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hey you know what is itchy boy action today man look it might be one of the most important days in history okay because guess what your boy done did that's right man we back on your favorite street you already know what time it is we on 13th street y'all and i finally did it man you guys have been spamming me do it you gotta do it and i did it i finally asked stacey out on that date man so you know the other day she gave me her number and stuff like that and it took me a little bit i was like i was kind of shy to do it because uh you know all the boys usually in town and stuff like that but i haven't seen dark or kudo or jay and hooper's house still isn't even finished so i haven't seen anybody they might be off doing something and with that i decided to call stacy and the call went really smooth and so i set up a date with her bro and so i just told her to come to my house i gave him my house and all that stuff we're not gonna date now i was brother what type of boring date is that quarantine date 20 20. i don't want to hear none of that but nah we're actually gonna do a picnic and so first things first i gotta get some stuff for the picnic man i gotta make sure everything goes perfectly smooth and i don't think she's working right now so i gotta go to the store and pick up some stuff some picnic stuff man i don't even know exactly what all you would need for a picnic but shoot we gonna see the heck what is this arcade special buy one i don't care about none of that anyways let me just keep on going man there's always something going on in this neighborhood what the heck oh couple's ice skating that looks interesting huh huh that looks real interesting all right let's go ahead i'm gonna stop at the i'm gonna stop here all right boom let me do a quick check make sure nobody's make sure stacy isn't working because she told me she wasn't working today so i hope that it's the federal op bro it's the federal opera look what the heck are they just in there being sad yo what the heck what type of weirdo is this sat on work hours i'm about to go in there and get him boy hey hey what up my guy what's good with it my dude yes sir oh you what you mean on me yes sir hey have you seen stacy why she hasn't came to work she's been avoiding you or something like that nah she's been ignoring my calls and texts yo i thought you were so tough mr tough guy i thought you said all this talk about how stacy you was about to go on a date but here you are sitting over here sad getting ghosted i bet told you in the friend zone she was telling you about her boy problems about me not messaging her me and her going on a date stop put you we can still take it outside bro i promise you we can still take it outside all right come on come on bro come on bro oh oh now you want to throw the hands today what you ain't got nothing to lose now you just for all the times you hit me and for trying to call the cops no no i ain't for trying to call the cops you're really gonna get beat up you're really gonna get beat up uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh dang all right that's for all the times you hit me and i know i know it feels bad to be you over here getting beat up uh what you want anyways oh you know i just came in here to uh get some collectible i'll be back i'm finna get some uh where are the snack or not snacks where's the food at can you point me in the nearest direction of food uh mr lonely back out all right good looks lonely real lonely looking dude all right let me see what all would i need on a picnic so there's some cake i don't need that i don't need none of these these are like snacks i need like some good food you know what i'm saying like i feel like food is gonna do it all all right let's see what is this cornbread okay you know what i'm saying hey she might like some cornbread some cheesy bread um some bread slices um some more bread dang bruh we eating bread tonight let's get some salads she might be on some healthy stuff you never know all right oh a blt i don't mind if i do i don't need butter bro i remember the last time we came to the store and hooper and them got some butter bro like what's wrong with y'all all right and then she might want some snacks too let's get some chocolate all right boom and boom there we go and she might like some oreos i know i know some girls like them oreos and a muffin okay and and okay yeah i think i got a little bit of everything man now it's really up to her oh a basket i could use that i could use that all right boom i got me a picnic basket and okay perfect that's that's what i like to see what is you doing sitting down on the job so lazy bruh hey i got two cornbread two cheesy bread two bread slice two bread three caesar salad four blt sandwich five or no no no four don't tax me uh rice bread uh four chocolate a picnic basket four twinkies a marshmallow uh a chocolate cupcake a whole stack of chocolate cupcakes i ain't see a hat and and four oreos hey bro don't worry man them chocolate cupcake's worth it bro all right how much that's gonna cost me anyways i already threw the card it don't matter the price that's all that for 23 dollars yo that's a steal oh hey thank you my brother hey uh huh which mean wait what you mean wait what is all this food for oh yeah um remember that one dude that came in with me the one time that dark dude yeah remember him do you i think they remember him very clear well it's not for him at all because i'm about to kick him out my house and it's actually for this date i'm going on with stacy and that's why i have the picnic basket yeah i'm going on a date she's not replying to you because she's replying to me yes sir i know you mad i know you mad i know you're mad yeah wait you didn't even buy the picnic basket gotta go gotta go gotta go gotta go bye uh bye yup bye uh-huh uh-huh yeah have a good you have a good time yup all right we're going we're out of there oh shoot i'll let my gas over here bro uh oh uh oh i gotta get my i gotta get my bike real quick bro we left without the picnic basket bro let's go oh let's go this is perfect that's what i like to see all right hold up while i'm here let's real quick let's fuel this up just in case i don't want another hooper accident to happen when me and hooper was driving back home and we ran out of gas bro i want that to happen ever again now i don't think i got everything though let me stop at the mall and see if they have anything i need to what all is a date theme oh curve i don't need to see these other girls hey self trying to follow me i don't need to see these other girls bro i got one girl already man faithful dude let me see sweets already have sweets she doesn't want that what is this uh what what is that i've never seen that there before huh interesting let me see flowers flowers oh my gosh dude this is gonna be perfect i can get her a flower bruh this is how you do it hello ma'am hey what can i do for you today hey um i was wondering what would you think the best flower would be for a first date like going on your first date what type of flower would you think a girl would want you know what i'm saying like i got to figure out exactly what type of flower i should get you know cuz i can get anything but i gotta get the best flower for the best uh definitely the tulips we have on display any specific color she might not be in the pink but she might be in the pink let's go with this uh violet yellow i mean not yellow let's go with this violet um purple is purple's my second favorite color i don't know if you guys knew that it's actually my second favorite color so yeah let's get that yeah thank you thank you oh real quick what's going on upstairs real quick um yo this bear looks really nice is there any way that you would possibly sell that bear to me i don't know if that's even on sale but i will buy i'll pay all the money i got they are for sale what oh let me get that let me get a beard in okay yeah just the flower and the bear that's all i need that's all i need dude this is going great thirty dollars okay bet dude this is a cheap date y'all thirty dollars for that 23 for the rest that's under that's under 100 man i was expecting at least spent 200 on this date man you know real one like me we spend money all right where's my uh flower okay there it is there's the flower perfect there you go thank you you have a great day as well have an amazing day all right perfect let's go i got everything i possibly need for a fantastic date it's time to go back home and then maybe she will already be on the let me check the time oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah she should be on her way let me hurry up let me hurry up bro all right bro we got to get home quick because she should be on her way to my crib at any moment now and i do not want to be late bruh all right hey there's a lot of signs in the neighborhood mowering a hundred dollars shoot that boy dark better do that you know that boy dark knee all the money he can get no cat man i think that's why he's finally out of the house he's finally working on himself and getting some money and stuff like that which is good because that boy needs it all right let me let me go in my house before she comes over tidy up real quick i just bought a bunch of snacks a bunch of goods let me see where should i put it oh let me put it away let me put it away like down here in the cabinets okay let me put all these extra snacks i don't think we need that much all right do we don't need that many sandwiches uh two salad it and two salad is what the heck what am i talking about i don't think cheesy bread is the right thing for this some rice bread and then then we can have the snacks we don't need the twinkies marshmallows none of that i'll keep the picnic basket and let's get rid of no we need the cornbread we need the cornbread all right boom i should be good now let me go upstairs and uh see where she's arriving at let me just kind of be low-key all right because she should be ringing the doorbell any minute now all right let me see where is stacy at huh don't tell me she stood me up bro bruh imagine because it took me so long to ask her on a date she stood me up bro imagine that man that wait oh there she goes there's go let me hide in the house let me hide the house like i'm not okay okay okay y'all hit that like button for good luck right now i'm super nervous bro oh oh the doorbell's ringing who is it oh shoot look at you stacy looking lovely hey it's all good if you're late it's all good if you like hey come in come in come and come and come in all right boom this is the crib what you think so far yeah got a nice little crib you know what i'm saying we got the tv going on flat screen you can you feel free to check it out you know feel free to check it out a little bit boom got the tables and all that no i'm saying but trust me this isn't the date the date is not in the house you know what i'm saying it's not in the house we could check upstairs another day but the date isn't in the house i actually have a dope plan for us i feel like me and you for the first day ever should go to the park and have a picnic what do you think about a picnic i'm just saying a pic let's go that's so fun all right perfect we're gonna learn a lot about each other and all that stuff i'm sorry that you had to deal with my friends all the time and you're always at work and stuff so now we can actually have a good time and just chill and relax all right so let's just kind of pick a spot in the park you see especially before it gets too late i don't want it to be too late then you have to go to work or go back home or nothing like that let's see matter of fact let's just sit out right here it's not too far from the house and stuff let's just have a nice little picnic right here oh you're enjoying it you're enjoying the picnic yeah you know what i'm saying i had to set this up i had to set this up and most importantly look look what i got you boom i got you a tulip i didn't know what your favorite color was so i just assumed to get a violet one let's go you love it this is going great y'all this is going perfect now uh it's time i think we should we should get to uh learn about each other a little bit all right so i know you know a little bit about you don't know too much about me you just know that my friends are crazy like my one friend you said you talked to lucy yeah i know they're so annoying yeah like my one friend or something something with lucy i guess they were hitting it off or something and then next thing you know they just went bad he doesn't even bring her name up at all my guy dark he stalked her like he actually stalked her speaking of yo uh oh i thought he was in jail well here's long story short okay i was his lawyer because he didn't have a lawyer and he was gonna go to jail and you know he's my friend he's my friend we moved in accidentally together i wasn't trying to live next to him but he happened to apply here and so i was his lawyer and then you know some illegal things that we all did together but nothing too crazy my one friend okay so my one friend ricoudo he kind of shot a police car and broke it and so that policeman was in there and he noticed us and so we ran and he went then dark got taken to jail but he left us a message and said we had to break them out and so we kind of snuck in and broke them out it was mainly kudo but you know we broke yeah we broke them out we broke them out of jail that's why he and remember when i said that kudos should be in jail too loki he should be in jail more than anybody else i think he actually got another friend of ours named jay in jail but you don't know him and then we have another friend hooper you've seen hooper he's new he hasn't done anything wrong yet but other than that yeah he he's pretty nice he's funny he's funny but yeah now he he's not as good looking though he's very hideous i don't know what to tell you know i'm saying look i got some food first boom a sandwich rice cake some bread and a caesar salad did kudo ever tell you how he got my number no i didn't know kudo had your number for real i thought he was playing when he said that dang what all right yo we're about to get the full exclusive story of how kudo got her number the reason he should be in jail okay he came in rob the store wait the grocery store right down there he robbed that and held a gun to my head for my number [Music] what the heck yo what is wrong with this dude then he came in like nothing happened so is that why there was a ban from store sign above whenever we came in that one day wow all right knowing that i'm gonna keep kudo as far away from you as we can that's also why we close down for a few days what oh my gosh uh we got some really high-tech security yeah i kept saying i kept seeing y'all saying that on the signs and stuff that's really crazy you guys really buffed up security because of rokuto wow my friends are crazy dark might want to be more careful yeah you most definitely should i did almost get shot did you did you see what's going on in this neighborhood yo there's there's a lot of things going on in this neighborhood speaking of which uh oh just a lot of things like there was a there was a killer crown and like my neighbor you know he he like he like kidnapped girls and stuff like that so i just wanted to let you know to be safe like be very safe you know i'm saying so i don't even trust my friends honestly just be very safe but quick question do you know why lucy and dark haven't been like talking to each other like that i get it he he stopped there boom but like was there something before that that happened because like now he won't even bring up her name at all i don't know what he's going through i really don't he must be going through it man well she liked him but he kind of went crazy hmm that sounds like something dark would do you know i believe you i believe you on that uh he kept breaking in stalking her and not leaving her jeez man what's wrong with that dude well i guess the last thing i want to let uh ask is yo where do you stay at because you work at the grocery store you can't stay too far off of like 13 16 12. like all of that you live nearby oh that's what's up that's what's up oh who is this hey bro what the heck what's you live nearby what the yo bro what did wait huh yo wait stacy stay here i got you hey bro yo dude you just tried to take her barry that took our picnic basket bro what's wrong with you okay okay you want to run okay you want to run you want to play these games uh-huh i'm about to knock you out bro i'm about to knock this dude off all right all right all right this hit should do it this hit should do it right here yeah come on come on oh i think it worked oh i think it worked i got a picnic basket yo what's wrong with you dude why would you run up and steal that stuff from me and her bruh huh he said i can't what you can't trust her but what the heck was that who is that oh some dude in a black mask in the hoodie just literally tried to interrupt our date man come on bruh dang man at least nothing too bad happened oh my gosh who was that i have no clue but look bop i got it i still got the picnic table you tried to take your bear yeah you tried to take your bear i just got that for you like that's so messed up bro people are evil did he say anything yeah he said some weird he said like don't trust her like did you know him maybe maybe it was like a crazy x or something like that in a mask like you know trying to ruin the date doesn't like you or none no i mean you seem pretty likable so and you know what i like about you a lot more now before before i had to waste a lot of money you know to get your attention but i didn't even i barely spent any money and look at his vibe and having a great time you see and people were saying gold digger in the comments man what's wrong with y'all yeah this was a ton of fun hey speaking of it it's starting to get really dark now so like if you want me to i can i can take you back home on the atv i'm working on trying to get a better car but i can take you back home in the atv oh i have a late shift you can just take me to work all right bet bet to work it is then to work it is boom i'm going to clean up real quick i'm going to get all of this maybe another time we can go on another picnic maybe something else a second date what are you thinking maybe a second date yes let's go let's go this is going really well all right follow me i'm just going to get our atv and then i'll drop you off at this store and um oh you're one co-worker by the way he's very very uh funny he's very funny i think he has a crush on you he said oh he's