Minecraft UHC but netherite falls from the sky..

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in this video we play a minecraft uhc where netherrate items randomly fall from the sky tick tock tick tock two million is only a matter of time away then i will finally take over youtube once and for all as long as you leave a like on this video likes don't just fall from the sky you know enjoy [Music] the sky is full of many wonders including oh another right boots let's go i have two pairs of netherrite boots already but yes you guys guessed it correctly we are playing a uhc where netherrite items can fall from the sky now it won't always be netherright stuff there was something else that oh my gosh that's the third pair of netherright boots i've received what are the chances because it's not always going to be something nether i ask it could be anything in the game it could be garbage it could be a plant it could be a seed but well i really want the nether right i'm guessing it has to do with netherrite yes it does i didn't tell anyone in this game what this twist is as usual if you want the chance to join any of these things you can just go to my discord down in the description below i put announcements there every once in a while we'll break the trees we'll get the wood we have the sugar cane we already got an apple from that that's sick so instead of caving like we normally would i can kind of just post up here on the surface for a bit just look around in the sky until something falls around every 20 to 30 seconds something will drop around my area and we've actually done something like this before you can see it in the top of your screen after you watch this video of course so the last time we did this it was literally anything could fall from the sky at all this time it's just never right or garbage oh no and this guy just saw it supposed to be a secret twist and coach strawberry well i don't know if he noticed but a dandelion just literally fell from the sky so this entire uhc our primary goal is to well do the caving and stuff but also try and get fully geared into netherright using the sky obviously if i was just given netherray every time it would be very unfair so i'm just going to get the nether overtime while hopefully nobody else in the game notices what's happening i mean things are going to fall everywhere hopefully no one sees if they do they might get it as well and yes another right helmet what are the chances that at the start of this game we got three nether right boots in a row that's actually supposed to be very very rare so that was very lucky to start but i'm starting to think maybe we should get into a game we have 15 minutes still remaining it's gonna be one of those surface uhc's guys where we're just running around and that's gonna be the leggings oh my gosh we're actually almost already geared already if we can get the chest plate and the sword i'm going down right away we already have a broken portal here with uh nothing in the chest someone already got it but i literally took damage oh my goodness i literally never see these and the one time i do someone's already robbed it we'll make the book right away but this is actually very funny oh and i got a piece of obsidian right there from the sky but look at me this is dope man no i'm on fire by a zombie no no no no this is okay all right come on what are you gonna drop it is another right sword yes okay now i'll go back in i can get the rest after i guess we'll just mine a lot of stone we'll get iron armor we'll just get an iron chest plate for the time being because the chances of getting a chest plate on the next drop are slim to none no michael kevin's just got it i think he just saw an item fall from the sky how did he figure that out no no no no no okay i'm gonna dig straight down because the first thing we're gonna need is freaking diamonds right now we have 10 minutes so lots of time left before we actually have to get a little worried we only need one nether right piece left actually we got a lot of that pretty early and we have a kid we have a mine shaft okay perfect perfect i'm gonna get some you know string we never usually use bows but hey maybe it will come in handy just this one time but we i think the only thing we actually do and there's a dungeon over here dungeon yes we might get a golden apple in here perfect get out of here zombies drop all that iron we'll break you in two golden apples yes yes yes yes yes this couldn't be any better right now guys we're actually having a great start to this uhc we just need diamonds diamonds no way no freaking okay so we get the diamonds we're gonna get the enchant table we have one obsidian that fell from the sky already hang on a second we'll make this iron pick because i almost mind it with a stone one we'll get the diamonds and no it's not enough for some reason i thought this looked like a way bigger vein so oh well no longer the best start ever and finally oh and we're at the world border okay we'll mine all of these up and this is enough to get that enchantment table done so yeah now we make the diamond pick and we have ourselves an obsidian mining session there we go beautiful okay so we have three netherright boots we don't need all of those boots but we have enough to get enchanted one second bang bing bong it's the enchantment table beauty and one as i'm breaking and look at our sword guys ready in three