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[Music] do [Music] [Music] i [Music] merry merry merry christmas everyone matt well merry christmas eve i think maybe merry christmas for some merry merry christmas may all your dreams come true a very merry christmas from my shark heart to you hi you ready to play some minecraft everyone ah i'm a little sleepy sorry i pushed the stream ahead a little bit i saw you guys are like oh it's the technical difficulties uh no not technical difficulties i wanted to finish eating my my my very my very festive christmas eve dinner of a sandwich with some lettuce and my face ah yes a lettuce mayonnaise sandwich merry merry christmas look look at the chests look are they're cute they're like little gift boxes count all right today we're building the trident how is everybody though by the way we're gonna finish the trident farm merry christmas i know where's the protein well technically there's shouldn't there be protein in mayonnaise because there's like mayonnaise is made from eggs and eggs have protein [Music] right scientists food scientists can hear the music all right is the audio okay i don't really know if it's loud for like just me i think it's kind of quiet but i don't know let me know let me know we need do i have enough obsidian there's music is it that quiet okay i'll turn it up a little bit my bed how's that is that better all right we'll leave it like that all right so last time we played this we were um can you hear the music now though let me know because you don't want it to be too loud it's background music it's meant to to just yes good okay all right we'll do this then as background music is only to enhance enhance your viewing experience i am the only sound you truly need hi uh so um what are we doing i'm dragon farm okay we have obsidian we i have the coordinates written down i have uh the guide already where's my boat wait where did my boat go you guys didn't have a boat already yeah i think we're about like we're easily more than halfway there i think we just have to set up a driver i need diamond pickaxe because i need to break the nether portal when we go in if you are a diamond pickaxe that i left behind where would you be yeah hi so okay uh i don't think this is mine i don't want to use it this is not mine wait didn't i have a i had a diamond pickaxe did i leave it over there guys where did i leave my diamond big eyes where did i put it where did i put it merry christmas thank you thank you is it my chest it's not mine i'll just i'll hold on to it just in case you know okay we have a boat we need a boat to get to our location where did i put the boat guys why where do i leave everything this is why i don't understand where does it go answer me that zombie where the heck does everything go oh well we'll take a boat from here [Music] yeah we're going to take a nabainas we're going to dig it up at enos hold on i need to up i need to like re-readjust my brain and remember where i was merry christmas thank you merry christmas to you what did you guys do today how did you spend your christmas eve did you have a dinner did you have a christmas brunch or uh lunch did you see family did you stay in your room all day did you do you have snow on the ground did you go sledding build a snowman you did nothing oh there's my boat oh well okay now we have two did you have a i think you ate you opened some presents you had some drinks did anybody have some eggnog do you guys like eggnog do you know what egg eggnog do you know what that is eggnog it's like really thick like how do you describe eggnog to someone who doesn't know what eggnog is really thick really sweet uh custard cream type of drink i personally don't like eggnog but it's a drink that a lot of people tend to have around the holidays ah we're here eggnog some people um put like you can like spike eggnog with alcohol i think but i only tried it without okay here's our farm uh we were doing something with another portal which i put over here right we have to like i have a coordinates here i think we have to do math this could be a nightmare and a half all right here's our portal [Music] eggnog uh let me bring up the guy real quick yeah okay so we go into the nether right we go into another we have to divide we divide why do we divide what are we dividing go into another wait what hold on i swear i read through this before go to another destroy the portal write down the coordinates which we have right here and divide divide the first and the last number by eight the new portal will be built at your destination what about okay i need to write this down my brain is very very small right okay divide the first number this one and the last number by eight so divide okay so 708 divided by eight and then minus nine nine one divided by eight equals wait do we have to go there like in another oh boy this is not gonna be very fun for my brain okay uh let me get the calculator uh okay okay 708 divided by eight equals 88.5 so our new coordinates is 88 point five 63 and then mine how do you do negative on a calculator okay there we go i figured it out nine 9 1 divided by it equals it that didn't work wait it didn't work no it didn't minus one two three oh okay because that's all right did i do that all right everyone 88.563 minus one two three yeah boy yeah nice okay let's go in let's do this all right oh you guys ready here we go i don't really i don't understand like i was thinking about like this portal thing right but can we can you build another another type of trap if this doesn't work can we build like another trap and um okay this is gonna have to work can you build another trap and have like the enemies be dropped off like a high cliff so instead i'm not wearing any gold should i go back and put some gold on so i don't die what do i do ah i'm gonna get some gold shoes or something i know i don't have any gold i don't remember that happening but okay stop come on ah come on come on come on come on come on how did how was that already like wait what why didn't i put that wait does that mean that it's already like linked or whatever wait do i still need to i still need to go in there and destroy the bro leave me alone stop it i got stuff i gotta do we gotta build this thing you already linked it i didn't i did it though i didn't touch anything i broke the string okay what am i gonna do is you here following me stop stop it get lost buddy it took him right up and beat him up wait my brain i'm confused wait so i don't what are you sure i don't need to do that i don't underst did that happen last time i'll replace the string you're right you're right i didn't do that okay all right i think that worked i still need to you still need to link it all right because i didn't i didn't do it but we'll go in there we'll do it anyway okay so we need to go get some man i could really use a boat yeah we need to go get uh we need gold armor oh that's right i have respiration on my head so i can just kind of cruise thank you diego merry christmas merry christmas merry christmas you mary i messed it up i didn't how did i mess it up i literally haven't touched it since last time all right so we need gold [Music] you guys have anything fun planned for tomorrow on merry merry christmas day or maybe uh new year's is coming will you do anything for new year's eve [Music] i need some gold so i don't get uh killed by the things that kill you the piglens piglens pink piglets you're gonna be alone on christmas no family to spend there with we can all hang out you can come hang out with me and kiara and callie and ianna and um because we'll be hanging out during christmas and you can come too if you want [Music] i hope to see my family soon that would be nice huh okay we need some gold gold gold gold gold gold gold i think i have some gold in my in this house here [Music] [Music] okay what can we build with this i can't wear a hat i need it to be like a oh no do i have enough for anything amazing all right now i have gold yeah boots are foreign just enough just enough gold for some boots it was meant to be oh so we could put a bunch of chests under the tree and those could be like presents for i guess just this period of time that's cute that's a cute update all right do we have everything we're gonna go under the indiana um some gold for the piglens yes they can kiss my gold my gold boots oh gosh man i'm scared of another things always go wrong it's just it's so unpredictable that gosh our nether dash gas gas we gotta step on the gas well how did you guys react if i if i made a euro beat zone the gargura the first gargoyle original is a is a eurobeat i release it uh only specifically for uh drifting montage videos specifically that's it ah this is not where we want to go we want to go to the portal i mean how do you mimic i remember europe that's pretty in there you okay buddy you don't look too good do you also like bugs is he doing give me stuff bunk all right let's go okay go into the portal uh break this portal go to the uh divided portal coordinates and then please leave me alone gasps i really don't want to deal with this oh that's kind of cool i guess i don't need to break the entire portal right i just need to make it stop working but i have enough for a portal now so i can just leave [Music] he's fine he's floating up there it's all right free obsidian but this isn't my pickaxe i don't want to hurt it i don't want to use it more than i have to you know you know uh okay coordinates wait these are already the the delay a lot how do you uh [Music] it's like here i'm going to go up [Music] 82. oh of course it's in a pool of lava of course everyone is in a pool of lava [Music] why did it have to be here does this not work does this not matter can we just do it here anyway it's literally right above this all right let's try this everyone yes it is here [Music] oh this is making it worse this is a lot worse this is a lot worse this is a lot worse what do i do [Music] ah go to the top okay like the the source right all right okay we're gonna do that we're gonna we're gonna go up yeah that's really high up okay okay this is fine how am i gonna get back never mind we'll figure that out why is it all the way up there guys am i gonna die i'll get eclipse get your clips ready i so this is so bad ah all this for a trident watch that ghast is gonna appear hey oh no mr enderman please no we gotta be fine we're fine uh here we go we're gonna just close up this it's a heart how sweet oh okay we gotta move quickly we gotta move quickly okay okay okay yes yes yes yes okay oh nice and easy now nice and easy nice and quick [Music] i took a i took a nice snap i didn't mean to take a nap but i don't know i wasn't feeling that great today do you ever like when you're having a bad day do you ever like just you ever just say well whatever i'm gonna take it up yeah so that's why i sound a little sleepy that's why it's not in that way okay can we go down or so crunchy that's going to take a while yeah you know what i mean though yeah yep yep yep so i ate a lot of cookie right last night doing the cookie stream i had so many cookies and then i remember cleaning right i tied it up a little bit and then i remember i remember getting into bed and then i don't remember anything else i just woke up i was like did i did i [Music] did i stream did i i made cookies right i smell cookies bye-bye lava goodbye i don't know it must have just been a really good sleep i guess you know all right pop up these coordinates baby okay portals are two by three right they're four by four one two three oh wait i'm kind of scared guys what if this like really whether this really goes bad ah i just i need this to work no math please i don't i just i just want to have some chill chill minecraft i just want to get this trident this thing blasts through this oh my god that's incredible okay go down it's not very pretty but it gets the job done all right let's see where we go oh later boys is this right do i have to break this portal what does the guide say did i do this wrong i did it did i do it right though that is the question wait i'm watching the guy go back to the over okay we're going back wait it does work check the coordinates from okay now we're gonna go get the coordinates from the [Music] wait what okay why we have gonna go back and do this again okay we gotta go we gotta look at the bottom of the portal at the at the the farm here i was like what i guess it does work though it looks like the way it does in in the video in the guide okay so we need to get the coordinates from like one of these here uh six eight three four five uh six wait wait wait okay [Music] can we build like the targeted block what's the targeted block is that the one in the middle uh what the heart oh the targeted block that's right i used to thank you i did that wrong i did that all wrong oh no okay it was literally not the same never mind i was gonna be like it's the same it's not the same okay 680 839 okay oh small brain shut up listen i got this under control okay now we have to go build another portal doesn't matter where we build the portal let me build it like right next to the other one should we build it like here this is a lot of work for trident my goodness don't look at me like that don't look to be like that maybe we build it like here right here yeah yeah yeah divide it again oh wait what hey whoa whoa wait wait we go back into the nether we just divided by a back into this nether yay don't look at me like that hey oh oh i see how it is so okay you think you think oh oh i see how it is yeah well two can play at that game guys two can play at that game yeah i like that i like them apples huh who's going to crack first huh who's gonna break first i can do this all day all day all night huh huh i'm gonna divide this number here really quick so we're gonna divide these corners that i have so six eighty divided by eight equals uh 85 85 46 and then minus 104. all right let's go back all right fine you guys win you guys win okay uh here we go and we go wait uh should i no we'll be fine it'll be all good it'll be all good okay so now we build another portal so i do need the rest of this then hi you won't get mad if i take this will you mama mama how many portals do we have to build i wonder if i i think i might have some more obsidian in the chest though yeah yeah you shoot you guys won yeah whatever whatever this is actually really good because if we get more than one trident then i can we can repair right because if you guys are right when you say that uh tridents usually come damaged right we can repair them i don't think i have enough of this i think anymore [Music] yes i am so tired today you know when you're like you're so tired you just feel it it's like i feel so like heavy gimme thank you okay so now we go to these coordinates wait do we go to the coordinates or the targeted block and then we're gonna do the coordinates because that's what we're last time so 85 the one it's like here right hi gooda hi yeah it's here well this is an interesting place for a border all right uh i need to be three right one two three okay portal time why are we building up polaroids build another portal okay two by three is the portal that's how big a portal has to be how do you do two by three to buy just too wide okay i know what you mean oh do i have enough you think my voice box is broken did you hear that i didn't even get a scream out it was just air okay we're fine oh that was pretty close all right now does it work this is louise it does sound like louise all right where should this take us though i don't know to the same portal maybe oh great ah geez all great