[MINECRAFT] mmm lets build somethin

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hi everyone i saw somebody well i was just laughing it was somebody saying i don't i didn't see who said it but someone's reject sickness return to craft so that's what we're doing today we are rejecting we are rejecting sickness and we are returning to craft minecraft i i miss you how do i feel today uh i feel better i feel a lot better i don't think i sound uh better but i feel better i don't know if i sound better but i feel better which is what is ah i know what we can talk about today some some stories of of medicine and anyway oh silver chance you guys thank you thank you are you what does your name say i can't read this i cannot read russian let me look up translate hold on you guys ready for some minecraft minecraft minecraft minecraft let me get down to minecraft uh georgie georgie thank you georgie hi it's shrimp and o'clock thank you georgie thank you and jason thank you guys thank you that's really it means a lot to me include thank you don't go too hard it's okay i won't i'm all good we're all good guys don't worry thank you we're glad you're returning shark i'm happy to be here isis thank you all we have hydration yeah don't worry we got hydration hi members hi i hi guys hi hi hi okay let's let's jump into the game let's jump into the game what game are we playing minecraft i always think of emilio with the minecraft minecraft michael yeah hello minecraft hello i gotta move my keyboard i'm all messed up so this is what i this is what i had in mind for today ah my fishies hello my fishies i missed you did you miss mommy mommy missed you this is so i think i had this plan in my dang i gotta write something down hold on i gotta i've been trying to think of things because we have a i have another asmr coming up because i did my very first asmr with the members the other day i think it was not yesterday but the day before yesterday i got you panda napkin done but yeah i did my very first asmr it was a very interesting experience i don't know if people liked it or not it seemed okay but i don't know but i pretty much i ate a i ate i ate some some some burgers with everybody and i did soft whispering and i scratched on the sesame seed pod and then i went i started eating the burger right and then i remembered how absolutely petrified and embarrassed i am to eat in front of people mind you with a microphone with really high sensitivity shoved in my mouth i was like what did i just get myself into uh but i just had i had an idea for the next one that i want to write down i keep forgetting to write it down so let me just write them real quick and i looked into getting a 3d oh you guys know this video it's like the microphone with the ears on it i don't think it's the one with the entire head but it's the one with the ears oh my god how i missed it [Music] yeah i haven't gotten this video 3d video but i'll think about it if if asmr streams are something that we're going to do then i'll be more than happy more than happy to to do this i gotta read i just thank you for your super chat you guys you guys are so sweet thank you king metroid thank you that's big akka super oh wow thank you that's mighty b you guys like my shrimp it's a memory shrimp well then i messed up all my stuff there we go well so gouda what are we doing in minecraft today well what i want to do in minecraft today is i want to build the thing here was about this like stairway that i had blend here or not a stairway but like uh like a pathway with with lights and eonian posts or however you say eonimpus ionian i was watching i may play mario galaxy have you guys played mario galaxy before i spent a lot of time playing mario galaxy 2. i don't think i've played mario galaxy but i've played mario galaxy too um and it's really interesting watching somebody uh playing i don't know it's just like it's like we have to remember we have to remember that like i don't know if she's played the game before but there's like little things that i'm like oh i thought everybody knew how to do that but no no good you just spent too much time playing that game it's like ah all right but anyway that means that i'm really i want to play i'm going to play mario galaxy at some point yeah and i played a lot of galaxy 2. my favorite level of galaxy 2 i remember i feel like we all we all have that one level music is a bit loud okay i had a feeling let me turn the music down how's that better [Music] meant to ask you guys that music okay what was i saying uh there is i don't know i feel like we all have that one level that we play over and over and over again in our favorite games and for me in mario galaxy 2 my favorite level was the the slide one i don't remember what it was called but i just remember the gal i think it was galaxy was it in galaxy which like specific galaxy in the galaxy game the second and the third but it's a slide one did you guys play the slide one do you remember the slide one i don't know why but that one was the most fun for me i felt like it was i need more dart yeah this is what i want to do i'm going to have it like this and i want to have posts coming up ideally i want this to be made out of prismarine but uh yeah obtaining bismarine is a different story why do i have a shrimp on my head it's my shrimps i like shrimp let's go get some dirt super good galaxy yeah yep yeah i want to play that next though at some point so you guys know that there is yeah where am i i took some more well i just got spun around i took some uh some more of the i've been taking this medicine to help you sleep right uh i guess i should just say only take medicine when you need it right i'm gonna take this don't please yeah oh nice dirt thank you and the first time i took the the sleeping medicine that made me sleep for like um what was i saying like 15 hours right and then i took a different one that wasn't as strong uh it's not it's not specifically made for sleeping it's just got like a it's like a it's a it's a multi-purpose medicine you know that's supposed to help you when you're sick and sleep sleep uh drowsiness and it has to mean something like that is just one of the one of the medicines in the medicine right i don't know i'm not a pharmacist yeah but the first time i took it knocked me out took a week along the second time and it didn't really do much just kind of made me giggly and that's it and then i took one i took one uh i took one last night the same one the strong one because i i felt so awful yesterday i felt so terrible do you know what you guys oh okay let me finish what i was saying before but yeah i took it i took the strong one again last night and all it did was give me nightmares horrible horrendous nightmares i was just sweaty it was awful it it it helped in some regard but it just i didn't sleep i was like this is supposed to be helping me what happened and then i just got so upset i was like [Music] yeah you guys are sick you ever you know you're sick and you just feel so awful that you kind of just sit and stare into nothingness like what i did i was just like uh it's been a while since i've been like sick so i guess i guess if you're somebody who doesn't get sick all that often when you get really actually sick it it kind of feels hard to convince yourself that yes you are sick like like there's certain things you like you look for or maybe i'm just somebody who's like i can't get sick i don't wanna get sick i can't get sick i don't wanna no it's not me i'm not sick no oh hi hello hello uh it's like simple things like symptoms and if you have a fever you know your favor is your body fighting an infection so it heats up like a kettle and then when you're done fighting the infection your body goes like a tea kettle i feel like i'm i'm blabbing i don't know so you gotta make like stairs let's make a shovel shovel yeah when i took the heavy medicine i think it was i don't know what does it say ah nothing wrong with guru md oh god no not a doctor you're not a doctor no uh i'm about to shovel yeah uh i spent a lot of the time uh i just kind of turned the tv on on uh no volume put on like one volume because my it just couldn't my head was like please know please please good enough um that's higher that's not your brother hold on [Music] yeah i turned on the the food channel and here i am oh it's that i was like what noise i turn on the the food channel right and all it's just i think it was a show about like carnival food so there's just this guy up up in the screen making the like the like like the the wow this food is so good it's crazy there's this guy like i couldn't hear him but he was just going in on on this peanut butter and jelly corn dog and i was like please no i my brain can't take this like i'm gonna chase this channel couldn't just i just sat and there was all these colors and my poor brain i just couldn't handle it it's like wacky carnival food they made a sandwich with strawberries it was like a multi-layer set i think anyway i mean i always medicine so i could be remembering wrong but at one point they were eating uh he was like he was eating a uh like a triple decker sandwich and it was one layer was cheese and jalapeno and then the next layer was cream cheese and strawberries and i squished it together and i'm sitting there in the cold sweats like oh god megan stop another thing he was like it would be like a tiny food and he would have to make a big bite out of it i'm like there's nothing there sir you don't have to do that every time you can just take a normal human bite we'll understand if you don't actually need to take a inhumane by to show satisfaction you don't have to i think pretty much what i'm trying to say is that you know what else the food the food show is always also is like cupcake we're gonna make cupcakes about angry birds no we're not we're gonna now we're gonna make we're gonna make cupcakes about about about uh christmas trees now we're gonna make cupcakes about uh the seven wonders the seven man made wonders of the world it's just colors i think what i'm trying to say is maybe don't watch the food channel when you are taking medicine sorry he's contractually obligated to take big bite oh no i got it actually made me i was a little late