Minecraft's Newest Superhero Is Born! - Enhanced SMP (2)

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it's week two of the custom superhero SMP after receiving our custom suits and responding to our first distress call last week we got a small taste of what we're up against today we get one step closer to figuring out what's really going on in the city and introduce our next hero not long before meeting this new hero we were reviewing security footage from last week's attack on cubic Technologies and made some interesting discoveries you see that take a look pink Speedster and you see this look at that that is Dr V he's been working at cubic tech for a while and he disappeared after last week and look at this look familiar looks to me like Zoom except in a pink suit for some reason we should call her pinky bro hey right boys the dumbest name of Pinky I think he kind of goes well on a second no it doesn't pinky kidnapped him pink Zoom kidnapped him yeah I'd still think the big suit one sounded better [Music] immediately I wish I could slow down boys what's going on locating signal origin oh buddy that is close that is real nearby location confirmed Sandstone Towers oh God be advised Dark Matter signature detected oh Dark Matter signature metahuman retrieving coordinates coordinates obtained all right boys we got new coordinates be advised second Dark Matter signature detective oh God there's two just what we thought it was done so looks like we got two metas at the place we're going next let's try to actually save everybody this time oh buddy we'll make it happen let's also try not to die that's a great idea I see people in the streets on the marker I guess here I mean I'm here oh God be careful it's more of those gangsters they snipe and they clap not boys oh wait Joe's here stay back Joe stay back where to find you there's a ice user yeah who is that ice light he's trying to hit me I think it's one of our matters he hits see it's hard oh my God boys give me your distance Iceland is op H yep keep your distance voice oh God I need I need the assists thank you Ryan yeah oh my God it's hard oh oh is it just similar oh my God we're gonna die stay back stay back my God we're pushing him into the streets oh my God who died potato boy oh God he's got to be hurt he's gotta be hurt hold on boys oh what was that oh yeah it just makes it snow oh well it was being used by metahuman so it might just be some technology he was using glad we got here in time to save you but um what are your powers you can control electricity yeah I get this food electricity it's pretty sweet we actually do have some prototypes on our base that should allow you to harness your powers a little bit better if you actually want to join us in the heroes yeah I'll join you guys you need to come back to the HQ yep let's head back leave me there [Music] in here we have a bunch of prototypes for a bunch of our suits and other suits that we've been kind of developing ah here it is but Kyle can I have a wand I need to go to cubic Tech and see if this is one of the stolen Tech items oh so you think it might be the tech that was stolen in last week's attack I don't know if it is for sure but I need to go check yeah go ahead you do that Zach are you taken bro why am I taking what do you mean why is there some velocity nine in there dude hey you know it's a little experimental it's all experimental it's time to generate Joe's suit [Music] Boys Meet the newest member of the team current conductor [Music] can we fly oh his suit essentially allows him to ride on the currency generates that is a sick suit that's so cool I think rainbow Defender is going to be joining us here for our next briefing all right boys we gotta shift Focus we gotta shift Focus back to the rest of the metas in this city and mutants of course uh that's the proximity alarm oh God be careful something's here somebody's here proximity alarm oh God the inside is inside come downstairs no stop him stop him she's in the chest oh god what the heck where did she go oh my God she just ran out of here so fast I got gone I literally didn't even see which way she stole something what did you what did she steal none of the suits are missing oh no she took the velocity nine boys look at the super potato cereals the super four super potato serums are missing no no she ripped the serums I'm gonna move these boys we need to secure this place up yeah I agree all right boys we need to capture this this pig Speedster that is terrible I just made a cannon so sorry no it's not good everyone fan out see fine where are you 275 32 20. negative 188 30. oh wait I see you ready uh oh she's right here oh we're right back cubic Tech actually right back cubic attack oh yep yep oh God oh by the forest you got the moves I am getting I just got locked all right where'd you go right there dang it she's too freaking quick in the water in the water stuck in the water yeah oh just stay on her stay on her just surround her spots are in oh oh sorry I just snapped Ryan try to get shots in oh nice one we got them boys we are not calling her pinky I still don't even know where you guys are oh boys bro welcome to the party wow we really got it oh she's on here yep we're bringing her in whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa she's already done stop stop she's down we got it we gotta make sure okay I actually can't cover now oh God no it's resistant already I'm driving um okay perfect thank you we're escorting their back right now we got her in metahumikov so she can't she can't beat away foreign [Music] get in here yeah they call you pinky huh what did you do with the potato serum that is none of your concern oh you stuck you stole my serum if anything turn around [Music] [Laughter] syrup is long gone boys and you won't be seeing it again well basically there's another potato boy flying around oh no oh who are you working with you'll find out soon enough you've got his attention now I vote we execute her execution if you're not gonna tell us where the potato Serum is or who you're working for you can just run foreign did you confirm that isolite staff was part of the stolen Tech from cubic Technologies I have wait what is that that's the staff that we got from from Ice light The Meta human that we fought today when trying to save Joe so these gangsters and this pink Speedster not named pinky attack and Steel Tech from cubic Technologies right kidnap Dr V they then use that Tech to go after current conductor for some reason at the Sandstone towers and now they've stolen the super potato serum clearly pinky gave it to someone right like it seems like it seems like they're trying to build up a little army here maybe they're trying to make their own suits but for what like to just terrorize the city like if they're making rainbow Defender bro I don't think that's why I mean I feel like that's plausible no bro you literally got lost earlier I don't think they're that concerned about rainbow Defenders well here's the thing there's seven of us we're not pushovers so they need the Firepower I think you're definitely right I think that's definitely part of it but I think there's something else that we're missing here that we got to figure out I guess we'll have to we'll have to see it it's their move now foreign yes doctor I regret to inform you that our Speedster has been captured I see these Heroes continue to fascinate me they're lucky for the serum what do I do I relax doctor you are not to leave this facility until the serum is complete do you understand Yes master it's coming back you must hide before it discovers you now doctor
Channel: Arrzee
Views: 105,686
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Superhero, Modded, DC, Fiskheroes, Marvel, Custom, SMP, Enhanced
Id: kIHihTpaSks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 53sec (713 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 12 2023
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