I Built a SECRET UNDERWATER House to Hide From Crazy Fan Girl in Minecraft

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today we are building a secret underwater house to hide from the crazy fan girl can we build it in time and stay hidden or will crazy fan girl find me and keep me trapped forever I cannot wait to build an underwater house chip me too Milo but wait what is that oh no no it's the crazy fan girl oh I'm g hi chip there you are I have been looking for you everywhere oh I can't wait to spend the whole day with you but I see you've bought your stinky little brother hey Mo it's my love I can't do this today chip I'm going to lose it it's okay Milo I have a plan but for now we could use help building this underwater house and when it's the perfect time I have just the way to make it a secret underwater house one that crazy fan girl will never find Milo just trust me are you for real I'm so for real right now all right let's get started then I guess someone say something about building a house I'm really good at that I'll make it all about you and I chippy uh yeah we totally will be building a house um we'll just start over here first I'll need to get some build materials yeah building materials crazy fan girl cuz that's how you start a house oh thanks for explaining moo I didn't think you were that smart my name is not moo yeah his name is Milo come on crazy Fango let's all be nice here I don't want you guys to fight okay yeah no fighting cuz chip said so yeah yeah thanks Milo instead we need to make sure we build this really amazing underwater house I think this is a pretty good size for it yeah and I'm going to use this blue wool blue wool Milo this has to be orange right no I'm going to do blue as well for the carpet okay that's actually a pretty cool idea we can totally have a blue carpet but sh I have a little problem what's your problem Milo wow the carpet's a bit suy on my feet oh that's a great Point Milo okay don't worry I can use world edit to make this house really tall then we'll be able to fill it with sponge and dry everything out W chip that's good technology yeah it totally is if I just type stack 20 Boom the house instantly Rockets up this is such a big underwater house now oh wo chippy you're so smart thanks uh-oh I did accidentally just leave a bunch of carpet in here but hey don't worry I can use world edit to clear this out as well what that's so easy boom look at that it instantly becomes air now I just need to do one final round of world edit to make an awesome glass roof this way we can see the entire ocean floor if I just type set glass Boom the roof becomes a glass one what that's really cool CH thanks Milo I'm really proud of it come on we got to start using sponges to clear out all this water oh do you guys think you could help me with the sponge clearing well I will if crazy fan girl stops destroying my carpet um chip I'm a bit confused because I thought this was a house for you and I but Mo keeps trying to put down blue stuff and I don't think that's either my color or your color this is my favorite color crazy fan girl if you keep bullying me you're going to have to answer to my brother chip oh chippy always answers to me uh guys this house is for all three of us we can't just have me and crazy fan girl or me and Milo in this house we all need to live together happily yeah well if we're going to live together the crazy fan girl needs to leave me alone what I can leave you alone outside Milo what about we make you a little dog house outside cuz that's what you're like you're just like a weird little pet that no one likes hey that's really mean crazy Fang girl you can't say that about Milo Milo is my brother and I really think the floor needs to be blue it is his favorite color and since the walls are orange it's only fair yeah it's only fair um Milo what are you trying to do you trying to hurt me yeah get out of here hey Milo put down the Trident no throwing Trident inside the underwater house we only need to get building come on guys we have so so much to decorate on CH put it down and I'll decorate thanks Milo H I think this house could use a couple more windows before we add sponge to clear all the water out I'm just going to add a couple over here this way will have a really nice view and the water won't come flooding in later this underwater house is going to be awesome and hey guys did I hear Trident noises or is that just the Trident that were already here they were just the silly Trident that were already here because Milo was trying to kill me yeah it was the crazy Fango making all the noise hey crazy Fang girl don't throw Trident around this house come on we all have to make sure this house is nice yeah chip my always framing me I have not once gotten a trident it's all him Milo are you framing crazy Fang girl right now N I wouldn't frame anyone like a picture like a picture no Milo not painting someone framing them like trying to pretend that they've done something bad how would do that wait Milo did you just say that you would do that oh bye Milo oh my gosh Milo's such a freak thank goodness he's gone chippy now we can just spend time together what do you want to do uh I want to build Windows let's build the rest of the windows on this house and we can even build them on different sides of this house isn't it fun having lots of distance in between us um I don't know about that I'm happy to share a bedroom uh yeah maybe we can share opposite ends of one really really long one oh all right I'm happy to make that happen where would you like me to build it h I'm not sure um let me make a little area for you out here a little area for me and and you're giving me full rain to make our entire bedroom out here uh yeah let me just make it really really really long that way you will not have to spend any time close to me oh what wait why don't you want me close to you I thought we were together forever with like all of our 18 children to come like what do you mean chippy uh just stay here crazy fan girl I have to talk to Milo real quick all right bye baby oh no I don't like that name Milo you need to get in here now well I did something out of here actually what did you do Milo why have you written the word hate on the side of the house because that's how I'm feeling Milo it's really good to express your feelings but hang on let me block this off so we can talk in secret Milo we need to stick to the plan remember we need to get the crazy fan girl to build the house and then we're going to make it secret yeah all right I guess I got a little C away because she's really being mean to me uh yeah she is don't worry Milo I won't let her be mean to you I'm going to delete this hate sign because otherwise she might see it and get really mad while I do that you need to go back inside and stop placing sponges to clear out all this water okay I'll do the sponges because I'm a pro at the sponges yeah you totally are hey crazy Fang girl I think we need your help with something oh you want my help chippy I'm really good at everything I know I can help out a lot yeah you totally can and look you're already holding sponge that's perfect I need you guys to help clear out the water from the top of this build oh wow crazy Fango I can show you how to do it cuz I'm really good this is always my job when we build underwater yeah Milo is really good at clearing out underwater spaces with sponge you're kind of an expert Milo I learned at the University oh wow that's great you're actually good at something Milo I was starting to get worried that you're not good at anything at all what the hey crazy Fang girl be nice to Milo come on guys we're all going to be stuck in this this underwater house together and that means we all have to be really really nice yeah hey I think that was a compliment I decided I'm being really nice to you today crazy fan girl wait you're going to be nice to me Milo what do you mean yeah I'm going to give you lots of compliments and be your friend oh what what sort of compliments give me one um come on Milo you can do it I know you can let me think for a while actually oh goodness Milo that's not being a great friend you can't even say one nice thing about her chip you try and say one nice thing about her uh well I think that it's really really good the the amount of sponges that she's placed even though they are not really clearing up much water yeah this water is not really doing what it's meant to H I think I actually have a solution if I use my amazing world edit skills I can actually clear out all this water in an instant what I didn't know you could do that yeah what and learn Milo boom now all the water and all the sponges have disappeared we just have to plug up a couple of the extra gaps oh wow thanks chippy babe do you reckon you can do our bedroom as well uh yeah I totally can first I'm just going