isn't this dish in january not everything calls for such a big bite sir like if you don't vary if you don't vary your expressions of satisfaction people are just gonna think it's it's the same thing like you really think taking a bite of a peanut butter and jelly corn dog is gonna is gonna get the same reaction as eating a uh squirrel ravioli no anyway what's up with you guys feel like i should i need to count i need to see like where uh i think i need to move the stairway in a little bit yeah you gotta count who's ready to count there's another show that i watched too it was they had a ah they had a cooking competition where they cook who could make the best squirrel meal so whatever they could cook at a squirrel yeah i don't know i mean sure go for it i guess yeah wild times i did not see one ufo a little disappointed okay so i want one two on each side so one two we should knock this out here lisa senpai now i didn't eat the squirrel just because they ate the squirrel doesn't mean i i agree with their choice yeah man television is weird [Music] oh poor cali cali's sick i'm just so bad i wanna make her some soup and tell her it's gonna be okay he's being sick sucks [Music] i hope none of you are sick right now wait back up they hate squirrels yeah it was like a like a competition they just went out caught a bunch of squirrels and was like all right whoever can make the best squirrel meal in the next hour wins money there's something i don't know from what i could hear that's what it was about oh there are some of you that are sick oh no being sick sucks sucks stinky i need a i need one of these where's mine i'm gonna make one yeah [Music] maybe this is maybe this is guru you broke the bridge i'm gonna move the bridge don't worry i'm gonna move it in we gotta just make sure the math is right or they're gonna push this in one more yeah we're gonna do one more let's say i think the next thing i guess this is kind of maybe just i don't know maybe you won't understand but i had a good hair day today not that it matters but sometimes i don't know it's nice when your hair cooperates with you i guess you might be like what [Music] okay i need to move this in three there's my thing ah is it because there's a shrimp in my hair it's true yes the best hair accessory now isn't there a lava near here somewhere there's a chance to love your lads for sure maybe we won't have to move it yep yep yep yep yep yep hi thank you what was i gonna say oh i was gonna say uh i did a i released a schedule today right posted the old scheduleroni and i have uh what is it called battle block battle blocks theater yeah i have battle block theater planned and i saw some of the some of you guys on twitter were saying that all the game is a lot better when you play with someone which i didn't know i didn't know so i asked i asked watson i was like hey you want to play with me she's just like okay so i think i think anime will be joining from battle block theater did i do this right so that's exciting see what else i did i was looking through the uh the sales section of candy [Music] yeah they had kit kits you know there's like really big boxes of kitkat you can get it's like uh it's like a like a box they make it look like it's one big ginormous kitkat but then you open up the box and it's not actually a big kitkat it's just lots of little kitkats yeah i got one of those i didn't think there was going to be that many in there but now i have a lot and now i don't know what to do just kidding yes i do eat them kitkats you know you can buy really big okay well if you uh not everywhere but uh there are some places where you can buy like full-size humongous actual big ginormous uh candy bars i bought a giant i think it was a hershey barges hershey chocolate chocolate bar it was like uh five pounds i think they said it was solid chocolate kitkats are good i like all the flavors that they have [Music] i have to hiccup or maybe burp and i don't know but it's stuck and it hurts what flavors and kitkats have you guys tried japan makes a lot of the different flavored kitkats i've tried the matcha kitkat i've tried the they have the dark chocolate kitkats which is like i think they say it's like adult for adults this is dark dark chocolate which is so good the dark chocolate kitkats delicious yes i tried the matcha kitkat and tried apple kitkat and i tried sweet potato kitkats it's a sweet potato kitkat that you're actually supposed to stick in the toaster oven or it's like the uh it might be pudding maybe pudding yeah i don't know the kitkat so you can like yeah creme brulee right i think that's one of them uh but you can like stick it in the toaster oven and it gets all cooked oh what yeah i tried one of those too yeah that was good pop-tarts can you believe some people will willingly eat a pop-tart there we go bridge fixed djing flair this is zombie oh no i remember excuse me oh i'm sorry i'm sorry do we have people that actually like pop-tarts here you do exist stop it stop it i don't want to deal with you right now stop it i'll cut you up i'll cut you it i'll make mince meat out of you buddy and then i'll put you in my slow cooker at 350 degrees for six to eight hours and my dinner will be ready on the table you're natural about pop tarts [Music] [Music] did you guys see her kiara got a trident her first try she just killed she just went ahead and was like i know it's a it's a guy who tried it i don't know what do i know and she like she ran over here and she went ah pop pop unless you guys tried it i couldn't believe it i couldn't believe it i actually couldn't believe it i i had like a message on it on a messenger on discord i was like how do you how in the world did you do that how did you like i i don't know i just i just did it yeah literal first try all right sir you're going to be a problem oh hello yeah yeah it was just like it was like all the time i spent building the farm trying to get the tried and flesh before my eyes the all the time i spent 8k off stream on stream it was like some people just are lucky sometimes and some are not ash splash i gotta fix this too i don't really like this i had a lot of plans for this also uh i was a little i'm like i'm a little too lazy to tear this down and rebuild it out of concrete so i was thinking maybe i could just build where'd he go maybe i could just build like a like a dome like a fishbowl like a giant fishbowl around the top of it that way uh all right he's stuck in the current if we build a giant fish dome fish bowl thing right thank you for your super chats who's that then that way the lightning won't uh zap it we're gonna need a lot of glass though like twelve hundred build the the dum dum dum dum dum dum dum i'm doug demidom owner of the dimmesdale demi dome blue bubble exactly dude that's exactly it then it'll be like bloop it's in the bubble house how's some apples he wouldn't know he don't know what an apple tastes like a dome how many oh god do i have to count this uh no because i feel like these stairs have to be cheeky break yeah i want these stairs to be like grand and stuff not right that's right what's right i'm right right wrong i should be counting but i'm not gonna i really need to think this through no i wanted to come out like this uh maybe we should do a like a math stream where we just do our times tables do you guys remember did you guys do those in school when you were younger did you do like the quick times tables thing quick math quick math should we extend this let's uh we can dig up to like here uh so we make it in line with this i think maybe actually yeah quick maths yellow i was thinking about all the things we could do with the 3d 3 it's radio 3deo radio it's got like silicone ears on it or something [Music] oh wait one two three one two one i'm just saying numbers i'm not actually counting um all right this is where you stand to see it that means that i think i messed up this is when you're supposed to count yeah yeah it's two one two one two three one two three one two three one two three one two three here we go here we go here we go slow start but look at this we're catching up door one two three pop one two oh this looks like one two three am i right or am i right i'm right feels good being right morning buddha martin so yeah i made soup that was one of my that was one of my ideas for uh asmr while i still have soup we could have like uh i was gonna call it like healing asmr or something or like pretty much there's just gonna be me whispering about how i made this soup while i sip the soup because sipping the soup is a lot more comfortable for me than eating a burger so just be like i have some water but we can do like a test to be like seven herbs and spices oh it's so healing or something like that one two three one two three two i don't think i'm gonna make it and then we have to go up hmm i took uh i took a lot of baths i tried to take a bath every day because in my brain i was like oh i know it's good to sweat right when you're sick because that way it'll sweat there whatever you have it'll sweat it out right is this right because i don't think this is right i don't feel like that's right i think that can be dangerous if you're not careful can be dangerous have you ever fainted getting out of the bathroom it's not fun i got one of those i got one of those things that you use in the bathtub you know you know those like caddy things i think they're called it's kind of like a bathtub caddy and it's like you stretch it out over your over your bathtub and they have like a place you can put your they say it's for like an ipad but you can put your phone there or you can put a book there and they have like a space for like they say a wine glass but i like to put chalky milk there or uh when i was taking the baths i would pour me a glass of pedialite iced pedia light it's delicious delicious you know ambassador do you wanna start reading i'm gonna start reading those old those old zoo zoo animal magazines that they used to have commercials for you remember those were they called it was like a subscription service of some sort with zoo animals they're called like zamino's art one two three yep it's supposed to be like really grand zoo books that's the one there's no books yeah two books