Minecraft Xbox - Stampy Flat Challenge - Settling In (3)

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hello this is stampy and welcome to episode number three of the the stampy flat challenger this is a challenge where I am in a world that looks um a little bit like this I turned clouds on Mira's clouds were turned off Letty I think looks a little bit nicer with clouds on like it's still a bit of an empty void but now it's a now it's an empty void with some pretty fluffy clouds and the sky as well but anyway in the last episode we made some pretty good progress actually how we dug quite far down we got through quite a few levels we also got a bunch over of gold so I can use this to keep myself up a little bit better now and have at least some gold armor on so this one lasts forever of course gold lower armor doesn't last for very long at all but at least I look cool I look a little bit like a king like a royal knight others let's go in there I guess I can make him let's make some tools as well some like gold tools just so I can have them like instead of the the stone ones so let's make a few of these let's make a gold axe I feel like I feel like quite luxurious using all of these gold weapons because like normally you wouldn't like normally you wouldn't use like gold weapons and tools would you because well one because they're not great but it's also it's like such a waste because you don't get too much gold in Minecraft normally now like I'm getting loads of it I feel like well let's make the most of it shall we others let's go in them I guess I should go and leave some some more charcoal butter be made well armor away as that's going to if I leave the that charcoal in there and I put some more jungle wood and that can go in to be smelting and it's going to do my my morning task go cut down the trees gather some food and do what I needed to do before I set off rush I really want to make a house and all this is way better God ever as how good gold was look how good gold is they're cutting down trees that is that is pretty good actually that's much better than the other stone when I'm glad I made these go to actually though look at that iron look at the end that could be the golden axe look how like damaged it is already like I've cut down like two trees and it's like almost destroyed already so it's good it just really isn't gonna last very long if I think I'm gonna cut down a lot of trees I need to make like 10 axes just so I can go I'd actually go and cut them down maybe I should I should stick with the the stone pickaxe for mining cause otherwise I'm gonna have to take down a million axes with me but for now this is pretty handy for for cutting down these pretty quick anyway yeah as I say so I want to make I want to make a house I do I do I want to build and I don't it like sound like I'm gonna spend ages building like loads of rooms and stuff but I want a shelter which I can call my own at the moment I feel like I'm just squatting with all of these villages and every time I try to open their door they're getting in the way and it's like I don't know I just feel like I don't like living where I'm living here so I want to I'm going to just build a very basic place where I can just go and hang out you know and just say this is this is where I live this is the home that I built and this is where I can lay my head at the end of a long day's adventuring so hey let's let's go and start doing that now so what what materials do I just have a lot of I'm not going to spend a bunch of time worrying about what this thing's gonna look like I just want it to be okay not be horrible and not have a lot of villagers moving in so um so I got me I got lots of orange wall but I'm not building out of orange wall because well obvious reason I check all of these there's all these different types of stone and they're quite close to the the surface the table let's go and um let's go make a bunch of ER of gold pickaxes shall we axe I don't want to waste my um yeah I don't want her to waste my iron one and the stone ones are really slow so let's make loads of these and let's go let's go do a little bit of digging shall we let's go and gather up a bunch of those different types of stone like that'd be cool because I haven't really built out of them much because I don't have those types of stone in my lovely world and I don't really use them much in other series either so I feel like I'm gonna make me the most of having all of these these different types of the of stone and let's go in together some of them up and then we can use them as the does the start for my little shelter so let's go and hit my way down here here we go look there right on the other surface er as well as let's just go in to gather up a bunch of these so these are like them them normally but you can go like polished versions as well and I'm such a noob I don't even really know how you do I reckon like do you mix four of them together or do you put them in the furnace I do not know so I'm gonna find out I know go there's one pickaxe down already isn't that unbelievable how like rubbish these are like they're not rubbish as I said they're fine they do their job adequately just for a very short amount of time and then they fall apart and let's go in to put some glowstone down here as well I just so I can see what it I'm doing and also I don't need to get too dark and all of the the googly spawn so as I said I'm not gonna build a giant house so I guess