to need to figure out what the rest of the house is I think over here we can have the kitchen oh yeah this is a great area for a kitchen and I think over here we can have the dining room that would fit perfectly over here can definitely be the entrance hallway then over here can actually be the living room here is where we can have a sofa and maybe a table and maybe we we can even have some sort of hallway over here oh yeah this will be great okay I'm really liking this design so far I think the bedrooms can be over here I guess I'll make one just for you crazy Fang girl here you can have a really big one all to yourself I thought this was our bedroom chip congratulations crazy F girl you got you our bedroom oh Milo thank you that's nice good job Milo your compliment game is really getting a lot better all right crazy Fang girl I'll build the walls for this bedroom and we'll let you decorate the inside you can put whatever you want in here it's totally up to you oh thank you but that's for later first I'll block this off and we can all start making the decorations for the insides of each of these awesome rooms I'm actually a pro decorator so I've got this one handled wa good job Milo I think we'll need to section off an iron area for the front door we will not make it just yet there's something uh special we have to do for IT specialty oh I love surprises chippy you just know how to make your girlfriend happy don't you girlfriend I never said that no you're just a crazy fan girl yeah that's all you are hey Milo don't be mean come on we're all going to be nice to each other today remember it wasn't being mean I was being honest Milo sometimes saying the truth can also be really really mean well I'm never going to say the truth again you basically just told me that I can lie all the time what Milo you can't lie oh goodness this is going to be a a really crazy underwater house all right I think we just need to decorate this place a little bit better I'm going to add some flower arrangements all over this kitchen area and I'll even help make the walls a bit bigger that's an interesting thing an interesting thing Milo what are you talking about well just that you're doing that and I'm doing this have a look Milo why are you riding on the doormat hey this is Milo and chip that's pretty cool that's pretty much yes uh Milo I think you're forgetting someone um what is this what why does this say Milo and Chip why doesn't it say crazy fan girl and Chip line line and the stupid little Milo well it's fine cuz I want to here ah this is actually not very nice Milo I'm meant to be mean to you because you're the silly one I'm not silly I'm funny and awesome hey guys this is not how we all work together to make an underwater base this is how we fight and I don't want all of us to be fighting St fine no more fighting just friendships yeah exactly Milo and just make sure you actually stick to it this time uh crazy fan girl why is there glowstone in the dining room oh well I actually did this really cool course where I learned how to make um you know shant Le those really cool classy things and I was just practicing I thought it was a really nice Monument to have in our little living room it looks like a melted Mickey Mouse this is crazy crazy fan girl flx B no that's a love heart Milo Milo that's meant to be a monument to my love with chippy well it's not great oh um well hey I guess we can totally still have a chandelier let me make one I know exactly the type to make first we're going to need to take out a little section of the roof just like this okay this looks pretty cool and once we find the middle of it we can place two chains just like this we'll have to add a gloss Block in the middle here and we'll add some stained glass panes all the way around don't worry crazy Fang girl I'll make a really awesome Chandelier and we can all enjoy it together oo awesome thanks chip you always do the best things for your girlfriend hey you're not my girlfriend but I do do really cool things that's why I'm going to add Androids to this chandelier these ends look like real chandelier lights they totally even add really cool particle effects that go downwards now we'll add a couple more stained glass blocks to the edges here this makes it look a lot more round and way cooler we can even add a couple different glass blocks going down this way the Chandelier looks like it's dripping and hanging and it looks so cool all right that is the chandelia design what do you guys think yeah it's pretty good I really like it but I think if we could add some pink it might look even better chip uh I don't know about that Milo would be pretty upset if we only added pink how about we add pink and blue to it what a great idea um no what about pink and orange uh pink and orange that still excludes Milo come on crazy Fang girl that's really mean we have to do blue if we do pink a I'd rather have no colors than have blue to be honest with you well I'd rather have a Pur box than a crazy fan girl wao Milo you can't just say you'd replace someone with a post box that's not nice well I sure can and post box is better because it blue and it doesn't talk okay we can have a post box but just put it near the front door okay there's no point having a post box in the sitting room CR box is planted okay now let's block off the water again okay cool hey chip I've got a surprise for you uh what's the surprise and why are there grills on the floor you know what my mom always told me the best way to win a manover like yourself is to cook for him the way to a man's heart is to cook and I cook a pretty mean barbecue uh yeah if you could only get the barbecues down first Milo you're destroying the kitchen well it's worth it guys come on we can't be fighting like this I'm not worth all this trouble I'm just a guy oh chip you're worth all the trouble in the world Milo leave me alone I just want to cook up some chicken watch out I might cook you well that's not fair because my job was to do the kitchen and I did it so you can't I find the interior design in here pretty bland and boring you can pop on here oh well that's interesting because I actually placed these flower pots down myself I was pretty proud you got me flowers you see this is the real Masterpiece of the room you really saved it didn't you chippy uh I thought the room looks pretty nice before it could use a little bit of work but it's overall pretty good I mean it's got nothing on the living room though this is some class yeah it's certainly crazy need some blue some blue nah don't worry Milo you're incorporated into the carpet or we can use your feathers and we can fill them up for pillows no blue frogs oh Yu I don't like blue and I don't like frogs well I like both of those things H I'm just going to keep making the walls here guys this way the room will be complete and we can focus on the other rooms hopefully with less crazy crazy fighting in them see guys now that we're all focusing on building and working together to make this underwater house really really cool it actually becomes a way nicer place all right and done okay the roofs of these two rooms are now complete and they're certainly looking uh crazy fan girl why is there a jail here oh I was just being nice as he said that we should be to each other and I made Milo a seat in the family room uh this seat is surrounded by a cage yeah plus I can't see anything from up here well that's how it should be I was just letting you go back to your roots and feel like how a bird does when they're treated like an actual pet now you're not a bad pet you just get to stay up at there while chip and I get to hang out downstairs chip let me out of here uh I'll be right there crazy fan girl I just need to make sure this cage is extra secure to keep Milo in oh perfect we don't want him bugging us in our alone time what chip why are you trying to keep me in here Milo that was just a trick so she wouldn't listen into what we're saying Milo we need to build the next two rooms and then distract her I have a very good plan come on we can't get distracted from it Milo if we get distracted she stays here forever if this plan works she will not find this house ever again noral distractions we're on go mode yeah go mode activate come on Milo let's get building all right crazy fan girl I've talked with Milo and he's actually going to help build the next two rooms really quick just so you can make an amazing bedroom oh yes I'm so excited to make our bedroom chippy uh yeah I never said our bedroom I just meant your bedroom that way we can each have a really nice sleep and not bother each other in the middle of the night H okay what do you want this room to be well I think this room could totally be the dining room since the dining room became a bit of a living room in the other room oh I just took some creative Liberty when I'm in