weird yeah he tried to fight me over you actually yeah he said like i have no chance he doesn't leave me alone oh yeah one of those i feel that i i have some friends like that speaking of that like dart dark never leaves me alone this is like the first day it reminds me of dark with lucy oh so hey if you ever have a problem with him or something crazy happens just say my name i'll be there i'm gonna fold that dude i'm just saying all right well i guess it's time for you to go to work hey like i said i had a great time um stay safe stay safe and i'm gonna text you i'm gonna text you later thanks for the date it was fun all right perfect i'm glad you had a good time see looking forward to it all right take it easy bye oh dude guys guys all right she's back at work y'all i don't know about you but i think that went very successful bro holy crap man can y'all clap it up for me right now bro me and stacy just ate it off on the first date man and she's looking forward to a second date if you guys have any idea what we can do for the second date let me know down in the comment section below and then we can do that man holy crap i'm super excited man i'm gonna go to bed the happiest dude ever hey you know what it is it's your boy action today man look we back on your favorite street man you already know what time it is 13th street in the building baby you already know the vod what is all that bro is that that dude kudo out there mowing oh my gosh bruh hey that's the first time i seen kudo in a minute let me go over and visit dog let me visit him let him know man he doesn't even understand cut the grass what the grass is hey bro coffee beans coffee bean that was a close one you almost ran me bro bro really bro this dude has the back grass in the neighborhood man come on man bro hey i haven't seen you know what why you messed up now [Music] wow you making sure nobody gets you why you got all these cars i gotta make some huh you know you got all these extra cars bro you know i'll be you know i'll be ride it out bro dang you got cars on cars bruh that's what i do okay jeez i'll be i'll be getting my paper what you been doing man i've been minding my business well actually let me catch you up all right bro um so we had some new neighbors over there that don't like us so don't go on that street bro because we have some new neighbors i'm gonna shoot it up all right okay yeah well they already dark did that already so don't worry about that y'all some fake friends wow so we fake and then we babysat a child on this street on 12th street right right they had a demon baby so don't go there either shoot that one up too yeah yeah the one with the pool in the front yard right but um other than that i just went on a date with stacy the other day and it went super successful bro been there did that i mean what's [Music] she told me about you bro i didn't do nothing you shot i mean you robbed a store and then put a gun up to her so you could get her number bro bro that's not how you get love and it's okay okay okay that's not how you get love in this world but okay shoot hey man bro hey what do you think i should do what what should you think i should do for a second date bro i know you i know you're really good i know you know exactly what i should do man so i'm asking you you don't got my natural good legs but i mean you don't really watch none man you're not making it easy for me i'm not making it easy bro how am i not making it easy bro okay what do you do all day i you know i i record videos you know i make money no wait uh me and dark watch how to rob people on 13th street yeah okay uh my suggestion breakout what bro nah what should i do for real dude okay look what what is she even doing right now she's she's at work she's at work but i was that work yeah what should i do um should i do something spontaneous like surprise or like take her on a surprise date or something bro why don't you you know what what day is it today uh yeah yeah yeah yeah bro bro what you should do break you out of work bro break it out of work yeah go up a little adventure somewhere bro like i know for a fact i don't want to work at nine to five shoot you're right bro listen for extra at a good measure give her the money that she would have made today bro listen oh bro bro hey my g that me up boy yes yes sir hey bro i appreciate that hey but you can't you can't uh come with us because like she she doesn't trust you bro especially after what you did to the store oh my god okay yo hey i'll catch you later though home dogs like cutting my grass wow straight back to cutting the grass that's so crazy bro well at least at least kudos caught up now but dang man that's so crazy bro i don't even know what to do wait a second wait this said couples skating bro i could take her to this ice skating rink bro it's couples and i don't even know how to ice skate so look it'll be cute because like she'll catch me slipping all right but this would be perfect this would be so perfect all right let me come right here okay okay okay let me see here let me catch her outward let me catch her at work oh snap oh wait who is this who the heck y'all front door was open hey that boy in the building oh where's your other co-worker oh wait huh i don't know i thought my abrupt interest hopefully quit i swear if one more worker takes a day off yo is that her boss yo yo stacy what's good yo is that your boss is that your manager yeah dude that dude looks like he sucks he's here for the day she's looking around yo i've never seen him before bro he's so bossy yeah bro that dude's a square man you need to calm down bro hey look so i mean he is the boss but he's so rude i got something for you so look how about you um follow me and just leave work for the day you know what i'm saying no dang okay okay look he'd be so mad look here's the thing i don't care about his feelings look how about if i paid you for a week leave a week's worth of leave if you leave your job right now and and and kick it with me what if he fires me look what we'll do okay what should we do then huh i got an idea okay okay i got an idea what if i snuck you up remember last time i came here and uh bought some ladders don't ask why but um i think i gotta uh dude how much is coca-cola over here man it's so expensive bro this is it's so expensive stop chit chatting on the job i don't want to get you fired i don't want to get you fired i'm sorry i'm sorry stace you know what let's do let's go let's go all right bet i'm going to go buy i'm going to buy the ladder i might steal the ladder no i'm gonna buy the ladders all right no i'm gonna steal the ladders okay well with that being said um here is this and here's this i'm buying um some ladders i'm buying 10 ladders don't ask why you know exactly why there we go hey meet me outside in the back that's all i gotta say is meet me out back okay in like 20-30 seconds all right i'll catch you soon i'll catch you soon i'll catch you soon yo she's so cool she's so dope she's so dope she said hey boss wait let me see what is she doing all right hey boss uh i'll take that trash out oh my gosh okay perfect now is the time to do it well he's taking the trash out let me see what else are they saying all right say good damn bro that dude is a brat all right boom there we go and boom all right i'm out back i'm out back hopefully hopefully she noticed yo what's good what's good all right real quick before he gets over let's go let's go let's go let's go he's not even gonna know all right all right all right let's break these and oh shoot oh shoot let me break the ones on this side real quick uh-huh uh-huh wait i'm gonna go through the store i'm gonna i'm gonna go through the store real quick and come out the other side he's gonna think i was in the bathroom or something oh shoot that was not smart that was not smart oh shoot that wasn't smart that was a smart oh shoot okay okay okay okay okay here oh you gave me the key oh wait maybe it is smart okay okay there we go there we go plants plants a lot of uh huh that's weird that the bathroom was outside let me see uh anything we can help with this oh what the heck nah man you can't help me with nothing man i was just using the bathroom and you know like i said earlier coca-cola and stuff man but you have a nice day okay okay sir yeah dude that dude seems like a cool guy huh weirdo you seen our worker uh no i haven't seen her no nah yeah i don't know i don't know she could be anywhere okay okay okay okay perfect perfect all right what did you say about oh shoot okay what did you say you said something about what is that or something earlier i don't know yeah the car um i i have no clue black cars i don't know i i often haven't haven't happened all right look you wanna know where we're gonna go we're gonna go to nice place i gotta just go to my house and get ready though but we're going on a special place so look what i wanted to do is take you on a surprise second date since the first day went so well so what i'm gonna do is i'm actually gonna take you to the ice skating rink the local ice skating rink it's awesome it's very fun local yeah yeah the local ice skating rink like it's for couples and stuff like that you'll love that you lived here your whole life you've never heard of the ice skating rink never seen it well i guess you're in for a surprise because it's gonna be sick all right now let me change my clothes and stuff like that and then we're gonna have ourselves a great day all right are you ready all right let's do it all right i think the oh my gosh i cannot drive i think the direction is this way don't even worry about it oh there it is there it is the giant where even are we don't even worry about none of that we're this has to be the arena right here holy crap all right where's the entrance i think i could just pull up right here all right perfect uh they don't have a parking lot um i think it's right here all right ben let me just park the car right here down here that was what the heck oh my gosh bro what is y'all doing here you had you told me bro you had one job what are you talking about oh no dude you got stacy scared bro bro i came here because i saw a flower bro i wasn't here for y'all oh you saw a what a flyer oh you saw a fly you said you'd keep me away from i know okay look hey what i do to you kudo do not harass stacy or make her feel uncomfortable we're here on a date my bad i ain't mean to do you like that you feel me you look nice how you doing bro bro no don't even flirt with her we're on a date together we're gonna talk about your beard hit me again bro whoa bro i promise you are you on a date yeah this is the couple's ice skating rink bro bro okay leave me alone i was here i was here for my thoughts and me okay i'm dating my thoughts okay okay well bad dang all right you being real disrespectful hey man all i know is the lord doesn't turn the light off let's go inside bro oh you're right yup mm-hmm i think it's time we go in stacy just stay close to me all right we should have a great time and that's the ground you can't protect nothing bro this place is gonna be nice you don't know about this place what do you mean it's probably still open it's i mean probably you said it's still open cuz ran down and water webs in the floor bro bro i mean they're not not just by the way traders on the floor with spider webs so let me ask you let me ask you a question about this what about this reads open well i it looked nice from the outside bro yeah he he ain't taking you on the right date kind of smell it does smell in here too no i think that might just be kudo yeah yeah yes oh my gosh see we have the same sense of humor that's it's all fun at games until a nuke suddenly hit this whole place don't worry about none of that don't worry about none of that okay you know what hey all right follow me stacy i got you um let me crazy i'm out there where's the uh equipment haven't you been here before uh of course i told you he lied to your face he ain't never been there in the life you know it's crazy we both saw a poster of it wow so you really just dry snitching right now bro shut up listen he ain't the one for you baby look stacy the only reason i lied was to impress you okay i lied to impress you i thought this would be nice the flyer was from the hobo 80s oh what i say about getting close bro you need to keep your distance let's just go check it out all right bet y'all got ice skate shoes home bro i got i know kudo got re-boxing hey listen listen he took him to a run-down ice skating rink he even bring you no shoes that's crazy to me bro they're supposed to be shoes i know it rained down bro hey let's just have fun let's go in here let's go in here all right what i mean screw it all right let's go in here oh look it's working look at the scoreboard up there it's blinking that must mean something do you see anybody on that ice huh no i think he's broken oh so it's not blinking this is broken oh yeah that makes sense too you know what what are you saying but we just enjoy ourselves and go skating bro let's this could be this could be sick bro it could be like abandon well i mean it's most definitely abandoned i don't see nobody in this thing but but it's abandoned though yes sir hey kudo last one around is is trash what are you talking about you going the wrong way all right okay stacey wait wait a minute you should be in kudo last one you should be playing that with your girl cuz i am out bro [Music] all right stacy don't mind him that weirdo oh no he got here all right look let's start figuring ow play fighting i get it well i'm not gonna play fight back bro hey bro what'd i tell you what i tell you what i tell you about five seconds i'll destroy your whole house you gonna go home you ain't gonna have a home you know what you mean i'm gonna go home and not go by the way by the way he don't even got an extra bed for you he ain't gonna let you in his no i i do see look no no no no look listen he is lying i went to the furniture store because hooper stayed over at my place and dark stayed over i got a sleeping mattress nope i got an actual bed you haven't seen my house you haven't seen my house in so long bro i got look don't don't listen to him i got all that stuff now no last week shoot he was right but it's been a week since then nah she laughed it's just you couldn't hear it it was like one of those silent laughs oh let's race all right all right let's go on this side i'm just saying y'all ain't beating me in a race i'm about to embarrass you in front of your girl okay all right no no start at the back start at the back of the wall all right start back here all the way back all right here we go here we go all right y'all ready cheater yeah that boy is cheating bro i said at this wall way in the back the only cheater here is actually he got three girls in this phone right now i don't i have no girls i i'm literally the most loyal person you're okay buddy two one go let's go uh-huh huh uh-huh uh-huh what's up bro yeah tell me why come on go crazy don't wanna go crazy first no first last place kudo i got caught let's go stacy you got second let's go yes we're out here we really out here bro hey uh last one back ugly oh it couldn't be me couldn't be me oh wait that's definitely cool i got this i gotta make sure he's last i had to make sure it's last you know what i'm saying because i know stacy stop wait what whoa god damn bro what just happened is you good down there let me give you a hand come on up yo yo no no no no no no bro stay away i got you i got you come up come up come on up here up here i got you mm-hmm all right come on seriously a close call i can't believe it are you okay stacy are you good no second date and you got her blown up i didn't dude i was just running across i didn't know there was a land mine you okay all right perfect i'm glad you're okay what do you mean what do you mean wait who is that kudo what you looking at wait whoa look over there where yo i think it's like is that a hockey player maybe he's here to practice oh yeah he's probably a hockey player yo bro oh snaps oh hey bro move move okay okay go back there go back there oh my gosh oh my gosh uh oh shoot oh shoot dude this isn't good for the date oh my gosh oh dude oh lock the door lock the door open close whoa i barely shut the door in time he almost got us oh my gosh yo stacy you need to hide in here you need to hide in here oh my gosh i shut the door on him so we can at least go out here oh my gosh bro oh no we're trapped yo kudo kudo we got to figure out something check the locker check the lockers all right what is this an alarm clock bouncy ball oh i got a crowbar bro i got a crowbar i got a crowbar this is bad oh no yo stacy i'm gonna need you to trust me and listen in closely okay stay here whatever you do whatever you do just stay safe we're gonna go out there kudo we're gonna go out there and we're gonna make sure everything's fine we're gonna de-escalate the situation i'm finna handle old boy bout there right quick okay all right all right me and cool about to handle that you staying here just stay safe all right we'll be back we'll be back all right she she didn't say stay safe for nothing like that bro she don't care about me i think i got her in i think after she heard her so we're in a sticky situation here all right hey when we see that dude you distract him i'ma pull out this thing on me bro all he got is a little knife bro what's a knife to a crowbar hey bro are you okay hey bro what's good with you oh what if oh shoot i dropped my crowbar i dropped the crowbar oh bro watch out bro that's a whole oh my gosh help help help help we'll go where we go bro what are you doing are you good bro are you good oh hey it's not oh what the heck oh she got that big body on her what just happened yo she got that big body you feel me now that's the one you ain't ready for that you can't handle that um i'm gonna do it all that thank you so much for saving us stacy what kind of gun was that my dad taught me how to protect myself before he went missing what yo i'm so glad you literally just saved our life you just saved her life but whoa that threw me out okay you know what we gotta get out of here before somebody finds out us three did it oh my gosh no dude now stacy's got in trouble just like the rest of us bro we gotta go we gotta go we gotta go oh my gosh i don't think anybody checks here anyways all right all right let's leave let's leave as quick as possible what the heck yo kudo did you know she was packing that bro bro i'm just confused why she's scared of me and she gotta put everybody in her pocket bro she pulled out the big body you know what i like it's all good it's crazy it's scary when i