Minecraft Xbox | INFECTED VILLAGE [417]

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hey guys this is espy and welcome back today to another video inside of my awesome world and first things first we're going to add a new fish to the fish tank we have also got all the dogs from last episode yep i'm sure they know i'm here look at them all there is a twitch and everything if i hold a steak you think oh look at me no not quite yet if i if i come down here though are you ready okay you're all interested so you're the new baby we need a name for you um if anybody wants to name the the new baby we got last episode by accident um make sure to let me know in the comments any names for this little fella here okay it'll have a certain color colored color so if you want to come up with a color there's not many colors left really all the colors have sort of been taken nearly um but i'm sure you guys can work out which color hasn't been haven't been done in coming with that maybe a purple i don't think a purple that's magenta and pink but i don't think we've got a purple color it could even be a girl i'm not sure if it's a girl or a boy i don't know so um yeah we've also got the three cats here watching my fish closely as ever we're gonna go now this new fish anyway okay we have got ourselves a green orange betty so let's uh let's go and do that if we uh let's just to be sure let's set let's go and put this right about here there we go and there he goes green and orange don't look green orange to me mate you look purple and red or blue and red anyway but there he goes into the into the fish tank to swim with all these mates so let's go and have a look uh a little look down and uh yep just blend it in another one for you to uh to nibble i'm sure my fish are going down you better not you better not be snacking on them you three all right i hope so i hope not as long as we have got a lot of fish anyway um so last episode i came back and i thought i'd left with 11 dogs and i only came back well i came back with 11 but that was there was a new puppy in that i should have come back with 12 obviously because but but yeah i worked out that snowy was missing thankfully though you guys are alert in the comments and um i know exactly where snowy is okay snowy was left in the doghouse which i feel terrible for i mean there's a wild wolf there look at that wanting to become a dog i've got too many dogs mate i can't tame you as well got a chicken you want to be a live in the doghouse as well anyway um yeah for some reason i forgot snow she was sat by the bed waiting past i'm sorry snowy so snowy you can come with me i thought you were dead though all right so snow yeah you can join me in in today's video seems you missed out on yesterday's one all right i'm gonna go and put this bed back in the dirt house as well uh just because it doesn't belong in a dog house does it those dogs ain't sleeping in my bed well it's not really my bed either but there you go it's in there anyway all right next thing on the agenda is to go to uh to fred's office and so uh we've had a morning bath as well but yeah go into fred's office see what today's challenge is going to be get my reward fish and then we're going to crack on with with the day we've got some stuff to be doing so there it is there waiting for me i kind of would love to just take it now but we've got a challenge to do first before we can uh before we can do anything else let's go get scanned through security hopefully it lets um snowy through all right snow you might struggle to get through security but uh just just go through and get scanned i'm sure it'll let you through i've got my eye scanned i may not accept snowy's eye scanner she's she's not being done morning sean just let the dog through yep you know i'm gonna look at me all right i'm here yeah there you go it turned around slowly it's a bit slow in the morning sean right and uh now we're gonna go through morning miles how are you doing look at it is it just me or you're missing some ears miles are you all right i i could be wrong but i'm sure you used to have ears i i don't know i'm sure i'm gonna have to go and look at another video but i'm sure you used to have ears on your head you've you've lost your ears mate all right that's an interesting one okay how would that tell you now just swimming around bother them all right good morning fred what have you done with miles's ears i'm not even going to ask anyone uh snowy do you mind that's that's fred's place there yeah he he lives there anyway i don't really live there but he's there right now anyway so uh fix the flower beds in the glass garden i can do that fred i mean i didn't know you were so particular on gardens and stuff but i can i can go and sort out some flower beds i suppose i mean the crop the the so it's like a farmland that i use and i put the i put the flowers on there but the uh the amount of animals that walked over it and myself we've stomped all over it it's not looking as good as it used to so i think i have a hoe in here yeah yeah keep it here just for me pumpkin patch you see you need these to keep keep turning it there you go that's that's the beat with that apparently all the seedlings have gone we'll go for that we always get some new seedlings to be honest anyway let's go and do that right the way across that there we go bit of early work bit of morning gardening and yeah if we go over here you'll you'll probably see exactly what i mean um so fred's probably got a good uh good idea look at this this is how it's supposed to look that's how it does look so i think we can't till it yeah unless we take the flower off unfortunately uh now you're probably wondering i speak