love all the creative juices just get flowing chip yeah and what about the juice that will float when we eat on the dining table that's why we should totally make a nice dining room here and then we'll get it over with M nice I like the sound of that me too especially the getting it over with part H this does not look like a very good table I'm going to need to find an actual table to wo why is there water flooding in oh um I just had a little boo boo but I fixed it now sorry chippy that's okay don't worry as long as this gets built I am super duper happy okay this table's looking really cool but I think it definitely need some chairs let me grab as many as I can oh I know I can totally grab an orange one a magenta one and let's also grab a light blue one I think this one is perfect look guys we have chairs for everybody crazy Fang girl can be here and then me and my can be over here I can have candles yeah candles in a Canon why is there a cannon in this house well I don't know I think it looks good Milo you placed this cannon why because it looks really awesome and it reminds me of w and they call me crazy yeah Milo why do you want to be reminded of War cuz it was awesome when we were defeating the zombies true the zombie wall was a victory and I'm so happy we won it oh yeah I'm really happy about that wow Milo adding these chairs is really cool but who's going to sit there yes my friends who are your friends Milo yeah what do you mean you don't have any friends Michael jip jip and foro Milo I know jip jip but who is Michael and foro they just a fish that I met a fish how did you me a fish when I was outside watching the sign I met a couple friends oh wow okay I think those names are really funny and silly I think it would be really really crazy if somebody named someone after that yeah I would never do that but they're still my friends and they're going to have dinner with us so I put the Frog chair here for them amazing hey crazy fan girl I'm sure you definitely did not do it on purpose but you totally forgot to add blue banners to this banow wall oh what how could I have forgotten the stupid little bird you're so right that was an accident M yep accident crazy fan girl are you lying did you forget the blue banners on purpose um no yes why okay because I'm helping you to fix the problem a good job Milo that's really really cool and crazy Fang girl why is there a cactus on the floor oh I don't know I'm just really into cactuses at the moment and I thought it might look really cool and you know what it does so I'm glad we've got this WOW wo wait you're interested in Cactus is this is awesome we finally found something you're interested in that isn't me go on crazy Fang girl keep enjoying this Cactus I'm really really happy to hear about that oh this is awesome in fact while you enjoy this Cactus I'm going to build the walls of your bedroom this is going to be so much fun yes I love getting my own bedroom yeah me too I really like it when you have your own bedroom that is far away from everybody else's bedroom oh that doesn't sound very fun oh no it's really fun it's extra great but because you get double the privacy and you make sure nobody else bothers you with their snoring yeah you wouldn't want me coming around messing with all your stuff yeah you're pretty scary not going to lie Milo as soon as I see you I get a little bit frightened cuz you're so ugly hey crazy Fang girl that's really mean you can't just call Milo ugly wait why is there lava under the floor oh well I thought you know when you just get the heart rate up a little bit and it makes you a little bit more excited and a bit more like wao is it good to be alive so I thought I'd just put it in the kitchen so everyone's heart kicks into gear while we're trying to eat dinner uh that's pretty crazy wow I guess your name really does make sense at least it's next to your chair and not next to me or Milo's chairs yeah thank goodness swimming with the sharks wait sharks I didn't see any sharks before where are the sharks crazy Fang girl oh my gosh she's actually going crazy yeah she totally is uh Milo I don't want you in that room alone with her I don't know if it's safe come on why don't you help me make the walls of her bedroom while she places fish on the ground yeah sounds good I'll H build it okay Milo remember our plan once we finish this wall and dry out this room she will get distracted building it and then we can do the next stage yeah we need to get rid of her ASAP yeah we totally do I'm going to add Spruce planks because I know she will change them to something pink that will buy us lots of time changing the floor is a very timeconsuming process so it'll be the best idea we can possibly do that's genius chip thanks Milo I'm really proud of it come on we don't have much time though the sooner she gets started on making her bedroom the less time we have to execute the plan remember y that's so true all right come on Milo we just have to place the glass roof and then we be able to lure her in here and get her building we I going to place as fast as I can me too Milo wow we're doing it really really quick this is awesome hey crazy fan girl ooh what's happening there's an extra room in here for for you I think you will definitely love it an extra room for me yes totally um you're just going to need to do a little bit of decorating I hope you don't mind making the whole room pink whole room pink but it needs to be orange as well if it's your room we can't just make it all about me chip uh okay then do whatever you like in this room oh goodness I hope this doesn't backfire but by the time you finish building it we'll be uh out on a walk somewhere Gathering some really nice orange and pink flowers o orange and pink is nice but I don't understand how you walk on water must be because you're so special chippy yep that's it all right have fun building your bedroom crazy fan girl we'll see you soon bye crazy fan girl oh bye okay Milo now that crazy fan girl is distracted we need to act fast I'm going to make this place impossible for her to get to we're going to turn this underwater base into a secret underwater base and she will have no way of eating even finding it it'll be pretty difficult to do but make sure you stick around to the end Milo otherwise you won't see it okay guys I need your help to make me and Milo a big tunnel leading all the way from the underwater house right over here to the main village remember this tunnel has to be big enough for me and Milo to build an impossible obstacle course inside are you guys ready okay I need you to like this video for this to work in three two one W look at that that is amazing come on Milo this super cool tunnel is so awesome we have to fill it with a crazy obstacle course let's do it the crazy fan girl will never be able to get through this obstacle course no way look Milo I have everything we need to make this obstacle course super duper epic and really impossible oh yeah boy let's go I chip my love my fly my little baby boo where are you oh no Milo this is bad she's calling for us we need to distract her if we want to build this obstacle course otherwise she will know something's up and the plan will be ruined all right I guess we go see her now oh goodness okay we'll need to use the tunnel so we can be really really secret come on Milo let's fly through I do not want her seeing us in here oh gosh chip we got to sneak in you're right Milo and we'll have to block off the entrance okay this is pretty secret now we need to sneak in hopefully she doesn't realize where we've been hey honey I'm home like I have been for the past 10 minutes oh OMG you love it don't you how beautiful is it what is this yep I can see it on your face you love it and you Milo you look a little bit constipated I am not constipated you know what I could take a p right here if I wanted to no Milo not in the house ew I thought you were better than that well I'm not going to like you're saying oh this is insane hey why am I in these pictures these pictures would never takeen of us together this isn't real yeah it's photos sh hey don't say that they're real to me that's all it matters this isn't real this is clearly edited this has totally freaking me out yeah me too Milo look I was never running through a flower forest with you crazy fan girl you might have forgotten about it I don't know this one's definitely looking pretty good I was pretty chuff with my uh Photoshop skills here you d photo shop it hey you even edited part of my sleeve off this is totally fake oh no no it always looks like that it always looks like that this is really really crazy I can't believe you've made these you know what chippy I think it's a testament to our love it shows how far I'll go to make our relationship work oh no Milo this is bad she's basically filled up this whole room we have no more time