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ladies and gentlemen we are currently bouncing ourselves to the start of this map literally on giant slime blocks all the way how how long does this thing go for oh my gosh before this video starts i need you guys to click that subscribe button and slap the bell to never miss another video but welcome to another video i hope you guys are having a wonderful day my name is unspeakable and we are playing a pretty cool game some of enderman's favorite items okay uh can i take like a picture of this um okay perfect i think these might be very very important to the game before we enter this room so basically what this game is is well push the button to get your game equipment what is this oh okay don't mind if i do take me some diamond armor all right all right so let's go ahead and hop into this game so we are in a giant room and basically we're playing spot the difference with an enderman we need to memorize all the big items in this room like the pickaxes on the wall the frames the giant poster right there the bookshelf because an intermittent is gonna come in and take some of these items and we have to spot the difference so i don't know how difficult this map is it might be a little bit difficult but needless to say we need to memorize everything oh there's a lot of stuff in this map all right so we got a big roller coaster i don't think i'll be taking the roller coaster a nightstand a you know kind is that a stereo some posters a coat on the door oh my gosh there's so many things to memorize this room is huge and it kind of looks like my room honestly nice little gaming pc setup over there a fish tank i used to have a fish tank in my room [Music] i don't know there's so many things to memorize okay press this button and then okay the gate's gonna open in 15 seconds hopefully we can see the difference in the room and what is gone doors will open in 15 seconds there it is okay round one all right now what is the difference what is this teleport to the book oh okay this makes it kind of easier being up here hold on okay the three swords are on the wall i remember that the stereo is still there that is still there the roller coaster's still there looks like all those things are still there that's still on the wall oh that clock is still there was there anything on the ground here i don't think so i think it was just this rug that nightstand the pumpkin's still there that tree was still there bro everything looks exactly the same that tnt block was there before the enderman takes something under the bed i don't i didn't even look under the bed before i didn't even think of that everything looks exactly the same okay um let's go i guess see what our options are for the answers we need to fly over to like this arrow i think this is where we do our answers i think it's in here is this the answers oh yeah it is so we have to select what went missing oh my gosh there's letters where are the letters ah i didn't even pay attention to all the letters ah the redstone torch is still there the tree plant on the shelf i i think that's still there the creeper lamp is there creeper lamp out there oh wait no once i go in this room i can't go back out okay okay i gotta pick uh i have no idea the grass block the earth the earth is still there i'm pretty sure ah i'm gonna go with the green candlestick there's so many things to memorize i think once i stare at this room a little more i think it will get a little bit easier the more and more i stare at it okay so there's the green candle up there i see that okay now the letters we have to do we really have to memorize the letters tdhe craft p okay that's not too hard to memorize i'm just looking around i'm just trying to take pictures with my brain okay i got pictures of my brain ah ah there's the creeper lamp okay i see the creeper lamp now oh there's two creeper lamps i think i got this let's just try it again this is a difficult map i'm not gonna lie this is pretty difficult all right let's see what's different okay we got 15 seconds the enderman is stealing something in the room okay i'm gonna try to memorize everything it was h p e d something craft p uh the creeper lamp the green candle okay let's go up to the bookshelf here the creeper lamps are still there the green candle's there the earth is there um the rugs are there all the paintings are there oh my gosh everything looks exactly the same uh that thing is there the tnt block is there the the note block thing is there all the letters are there tdhe craft p all the letters are there what in the world is the difference wasn't there an orange candle somewhere i don't think i even saw it the redstone torch is there okay oh my gosh this is so difficult before this video ends i want to guess at least one thing okay the clock is still there everything looks literally exactly the same it's the enderman just stealing like one block because if he is that's like impossible okay all right let's see the beacon i didn't even notice a beacon candlestick orange i did not see that a tissue box a shovel pretty sure the shovel is still there redstone torch is still there tree play on the shelf was still there red rose fly was there all the letters were there the grass blocked the pc i don't remember seeing a pc let's try the orange candle oh it was the beacon that went missing come on all right all right let's try this again first off where is the beacon i just want to see where the beacon is there's just like a one oh the beacon right there on the shelf okay that's a giant beacon didn't even notice that okay where's the orange candle i literally have no idea where this orange candle is even if the orange candle goes missing i'm not even gonna see it because i have no i like the green candles right there but i i have not oh it's all the way up there okay i see it i see it okay i'm feeling a little bit more confident now i'm starting to memorize all the blocks all the blocks that go missing at least and then the pc i'm assuming the pc is that blue thing i'm not really sure the redstone torch oh my gosh this is difficult all right let's try it wait wait i gotta press the button no i gotta press this button okay here we go oh enderman you're going down you keep stealing things from my room and i'm not going to let it happen anymore i am just fed up with it all right open this door so i can get out of here what if i like see the block that moves that would be so funny all right okay so the beacon is still there the green candles there the orange candles there the earth is still there the creeper lamps are still there the boom box is there oh my gosh the pc is still there everything is the same i swear everything looks exactly the same all right what about the letters the all the letters are still there too t-d-e-h-e craft p yeah all the letters are still there oh my gosh is this a difficult level the redstone torch is still there clock is still there all the paintings are still there um the bag on the door is still there i don't know it's what everything looks exactly the same i swear this is like a mind game uh okay okay let's let's give it a try i guess i literally do not see the difference at all the beacon