Minecraft Tutorial: How To Make A Wipe out Parkour Course "Easy Parkour Tutorial"

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hey what's up youtube in this video i'll be showing you how to make this beginner level wipeout inspired parkour course i'm hoping that you guys enjoy this one i have had this request loads and loads and loads so i finally decided to do one this is a very simple parkour course even i could do it except for the last one i really do have trouble with those jumps but i'm sure that most of you guys would be able to complete this maybe even on your first try if you guys do enjoy this video if you enjoy the course then i would be tempted to make a bigger longer more difficult version of this very same course so please let me know whether you'd be interested in seeing that by hitting that like button i would really appreciate it if you do want to see another one of these but harder but better faster stronger than please do hit that like share this video some love i'd really appreciate it but without any further ado let me show you how to make it it's really really easy so if you want to make it here's what you'll need grab yourself some blue concrete light blue concrete white concrete red concrete ladders water we need some slime blocks blue carpet and some red carpet and we also need some sticky pistons redstone torches redstone repeaters and some ice and that's pretty much everything if you want to use different colours then feel free to grab different concretes or wood or whatever the case may be for whatever you want to make this place out of so this area or this parkour course will fit into a 25 block that's coming across by a 64 long block area in your world so it is quite long but it's not as massive as you might think make sure that you've got enough room to make it and once you're sure we're going to start off the course by placing a row of 13 light blue concrete in a row on the floor that's one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen we're going to mark out this thirteenth block by placing a concrete coming in once but then we're going to go right of this 13th block by an additional 12. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12. from this 12th block we're going to move upwards by 21 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 we're going to mark out the 21st block by placing a light blue concrete going left and then we're going to extend that 21st block upwards again by 21. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 move that 21st block to the left by one and then continue counting by another 21 so that's one two three four five six seven 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 we then want to go left of this 21st block by 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12. move that twelfth block inwards by one block then continue counting left by a further twelve one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve and extend that twenty or that twelfth block all the way towards where you very first started you just want to keep extending it and extending it and if you've got the measurements right you will find that you will connect all the way back to where you very first started so you will end up with a shape that should look exactly like this now what we're going to do is we're going to connect all of these blocks that we have sticking out together so we're going to take this block and we're going to run it all the way up the middle so we want to split this area in half it should be very easy to figure out which blocks you have to extend and connect together because of course we are literally just split in half and we do have the blocks marked out so we want to have something which should look like this we then want to take the other two blocks that stick out and we want to extend them across the parkour course like this we want to extend them across the parkour course like this that's one and then we want to do the other one as well so we just want to extend them coming across the parkour course like this and what this reminds me of for some reason is a bar of chocolate got no idea why chocolate isn't even blue or at least none that i've ever had and this is what we want to have so there you go that's the shape now what we're going to do next so the starting point for your parkour course is whichever end you've chosen this is the starting point for my end is the right hand side so right here and what we're going to do is we are going to find in this rectangular area that we have right here we're going to find the middle block so on the end this middle block right here and on top of this we're going to place a white concrete and we're going to go left of it by three one two three and right by three one two three and you'll know if it's in the center because you'll have three blocks either side like one two three and that's the rectangle and then on the other side one two three you'll have three blocks either side then what we're going to do is we are going to extend the row of white concrete towards us and we're going to do that by taking the five middle blocks that's the one two three four five basically one off each end and we're going to extend them on the opposite side as well one two three four five and we're going to take the row of three in the middle one two three and the row of three in the middle on the back one two three just to create kind of like a it's kind of a circle shape but it's more of an oval we're then going to connect all of the white concrete blocks downwards the ones that we can at the very least like this like that and then we're going to place a layer of blue concrete directly on top of this so we just want to have this pattern right here we just want to have those rows of white with the blue on top we want to take the very ends of the platform which is this end and this end the two sticky out parts and we want to place free red coming up one two three from each end that is one two three we want to extend them inwards then up inwards creating an archway we then want to find a way to actually get up to the platform from the outside so we're just going to dig out enough blocks to make a staircase like this perfect and underneath any white blocks that have light blue concrete underneath them we're going to destroy them and place some white concrete so there we go we now have a starting point we also want to have a finishing point which i think is a good time to place this um if we come to the left hand side now if we take this rectangular shape and if we take the um seven middle block so we we want to take the the middle block right which is this one we want