I'll do is I'll just dig until all of these pickaxes have broke basically and then I think I'm just gonna switch back to using stone tools because even though they're slower you know they last a decent amount of time considering that they're the only made out of stone and I guess I don't need to I don't need to dig in such a long line so much let's go and Digger and this way and let's see if I can dig my my way back to where I've come from how about this this pickaxe breaking and then I'm just gonna I just gonna build a room you know I might extend it I might make like a lookout tower you know I might add to it you know just over time gradually throughout the the series but for now I just want to have my own little building and I can say this is a this is my house this is where I live you know and I built it because I've kind of just I've kind of just invaded these poor villagers town I always feel mean when I do that what I just go and charge into their town and kind of them oh yeah caused havoc but then again I do save them from the other zombies so it's not all bad know I've got a I do got a couple more pickaxes it let's let's mine something else sure let's get some of these courts I guess there's all of these quartz around the place as well as let's go and die let's go and gather up some of these as well because these might be quite nice for like like kind of a marble looking floor maybe I always do think they look quite good and that I could get do I have an axe on me oh yeah I got this this one which is going to break pretty soon but I can use this to get some old there we go gone already yes I can get some of these pumpkins as well and I can use them to make some pumpkin pie because I have everything that I need to make pumpkin pie like gosh I don't if I go any eggs I might need her to find some some more eggs but apart from that I have everything better that I need in order to make some pumpkin pie and I can remember how good pumpkin pie is but I remember it's pretty decent so if you have all of the other materials it's definitely it's definitely worth trying to make some of so let's go and give a little bit of this than I might I go and get a little bit more glowstone err as well because then I can go in to light up my house then I'm going to call it a day for all of this digging and oh yeah let's go into try and make myself a little bit of other over home so first things first and let me go and to try and work out exactly how I do make the yeah make it into the the polished versions because the the normal version they don't look very nice do they they look em I know they just look like kind of raw stone so I definitely want to to be making them into the the polished versions of themselves and seen as there's a tree grown here I might as well go and chop this down but I probably should do to be smart is just to pick one type of tree and just keep getting that type of tree because always it's going to be filling up loads of space in my inventory with all of these different types of wood so I will go and do that eventually but let's go back to my we're not my house back to this house this house that I'm just stowing away in and let's get this and let's just just put the stone in and let's see if it does anything can I even put it in the furnace is that gonna do anything no this is good so I think maybe I just need to combine four blocks of the stone turd to gether to make it the the polished version let's go to I can't see it anywhere here I'm such a noob I'm I is anywhere around here I'm just trying to make me the polished versions of all of these stones these are the different clays they're the different rules how do I do it I don't know how to do it how long have you played my craw for let's go and check out it round tower here we go I was right I was right I just need to combine four of all of the different things I just didn't know where in the the menu it was so I think I don't think you lose out I think you always end up with these same amount yellow is four pieces goes to make four pieces so I don't lose out I just make the the blocks look a lot nicer and then there than they did before so let's go and just start building and start building your house so I guess it's gonna look a little bit like a sandwich I guess using these are these different types of stone I guess it's gonna be a little bit of a sandwich house but I have no opposition to living inside of a sandwich house so where's a nice place I could do it here that it looks like these gravel paths it looks like they should be leading to something so let's pretend that they're leading to my front door and so we got the the andesite here and then there's the grand night and then we got some of this the door right here and then I got a lid bit of the actually nowhere where my quartz gone I'm not still my quartz have an eye or was that door I I was gathering oh no it's not it's not um it's wool it's nice no I'm there's no quartz at all it's white wool oh dear I'm silly oh well that's why it was taking so slow with the pickaxe I was thinking it was being a bit slow and I thought I was just getting confused but yeah that would that would make a lot of sense and elective so becoming dark already days absolutely fly by here so watch we'd have the bottom layer as let's have the the bottom layer as a layer as this whatever this is I'm not entirely sure let's pull it out to here and let's go this way a bit let's go one two three four five