have a big body but let her part like bring money like a package this is racism at its finest hey man i don't even know how you went that way and ended up at the house bruh you know what hey you know what all right stacy i'ma drive us home it's all good everything will be just fine man kudo for you i'ma catch you at the house that was interesting to say the least hey you know what it is it's your boy action today man look another brand new episode of the 13th street you guys favorite street on youtube man and look i don't know about y'all but i'm super excited today i woke up today better than ever y'all now if you guys haven't seen the last few episodes when me and stacy have been kicking it off all the way even though some crazy stuff happened in the last episode and she pulled out a strap i ain't never seen in my life before look it's okay she probably had a reason for having it on her maybe it was because the store got uh robbed by kudo and so she had to have protection on her you know maybe that's why she had that on her i don't know but regardless she saved my life and i've been thinking about it thinking today is the day that i should finally ask lucy out bro so that's exactly what i'm do now you guys are probably wondering how i just jumped through my house i am too but look we're just gonna uh figure out what to do i'm gonna ask her out today i feel like it's finally the day i should do it man we've kicked it off we had a successful date we had an unsuccessful date but it didn't go too bad though didn't go wait what is this adopt don't shop what the heck is this a dot don't shop what then okay that's a random poster i mean shoot hey maybe there's some more posters over here bro there's been a ton of posters around town lately bruh that's crazy let me see uh got a sweet tooth the shop bros so they just have advertisements now i like that but yeah you know what i think i think stacy might be into uh might be into animals and stuff like that yo is that in the mall because the sweet tooth thing was in the mall yo let me check them all let me see if it's in the mall bro all right there goes the sweet shop let me see all right let's check around we got the flex gym she doesn't want any gym equipment music she i haven't showed her that i even make music yet a purell we don't need that shoes definitely not going to yum yums again bro last time i went in there they served us rat meat boy furniture guns wait wait what is this rescues okay let me see oh my gosh oh oh dog naming station wait there's beagles boston yo hi welcome to rescues are you looking for a dopa dog today that's what i'm gonna get her a dog yes yes i am i am looking to adopt a dog now wait i got a quick question for you okay if you were to ask somebody out on like not a date but ask somebody your crush to be your girlfriend what would you do what type of dog do you think a girl would want as a dog like you know what i'm saying i feel like she might be into dogs look how cute look how cute look how cute maybe she wants a small one these ones are kind of big let's see maybe this side i feel like this side might do it you that that dog looks ugly ooh this front this one in the front it's kind of cute what the which one y'all growled like that because i really will yo i think this white dog looks really cute i think it looks great that looks like a mini wolf like that looks so cute you can go inside and use a bone to pick your dog hey hey hey get back oh wow they're going crazy all right let me see see their face oh this one looks so cute don't you look cute all right your minds let's go i bet i picked this one i picked uh can i have a lead or something oh no he's following there we go all right um yo do i have to pay you before i name them yes all right here you go here's the money i don't care how much it costs dude 80 oh my gosh you're such a cheap dog you're such a cheap dog oh my gosh daisy's gonna love you oh my gosh bro all right here's a lead and a name tag let's go all right come here boy come here boy yo do i ask stacey to name him or do i name him myself hmm what's a good name she has to remember me every time she see hey bro get away with my dog bro i already throw them hands all right boom so she thinks to me every time she sees the dog what we're gonna name buddy is hmm huh let me see let me see let me see let me see uh act [Ā __Ā ] no no no actually that doesn't sound cool huh stacy action station no no no stacks imma call them stacks oh my gosh okay okay okay stacks oh yeah all right here you go all right there you go stacks there you go stacks yeah thank you ma'am thank you so much have a great day oh my gosh dude this is so good this is so good all right do i need all right let's keep stacks close to me i didn't even know they had rescues in this mall that's what it was last time i saw in here that was new in the flower shop no no no stacks stacks comp stacks come on come on stay close boy stay close boy come on come on oh my gosh bro i just got a brand new dog okay i gotta go to the store right now i hope she's working oh she's working i gotta i gotta have this dude like hidden somewhere i don't wanna i don't wanna spoil it maybe there's a fence post outside i can i can lay stacks on oh my gosh bro this is gonna be so great it's gonna be so great um let me see where can i hide stacks at huh let me see stacks screw it i'm just gonna surprise her with the dog in hand all right three two one hey stacy guess who got a brand new uh hey bro where's stacy at huh what up bro hey we're stairs where's stacy at bro please don't hit hey bro i'm not hitting you this time around bro you've already had it enough you have a sad life already i got a new girlfriend she what you got a new girlfriend bro dang that boy moved on uh goes to another store yeah you know what we call this cap you're capping you don't gotta lie to me you don't gotta lie to me hey you care if dogs are in this store i hope you're not because this isn't your dog i don't mind good hey any chance you know where stacy's at bro i hope they know where stacy's at bruh she caught in sick what oh lord she ain't sick well she might be hey wait what if she is sick oh no dodging work bro she's not dodging work man she loves this job right she told me she loves it she doesn't like the boss no the boss is kind of uh mean or whatever i don't know that's what she said but she's not calling in sick because she's not sick all right all right go to her house and find out yourself why i you know i will do that matter of fact i'm gonna go to her house let me get her a snack let me get her a snack you know what i'm saying you know i can't wait because then i'm gonna be your boyfriend i'm gonna get greatest boyfriend of the year award okay if i was sick i'd want some salad and some bread salad and bread that's healthy right there that's healthy dog stay up stacks stay close stay close boy oh dude and then the best part is when she sees stacks there's some chocolate girls love chocolate you know what i'm saying it's number one gift number one gift okay stay real close stay real close stay real close buddy all right yo one chocolate one bread and a salad and uh also quick question where does uh stacy stay at she never told me she never got back to me about that like let me know i'm gonna pull up to her house right now you know not see if she's home bro hey man is she even your girlfriend hey i went on more dates with her than you do you even have a girlfriend you got the invisible boatmobile as your girlfriend man if you don't shut your bubble buddy looking stuff up man i'm really on your head top oh you know where she lives all right bet let me know where she left stacks you're about to meet your new mom you're about to meet your mama stacks mama can you say mama all right boom there we go even if i had to look in the book all right okay do you know 13 wait she lives on the same street as me and never told me i live on 13th street bro i mean i mean i don't live on 13th street i'm i can't give everybody my address yeah yeah i know where 13th street's at yeah 13th street so from 13th street uh-huh yo yo this is the first time this person's actually helping me yo shout out come on stacks i'm about to shut the door come on stacks outside outside okay let me see so from 13th street um you want to go to the right oh so like hmm she doesn't how far to the right what the heck bro i promise the only house is on there is kudo me dark oh it's a while away okay i was about to say j and hooper all right well good looks my guy um it's the only house okay okay bet good looks man i appreciate that bro hey you have a good time and i'm glad that you got a new girlfriend and all that stuff for real i'm glad you got ye yeah i don't like you still don't like that dude talking about some yi oh i'm gonna go all right bye yeah go with your imaginary why is he running up on me talk to my dude you don't got it girl come on come on stacks stacks stacks get in oh shoot i don't know if this is she's real her name is jessica bro you don't have to lie to impress me dude you don't have to lie to impress me bro jessica okay okay wait i dropped my lead i dropped my lead my dog's gonna come with me but i dropped my lead too important too important all right i got it i got it yeah my dog is gonna stay up all right stacks keep up keep up sex yes stax is keeping up all right so he said that stacy's house is on 13th street to the right so from here we just gotta go to the right all right bet oh dude let me drop the dog off let me drop the dog off all right um hey stacks you stay outside all right you stay outside um where's the fence post right here boom there you go stacks now you staying here boy okay staying here good boy good boy okay just stay there i'll be back i'll be back i gotta uh i gotta go uh get your owner oh dude stacey's gonna be so excited bro she's gonna be mad excited all right let me see she said it's a far away house you see i'm looking both ways hopefully i didn't pack that pass anything there's no houses over here let me see no maybe i am tripping how far away is it oh that was just i thought this was the house it was just a random thing in the ground okay bet when they said it was far away they didn't tell me it was this far what the heck oh wait oh there goes oh stacy stacy what's up stacy oh hey action yo what up what it hey i was just coming to your house i heard you uh called in sick from work are you okay yeah i was i was looking for you i was gonna pull up on you you're fine oh for real dang i got you a salad oh i feel that a sick day i was gonna get some food well you probably don't want that salad then uh keep it for later wanna go to the mall okay bet let's go to the mall hop in hop in were you about to walk to the mall wait uh-huh how'd you get here oh your co-worker he told me um he told me it was on the right of 13th street i didn't know you lived on the same street as me yeah dude i don't know how he had your address but he told me to pull up i just wanted to surprise you you know what i'm saying i feel like i feel like surprises are the best way to do it but um yeah let's let's go to the mall let's get something to eat you know i'm just looking out for you you should have told me we lived on the same street i wish i would have known that that would have been real cool all right the maws this way 13th street yo did i tell you about these neighbors people who lived in these houses over here are crazy watch out for them and they might not like us they might not like me and if they see you hanging out with me they're not gonna like you either it's it's not your fault it's mines all right let's see wow the mall okay i'm i'm hyped i might there's got to be some good food there's got to be some real good food at this mall let me see what they got all right there's stairs right here all right we got oh no not yum yums you know a good place where because yum yums is terrible they serve me like poison like rat poison oh i never checked over here let me see okay okay stacy you have to get eat oh how come i've never heard of this place before hmm bro they got burgers sub chicken burgers pizzas onion rings yo what up what up my guy uh what can i get you um stacy what do you want what do you want i got you don't even worry about it i got you today i'm gonna treat you right today's a very special day yeah a chicken sandwich for the girl and make it two chicken sandwiches i want one too yeah that's how you do it and some onion rings too just one thing on your rings i'm good on that matter of fact i'll get some too you can't just let the ladies eat more food because then you know they feel bad all right yeah yeah yeah let's do that so um yo stacy i have something very important to tell you today i'm super excited yeah yeah that's why i had to pull up on you i i got i got something very special for you but you're gonna find out soon i'm gonna find out food let me just get our food first and then i'm gonna tell you all about it oh yes sir i'll take that i'll take that thank you my guy oh also here you go stacy it's your key from work here you go i had to give that back to you you gave it to me the other day yeah yeah yeah yeah all right thank you sir uh here it is how much is that gonna cost again i don't care you know i just paid the price 18. this food isn't too expensive not too expensive that's two meals right there wait a second for a chicken sandwich or some onion that's like nine dollars wow okay let's let's sit over here let's sit over here yeah yeah yeah oh the corner seats we can talk all right so stacy i've been waiting to ask you this for a hot minute you know we've been kicking it for a second now and um you know i really like you like i really i really enjoy having like a great time with you and you just know how to kick it and so you know i i got you a present i got you all right wait how do i approach this okay yeah i got you a present but first before that i don't know how to say this but take this ring the onion rings all right all right do you get what i'm getting at do you want to be my minecraft girlfriend wait before you even answer this look i i got you i got you something crazy i got you a brand new dog i got you a brand new dog yeah i got you a dog and you know i just felt like you know this would be the perfect thing for us i actually can't have dogs where i live oh no don't don't worry about it it was cheap ew other girls eel cringe but yeah i other than that you know i just really wanted to see if you wanted to be my my minecraft girlfriend you know what i'm saying like we've been kicking it and all that stuff well wait what what what happened i really appreciate it and i like you a lot oh this is going good no don't say butt oh no but i don't think that'd be a good idea right now dang it am i rushing it is it my fault did i rush it random girl go away you cringe ill for your safety wait for my safety wait what do you mean my life is complicated oh but i really like you oh wow i i never knew that wow we should still hang out all right bet we don't have to we don't have to have a label you know our friendship our bond we don't i want to keep you safe and your friends safe what all right bet you know what it's all good i'm sorry to hear that uh you know we can't be a couple but it's okay it's just for now you know maybe in the future maybe in the future maybe in the future if things get better if you and your family and all that you know that that would be that'll be cool but um yeah i think i should stop by work to sort some things out i really do appreciate it all right good luck at work hey remember act fake sick so they don't make you work you know what i'm saying hope we can hang out again soon don't worry we're gonna hang out as soon as possible you're the best you're the best i appreciate you and all that just know it's all good even if we can't even if we can't date it's all good you know what i'm saying i mean we can still date like go out on dates but it's not like there's a label all right well i think it's time to head back to the house i'm gonna go ahead back to the house all right let's go back let's go back all right be safe right back at you take it easy take it easy all right y'all i'm not gonna lie that just hurt my feelings bro did i just get rejected in minecraft bro oh my gosh there's no hope for me cut ain't no hope man you know what i'm going straight to sleep heck why is there a crate at my house what bro there's a crate at my house okay yo what books in here let me see it says my name action all right oh okay stacks let's get you inside real quick let's read this inside stacks uh get up i guess i guess your minds now all right stacks come on come on come on inside stacks stacks stacks stacks okay bet you're going on the lead i'm gonna take one of these for now i'm gonna take one of these fences for now i'm gonna replace it later so he has a nice little fence post to stay at inside all right no wait it's inside i don't need this now i'm going mad i'm going mad bro all right get this come on sorry stacks i'm taking it out on you man i just got rejected bro oh my gosh bruh all right there we go give me the lead back um stacks here's your new home follow me you can stay where hooper was staying all right here we go stacks all right in here and here in here all right all right boom and bang there we go all right let's read this book let's read this book before i go to sleep some random person left me a letter all right action we know what you did stay away from her or we will tell her what you did she'll never see her father again because of you he will we will avenge his death if we must what the evil stuff is dead hold up now avenge his her father's death what do you mean father is dead and wait we know what she'll never see her father again because of me wait was me going out on dates with her like against her father stuff okay that doesn't make any sense i'm so confused bro all right i don't know what's going on man but you know what too much has been going on on 13th street i don't know what they're talking about but hopefully nobody's out to get me man i even do nothing wrong maybe she was right maybe we shouldn't date if people like this are gonna like try to kill me over trying to date her hey you know what it is it's your boy action today man look we is back on your favorite street you already know what street it is man 13th street the best street in the building man and look man i don't know about y'all but i got a lot of bad vibes from the end of that last video like the way it just ended off it just threw me all the way off like bro somebody left some mail in my thing talking about we know what you did stay away from