awesome great um we're gonna take the other portal we're gonna take the other portal so i don't know where this goes is that right it works that's right [Music] this is the portal where the ground will come through oh okay oh wait we have to go back we have to make a big hole any chests we need [Music] oh okay okay guys here we go okay we need to go get the chest and the hopper that means we're almost done how exciting we're gonna get our thing how could that be if i could get a trident for each of the girls as a christmas present i don't know if that'll happen but that would be really nice if it did okay whoosh where did i just go oh i dropped them we'll just take this one then believe in the christmas miracle okay we have our chests we have stuff that i am kind of scared to bring with me so i kind of want to put it back somewhere yeah i'm going to put some stuff back i'm going to put the uh the diamond pickaxe that is probably amelia's back because i don't want to lose it and then we go back into the portal right we go back to the one that we just built right and we're gonna build a big big hole and we're going to put chest and hoppers is there a way we could like get xp to from this or is it just for like try dance try to war hey [Music] [Music] no chest are you saying you don't have a chest how unfortunate how very unfortunate i don't know how that feels no i do not know incredibly unfortunate for you though i'm so sorry oh oh wow wow i have so many and then i get 11 chests what okay we now need this or this or these and i need this we'll put uh this we don't need this we have to go take away the lights too i do remember we have to do that as well i'll take these i don't really care about that or they leave the wrap piece i'm gonna put this back where i found it like a good little shark yes all right we're gonna go back we're gonna go back [Music] they don't need the trap door i don't need the trap door i don't need the trapdoor the guide says bag says i don't need no trap door [Music] i lied i need to trap doors i can't believe sorry guys yeah i do need to trap doors i feel so cozy right now i kind of want to light some candles that'd be nice [Music] like some nice big candles and uh just trying to try to hang out um just a just a group of us all right so i'll build a tube two by six deep hole i like two by two by six what is that like three three deep two by six i'm gonna build a little a little nook for all of the drawing to fall into and some hoppers to steal their tridents i really hope this works i really hope this works can you imagine if this doesn't work this is gonna be bad well i mean my how do i get here this way my what is it my creeper farm doesn't really work necessarily which is not great at dylan parker holy cow boy buddy holy cow there you go merry christmas dylan dylan what the heck what the heck wow wow merry christmas dylan what i see you dylan i hope you're having a very wonderful happy merry christmas and thank you for trying to get me a hippopotamus i understand they can be hard to come by all right so for this wait one two three wait which way to the which way did the drown come through did they come through this way block one sign okay we'll do it all right we'll do that you think this is deep enough so two by six one two one two three four five six on two three four five six bones malone thank you buddy merry christmas merry shrimp is my my mistake wait one one two three one two is this right counting yeah i know is this right this is dangerous isn't it with all the lava here all right six deep two by six okay we're five more five wait 16 from here one one two three four you gotta move my friend wait what one two three four five six i'm confused this is not six deep this is not six deep two blocks deep who said six blocks deep will you leave me alone one two this was right this was right whoever said that man wait this is no no no no no mom [Music] do something okay one two one two one two one two one two one two one two one two okay two by six check check check double chest in the middle ah one two three four five okay now this is 6x6 so here we're going to put some chests but is this right ha ha okay double chest in the middle two by six i meant two by six now we're gonna place hoppers going in which i believe we press shift click for right hernando merry christmas thank you okay now place to place a hopper right you have to shift click right you you shift click and you should click the chest i can't see what i'm saying [Music] merry christmas my ah this is right how do we test if it's right it works wow i almost spilled my water everywhere it works look at that okay what's next okay now we gotta build like a all right we gotta go this way we gotta build a little like a little room it's just gonna be a party with these guys here isn't it will you will you calm down wait one two three will you oh my goodness what is wrong with you calm down buddy move i can't kill him because then everybody else is gonna come for me all right all right and now we're gonna see like there should be like a window right arrow thank you arrow merry christmas merry christmas okay now we're gonna get rid of these it's coming together at this [Music] it works beautifully might i add okay place trap doors in the gap all right we're gonna play some trapdoors like this oh we are we gotta build a wall on the other side we gotta do that because they come in through both sides right okay we're gonna oh gosh how do we get over there i'm gonna block this off oh kyle okay very nice i'll get back ow okay wait that's it wait that's it that's it we have to go we have to go get rid of the the lights this is it this is literally it this is all done we just have to get to the portal now because i made a mistake out how do i get up how do i get up into the portal how do i do it guys foreign huh nice ah wait not nice not nice wait wait wait i can fix like faces like faces yep yep yep yep wrong portal wrong portal wrong portal i know i know i know i know i know i get it okay let's go get rid of the lights is that all we do we get rid of the lights and we go we go up [Music] this is it this is it how many hours have we spent on this together minecraft survival is hard sorry i've been quiet i've been concentrating yeah oh it's getting dark down here isn't it what oh oh the dolphin just died no stupid dolphin oh my god i can't stand dolphins stupid get out of here you useless all right try it it's not done china farm is not done now i have to go replace the turtle eggs because the dolphin got sucked up into the soul sand because dolphins are listen all i'm trying to say is what purpose do they serve is this the right way okay we're gonna get some more turtle eggs ah [Music] i don't really know how many dolphin uh dolphin eggs turtle legs i had before like i think i only had two and i'm pretty sure that dolphin just took out literally three or four i think they took out all of them well that's a slight bit annoying but that's fine it's fine it's fine it's okay i just need to go collect some more dolphins are smart okay says who says who else are smart how are dolphins smart have you ever lived with dolphins before who says dolphins are smart scientists try living try living near dolphins and then let me know how that goes and then we don't just borrow dolphins why i need seagrass [Music] all right i have a question what purpose do they serve specifically in minecraft just wondering just wondering can you like can you get resources from them or or where they added was it like we edited them because they're cute oh yeah do i have this type of cat before they're the color of a snickers bar dolphin do you see what i mean all they do is they take your things they play with it they push it around they make doing anything underwater very annoying and a kitty girl