to place a white on top of it same thing that we've done over there we're doing the same thing and we want to extend this block left and right by three one two three one two three make sure you have three blocks either side of the rectangle which we do we then want to place on top of this we well i mean what we want to do actually is we want to extend it towards us by one row we want to take the five middle blocks one two three four five then three one two three and then we want to do the same on the opposite side one two three four five and then one two three we want to join all of these down to the ground using our white concrete like this then we're going to place a layer of blue concrete directly on top of the white to create a platform like this there we go almost called it a platform we have to be able to get onto our platform so do remember to dig out a staircase like this and then we're just going to have a nice archway and on the left hand side the right hand side we're going to build up each by three one two three with the red concrete one two three we're going to extend the fur blocks inwards on top and in so we just want to have something which should look like that so that is the start well that's the exit and that is the start perfect so now that's done we can start working on some of the obstacles so remember where the middle block of the starting entrance platform is it's or is this this is the middle it's very important to most of the uh most of the obstacles that we know where the middle is so from at the center of this platform we want to moving across we want to leave a gap of three in the ground one two three we then want to place a white concrete then leave a gap of four one two three four white concrete then a gap of four one two three four then a white concrete and then you only want to leave a gap of three so one two three place a white concrete extend it left and right destroy all of the light blue behind it and then an extra on either side and place white concrete there instead take the middle blocks extend them across the back to create this shape place white concrete directly on top of this with blue concrete on top of the white like that we're then going to place an additional white concrete on top of every white concrete with red concrete on top of the wine we're then going to extend the red concrete in every direction to create a slightly bigger platform if you want to make this perhaps a little bit more difficult then you would simply just not even bother extending the red concrete so the first obstacle is just very simply a nice easy run across there but what could be made harder if you did want to and just in case we fail we're going to place a row of ladders leading back up to the entrance that's obstacle one let's move on to obstacle two obstacle two is a little bit more complicated both to make and to get past so once again we're going to leave a gap of two between the platform the middle of the platform specifically and the next obstacle so leave a gap of two then place free white concrete going right one two three extend it left and right by one like this then upper row add blue on top like this so we've created a pretty big big platform if you wanted to make it harder you would simply knock a couple of rows off the platform then we want to leaving a gap of two from the middle of the platform we want to leave a gap of two in the ground one two and then we want to place ourselves a row of nine white concrete going right so that's one two three four five six seven eight nine like that that is nine and then we want to add an additional row on top then a row of blue concrete then extend the row of blue towards you by one round and then extend the blue backwards by four rows one two three and four so this is what you want to have so far for a platform now we're going to make a little bit of redstone it is not my speciality so this may be a bit sloppy and you may be able to do it better than me you probably will so we want to take this row of the platform leaving two rows that we can actually like move across we want to take this row of the platform and we want to place four rows of glue on top one row of blue two three and then four just like that so we now have four rows just like that we then want to behind this we want to place an entire row of blue concrete coming outwards of the second like this row we want to place a row of blue and then add another row coming outwards we want to above this platform that we've just made starting from the left we want to go right knock out a block go right place a blue we want to place coming out of this block we're going to get a bit redstoney now we're going to place a redstone torch here on the left of the block facing towards us we're going to place a redstone repeater on the last tick and we are going to then we don't have redstone dust how could i possibly forget that we need redstone dust i'm sure you guys figured that out we want to place redstone dust all the way around the repeater and we want to extend this redstone dust that comes directly out of the repeater to the right by one then we want to place a blue concrete then a red torch a redstone torch facing towards us and to the right and we want to knock out this block just right here so we want to have this we then want to place uh sticky pistons in the two gaps that we've left like this we want to play sticky pistons in the two gaps we then want to place another piston we're going to place a piston in uh let me make sure that the position is correct because i don't want to get it wrong we're going to place a piston in this position and it should work there we go and we're going to have a static red concrete here we're also going to want to place red concrete coming outwards from the sticky pistons so um if we just want to play some blocks like this that the pistons can grip on okay okay we might have to stop the pistons for a second then um they they don't really want to they don't want to cop cooperate so i'm going to destroy that and that and they should no longer be powered although that bottom one is isn't it so i'm just going to break the circuit because i can't place them so i'm going to place a red here here and here on the outward faces of the pistons and i'm just going to chuck a torch here here and i'm going to repair it here like that so that's what we have to work with i'm going to add another round of blue concrete on top of the platform like this just so that we've doubled up on it a little bit and the jump will be a little bit harder because you've got to jump upwards just like that and then the way that we get past this is of course we've got