maybe I'm just making this up as I go along it's gonna be as I said pretty small I don't need this to be big at all it's only me here after all so it doesn't really matter too much I just need like I just need like a storage room and like a room with lots of furnaces in and stuff so hopefully this is gonna be big enough so I've got one two three and then I need to go three out in this side then I go one two and then I go along like this and then this just needs to line up with that go one two and then like that so there we go this is kind of a bit of a basis for the the bottom layer and then I guess I can just go and do the the other layer like this I think this looks okay they look a little bit weird in this texture pack I will be honest I'm using the UM the plastic texture pack which is definitely one of my favourite ones in the the console version so I thought this would be a I thought that just this world would look nicer like I like the look of wool in this texture pack it looks so smooth and blocky doesn't it seems weird to say it looks blocky of course it looks blocky it's Minecraft but you know what I mean like it looks like I don't they look very defined I guess is it a way to describe it or no it's raining that's actually very good time for it to rain because I am just about to go to sleep and you see the problem I had you see why I want to move house don't you ah I always have these villages there right I'm committing I'm gonna grab this bed and I'm gonna move the bed into my new house now because yeah I do not want to have another night like that so else do I have here don't have anything else I can use to decorate a bit of ribs and a bit more white wool which I thought was quartz but of course isn't ah and then there's a fume of these blocks but nothing really to write home about so I guess I can like I think I just gonna add slowly to the house I don't want to build like like what I normally do if I'm building is I build like a big frame to the house you know I build like all of the outside and then decorate the inside I think what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna like add rooms like I'm gonna build a room and then if I feel like I need another room I'm just gonna add to that room and kind of do it all like that way I guess so let's go and let's go and climb up here and then now I'm just going to use the the other block which I haven't used which is the the door right and I'm going to go and do this over the the top here so see what I mean it's kind of like I guess like a layer cake I guess it kind of fits in with the the style of the world which is all all lay it and then I'm gonna go and choose something else to have as the the roof I might used wood I might use some some good old-fashioned wood because in that way I can use them like stairs and stuff and kind of do it like sloped a little bit I think will look good nice rather than doing a flat roof and then I'm gonna decide what I want to have is the the floor so I might use I'm not sure type of wood I'm gonna use let's go and die let's go get my um let's go get my old-fashioned stone axe back out shall we because these gold ones really I'm not cutting it they're good they're good but they just don't last long enough and let's get rid of the that one as well so I'm not gonna need that and do I have another one and no but I should be able to remember I sure do I have any more cobblestone on me okay let's go grab this this cobblestone that's always going to come in handy and let's go make myself at another stone axe and let's go cut down some some trees as I can go and use it to make me the roof because yeah I'd like to use their stairs if I if I can just to make it a little bit more of a slope wooden I don't even know what type over wood this is that I'm gathering up right now if this is this like I think it's just oh this is jungle it will tell you what I seem to have a more jungle wood than anything else I might as well go in to use a jungle wood for the the stairs and it looks like I'm starting to get a lot of animals look at that I getting loads of animals over there that is a and that is good that's good because I do want mainly chickens and mainly chickens is what I'm after because that's going to allow me to get more feathers but getting all of these different eyes of animals it's just nice it's just nice too it makes me feel a little bit lesser load like it's nice having the the villages as well we're just having animals roaming around the place that's just Pleasant you know rather than just this a huge emptier empty landscape so let's go and build up here a little bit and I can go and cut down just the the rest of it of this tree and then I can go back down it's weird how like it's weird how normal this feels like this is such a weird way to play Minecraft like it's so different at a normal minecraft but like I'm doing I'm doing like relatively similar things you know I'm cutting down trees I'm doing my knee like everything's different then it all kind of it all kind of feels a little bit the the same which is kind of cool it's kind of cool that this is like a way that you can play like I'm sure when they made like the the creative superflat options I'm sure they never intended someone to like a play on them like a survival world you know they're really meant for for building on you know rather than kind of playing in survival but it's kind of cool that you can it's kind of cool that it works and it like