how how are you managing to till this ground there's no water around ah you see well that's where i'm a step ahead of the rest of the people okay because the water is right there yes very clever few people would think that the tree is actually planted on water nobody needs to know that either okay that's my secret right so uh that's how i uh how i did the glass garden i put i put water underneath the trees as we're going to this although this bit over here you're probably wondering again sp there's no trees here well there is uh there is a fountain here and apparently this water here is enough to uh to to to make the the uh well for that to be farmland basically all right let's go and get rid of all these flowers uh there we go and uh we'll go and bring this across it you know what it was a job that needed doing wasn't it definitely was is that the right length yep that's absolutely perfect then we just go put all our flowers back down perfect and then we just got a little bit around here as well so let's go and do that it's exactly the same as the other side as well there's no secrets here or anything uh stowy snow you better not stand on any crops either because you're gonna i don't want you to mess them up all right yeah you can stand in them but don't jump on them or anything all right i think we're all right i think they're all fixed okay that means that i've earned a reward fish now i've worked with a bit of an appetite that's to be said um so yeah let's go and grab my fish there we go and then we need to pop inside and grab a uh a few things so um yeah i'm not sure how i feel about my house being a uh a pet house basically we've got dogs we've got four turtles there we've got three cats it's a bit of a nightmare snowy's walking around you guys you're all staying here for today i'm afraid right let's go and get some stuff so i need to go next to get some potions i need some uh some potion weakness because today we're going to a village oh look at this delicious fish that was very tasty indeed uh so yeah we're going to a village and um we're going to be let's have a look i want to have a fermented spider eye i'm not splash uh because yeah we're going to be we don't need uh never what in there do it uh cure in a village i found a a zombie village so very rarely some villagers spawn automatically as with zombie villagers in and they're all cobwebbed and mostly cobblestone and i found one so i'm i'm today's mission is to fix it okay cure the villagers anything it takes to uh to sort out the uh the villagers um i'm gonna go and do it today okay so that you know i'm gonna fix i'm gonna make that place look a bit nicer so i'm gonna go and grab myself uh some cobblestone some dirt and some doors because uh yeah they're missing uh i mean the dirt isn't too important but but we've got dirt so we might as well bring a bit of dirt bring a few stacks of dirt cobblestone because they've got mussy cobblestone for houses and uh they probably want regular cobblestone um also just move that over there it's annoying but it's in also i want some doors i don't know if i really have any random doors lying around uh oh look at that five doors would that be enough do you think well in case it isn't enough we'll bring some uh some wood i think i think there's wood in here right uh this one i know i have one somewhere right there we go we've got that sorted okay so um let's go and grab the potions we'll need some golden apples i do have a hospital though which has more of the stuff that i'm gonna need because there's gonna be probably quite a lot of villagers to cure okay these guys are gonna be thank do me a favor okay very thankful i'm sure so it's very rare for to find a village like this to be honest um it's the only one i've ever found in my world i'm pretty sure so you know what we're going on this journey together to sort them out so their splash potions weaknesses exactly what you need to cure these guys and um is it getting dark i feel like it's not far off getting dark you know it's kind of that that kind of yeah look it's starting to get dark well that's just classic isn't it we might be sleeping in the hospital tonight i'm gonna go and put my hoe back in this chest over here get it out of the way i don't i don't know if it's actually that late i need i need a clock no no clock on me at all times uh i think it might i don't know we'll uh we'll find somewhere to sleep i'm sure i sleep yeah we um because we're going to be going by train actually from the train station um so we could we could stay in my desert house because the desert is on the way okay it's in that direction it's the um uh the place the village the uh the zombie village the infected village whatever you want to call it right let's go and grab it so this is where you'd put your zombie villager he'd be in there and then uh you'd have you'd have all this yeah we've had plenty of um of this experience i do keep fire resistance potions for uh for when you want to transport them outside and so they don't burn in the daylight you if you use a fire resistance potion they burn but they don't take damage because obviously they've got fire systems so that's that's a little trick i like to use right um so yeah this uh this train station i've tried to fix the redstone and um my efforts weren't successful i i think it was to do with bedrock and redstone doesn't work exactly the same on bedrock as it did on the old version so um yeah i think the method that was that i used to make it i need to just change it completely um yeah that's basically the the idea i've got from it that i need to use i just need to re redo the redstone from scratch pretty much um so yeah that's something i've got to do