one two three flip one two three hip hip one two three one you guys remember the zoo pals jingle you guys know what a zoo pal is i guess some of you won't know what this is but zoo pals were like plates paper plates made for young people children and they um excuse me one second they were like paper plates made into the shape of animals right to make oink oink two pounds ribbit ribbit suit make eating fun that's what that's what the point of them was it's like china for children [Music] one two three good one two three i am prehistoric i'll have you know yeah all right this will work this is fine [Music] today all right it looks like a mess right now but that's okay remember what this looks to look like this used to look like a mess now it's like a little bit of a less of a mess grandma yeah you guys have a piece of a kitkat yeah i need help i need to stop eating these could somebody take this away just give the rest to amelia thank these i can't i can't have them around me anymore i'm gonna eat them all they're cute though you can write little messages on them should i write like i should like write like a like a cryptic message i'll make her detective it each each one will have a letter and a number on it and then she's gonna have to it'll it's like instead of don't open before christmas it'll be like do not eat until you figure out what this message says good luck there's like 85 pieces have fun i can already hear it she be like yeah no sorry i don't care all right bam like i have pieces of prismarine everywhere i think let's go put the ionian potions in valentine's kitkat yeah i think it is valentine's it's valentine's i don't know it's just a big box big box cats well yeah it's got like hearts on it so at least it doesn't make you feel into it that's what you should be doing in valentine's day sending yourself something can you send yourself mail if you can send yourself mail you should do that this valentine's day because you are very important so send yourself something for valentine's day big box yes big i have to count days i'm so sorry one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17. let's count in french let's start over let's count in french everybody i just had one in french i just want to say uh i don't think that's it though uh yes [Music] what is that 14 cows no oh what's 15 tails yeah i missed some wait this is not good she said [Music] this [Music] is one ninety two thirty three right it's down again let's try german let's see german let me refresh my brain no i fight 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 35 26 27 28 okay we were a bit off 28 uh 28 divided by a calculator there's a calculator why st don't tell kiara she'll be like good eye you're german it's bad can you stop delicious salmon um so we're going to buy 28 into like what i wait what am i doing 28 divided by i don't know i don't think i need i don't okay so there's 28 blocks here we want to do one every what goes in the seven so we go one two three four five six seven one two three four five say seven does this make sense one two three four five six seven what's the square root of seven everybody never mind don't answer that one two three four five six ah one two three four five six three one one two three four five six seven good luck okay one two three four five see don't worry i messed up this one yeah let's try uh anybody know norwegian can i count the norwegian i don't know norwegian one two one two three four five six that makes sense now i miscounted see this is why they say this is why in the woodshop class they always tell you measure once no measure twice cut once because you can make a simple mistake like i did this is not even supposed to be here it's supposed to be here okay nice good at mathematics listen you can't all be mathematicians all right oh pardon my yard i'm so sorry i made a mistake i didn't you see any mistakes you know what i see here i see pure symmetry you see what i mean uh one two three four wait what one two three four five six welcome to the dirt empire yeah yeah and i remember every time i every time i see anybody talk about children she would know fine because i remember how you guys made fun of me because i pronounced your name wrong girl's perfect math class it's chic too no right how do i say the other words you guys don't make fun of me it's touhou is it like yoho like a pirate but his touhou no sir no sir no yeah should know did i do it wrong again why why are you here i think you need to be taller [Music] well you guys i just remember you guys saying something about cheerios last time oh you can parkour shoot wait did i do that right so these are going to have lights on them because it's going to be like a grand [Music] um uh i might pull it back to here because i kind of want it to be tucked away i don't want it to be quite so hard in the open but i think it would be nice if you're just like you're like wow wow this guy and then you see like you just take a quarter and you see does that make sense the moon over the house is pretty isn't it wow [Music] i didn't need my kitkat i opened it but it didn't eat it do you want to buy the kitkat it smells like chocolate yummy bunk here's a kitkat one two three four five six for good luck oh one two three four that's wrong no it's not wrong that's what is going to be wrong then i don't want to be right ah jeez i'm messed up this doesn't look great look at them they're absolutely they're begging they genuinely just want to bounce into the bucket look at that yes yes do it right into my belly ah yummy i watched a special about salmon there was a there's a i gotta tone it down a little bit i'm getting a little too too crazy for my brain right now hold on yeah i watched a special about salmon too and i turned the volume up so i could hear it this time and it was it was farm salmon which is kind of interesting uh i don't know there's probably like ethical things about farmed salmon that i don't know anything about so i'm not gonna pretend like i know anything about it it's just interesting seeing the process of it like how they how they raise the salmon how they because salmon like to swim up streams right that's what they do that's like their whole life is them swimming up the stream to make more salmon where are you not even a trident pathetic pathetic scum pathetic come back with a trident stinky does that make sense i'm very chatty today sorry i didn't want to be super chatty but i guess i can't help it right now it's been a while [Music] i can't reach it [Music] ah my nose itches yeah it was interesting watching ellen and they made salmon babies because i don't know how they did it exactly but they pretty much just had to put water in it it was like um it's like a sea monkey you just put water in and you watch it grow i feel like i can make this look really cool and i just don't think it's gonna look that cool right now you light it up yeah the goal is lights and um it's hard to make anything cool dirt this is the sketch layer all right because i want to use prismarine and i want to use the the prismarine the line blocks with prismarine to light it but i want this to be i want this floor to be pretty mean i mean turns pretty great it's easy to erase it's full of nutrients maybe i should make a presentation about dirt dirt's pretty great a powerpoint presentation by gargura look down between your toes fellow earthly what do you see is it brown [Music] is it mushy is it dry this is called dirt do you know how many organisms live inside the dirt next slide here as my mommy said dirt don't hurt okay and then i'll write a i'll write a poem about dirt you know like one of those poems you can read uh horizontal and vertical day dang it really tingles wait what what wait wait i gotta write that down i gotta visualize it it doesn't make sense hold on guys does that make sense dirt dude e dang it really tingles no that's it that's my ball about dirt that's all i can fit and then we can and then what else i'll talk about the nutrients you can find in dirt right and then i can tell you about all the magical things you can make with dirt like like mud pies you can make you can actually make pretty pretty strong if you mix dirt and like certain types of grass right that's how people made actual like houses and stuff it's pretty great one two three four five six and there's an endless supply of dirt and then i wanna i wanna write one of those like cheesy ones i don't know i'm going to stop while i'm ahead [Music] tommy says feed me i said i'm giving you kitkat what else do you want okay i want this to be higher do you guys see what i'm kind of trying to do or probably not yet it'll come together don't worry trust me dirt durable reliable true do what i used to do when i first came to land it didn't work out for actually that's not true it did work out pretty well uh during like the hot summer do you know like the the what is pavement pavement hurts to walk on when you have bare feet right uh back before shoes before i had shoes what i would do is i would get my feet wet and i would walk through dirt and i would do layers and layers of dirt until my entire bottom of my foot was covered making like a an extra skin and it it kept my feet protected from the hot pavement and it also protected against like little thorns and stuff so i would have like seven six or seven layers of hard crusted dirt yeah it works pretty good feel like i did this wrong maybe we should be here i don't know how that works this works this way smart a little bit sometimes wait and then i made a lot of a lot of mud pies wait one two three four i'm not counting yeah you know i used to think puddles were fun to swim in until i found out about something called impetigo don't swim in puddles one two three four five six seven i want this to be tall enough so you can see it once you go back one oh god one two three four five six right is that the right is that it might not be the right thing i don't know if that's the name in the you can catch something from puddles though it's not very good especially if the puddle is attached to sewage don't swim in the puddles i don't know i was just used to seeing oh water okay one two three four five six shoot ah that didn't work oh yeah ring worm you guys know