there it is i only have two come back mom hi oh come back come on come on come on come back i must give you a home at least take this fish i don't want it come here let me why are you being so difficult here there you go all right you stay there buddy we gotta go collect some turtle eggs cat lady gura yes i'm a bit of a cat shark all right [Music] so we're gonna go make some turtle babies [Music] tiger sharky hi all right guys get to it oh no you don't you serve a purpose ah harvesting harvesting i think the turtle's broken nice look at that harvest look at that bounty look at this delicious bounty thank you okay now how are we gonna replace how are we gonna replace all the eggs ah oh wait i know they replace eggs what do you mean no listen i captured those turtles to serve to serve me turtle eggs for breakfast what what that's just what they do trident try that that's what i want for christmas i want a try dent apparently drown can see the eggs from 23 blocks away so if we ah look at that cleared out every single one ridiculous are you kidding me huh okay maybe i think we should probably clear out more blocks here you're so dark down there or should we just go up and see what happened you think they're gonna see it from here uh let's just go up and see what happens we're going up the water elevator i got the light i got the light the magma block i got it though didn't i there leave one i missed one oh no i did cheer animal and nice oh seamless all right perfect timing let's go up okay up we go so now we have all the lights going we have all the magma blocks done we did all the math that we had to do and we did it right i think doll thank you merry christmas friend there are no more lights i took all the lights i think now what we just wait here we wait here there's chad do you wanna just talk about stuff 30 to 40 minutes oh i hope you're joking i guess we're gonna hang hang out i should have brought a fishing rod we could well not that we can see exactly all right that's afk then let's talk about stuff let's talk about our feelings talk about our feelings everybody ukulele i could i have one here i don't know if it's in tune how's everybody feeling though this is a crazy year so much has happened are you guys ready to take on a brand new year do you have any goals in mind or i don't know be be proud that we made it through you know it wow a part of me yawn sorry very tired day today very cozy comfy i s i spent today in bed watching documentaries uh hey hey say your friend is oh merry christmas hey thank you merry christmas to you and merry christmas to your friend thank you so much thank you merry christmas starting a new year with you is the best way thank you that's so sweet merry christmas good eyes thank you quebec guys thank you thank you you guys are very sweet dog so yeah i wanna i thought about the the banjo right i want to learn i want to play the the the animal crossing theme song on the banjo the bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum [Music] wouldn't that be nice i'll chill with that beer can you imagine just open the stream with a bum bump ah i really need i need to get some callouses on my fingertips though but the the ukulele doesn't leave calluses on your fingers or it does but it's not not like a guitar string or a bass string or banjo string did you ever think you would know you guys would you ever think you would meet a banjo playing shark and yellow shark maybe we can make some fireworks and set them off that'd be fun i think i just need paper and gunpowder and i have some let me need a crossbow and i have one of those too should we go make some fireworks let's go make some fireworks wow i hear them i hear them do you hear them it's working it's working we're gonna we're gonna we're gonna make some fireworks really quick though i'm gonna make some fireworks so we can we can send them off while we afk i think i have gun powder there's a lot of mobs here though yeah we can't leave the farm i know i know this is only momentarily though i just want stuff i just want stuff to go do i want stuff to shoot in the sky because we're so high up it's perfect well we finished the farm [Music] we need stuff to do to afk it's like when you go on a road trip we need stuff to do we need paper and we need gum powder i'm pretty sure i have gum powder and we just need a crossbow or a bow and we can send stuff into the sky where's all the gunpowder hello gunpowder where are you i think ammo has gum powder i know ppp has gum powder [Music] we only have two how do i make a firework any paper whip paper ah it's just paper and gunpowder right what a big pain we need the star do you not just send off fireworks oh that is kind of pain isn't it um well let's just go back in afk then let's suppose bring a little bit of fishing rods ah that's okay let's we're gonna i didn't know we need the the star to make the the thing go poof i left a cat here though let's bring kitty home for those of you that have just come in ice cream ice cream i didn't put that there is that enough why is there a chicken in here how do we build a fishing rod fishing round fishing run string and stick whoopsie uh fishing rod let's enchant it where's wait we can enchant it with something oh no i have to save it i have one more lapis and i'm going to save that for a trident okay there's my bow i don't no amelia boson it has to be somewhere safe there's no way i would not have it somewhere safe you know there's no way okay let's go back i didn't lose that i have to go back and watch the i'll go watch the vlog and figure out where i put it i need to organize my chests off stream i think no no no no i didn't lose it because i know i put it somewhere safe because i didn't want anything to happen to it i didn't want to make an unnecessary mistake you know is that a donkey donkey i need a donkey we should give it to we should give it to amelia we should put a donkey in our house because shrek right how many how many of the ear members of what shrek we should put donkeys in theirs mommy should we go check it now or should we afk a little bit more the bow is safe i had a feeling i mean i know i'm irresponsible and forgetful and whatever but something like that that's important okay we're gonna afk but just a little bit more i know you have to spend more time with me oh oh the humanity okay i know it's getting late many of you probably need to go to bed soon so santa will come right santa doesn't come if your eyes aren't closed you know that uh all right can we even see the fish down here wait um nope okay here's what we can do don't worry about it i have an idea we're gonna go sky fishing does this work wait i'm not gonna get my stuff dang it we're fishing it works feliz navidad what did you doubt my minecraft did you doubt my craftsmanship listen when life gives you lemons make lemonade what should we talk about while we afk here [Music] no mom no no i think we can get like a a rare book or something where is the logic there is no logic in video game ah sorry yawning it's so comfy [Music] [Music] hey we got a puffer fish what can we do with a puffer fish [Music] oh gosh you won again this is thank you thank you i've got another puffer fish you can poison people really that doesn't sound very nice with a salmon what it's an xp farm it's pee pee it's mini pee pee pee minnie pee pee pee pee okay we're gonna we're gonna wait through the night here and then we're gonna go check it let's have a nice chat while we wait yes do we talk about [Music] yeah sorry i think this is music too because usually i have the um other music playing you know and that music usually keeps my brain like like wow wow wow wow it's kind of hard to concentrate sometimes but this music is so chill i've been ah yeah ah all right let's see here we have your brown nicole merry christmas good old great