to distract her but I think I have a plan you got to do it now hey uh crazy fan girl M yes chippy uh this house is really really great so far but I think it's just it's it's I want even more yeah even more oh more I think it needs more orange and pink love hearts everywhere so that everybody knows that uh we're totally in love wow you are so right my love you're so full of ideas this is why I love you I'm going to make our Dream underwater house a real home for us and all our 18 kitties 18 I mean h yeah cool Milo we have to get out of here now we'll be back in 10 bye all right I'll keep blessing the room come on Milo we don't have a lot of time look her crazy fan girl witches are running around the halls quick we'll block off this hallway and keep making this obstacle course quick before we run out of time CH I think we need to make it even stronger now that I know how crazy she is yeah true Milo we just need to think what we could possibly add to make this the craziest obstacle course ever I think I have just the thing we need to use actual lava Milo this lava would be really really difficult for the crazy fan girl to get through yeah she'll probably have a really hard time jumping over it exactly because this is the secret entrance the actual beginning will be in the village we are going to lure crazy Fang go out and jump down but if we jump into real lava we'll take lots of damage that is why we need to place fake lava right next to it just like this she will have to pick the right lava to fall into if she doesn't want to take any burning damage what that's crazy I totally know which one it is do yeah you totally do just make sure you don't forget it Milo all right yeah I don't know about that I'm pretty forgetful oh Milo have you forgotten it already yes it's okay Milo because that will not be the only part of this obstacle course we are also going to have campfire jumps that will have to LEAP across do you want to know the best part about these jumps Milo what is it they are going to be orange campfires and blue ones this way it is our official colors wow this is awesome she's really going to get jealous because she knows that there's no pink campfire exactly Milo I'll just Place one more row of blue campfires just like this wo that's really Smokey it's very difficult to see over these that's smart actually it disguises the entrance yeah makes it even more secret oh this is perfect now we need to dig a section of the floor just like this and fill it in with lava all right Milo do you think you can help me dig out this floor yeah I can dig it out cuz I'm really good at that amazing I think this is a pretty good length and I'll just stop filling it with lava maybe crazy fan girl will even think that this is fake lava and she'll try to jump in that would be so funny it would mean she does not ever make it to the underwater house and we're totally free from her Milo yeah I just Jack and this is way too far for someone to jump yeah it totally is we are going to need to jump across it ourselves though so we are going to add in some chain blocks just like this we can't actually just jump on chains though so we will add little slabs to the bottom of them but chip I'm really bad a parkour what if I fall in and die don't worry Milo I will have a secret way for you to actually get past without having to do any of the parkour are you for real life yeah Milo I'm for real but we'll have to make it after we make the obstacle course otherwise the crazy fan girl might find it and if she does she'll know the secret way to get through and that would be a bad situation that would be a really bad situation Milo you're right that is why we have to make sure this obstacle course is crazy Fang G proof before we add any secret entrances yeah no crazy fan girls in this place exactly Milo now this next section calls for some other blocks crazy fan girl is going to have to do her best to crawl through a pretty crazy trap door maze it is going to be very difficult and do you want to know what will make this extra extra hard for her Milo what is it she is going to have to crawl through a spinning trapo Contraption what how are you going to make it spin chip that's not possible oh it is totally possible watch and learn Milo first we need to place a creative motor down inside a hole in the floor are you following so far Milo yeah for sure Creative Murder no Milo we only need one and it has to be in the floor you know what but why don't you just watch and learn I'll do all the placing of this part sounds pretty good to me perfect now we place one mechanical bearing on top of it it's not doing anything at the moment but that's because we have not added this crazy pot yet mhm what comes next next we need to add in some trap doors that go all the way along just like this let's also remember to place trap doors on the top section like here yeah that's how should be a the claw down exactly Milo she totally will now if we superglue this contraption together and hey stop touching the trap doors Milo they have to stay down otherwise this won't work fine no more fun for me I guess hey Milo we can still have fun we just can't be crazy we'll leave that to the crazy fan girl now that we've superglued this contraption together we have to place just a couple more trap doors on the other side and okay this should be ready are you ready for this Insanity Milo yeah I'm ready now if we open one trap door we can update the bearing and boom the contraption actually spins what the chip I'm totally spinning right now how did you do this well it's all part of being a redstone expert Milo now I just need to dig down and make the spinning speed a little bit slower there we go now it is actually possible she will have to crawl very very fast though and it's a very long wait this will buy us plenty of time to retreat back into our house in case she tries to go past here hey it really pops me out of it yep it is a very very difficult Contraption let's see if I can make it through I want want to test if this is really possible let me go first okay Milo we can both try to go first together hey it didn't work don't worry Milo I'll give it a go I'm sure this is totally possible yeah you'll see yeah I totally will see Milo this is about to totally work I can tell hey what it just pushed me out oh no this is bad this means it is not safe enough I'm going to stop this contraption from spinning we have to fix this Milo otherwise the crazy fan girl will be able to get through fix it quickly chip don't got a lot of time don't worry Milo I have a really good plan I'm going to place down these quartz slabs just like this we will also have to place some on the other side too over here and once we placed all these we also will need to superglue the whole thing back together perfect then if we just raise this up by one block it should be possible to actually crawl through we still want it to be very difficult though Milo so don't worry the crazy Fang girl will still have a very hot time making it through this contraption okay I call Wa to see it well back me too I also can't wait now we just need to add the final few trap doors to the side walls just like this this way it'll be able to link up to the trapo sections without any worries okay if we activate this machine boom it will actually start going look at that Milo you'll have to run through really quick yeah she totally will I'm also going to block off some more of this glass this way she will actually have to crawl through and will not be able to just walk on past all right chip I'm going to test it ready yeah yeah do it Milo okay I'm going into the tunnel and wo yeah it really works this is perfect oh yeah I'm so proud of this come on Milo let's make the rest of this obstacle course this next part of the obstacle course we'll use these spinning Motors except instead of slowing it down we are going to speed these ones right up oh yeah that is perfect and now we just need to attach some Wheels to the top those wheels are spinning really fast that is very important because on top of them we are going to add some mechanical crushes sh this is confusing my brain oh Milo don't let this confuse your brain if the crazy fan girl gets caught in here she will take lots of damage and not be able to complete the obstacle course that's great oh my gosh we are so good at building obacle cles yeah I agree although wait a minute these are not close together enough let's replace this one and try to put one right over here oh yeah I have a feeling this is going to work a lot better that's crazy now the totally going to get stuff caught in between but this one does still have to spin that's why at the top we will add our very own motor and we can speed this one up to the super fast speed as well this way they're both spinning at the same level and the crazy Fang girl will be able to be caught