Surviving MINECRAFT With FALLING LAVA! (endless)

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I assume by now you guys have seen all of those crazy mods where larvae or bedrock Rises it's pretty terrifying but we thought we could go even further your answer in the title but today we're gonna be doing minecraft lava fools the entire sky will be filled with a huge layer of lava that is slowly dropping every second towards us now you might think just hide in the ground well not today because unfortunately the lava completely destroys any block as well so eventually well the entire world will be lava and everything else will be gone anyway let's go meet up with jelly and Craner and die horribly yay look it's not a good sign guys the cops guys that is terrifying I can definitely tell you this is not good that's not normal Craner that's not normal either I know what to do guys I know what to do great [Music] run new silly villager lair running the world we got that we're stuck inside of a box oh so we can't even escape this falling lava don't take fall damage now okay I'm guessing we need to get resources wait Benny you're trying to escape already you are a genius trainer are you trying to escape under there okay you guys do that I'm gonna gather resources to survive so it's literally dropping every five seconds oh yeah get as much wood as you can get guys because we will not be able to get this when the lava okay that's good thank you keep what I'm fast I mean this coffee table is everywhere probably the most important thing don't break the top of the tree it's dead all right light you up the dark Oh again I just did the same thing is it just me is that sky getting way closer already yeah well yeah that's what happens when it fools crane and welcome to talk again to you guys okay don't get sad hey jelly I hope you die first I mean you guys you guys focus on fighting each other and I'm gonna be getting supplies picx yeah I mean there's a bunch of weak here you are really slow jelly but we are you might think that out like 50 Stone X now jelly more I'm gonna click some torches as well that's probably a good thing it won't save you from lava but it will help you see so probably discuss that what is gonna help us save same myselves I think city water we need wait guys iein golem over here yeah do you guys want to try and kill it yes why would we try and kill it Josh she's strong cuz it has iron we could get but yeah terrible idea guys we already got death coming from above did you want a bucket or not Craner so where you guys know that the video ends when you die right like that yeah that's jelly okay what if he turns on us you know no jelly you caught the too far you can't go too far far away jelly keep a memory no yes no no Josh that is not you actually did none of the hard way I was the bait Josh no way that's your I got a bucket yay my god can some team alright listen listen one for you one for you just need me kill me am I gonna do my only girl I've only had five guys relax are we playing games with him yeah you can get my iron and you can make yourself that iron sword you really wanted okay are you guys working together see this is my panel too long to bring you two together oh my you know what Josh you have any to do for everything don't you yeah I do okay oh wow that lava is coming down I'm not sure what how am I in so it's gonna save you from lava I don't know if you can strike it any other things we could do because I mean sure we could go underground but that doesn't save us that just delays in every right now for a little bit that's what I'm saying we need to be planning I don't know I it can't just keep how it is that I date think that we might be 200 IQ and I was right about the fact that you might be able to dig underneath yes maybe yeah guys cool here that's good useful logger is coming down quick where are you guys he's over you're Josh okay yes I hope it doesn't go our side jelly let's go pretty deep I'm gonna be honest can be careful with no jelly you're saying here means nothing I just touched that train are you okay no it's fine we can share I know it jelly got it relax can I get a can I get some of that jelly yeah okay do we need any of this gravel maybe we could set the lava on fire kill anyone thought of that guys yeah we should probably stay out there to double-check yeah I'm not there yet we still need word and other things we're never gonna get this wood again guys okay you know I'm just gonna be a lumberjack for a while I think yeah you guys should get your iron cooked as well because you're not gonna have long I don't need any more I and you guys are good so complain yes fine and chili hello mr. pharmacy's instead of iron so I don't have any Thank You jelly whoa wait it's actually right above the houses now yeah wait you're kidding right like jelly would very much know where he's hiding it remember wait I see you jelly where did you put I'm watching how close is gonna be guys I'm going idea actually wait what if we stays really dangerous what are you doing well how are we they might do something