to very carefully time our way past the pistons we've got to jump up on this one then on this one and then we'll be able to hit the platform on this opposite side we're now going to just fill this in this big area that we've made right here we're just going to fill in all around the redstone because we don't want it to be exposed and we're just going to place ourselves some blue concrete just to fill it in it can be covered up with absolutely anything you could even make a nice pattern around it if you wanted to but that's what we want to have ladies and gentlemen we want to uh we want to have that that is what i like to call the punching machine i'm not sure what you'd actually call it though but there we are now let's create the platform so the platform that we're going to be jumping on is going to be very similar to the previous one it's right in the middle of the rectangle so we're going to knock out this middle block and then left and right by uh by two one two one two gonna replace that with white concrete like this we're going to extend the three middle blocks outwards in both directions then we're going to add how many rows should we add on top of this let's add ourselves let's say we don't want to be able to jump onto it so maybe like one two three rows let's make that four and then we will absolutely 100 percent need the uh we'll need the boost from the piston to actually uh get up on top of this platform because that's what we have to do we we don't want to be able to just jump directly from there then we're going to place a row of blue concrete so the goal of this is that we do need to actually be placed up on top of this piston right here to whoops i'm so bad at parkour but we have to be able to be on top of this piston to get there and we don't want to be able to just like jump up like that so that's why that has to be that high perfect let's move on to the next obstacle so the next obstacle we are going to leave a gap of three in the ground from the middle of this platform one two three we're then going to place a white concrete we're gonna leave a gap of three one two three white concrete then a gap of three one two three white concrete like this this white concrete we're going to extend it to the right and left by two one two one two we're going to place a red concrete in the middle here with blue concrete either side of the red like that actually do we want to make this one block you know what what we'll do is we'll add another row of white concrete on top of this and then we'll add the red concrete in the middle blue concrete either side we then want to extend this right hand blue concrete up by one we then want to move backwards from this sticky upper block by five one two three four five we then want to move across the parkour course by four one two three four we then want to do a free upright diagonals going this way so that's one two three we then want to go right by nine one two three four five six seven eight nine we then want to extend this ninth block towards the front by six one two three four five six and then we're going to place coming down from this to the right we're going to place bottom right diagonal right by two upright diagonal we're then going to move in by two one two we're then gonna move right by five one two three four five then we're gonna do three bottom right diagonals then that's one two and that'll be three like that then we're going to move that third block towards us by one so this is the sort of shape that we've got we now want to fill the bottom of this in using blue concrete so simply one row below all of the blocks we want to place blue concrete underneath the empty space so just one row below is it's very easy to do you guys will be able to see what we're doing we want to just have a nice platform underneath all of this just like this let me see like that so we're that's that's what we're sort of looking for we're now going to clean it up a little bit in that we're going to place some white concrete underneath the first part just to make it it just makes it look a bit cleaner honestly so so maybe even like going as far as maybe maybe we just like clean it up by uh by messing up these edges a little bit and then maybe we put some where what can we do here so we can place some white concrete underneath this just to once again just to make it look a bit cleaner this is all about looks this particular part like this we're just going to place some white underneath here and then some blue underneath these parts like that and then we're just going to play some white concrete you could just absolutely leave it as it is we're going to place some more blue concrete underneath like next to the platform we'll actually place some more blue concrete next to the platform like this just to kind of like reinforce it because it's looking a bit messy to me like that and then we're going to kind of just like reinforce it a little bit more especially um where the staircase part is like that so yeah that's that's actually looking alright and what we also need to have by the way i i need to add on a previous part is we need to have a staircase area that will lead us back up to um this part should we fail the challenge so we're going to place a row of white concrete coming upwards from the end of this middle block and it's just going to have ladders running all the way up if you want to make it look a bit fancier then you could also place some blue concrete like left and right of it like that maybe that that actually looks a little bit weird maybe like a white there just so just so that it uh it works a bit better yeah that looks alright and we also need to place some ladders coming up here and also here so like at the beginning of every single challenge we want to have the ladders like that cool so when it comes to this part here where we have these two single white uh white concretes we're going to just place a red concrete on top of the first one and then we're going to actually we might make that a bit taller maybe we'll place a couple of white concrete like that then a red and then on this last one we'll place just a red concrete because i think we can make this jump well i can't make any jumps apparently but oh my god what what is wrong with me yeah can you make that jump am i crazy if you can make this jump if you're i can't do it i actually cannot do it yeah okay so you can make that jump so we want it to actually be accomplished you can jump from there to there from there to there and then you can jump onto this platform and this area here is actually going to be a little bit of an obstacle course we're going to place red concrete around the top area here