it works okay I think that's that's just quite cool alright then let's go and make some some jungle some jungle planks I might as well make a bunch of these and I want to make some of these inter two stairs as well as I can go and have the the lovely slanted roof which I'm after so much let's just see how this spits things there's a bit of a a weird shaped house isn't it to be honest so let's just see how this this works out and before the end of the video I'm going to have my bed placed in here and I'm going to go and call this my home and I think I might need to build like a separate room off to the the side just as a storage room because I'm going to be getting as so many different weird types of blocks it'd be now what hey what would be really nice is to have a chest for each block you know that might sound like a lot of work but it's really not you know making chest isn't hard is it but seeing as it was like all of these different layers it would be nice because every time I'm digging down I'm going to be getting so many different types of blocks it would be really nice just to come back and have like a different block for for each a different chess re for each different block it's just it's just going to be a nice way to keep everything nicely nicely organized I guess so yeah that's that's what the plan is so this is going to be my main living quarters we're going to have this as a room for my bedroom I can also have a crafting table and a furnace and we'll the you know the main thing that I need and then I think I'm gonna go and have a separate room coming I don't know what I could do on the top as you know I do it since I'm doing this cool roof I do like a room behind and I'm gonna have that as my my storage room and it's just gonna be full of every different types of chess so you know just single chess I probably won't need any double chests X I doubt I'm gonna get that many over any particular block oh yeah that's that's what the the plan is but for now let's just go and get this first room done so let's go and dive gonna get up to make even more of these stairs I underestimated how much I would need so I might actually I need to go and cut down some more jungle trees after this actually no I think it might be okay if I go in to fill in the rest of these stairs and then just fill in the blocks in the middle then I think I might be okay I was gonna make it connacher you know let's go in one higher let's make this look cool as soon as I'm going to be living in here for a while let's go in to actually try and make this place look good shall we I'm always trying to cut corners like any opportunity that comes up where I think there's an easier way to do something like I just jump at it like I'm always about you know the the best results for the the least effort but trying to get this stair to face the right way round is a mighty pain isn't it right let's go and I need face on the bottom of the block and why haven't you linked up you should have linked up go on link up please there we go it's all linked up I did this one look okay I want to get rid of this this rogue stair here and if I just place a block down here I can kind of do this but so I think I know an easier way to do this actually to make it less awkward with the the stairs if I kind of fill in the roof and then what I can do is I can place the the stairs on these blocks and then that way I'm not going to have to try and place the the stairs on them themselves if that makes sense so I think I've kind of placed some of these a little bit too close I think I need to go like this a little bit more and then I need to go and fill in like two here I'm trying to think is because this stairs I want them to kind of go like diagonal and kind of all linked up perfectly so let's go and a try and builder around here and as usually please little at at least let's go and try and do the the outside and actually I might not feel the the entire top in I might make some glass on the topics there ISM I did find that sand did I might have a bit of a skylight and so then that way in the daytime everything is going to be nicely lit up so now all I think I need to do is I need to break away you as well and then I can just place the stairs like actually I need to fill these in like this is this going to work I thought this was going to be better than it than it was so this stair needs to go here here and then you need to go here and then there we go you need to then go on this block here like that I need to remember to do on the the bottom of the the block all rise I'm gonna have lots of upside down stairs and then that one needs to go here and then Wow why aren't you linking up it's so light like I'm sure there's a guy like a right way to do in fact I know there's a right way to do these stairs but I don't I just feel like it could be easier well I feel like I should probably just learn and understand how to do it so those ones haven't linked up but you know I'm just going to go back and sort out all of the the ones that haven't linked out afterwards let's at least just go and they get a roof over my head so once it's become nighttime I'll be able to get at least a decent sleep so let's go like this and there we go this is easier I am just about to run out of stairs here I don't need that many more to be honest and there are some that I drop down here as well so I think I might just about have enough wood on I'm not sure if I dashi if I make all of this into