inside W that's crazy exactly it totally is but we're going to need some even stronger defenses Milo yeah plus we got a lot more hallway to work with exactly Milo we totally do now on top of here I'm going to place some iron blocks and we'll have to make sure we super to glue them together just like this now on the sides we will add in some mechanical soes y these look sharp yeah they really do look sharp don't they Milo now we need to make sure all of this can actually spin I think I'll get rid of this block we do not need that anymore since we've already placed it down let's start spinning this machine and boom once it's connected to the other side I'll have to stop spinning it there we go now I can add the final sawu in we have to glue it from the very bottom all the way to the very top and okay now this contraption officially spins and has mechanical SS on it CH this is my favorite thing in the whole obstacle cross it's really really smart thanks Milo I think it's pretty smart too it's also very very dangerous so don't run around the mechanical sours I try not to oh Milo you are so crazy H this is looking pretty good but we're going to need more crazy Fang girl is very very insane and this will not be enough to stop her all on its own chip I got a good idea what's your good idea Milo well first of all we're going to put a line of snow because it might make a freeze yeah this is pwed snow Milo that's a great idea it's super difficult to get through what's your next idea well that's pretty much another snow idea uh Milo that's a snow golem it's not going to do any damage to her yeah but it might freak her out a little bit Milo Snow Golems are one of your Signature Signs she'll see that and know that we're still at the end of the house yeah but I think it's really on chip if you don't let me have this I'm going to cry okay don't cry Milo you can have your snow golems just make sure they can't escape and get to the other parts of this crazy obstacle course okay yeah all right I'll do something to make sure they clown Escape good job Milo while you do that I'm going to build the next crazy line of our super awesome obstacle course this is going to be such a cool part I just know it we're going to need so many of these creative engines look at this Milo isn't this insane yeah it's pretty good if you ask me now next to every single creative engine we are going to place something called a deployer this is like a Big Pokey stick look Milo imagine trying to walk past this yeah I'd freak out there's a really big hand that are trying to park me exactly and one very cool thing about them is they can even poke through blocks like Mangrove trap doors look Milo if we place Mangrove trap doors in front of them it looks like they're poking through the holes wow wow wow that is something I didn't know well now you told do Milo look we can even spin some of these machines to make them go really really quick we'll have one super duper quick one on almost every section crazy Fang girl is going to have to try very hard not to get poked by these at the moment it is not very dangerous as if she gets poked she just gets pushed right on through that is not what we want now that we've placed down all these trap doors we can dig a little hole inside the hole we can actually add a bunch of lava Milo this is part of the Ultimate Defense if the crazy fan girl gets poked by these fingers she'll fall off into the lava CH I want to say something what is it Milo we've already done too much lava I think we should do something else okay Milo that's a good idea instead of lava I actually have something pretty insane have you ever heard of a drill Milo a drill is that like a grill no Milo it's nothing like a grill actually a drill is something people use for mining but they are very dangerous and you should never stand in front of one well I will not do that from now on yeah that's easy to say mil but you need to be careful if you accidentally fall into the next part of this obstacle course you might find yourself on top of a bunch of spinning drills well that's fine cuz I don't fall you say that now Milo but if you had to cross this crazy Pokey wall you would definitely start falling one of the craziest Parts about it is we can even add the Pokey fingers to the other side of the wall crazy Fang girl is not going to be able to get through this very easily at all paring from both directions now we're talking yeah now we're talking exactly Milo look I can add the deployers over here as well this already looks like the most insane obstacle course to get through and I haven't even sped these ones up yet boom look at how quickly these poke machines actually poke now this is almost impossible to get through she's not going for this obstacle cost because we got the best frames in the business exactly Milo we totally do look we can even make some of them really slow just to trick crazy Fang girl that's smart and can I test it out yep you you totally should but there's a little bit more I need to add first we need to add down these trap doors so that it actually looks like the hands are coming through the holes wo that already looks so insane now I need to fix these drills a little bit they're spinning but they're spinning really slow because they're surrounded by water if we add iron blocks all the way around this side we will be able to block off the water using sponge let me grab some just like this okay I'm excited to see this work Boom the sponges are soaking up lots of the water we can now break these iron blocks we placed here earlier because it is not just water we want to change we now need to make each of these spin really really quickly drills do a lot more damage the quicker they're spinning So the faster these drills can rotate the more they will be able to stop crazy Fang girl from reaching Us in the house that's technology yeah that is technology Milo technology is really really useful and it's pretty crazy almost as crazy as the crazy fan girl do you want to try out this crazy Contraption now Milo I'm going to make a run for it and see how it goes yeah exactly Milo just be really really careful okay can't me in okay Milo test out this contraption in three 2 1 all right I'm going I'm going and wow that little thing just poked me off wow look at that this totally works this is an amazing Contraption I can't believe we even thought of this good job Milo now we can make the remaining last section of this obstacle course as difficult as possible let's do it now that we've done that I think it's time to reuse some lava those drills took a long time to do and we don't have a lot of time until the crazy fan girl finishes whatever crazy stuff she's doing fine we can do lava again thanks Milo all right why don't you dig out the rest of this all the way to here I think then I will add lava inside wo look the lava is merging with the stone this is great the more the lava mixes in with the stone blocks the harder it will be for the crazy Fang Guild to find her way inside more blocks along the edge is always really really good and hey I can make this process really really sped up if I just Place lava all along the sides like this this is so exciting this is going so quickly I actually can't even believe it how's the digging going Milo well turning my arms a bit oh sorry Milo here let me help you out with the final few digging blocks thanks tiip that's really nice you're welcome Milo all right since I helped you out with those blocks could you help me place down the rest of this lava you got it I just got to get it amazing Milo once you've grabbed a lava bucket you can help me place down all the lava on this final section it's going to be really really hot inside this tunnel once we're done but the lava won't be the only thing we place here that makes it difficult to get along what else are we going to place we are going to add some Parkour over The Lava but this parkour will be spinning at a crazy speed lava par wowe wowe exactly Milo now that we've filled up this entire section with a bunch of lava we can actually start placing down these crazy spinning Contraptions we just have to make sure we actually place them down and don't miss oh goodness this is going to be pretty difficult first I'm going to place down an orange heart I know the crazy fan girl loves orange Hearts so she should get really distracted by this Look it's even spinning this will really make it difficult for her to get across yeah she's not jumping on this anytime soon you're right Milo she definitely isn't now if we place down another one of these spinning Hearts right over here we will make this obstacle course really really tricky this one is going to be blue just like you I am blue yeah really well spotted Milo I'm glad you noticed that now we are going to add one pink hot but this pink hot is going to be very far away because