her like i still don't get this to this minute bro uh she'll never see her father because of what i did like what did i do i seen that man a day in my life bruh like dude people is tripping and so you know i was kind of upset about all that so i don't know if you guys know this but i blew a couple bags so i blew a couple bags one i'm still upset that you know oh i don't wanna i don't i want stacks to hear me but i'm kind of upset that you know i spent all this money on stacks to give to stacy and now i gotta take care of stacks but you know at least at least he's cute ain't that right stacks who's a good dog you are you are you're the best all right all right stay right there ah off the bed off the bed off the bed okay stacks okay stacks stay there okay and then i also blew a bag i got tired of driving around on a tv a television okay uh-huh so i got me a brand new whip you know what i'm saying sometimes when you get sad you just buy some stuff so i decided you know what it's time to flex on everybody and get a new whip and guess what rumor on the street is this is the fastest car on 13th street y'all look at this thing look at this thing yes sir better than everybody's whip and stuff like that but what i wanted to do today is i still need to get closure bro like i need to get closure on everything that's going on and so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna go to the mall right i'm gonna go to the mall i'm going to uh what's it called i'm gonna buy a disguise so nobody knows what oh oh done picked up the car so nobody knows what i look like you know what i'm saying and then i can sneak up on safety right and then i can figure out where she lives what's wrong with her family and everything like that all these questions need to be answered today because bro i'm tired of not knowing i'm tired of not knowing so first things first we gotta hit up that one stop oh no i got my credit card that's all good i was gonna say do i have any money on me i got my credit card now where is it the gym stuff i still don't need gym equipment shoe i might have to go ahead get butt oh there goes that girl wait a second wait a second let me see opening soon work on break oh snap you know what this means i'm about to sneaky sneak in here uh all right we're in we're in run all right what doesn't look like anything i'd wear this uh-huh all right all right all right i need the matching pants i need the matching pants all right all right and this oh my gosh wow i would not be able to tell at all that this is me this yes yes any boots do they have any shoes please tell me they have some shoes screw it oh the shoe store okay okay okay i totally bought this absolutely is the worker in here oh the work is there all right let's see how quick i can be uh-huh i need these i need these i need i need these i need these come on come on give it to me that girl almost told the girl almost told i'm out i'm out i'm going bro i'm going i gotta go whoo all right yo that was a very close call bro now look at us i can't even tell that's me man yes sir now we can go back to the house because bruh we got a little bit of time but once stacey gets off of work i'm pretty sure she's working once she gets off of work bro we're gonna follow her home and i'm not trying to be on no dark and lucy type stuff man i'm trying to stalk her but it seems like something's going on and i feel like i should know a little bit more than i do so i'm gonna go ahead and find out one way or the other okay that's how we play around here with that being said i'm gonna head back to the house i'm gonna head back to the cribble give it some hours i got some hours of waste but i gotta figure out everything that's going on man because dude the one time she had that ak-47 she was shooting up things bro and all that stuff the heck is this hold up now hold up now hey what in the world is this hold up bro i know i ain't ordered nothing i know for a fact i ain't ordered nothing this big old box bruh this bot this box about big as heck oh snap wait a second it might be a free gaming chair come on open up open up open up open up open up come on come on bro you know what i'm gonna keep pushing i'm gonna keep pushing come on you know what i got something a boom yeah hit it with a bone oh yeah oh yeah uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh okay you know what i'm gonna open it up bro i'm just gonna open it up and see what's inside here bro dang there's so much stuff what the heck what are you doing here right you almost broke my arm man bro why is you in a box bro you almost you almost broke my arm [Music] yeah i hit you with a bone why why did you do this dude wait dude did you shoot yourself in a box yeah haven't you seen those youtube challenges where they mailed themselves for two 24 hours those are fake bro you're not supposed to actually ship yourself wait what those those are usually fake like dude i'm starving dude i'm so hungry right now man oh my gosh basically i i don't know if you've heard but i've been living in a city called block city ever since we broke up you know whoa whoa whoa whoa you could have said split up but hey have said moved out all that he had to say that every single video you know split up you know so you've been you've been you've been living in block city i've been hearing some people talk yeah i've been hearing some people talk about that don't ask me why i had no clothes on what wait why'd you have an all new tracksuit no no no no no don't worry about none of that don't worry about it were you just wearing leaves on your head hey bro you came at the worst time possible bro like what do you mean dude how did you get our address dude this is the best time dude your series name is 13th street where else i go my knee ah okay and i'm supposed to find and i'm supposed to find block city that could be any city they're all maple blocks but listen but listen this is the perfect time to be visiting you because um my wife my kids they're on vacation right now you've been getting active bro that's crazy i have a whole family now i'm not really gonna lie to you um i've i've been getting [Ā __Ā ] oh bro you're getting old man old man at least in this thing man all the fans were telling me to visit 13th street where you and dark have been living so you know i just want to check it out you know visit my friend um here's the thing about this series man i don't know if you can tell but it's not just me and dark man it's also kudo overdose and j2 funny man i don't know we all have something in common bro that i don't know man wait wait what do you have in common yeah you're lacking something to be on this street bro like because we know something about dangers yeah you just missed the villain bro it's because bro we just you know the the dangers on this street man i'm just saying bro i don't know if you can handle it man dude wait what do you mean i can't handle danger dude you know how how much danger we've been through together you're right but like this danger is like on a different level bro like i'm going through something right now but i can't tell you about that no no come on dude i thought we were friends he's blowing my cover y'all i don't know what what wha wait wait what he said i said do you want some covers for your stay oh yeah of course can i come on in yeah are you gonna give me a house tour all right house tour welcome in man yeah yeah come on come on man you are welcome what are you thinking about kicking me out no no i just wanted to see if i could get the other pieces of the boxes that i could break you know to ship you back but i don't know how you're getting back i mean but it's okay hey man i i don't really have the money to be buying a plane ticket so you know we gotta buy this because you got a family look at this man so me casa is sukasa for like one day maybe two i might let you sleep one year let's go on your deal you have a nice laptop right here too can i take this back home too i couldn't use this for editing y'all see what i'm talking about bro he just came nah i take you a book i don't read none of those those for showcase really yeah okay let me take a couple books okay okay all right all right what do you have what do you have your bathroom this is your bathroom oh this is my bathroom yeah dude this stuff it's the only day that i had some time to relax and stuff too is because usually dark he's been staying with me lately he's got into some trouble with the law and like he might have broke out so you're saying he doesn't have his own place or something like that oh he does but the you know the the feds is outside his spot ready to shoot at anybody oh really what have you guys been up to dude i knew you were a troublemaker man no no bro you're probably causing all this trouble my backyard man what dude your backyard is huge you have a giant yo i might have a you know a giant pool installed in my backyard too you might need something your family would be happy because you got a whole family i mean i mean i do have a pool but it's not as nice as this i don't know hey get it boy dude you hurt yourself you good i hit my ankle up there bro oh man all right all right you don't need to see upstairs now you don't need to see none of this wait what do you mean what do you mean come on let me know let me show you let me show you what's actually interesting about this neighborhood i need to get into the fight i'll take your word for it i'll take your word for it yo actually i just got a brand new car i used to only have this tv right here yeah i used to only drive around this tv this video on a tv a tv atv yeah yeah a tv okay okay it's a two-seater yeah it's only a two-seater but uh you know it's not a deuce either it's a two-seater oh this is nice too dude what the heck how much did you spend for this car wow man i just got it today man you know how much they charged me i have no clue man dude you know what's funny i've had this part i've had this car like the same model for a long time for real yeah you're late to the game my man wow that's crazy this is jay two's house jake okay okay yeah can we take a tour of his house no no he has warrants he has warrants in life oh wait what kudo might have you know at an officer's car so this is the danger you've been talking about ever yeah ever since you know uh kudo went at a police car yeah we haven't seen jay he said he had warrants before then oh so he might be jailed you're saying i don't belong dude trust me man i can't wait to oh this is the slums man or it's not the slums but it's loki the slums in a knife it's okay it's okay because yeah it's a nice thumbs up honestly you guys have pools and everything yeah oh my gosh house you know dang kudos balling as well yo he has the car that you have already yeah what you don't want to know a lot of his stuff is illegal so i kind of really yeah now you got to be careful everywhere i go guys just trouble straight in trouble last but not least we got dark's house that we can't look at house is this like 16th street yeah 16th street now if you go down that way there's a haunted house that you should not visit straight down that house because we use the ouija board yeah no no it's far away get back in the car get back in the car get back in the making be curious man okay yeah you know kidnapped girls put them in the basement yeah it was a lot going on what is up there no no no no no no no no no no no no let's stay off with this man stay off this promising man's crazy you're scaring me man there's like one thing after another yeah you guys good oh yeah i forgot what house was it i think it was this one you know i thought block city was bad like you don't want to check out this neighbor's backyard he really might have had a gravy hey hey hey hey hey don't go don't go too far okay call the cops on us not too long okay okay i i thought block city was bad but damn man hey maybe one day you have to visit block city you know what i'm actually interested the comment section has been spamming me really they've been saying that too yeah they want me to check out blue i could meet baby rage and ashley i i kind of want to meet i want to meet you my wife you is she y'all you you got you a daddy yeah yeah i see you all right what's this uh-huh this is the mall bro and that grocery store over there but we can't we can't go to that grocery store though i've been looking forward to getting some new drip because i've been wearing the same things in all my videos guys like i need some new clothes i need some new drip and i'm hungry right now man i'm starving i was in that i was in that crate for 15 hours for 15 hours yes you know what i think she's off of working five so we can we can yeah yeah let's go inside let's go inside bro who who oh you're singing that your boy action song i know that one oh yeah oh they have arcades now be very careful you don't want to play in this arcade bro because there's something in that back closet over there that we can't get into really dude this mall might be more lit than the mall in block city i'm not even gonna lie i'm not gonna get a lot yeah dude this is way nicer what do you guys think do you guys like the mall here or block city i like this way better yeah whoa they have a flower shop this sweet shop oh they got more cookies guns they got more cookies all right all right i got to give me some cookies dude where can i get a new drip though where can i get a new drip well shoot they're not in here looks like i got me a free cookie wait can i get one too yeah hit this jar right here oh cookie jar who took the cookie from the cookie jar raged not too long ago not too long ago me dark you know i think hooper got stuck in this mall we had to uh snipe somebody but don't worry i don't ask you about that snipe someone i mean it seems like you guys mess around with guns hey what up my guy if i kill him if i catch you lacking cuz you know what's going on yeah guys i have a lot of catching up to do because i don't even know what he's talking about right now i think he scared that man away man i don't think he did it everybody should fear us bro we're dangerous if you're hanging with me we're dangerous status oh heck yeah man you know what oh pet oh pet rescues nice nice i just got me a new dog too his name's stacks oh really dude let me meet your dog let me because because you know it rhymes with it rhymes with brax and it rhymes and it also runs a wreck wait we have a gun shop yo you did say that you know this is kind of the slums and that kudo and j2 funny they've been like yeah they they packed that heat on them yeah i could you know since you said hanging out with you guys is a little bit dangerous it's mad day you know what get you something yeah wait uh do you have any money on you by the way i got a credit card all right cool cool uh hi sir uh what do you ask me for what's good what's good um what do you have in stock today what's your best what's your best gun that your customers come and buy um asking for something small something small guys that one looks pretty good um wait what'd you say asking for a small gun i don't want to get oh do you have a do you have a small gun oh i mean a pistol is regular to buy uh no no i like that one right when i tell you get out this store i like that one right there no the the one left to the pistol that's what i thought you better leave this store man wait what is dashing doing he's still scared of that i think that's the ak-47 huh can i get the ak-47 kudo level he crazy can i get the ak-47 sir sir you know better than to give this man a gun like that and that requires a level two gun oh i actually have that i actually have that oh what you leave it at home uh okay hook me up okay then uh yeah just take my word for it just take my word for it what hey bro don't point that at him yo put it down hey kitty we're gonna write down your name all right sounds good my name is uh my name is long he [Music] what's [Music] yeah like that's my last name he yeah yeah yeah thank you so much face it out yeah i got hey do you really have a level 2 license all right all right all right all right okay okay i gotta go hey let me get some of this yum yum yum i'm hungry i'm actually hungry no no they gave us rat meat last time we went in there wait really so you've been here yeah bro it made all right there's a reason this the store got locked down because who's ready to go number two after that oh really oh what is this they got a whole prison cell in here uh yeah i don't know no it's open it's open this cutie right here she don't like you bro don't [Applause] from your responsibilities in life what is a whole new life what are you talking about huh hey bro dang it looks like you can't get any clothes good opening tune what's going on break bro you can't get no drip man i'm sorry bro no no i big drip bro drippy drippy i know i've noticed dude hey wait wait dude dude have you seen this before this is a new louis vuitton uh monogram what is that that really looks like something you'd buy too just expensive [Music] like hit me what is that supposed to mean hey dude get you some drip too here hey i know stealing is bad but like i don't oh that's your new drip oh yeah i got this leave it on no bro i dressed together i took it earlier i started earlier dude don't you like my outfit it all matches huh ma'am he has a wife and kid still it's the same hey no i'm just kidding i'm just kidding i would not do that to my wife and kids wait wait you know what time uh uh follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me go follow me quick quick quick oh why is he freaking out oh my gosh oh you're good okay okay okay okay good back to the car back to the car just get back to the car just listen just follow up just [Ā __Ā ] you caught me on a busy date just come back back to the car back to the car back to the car okay okay okay okay wait wait wait get in dude he's freaking out for no reason come all right i i'ma hide out right over here all right let me hide out over here yeah oh my gosh bro all right she should be getting she's at work she's at work oh lord she's at work oh my gosh bro she's right at the grocery store she should be getting off any minute now holy crap holy crap all right let me see let me see let me see let me see i don't know how much longer does she have her shift's usually over by now all right wait where did action go hmm uh oh action uh oh there goes rage oh rage over here over here what are you doing over here what are you why are you freaking why have you been freaking out for no reason nothing we just be on the lookout man just be on be very be on the lookout for what be on the very low profile all right let me see just check around check all