ringworm is one two three wait one two three four three oh i don't feel like this is right oh that's right look at this delicious ringworm wing one ring worm that okay way more is off my throat is so fried dude ringworm is a i think it's actually a worm the fungus right one two three okay now imagine ring pop delicious one time one time i went to buy uh it wasn't that it was not a ring pop it was a juicy drop pop juicy drop pop i was so excited it was the blue one it was the last blue one just drop pop and i got it i was so excited and then i dropped it i unwrapped it and then i dropped it and it shattered all over the floor okay now this right but it's gonna be out of prismarine it's gonna have lights on it and then you're gonna go down here it's gonna have lights this could be so cool isn't it mine i was thinking about doing another members movie this week just ah i don't know where i would put it but i i think i've talked about this before but i really want to watch a um i want to watch like a nature documentary about i think the ocean one would be good you know that i like the ones about the like the rare birds and stuff because i like birds a lot we should watch that though i don't know where we can i don't know what it's called but yeah we should do that kimmy need to do that i think it's a pretty long one though pretty long watch blue ocean that might be what it's called watch a shark documentary yeah we have science night or something we watched ratatouille yeah last minute i was like guys i want to watch a movie i don't want to watch the cooking channel anymore so uh we watched ryder chili which is one of my favorite movies and um it's really good i like ratatouille it's kind of good message uh this looks pretty cool i'll take care i wanna watch huh do you wanna watch the bird one we can watch the ocean i need a shower yeah we keep going with this we'll keep going let's go build a shovel these lights yes maybe we can use a shroom light just for now because i think we have a lot of shroom lights blue planet okay [Music] um feels like a waste making iron shovels it's beautiful but change to another material please i will listen this is an artiste i right now i'm pretending to be an artiste so i would like this is the sketch layer every artist has to start with a sketch unless they're really good really really good i don't know if i started with a sketch from my shark hat i did i did but then i moved it and then i started over i have another kick out piece promo time that's it prototype [Music] yeah huh yeah right yes no oh yeah anyway how are you guys doing what should we talk about if you're having blah blah blah blah it's off yeah it is off you're right you're right you're right i'm trying to be high energy but i just don't think i'm quite there yet so if i kind of if i kind of go off the uh into sleepy world then i'm sorry i'm trying my best but i just don't think i'm there quite yet everybody's doing okay though so i sleepy just listening that's a nice though listening to the streams drink coffee i had a lot of coffee today maybe that's why i'm also eating kitkats because i keep thinking like oh they'll give me energy when in reality they won't they'll just it's sugary we won wait i messed up i'm messed up it's supposed to be here that's what you mean all right let's go again oh well i'm kicking now so maybe it'll give us some energy maybe hmm bells thank you watch what my octopus isn't there a shrine that looks like this kind of looks like a shrine don't worry gooda nice to have you back enjoy your chill bill's dream no stress thank you hurts thank you yes i hear what i cannot see oh yeah i watched a little bit of the the mahjong stream that's what was that yesterday yeah i don't know my song i think i used to play my song online but i didn't play it i just pretended like i knew how to play it i just click click a bunch of buttons why is it when you're sick you start feeling worse at night what is the reason behind that is there some type of like actual reason this look really cool and it's made out of prismarine just saying i want to play uh i want to play uno with everybody i don't know how people feel about uno what do you guys think about uno personally i like uno i get well here's this i'll put this put this uh bumblebee in your baseball hat i would like to either play uno or i would like to play poker i saw you yeah yeah yeah come on come on uno or poker i think that'd be really funny because we can all have a really good we don't have a really good uh don't have to worry about anybody we can smile that's what i'm saying we can smile we just have to we just have to hide our voices you know i don't know the lingo for poker what is it calling somebody's bluff yeah poker next is holdem monopoly monopoly is okay i feel like it could be good maybe i just really like poker not zeus thank you but if we do that then i want to make sure that there's like a really good like a prize pool or something it has to have somebody asked me the wager is that what it's called yeah i want like a oh i want like a wager of some sort prize pool yep you're going to bed now okay good night have a nice restful sleep my friend is this saturday not today's wednesday what's tell me what this is shark plus prawn is sean tron yo yo said your name was it's a beautiful and comfy game about ocean and shark highly recommended it sounds familiar i haven't played it though great though thank y'all hey you got something on your uh on your head never mind thank you eyes yes it's a shrimp what's a punishment game i've been thinking about like the first halloween off collab right i've been trying to think of fun things that we can do for that other than playing twister yeah i wanna play twister i wanna play i wanna play with one of those machines that like zaps you or something you can ask like uh truth or dare questions about everybody and you guys can ask us questions as well and we can we can make some people pretty uncomfortable yeah [Music] girl what's on your mind i'm just trying to think of things we could do good night good uh goodnight have a good rest my friends just gonna be building and talking about whatever i can think of jackbox party would be fun i like jackpots i like the uh t-shirt game we should do that the next time well i don't know if we have permission for the game but i think that'd be a pretty fun way to make to make some merchandise because they have like jackpots has a t-shirt game one two three four five six have you played the t-shirt game pretty much what it is for those who haven't played it it's uh you draw like you draw five pictures and you get five titles of some sort right they don't have to be like just just randomly i think it's been a while since i played it uh and then your t-shirts and your titles tko yeah that's what it's called they all get mixed up together and placed together randomly by the game it can have some really funny outcomes i think i need your minecraft medium on the loop it's so beautiful i'm happy you like it it's actually the the song that i'm using is in the description of the i don't know if you can see it can you see uh descriptions when the stream is live otherwise you can check the void afterwards and uh you can have a link to the to the background music and you can replay as much as you like friend as much as you want thank you for your super shot ah thank you hats thank you hi gooda hi you there i'm so happy to see you back i started to learn english since watching your stream do you have any suggestions for me i did miss you i did i did i'm just talking to everybody recommendations for learning english actually yeah this goes for anybody learning any language i like thinking okay now mind you i'm not exactly great with many languages at all but one thing i like to do is i think like a baby i like what the babies learn they learn the alphabet right and then they learn like simple books and stuff like that yeah and i guess they say that the best way to learn a language is through immersion which i guess is pretty hard unless you live where english is spoken all the time you can be like those people that take sticky notes and they stick sticky notes to everything that they interact with every day and it's like this is does that make sense that doesn't make sense is this amelia's thing no this is just dirt i guess immersion listen to english radio listen to like english books and podcasts practice your english as much as you can one two three four five like that all right actually i think this is good we're gonna stop this right here listen to me listening yeah you can also listen to movies right oh this is another good thing if you listen to movies in english with english subtitles so that way you're listening and you're reading at the same time and if you get stuck you can try and use like the context for the movie around you i think that's another really good way okay i think this should go straight down the water yay asked to stream some nautica i think we're waiting on permission that's another thing i thought i had permission for a hat in time but i don't that's a game that's a game i wanted to play because you can do the massive co-op right what am i doing i'm jumping around like a little bean okay here we go yeah so no hat in time not yet my mistake imagine how fun that would be though if we could have we can essentially you could have like everybody in whole life play right if you can have 52 people playing at the same time right this is a bad idea this is a bad idea [Music] here's tnt for this there's a cave in the way where you like bedtime blocks i like bedtime blocks yep okay i'll get rid of some of this we need to go make another pickaxe [Music] [Music] did i tell you about my soup that i made [Music] i'll tell you exactly yeah sure i'll play exactly how i made it and i recommend it's pretty good take chicken or i don't know i like chicken so i take chicken and you put it in the pan make sure the chicken has a high enough fat content so that way you don't need to add the oil i recommend using chicken thighs because yummy yummy yummy thighs chicken head right and you let it do its thing and then you gotta make the broth so then you put in the essential broth vegetables which in my