I would like the crazy fan girl to get very far away from me that's s true chip you're speaking fact yeah I am speaking facts on I Milo now we need to make this heart spin just like the other ones and because this jump is a lot more difficult the crazy Fang girl has a very high chance of falling into the lava oh yeah this is cool but this is only the beginning of what the crazy girl is going to have to get across she is also going to have to jump across these crazy spinning parts of this parkour let's add in these mechanical bearings and now we can make each of these different concrete bits a different color look at that Milo each of our colors is right over here the crazy fan girl has her colors here too though but that's just because we want this parkour to be really distracting maybe if she is Love Struck she will be a lot more easy to trick and fall into the lava I'm really wishing the pink wasn't that but I think I could put up with it for a little bit yeah I wish the pink wasn't there too Milo I wish it was just us like it was before yeah this look like a could about yeah it's pretty slow for now so it is like a conveyor belt but once we make every single one of these spin really really quickly it will no longer be like a conveyor belt it will be a Slayer belt it'll totally knock her into the lava CH I have something to say what is it Milo I think we need to put something on the blocks here so she doesn't just walk across like this yeah that is a really good point Milo that's why we're going to place Concrete in the exact same colors going all the way up to the top this way it looks like it fits the design and it'll make it way more difficult for the crazy fan girl to walk through wow that's cool thanks Milo I'm glad you agree wo it really does look cool let's just make sure we block off the Contraptions I don't want the crazy fanil to see that this is actually just a machine doing this if she did that would spoil the whole thing and she might figure out how to stop it okay Milo for the next section of the parkour I have one final idea are you ready to see what this is R bu in order to make this I need to block out a little bit of the lava we're going to have one blocked out here and another blocked out over here then we'll need to block off a big section running right over to the end are you still with me Milo sure great all right now that we' blocked this off we need to dig down in every single one of these areas all right this is going to be pretty tricky but I know we can do it we can't do this exactly Milo that's the spirit now that we've dug all the way over here we can see through the holes that we've linked it all up perfect now once we make this hole just a little bit Deepa like this we can add in one of my favorite Contraptions of all time War gas what do you think it is Milo is it a tasta no Milo it's not a toaster I do love some toast in the morning but this is actually not a toaster this is a totally different kind of contraption this is a platform that will rise and vanish down into the lava by rising up and Vanishing down the crazy fan girl will have to run very very quickly otherwise she will come falling into the lava herself wow chip that is geni yeah now over here we need to place down some piston extension poles just like that wo this looks so cool already we'll dig this a little bit further down just like that and oh yeah this is exactly what I wanted now over here we will need to place down a bunch of orange concrete that goes around just like this it is really important that we place it in a very specific way otherwise it won't rise properly out of the lava all right this is looking really really good let's make sure this goes nicely upwards okay we'll need to add in some superglue but we can't just superglue this whole thing together we'll need to superglue each pot specifically otherwise this could be a really really big disaster and the whole thing might come flying out of the ground that would ruin this whole plan it would be really really embarrassing okay this is looking pretty good but now we need to add a little bit of complicated Redstone are you ready for this Milo I'm ready Freddy well that is perfect Milo because so am I all right down here we need to place a bunch of different spinning wheels just like that and on the other side of this one we going to place a creative motor just like this we'll then need to add a gearbox right here look Milo the whole Contraption is actually starting to work really oh wow it's rising up yep it totally is isn't this so exciting but there is still more we definitely need to add uh-oh if I break that the lava comes spilling through hm we need to do a little bit more to make sure this works ah Milo that's a really scary costume nuh-uh it's my pumpkin outfit okay Milo you can keep your pumpkin outfit on just watch in amazement as I add a gearshift I did not mean to add a gearbox it actually should have been one of these this will change the direction of the spin depending on which way it's placed now next to it if we just dig into the wall a little bit we need to place one redstone repeater which will link up to a whole system of redstone repeaters that goes in a big loop-de-loop it's important that the loop-de-loop goes pretty slow otherwise this will be literally impossible but not too slow otherwise the crazy fan girl will be able to get in really really easy so let's let's make these pretty fast okay this is exciting now we can also make this contraption spin a lot quicker this way the crazy fan girl will have to go very fast in order to make it above this Redstone we'll need to place a little bit more orange concrete this will stop it from being destroyed when the lava comes boiling down yeah that's right Milo we're about to unleash lava all the way down here this way the crazy fan girl won't be able to tamper with the machine instead she will only be able to try and get up which will not work because of how amazingly powerful this machine will be time for more lava exactly Milo it is time for more lava uh-oh we just have to make sure the existing lava doesn't totally ruin everything first okay this is looking pretty cool I really really like this now we need to remove all the paint concrete and place down lava exactly where it was before are you ready to see how incredible this contraption really looks yeah can you just wait for me to come over real quick sure Milo I can totally wait I wouldn't want you to miss out on a reveal this incredible all right let's see it one okay in order to make this thing work I need to place a little bit of redstone here and then destroy it at the last second okay we'll need to make this charge last a little bit longer okay this should start working W chip it's really working wo it totally is you can see it popping out of the lava at very very small moments but H it is pretty difficult to see and it's actually not possible I might need to slow this down just a little bit okay this should be a lot more slow look Milo it now lasts for a pretty long time I'm sure the crazy fan girl will totally be able to make it across this I don't know chip it's step pretty fast H you're right Milo maybe we can even add some little safety platforms on the sides like this yeah that's very smart perfect this is a really cool Contraption because normally you cannot jump from each glass to each glass but if you time it just right you will be able to run across the concrete come on Milo we can make it to the very end and you got this Milo I believe in you yeah look can we go wo this is amazing the contraption Zone works really really well this obstacle course is insane we just need to add one final thing what it going to be we are going to add one four block jump this is the most difficult jump in the entire world only the greatest parkour players are able to make it over the four block lava jump and I do not think the crazy Fang girl is one of the best Parkour players yeah one time I actually had a conversation with her and she said she fails at parkour all the time F this is perfect Milo look she's right through the wall she's working on something crazy in the kitchen oh no she's trying to burn the house down Milo this is bad we need to add the secret W for us to get across before the crazy Fang girl burns down the house let's do it we are going to need to dig an extra little section in the side this way we'll be able to watch the crazy Fang Gale through the glass yeah that's awesome come on Milo help me place down the glass all the way to the end all right I'll help now normally glass would be very very easy to spot and would not be secret at all especially if we're underwater which is also seethrough we do not want this glass to be obviously the secret way to go so instead of just having a door to get into it we're going to need to add a crazy secret hatch that only