the way around uh-huh okay i'll i'll go and scout around then okay all right all right you do that i'm gonna just hide behind these trees got around see what's up what is action even freaking out about he's like looking around and stuff like that suspicious oh wait there's a lady over there wait let me ask her let me ask her what hold on oh hello he's about to blow my cover excuse me excuse me miss oh my gosh she said hi um so my friend oh we're closing we're closing soon sorry oh well no um i had a question actually um my friend who lives here actually was was acting all strange lately and i was wondering you know i'm glad he didn't say my name strange or something like that i'm glad you didn't say my name fred don't say it don't yeah my friend oh he doesn't say my name oh my gosh yeah my friend has uh i don't know wondering if you know anything about oh he also said something i've never seen you around here well he also said something about you know she gets around uh she gets off work around five huh what bro he sounds so weird right get off very soon oh really you getting work soon hey maybe we should grab dinner or something what he's trying to flirt with my girl i should go over there [Ā __Ā ] him oh my god i need you to leave the store wait what oh i like okay man i don't know what's going on actually yo rage how did that go for you bro how did that go what do you mean i was just asking her like why why you're acting all weird what is she saying is there something weird in this town no no nothing at all nothing at all then why have you been acting weird don't worry about none of that don't worry about none of that she said something about like leave the property or i'll call the police oh let's get to the car let's get to the car let's get to the car wait what right here right here right here right here she's driving away hop in the car hop in the car i'm in the car i'm in the car dude my outfit is drippy oh yeah yeah that drip let me call my outfit there we go guys look at this gotta figure out where she was hey actually you know what they call this drip what do they call this drill they call this the circus trip yeah bro you're looking like a clown dude where are we going wait are we going back home or something to your house oh wait what wait isn't that the girl that just left the store oh my gosh wait that's the girl i just taught right action oh she looks so sad wait what let's follow let's follow let's follow let's follow wait action hey i didn't ask you i ain't asking wait why are you following this girl dude bro i'm not following this girl bro i'm not following this girl i'm dude i'm getting kind of creepy vibes i'm just dude she just took a turn oh okay you didn't take it there oh wait wait what wait where are you where are you going man what just happened dude you good oh are you oh my god what's action doing i'm oh no way we gotta go come on come on come on come on quick quick quick get in the car get in the car get in the car where is that place get in the car dude what is this oh my gosh bro it just hit me yo it just hit me bro what just hit you bro dude you're not going to believe anything i say next spit it out bro i i dude whoa whoa i'm mind blown i'm mine blown bruh okay okay you know what you can stay the week you can stay the week you can stay the week i can't stay a week you're gonna be honest dude i thought i was gonna get kicked out after today okay okay what's going on you need to explain to me man at once all right action you better get to explaining and don't leave out any details because you have dragged me into this man and i need to know every single thing about this okay okay look look okay that girl that you're just seeing bro i'm literally i'm literally trying to explain oh stacks stacks snacks don't need no need to wait this is your dog no need no need to hurt him no no no no hey don't he's licking oh let me pet this doggy get off the stacks let me explain okay that girl that you just saw so cute all right was my crush okay now i've been trying to get at her for weeks on weeks and i finally took her on a date and then some stuff happening she didn't say yes okay okay and so i tried to take her on a date and and let's backtrack before that my uh-huh hooper doe came over to visit for the weekend his car uh i thought his car broke down or something but no no it did his car broke down he was hitchhiking someone came up to him and asked if they knew who i was and dark and other people like that and then they said yeah and kidnapped them and put them in that house that you just saw wait they kidnapped dark and hooper and all that no they just kidnapped they kidnapped pooper all right what make sure you follow along follow along precisely don't leave anything put him in that house he escaped from the back window and came to my house and he was super late and so me and him went back to that house and we tried to figure out everything saw pictures of ourselves and all of that what of everybody yeah sleeping and all this other stuff and so you know i had to get that big body and then we went in there and we explored we found two dark web hackers because kudo and dark buy stuff off the dark web like every day they buy stuff off the dark web and so it just leads they said it leads no traces but then one day they ordered a gun off the dark web and it ended at jay's house and that's when he moved into the neighborhood and he told me about it but it was actually kudos and and then so so me and hooper went to that house down the street and then you know we got to busting them shots at them dark web hackers because they was following us all over the place and i guess what i just realized read this book read the words okay dude why do i hear and so we killed them and they called for back you know what you did stay away from her or we will tell her what you did she'll never see your father her father again because of you we will avenge his death if we must and so i started hitting it off with stacy the girl at the store and she said her father was missing he never told me much about her parents and what they did and then next you know we went to an ice skating rink and some dude pulled up on us with an uh a machete and then i thought i could kill him yeah and so i came out with a crowbar and i was ready to fold him and kudo was with me and the next thing you know he pulled out a chainsaw and so i threw my cobra on the ground i was scared and oh okay she saved our life wait and she's saying hey get off my car what you talking about bro i'm going back to the block city and so she came out with a gun that i've never seen before and and killed the dude who was gonna attack us and so we were trying to protect her but she ended up protecting us and then i tried to ask her to be my girlfriend she said there's too much in her family and she can't let me know nothing and and she let me down and i bought her that are you sure she just didn't want to go out with you and and no i promise she does but we was hitting it off bro we was hitting it off man all right so i got scared and i i dressed up and i was going to stalk her find out where she lived and it turns out she lived she lived at the dark web no no i don't think she lives there man maybe she like was being blackmailed i literally i literally broke at that house that was the house that me and hooper literally sprayed down two people yeah but like and she's missing her father okay okay so what do you want to do about it huh dude i wanna just let her go let her go i gotta figure out more about this what if she's working with the dark web what if she's evil and all the information i gave her i just threw it all away bro we gotta put a stop to this just what the cops said we can't call the cops man kudos shut up at the cost man and i was with him gosh man you guys are always messing things up i know i know okay what do you want me to do about this can i go back to block c you're stuck in this with me now cause you're a witness here get on this get on my tv from the okay yeah yeah hop in the back let's go all right here we go hey this is what the heck hey man it's nothing like my new car awkward man but keep your disguise on i'm glad you got a disguise but in the book they said in the book they said stay away from her or will tell her what you did and we must avenge the death hey you like my drip bro put your stuff back on bro i like that other drip there we go all right i got my drip back on all right all right bro when i tell you i can't we gotta hide dragged into it we gotta hide man i told you you picked a bad weekend dude should we like stop out here okay okay because they might be able to hear us yeah yeah the car is loud all right we're on foot now i'm gonna tell you what we're gonna do yeah the tv is too static okay now when i tell you we're gonna sneak in we're not going through the front we got to sneak in through the back there how if they're not if they're not smart enough yeah they're not smart enough they didn't take down the ladders that me and hooper use to get up and if so we might have to run to the store and get some new ladders but it's too okay okay hope that the ladder's still there okay all right all right positive mindset i'm gonna be on the lookout i don't see nobody in there all right get ready be very low profile hey be very low profile be very good okay you're just scaring me man i'm scared too i'm scared okay but like i don't i'm not supposed to be doing this stuff okay every single time i'm with you man this is exactly why that's the car that's the car she was driving maybe i've never seen that car before maybe somebody's in town and they let her use it so nice though i don't know about nice more like scary and smells like rice okay i'm just saying okay rice does smell good though but hey hey not this rice it's that dirty rice oh okay it's that dirty rice okay wait there's some there's a light open in that room right there do you see that no no no don't worry about none of that there is there is yeah you might be onto something in this house said not to worry about it in this house they had pictures of all of us in here they might even have pictures of you no dude i just get i just got here what do you mean they're gonna have pictures of me they might they call for backup oh my gosh i wish you guys actually or something bro you're saying i'm paranoid but you're with me sneaking into the backyard of somebody's house man you better be about to drive away you better be invested you force me you better be the best all right i'm fine fine okay where's the ladder dude don't worry about that right now we got to see if we can see the light don't be too loud now don't be too low creep oh my gosh bro there you go you see that oh is that the ladder okay see that up there how did it get there you just got to be slow smart look at this empty swimming pool imagine falling into that disgusting i mean it's not that deep now come on yeah but it's disgusting though tell you that yeah that's true that's true all right dang why are there so many barricaded doors bro it's because this is a ran down house you think it looks nice but i'm gonna let you lead the way what do you mean no you know what i'm the new person here bro we gotta be very quiet when we get in there because look i know she's in the house okay i'll i'll be quiet i'll be quiet i know she's in the house and i want to see if he's talking about i'm glad you have that oh my god oh really i'm glad you have you might save our life i'm ready to shoot at any moment please have that thing out and be ready oh have it out have it out no actually don't oh sorry i'm sorry sorry i accidentally pulled the trigger i just think i'm fine i'm hiding i'm hiding okay i'm hiding too let me see i don't see anybody in here all right there's probably no one here if they didn't hear that gunshot no one's here no dude i know she is all right why are there blood all over the floor bruh what they get straight to it they get people getting hanged over here i think so yeah it's very bad like you know what's bad when they have a spider alarm clock bro like imagine in the morning you wake up you see my gosh can we just go hurry up what do we need to do all right we need to be smart and cautious now look you see this this looks like my bedroom set up doesn't it they copied it wait it does put it wait wait i've never been in your room though yes oh you have you didn't let me oh my bad well this is how it looks it looks like this and the yellow how am i supposed to believe you if i didn't see it first yeah just like this but imagine okay so it looks like this okay okay yeah okay all right and this is how this is how uh darks looks this is how those things dark has a big room and then kudos room looks like this leather print yeah uh whose room is this that's jay's it's mr jay's room looks like this okay there's a nice laptop set up right there which is nice okay okay so we need to be slow so where's the pictures of you okay wait let me see dude you're freaking me out man there's blood all over the place you see tell me this tell me this isn't scary bro why they have a whole security camera right here this was literally me and hooper when i was flirting with stacy for the first time bro like she lives in this house where they're taking boys taking all these pictures this is really creepy yeah kudo and you're not lying 13th street and then we got uh uh dark's house no that's definitely my house that's yours man uh we got me and hooper we got all these photos man it's so crazy oh my god i'm so glad like they don't have any pictures of me oh my goodness i'd be freaking you imagine i'd be so scared man no no no they gotta be downstairs she's gotta be downstairs she has to have a room and it has to be awake because she said and you wanna talk to her dude you already know she's not playing no good wait i don't understand why i just can't have a normal life it's one of the dark way hackers live a normal life it's one of the dark web hackers i can tell wait oh oh that's the dark web hacker dude i can tell from the mask we do what we think is best for you you don't even allow me to go upstairs joe i know you're so no what are you guys hiding do you think she's where is my dad bro she's she might be a good person oh my gosh dude dude this is so scary what is happening i feel bad because i because we let you what huh i can't even keep our friends around right dude i was about to be your girlfriend worry about your family or your boyfriend when my dad gets back he's going to be so angry don't worry about your father what oh my god he won't be back at any time didn't you say he got hurt dude i killed him bro i killed him what oh my god whatever whatever should i shoot him no no not yet bro no you would scare her you scared my god who cares we have a whole honest criminal in front of us let's follow what wait we'll just hit the whole front no way she just go cuckoo she's left wait oh wait let me see what happens i don't know i think she left out the front huh should we follow her or what oh shoot oh shoot i don't think this dude sees us where is he where is he do we follow her oh oh the door just opened did you hear that oh i didn't see the side of the house oh i haven't seen the side of the house i'm so scared bro wait wait wait there's dead body dude there's no way i haven't seen this part of the house oh this is the part i've seen this wait this is her room i've never seen a room she is in this tiny little room dude all she has is a mirror and it doesn't even work it's like broken or something oh and there's nothing in her wardrobe does she wear the same thing every day you know what you know what uh what should we do should we follow no yeah let's go let's go quick quick all right all right guys come on come on open the rope open the road come quick before i go [Music] oh my gosh bro huh oh wait yo where are we at hold up bro don't tell me i'm gonna yo is that rage rage wake up get up rage rage break break rage wake up look get your face wet bro get up bro bro what what is on my cheek bro don't worry about none of that bro as long as you up man look bruh did you spit on me no no some water or something bro look man hey where are we i thought we escaped i know dude i think that what do you mean you know where are you the dark web hackers got us bro they must have put us in a dungeon yeah it's like it sounded like something was dragging like a champ [Music] hey man what's wrong with you you evil dude when i get out i feel like oh okay i'm going back to sleep hold up stay back bro how are you going to come in here and tell me to stand back bro like so all right here's the gun stand back that is my gun what the heck hey give it back listen bro why you just gonna keep my door open like i won't run out this thing bro need to use stacy to bait you in i guess she has no use wait a second hey you leave stacy alone bro that's the only reason sir you don't take space you just leave us alone what you mean might be your last meal dude what do you mean it's my last turn no you evil hey sir sir we can we can make a deal you can take stacey hey you can play stacy no stacy bro come on you better get oh my gosh rage the cell's next to me there's a dead person bro please you can take stacey not me oh my god you and i what what please leave that how did they know that bro he doesn't know about baby rage though which is good oh do you want your kid to wake up with no father oh he does know about oh oh my gosh yo please my hands are my hands are up please hey yo that's evil to talk about people having no fathers and stuff like that man that's that's very messed up bro yeah yeah you guys have one night left one night wait wait like like one light left in here and you'll let us go yeah oh yes all right we'll be out by tomorrow yeah okay okay hey bro why did you come back in here bro hey really we only need to survive for one last one more night and they'll let us out why did he just come in my cell and pull out the blinky and look at me this is only happening uh-oh because you killed her dad remember this is because you oh my gosh you stole my friend you stopped and stole my friend he stole my friend in kidnapping wait excuse me uh hey excuse me sir i have nothing to do with this actually so can you just let me yeah he has nothing to do with revenge will be taken yeah like you can take action and stay just so you're the one who left it you're the one who left this book i just want to say your hand writing a red is very much stop sacrificing everybody bro this is serious i'm kidding hey only one more light only one more night okay okay one more night and we're out all right actually actually come over