that you've got to like weave through in this sort of formation it doesn't have to be exactly like mine we have to weave through these and then we're going to place some white concretes with some red concrete coming up the stairs once again in kind of like a formation that you kind of got to like a dodge around and duck around like this and maybe even we place like a red concrete here like right in the center that might work and what we also want to do is we want to have running water we actually want to have water starting from like the top here coming down from this that we've like got to negotiate through like we've got to navigate through it's kind of hard you've got to push past it and it slows you down a bit we might even have to dig a little bit of uh yeah we we have to dig like a a bit of a um like a well in here just so that the water has somewhere to drain to um i think i might have to yeah i've got to replace the water though because otherwise it won't drain properly and it should just drain into these blocks um i don't want it to drain into there but it should hopefully drain just into there yeah that's perfect okay that that's that's exactly what we're looking for so that's good so you make these jumps which i i've done once already and then we hop up through this water no god you've got to really fight against the current and we're here perfect and then we have to jump from at this point there's going to be a bit of a bounce so the way that we're going to do this is from where the ladders are we're going to leave a gap of two in the ground one two we're then going to place a white concrete followed by we're going to place three slime one two three we're then going to place a white concrete we're going to extend the middle slime towards us and away we're going to place white concrete all around the slime like this and we're going to place ourselves red carpet in the center and blue everywhere else then the platform is going to be three blocks away one two three we're then going to place a white concrete extend it left and right destroy the light blue behind it destroy an extra block place the white take the middle free extend them towards you like this then we're going to add just one more row on top like that and then a row of blue and i'm positive you can make this jump because i've made it before when uh when i was designing the original so the idea of course is that we just jump down and we oh first time and we bounce onto this feel free to make it more difficult by placing the platform further away or perhaps even further down in the ground would also increase difficulty but there we go that's that's actually a nice big chunk of the parkour course done and that's all the hard parts as well um so the next two parts that we have to make very very easy indeed to make um maybe a bit harder to do we want to take the middle of this platform this one that we've just made and we want to leave a gap of four in the ground one two three four then we want to place white concrete gap of four one two three four white concrete gap of four one two three four white concrete and then we want to leave a gap of one two three place a white concrete left and right by one straw the blocks behind add an additional block either side and extend it coming out the back we then want to add a layer of white concrete directly on top of this and perhaps then just a layer of blue concrete might even extend the height of the platform afterwards uh we have to add ladders to this part of the course so that we can get back and now this is supposed to vaguely emulate the like the big red balls that people bounce on so like this first one this first one i'm just gonna add one white on top a red concrete i'm going to extend the red concrete outwards in every direction and then i'm going to place one on top so it's a little bit ball like maybe this is kind of an easy jump to make then this next one which is going to be the middle one we're going add say like three will this work one two three one we're gonna add a red we're gonna move that red out in every single direction like this and then we're gonna add one on top so we'll be able to make this jump i think we will it might be a hard jump but i think it's actually possible if it's not then we will have to adjust it i mean this is supposed to be like an easy part of core courses oh you can make the jump the jump is possible wonderful so we now want to jump from this one onto just a little tiny ball like this just a little tiny ball and this is supposed to be kind of like a harder jump so maybe what we'll do is we'll make the platform just another row higher because it is is supposed to be a bit of a harder jump so yeah like that that's i know that that's possible that must be possible like yeah there we go so that's supposed to be a bit of a harder jump so basically it's it's kind of like a harder version of the first platform pretty much or the first challenge and we've just seen that all of that's possible so i'm not going to repeat that because i might not be able to do it um now let's move on to this last one first we're just going to add a row of ladders here that'll allow us to climb back up to the platform should we fail which i will and now we have to add one of my least personal favorite challengers the ice challenge so we're going to use white concrete and ice this is going to be a bit randomized so i want you guys to do this for yourselves we're going to place a few random white concretes moving towards the end of the platform and we want the last platform to be a four block jump but we do want it to be fair so we want to have four blocks in between the last platform and the finish it does want to be fair we can even add like a little bit of a buzzer maybe like a red concrete and we could even add like perhaps like a uh like a button on top of it i i never thought about that before i want that actually is there another way will you will you place another okay i thought that i might be able to place a different way it doesn't matter but yeah we want to have a few different a few different options a few different white concretes to jump to like this so play some more scattered about and then you've got to personally figure out how hard you want to make it so maybe this first one is you've got a bit of a drop onto the ice maybe then we have to jump up a little bit and then maybe add a couple of ices that you don't expect anybody to jump onto like this and then maybe have like another ice here and then maybe add a couple of white concrete here and there maybe one there something like that you guys get the idea so we just want to let's see if this is possible so