at some point not today though i'm not in a redstone mode okay so we're going to go along here i assume snow is going to follow me are you going to follow me snowy i don't know i i i don't know how dog teleporting works like the teleport after you but if you're flying with your elytra they don't and if you're like there's other situations as well if we get out the minecart will she come over see she's not here she she might not come with me i don't know if being in a minecart there goes my minecart oh are you here no i don't know where she's going we might be doing an episode without her after all because uh they don't follow her apparently might be for the best considering we're going to a zombie village i don't say i didn't try okay but we might meet her on the way back okay so we're gonna go through here yeah i don't know why if you're in a minecart apparently dogs don't teleport after your boats i i don't think they do um they might do actually but electro they definitely don't anyway we're gonna carry on this way up we go and uh we're into the night sky it's late at night all right avoid these guys yep no signing me dog all right so uh yeah we're gonna actually stop right by the pyramid here uh we're gonna go past a creep oh no don't blow up please creeper oh he almost blew up we're not out of the woods yet though there's another creeper over there i think we might be all right he's on his way though isn't he okay all right let's jump out of the minecart okay that minecart's going back off it might catch the skeleton who knows there's a rabbit living on me pyramid i still think that this pyramid is probably one of the best things i ever built like i built a pyramid and then ages later i built the inside because i was like i'm happy with the pyramid and i was like you know what you need to build an insane apartment i built this and i think i think it's one of the coolest things i've actually built in my world so yeah you might not have seen that because obviously i don't come past this pyramid every day so that's the inside uh over here i've got me it was a village there i didn't build that village that built itself uh we got a castle did build that that was um that was a fun thing and then of course we've got my little desert house as well this is the last thing i built before moving from uh the other xbox well the old xbox version to the new xbox bedrock edition so um yeah that's uh that's a little history of hp's world right there so that was the i like this desert house i think it's a really uh really fun build anyway uh yeah no sign of um of snowy so i guess we'll catch her on the way back i don't even know if we'll be going back in the episode it might be in between episodes that i go home so you might not even see snowy again i'm afraid or because of some i don't know if it's a glitch or intended whatever it is it's slightly annoying now that i kind of wish apparently wished i brought a boat but the other part of me is like who needs a boat i mean look at me go i'm just swimming as fast as any boat in the world could ever take me anyway so i don't think i need a boat i think it's because of the depth strider you do go quite fast don't you with uh with depth strider so uh yes swimming is a pretty viable option right what we got through here so um yeah it's it's kind of more over this way i think we've got to go across another lake before we get there uh but it's not far at all it's not far out i think we kind of get to top this hill and you'll just start to start seeing it and then the uh the repair process begins it's interesting though the reason i didn't fly over here with me elytra was so that snowy could come with me you know because then the dog follows you when you when you're walking instead of flying with your elijah but kind of messed it up by going on a minecart didn't i so yeah that that whole plan i might as well have taken me a lighter after uh her not following me and i couldn't be bothered going back you know we've gone that far we just would have lost time so it's just the other side this lake here and then i think we are um we're at the territory of the village now i found this okay and i managed to block all the villages in that i could okay some i think might i don't know if they but it was kind of at night that i found it so all the zombie villagers that are there that spawned in automatically they're all blocked up inside their um inside their various houses i think there's one in the well i think there's one that fell down a a water hole obviously he's all right because he kept burning in water um so that they're safe and also zombie villagers don't turn into drowned uh so they they don't drown they just survive in water they can breathe underwater apparently that's that's all i'm taking from that they i would have thought because they don't turn into drown that they would just drown but no not the case they could just sit there for as long as they want and just yeah just be there basically um so we're gonna be curing those as well villagers can swim zombie villages can't i don't know what happens to them when they when things change but they must lose their their ability to swim anyway here we go so this is the the places you can see cobblestone musty cobblestone walls here that needs fixing at some point and we got a uh a feather in here doesn't look oh no have we got a fellow in here nope i think he burned in the sunlight i might have got one in there but there's a hole up there and i think he might have burned what about what about this one anyone in here nope he did the same these stupid villagers walking under the sunlight i don't know hey right have we got a guy in here then let's have a look