job on your china farm you'll become a master architect in brown nickel thank you it is my pleasure thank you zachary hopefully there's an inna you can attack with your bow listen now that was just prime prime prime prime was perfect shiny hunting pokemon while watching small shark tis a happy yule indeed thank you grant thank you i remember i remember hunting for shinies shiny hunting i was not very good at it you have to like chain fish right i remember chain fishing in pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemon deep dark fantasy merry christmas if you'll become 3d is there anything you want to do in the future merry christmas friend oh if i become 3d ah there's so much i want to do i think the ultimate i don't know ever since ever since getting to watch uh hall of face with everybody it's like being just imagining all of us on stage performing is like the number one dream for me i just think that would be that would be incredible and if that ever happens i will cry my eyeballs out i will be uh hysterically sobbing that's definitely one and then also like i said in my my debut i think playing something like 3d twister with everybody would be fun aha nice try circles yeah i want to perform on stage i want to say doma same and i want i want to know that i want to know that all of you are are shaking your glow your glow stick your blue glow stick you're shaking it for me you know wouldn't that be so crazy yeah that's what i want to do i want to perform for all of you phantom broken oh that's a lot wow that's a lot of phantoms what do i do thank you for your thank you for your super chat hey y'all [Music] merry christmas good ol wish you the best thank you aloi thank you what is the best gift you've ever received for christmas oh that's a good question thank you sup cook the best christmas gift i've ever received for christmas oh i remember um i remember i really wanted like a like this is kind of embarrassing but whatever um when i was a baby shark i remember there was this like kitchen toy or this cooking toy and it was pink everything about it was pink pink everything that was the whole point it was pink and it was kitchen and i was i remember i dreamed of that i dreamed of that that toy and then and then and then i got that toy i was so happy i was so so happy because you can bake like a like a pink cake and there was pink cookies there was everything everything was pink it was so good yeah that's that's something my most memorable my most beautiful christmas kit ah oh my face hurts yeah i shut up i know it'd be kind of hard to believe seeing how i'm all blue you know but i don't ah nice yeah yeah okay watching good out from the south hemisphere with a cold glass of lemonade feeling cozy this christmas oh so it's like summer where you are that's wild isn't that crazy to think some people associate christmas with like snowmen and and snow and fireplaces and some people associate christmas with lemonade and going to the beach oh my that's a lot hi hi fellas you guys are gonna give me a lot of xp pretty soon oh fireworks i oh no ah how do we make the firework i have color on it is you need the star barbie horse adventure playthrough when i will do that if i can get the permissions for that i will do that uh dustin merry christmas girl thank you merry christmas funds for an easy bake oven would you guys watch an easy bake oven stream thank you thank you waddles you need the star okay today we're baking with an easy bake oven we're gonna yes oh boy uh okay ah i need it to be sunny because i need these guys to go away [Music] yeah stop stop stop at this instant do you think we'll make it if we jump down and go to the uh okay we're gonna make a run for we gotta go check we gotta go check we gotta go check no get out of the boat i should have known that was gonna happen i should have known i mean how many are behind us there can't be that many do you think how many do you think i mean later trident he's got a dry day what do we do i thought they were supposed to die a looting sword no no no back it up back it up vips only vip only oh my god whatever fine fine but look at that baby i don't have a loading sword whoa it's what's for breakfast drop your glutes in the item disposal below you that would be fantastic thank you is this guy all right he's like freaking out okay so i gotta i gotta block this guy in or something you are causing problems my friends i i okay we're gonna lead him away maybe why are there two oh my goodness this is not good how do we get rid of them oh this is so bad put the carpet on the carpet on the okay to get the xp why are you running through this why where did you come from stop it i don't want you here well guys the china farm actually works perfectly stop stop no no no no no we need to trap them because they're annoying this is useless okay what if we dug down there they'll fall down there eventually no you're not supposed to jump out of that you're not supposed to jump out of that i need them to fall very far down and to stay down yes nice nice no bad this is bad wait no no no no no not me too will you fall down this hole please i don't like you blowing wait i'm really really in my oh nice nice [Music] peace peace and quiet ish all right i'm gonna go make a make a looting sword because i want to try this again because it works but hey it works ah you guys i can't believe that works let's go make a let's go make a sword with looting yeah looting i don't think i have a book for looting but we can check i'm so excited how good that works right that's how that works you capture them and then you have to kill them oh then we should make some we should get some carpet too so we can put it over there and get all the stuff and make a door okay we'll bring it to our tube i think when i was eating my sandwich earlier i think i cut my tongue somehow in the very back of my mouth because it really hurts to kind of hurts to talk right now china farm complete now i need okay the sword check the hopper how do you check a hopper that just goes right into the it goes into the the chest though right i thought that's what it did that's why you don't have to check the that's why you don't check the hopper you check the my brain isn't working the chest the chest [Music] amelia oh did i leave that open i know i left some no okay let's see if we can get one with i only have one lapis what am i gonna do don't enchant would why why would i use why would i use why would i use iron i want to use wood so that nothing my brain don't work so good all right [Music] can i borrow some lapis from somebody all right let's borrow some miriam do you have any lapis i can borrow what was that banging noise fireworks that's too much i can't take that much from you emilia i'm so sorry okay we'll do this we'll take we'll just take two we only need two fbi fbi open up nah somebody's shooting fireworks it's a little early though isn't it yeah santa's shooting finally okay well because i don't know how do we because we want looting and i don't have looting so we're gonna do this right because we have to reset the enchanting table use the iron sword to check yeah sharpness sweeping edge why would i enchant an iron why oh what is bait of anthropos that doesn't even make sense are we gonna get a looting maybe i have something with looting or fortune would fortune also work or maybe i have a looting owl hiding can i use fortune bane of anthropology can i beat them with a shovel only looting i don't have looty bum bum bum well let's make an iron sword then i need sticks i'm gonna make a sword that's a shovel okay let's spin let's spin the enchanting gotcha one more time merry christmas girl america's his friends i have a looting book you guys remember because i remember i think i did have a looting book but the question is where i think i might have