i've just done that randomly right i've just done that randomly i've not i've not calculated anything so we jump onto this one and then i bet we could even jump onto this one and then i i don't think i can get onto that one so if i jump onto this one and then this one i'm not sure that's possible actually so can we can we jump perhaps onto that one or is it too high that might be too high so i'll tell you what if we lower maybe we lower that to there and then we should be able to jump onto that one that looks possible to me yeah so we can jump onto that and then we could either jump directly okay okay so so oh yeah okay i mean it's that's not that hard so we so the way that we've just done it we've jumped onto here and then we'd be able to jump onto here and then we jump onto here and then that doesn't seem that difficult to me to just jump from there so is there a way to make that perhaps a bit harder so if we make it so that we've got to jump onto this one to the left of us that increases the difficulty perhaps a little bit and perhaps if we made this a little bit higher maybe like that then that would be a little bit harder and then we'd have to jump down onto that one and then we could just jump straight onto that one so i don't want to spend loads and loads of time on this but you're going to want to keep varying it you're going to want to keep messing about with it until you have a course that is sufficiently difficult that's hard enough for me i'm pretty bad at parkour so that that'd be enough to stop me in my tracks and then all we'd have to do is once we get to this we have to make a four block jump which i'm pretty sure is the maximum amount of distance you can jump i think from like one platform to another so and i think it i i'm sure it's possible right like you can just jump straight fro well yeah so it is possible because you can just jump from there to here so it's just it's just a hard jump if you can because i don't know if you can place an ice to increase the difficulty even more than feel free but i'm just going to have like a red concrete to jump on and that ladies and gentlemen is actually the entire course right that's the entire course actually complete the only thing we have to do now is make it look a little bit prettier so the way that we would do this very simple stuff it's boring though uh we need white concrete and water so we're now going to dig out all of the grass so we're going to dig out all of the grass right it's going to take ages we'll dig out all of the grass inside the course we'll replace the grass with white concrete then we'll put water on top just like that imagine that but absolutely everywhere so i'm going to go off recording i'm going to do that i'm going to complete that i'm going to dig it all out i'm going to replace it with water and then i'm going to attempt my own parkour course so i'm going to get that sorted out guys i'll be back i hope you guys do that as well it makes it look a lot nicer and then i'll be back in a second once it's all done and there we are ladies and gentlemen that is the parkour course complete as you can see all i've done is i've dug out the grass inside of each one of the many challenges and i have replaced it with white concrete and i've chucked water on top and that will do you it looks very nice like that it looks it looks good there's not much else that you have to do if you want to adjust any of the stages feel free to do that yourself but i think it's about time that i test this out and i make sure it works so i'm not promising that i'll finish this because i might go upset but let's give it a go so this is a start work your way up here we've got a very easy level to do first of all hopping across the mushrooms that's challenge one complete challenge number two we have the punchy punch uh you know what i already give up but it does work has anybody quit anything much faster than that i don't want the hassle of completing this parkour makes me so angry but hopefully you guys have enjoyed this hopefully you guys have a little bit more patience than me um it's it's really fun it's a great addition to your world and that's why i've kind of stuck it in this one at the end of my park i think it's a nice little addition for anybody that wants to give it a little bit of a go off is it's nice bit of fun it's easy to make it takes by my estimation a little bit less than an hour to actually put it all together and i think is well worth it if you guys enjoyed this tutorial please do remember to hit that like button i'd really appreciate it and do remember that if you guys do enjoy this and if you do want to see it i'd be very interested to see whether you guys want to see it a harder version of this maybe i'd add three more levels maybe i'd make each one a little bit harder maybe add in some different challenges who knows who knows you guys would have to let me know by liking the video if you do enjoy the content subscribe to the channel click the little bell next to the subscription button that really helps me out as well make sure that you guys get all my stuff sent directly to your sub box and if you do want to see something specific do please comment down below let me know what do you want to see always interests if you guys don't want to see this what do you want to see next if you do want to check out any more of my stuff but you guys been getting a very good preview of it all the way whilst i've been making this uh check out the card system description below i make just about everything as you might be able to tell literally everything this is pretty crazy world honestly there's a lot of stuff jam packed into here so and anything that you see any sort of style i make i make more of it basically check out the car system description live check out the cartoon builds uh playlist if you really really want to have some fun thank you so much for watching though i hope you guys enjoy i hope you managed to do it i hope you managed to actually complete the course uh i'll see you guys in the next video have a great day
Channel: TSMC - Minecraft
Views: 664,775
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft parkour course, minecraft parkour course tutorial, parkour course tutorial, parkour tutorial, how to make a parkour course, how to build a parkour course, how to make a minecraft parkour course, how to make a parkour course in minecraft, easy parkour course tutorial, tsmc, tsmc tutorial, kid friendly no swearing, tsmc parkour
Id: Cp4iQexFMqA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 54sec (2154 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 23 2017
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