottage cheese yeah you gotta go clean up [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so this cage area here will be filled with large likewell rocks larger than that the 25 mil gap they're greedy and that'll be the mass site now I just need to make the other side this side was going to be the side that had all the insulation though this is a panel of an old computer desktop powder coated already so it's gonna be the yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] but and I sometimes it's good to know when just go I think now's the time [Music] attack and dress Tekken dress [Music] okay see now that's weldable maybe Ford said it wasn't [Music] [Music] [Music] some of you may recognize this this is like my thumbnail this is this is little Aussie Rockets this is the very first Stoke that I ever made and I learned a lot because I made a lot of mistakes when I made this but all that aside it's full of rock wall insulation and I want to use that so that so onwards and upwards I'm just going to crack this sucker okay [Music] [Music] it's not going ahead a bit oh this sucker got hot enough to melt rock wall that's impressive let's just have a closer look at this while we're here this is the guts of it now where I went wrong with this was the disc divider I gave away too much air it could have been really underneath the 25 mil gap at the bottom that's a fair bit more than that like 30 or 40 mil and as you can see it's not exactly an L it's and I want you to call that but my idea was and I should have stopped I'll keep going this divider that's in here I should have stopped it there should have stopped it right there no way it had all this larger burn area I brought it back to here so I only had this tiny little area for the wood to fight to to burn but lessons the alone I worked it out pretty quickly that was the wrong thing to do but my thought was it's a very long area to preheat you would and this l-shaped me well yeah this el-sheikh meant that I'd be transferring sort of more heat into the backside of this sort of helping to radiate it through and keeping the whole stove hot like the insulation and it meant that it was just that a little bit longer but had it gone straight up it would have been a shorter distance but this tilting action helped the yeah just gave a little bit more length and yeah so that's was is the insides of my very first rocket stove I ever made I first discovered them on YouTube of all places okay there you go I think I'll rebuild that stove but I'll do it with what I've learnt now if that makes sense and we'll make that another stove I do the original was a rocket mark tube anyway now for the the math side of things [Music] [Applause] [Applause] all righty so that is pretty much it all I need to do now is make the extension that will slip on to the top there [Music] blaring blaring has its place you can see in the end of this it'll focus it's been countersink I just drilled that out with a large countersinking piece and then got a nut glowing hot and pushed it in there and that's how I burnt that hex shape into it into this little handle I did that a long time ago this is off a um something else alrighty I think I've worked at how to light this thing just a paper towel yeah and that's just kind of been for a while and help help everything else do okay no smoke oh there we go now the rise is a bit longer and that's to simulate what the what it's going to be like when it's installed in the shed seal the paint starting to smoke it's a good idea to do the first being outside to have a pot-bellied black is smoking right you know I painted it today so normally I let this paint cure for three days but I'm a bit impatient I want to see how this works I think the trick is just to not to disturb it until it's one until it's cooled down okay we've been going for 20 minutes now and we are well and truly after temperature and the outside yeah that is almost cool as the higher you go up the suit if it becomes warm but down the bottom then the outside is cool that thing is smoking which is good you want it to radiate some heat into the shed and this thing is fed really well I haven't had to sort of shuffle it up it's got plenty of draw now to just stop the sort of the fire creeping up too far up this so the feeding tube and we're not even halfway through all the wall of wood so yeah this is um it's just really been quite you're truly been behaving yourself really really it's downs aren't hot yet but we're getting there me and this water heat radiating off that that's like that's us that's uncomfortable my hands getting out there so I think the I reckon the fire must be coming a lot further through and up the up the guts of this now that there's some insulation happening on this side noise I like this because I'll be able to like this thing in the shed and more or less only have to keep one eye on it if that makes sense yeah it's just running really nicely sweet why not encouraging their we're coming up to the our mark and so that's how long 2.6 for whatever it was kilos timber last and it's performed really well it needed I needed to sort of open up the front and sort of poke some of the coals further back down the UM the burn chamber but apart from that I haven't really had to mess with it to get through all that would just you know the usual sort of shuffle it around make a bit of room so you can fit the UM a bit of wood in these are the last two bits here this hasn't got to what I would call a raging boil like it hasn't blown whistle Dixie yet if you know what I mean but it has definitely well it's simmering away nicely so you know that's a nice extra feature that I didn't really plan on but obviously there's enough heat hanging around to do that and let's see how these rocks are going they're warm yeah warm in fact yeah the ones the want the ones caught oh yeah the ones closer down here I can sort of it's uncomfortable to keep your hand on and as we move further back they get a little bit cooler but that sort of sort of it to be expected it'll be interesting to see how long they stay hot now cheers everyone okay so it's been an hour and 15 minutes now and the hot calls are still going really well that's still just simmering away and the rocks are lovely and hot that's that's Nate [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Little Aussie Rockets
Views: 232,875
Rating: 4.546392 out of 5
Keywords: rocket stove, rocket stove mass heater, mini mass wood heater, wood heater, best rocket stove, small rocket stove, shed heater, barn heater, log cabin heater
Id: -oNRpVySrqw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 55sec (3355 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 16 2019
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