Minecraft Secret Bases from Level 1 to level 100

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they were inviting 100 minecraft players to build their best secret base from level one to level 100. this is level one this is level 69 and this is level 100 you'll see this at the end of the video by the end of this video if you watch all the way through you will walk away a changed person with all the knowledge we're about to share with you level one let's see what we got right here oh just go down water just go down in the water can't oh pitch black guys their level two secret base is uh pretty good all right you would think this is just a natural mountain but guess what boom hole right here boom go the hole swim and you have entered inside yeah it's actually inside the mountain that's pretty good level three the hack down here it's a painting oh they actually literally tricked us by doing that wow now isaac we've got a level four here where would you think the secret base would be honestly probably behind the tree i would say in the tree because that's behind the tree right there boom oh nice that's actually pretty good okay that's good this is interesting oh look at this dude's skin my boy destroyer upgraded it take a look isaac that thing is hideous never mind oh oh oh oh oh oh oh it's a little gap you can only see look look look you can only see it there what look at that you have to use a path block and then you can get down in there no you don't even need a half block you can just click on it and you go through whoa look at this little crew we got a little group of three right here i'm assuming it's in the waterfall but where oh where oh oh it's down here hey hey well done team well done best one we've seen i think level eight this is what level isaac is in his skill talking to females eight out of ten dude i'll take that you can't do that look at this oh we both got pumpkins number 10. now this is ben's skill rating on a scale of 10 to 100 on his ability to thank you not be annoying that means i'm not annoying so let's go ahead and take a look here what we got this was supposed to be a pumpkin but they messed it up i think you guys might have done your redstone wrong i'm going to help you guys out though seems like you're forgetting what a redstone inverter is yeah okay keep that off now what you're gonna want is for a redstone inverter here to power this on so rest on torch on this side a little bit on the top put a little bit of stone down there and then finally you need a little redstone coming out here see that go ahead and step on it you can see it'll retract that piston now copy it on the other side guys redstone inverter thank you very much now you guys are going to want to see the last 10 because they're going to be the coolest all right so make sure you're sticking around you can't miss this in between stuff it's very important let's see what we got here though oh okay you can't have a lever with a piston behind it and call that secret no it's in progress isaac just use a path block look boom this one says hoe these three oh oh you gotta hold them go ahead and hold them all oh you guys click on the boat zach get through are you serious oh i did it i did it and these guys are building they're just tearing it up in here yo someone's vibing to some jazz music and like i'm kind of feeling that so thank you for 100 if you can kill that dog that's what i'm doing someone did that look look look jawhead's going around and making a rail for people to enjoy the view with a rail jaw this is beautiful this one's interesting oh oh it's got a little zack door come on down hey you boys are rich down here hey let's go is this our jazz man what's going on over here [Music] yo my boy's vibing downstairs oh this is a secret room look i bet look where boom it is oh i've never seen that one no this is my first event so i'm sorry this is bad have hidden something well here let's see if we can find it boys you got you're on your first event i don't know why you made so many animals but yo this one's very uncomfortable to me i don't like all the pigs oh is it a secret thing from the farm block again yeah oh wait i already did it pull it oh right here and then you can pop i have literally been eating them right now i've got six in my inventory from getting a pumpkin 27. this is our first uh mushroom build isaac uh does a lot of mushrooms in his free time so oh he's sure you cannot say what he's done what okay um this one's like a little squiggly thing you go right on down through here it's pretty good should we start calling isaac if you keep watching your mind's gonna continue to be blown look what we got right here guys level 31 it says find the correct one and you find the secret base all right isaac let's see if we can find it secret this is just infuriating i found it already i broke it though i'm not going down there to get dispensed on it no i've never seen this i'll be honest look at jockey just surviving back here with some jazz guys let's all let's all just vibe for a minute who broke our body standing