here rage check that cell next to you bro i saw a dude i saw the dead person can you break this or no it's too hard to break yeah it's too hard oh wait right here right here right here okay okay you might be honest and break the uh the wood right there bro i mean the the stone can you i i'm gonna try are you strong enough okay okay let me let me break this dude let me try let me try all right come on we need to get out somehow you know yeah we definitely do wait you hear that doors doors stop stop for the kitchen i don't think they're coming back there's a skeleton in that cell next to you i know i saw dude i don't want to look at it again what are you talking about i keep hearing doors man i'm paranoid okay wait stacy wait what she said what is this place and call her over you know her oh yeah yeah stacy stacy stacy stacy stacy stacy oh my god is that her oh my gosh stacy help help me out help me out if you have anything what is this excuse me it's me too do you remember me miss oh back up dude now it's not the time be quiet okay okay okay okay they're still waiting they're still awake who's still awake that dark web how to do that that hacker oh my gosh okay okay okay i'm gonna be quiet they left the door open okay you shouldn't be here so you're just exploring down i hope we can escape soon please do please do thank you so much thank you so much dude after this maybe now i can finally me and her can like be a thing now oh my gosh whatever you want man and maybe you can have your own kid or something yeah maybe bro that'd be you have to be gold we can have our our kids play with each other oh wait wait she open up oh shove it up let's go let's go let's go yes thank you stay supposed to go thank you which way wait listen listen to her listen to her wait listen all right locked in all ears you have to run out the front door all right hey you saying bought i'm gonna delete i'm gonna delete the footage from the security cameras okay okay perfect yo and then i'm gonna throw this potato bread in here so they will have no idea i can't talk to you for a few days action she can't talk to her for a few days hey just no just know all right once this is all said and done once it's all said and done we can finally be a thing i'm so sorry all this is happening okay you need to go all right all right i will all right let's do it let's do it hey stop crying bro now oh that dude's shooting up to the ak-47 you all he needs to chill he's wasting my bullets bro don't worry about you're not getting that back you're not getting that back yo what the heck why is it so far down all right you're weird so let's fly back go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go to the car to the cartridge oh my gosh i'm great come on hurry up hurry up go they're still firing what do they have a firing range up there oh my gosh they're just packing this to his name it's all good all right where'd the car go we swerved off somewhere all right the car swerved off somewhere bro like what is he shooting bro i don't know i think he's tested there it is dang we made it again you kind of made it kind of far away because you swerved off remember oh yeah and we oh my gosh i thought we escaped but apparently we crashed into this i mean how else do you think he got taken bro he didn't get it get it go go go go go let's go go go she's going to delete the camera this is dope let's go bro she's a lifesaver but they're going to know someone escaped i mean if they check that no yes you go pick her up you go pick her up quick pick her up bro i'm not going back there she said we can't talk she said we can't talk for a few days bro maybe she has a plan but should we hide here at your house hex naw and this car shouldn't even be here screw that all right all right okay i got an idea who talks do we go to uh jayce jay hasn't been home jay hasn't been home because of a multitude of reasons let's hide this in the back okay back here man wait my go-kart wait what somebody had my go-kart back here wow they really stole your go-kart huh my go-kart was back there i was looking for i wondered where that went oh it's hiding j2 funnies house we got to be low profile for a little bit and i can't even see stacy for a couple of days dude that's awesome though how she how she broke you out of there man this is a love story come true man all right man crazy bro all right bro that being said i'm gonna stay low profile and hopefully you sleep easy on the outside of that wall somehow that you glitched through man okay i really don't know what i got myself into man oh hey snow ain't got nothing in the fridge bro we ain't got nothing in the fridge bro i'm getting mad bro action rage what you want man i'm ready ready to wait ready to go where man we got to stay in jay's house bro what you talking about in the fridge city what you mean you promised me uh you know that i get to leave after a few days hold up bro i ain't promised you was gonna get trapped and none of that hey we gotta go and hide together like bretty like buddies like good old times remember when we lived in that random house city isn't even as bad i thought block city was bad but this i don't ever want to come back here i mean there's a lot of real life crimes happening i mean other times it'd be like spooky stuff like this there's some real life bad stuff dudes is on the dark web going crazy dude take me back man i i can't stay here no longer like any longer at all you don't have the money for a flight so what makes you think you have the money for gas you're gonna drive me there like a friend okay friend discount what do i get in return uh you get to meet my family i mean that that's if they're there because you know my wife did take my kid on a little vacation oh my gosh you know what you know what just because you complaining too much i got to go on hiding by myself maybe maybe hoover and dark might come home no no no please please maybe hoover's house might get no dude why are you just gonna leave me by myself man i don't know i'm going to take you home because you can play oh yeah that's the only reason i'm taking you home so i can go into hiding with hooper or something like yeah you know what you were just going to make me stay alone or something you remember rule number one about 13th street man you know you know yeah you said you said yeah it's very very creepy and a lot of bad things happening you you were right man you were right you said i wasn't gonna be able to handle it i said i said you might not be fit for it bro you know what i'm saying man and i agree i agree now man any wait any last thing that you want um i don't know may oh maybe some snacks or something like that because it is a pretty long ride right yeah it took me 15 hours in a crate so uh no it shouldn't take yeah this 15 hour drive bro yeah by the way have you like not shaved or something because your beard is dude i didn't ask for judgment okay hey wow okay okay let me fuel up let me fuel up beforehand because this is a gas station hey yeah we got a nice gas station right here dude my gas station isn't even as nice as this there's like a little pit stop kind of gas station oh what yo wait actually actually uh you know how you're not your car oh bro chill it's about to blow up man what's that what's the fuel that's about to blow up let me check oh it was there in the thing there it is it's full it's full all right yeah i have some snacks here or oh wait wait wait wait wait wait because of all the bad things that went on and if stacy's co-workers here like you know what i'm saying and she said don't talk to her so the disguise i had to discuss i i probably shouldn't it's my disguise yeah anyway here anyway so it's exactly good it's perfectly fine perfect so do you usually get your x here yeah bro this is the spot for team yeah this is the spot for artists next all right okay it's got you know some snow right here oh what do you usually do what do you what do you recommend um i recommend that we come over here oh say hi gentlemen oh wait what up [Music] for the yeah lisa oh that's nice you have a girlfriend named lisa ah here uh huh hey action do you have any recommendations blah blah blah blah blah blah you said extina anyways i bet your girlfriend looks really really good can you show a picture actually yeah can i see a picture of your girlfriend a photo uh my mans where the photo at dawg i mean gotta go who's gonna check out who's gonna ring up our our snacks hey bro you know what i'm gonna give you a couple of snacks can i not grab a couple of facts man i'm i'm feeling strapping wrong snacks man flashlights beer dude it's flashlights dude oh wait how do i grab one can you grab one for me all right uh i gotta grab it all right bob here you go oh yes no problem no problem all right hey here's where this is right now oh do i want cheese nah i don't want cheese oh that's disgusting we need snacks strawberry pie all right oreos actually look at what they have in the store what do they have in this disgusting this guy get it grab it grab it grab one fish pie disgusting ew that's why this store smells like that oh i'll take a baguette and i'll take a blt sandwich you know what i'm going to take a couple of the blt's up bro no not if i take all of them hey you took all of my brt no no i even get one i only get one huh give me one give me one dude blt sandwich is a healthy it's not letting man drop it that means it's not for you bro man all right i got wait i don't have any blt's well anyway yeah i guess guess they don't they don't they tho those are fake oh we got some cake nah you don't need cake dude i think i have enough for the road uh how do we pay for this do we not pay no no he's back he's back oh yes hey sir we got ah a lot of food yeah my friend my friend will be paying by the way i have a baguette i have a chocolate cupcake i have marshmallow and strawberry pie yeah all right wait all right how much how much you charge me give me action for this thank you for 30 you know what that's what you are guys i have actions credit cards hey bro get back here on my credit card my card my credit card my card bro that boy really just jetted off with my credit card i'm just kidding i'm going i'm coming back don't worry don't worry actually oh yo i'm on yeah you didn't i was ran you over hey what direction is block city bruh um i well i i don't know actually wait wait let me let me hop in let me hop in do you want it okay or what please please give me the cart thank you credit card bro you took it back you're my credit card you're my credit is in there you get there all right all right bro i'm just gonna drive this way and and which is best bruh oh my god i'm pretty sure i'm pretty sure dude how am i supposed to know when i came in a crate uh i didn't feel the vibrations of the direction bro i feel like i'm bouncing in north and north direction yeah oh man i'm stuffed all those snacks i think we bought too many action mini do i only have a couple marshmallows some oreos bro i'm still hungry it's block city almost here bro yeah i don't know man we've been driving for how long like three four hours please dude i was on the road for pretty much 15 hours dude oh wait what's over here wait i think you're supposed to turn there wait actually i think dude i think you're supposed to turn there oh my gosh it did right you think i'm supposed to think you're supposed to all right here right i'm out of fuel bro what no i just ran wait what what let me just make me turn around no what i ran out of fuel because you made me turn around bro oh shoot how no i'm not going in there alone man i'm not going there without a car man a car makes me feel safe all right how about this how about this into a tunnel hop in the car you're scared hop in the car and you push all right how about this get out of here how about this all right oh what the yo yo one punch man out here what the heck how do you how do you lift the car man i don't know bro how do you not lift the car man come on think outside the box man what the heck yeah yeah yeah muscle man out here i thought whoa all right what is it some random tunnel bro uh good thing we have this right here with the bionic arm oh that's the flashlight you got the biotic arm too yeah turn on it is a little too dark in here man like i don't feel stained i changed my mind i changed my mind action bro what are you gonna do hitchhike no no it's a look yeah actually that doesn't sound like a bad idea let's just leave here dude i'm not hitchhiking dude i just paid racks for this car dude the tow truck will handle it man like oh there it is here here uh let's go this way how about how about that this seems a little safer right bro you said we had to turn here you i don't know i was just thinking oh my god you really want to go in here it looks so scary it's tunnels are meant to be drove through we're just supposed to be driving through but we don't have a car right now okay do we walk so let's walk through it what's so scary about a tunnel this is what this is what i'm talking about guys this is so scary he's a troublemaker this guy's a troublemaker do you see that do you see the water here what the heck it's like green green substance what why did the ground break after you walked past no no it was probably already broken no it wasn't i promise it wasn't don't try to freak me out like that man i'm trying to freak you out you're trying to freak me out man you ain't thinking about me wait look on the ground man bro do you see that how was i just about to step on a dead body i shouldn't we're turning back man what uh uh i'll i'll hitchhike if i have to man you can keep going but i don't want to stay there where there's a freaking dead body a tunnel that we've never been through my steak what are you doing so close to it you you need to chill bro dead bodies wait what there's more there's more hold on what the yo there's one how do people die going what so people died walking down a tunnel we're gonna end up like dumb if we don't if we don't turn back now you dude you are clearly on some block city level of scary if you're scared of a tunnel with some bodies in it yeah you're definitely are you used to this or something is this normal one block yo is this normal on 13th street dude look at that body hanging hey all the things i've seen hey man let's just say this is a cakewalk bro at this at this rate this is a cakewalk man now have you ever summoned it now have you ever had a nightmare with a dead body in it but have you ever summoned in something with a ouija board no i i have not actually should i don't do it at all in place do you hear that did you hear that i did but i'm gonna keep walking because i'm kind of scared you know what i'm saying oh you oh i just heard something again i know i've been hearing oh stop scaring me man barbed wire what the heck right here right here hey dude stop turning it on so much look at this look at this it's glitchy look at this ready look at it it's glitching bro get in there bro are you trying to knock me in the barbed wire that is yeah you ain't you're not scared of anything apparently dude there's nothing oh we made it in bruh hey we can go we can go right no it's a dead end bruh oh wait here that is why is there a hanging thing at the end do you see that i do what the heck all right how did okay my question is how did these people end up dead what is this there's a picture on this wall oh it's just somebody coughing yeah in in front of the in front of the thing yeah huh yeah it's just a coffin i'm on to the yo there's a crazy one over here somebody turn on my flashlight some dude's head got chopped off yeah dude i feel bad for him bro yeah team yeah i feel real bad i don't like this man can we leave this way uh hold up there's more stuff on the walls i'm actually interested oh my god dude this is why this is why i'm never coming back to this chair you're another yeah but with a dead body right beside it what do you mean just a chance we ain't seen 20 of them anymore like we see 20 of them in the last second oh wait hold up it's this tunnel that's the tunnel we're in right now yeah i know did you hear that yeah let's go ahead and keep walking maybe we can hitchhike on this yeah yeah i'm glad we made it through man i'm glad we brought this even if we did have a car we wouldn't be able to go through here anyways bruh are you serious you got it should we go back down then should we go back down hitchhiking yeah yeah see this we should just go with our original plan and just hitchhike man yeah at this point oh gosh dang bro you know i keep hearing i'm scratching bro i do too i do too i hear some scratching i hear kicking and i hear wait do you see a bunch what is this hey action did you see this before how come i didn't see this wait what about the other side all right check check yeah all of these holes are like too small to go through this is the only one that's like big enough bro i'll give you five dollars if you go through five dollars range where's your credit card give it back right here give me a credit card wait a second wait wait wait wait you had a credit card this whole time no there's nothing left like i told you i'm poor i'm poor all right all right hand me that credit card right now yeah uh hey no no no no no no no no you go in you go in first ow bro you don't think about my feelings get in there all right oh oh okay if you go if you're going i'll go in all right get it now i'm a little bit worried touch that nasty looking water hey turn on your flashlight turn on your flashlight oh it's on yo oh it's on oh i said you saw the red yeah there's bats all over the place all right now i got it oh that's when you know this place is all dirty and disgusting bro do you see the water it's all green and gooey disgusting slimy disgusting oh god there's a body in here bruh dude don't say that oh what dude their arms fell off while they were cuffed dang that's actually tragic so this person must have been here for a very long time a very long time his arms just like broke off brothers nothing all alone man brother there's nothing on this side just a bunch of bats all right how about this i i have a challenge for you all right what i want to come over here let's go down here why i want to see how long you last with your arms uh cuffed to the wall um i don't think bro what if something was down here and did this to all these people in this tunnel think about that okay oh you found the person he is right in front of you right now get in there i'm gonna cuff you up i i wish it was somebody's scary bro it can't be you got a smile on your face right now okay i'm kidding i'm kidding i'm joking obviously all right well there's more gooey like substance right here