left it uh me and amelia me and uh amelia went on like an adventure and i think i left the book oh that's why we're getting enchanted books too wait where did i leave the bookstore we can go check yeah we can check uh atlantis yeah we can check we can check let me just see what we have on this though [Music] that's really good though all right we're gonna go to atlantis thanks for spending your christmas eve with me everybody i really appreciate it yeah take power four i'm only level 11. and we want looting we want looting so i need to go how do i mix mama [Music] i forget how to get to atlantis how do we get there i don't remember i don't play this game enough i need to remember how to get everywhere do we go through the portal yeah i think it's this way right yeah it's this way yeah buddy this is the way i think directionally challenged a little bit a little bit i was actually i was looking at some architect uh stuff with minecraft for atlantis and i really like how people build the spires and the rounded there's like rounded spiral towers you can build and i feel like i have to do a line of practice building before i'm ready for the real deal is this the right way yes this is dewey dewey nice we're gonna go get looting a looting sword so that we have a higher drop rate chance before i tried it because i tried it far works and we have to put carpeting over the hopper so that we can get the we can get the xp so it's not only a trident farm but it's a tribe and farm slash xp farm i have a question for those of you that were at the did you guys like the asmr part of the thing the thing the cookie my brain is so not working right now because i want to try and do more like actual asmr but i'm really bad at it because like i don't know what to do okay what can we do that's like asmr i want to make meatloaf can we make meatloaf together meatloaf make a simmer think of the noises you can get with meatloaf the squishy noises when you mix the meat with your hands and stuff they either make meatloaf or we can make meatballs we can make meatballs how about uh i cook you dinner asmr because i'm i'm a better cook than i am a baker did you know that i don't know if i've ever told you that yeah my baking is not so great but my cooking is is good good cook bad baker it's hard to be both but yeah we can make uh i'll make dinner for you i'll make we can oh i was also thinking i was thinking we could try and make some uh some some japanese recipes like instead of meatloaf or meatballs we can make hamburger with like steamed broccoli and steamed potatoes is that a llama not my mama sharpness [Music] google i think that's mine i think i named that that sounds like something i would say oh wait there was a respiration to be right here the whole time okay uh wow wow you know content we made content that day all right you told me that sorry it's a christmas miracle it is so now we have a looting three and now we need to go afk some more and we need to try the looting sword on a drowned that has the sword that way i mean the sword to try it in you need mending on it mending what does mending do mending gold breaks easily how do i add another enchantment how or can i just fix it with another gold sword auto repair how do you auto repair you repair with xp okay is use the anvil oh okay that's easy we can just auto repair then but i think how much does it cost because the xp that we get from killing the drone i mean i was quite a few levels what was i like four or five levels or so mending is auto repair okay yeah i wonder who's going to be the first in the server to get like full netherright armor i have a feeling it's gonna be enough something tells me that ina is gonna be the very first to have fully fully decked out enchanted nether eye everything nether i armor another eye sword netherright everything yeah ina yeah definitely you know the tank ina she just plays really smart she's really good at the game it probably is also good she seems very organized with the game too if you compare like her chests to my chest hers is a lot more organized mine's scattered everywhere as we already know that all right back we go what are we doing i'm gonna put the stuff that i don't want in the chest can i like start fighting them only carpeting too can i start fighting them with um i'll start fighting them with an iron sword and then i can finish them off with the looting sword right right that'll work all right we need carpeting do i have any lying around that i forgot bring the shield [Music] oh okay we need to build a door how could i forget to build a door any wood okay build the door door build some carpet build my main food source grid trap doors also work oh well we have carpeting now so we're just gonna use the carpeting all right peel peel all right guys back we go here we go how exciting uh i can feel it in my bones we're gonna get we're gonna get that trident ah i just i wish i wish i don't know i wish [Music] we're cultivating forks baby gonna get me a fork a big old fork now i'm going to torture my gen mates yeah all right [Music] here we go to afk once more uh carpet should i put the carpet down first i'll put the carpet down first my bed carpeting is that a pirate ship no pickaxe a pickaxe pickaxe who needs a pickaxe we don't need a pickaxe no jinx no no no no we're just gonna put some carpet down and a door we're gonna put doors and carpets wait and then and then perfect they'll never they'll never be able to break that puzzle ever it's quiet how do you put carpeting oh oops wait will the stuff still fall through everything will fall through right no how do i get out of here i was incredibly lucky i was almost stuck here even though you guys were telling me to bring bring a pickaxe to what a guru have to say girl said no no that's fine i don't need one oh it's perfect let's go afk for the night go go go go speed racer ghost b racer ghost be racer go yeah okay we're gonna go afk at the top i know i don't listen i think i'm kind of stubborn maybe i might be a little bit stubborn just a little bit not that bad though [Music] [Music] bum all right here we are once again head of bone actually to be a precise head of cartilage i understand it doesn't quite have the same ring as uh bone are you winning girl i am living look at the moon it's so pretty wait that's nevermind [Music] my mama ah great yeah it's the sun whatever i didn't realize that shut up got some xp too fishing in one block well i mean is something we can do oh let's read some more super chat let's have some more conversation come on there we go all right let's see merry christmas thank you jason merry christmas to you hi glitter merry christmas happy new year i'm very happy to meet you in the year oh decide 2020 huh thank you girl i love you i thank your friend merry christmas good job getting through this tough year it's been tough for i think a lot of people but it's all right we made it through wings this year oh it was foretold that we would meet a shark made of pudding a shark made of pudding with the diet of a seagull [Music] thank you wings i do have the diet of a seagull it's kind of sad but um yes i enjoyed the part where you shattered headphone use your eardrums top-notch more oh yeah the part with the with the mixer see i didn't think i had a mixer and then i found the paddles to the mixer and i said oh i do have a mixer this is gonna be fine i went and i listened to the vlog and i didn't realize how loud it was it's really loud so i'm pretty i i'm sorry merry christmas girl i wanted to ask you a question if you had what oh if you had a device for instant travel that could take you to either amelia's house or a river full of friendly otters which destination would you choose okay listen amelia is great amelia is great she's a very different and i care about her very much but but otters i i