was there the earth was there the red rose flower i'm pretty sure was there all the letters were there the shovel was there i remember seeing the shovel on the wall the creeper lamp was there the tree plant on the shelf the pig coffee mug i don't know if i sold that i'm gonna go for this one ah the red rose i thought i saw red rose so many different red roses okay where is this red rose red rose red rose where are you okay the red rose is all the way up there next to the candle oh my gosh oh my god oh the beacon the candle the the both can't i got this i got this i got this i think i got the map memorized finally if i can just get one i will be satisfied it just won doors open let's see what has changed okay so the beacon is still there the creeper lamps are still there the earth is still there the pc is still there the green candles still there both the rugs are still there obviously i see absolutely no difference the orange candle the red rose is still there uh it's got to be one of the letters oh it is one of the letters wasn't it oh i forgot what the letter was that's the letter that though i swear the letter's missing t-d-h-e i think it was t-d-h-e right t-d-h-e craft p i don't really remember if it was a d i think it was a d i don't remember oh my gosh i'm stressing out okay the letter the letter d there it is i feel really yes oh my gosh i'm just feeling extra extra confident this round okay all right let's let's try it again i guess we're we're in it again so we pretty much play until we lose so see how many rounds we can get correct in a row okay all right i think i'm feeling confident about this i'm feeling confident let's do it let's do it i got all the things in my mind right now i'm thinking right now let's see if we can see anything that disappears so you can't really see anything honestly yeah you really can't see anything at all all right round number two look around the room what item has gone missing um okay the creeper lamps are there the green candle is there the orange candle and the red rose is there boombox is there all the paintings are there uh the shovel is there is the pickaxe on the wall i'm not sure i can't see the earth is right there oh my gosh uh t d h e oh the h is gone t d h e t d h e craft p d d h g craft p well it's the h it's the h it's the h feel it where's the h where's vh letter h there it is what i pressed h didn't i press h did i press the wrong letter i swear i just pressed h the letter h went missing i sw t d h e i swear i pressed h what did i press i i'm losing my i'm having short time memory loss one more try i want to see if i can get this oh all righty what do we got that's missing the green candles there the pc is there creeper lamps are checked boombox check paintings check uh shovels check candle roses check what about the letters behind me what about those huh oh the letters are missing again t-d-h-e craft p alright the r is missing the r is missing and if it's not the r then this game is rigged because i remember it's craft p craft p craft p craft p i said that like a hundred times all right i know the answer i know the answer it's the r where is it oh there it is right there letter r all right i'm feeling extra confident right now let's do it again okay creeper lamps are check pc is check earth is check pickaxes candles are checked green candles check oh jeez please tell me there's a letter missing if there's not a letter missing ah there's not a letter missing i don't know i don't know i don't know i don't know the redstone is there all the letters are there tdhg craft p the pc is there i'm pretty sure oh all the planets are there the pickaxes on the wall the green candles there the creeper lamps are there oh my gosh i'm stressing out so it's most likely gonna be something that we like haven't seen yet like probably the plant um but not the red rose plants because the red rose plant is there wasn't there some sort of tree plant that's supposed to be on the shelf i think it was maybe on this shelf okay let's just try to fly in let's see if we know what it is i don't know all right let's just do the process of elimination oh wait i didn't look at the beacon i don't remember the beacon was there okay all the letters are there the candles were there the tissue box i don't remember the tissue box were there okay it's either the tissue box or it's the beacon oh it's the big coffee mug those are the three i didn't see that i'm gonna go to the tissue box ah the pc was missing what i thought the pc was there okay one more try one more try i'm sorry i have to do it one more time one more try one more try okay last last round this is our last round i promise this is one insane way to play find the difference and also it says you can use the bedroom to play hide and seek that would actually be really cool if you guys want to see me do a hide and seek video with a bunch of other youtubers on this map just simply leave a like on this video if you guys leave a ton of support and i'll definitely do that the shovel the shovel's missing look there's not a shovel on the wall it's the shovel it's the shovel it's the shovel it's the shovel it's the shovel ah the shovel yes yes thank you i got it correct this was a very very intense game all right but i'm gonna play one more game with you guys but i want you guys to decide what it is in the comment section below so i'm gonna press the button here and let's see what the difference is but i'm not gonna select the answer so you guys won't know where it is i want you guys to comment the comment section below what you think the difference is all right guys the door is open okay let's go up to the bookshelf i'm gonna give you guys a nice look around do you guys see the difference do you guys see the difference so far i do not see the difference is there a oh there's a letter missing i want you guys to comment in the comment section below which letter is missing okay which letter is missing let me know in the comment section below guys but guys thank you all so much for watching hopefully you guys have enjoyed this video this was such a fun map i really really want to do a hide-and-seek on this map because this would be an insane map for hide and seek i mean there's literally so many places to hide if you guys want to see hide and seek simply leave a like on this video thank you guys so much for watching i wish you all a safe and fantastic rest of your day and i'll see you guys tomorrow in a brand new unspeakable video [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: UnspeakablePlays
Views: 2,989,811
Rating: 4.8887234 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, unspeakable, unspeakableplays, mini game, game, custom, crazy, challenge, modded, games, maps, secret, redstone, funny moments, mcpe, minecraft pe, pocket edition, unspeakablegaming, trolling, gameplay, playthrough, tutorial, traps, glitch, funny, craziest, prank, pranks, no cursing, no swearing, creations, facts, how to, parody, adventure, comedy, video, unspeakableplays minecraft
Id: HnJvqoGBeWM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 56sec (836 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 28 2018
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