personal opinion are onion carrot and celery can we talk about celery for a second how can something that tastes essentially like nothing have so much flavor it's quiet it's quite incredible uh then you take it you let it cook until the chicken is cooked all the way and then you pull out the chicken and you let it rest yeah and then you ah wait i might stop no they're not going to put the the herbs that you put time i put thyme and rosemary in my soup and then you let everything cook and you pull out the chicken once it's cooked all the way through and i turn off the heat and i let the soup cool down because what i like to do is i like to let the soup broth cool completely because then the fat from the chicken will rise to the top and i think it's really satisfying to pull the fat out when it's all hardened so that's what i like to do just because i like to do it you don't have to do that i just like doing it and then the next day you strain everything right so you strain on all the old vegetables and stuff and then you put in new vegetables which can be carrot you can be from your garden if you have one you can do carrot you can do more celery you can do more onion you can do i think you should probably saute the vegetables before you put them in but sometimes i just put them into the soup broth and let them boil because i'm just lazy sometimes or better yet i'm probably just hungry i have a shrimp on your head because i like shrimp i like shrimp hey light we could do that for an asmr you guys and it's time to start planting the seedlings of the season we can do a planting asmr where i you like play with the dirt and stuff and you have to like stick your finger in the dirt where the little sapling seedlings things and then we can i can be a big nerd about stuff and i can talk about perennials and stuff like that and we can do that i tried that done i'm gonna write that down planting asmr for gardening gardening some more seedlings all right so i think this is done let's go get some i want to get rid of this a bit more right here on the uh is it outside here but welcome to girls greenhouse today we're going to be planting today's episode is all about today we'll be planting vegetables that's what grandma would do well you're in luck because i'm your grandma now oh lemons oh he's oh invisible gonna see pickles he's got slime console what is ponzo is that science i don't speak science we have a shroom like unless i took them all okay uses ah do you need silk touch though for glowstone i think you might need silk touch maybe there's mushroom like [Music] no don't sketch his gloves done i don't know what to use wait maybe i have some in here let's go look here there it is look uh we'll put this back but it's not mine make this here and why just go away hmm no is got our girls greenhouse greek garden growing great gorgeous greens yes exactly prismarine though right nice yeah the dirt is my draft you don't actually think i'm gonna build this entire thing out of dirt forever do you come on use your noggin flex the spaghetti spaghettios shaking around up there you can do it okay now if you were to put lights here where would you put them i didn't think it is where should we put the lights right here it wouldn't work really well with this because this would get in the way here inner wall i mean we can put the mirror just for now we can see what they look like in the dark we don't have enough or we can do like one of the blocks is actually a trim lights like here do you need no list do different types and we'll see what it looks like at night and then we can decide from there yes so we have this prototype we have this prototype put it down there for one uh center top of the bottom of the pillar yeah we did the base we did the middle-ish we have the tippy top-ish we're gonna have two more tests don't touch that one hmm i'm gonna go put the glowstone back replace the middle oh i see what you mean i'm gonna like you mean like this all right we'll see how it looks at nighttime night time bonnie i haven't played this game in a while oh wow oh no wait is this like a it's like a maze for fish i'm hypnotized i too would like to swim in the maze made for fish it appears that i am stuck in the maze made for fish you know is [Music] ah shut up don't say anything mama so this is what we use the blaze rods for right yeah yeah yeah but uh yeah push the button yeah yeah this ride is how we use the blaze rod this is a blaze rod right we need a blaze rod if there's one right here a brewing stand to make potions oh kitty collection nice [Music] let's go see kiara's house i haven't seen what kiara's done in a while let's see well this is kiara's house right look at this carpet oh wow nice look how nice this looks don't steal diamonds though very nice 25 diamonds oh my goodness that was the cassia [Music] that's pretty cool [Music] where is it is in your bar i'm scared last time we played minecraft we spent a lot of time in the nether kind of scared of another is it like right but the clucking bell ah that's from i know where that's from i gotta fix this barn i think i should just do like neutrals instead all right but this is random stuff this is more random stuff like this is my random stuff probably what is in here oh this is my unique list all right i think i have prismarine bits though i don't know where let's go check here cause i know maybe it's it might be in the atlantis house right you can make a you can make a purse marine a prismarine block out of like i'm gonna move everything out of here is that under man bender man take me by the hand leave me to land yeah box organization stream one probably soon i don't know it seems like a boring stream i could probably just just do it sorry girl's having quiet time right now because girl's face hurts no not nice bone hurting juicy you know what that means it's time to break out another kick yeah cat i can't open it marshall ready for the kitkat crunchy some more no the break of the kitkat okay that was silent hey pick up i'm just filling a glass with kitkat wrappers it could be like the like the jelly bean jar at easter when they ask you to guess how many jelly beans are in the jar i can be like hey chap guess how many kitkat wrappers are in this glass you can be like girl that's really sad i'd be like shut up answer the question answer the question or else easter bunny's only gonna leave your bunny poop under your pillow and you don't want that dude give me that sweet sweet level yes shut up i don't have time for you hey bro thank you are you funny oh it's nighttime we can see the lights now um all right i'll be honest with you guys uh i don't know they all look different that's for sure i think i like i think i like this one imagine this is going to look like a shader or something and it's all done with prismarine yes prismarine should we count the kitkat wrappers all right everybody we're going to count the kitkat wrappers that i've collected thus far i don't know how long it's been i don't know when i started eating them um all right give me a guess here we have a glass well no yeah asmr is starting to take over my brain everything i touch i'm like okay so here we have i have a glass here hold on let me take off my headphones for a second all right oh look at these guesses all right all right let's see oh what's it gonna be one two three well this is a piece we'll just count this as four five six eight oh dear nine ten eleven twelve we've got twelve kit kat wrappers sitting in a glass it's all wrappers i mean that's not why did you eat so much i mean that's not that bad i saw some people guess 12 right i feel like 12 is well it's it's reasonable it's not that's not that bad i didn't eat them all today i like fun size oh yeah i should probably mention that they're fun size that means they're tiny cat not the full size one the fun size one minnie baby i'm baby gaga all right let's knock out this dirt nice yep yep like me i'm fun size exactly guys now you're wrong space guy right thank you so that next ring fit stream is coming pretty quick after you get better huh uh uh it should maybe we can do the maybe instead of doing because i was thinking about that instead of doing like the same thing over and over again because isn't there like a there's a rhythm game right and you can just go for a jog so maybe we could just do a jogging one you just do like a really long running stream and then because everybody well most people can participate in that where we just we're just gonna we're going for a run at the pc so pick up your feet and run with me otherwise or else i'm gonna cry i'm gonna cry yeah i like this and i changed my mind but i like this i think all my puffer fish got out by the way this is a bummer even though i looked all around everything and everything was sealed i don't know how they got out it's a nemo nemo baby shark no cry no cry no no no no all right i kind of want to go try and get prismarine i think we can sneak in the back way of a temple good night good night good night for going to bed good night good night good night where's my restoration respiration not restoration m [Music] thank you aqua has a prismarine farm i have to pop my ears wow can i have some oh yeah this is the good stuff right here you see this it's good stuff uh security is pretty tight that's all right we can do better don't worry about it we're gonna go try and infiltrate just does a random random mission wait where's my oh no guys did i lose my respiration huh am i not seeing it [Music] is on my head might need this i'm definitely gonna need this i don't know what to do with this almond i lost it in the nether i'm so sad i just want one block to preserve just to prove myself that i can do this let's repair this sword we only need iron right let's rename this what's your name and jeremy why does it cost four now did it cost four to name something repair with the other sword oh e i don't know i don't play this game that much this one or this one oh you can use dead swords i see we'll name it eden oh yeah baby again e so we have a sword e we have pork chop we have a boat we have some dirt for emergency building and we got an iron ingredient today's letter today's minecraft stream is brought to you by the letter e and some