i just want to look in the windows ah we have got one in here okay perfect right so what we need to do is we need to break this all right mate uh we need to then grab ourselves splash potion of weakness if i splash it to there there we go i've also been weakness just weakness and but there you go you're now being cured how much wings did i get i have no idea let's have a look we got one well we've got no seconds left okay one down nothing in here uh looks like there might be one in here okay let's uh let's have a look all right we'll just put that up so you don't get burnt sir okay uh on to my next oh did i get i did get more weakness actually did i why do i feel like i should have more weakness okay anyway i'm gonna go and throw you in okay there you go mate is the one in the well still is he down here yeah i can't quite tell let me grab this thing he is down there hello mate i'm not sure how this works underwater but if i throw it did it splash you i don't really know well we can swim no we can't swim okay it's my last one mate i'm not sure i can i can use it on you again i've splashed myself though oh and then it's no live view in a well is it let's let's let's we're just going to splash each other there you go there you go mate all right that was my last one i should have um i should have brought more because i think there's more about it i don't know where they all went i thought i brought away more than what i did bring okay you're being cured the other guy's being cured down there um i think there's more here as well let's have a look is there a guy in here yeah there's one in there okay so one is there a second one there's two years one in there as well two and i think this one i think this is the funniest one as well this guy fell in the water couldn't get back out look if he's down there all right mate yep oh i've just fallen with you there's me laughing at you and i can't get out either all right let's uh i'm gonna have to break this quickly uh-oh i said you punched me out nope we're both trapped in here now mate there is one way out let me use my bucket of water there we go always bring a book in the water i would say that's right so i'm afraid that this i need three more weakness potions i didn't bring near anywhere near enough so that's me being a bit of an idiot but we could spend this time anyway to solving that what i can do is i can in between episodes i can go through and fix all the uh in the issues can i so how i can fix the rest of them so that that's not a problem you're cured man i don't know how you feel but it's good to see you that was fast they don't normally cure that fast are you guys cured you're cured as well well out you come my goodness me what about you are you cured yet doesn't look like it does it well i'll open this up so you can get out once you do get cured as soon as he's he's kind of trapped in the well so yeah we've got all these doors we can put these on the houses because obviously zombie villagers break all their doors which is why they don't own any doors in their thing so we're going to put these along here there we go put that there i do want to get rid of the musty cobblestone i think i kind of just brought dirt to tidy up the landscape so let's just go and mine away at this there we go you've always got to fit if you see a village like this in distress you've not got to just take them all out all right you've got to help them you've got to you've got to fix their homes okay that's exactly what i'm doing all right and i'm getting some free musty cobblestone out of it not that mostly cobblestone is difficult to get because you could just craft it with vines and regular cobblestones so it's not like it's a big thing that i'm that i'm doing this for myself so this is all self-sacrifices okay not very useful for myself apart from a new village which is always useful you know you get a few extra trades and stuff um you have to wait till the update for villages to be even more exciting all right let's go and uh mine away at this there we go let's get these houses fixed and stuff to get them looking ship shape i mean they've got the crops all right uh they're all in good condition which is something so these guys are kind of living together with zombie villages at the moment i'm not sure how they feel about that living in harmony with them i am a bit worried that one of them is going to fall into the hole with uh with this fella is he still in here did he die no he's down there is it whoa what are you doing you're crazy crazy villager that's it we're putting this off bounds no i don't trust you you you're crazy you are yeah we're shooting you away mate all right until we repair you i don't trust this villager not to walk into the water like an idiot okay i can see it happening all right you just uh stepping right in i'm luring you in with with something or or something i don't know some plan okay we've got more cobblestone we have all right so see these houses looking nice again looking like a proper village okay uh let's go and get this house as well there we go i want to shut this door as well just because it's a nightmare that is open now we've got a bit more there is cobwebs in here as well it does need a good spring clean really doesn't it so not like that there we go how are you doing oh you out as well you the world man i think he was the one in the well wasn't he look at that he's out and uh alive and kicking i think let's have a look down yeah he's out he's cured as well so we we killed three that's not a bad effort okay we could have brought way more if we just used our brains but apparently we didn't use our brains so we only managed to uh to get a couple right let's go and put