right next to the base ready to show it find it let's see if we can find it i will find it oh without wait i found it is that it i got one under the cauldron got it boom we're in okay this one's really clean who just made a sheep fricker in here the destroyer i've been seeing you a lot today you're a problem maker all right 37. oh this one has a key card down to the green carpet oh no no don't break it that was that was for the key card you put it in and that if this actually would work oh it does work so this guy actually made such an advanced one this is this is very difficult to make i've made this before not easy level 42 looks like a normal base you know we did the world's hardest escape room i will find them all it looks like behind me i don't think it's behind there i think it's something to do with this cauldron i feel like we need a bucket it's actually literally here boom your boy got it i knew it i know my secret base is so well all right let's go see if we can find this one that's just literally just walked on what are you doing number 45 i'm going in right away oh we just found it right away oh oh my gosh listen music out here music up get in here and listen what is wrong i must be driving by you guys i'm driving by you guys i gotta go and see i passed you there you are there he goes it literally just says pumpkin call has not failed today that is horrifying number 48 go inside oh it says i'm horrible walk on this trust me no pumpkin i swear okay oh book you're awesome like and stuff oh you're awesome upside down sucker go on the boat and press control oh it lets you go oh i see hold on isaac isaac do that that was actually pretty legit jaw heads out here just vibing in the sunlight right now in the morning look what they made guys keep these vibe stations up i'm feeling it this is great maybe not that spongebob though i don't know how we're gonna get through this i'll tell you what zack in game you would just break right through this when you saw a bunch of levers well let's try to solve it oh i did it again i can't believe that yo you need to work on your codes a little bit because i just broke both of them instantly oh this is a tiger king it says a cloud base the sky is your base is a cloud i see oh wait it's above us you have to shoot the button with a bow to drop down an elevator for you yeah that's like probably one of my favorites you've seen guys level 52. see what we see find the trap door to find more oh found it that opened up something right here boom i'm in i'm in a mountain i went first one of the bottom wins i'm going all the way back drop a sacrifice anything will suffice you know where to drop it sacrifice first i'm already down zach you guys took too long all right got a sacrifice oh we need friends to get through this oh i got through i won i won number 58 is a banger i can already tell pumpkin protection okay i'm gonna put one of those on i'm tired of getting pumped oh just a little staircase right here let's head on down whoa hold on pull that again let me see what it looks like oh that's cool it actually makes a full on staircase yeah open a trap door and pull a lever all right let's see if we can figure it out make sure isaac doesn't eat everything first of all you're about this close to being kicked right now jingle all right i'll keep an eye on him jingle i don't see it where is it oh oh wait oh there it is wow dude that's actually probably one of the best ones we've seen today wow that was so good 61 i gave up he's just in a hole crouching throw snowballs at me oh my gosh being it's no trash or a failure at this event oh man that's sad yeah get them out of here now guys in the background we do have the pumpkin watermelon war that's going in place uh taking place here so you can see the pumpkin king here attacking one of the melon soldiers i think the pumpkin king's gonna take this battle 64. almost to everyone's favorite seventy yeah i guarantee i'll find it i find them every time i guarantee i will first want to find it wins let's go oh found it no in here zack door boom oh oh dang really oh that's actually very hard because you can't even see it oh wait there's more 20 plus 50 minus 20. 20 plus 50 might that's just 50 yeah hey there's 50. guys at this point you should know a ton of ways to hide your base oh this is good the frog squad comes again it's ash frosty fella oh i'm a genius sacrifice the lava gods sweet mother sweet mother send your followers definitely on a whole new level compared to every other build we've seen i mean this isn't even comparable this is incredible wow ladies and gentlemen our king our savior number 69. it says zach is cute on the zackling i actually didn't write that isaac um thank you place tnt here i don't think we have tnt on so you're supposed to blow into the base the tea and season oh this is a good build inside i like this uh this is 71 definitely going to be under all these snow layers that's the only reason you put them here oh found its path dang it you found another it is path blocks go ahead oh this is the fake one you've got