we will know to go through but this section will raise it up this way we'll be able to see the crazy fanil go through the crazy poking game yeah that's a great idea chip otherwise how we going to see you get punked into the drill exactly Milo we really want to be able to see everything happening especially with how tricky the crazy fan girl can be she's very good at playing tricks Milo if she manages to escape without us seeing we will not be able to keep track of her and we will be in a lot of danger by making sure this glass section is as secure as possible we keep ourselves really safe from the crazy fan girl okay now the glass section is ending over near this orange bit oh no Milo I accident flooded this obsidian into the lava this is bad I'll need to quickly M my way in and try and fix every everything uh-oh the fire is also spreading this is bad we do not want the entire Contraption burning down quick Milo before everything goes really really bad we need to replace this obsidian back to Lava if I'm not helping you you made that mistake what Milo why aren't you helping of course I don't really want to okay Milo you don't have to help me place this lava back but while you're outside could you fill this tunnel with sponges to make it an air tunnel and then add in the floor oh yeah boy sponge time good job Milo while you do that I will replace the final bits of lava then I will actually start adding in the secret entrance this is what will make the glass section a secret in the first place all right I'll need to make it all the way over here right at the beginning that way if we want we can skip the entire challenge we do not want to have to walk over any of the difficult bits that would be really really dangerous and could put us at risk now this is perfect this tunnel totally links up to the main one I think we'll need to block off this window here we'll need to add another window in the side instead that way we'll be able to to see into the crazy fan girl doing the parkour it'll be really funny to watch her try and do it and the best part is by the time she sees us through this glass she will not know the secret way that we managed to get in here Milo that is perfect it's a really good part of our defense strategy yeah I work out defense a lot me too Milo I think it's really really genius it's going to keep us so safe from the crazy fanu I know this will definitely work let me replace all of these other blocks with orange concrete just like this I do not want this whole thing to look messy it needs to look really good all right this is perfect now we'll just add the remaining concrete blocks just look at this isn't it perfect Milo oh this is incredible I'm so excited and why is there wood here because that's what the floor's going to be okay the floor for this section can actually be made out of wood I'll let you have this one Milo thanks too you're totally welcome Milo I'm just going to make this window a little bit taller so we can have a much better view oh yeah this is looking so cool now over here I'm going to need to place down a painting I think I know exactly what painting to do we'll need to replace these Redstone torches though I thought they would work but they're totally just not we'll use signs instead oh yeah this is classic painting trickery now if we place this painting down boom it looks just like the karate painting if we remove all of these blocks the crazy fan girl will not realize there's a secret entrance behind here only we will know Milo look this actually lets us see everything this is perfect I can't wait to watch the crazy Fang girl try and get through this yeah me too I hope we can do it soon me too Milo I know we totally can oh now that we've placed down all of this glass I think we need to head back into the house I do not know what crazy fill has been up to but I can only imagine yeah I'm really worried actually what if she totally ruined my kitchen oh no Milo we have to get back in there and look now come on Milo we have to enter secretly let's quickly break these iron blocks and get inside now I'm CH oh my goodness what is going on here this is insane what is she done OMG there you guys are well what do you think chippy you love it don't you uh yes this is really really good I would love to see more of this why don't you give us a a tour oh well you don't have to ask twice you know what if you go up here I'll show you something really cool to start off with in the kitchen okay can we ride this mine cart up here yep it's really spedy wo this is is uh great what is it mhm so because you guys would let me have my grill downstairs in the kitchen I thought I'd bring it upstairs and I've even got this cute little bird bath thing here and this little like spit that means you can put your meat on it and the aim of the bird bath is to attract like little blue birds like um like like Milo and then we get to cook it and atat it yep I'm feeling very scared Milo don't be scared uh crazy fan girl this is very smoky are you sure we're going to be able to breathe inside here oh I'm pretty certain it'll be fine I'm a much much much more professional Grilla than anyone else I know okay let's go to the next room yeah what else have you made well I've got a special treat for my bestie Milo next wait my bestie wait your bestie Milo I didn't realize you and Milo were besties that's awesome y I know Milo this is a special treat so you should go in here and then you close the first door and then you go into the second door and go to the back of the fish tank okay this is fun I likeing fun yeah yeah now go to the back of the fish tank and wait a minute crazy fan girl is that a nether portal help me I'm in the ne Milo you're in the wrong Dimension quick come back I'll save you a this is scary the cats and witches oh my goodness Milo get back in the portal now we can't be here okay please take me home well Milo we are home oh crazy fan girl that was a lie you AR Milo aren't besties you just tried to trick him into going into another dimension well when I took my art design classes for houses apparently design textures and dimensions are really important so I added the nether in yeah well that was not very nice and I'm grumpy now a Milo that is not what they meant by Dimensions crazy fan girl what is this why is there spiders in the kitchen oh well I actually quite like spiders what spiders are terrifying there is nothing good about spiders at all yeah they're freaks Milo you just broke the train oopsy Milo that was a really special gift for blue birds so that we could cook them and eat them well let's just go to something else all right wa okay this is looking up are there any other really really nice design choices crazy fan girl y my awesome fireplace live Bell cuckoo clock hybrid situation is so cool and we've even got seats chip wao seats that's great uh did you add the cuckoo clocks because you're a little cuckoo um no I actually just really like cuckoo birds but that's a really cute thought oh thanks for thinking of me chip you're so cute crazy fan girl I got a question yeah where's my seat um yeah you don't have a seat but I made you a bedroom which we're getting to very very shortly do you want to see your bedroom Milo oh yeah boy Milo gets a bedroom of course you get a bedroom Milo come on come on let's go there what is this crazy Fang girl what have you done to the house I was thinking it was lacking a whole level so I just decided to make it oh that's pretty cool actually this is a nice cherry blossom area uh this is my bedroom yeah you get a bed made of hay oh that's a bit uncomfortable uh that's not exactly a bed crazy fan girl this is the tiniest bedroom I've ever seen well it's floating which makes it kind of cool yeah but it's a little bit too uncomfortable for me yeah Milo needs his own room crazy Fang girl I can't believe you do this and what if Milo Falls that's a very big drop well I thought it was really important that Milo actually learned how to fly considering myo is actually a bird hey I know how to fly just fine thank you very much all right all right all right well moving on to the next part we've got the fun little trampoline course which is part of our games room which is pretty much the whole upstairs this is fun what the whole upstairs is a trampoline this is fun but it's also a little crazy crazy Fang girl where are the blue trampolines you've only made orange and pink ones no no Milo has his blue trampoline next to his bed oh I guess that makes sense oh goodness Milo where is Milo just here there you are Milo wait be careful there is lots of fire up there for some reason yeah oh I can show you what's important about this come on guys okay you're seeming a little crazy crazy fanu girl but um I'm sure this is fine right well this is a cherry blossom maze I'm going to run ahead and get to the end and you guys should