two one boom it's fire aspect as well so we are really freaking and oh my gosh people in the chat are like how did you get the netherry acts from the sky people are finding out the items from the sky like fast guys we have a minute 40 until this begins let's get this enchantment table out of here and well we need to go get that chess play actually just in case we're gonna enchant it all right we're gonna give it a projectile protection now i look kind of scary look at me this is my iron chest plate with full nether right but yeah no time we gotta get to the surface well i mean i guess i'll just wait now to get tp to the surface and as i'm walking around i will wait until hopefully that netherright chest plate falls on me oh okay in four three two one final heal done we are teleported and what on earth is going on here at zero zero okay i am walking when there's a village behind us okay this was a pretty area of scenery i think maybe that guy blocked up there to try and get all the goodies that were falling from the sky i really don't know but there is a guy chasing me in full iron right now that i don't want to deal with we'll eat one up and we'll go after him with our fire aspect sword you're done i don't even know why you attempted that and there's another guy here as well i'll just kill both of you oh this one no sometimes if you just give yourself up i'm gonna kill you i'm sorry i'm not letting everyone live all the time oh and what that what okay this was the person that i think had a nether right axe yeah look it's in the pile with the nether right scraps and a diamond chest plate so if we don't end up getting the nether right chest plate from the sky we can get this but uh that means that someone was chasing this person and that person has not showed their face so i'm just gonna get all this stuff oh gosh there's another guy here what is with this intersection i'm just waiting for another right chess play i've never seen so many people pop out of nowhere okay he's just gonna run away yeah get out of here oh and no that's leggings but he just saw that he's coming down slowly but surely he's gonna pick up the nether right leggies i don't know why i did that but hey here you go and this border is shrinking so the village is no longer and no does that kill the villager the poor villager has to be within the border i didn't know this about minecraft oh my god okay wait it just can't be touching the border yeah i thought it was actually gonna die but yeah we can't even like hang around in this village anymore i'm gonna knock this guy on the tree and buy a dragon i wanted to kill you earlier i gave you the nether right leggings and you failed with them unfortunately my friend team on grazer or we will all die no no no no no no i don't like the sound of that i'm gonna take out as many of you as i can right now so that doesn't happen i'm killing you real quick just getting rid of all of your allies please come here buddy oh my gosh someone just fell from the sky that was not an item that was a person i saw it happen all right i'm killing this person really quickly what are we down we're down to a couple of people now and uh well this guy is he missed the water by a bit there come here wrote you what are you not even gonna fight me come on you have a diamond chest plate and stuff you didn't even get all the nether right oh get to the border oh you're putting blocks so i can catch up to you get the fire ass back down no rotato guys i'm gonna do this all without another right chest plate honestly i thought i would get the whole set today but i don't think i'm gonna it's not gonna be look at this i'm just getting dead bushes from the sky i'm not getting lucky and we're already down to three people anyways and this guy's got full diamond and netherright leggings so he's gonna be pretty hard and then who else do we got oh my goodness he's full iron and he's all the way on top of this map how are we gonna do this man i guess it's time to practice our bowing skills let's see if we can knock this guy off and what oh i thought he just fell off but that was an item from the sky oh oh i got him i actually did dig him oh man dude these arrows are so glass i wish that knocked out no he got another right chest plate flash got it no no no no no the rare chest plate you do not get that chest plate get down from there right now yes drop drop drop i'm coming after you i've been looking for this chess play for the entire game i'm sorry oh and this is gonna be a hard battle no actually not really how did he get that and wait that's it i just won the game but if you did enjoy remember to leave a like let's try and get this one at 30 000 likes as always and i will see you guys all again next time goodbye you
Channel: Graser
Views: 675,411
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft UHC but netherite falls from the sky, Minecraft UHC but netherite, minecraft uhc but, minecraft uhc, minecraft, uhc, Minecraft UHC but random netherite drops from the sky, netherite, random netherite, netherite uhc, Minecraft UHC but netherite drops, Minecraft UHC but netherite drop, Minecraft UHC but random, uhc minecraft, minecraft uhc but everything is random, minecraft uhc random, minecraft random uhc, random uhc, random uhc minecraft, minecraft but, graser
Id: ayInlsJUkMA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 20 2020
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