kitkat huh that's still so funny i mean cali is so funny oh don't look at me all right i just i like talking to kelly even just in discord calls she's so chill this way anyway i don't have a respiration head anymore maybe i can enchant it i think i have one lapis that's not mine do you see hello mr enderman under demand hi brandon thank you welcome to the alphabet part two eat uh we're gonna bring six doors i'll put that i'm doom star thank you i have a shrimp in my hair i know this isn't cute ice creams are so cute they're cute and they're delicious you know these cute crawfish are really cute they're like small shrimp actually crawfish can be pretty big right no respirations sucks and my shield is poofoo garbage too i'm happy you guys are learning i told my memberships i said when somebody calls you cute don't fight it to say yes yes you are right i am cute oh it's like a roller coaster when they pull you back for the slingshot is there a rollercoaster that does that it pulls you back it lets you go what is that i don't know what that is but let's see on the way back to explore a little minecraft ship zooming through the mine uh gurus einstein time valentine's day club come on let's go later later i was thinking about starting meditation does anybody here meditate does it do anything i feel like i'm a little impatient to meditate i don't know i just feel like it's like other things i could be doing so when i think about meditation i'm like i don't have time for that there's so much stuff i could be doing i guess let me really believe in believing it they say it's really good for you yes actually there's like those like apps you can get where it tells you like there's like the like a calming app and it tells you like to breathe and then there's like apps that teach you meditation it's funny like you think about meditation and you're like what i just sit with my eyes closed for 10 minutes i don't need it yeah i don't need like uh i don't even need to tell me how to do that but i think i think i would need help teaching me how to meditate because i don't know what is this why is this look different this looks different meditation stream yoga stream when we do the corpse pose where we just we just lie down we don't say anything it's not just a way for you guys to get me to sleep on stream i'm on you i'll be back all you said [Music] isn't it against the rules to sleep on the stream yep wow it's been a while since i played arrow yummy nice look how good this looks this seriously looks so good amelia did a good job good job on my tongue oh this is another way to stream my website i see okay so i want to go out here but i don't want to do it at night because i'm scared of what is waiting for me and dark at night look how good this looks amelia's big viney pee pee pee yes what is that that's so cute i want to see the cake house what am i gonna have to kill the creeper no he lost interest nice i think i'm getting a headache yes excellent lovely wonderful i love it okay let's go let's go face these guys let's try i just want to take a look around and kind of get a i'm not going to get jump scared this time by the way i'm not gonna get jumpscared this time by the what are they called guardians it looks so edible and delicious doesn't it wherever it is okay that's where it is i remember yes right here okay so i'm not gonna get jump scared by the guardians [Music] i should have got some milk because i know you guys are always telling me that milk gets rid of the i just want a little bit of prismarine i won't take anything else i don't even have a pickaxe oh i'm gonna okay we're gonna go get some milk we're gonna get some milk some milk and we're gonna need to get a pickaxe because i forgot the pickaxe and some almond milk yes some almond milk you guys see the picture that ian drew for me i cried a little bit i cried a little bit this is [Music] we need a bucket are there any cows nearby do we go find a cow and milk a cow real quick there's a bucket here it was lewd was it not where it's not lude get your mind out of the butter okay guys we need to milk a cow some cow we need wood too can i milk a horse excuse me sir can i milk you ma'am i meant ma'am uh yeah there's gotta be cows up here right there's always cows in there yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah chad i see you i see you going fast yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah listen it was a mistake a whoopsie a slip of the tongue it happens you know i'm really good at that okay we need a cow and we need to milk a cow i don't want to go all the way back i don't want to have to go all the way back out but i will i'll go all the way back just to get some some milk don't make me do it do they spawn in the cold biome how do you milk a cow you just go up to it and right click it so it's looking pretty bad guys looking pretty barren i don't see any cows anyway all right i'm thinking we have to go back yeah just right click all right all right so i know how to do it now the next question is where can we do it hey there's hi sorry sir cows do you have any why is everybody so sad here everybody's just sighing i don't see anything we have to go back what is that what is that stop you guys know what this is don't stop it stop it it's a water tower is it like a i just need a cow [Music] [Music] not a single cow in this biome what a shame all right minecraft wizards glass paint oh it's a glass pane okay i just need some milk please sir bam does anybody have some milk is that oh ah the drought is over guys we got milk i think we need more is our crafting table over here have you guys ever milked a cow before would you like to here's my next question this horse is really pretty i like it i've never milked the goat before did you know you can milk a goat as i make goat cheese and chevron i think it's called kinda how do you kind of milk a cow either you either have milked a cow or you haven't unless did you like hold the bucket while somebody else milked it because then you didn't know the cow you just you just held the bucket so hungry ah yeah have you ever made all right now behave with me while i talk about this guys uh nut milk from almonds for example when you break out the cheesecloth or maybe soybean milk i don't know if you use i don't know if you use cheesecloth with soybean milk hello i'm going to milk you thank you can i have some more thank you wow you're just endless supply of milk yeah but uh i made almond milk a few times i've never made soy milk but i'd like to but like almond milk i think you can do this with hazelnuts too but what you do to make nut milk or what i did is you take almonds right and you still you want really good almonds by the way star wars really good almonds well let me zip some water you want to start with really good almonds high quality high is quality and you want to soak them in in water so then they get they get all they got all swollen right and then you put them in the blender what is this you put them in the blender with some water and then you blend them right and that's when you're making the almond milk right and then that's when you get the cheesecloth and you pour the liquid in parts into the cheesecloth you don't want to do it all at once because you might it could be too much and then you have this big heavy wet sack essentially it's a i mean it's a bag right of almond is this almond is like pulp and juice we'll call it juice this is this is an actual thing this is a you can try this if you want right so you have this big cheese cheesecloth bag of almond juice and pieces and then you have to you have to squeeze it you have to sit there for a while and like this is where you're essentially milking the cow but in this case you're milking the bag of almond juice and pulp in pieces so you like you squeeze it it takes a really long time then you squeeze it and eventually you'll be able to like get your hands around and really give it a good ring ring out and then the the stuff that comes out of the bottom is almond i know you milk that you can add spices to it you can add like cinnamon and vanilla extract i really like talking about food all right so we have our milk where did i put the boat what's the yield oh i don't know it depends on how much you use honestly though it doesn't make that much whenever i've made it i don't feel like i it's made that much especially if you drink a lot of almond milk if you put it in like coffee and tea that's one thing but if you drink almond milk or if you use it in cereal and stuff it could take you're going to be squeezing a you're going to be squeezing the the milk bag a lot i want to sleep by the way and no no shoot me stop it [Music] whoa wait a minute i missed this scuba thank you thank you hope you're feeling better good up i'm feeling a bit better it comes and goes it's i'm okay it's all good thank you though your health is most important thank you so much thank you good eye you can just steal a nuts milk and eat it for its nut babies uh no well that makes you the nut baby yeah if you drink almond milk you are officially a nut baby just like if you drink cow milk you're a baby cow you're a cute little baby cow we learned that in ratatouille or i learned that baby cow is called veal baby no baby cow is called veal and dear me is venison i think i'm pretty sure rising tide if you're looking for a new game to live stream dying lights along with prey and until dawn oh are those the uh are those like the the story games maybe uh i don't understand english especially listening but i really like your joyful streaming it's noon in japan and i work from home a little hard but your streaming makes me happy thank you for joyful streaming yes working from home how can you work from home when you're right next to your bed you know the good thing about working from home uh aside from being next to your bed is you're also next to your own bathroom and you're on refrigerator that's like live sporting events i feel like that's something like a like a dad would say would a dad say that why would i want to go to some live sporting event when i sit in my my reclining chair and drink drink my beer next to my bathroom all right who's ready to get some prismarine there's a boat down there right and do