go through um Milo I think you should go left cuz that'll be really really quick and easy for you to get there but that's just because I want you to get there really quick whereas chit I think you should take this way cuz it's it's probably not the way to get there wink wink yeah uh okay it's weird that you're winking at me but I guess I'll just listen to what you're saying Milo this is bad we need to quickly finish this tour and then we can get out of here yeah let's do it I'm just going to follow you okay Milo I don't want to listen to what she's saying so I think that's a good idea okay uh what's over here I'm sure this is the way she said right but wait we don't want to go that way or do we oh this is so confusing wait why do I hear bells I don't know but it's sounding suspicious yeah what kind of place would you normally hear bells in uh some kind of festival or parade yeah maybe she's steing a stupid person parade yeah or maybe some sort of party but what party would possibly involve Bells come on everyone session's about to begin wait a minute these aren't regular Bells these are Wedding Bells is this some kind of wedding ceremony area nuh-uh chippy I don't think we know each other well enough so I've set up a speed dating competition but the plot thickens it's just you and me uh well I certainly would love to put the speed in speed dating and run out of here let's go chip this is freaky guys come back I put a lot of effort into this Maze come on Milo we have to hide in here I don't think she's seen me um I'm just down in the captain room now wait guys I'm lost in my maze please help all right Milo this is the perfect moment I think we need to get out of here yeah let's go quick come on Milo we got to go right now here we got to bust through the windows oh no she's right behind us you're right Milo bye crazy fan girl where are we going why are we going so fast wait wait for me guys Milo run to the Village quickly I don't think she sees us okay I think we might have lost her what where are I can't say you chiy this is perfect Milo now we need to officially get a little bit of help to make this underwater base into an underwater secret base we are not going to be able to do this alone so we need your help if this is going to work I need you guys to subscribe in three 2 1 wow you guys totally did it look how secret out Underwood a base is Milo wow oh my goodness thank you so much for waiting up for me guys wow I totally lost you but where where's our underwater home G chippy you're not planning on leaving me are you chip because you know I'll find you now Milo to the tunnel hurry what fun tunnel wait you guys look like you're running away for me what are you doing come on Milo we have to get into the painting before she sees us look like champ has got a lot of time okay we've made it in now we need to go to the glass area to look out for her guys where are you get back here chip we meant to be together always Milo we just have to stay hidden for a couple more seconds until she makes it past this campfire where she won't be able to turn back there's no way she actually does this obstacle Clause yeah there's no way if she does we are in a lot of danger what the heck is this you think this is going to stop me chip my love has no limitations I'm going to destroy whatever business this is to come out see you oh no what is this this is the obstacle course we have made to stop you from breaking into our house crazy fan girl what do you mean your house I thought it was our house me and Milo just wanted to build a house together we cannot have three people in it you're too crazy hey I thought the two people who are having out of this three was you and I no way me and Milo were going to watch you go through this obstacle course but there's no way you'll be able to make it so much for you guys being the nice and not crazy ones we not crazy we're just trying to protect our peace exactly come on Milo we have to make sure she doesn't make it through this thing yeah she's doing a pretty good job oh no this is bad we just have to make sure she doesn't keep going this way oo this looks really fun yeah well it's not meant to be fun it's meant to be challenging yeah you're not getting through it you know what guys I quite like a little bit of a brain teas this looks pretty cool uh-oh she's making it Milo how is she doing this wao I I did not make that guys I went in the floor oh this is good it's working so far at least oh what she doing this oh no oh no look that was a good one guys as if you thought of that oh no how did you make it past that guys is this meant to be hard to get through or something I'm pretty confused uh yeah that was kind of the goal chip I thought you said this was going to be a good obstacle CL uh yeah it is look she's totally getting stumped by the snow golems yeah that's really smart of me oh wait what are Snow Golems oh safety first I better close the fences otherwise they could get out and actually hurt people not me though because clearly that did nothing oh no this is embarrassing come on Milo move up I want to see this this is really bad guys this one kind of looks like it might tickle me or something hey this isn't a tickle machine it's a pushing machine and if you fail it you fall into the mechanical drills mechanical drills in water that doesn't sound very safe yeah no it's not meant to be safe it's meant to stop you from getting through where she's actually making it oh no this is bad hey you made it pass really easily a couple more I don't know this really isn't that hard must be because I love you so much chip maybe it's because you have so much faith in me because I'm really the one for you you just want me to win no that's not it at all I promise it's not m this one's kind of tricky not going to lie yeah it's pretty difficult wait okay the Top's going up this is coming down I'm going to sit this one out guys you know what patience is a pretty good thing yeah uh it is well I guess that means you quit right nuh-uh I'm not quitting you chippy boy oh no Milo she made it through what this is so bad oh that was close that one well you're not going to make it past this spinning parkour I just know it wa wait this actually for real does spin guys wo ew blue get me off of it get me off of it I hate this color wo that was close jeez yeah it was pretty close this next section is going to be very hard unless you jump at the last second you're not going to make it crazy fan girl a chip why would you be giving me tips if you don't want me to win I know that you're joking you actually want to see me hey stop it you're being really really creepy says the ones looking at me through glass no crazy Fang girl you are being too insane me and my brother Milo needed to make this to escape you escape me you guys have put me inside an obstacle course the ones that need escaping are you no you sent Milo to the Nether and tried to fry him that was pretty funny wasn't it no it wasn't funny and uh oh she's made it past well she's definitely not going to make it past the disappearing platforms oh I hope she doesn't because if she does we're toast yeah we totally are wao I can almost see our love that's the light at the end of this tunnel chippy I've almost made it no way I really hope you don't make it past this final section I'm going to be so angry if she makes it wo she made it at the last second this is terrible guys that was a really close call no Milo this is bad come on we need to hope she doesn't make it past this final four block jump CH if she makes this I'm going to freak out this kind of looks deceivingly easy guys what's the go with this no no deception here crazy Fang girl look it is really deep underneath if you make it across this lava you will reach us we have no more levels of Defense all right then I'll give this the biggest run up I can possibly think of and thing for I love chippy and this is as long as I can get she didn't make it Milo hooray we're safe come on let's go inside and wait a minute why is there TNT all over our house this is really weird you think you can run and hide from me wrong I put the crazy and crazy fan girl chippy no no our house
Channel: Milo and Chip
Views: 1,311,971
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: milo, chip, milo and chip, chip and milo, minecraft, minecraft mod, cash, nico, nico and cash, cash and nico, checkpoint, kory, omz, mia, maizen, I Built a SECRET UNDERWATER House to Hide From Crazy Fan Girl in Minecraft, crazy fan gitl, minecraft crazy fan girl, i built a secret house in minecraft, i built a working train in minecraft, minecraft build challenge, hide and seek minecraft, underwater house minecraft
Id: 9rqZew50B9k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 32sec (4232 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2024
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