wait a second there's a room whoa what the hell are these freshly baked cookies oh snap bro it says turn back i think we should listen wait what it says turn back with a ton of blood on the wall yo there's a doll right here a sleeping bag somebody lives down here bro and they're the ones that sure do no dude these are freshly baked cookies i don't know if they're freshly baked they might be store-bought bro they look like store bought okay okay okay well yeah but like they're fresh they're not like no no no no they look stale they look hard to drop dude i keep hearing dragging okay that's probably the cookies man if they're that stale bro it's time we get out of here all right let's go let's go let's leave let's leave let's see i bet i'm out of this thing bro wait do you see something at the end of the tunnel over there turn your flashlight what is that yeah wait did you see that over there before hold on wait turn on your flashlight what is that do you see that should we get a little closer what is that something little oh [Applause] oh my gosh dude it's right behind you ready run bro stop playing with me stop playing stop playing with me dude i hate you man oh my god you're not my friend no we need somebody we need somebody to pull up right now bro here man oh no no no no no it's not no it's not it's right there raised help helping you there's a car coming there's a car coming there's a car coming help his head in front [Music] take that double barrel shotgun and go in there and tell me what we're doing yeah go go in there right now who are you calling the kids this is dangerous in there here here take the flashlight too why are you playing we're not playing our car right here our car went out of gas broke down and people died in this tunnel bruh and there's this little uh monster something is in the tunnel yeah dude there's this little monster with a knife chasing here's take this guy let me go check it out yes go check it out now all right yo oh we don't even have to steal their car all right yeah you go check it out yeah dude his car looks more expensive let's talk let's take it oh no i just bought this car all right hop on we're good all right go go go [Music] today man look where we back at man we just dropped off rage and we back on your favorite street on the youtubes man 13th street and now i noticed that hooper's house is built so look i'm finna stop by and see if my boys wait i don't think he might have seen me all right let me ring the doorbell hooper yo my doorbell oh yo look at it oh that looks like actually the same deep voice hey can i come in yeah and come in hey bruh you have not even seen this crib yet bro this is my brand new spot bro right here on 13th street all right show me around a little bit huh show me all right all right i'm gonna show you we got this nice little bathroom right here of course you know whoa oh my gosh you smell your nose my breath i was just in there about 10 minutes ago we got the kitchen over here man you know i cook up uh three meals a day every day dang kind of fat bruh don't you think what you talking about hey bro where you where you been at though you haven't been here for a minute yo i had to make sure that my construction workers were putting in the work to put this house together and i was sitting back at uh somebody's crib just chilling man that's crazy to me bro bro i didn't tell you i didn't tell you dude look i went on that date with stacy since everyone was gone what i learned of course not you mr try to steal your girl no i can't tell you nothing about that but look things went wrong and to sum up things shortly i got this book after she said like her father was missing and stuff and i got this book and she said she couldn't date me because of her family pass and look at this book bro it says we know what you did stay away from her or we will tell her you did she'll never see her father again because of you whenever uh we will have his avenged death if we must what in the world did you do bro it's what did we do what did i do she lives in that dark web house that kidnapped you bruh stacy tell me this i didn't know until just a few days ago when rage was here bruh and so like we got trapped they tried to trap us and all that stuff bro but she saved her life so she's like good but stuck in a bad situation you feel me so you're telling me the people that we shot up in that house yeah was her parents i guess one was her father one was her father and one might have been his sidekick or something but all i know is things been getting hectic as heck bro and so she said i can't see her for a few days but she saved my life so huge shout out to her i just wanted to let you know that we did that this year backyard hey bro matter of fact i think i got a notification on my phone before i got here bro have you caught up with this uh tick tock page bro tick tock page what's your stick sucks there's this scary tick tock page called do not craft and they upload like scary tick tocks and you can try it and like the stuff happens in your world not all the time but a lot of the time it happens in your world and they just upload a new video what you think about trying yo what what uh tic tac have you seen what are you trying to try man all i know is every time i did this it got bearing views on youtube bro come on man i know you trying to do to get some viewers bro we already know i'm trying to do it man let's get it back hey y'all better subscribe to my guy let me see let me see what the uh tick tock's all about let me unlock my phone real quick oh yeah yeah go ahead and show me what it's about man all right let me check this out let's see all right let's see warning if you attempt this tick tock your world will be cursed where in the world okay wait they have a sign all right what are they typing on the sign uh yo yo 666 write your name backwards huh wait i'm about to figure out this dude's name oh it's do not craft three oh he's literally writing his okay yeah he's writing his name backwards okay six 666 write your name backwards and then what do you do and then what hold up i'm trying to figure out all right there's a third line oh word e-i b what is e-i-d y-i-d and then no no no oh that's die backwards bruh yo and then 999 wait it didn't show us anything after that yeah it didn't show yo do you think we should try that out it says your world will be cursed but 13th street's already cursed at this point if we do that it will probably reverse the curse bruh yo that could be true we could probably live with a nice little happy yeah hey bro you got some wood on you i actually do my dude you know i had to build this whole house and we were under construct uh-huh uh-huh here i'll go ahead and give you half of it if you uh if you actually want to let me split me up all right perfect uh then is it going i'm about to say all right i'll make the crafting table i'll make a crafter you break the crafting all right so let's make a sign matter of fact i got three signs we didn't need to do all right all right i'm about to try i'm about to try it so let's go you ready do it next week do it next all right six six six okay there you go i'm waiting for you i'm waiting on you all right all right 666 the next line your name backwards all right hold up i'm gonna have to go ahead and do yeah i'm gonna have to type out your boy action and then i'm gonna do the line above i'm gonna do oh gosh you know i just type your boy action or type your name on the line after and then just use that and start spamming two words okay well i o b a okay i got no caps all right what was after that high and backwards and then was it capitalized i don't know all right e-i-d no wait d-i-i-e oh okay e-i-d and then what was it nine nine nine all right three two one i know you did not just get a doorbell at the same exact time we just did this bro high definition high dividends high dividends oh my gosh oh my god i thought i didn't break i was gonna say gosh bro yeah all right all right go to the front door go to the front door we gotta tell you yeah we're just getting shorter go to the pool all right all right all right bro bro what if somebody's out front bro they're looking for us i'm scared anybody out here dude no maybe i'm kind of nervous i'm tripping maybe it was just the mailman bro maybe yo let me check my mail oh yeah check check your mail oh dude there's two books in here hold up let me take one of them i'm sorry wait it says the ritual huh okay you know what i don't think we should read this let let's see if anybody else is in the neighborhood you know maybe let's do that yeah i definitely think we should go do that all right bro let's let's go check in on the others yeah man we got to check on him bro bro the 13th street pranksters y'all very funny look at them what are y'all talking about bro guilty book you put in kudos mailbox exactly what bro look at the same book you put in my bell box bro is that the book y'all put in my mailbox me and hooper were sitting here just doing that do not craft new tick tock that we saw uploaded and then as soon as we placed our signs down there was something in our mail and we got a doorbell ring you said that do not craft tick tock yeah the the one the ones that got autumn views on youtube yeah you know that one yeah we we just did the exact same thing and then somebody rang off huh uh-huh wait did you guys read let me read this book hold up you actually didn't read it either you have started the ritual to continue please find the oldest and most broken down building somewhere the deadlift your next instructions are there once this book has been opened uh there is no turning back if you refuse to do the cr uh this that the boob curse on your head huh hey bro y'all like you said this got to be some type of joke yeah somebody playing a prank on somebody you guys want to see where it goes though can you find the oldest most broken buildings look how about this basement dude no no no bro that's not abandoned that's new that's new bro we moved to the 13th street that wasn't there just like hooper's house wasn't there that's true look how about this hoover let's just show them off your new house bro let's just calm down all right welcome to mtv chris hey wait wait wait wait these are sketches no this is wow you got the stove right here i don't know where my dishwasher i guess but i got a fridge over here too that'd be me nice what do you got in your fridge yeah what do you have for me don't worry about this why have you been out of the house lately bro i saw i mean it's been great like i went on dates and all that but why you been out the house bro i felt like you didn't want me there i didn't if i'm not walking oh you were over there complaining we don't have any milk like dude you two grown man even live with you kudo bro my toilet is flooded bro come on now come on dark bro what am i supposed to do oh man bro man in my toilet roll man grown man bro i don't i don't appreciate you guys throwing all my business here in the middle over 20 years old you can never use my bathroom these doors are locked dang my voice crack show us the rest of the house before they get on me in the comments bro come on [Music] oh creatures into my come on bro hey let's go to a better house let's go to a better house this man house bro broke out the plague at his house he really loves disgusting i'm scared the sleeping bag's still there oh you guys haven't seen my dog i bought it for stacey but she didn't take it oh you a sim not a wholesaler [Music] i'm mad bro i got it at the rescues at the mall you got best in here too no i don't oh hey which one of y'all smells so bad rats following you dog oh my god get out my house for they spawn right i'm going to my house there weren't any bets here like 10 minutes ago wait a second wait a second do y'all think it has something to do with this ritual no it's just what bro it says once the book has been opened there's no turning back if you refuse to do the the the task then there'll be a curse on your head bro and it's following everywhere we go okay but don't refuse the white too so that's probably just not a big bro but it happened at our place oh you saying dark's the problem yeah what no i'm not i wasn't here bro and by the way the dark web hackers are advancing y'all uh kudo the dark i just want to let y'all know they have kidnapped me and rage when we stayed for the week bro and stacy lives at that house by the way yeah yeah i knew that huh yes she lives at that out but she saved us she's like good she they forced her to stay in work but look but look on the bright note though me and hooper killed her dad that's not the right thing hold up y'all know why you did that i still had your girl setting this all up man she's crazy not she's saying she's not setting it up hey so yeah bro am i the only one who noticed all these [Ā __Ā ] died by themselves no i hey bro okay imagine this ritual thing task stuff is real uh-huh everybody just dropping breaking your ankles like that you guys want to try it out yo when did it turn right hey where could we try it out at uh yeah i did get the time gun on the white house broken [Music] kudos what y'all know exactly where i've been scared to go back this place since we summoned in the last thing we summon that one yeah remember lucy kept blaming me for everything that's when i realized i do not like losers remember the ouija board we use the ouija board i'm not hanging out with y'all ever again wait bruh it's already too late you're making the right decision my friend no not cursed if you don't join us yeah the first car we're taking oh the holy water will fix all right we got four people uh we can't go to dark's house oh i got a new car look you do yeah oh my god the repo guy probably found you all right here we go hey i just want to say this real quick hooper get ready bro because last time we summoned in this crazy big monster and i don't know he might still be there i'm just saying hoover when this place scare you don't say i didn't warn you all right here we go we're really going to go in there hold up let me back up the car let me back up hey bruh don't worry about that you can't drive any your license revoked no you you need a license anyway shut your mouth i'm driving out here a little bit oldest most broken down somewhere already it's there i'm not looking for something wait this place looks different the house was on fire last time [Music] oh lord you guys really want to go in there hey man do you think that monster's out of our world crazy we haven't seen the ouija board monster in forever bro so you think it's out of this world maybe this man crawling like this all right bet let's let's find out some dirty bombs why i got to be a dirty bum bro oh you're hanging out with us so that makes you yeah yeah look at your friends [Music] yo it says our next instructions are here somewhere so what do these instructions look like i see something outside or am i tripping i think i'm sure okay i think i'm tripping i think bro yeah i'm tripping bro look at this kitchen let this be the first time i ever tell you i'm mad you didn't bring a strap on you this time okay i'll do it yo i don't need a strap i got these oh what is that sound going right back [Music] i think that was a ouija board monster bro we're not alone i'm going right back you work too hard it surrounds this house bro think about it it probably surrounds this house because we summoned it here bro all right it says our next instructions will be here where would it be at in the room we summoned it maybe it's not in here well you remember what room that was remember it was like a back room it was like a bath wait wait okay yeah wait dude dude stop scaring me right out there bro bro stop scaring me bro guys calm down just calm down just calm down how are we supposed to listen to you actually what do you say you found a clue no i said maybe the clue was in that room you know what let's go to see it's somewhere in here it's somewhere in here wait what oh hooper i think it's past your direction back here dark do y'all see this yo there's signs the next clue is here look at this dude [Music] what at the grocery store dumpster who was dumping organs at the dumpster then i did throw our guns back bruh bro dude we're gonna get set up i don't know if we should follow this well then again if we don't we'll be cursed forever remember oh my gosh dude whose idea was it to mess with the tick tocks bro you yours wasn't me your idea you brought him in y'all was at your own house why are you gonna blame me you gave me the idea bro no okay you guys remember no does anybody have a camera take a picture of this no we need an old camera at the stalker house pool i can't go back to the stalker's house that's the that's the dark one my camera not work bro that's right i don't know that's where stacy's at wait bro take a picture all right there we go pictures no i don't think that camera works bro oh dang i'm trying to remember where to go wait i don't have any any any picture bro all right so we got to go to the we got to get blood blood from the bridge blood bridge that's my job i remember that somebody remember the next one human organs first restore i remember that all right human old camera it's a tucker's house all right to the bridge all right to the bridge y'all we gotta get blood from this let's go let's go uh bro left side left side left side okay i was going to hit me with them spiderweb no no broke come on i tripped i drove it up get up get up nah leave that we leaving you next time bro there was a big ol uh ouija board monster that we summoned in still lurking that place i know it was too i know for a fact it was yeah i saw that thing behind kudos to that yeah he did it last time bro broke my voice all right so where are we going first the breakthrough the blood at the bridge maybe it's this bridge maybe maybe do you want your bridges all right let me see you guys michael phelps on them hey boost me boost me dark boost me boost me there we go i'm drowning yourself got laid out like this oh my gosh somebody got emphasis hey bro hey somebody then got body they got etching sketched right here bro oh wait what are the way in action all right all right who was next i forget what we do next uh human organs grocery store why are you going that way dark why is that in the car over here i'll be buying meat from that grocery store bro are you telling me in that blt it's actually a big uh bacon leg come on dark turn around bro why are you going a long way on the street he's thinking gosh bro you take the long way why are you driving my car chill guys you always criticize me like i'm not human i don't care drive better it build it like