two stairs and then I can leave that gap in the middle which is going to be where I'm going to put the the glass anyway so I don't need to worry about that for now so this should hopefully be enough says if at this is definitely going to be enough stairs for this final little section here like this and then all why aren't you linking up properly I think I need to place it on like the other stairs if that makes sense if I place it like there oh no now this one's not linked up right let's place this one and let's face it on that block there we go that that bits linked up nicely here and although this isn't right is it this needs to be this needs to be a stair here as well doesn't it I need this to go there and then I need to break this one away and hopefully this is all going to link up perfectly now there we go so that bits all linked up but there are still a few messy sections over here there's no way I can leave them is gonna drive me crazy there we go that's that one sorted out and now let's try and place this one back down there we go that's all linked up now so they'll go I think that's this section done now so what I can do now is I can go and get the let's just go and bring my furnace across and the the sand and I don't know how much sand I I made I kind of just gathered a little bit of sand all the way back in the the first episode so I'm not sure how much I haven't where's my house and this is the other problem with all of these houses looking exactly the same as I can ever find which one's mine let's go and grab eight maybe I sure I think I think I found something I found some more Sun when I was mining as well actually so this should be more than enough in order to make my ceiling but it is becoming nighttime now and as I said I am NOT going to sleep anywhere else other than inside of my new home and this looks okay like a little bit messy on the the front still because there's still that dirt but once this is all lit up nicely I think this place is going to look pretty pretty awesome so let's go into a breakaway this a horrible dirt now and let's go inside I should probably make a door as well let's go and make a door to put on the the front well I make a let's just make a good old-fashioned oak door and put that down there and there now the most important moment of course I can go and place down my bed let's put the let's put the bed down here and I can make some windows just for like you know normal windows as well just so I can look out on either horizon a bit so let's put some of this sand in here and some of these the charcoal in there and that's that's going to add a little bit of light as well but I also I want to go and add a few torches because I'd hate for any googly to spawn inside of here that wouldn't be a very good whatsoever and how does this ceiling look this looks okay it all looks pretty symmetrical there's one block here that I need to go and break away and let's try and sort this section out here a little bit as well I can fill that in then is this the perfect shape we've got one two there and then one two three here so what I might do is if I break away this bit here I just want to make this side look er symmetrical so I then need to place one block there and then if I kind of do it going diagonal in like this so I need one block to be here and then this is going to slope out like that is that simay oh yeah I kind of got a little bit of a of a square here I guess this is one two three four there and then one oh no this isn't right here is it what's what's wrong aha I think that this block needs an extra one there and then there is that right I know these were wrong on this side that needs to be broken away like that and then that needs to be broken away like I'm just trying to make it so it's the same on all sides and there we go I think this should be honor this is an equal again though it goes one two how many back is that that's two back there now had then this one's three back that's the problem so what I need to do is this there we go I have now solved the problem so I can do now is I can go and grab all of my glass from here and I'm just going to go and put this all on the the skylight here oh yeah then I can go and look out at the the stars before I go to bed but speaking a bit that is what I'm gonna go and do right now and asleep for the first time in my my new home so that's pretty much the end of this episode here so in the next episode I'm just going to decorate this room a little bit and by that I just mean I'm going to put like a crafting table in here and maybe a few windows I'm gonna leave summer more sand smelting amber in between episodes as I can finish off my my skylight and our then I'm gonna go digging again I'm going to go back down and oh yes see what more layers I can discover but that's the end of this episode here there be a link in the description to the next episode if you want to go straight to it once I've uploaded it about for now and I thank you all very much for watching and I will see you all later bye I
Channel: stampylonghead
Views: 2,246,791
Rating: 4.8184528 out of 5
Keywords: Stampy Flat Challenge, Stampy, Stampylongnose, Stampylonghead, Stampy Cat, Part 3, Settlign In, Build, Carft, Home, House, Challenge, Survival, Craft, Console, Editon, Version, Xbox, Xbox: 360
Id: dENqYe8na4c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 48sec (1428 seconds)
Published: Tue May 10 2016
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