jokes i mean i still got a chance found it it's under the water no i already looked at the water and there's another path block here boom oh that's a pretty good one guys i'll give it to you level 72 we like love our fellow like and sub let's see what we got inside here look at this one all right it says the secret hideout isaac noobs suck so guys we've made it to the final quarter builds these are the ones that'll blow your mind these are the ones you've been waiting for these are the secret bases that will truly change how you fundamentally view minecraft as a whole whoa beautiful build alert beautiful build alert level 77 it says shoot this corner oh yeah we did one of these one we did but look you gotta hit right at the bottom of there boom yes he did it we did this in a video once that is incredible oh my goodness oh there's more yes sir hell minkies with a killer build this is the most technically impressive build we've seen so far 79 i tiny and reuben this is a dream team right here hey ruben chillin in the chair this is an isaac pro build they're calling you isaac pros isaac pros baby let's start that trying to get rebranded here wait there's do you see that gap is there a lever you can't swim into it i think there's a lever put a water bucket in there more of the water right here dude that's crazy it's a dance party and uh then dead end i didn't point this out because i didn't realize but if you look behind us isaac there is a i've never seen them build so much what even is i don't know i don't know but it's phenomenal it looks like it's eating like a pumpkin jaw hits vibe statue man jawhead's just carrying this video and we also have a tiger king and a book where's ben at anymore don't be worried about what i'm doing i'm doing something ben gets focused and you can see him and he's just surprised you never know what he's going to cook up see if we can find it let's go you can place it congrats now you're right in my cart back then hop out can you actually hop out yup takes you around wow this is the most functional one we've seen so far these are getting so much harder if you guys didn't notice each one of these takes us longer and longer to get through because they're getting more difficult to find moving on now to level 89 almost to the final 10. does love your videos this is not my plot what the heck is this no no this is awful this is a terrible build 93 it says go to the back it says i will show you the button on 88 very nice build here on this one um what do we have in the back chest slash time set night take a bed and put it here this one i did in a hack if you put a bed here and sleep and then wake up do it it teleports you but it's teleporting to the wrong spot but try it watch watch watch leave bed boom in boom we did it you are stuck now oh my gosh thank you that's it guys we're up to the final five bases ben's been planning something spectacular there is a robot walking in the back right here 95 oh chad anything in it am i supposed to use the trouble to make half block probably yeah boom where's the lever this is this is just like doing an escape room all day long this is what this is isaac it's 100 escape room challenges we could find the lever but they gave us a shovel and in the game you could just break the dirt boom hey we're in we found it that's it we did it good job 97 oh jeez look how detailed this thing is getting my wife loves your channel this is our first build please enjoy both of our creativity and brains combined wow that's not what i want to hear really both of them are free combined all right isaac no let's do it let's earn it come on push grind let's earn it oh i found it lever yes where where'd it open no open something i'm gonna keep spamming it yeah do it again it's coming from here do it there you go open it got it i'm in this is this is a very aesthetic base i'll be honest with you guys the final two we are going through pain so you don't have to we bear this pain so you don't have to bear it 99 well guys we're approaching something here at the end um this one's actually cool by uh level 99 sorry about it building happy early thanksgiving oh happy early thanksgiving to you too zack i'm pushing a button i can't hear anything because of the fireworks it's getting real loud folks we are approaching the grand finale level 100 they're making it impossible to do the one before i'm in isaac i'm in very beautiful build on level 99 number 100 ladies and gentlemen level 100 let's see what it is stop the fireworks stop the fireworks guys almost 100 players just launched 100 000 fireworks in preparation for level 100. everyone allow us to find the level 100 secret plot i think this is going to be the ultimate test here cookie you're amused by five i am i am proud we did it peace
Channel: LoverFella
Views: 1,267,314
Rating: 4.8931518 out of 5
Keywords: loverfella, loverfella server
Id: xyqeLOc6SBA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 19sec (739 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 28 2020
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