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minecraft but cufflinks are rising me jelly and crane are gonna be trying to survive in a world that is slowly being consumed we will need to gather resources as quickly as possible as the cobweb rises now you know what makes a cobweb right spiders well you see this butter over here it is going to eat you if you do not click like on this video ye yes so you should probably go and do it he's hungry you did it good anyway let's get into the video oh my look ok yeah cuz you just jelly you just sink forever if you land in it oh my god ok go up obviously we have jungle trees around us we this is dark oak but I appreciate your attempt don't worry don't worry I'm fine I'm not mad sometimes get mad today you should you should be accepting of jelly ok because we need to survive I've been accepting of jelly for a long time ok we need to say what are you what that wasn't me we're trying to get resources and you're just talking frantic imagery give me three give me three throws to me guys can I keep mine granite give me three today granite granite granite granite Crenna right maybe two blocks away from getting crushed by hallway no you get consumed I'm gonna go up don't stop take IL e guys can you guys come up please come on you're making it worse they're going over here we can just get it over here I'm going up if you guys die doing it oh my goodness crater did you realize that there's literally but you said it was coming but now it's there actually there I kind of love and hate guys stop bullying me so we jelly your presence is being us okay wait where did Josh go I'm just over here getting like safe houses right now being a sweet guy but you know he's gonna try and kill us the end of this what no I just say that you're the best keep an eye out for the cobble okay set up here let's whip you jelly stop being annoying you know when someone falls in the cobweb like it's just game over try and save me then no business protect me like actually maybe we should make a rule that if jelly dies our video doesn't then it started rule you guys can you stop shaking each other come on is quite high up right now yeah I'm good a word maybe we should cross the lake here guys the cobweb lake wait where are you guys I'm trying to get some more resources we're gonna need to go up eventually all right well I'm going to the lake over the lake no don't why tell me why we're doing it wait dangerous I'm making good progress it's like a silly idea no it's like let me built over this deadly ice there's no finally resigned you also distill the slowest builder and all of Minecraft guys can we look I feel like rule just getting stressed and we just need to focus okay you always get stressed in these videos John yeah you crater guys it's on it's on yeah it's so hanging off every 10 no it gets faster over time jelly step away from the latch there's no way we're gonna survive this what is the way we're just gonna keep working our way up okay guys why do you keep hitting each other I was like all right guys have you guys got enough resources to keep going up yeah yep where are we going boss I don't know I guess we're just gonna go up back the other way because jelly didn't look that there's no other taller thing here that much okay I was a little you we can go straight up from here okay we'll be fine oh there's some trees there well II can I be the one that builds and show you how to do what are you guys how are you guys getting so far away come on this right here made a mushroom staircase it's nice Craner do not fall this video I should probably get moving wait Josh Josh you guys should probably go trees I can make it any better free now I was kind of going in there I should have been going yeah okay don't worry do you want to have a fight or something don't worry about this sorry sorry also gonna die now no it's my mom it's fine your lips quite high up you're probably not gonna see it here jelly guys I might have tripped once you fire oh my gosh we need the wood I trip I'm just mixing it up a little bit you know babe Clinton a bit steel you never know nobody helping me ah the forest what do you mean it's gonna get consumed by cobwebs something not the big deal what's the whole point with that guy so we need to go even higher engine and the mountain we are gonna need a cross this guy is really far who wants to begin crossing I'm just no one you know if we complete all right actually a slow one do you know what's weird about slow go being quicker than you Tilly oh my god Oh thing is on fire doing Josh I guess I guess that's a problem for you guys wait no we're finally Josh you idiot face stay away this is mine Josh okay let's go push it right now and you will fall to your death make your own race Barry you're right it's a bowl okay you go there I can kill you I got my brain well why do you keep putting stuff up clearly burning I mean it's gonna catch up with you Craner jelly jelly we're not going straight to the top already okay I I actually started this bridge jelly oh you did it yes I did I need only saw at this bridge then you wanted us to separate stop oh Jenny make me you will die oh he said himself would fire that's hilarious oh oh that was so scary I'm sure you would survive don't worry alright keep all the good work guys stop it Josh oh my god I need more trees I'm gonna run out who gave this guy a steel hi this is what I may want to see on course okay I should get the show more often I'm out of here a crane I'm right behind you stop it Josh getting more trees josh Josh all right you this okay guys I'll stop with the floating snail okay hey guys it's this time of glitching out for you is coming for us oh my goodness sorry I pushed me I'm trollee Josh I know a cool name though hey Josh check this out what Weiner stop it it's gonna troll Josh okay you're a bit stuck there buddy all right well I made it to the top I guess I can get some more resources hey just keep going Josh there's the cobweb wait why do you think hey Danny stop okay this is toxic I think we're gonna end up running out of logs at this rate yeah I need more wood I need I need a mind what I actually need to as well how close are we to Josh oh my god no oh oh oh why are you with me okay well at least you don't have this oh it's coming out right below me it's coming up right Josh Oh No run Montel okay we need to go up that's gonna be a mobile Jill you want to be a team again nope I think we should meet up Josh I mean crater thought hey sea maids what's up no I'm putting for a shot TV you tried to kill us with your students I think we're teammates they got to kill us and the four old friends again guys I'm just clearing it so we have more room to get there let's just get as much water so we can yes we need you to - so would that be pretty bad all right guys I'm gonna go ahead and stop building the very top what actually see ya even need more wood I got Lani bro wait well I said all burning here hey guys let's just build like a nice view is really nice Josh really nice house oh it's definitely not on fire okay my house on fire hey Craner fire guys we are you just gonna boot straight up no oh no no okay don't worry guys Saeed asterbilt limit just man we just build like a big platform we'll be safe it'll block any of the cobwebs from going high I think that's how it works dawg and it's exactly how it works wait jelly's so easy to push off right now we're not trying to push each other in today that sounds like something very suspicious jelly don't do it let's see who's gonna survive loss come on let's leave no you want to be now the entire world is cobblestone okay this is bad oh no I am move upon knowing you guys I think we're about to get consumed [Applause] I'm coming it stopped at building light guys now I'm gonna take a dive I'm so sorry that Chile won everybody now we have to fall all the way to the bottom right if you enjoyed that video then you probably want to watch some more and that's why I've been kind enough to put a couple of the screen we have to do is click them it'll take you straight that it's nice and easy and enjoy
Channel: Slogo
Views: 1,425,282
Rating: 4.9470739 out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, gaming, minecraft, playing minecraft, cobwebs, rising, jelly, crainer
Id: 7GYaLpo786g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 15sec (795 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 21 2020
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