I don't know it's gonna fill up I'm the only one here trying to figure out how to fight this this is gonna fix it Josh but but what if it does something close attention to it I feel like we should study the effects of this oh yeah I didn't do anything that was resting okay are you saying it's no cry no we can just go down lower look it see if the trees will start getting hit but we can go down here follow me okay if we just tie it in the ocean we'll be fine right that's what I want to test I've got an idea let's prepare scientist Raina let's prepare us an escape hatch okay okay you liked us already he did yet - go do your own thing me all right Creina this is all escape hatch okay we're like ice it's literally eating the tape come out come out come and see this we go this way now Josh yeah we'll have an escape hatch in the water Oh is even guys is coming down right above us the villagers are gonna start dying the top of the house we need to save them wait why this thing why is touching them that doesn't solve anything that seems like a worse thing guys you have to run now jelly beans right oh my it's literally coming down look how does that help that doesn't know this is gonna be oh that top level of houses are gone oh okay we actually need to start digging down now guys I don't know what we're doing I'm trying to do stop I don't know what I'm doing Josh stop do we take in the hotel oh I Nene time crater gate to the water I am already have to leave the water here okay we good we might be good we might be good by the boss my head she coming down all my weight did that just work in the hatch go in the hatch go go dig dig let's J suffocate us instead go down down down down down I don't have an Arabic [Music] so crazy man wait where is wet jelly jelly y-you okay I think we managed to escape that oh my that was so close we nearly just completely failed I am wrapping my pants hey guys we got a cave we'll be safe we'll be safe don't cave over here we should have gone to that jelly stop thinking come into the cave guys this would be fine Oh Oh guys what happened to the cave come into the cave are you kidding me it's actually in here yeah come up here jelly is coming through the cave Oh Oh my cave go down the cave come on this way will terrifying the knife section you should be able to see it for a while look we can see okay should we start digging down a little more yeah you prepare the route down wait the lovers right oh my goodness okay where we going jelly guys guys it's dropping down some reasons some reason is dropping down look wait it's flowing in it's slowing use wood that's not gonna burn Master Trainer we got this okay we are so lucky right now especially perfect oh you mean II went too far terrifying we made it down wait what were you saying about Diamond level jelly not the moments they'll be lovely you said the diamonds wouldn't be affected so yeah I don't know yes you imply no no no jelly said hey guys I know we'll be safe down here follow me yes I remember I remember him saying that I remember exactly that no I remember clear as day now where do we go and then he said this lover use the rest is terrifying and nice like redstone trap - - what trap the lava lava yeah you're not really thinking outside know what I'm thinking straight he dies oh oh wait what I'm thinking I'll save you I'm gonna be the last survivor is this helping you crater what are you doing I couldn't see how was it water hey really go try to go down is heavy I love for Jenny's like we need to go Jenny with basically / of course where else Josh just punching me Oh Pam Zoey I'm going to figure out where the lowest point at wait Jenny we need to be able to okay okay yeah guys you need to dig faster because the lava is literally here now okay I'm a bedroll level it's like oh wait guys no way what this is you can hide under the bedrock oh right get in get in get in drown this is gonna work we just need to all get inside of this and we'll be safe that's not a lie still spot we have at the single one location to hide stop eating so many guys are more than welcome to not come in here stop there we go okay you know I'm actually I'm joining John you guys can stay no you guys already made your decision already made your decision love is right here Josh no out it's literally right above us okay well now you want again huh okay block it off so we could all fit so we don't get pushed out quick I think we're in no no we need to block that bit there we go okay I think I see the lava I see that okay I think I think we won't be able to see if this will work okay three more block their place you're gonna be fine will the bedrock maker survive it'll be fine nice I think it'll flow ah oh that's the bedroom right put the water down No
Channel: Slogo
Views: 4,244,676
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, gaming, Minecraft, lava, falling, mod, Jelly, crainer
Id: nX6bkEmFYWw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 6sec (906 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 01 2019
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