we have to take it oh pickaxe thank you hey is there any [Music] uh [Music] all right we need wood because i need a pickaxe because i'm kind of silly and i've got one ah hold on i'm gonna have some quiet time for a moment let me get this one it's quiet time always love the streams i'm glad you're back uh quick two-part question have you heard of the tremors movies and would you be down for doing a watch along if they seem interesting to you yeah the tremors i'll write that down i don't i don't think i've heard of that before is it a scary movie it sounds like a scary movie ghost of volsung thank you i can't i didn't blow it this is this is my quiet time i can end it whenever i want to okay we have uh wait wait wait wait what am i doing hey guys i'm impatient [Music] it's an old school horror movie ah [Music] we watched halloween when it was halloween time that was old school horror it was funny i think i laughed more than i was scared all right we're just gonna go we're just gonna play with it let's go see i don't want to wait no more it's just it's just some guardians how hard could it be kevin bacon who that ah funny bacon name [Music] says someone who's never faced the guardian yeah my face is i've looked at them scary i didn't jinx it shut up stop it i have a shield i know how to use it i learned how to use it today okay wait i have a question about guardians [Music] dude i'm so far away calm down guardian i have a question about guardians do they like will they like gang up on you and attack you or will they i'm gonna better die where is your face in me oh my shield is really low durability [Music] they'll be all right they do okay another question can they attack you from the boat i think we can find an in all right or how about this for an idea how do we go from underneath one two i think we go from underneath you do like uh hey john thank you this is dark miss my restoration helmet where'd the guardians go oh there's one i want to kill one i'll take on this one god i don't know if i should just go in maybe i'll be out of there there i don't want to call it a terror radius but is that what it's called out of their their area of attack look there's nothing there we could sneak right in steal the prismarine you see that stuff too next to it that thing right there at the tippy top of my other there we missed our chance i think we can get lucky hello just shark here looking for some freeze marine just gonna take one just one i won't take anymore oh that wasn't so bad he just looked at me now all is he gonna do is look at me i forgot to put my doors on my hello [Music] i need you to back away from my vessel unless you wanna you're gonna make me fight back from my vessel sir nice guardian kinda cute you know you're kind of funny looking too yeah come at me he's gonna give me the uh he's just looking at me is that what you're not supposed to do maybe not supposed to look at him did he spawn he goes through my shield he goes through my shield why does he go through my shield oh there's one behind me not good i just want to figure out how they work is that the one behind me hitting me like okay guardian goes through shield the shield is useless i thought you need to break the line of sight that makes that makes sense but there's one behind me that i didn't see okay i want to try again i want to get one by itself because i want to kill one even if we don't get any prismarine i feel like killing one will still be all right dolphins yep there's so many i have a bow but it doesn't shoot under water it's not good as i want to fire with my hands here's one okay there's two all right all right all right come to the surface chicken do your worst not good easy they're not that scary i just have to get a bit more a bit more coordinated they're not that bad at all bye-bye wait a minute where are you i can take you here face me coward where are you i need to put the door on my belt hold on there we go okay we're good i gotta test something and the other way i'm gonna know how to do it if i just go do it oh bad all right boys we're in all right okay i didn't bring a light source sorry this is uh can i get me here i'm just i'm here to steal the prismarine listen i need it yeah it's really dark it's really dark for me too i'll just be quick [Music] oh that's so slow ah wish him please here thank you wait do i need like a do i need diamond what i need to break this 20 diamonds it wasn't breaking just shattering no silk touch it floated to the top oh it did all right how long does this curse last we need a lot of prisoners oh no do the guardians respawn how do i make them stop respawning how long does the curse last five minutes too dark i don't have oh i'm so unprepared okay we're gonna do this hurry up yeah yeah hey we're inside infiltration a go-go what do i do now i'm gonna have to go back up top to get this aren't i okay well i think we should go up now okay guys ready yes donuts donuts thanks for your prismarine buddy yeah later i want to go in deeper can we go in deeper we have our in that's our end right there you know how to get there we just need more milk we need more milk milk we need some some some torches what is that do they like fire maybe they don't like fire do they have like any weakness where's that cow we need to go milk the cow again i will break your fortress bit by bit even if it takes me 1177 hours i will break your fortress brick by brick block by block you will remember my name forever you will remember my victory screech for the rest of your guardian life guardians the screech yeah we'll put our stuff here where's that cow he's this way right she's this way it's this way this way i just wanna i just wanna see what's down there you know i'm gonna take this just just i don't wanna go in let's go see there's the cow holy cow hello thank you delicious i feel like i need more milk can i just bring her can i just bring a cow with me can i use a straw can we put a can you put a straw in the cow utter be like a like a maybe i shouldn't say that well what else am i gonna stick the straw get a lead you guys are brilliant i was gonna do like never mind yeah [Music] is there a lead we can borrow we'll put it in a boat how do we get delete i don't have a lead can we lure it in just bring an extra bucket if there's a lead up here we can borrow ah oh i keep saying we have to go all the way over no lead that's okay we'll just keep doing uh runs even if we don't do much i just want to see it with wheat will it stay if we have wheat i have hay hey face voices sometimes cows pigs would eat it but they can't look up at the sky how do you make wheat oh there you go chicken i don't know what i'm doing with this you want this where'd you go look at that life all right i'm impatient we're going back to the guardian we have milk we have uh we have torches we have doors we got a sword we got shield we got dirt so if we build ourselves in we'll be safe right maybe probably not i don't know how do you save yourself from uh [Music] i think i said break the line of sight but i did unless you have to like uh you break the line of science like building material oh there's so many they called in for backup oh no they heard we were coming there's like one two three four five we just gotta we gotta wait for uh a moment of despawn oh we got company stop swimming so fast gonna win i'll let you get another shot pity shot you just i win what do we get he didn't even get his he didn't even get his curse on me it's too fast do lightening with my hand just i got a prismarine shard oh this is company yeah we can take them we can take them out yeah we got this i just gotta get to our little area here oh boy okay we're going it this is bad this is very very bad oh oh oh my where's my door where did it go guys where did all did i just not see it i think i just didn't see it okay is it between the dirt oh maybe yep yep yep break the line of sight give me that curse yeah is that the worst you can do buddy i'm gouda this is oh you guys can't see look light okay let's take a sip of water is this like a maze down here i really need that respiration hi friend come up here and let me they don't like to follow do they i think they're just as scared of us as we are of them perfect or not watch out i got strategies mr guardian i got strategies and i've got a team of minecraft wizards right with me right oh look at these goodies i could take everything in here i'll take your whole stock wish i had some sand so how close do they have to be in order to take yep all goes down more excuse me this is bad yep oh oh he made iran huh are you coward i just wanna i just so wait does the boss stop them from desponding they're so small like what does the boss look like i've never seen a boss guardian oh that's so slow whoosh i don't think i have enough guys i feel like i should go deposit my goods that i have oh hi [Music] he's big all right we can take it i'm not gonna take it no i ain't gonna drink it how am i deep how deep do you have to go to get to this guy wow that is really slow go towards the middle he's big hairy and pink oh anything but anything like that he's an alaskan mall worm i want to waste my milk oh you're fine barely do any damage chicken okay this game now huh any water i mean air opposite of water that's right this is girl's domain and you're coming here you're gonna turn you in the sashimi come say hi friend we just gotta we gotta we just gotta commit we just gotta go down just gotta go deeper okay ah stuck with me now buddy so they towards the center yeah we're gonna go mess with the big boss he's nice i really need to deposit my stuff in a box but i don't have anything okay there we go i'm already cursed buddy you don't scare me now that i know they're pretty they're actually kind of timid they don't do much damage but the curse is gonna be mighty annoying isn't it hey stop it where is this guy oh hi bye uh this is gonna end really bad now get out my special place knock knock who's there guys where is this thing i'm being way too timid all right i'm going in i'm looking for your boss where's your boss at uh-oh i'm a little timid okay okay too aggressive too aggressive i don't know where he is i wish we could have like a is there like a way oh maybe just want to look at