have you seen have you seen a baby otter before have you seen how fuzzy they are have you seen how cute they are huh i would say artists cause so cute you for your super chat oh suffer freak 10 can you wish your friend my friend a happy christmas raspberry is their name okay of course freak and raspberry merry christmas ho ho ho merry christmas friends uh pee pee pee raise have a happy even christmas girl happy christmas merry new year thank y'all girl please play man eater again oh geez thank you ayn thank you um merry christmas good eye cheers to a new year of ah yes thank you are you in the other halloween our 2020 gift we can be hollow live we can all be your gift imagine us wrapped up in a in a big bowl just for you yeah though man eater that was the first game uh i didn't do a lot of research into man eater i was just like oh shark game and shark needless to say i was very overwhelmed playing that game i was very overwhelmed uh i didn't know how to play really i knew how to play but i didn't i don't know i was just i was an interesting experience definitely uh an experience i will never forget wait what do you mean lude what happened i was lured i wasn't watching what come on come on nice nice look it's the moon girl is pure of heart but dumb of brain yeah a little so you still love me don't you ah have a nice christmas girl thank you you two have a nice nice christmas ah return hi gooda i have a big important medical school exam in a week yes good luck do i have any favorite cities i visited beside atlantis no no i haven't but i liked i'd like to visit big cities that would be fun i feel like they could be overwhelming that also makes the adventure that much greater thank you doll have a nice christmas friend please have a nice christmas small brain merry christmas thank you small brain thank you thank you double thank you merry christmas croaky who you calling croaky are you saying i'm croaky like a frog are you calling me a frog merry christmas bang america i built a trident farm today following the same design you used and i got a trident within 10 minutes what 10 minutes i hope i can get that lucky thank you friend merry christmas merry christmas very happy that we can spend christmas with you this year hope 2021 will be a wonderful year for you oh does it say nice merry christmas and happy new year happy happy new year now that you've completed the trident farm are you going to build a prototype now you guys should we sit around and build an entire other giant fly another wait what is this can be like a eight hour stream i'm just gonna stream right on through right on through to the next stream now merry christmas should we check all the timing all right let's go have a look everybody shall we let's check i only waited for one night which oh all right let's go let's hopefully get this tried in come on baby i just want to try that i'm never letting go that i tried it optimize this one no i mean so it's like instead of a like a blast furnace we have a blast china farm um oh we hit him oh where's the trident nobody's gotta try it we'd be able to see them if they had tridents none of them have one oh that works really well the xp just comes right to you that's really good all right i can build a step with this right oh huge brain all right nope why would i use the loot why would i use the looting sword nobody had to try it literally none of them had to try it why would i why would i what um huh the heck was that both just decided nah oh wait no both got water in it because i went under the water bowl got water and both go down i see it's like this game's got no logic no physics not a one bum bum all right we're gonna hang out some more chat some more merry christmas here's to good things ahead thank you splice night thank you merry christmas oh we have an artifact some otters namely mothers and pups hold hands while they sleep wrapped in a blanket of kelp to keep each other close uh and from floating out into the ocean yeah otters hold hands how cute is that how cute how cute is that great job on the farm girl thank you many shark miss wait what wait when you said kiss the girl and i walk upon you were gonna say my toes are foot this is important why is it important i know i said i didn't kiss the ground no i wasn't i was gonna start doing this i i say kiss my toes it's like reflex i don't mean anything more than that if that's what you're if that's what you're looking very important thank you yono see you no i just meant to kill you know whatever i know i don't mean it that way no ken merry christmas girl i love you merry christmas cat thank you merry christmas a big psycho boy this year was rough and dark but you made but you oh i can't read sorry but you brought a little light into it and made it brighter merry christmas thank you big big psycho boy thank y'all oh oh it just reset oh no come back come back crazy cat hi gooda i found my favorite pen from my washed coverall which was lost two months ago and i was really sad but it can still right surprisingly oh wait hold on i have to hiccup you found a pen you lost your pen that's so good and it still writes that's a miracle [Music] oh sorry okay thank you crazy cat oh good looking johnny good good luck on dropping your pen good job on finding your pen why does my brain just like stop why why why why ah i can't i cannot read russian but i think that says so i will say uh a merry christmas friend thank you it's been a roller coaster of feelings when watching good streams but i can't get a hold of myself merry christmas good ass ah thank you barry merry christmas berry here's a shark fact from josh girl is the cutest shark there is and that's a fact wow it would be it would be absolutely silly of me to to deny such a fact right set an alarm and take a nap you want me to go take a nap can i just like afk and i'll can i can you sleep can you sleep on strip is that allowed because i have i have a bed in here now i can just sleep i just take a nap you don't go hot and hop on the bed just afk and wait for this way for this wait for this trident it is my bed's like right here look bed jump on the bed jump on the bed wake up wake up the neighbors underneath me hey we're gonna do a merry christmas sleep along everybody everybody time to get in bed time to put on the pj santa's coming and we we mustn't be late we absolutely mustn't did i just get leather what can i read can i read chat from bed do you think i can read chat from ben because if it reaches i'll reach out from there merry christmas girl thank you dee arnold i hope you get that try then yeah thank you i hope so too all right i'm gonna go get in bed i have my shark here [Music] okay good night oh stretch [Music] i [Music] [Music] wow why are you giving me that face there's no need for that this is not me why would there be any need here we go i was nice but i'm back now what i was actually comfy i could have stayed there a little bit longer but what what what would i what why why would i do that look at bed dog we could have we could have um have you ever been to a slumber party you could talk about like girly things like like makeup and and and perfume and celebrities and we can play board games [Music] um maybe that would be a good idea chiara has her like kiara's got that holo talk right it's really good it's a nice feels very professional talk show maybe i could start like a like a i don't want to say a podcast but maybe we could do like uh the like a like a girl talk interview but it's not really like an interview it's like we just hang out in bed and talk about girly stuff the shark podcast the pillow the pillow podcast with your host garguru that'll be nice isn't it oh do you want a recipe i want to try and make if we do more cooking on stream i want to do um have you seen it's like it's like omarise but it's like a tornado