this along here there we go so that's that all done and we'll go and fix these uh these little bits here and there and um yeah this is this is looking very nicely indeed i do just want to fix a few other things here and i won't do every house um just because uh you know i'll do the rest of the houses when i'm curing the other guys and i'm just waiting around you know for them to to get cured but to be honest i think i've nearly done all the houses actually i might as well go the distance here i think nearly all of them are uh are completely fixed i mean you can't really see too much cobblestone on this one so that's probably why this one's a little bit further ahead um it's got that one over there that needs a bit of fixing but all in all can't complain okay okay this one doesn't need fixed as well i'll give you that okay right there we go so i think i'm gonna leave this guy's house i'll fix his whilst he's getting cured um we are out of doors as well but we could make some more doors oh man i missed her mr space there didn't so i also want to fix this because look at this this pathway stuff i mean look at this who who built this pathway and thinks it looks good okay all right we need to wait for that to turn to grass apparently okay uh if we if we if we turn that to uh what do we have to do do we have to just mine like that there we go yeah if we turn that to grass then that'll all turn to grass eventually um this is looking nice let's go over yeah you see this to me should be like like this i should have brought blocks of grass that would have been a smart move wouldn't it of course me being me i'm not the smartest person apparently um so i'm gonna wait for the grass to spread to fully fix this but i think it's gonna look a little bit nicer if i just uh fill it up a bit so let's go and do that there we go um i just want to make it look a bit bit like it's terrifying you know but like it's part of the scenery or something there we go perfect so that'll soon spread nicely uh same with this there we go look at that beautiful we'll go and just put it straight up the thing uh some weird pathway bits here and stuff but i i'm not gonna complain too much got a random pathway over here i'm not sure about this too much but we can put that there and then that like that maybe and then look it's not even not even a proper staircase there you go you're welcome all right um i feel like this should also be dirt just couldn't really make sense for this this grass path there we go that's that's good so that needs to the grass needs to spread all along there as well which shouldn't take too long i also feel like this here okay shouldn't shouldn't be grass path either okay it should be a layer down all right there's me look at getting all particular right you can never do too much of making a village look better okay i always say i mean they're naturally generated so they're naturally going to be a bit a bit rubbish so it's up it's up to us to uh to make them look good all right there you go so once that i'll make that into a proper pathway as you can see i can do that there we go we've got random see random holes and stuff around the area it's not what you want in your in your home is it there we go there's another oh there's a cave there should we go and have a little wander into the cave do you think um what'd you do we light it up just so that nothing you know no zombies spawn and crawl out of here to uh to get the villagers there we go we'll light this up okay it's a dead end this way anything uh up this way um doesn't look like there's anything too much okay we'll go back then uh check out the other side anything it's a pretty uh pretty pathetic cave isn't it i don't think yeah it looks like we pretty much explored the whole thing there might miss some some areas but uh good enough for me okay we can do this oh man the sky is going dark and i think that is gonna wrap it up for today's episode so yeah i'll go home get more potions fix up the rest this village and sort out this guy that's been trapped underneath and stuff um you know you see little holes like that just need patching up don't they but the houses are all sorted which i suppose is the big thing um so yeah hopefully these villagers then should enjoy their no homes uh the doors sword and everything hey look at this what i'm sorry don't panic don't panic don't panic don't panic get in the water whoa i'm sorry mate i was just trying to get rid of your cobwebs and now you're stuck in the cobweb my goodness okay don't move there we go i'm very sorry can i give you a golden apple or something i don't think i can i need a potion right well i'm gonna move anyway before i do any more damage the floor of your house needs fixing as well i'll fix all that in between episodes but um yeah thank you very much for watching guys leave a like if you did enjoy i'm gonna move away before things start spawning there and attacking it with things worse than me but uh yeah subscribe if you're new leave a like if you enjoyed and hopefully i will see you guys next time [Music] you
Channel: SB737
Views: 2,154,754
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft xbox, village, infected village, minecraft village, zombie village, zombie villager, villager, cure a villager, tutorial, guide, Xbox, sb737, sb 737, sb, 737, sb’s awesome world, awesome world, play through, walkthrough, gameplay, commentary, minecraft roleplay, roleplay, minecraft challenge, minecraft series, Xbox one, edition, console, challenge, world
Id: _2C8Dbbityg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 0sec (1380 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 08 2018
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