him i don't have to try and fight him because i'm going to lose all my stuff are we close to it oh hi guys sorry knock knock hey whoa whoa whoa whoa i don't want your cookies where is it middle now i define is there something below us let's check that this won't last long let's try and dig deeper no this is the okay this is the bottom oh perfect [Music] oh not good it's kind of good top middle now [Music] i don't even know where i am to be quite honest oh you think he's in here ah that looks important it does doesn't it that little centerpiece right there looks pretty pretty important maybe we can build a tunnel there with the 17 blocks that we have loot room okay we can do this we just gotta be brave and not mess up with our 17 blocks that we have remaining dark prismarine what do you do with dark bridge marine oh boy you're just too good to be true and take my eyes off of you oh now it's a party everybody's in here hi at least some of them will be one hit now i really don't want to get in here i don't know what to do let's dig down i have one thing of milk left on my corn you mind why do you keep shooting me with stop it oh yeah i forgot this is your first time playing minecraft this is my first time exploring um oh my god it's so bad this is my first time exploring this kind of thing okay here we're gonna do we're just gonna rush in please don't give me the curse i will survive no no you know we're gonna sit here we're gonna wait this is so bad oh no we have fish oh great let's let's just see how long this takes what a situation have we made a dent yet we have not even made a dent in it all right there we go there we go how are you guys doing and we made a crack look we just need patience we'll be good i just have to remember how we got in here this is not gonna end very well is it well this is a loot room oh there's some in here is this a little room is there nothing in here was this pointless i was hoping there would be like a like a chest in here and then we can uh put all our stuff in the chest anyway now [Music] that girl never dies wow sunny day now honey i wanted to be a chest in here please ask and you shall receive please chest so i can put all this stuff in here any minute now any day now any second though we're almost there no no no oh i'm going to close the door all right wow there was nothing in there ah [Music] wow is there like chests in here the wrong block [Music] oh my well here we go wait that's not the right one we're gonna do this one how long did that other one take a minute and 30 seconds hi my name's bargura we just got cursed again i'm a minecraft professional welcome to my stream well is that why it's a spoon because it's like you're digging with a spoon it's like really hard to do with this i think we can open up this kitkat with only my let's try one-handed opening a kitkat and my teeth ready oh yeah it was seamless that was easier opening with my teeth and it was on my both hands this is my last kitkat i have i'm very upset well it's not my last one but it's the last one that i brought to eat today are you eh [Music] well time to dig up yep what should we do okay i need you guys to help me what shall we do should we dig should we figure out what's in the center should we keep trying to get to the loot room or should we should we should we call it a day take our spoils and leave but guys we should do stay or go good i stay or should i go stay or go oh you guys want me to leave all right again we can leave we're not really well prepared for this anyway okay who's ready to make a mad dash oh my god this is painful ready to make a mad dash in about three and a half minutes i i think i'm gonna i'm gonna make it out of this eat the fish you do it up whoo thanks guys for the curse i love it call on me um a man dig dig we aren't digging isn't this fun if amelia is still streaming i should probably say this if amelia's still streaming uh please don't bother her like stay here stay here it's okay i just don't i mean you don't have to stay here but just don't go uh if she's doing her own thing let her do her own thing that's what i'm trying to say okay i don't want to bother if she's doing something we're good forget this she's not all right well i guess for future stuff okay ah yeah you i know the way out we have one door we just have to make this work all right hahaha one eternity later a way out this is a way out this is a minecraft version guys my fingers crimping from holding down the button that eventful isn't it think of how nice it's gonna be when we see the rest of the minecraft world land is this taking longer than the prismarine block this is painful why is this painful for me to play but i don't know what to do i don't have anything i have nothing mama's there roma's there this is we're gonna have to do a oh okay we gotta get ready to run we're ready ready to run i mean swim how's your sanity everybody how we doing you ready here comes the action it's gonna be fast make sure you don't blink you're gonna miss it oh baby come on come on please isis thank you interesting day 15. give it up for day 50. this was not the way we went uh-oh okay well this is a new type of bed um all right this is this is something guys excuse me i really don't have time for this oh i'm dead well i had a i had a yep there we go everybody i want my stuff i want my stuff all my stuff is down there you just need to we need a way to we just need a way to get i just want my stuff i mean it wasn't anything too crazy oh my god oh nice i'm coming back for my stuff i hope we should have gone deeper ah seriously [Music] excuse me fellas excuse me ah we're fine we're fine look we're good absolutely seamless seamless seamless perfect perfect stop stop oh we can make it we can make it [Music] boats we have a champion called gouda standing in this corner at 140 centimeters and approximately 37 kilos [Music] [Music] [Music] nice that's how you get yourself back i want to go back in there at a different time hey mr cow can use some milk and a cow nice one brother all right let's go deliver the goods oh come on i call that progress i laugh for progress huh that wasn't that bad pretty alright i say that calls for a victory piece of yummy chocolate victoria good uh victory screech michelle oh never mind that's the wrong one primary family with marine christmas yes please marine it is yeah i'm tired i'm tired i'm having fun minecraft fun places my precious wait here it comes here comes to this man excellent what is that we're never going to see what that was let's see what that was oh the mind's mooring oh hmm look we're home i was hoping i could save him how's that for an adventure that's pretty fun oh yeah for those of you that maybe didn't catch the beginning of the stream uh this is the rough draft like i like to say all the dirt here you see like this here that's why i went and got the prismarine so i need a lot of prismarine i might shorten this a little bit because it looks a little too it sticks out in a way that i don't really like you better have to tear down the barn i'm probably gonna end up tearing down the barn because i don't like the way i did it i think it's an eyesore and i don't want it to be there but yeah this is what we built so this is gonna be made out of prismarine here that we have here right and the floor is gonna be something i don't know yeah this is what we did okay what can you do with all this stuff fish marine bricks right dark prismarine that's different i'm assuming prismarine this is what you use to make the bricks like if you do like a like this this will make a prismarine brick and enough of these we'll make one of these and one of these will make one of these right you do like uh what is this though a shard does a shard make a crystal enough try to make enough uh shards make a crystal crystal turns to prismarine prismarine turns into prisma brick sea lantern ah that's what i wanted to use instead of the shroom light i want to use the sea lantern maybe next time we do minecraft we can do uh we do a chicken we'll break into the prismarine floyd thing we'll kill the guardian and we'll steal every last brick of his precious police marine and soon it will be mine but until then i think i'm ready to go take a nice nap i guys don't know huh how's that that's not bad you're good how cool is that gonna look when we look out from here you see prismarine ah that's gonna look so cool oh yeah we need a respiration height too that's true yeah anyway thank you guys for hanging out with me thank you also i should say thank you also for having patience while i get over my my little whatever that was a little sickness i do feel better i'm on the up inside of the down uh but i maybe will take a few moments during the stream and have quiet time if i feel like he's getting a little much but yeah thank you guys for your patience and your support i really really do appreciate it and thank you for always making this such a fun time thanks for interacting with me and keeping me company new tomorrow we're going to play red dead redemption much earlier during the day i'm going to test out some time then test out some time so red dead will be pretty early and then afterwards we're going to play amnesia the dark descent different amnesia not the one we started we're gonna play the this is the original animation it might be i don't know but anyway thank you guys double streams tomorrow yeah all right i'll see you guys then okay get some good rest eat some good food drink your water and remember [Music] um see ya i couldn't think of a fact to remember i was trying to think of something witty and smart to like oh remember to remember scrub behind your ears but that's like lame as i remembered you i i don't know to properly reheat your food before you eat it 165 degrees fahrenheit i think you might want to check that because i'm not a scientist or a doctor okay bye [Music] you
Channel: Gawr Gura Ch. hololive-EN
Views: 829,333
Rating: 4.9808016 out of 5
Keywords: ホロライブ, hololive, ホロライブプロダクション, hololive production, ホロプロ, Gawr, Gura, がうる, ぐら
Id: gHuDd_myOUE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 217min 49sec (13069 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 27 2021
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