it's like tornado rice the egg you put it in the pan and then you twist it with chopsticks it's just the right time and it swirls the egg like a tornado that looks like fun again merry christmas have you ever played toy haul tour games i have now played touhou last time i talked about touhou i pronounced it too who and everybody made fun of me and then okay is it touhou or tulu have you ever played touhou uh my favorite character is is that how you say it because last time i pronounced it sure no and you guys also made fun of me too touhou you two have a lot of similarities small blue similar mental capacity oil what does that mean oh what is that supposed to mean i love you glitter thank you jen i don't know anything i know cheat or i don't know cheerio okay i've ever played uh the the two toots and the cheerio no ah but i've played uh chi chi chi chi and all i pled to it and i was perfect math class and taiko it's one of my favorite songs and that's how i know touhou papa what are touhou games like what are they about i hear a lot about them and i know marine senpai really likes touhou is is cheerio is cheerio cute channel can we play i want to try i want to see what it's about bullet bullet hell oh i know what that means that's like the games who are you is it the ones where you it's like a screen right oh and there's like you move up and down right and it's p p p p and there's usually an enemy to the side right side scroll maybe dodging the reign of bullets oh yeah yeah is churro also a shark hard game shark of the sea hi merry christmas hats merry christmas merry christmas hats thank you friend thank you randy randy randy hi gouda ah you're welcome my pleasure friend merry christmas happy new year happy happy new year exile hi good a long time fan you come aha thank you thank you friend thank you exile merry christmas check the turtle eggs oh can the turtle eggs break all right let's check the turtle eggs because i didn't know that they could break uh i think it's still working they can go underwater their legs are good oh boy ah oh i hate this game oh my god no i can never have anything never never one step forward 12 steps back all right i'm gonna hit this back too i missed try it again try it again try it again i missed again i'm scared of your shots i'm terrified of you i'm scared bro please stop please stop how do i hit this bag i'm scared huh no no oh come on i don't think these guys have to try it why are they so strong okay okay okay [Music] okay the damage isn't that bad actually we got really lucky there's no damage we just need to go light it again wait what happened wait what happened the portal is broken wait what okay so i need obsidian and i need why did i make another one though i gotta go get the the flint it spawned another portal how does that even we just have to light it just relight it yeah we're gonna re-light it wow okay let's realize i hate those gas things you can rely on flint how do you use flint well i mean i'm already here so i might as well just keep going so let's grab the flint and steal [Music] wait i think does inna have a i think anna has a anvil maybe no she does how do you how do you mend i don't know how to do this a gold bar okay i don't have any i don't think it's fine though okay i'm gonna go re-light the portal make sure everything everything is working ah okay well everything does work use a gold bar you noob all right all right all right [Music] guys i'm getting tired i think i should call it after this cause there's another stream uh in a few hours ah well i mean i did what i set out to do we have contact we finished the farm and we made contact with the trident we made contact we've seen it now it's just a it's a matter of waiting so we just wait [Music] is there a way i just gotta find a way to like afk without having it kick me out hmm what does this portal do where does this one go this one should go back to where we were right yes nice yeah i should build like a big wall around this i think that's a good idea you guys know where this portal goes wait what should i should i break this one [Music] oh it's the same so essentially what you're saying is that it's free obsidian all right yay free obsidian easy game hacks look at that [Music] big all right everyone i'm gonna make this work for that trident it's all right though i have the looting sword that the farm works the works perfectly thank you to the guide maker uh shulk shulkercraft is the guide that i used it works beautifully friend thank you so much for supplying everybody was such an amazing guide it works very very well if i can follow it and make it work anybody can make it work you know all right everyone look how pretty here ah thank you everyone thank you for sitting with me while we while we figured out this this trident farm law singing merry christmas shahaha thank you merry christmas friend it's christmas where i live so i wanted to wish a heartfelt merry christmas to my favorite shark merry christmas high tower merry christmas shark thank you for brightening up an otherwise pretty crummy year my pleasure thank you merry christmas robert hey you good uh uh uh-oh okay we're fine you are the shark that introduced me to youtubers and hollow live 2020 was rough but you gave me and so many others a reason to get up and be happy each week my only christmas wish this year is for all of your goals and dreams to come true robert thank you that's so sweet thank you i hope all of your dreams and wishes come true i really do and i hope you have a very very happy merry christmas and a very happy merry new year christmas goodall thank you hope you're able to at least get gifts from family this year if you aren't able to visit them we all love you keep up the great work have have a blessed day thank you warrior merry christmas friend thank you girl if you don't have any arranged weapons you can rope a ghast in the melee range with a fishing rod oh what really absconded thank you i didn't know that pro tip merry christmas girl i think your prism shield ah i am a very tired shark i just and my throat kind of hurts i think from the screaming at the mixer yesterday uh actually the stream is the first time i've talked today pretty much so that's also another reason i'm so like ah mama mama oh mama guys thank you when will you have your next karaoke stream january january yes friend january all right everybody you for coming we finished the china farm now we just have to afk for a while and let them all collect but i hope i hope everybody has a very merry christmas i hope you have a happy new year we're gonna see each other before new year obviously you're gonna see me in a few hours literally like wait how many hours from now like eight hours wait yeah like not eight or nine hours from now so i'll see you very shortly close your eyes for santa okay um eat some good food for me look at this look at this look at this stupid what kind of kind of stupid um anyway don't touch me don't do it don't you do it don't do it you're gonna regret it oh ow i regret it all right everybody good night yeah come at me do it yeah that's what i thought was merry christmas happiest of happy new year i'll see you guys real soon okay okay thank you beardown thank you cheek merry christmas have a great rest of your night thank you chick oh soup foreign [Music] thank you merry christmas thank you everybody okay merry christmas good night be good for santa i'll see you guys soon yeah how about me come on come on be your worst all right okay all right bye everyone bye bye [Music] bye [Music] you
Channel: Gawr Gura Ch. hololive-EN
Views: 678,043
Rating: 4.9804125 out of 5
Id: pc9ptF7A5ec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 186min 8sec (11168 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 24 2020
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