i'm like say it you're right better bro what up uh let's see human organs do you guys tell human rights no no chill chill oh what up bro hey no don't listen to him i'm really on your head i gotta wait i gotta wait i gotta no i gotta wait i gotta live with girls i got this hey let me open this look look you'll call the police you can't even call your girlfriend you said you said you had a girlfriend named jessica girlfriend all right don't trust me bro no it's not a snake bro huh let me roast him her name's allison your girlfriend name change every day man come on bro you don't got no girlfriend are you jealous man i know you was jealous when i got uh stacy number i don't want to hear none of that she's so freaking so pretty man you better calm down over there with this pretty bro man look at this in my hand all right get him now where where are the human organs what is that what do you think that is come on now yeah inside your body all right here though when i laid this boy out hey bro i'm working here hey used to work here while i got human organs tell me where they are bro right dark you got one chance dark was there any other instructions on that note it's not going to do nothing guys oh my god don't let him go human organs bro dark he's the human organ dark i think it said more than something i think it said more than just grocery store didn't it didn't see something else it said we got to get him out of this dude's body no no no you were supposed to remember no no it didn't say where we threw the guns oh oh uh ma'am i meant sir i'm sorry i ain't mean to call you ma'am y'all are weird hey just don't call the police your hairstyle you look like a girl to be honest oh my bad i didn't i didn't really mean it when i said we were going to cut you open i know i know where to go where did we drop our guns y'all remember i don't i don't know no i know where it's at i just don't want to be too loud y'all we need to get something so we can get to the back we got to get to the back and it said something about a dumpster bro all right let me see oh yeah but we're going to jump the walls yo can we see can we jump is it time my girlfriend mary will be here soon can you guys go away mary i thought it was lisa i thought it was a rubbish are we supposed to get back here grab a chicken follow me all right come on we're going home to black city very far away from here i live in block city make sure he doesn't see us yo dark your car is still here bruh it's been here for weeks crazy that means nobody has noticed it no i i didn't oh my god do you think we can bro oh shoot he's right there all right oh in the world look at this guys oh wait i'm a viewer somehow i got upside down do i put these in my pocket oh i mean i guess oh it might be making a little bit lung i know oh no i already had one in my pocket bro you got a human smart get up here get up here yes all right let's go let's be honest all right let's go back to work that was the last stop anybody remember bro over here the car oh you're right you're right you're right you're right my bad my bed who remembers where we got to go next hey bro i already did my job bro where's the next place yo i think it was hooper to remember uber the next place oh wait oh wasn't it wasn't somebody what's good my dude we're just leaving dude i know exactly where it's at bro i remember this one because it's traumatic we're going to the dark web house y'all and i'm not even supposed to be here do i want to be there dude have you not been there i don't know i don't know you know what i i want to have a quick talk with you guys while we're driving over there kudo and kudo and dark especially y'all are the reason these dark web people moved in the neighborhood y'all do realize that right the reason i am not the reason you're not going to put the blame on you you don't know the habits literally buy stuff off the dark web and now dark web hackers are out here trying to kill me for real i mean that's their own personal problem they're not trying to kill us so how could it be our oh my god he did something do that yeah bro i don't know what i did bro but they they started with hooper bro y'all must have did something to personally offend him no but the thing is i didn't do a thing back here hey bro why can't i get out my car bro there it is i was about to say here we go yeah i've been here before what were we supposed to do here hey bro we're supposed to go somewhere in the pool but don't get caught y'all because look here's the thing right yeah they had pictures of all of us when i was here so they know about each and every single one of us so don't put the blame on me well nobody knows anything about me so uh they clearly do they know more about you than you know about what you have to do very true and they probably have a picture of you escaping prison bro come on dude i mean i'm pretty sure i'm not that scared to be honest i know you ain't you got like artillery dude i hope you didn't know more about me than i do they should be scared of me yeah i don't know i don't want to know what that is gonna know we're here come on bro they were shooting regardless they didn't even know come on bro what are you doing here right heaven let's go let's go go go oh don't touch that dang why did i say that all right all right all right come on come on hit the gap oh shoot come on oh shoot oh shoot you think they're gonna break out oh shoot oh what do we do next uh i think we got to bring it to the place we do have to bring it to the place what what's the place come on bro what we got the instructions okay an abandoned house okay okay the one where uh lucy was being a police officer at blaming what happened after that we can just go uh yeah i think i think that'll free the world of the curse usually there's the reason why people do rituals like for money or like eternal youth like what let me read the book again let me see you started the ritual to continue yeah all it says is to continue bro i mean as long as the world's not cursed i like that you know what i'm saying y'all following instructions i don't know yeah bro i mean i don't like this guy what the hard way all right you gotta go in order let's go i don't play by the rules i make let me see blood first okay so put the blood on there blood blood blood all right i slap him in an organ human organs okay old camera yeah what kind of movie are they making in here no i don't know bro can you stop grabbing the organs come on all right all right is that it oh no hey bro the lights turn out oh my god hey the lights turn out on the ground is they on the floor all right all right i mean that's magic now we go right i think i think our world's free all right okay all right i'm going home i'll see y'all later [Applause] gotta go we gotta go all right you hop in the car bro oh my god bro look at that the house is blowing up i'm sorry i'm sorry oh shoot you spiritual bro i thought it was fireworks man come on out here talking like you 50. see you guys i told you obviously we summoned something with that ritual what was that well that was some type of monster bro and it it came from the tick tock ritual bro all right we got that hooper let's just not talk about this all right come on come on kudo where you at he was in the house before me huh i'm so confused bro all right yeah let's not talk about that bro hey i'm out of here get out of here man i'm right here man i'm the best of this bro i'm the best at this bro we need the best of nothing huh bro you bro look at your hairline bro okay but you got beads wait wait hold up hold up hold up dark's hurt bro are you ready come on bro what's wrong with you dude you're mentally weak at all and i walked it off wait what did you what happened to kindergarten bro i got shot by a shotgun yeah all right you know this man yeah cow you need a nerve i got the photos you got the photos um photos that's cap in my hand hey man there's something more fun what's more fun than what you got on the trampoline wait reading what reading books come on bro dude last time i read the book we summoned something in the world bro exactly wrong you know you know what more fun uh watch me jump on top of this trampoline from the roof what do we do man we uh we go into hiding and never go back on 13th street again i ordered about 55 guns i ordered seven million you just moved here hooper yeah bro this man's whole moving experience he's about to leave a bad review on yelp hey bruh i'm still trying to figure out here i'm just trying to figure out what i'm saying bro oh my god you smell like beef all right look man last time somebody moved in the neighborhood and i ain't seen him was jay and so he still ain't back i feel like kudo really got this man arrested so how about he got himself had them all right so what do we want to do you want to you know what let's get the books bro we jumping on the track let's get bro come on bro we don't need two cars bro okay let me park my scooby-doo van man i got a whole scooby-doo scooby doopy doo yo yo yo all right got the tools dude what's wrong with people man all right where's the bookstore at bro i know it ain't in this i don't know i don't know bookstore don't know where the books are i promise it better not is it in here no i don't have books grocery stores bro i got produce now books you got bro i'm asking questions man and you and you you over here you're asking too many questions they might have a barnes and nobles in here people's hands and [Music] [Music] oh charlie [Music] okay let's see it oh [Music] one of the most famous yeah that's a case one of the most famous tick tocks yeah one of the most famous tick tock joe y'all like yeah bro let me see renegade rent again scooby doo charlie coming down charlie boy you didn't even wait a second wait a second i got like i got like almost 7 000 followers on tick tock at action official and so like i feel like that's what you ain't got no type of clothes yeah i want to hear that from you man how many followers you got you probably skipped the line 45 million okay i may have blocked them off but at least i got 45 million bro how about you how many you got i got almost 30k dude you're famous renegade yeah how about you hooper you got tick-tock followers i don't have a tick-tock okay hey let's see let's see if we can just skip the line and meet her straight up all right let me first can i do something for you yeah let let's go talk to charlie i'm trying to talk let me handle this let me handle this yeah i'm mad famous cuz you know how many followers uh seven thousand bro that's famous as heck bro he said you ain't got no clown bro he said get to the bet i got 90 i got nine thousand and three hundred followers thank you twenty nine thousand yeah he smacked the message hey hey what about me what about me i don't even have a tick tock account but you gonna let me bro that boy way taller than you hooper your deep voice ain't gone why are you here just trying to get some free clothes crazy okay all right cool your turn my turn [Music] dang dude guys listen he's not gonna let us through but you know what no it's okay i don't even want to be here you know what guys let's do this distract them while i do this i don't even like you look you don't say oh charlie bro i have a better idea sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry come on hold on all right all right all right bye we don't need you hey real quick hey losers shut your black mr clean up boy men in black ugly looking so boy i know them ears too big for your head but i'm really on your head hey i don't want to hear that that's why you got black reeboks on bro oh shoot everybody security let's start talking all that trash yeah that's why you work security bro you ain't got no obvious life you can pay nine dollars an hour we do want to get in there because charlie dillio she's kind of famous yeah let's make a tick tock with her we can get like and it'd be cool for the worst it'd be really cool to uh you know what i'm saying expand that you know i'm saying network yeah you know networking what was that we got to sneak in there there's probably a way to get in hey bro i think he sees no no hey stop stop making it look suspicious yo time to get some food time to get some food can i get a double large enchilada hey what kind of good you are the worker the workers are on lunch hold on let me take this chicken sandwich in the bookstore all the things are connected with each other aren't they to be honest yeah oh um let's go let's go let's go okay oh my god lunch break maybe it's just lunch break bro i can still see charlie around the corner bro so maybe she's still over there bro maybe what are you doing she's sitting right there chilling yeah she's still right there all right wait yo wait wait security guard is coming back what is he doing what what is he fine finally it's finally oh they gotta fit in there he's bringing in a little girl what wait but where's charlie isn't he supposed to be that way yeah i don't know can't see her up because she wanted some clout oh that's hardly isn't even here dude that was a dog brothers rescues upstairs man don't worry about that trust that you don't trust dogs upstairs bro i got one you know my [Music] i have a feeling um it's a trap what do you mean he's lacking people who want to be tick-tock famous forcing them to get tick-tock followers and he's luring him in with charlie emilio now why would she agree to do something like that unless maybe she doesn't know what's happening here because he said finally after she left maybe they like it was like a fake contract you know what i'm saying some what do we do about this all right i don't know we got to do something maybe all right well huh kudo huh your place has guns don't it yeah let's go to kudos we can think better a language buddy yes sir i like that i like that you yo let's just hope he doesn't see us just around the ball bro did he did he sweep the whole place up wow i really think he did oh my god wow all right it's late we got to leave them all anyways let's go we got to go all right let's go let's go let's go oh hey snow boy all right to kudos house you said yep yeah get some guns we're gonna confront the security and we're gonna save all those kids oh man you know what's crazy what what it's crazy that like a famous tick tocker pulled up to like our mall on 13th street like you know what i'm saying in our town here no you know what's crazy after we did like that whole um tick tock ritual maybe maybe the monster is just like a thing but you know it's not actually a bad thing you know what i'm saying because if she's famous you know the power of the monsters and all the nursing tick tocks yeah you know what i'm saying what if that is the ratio support bro don't simp again bro you already did that for lucy i want to see you do it for addison right now you see who oh my gosh you just forget people's names i don't get it bro this boy said lucy's name and they said my song title afterwards i don't know what he's talking about bro all right guys guys we're forgetting what we're here for we gotta save those kids we need the straps any traps no i don't i don't think we need them i just feel better protected in the house with them that's all okay hold up all right where's your mother like that's thinking i love it yeah i just i just wanted them oh come on man put it down bro come on put the guns down bro come on come on jesus do i wait oh what kudos hold up bro you got visitors hey i'm i'm supposed to have hiders i have hydrogen [Music] hi charlie yo i'm a big fan [Music] [Applause] yeah i got one right here for you here oh give her a knife bro it's just a tick tock wait do you want us all to be here [Music] oh heck stuff oh she's going for me outside yo what is she doing dude why did you do that oh god um oh no we're not stuck come on hooper she don't see us look i'm hitting she'll see me she's looking dead at me right in my eyes nope you can't hit me through that you can't hear me oh she can't hear me through this but y'all said don't use them no don't don't don't use that bro that's hey if we did that frontline news we're going to jail for life come over here get in go the jukebox and we can uh she'll think we're in here because of the music and then we can run somewhere all right play play all right she's she's right outside all right she broke down oh wait what's happening she's vibing i think what yo what the what a demon just came out of her huh yo that's a that's what says that's that's a monster bro that's a where is she huh yo she's down here charlie where am i remember me i don't believe this all right yo yo charlie uh i don't know if you know us but we just saved your life there was a tick tock monster we summoned in this world you were just at the bookstore signing for fans and and yo no problem but i think you gotta you gotta get back home and make some more tick tocks we gotta make a tick tock with us and then go home as well with us yeah yeah yeah i need to get back back home i don't remember anything yeah wait wait charlie real quick though real quick straight fans bro wait wait can you make a tic-tac-toe can you make it bro how you gonna say we acting like straight fans bro for me take me in the thick wow bro oh so we just gonna save your life and you ain't go wow kudo get back here bro no i'm going back inside bro screw all that screw all she was possessed by the tic tac monster the one that we summoned and we didn't even get up we got that guy like that like the head house my own house in the romance oh in the bookstore oh shoot i didn't even think about that about them how do we save him i don't know what do you think we should do i think we should ask everybody watching right now how do we save the kids i got kidnapped leave it down below in the comments section please do take that monster and and before we end off i just got a quick question for kudo um what you mean we was acting like fans bro i saw you at the mall i heard what you said bro all right it's it's raining so i think we'll just stay the night at kudos place tank you it boy i'm good i'm going over here i'm going come dude no you got to leave hold up the game's over dark did you just punch my dog bro no no he said bro i'm calling peter right now hey you know what all the way dark i got a new task for you you're banned from my house get out of my house you're in a band from my house dude you're banned from your house no no no no no no no damn you obviously don't know the law i've been squatting for so long this is also become my house what dude you ain't pay rent you ain't pay rent and i bought the groceries get out rent i knew you were drinking no no no he ain't paying the rent of living here like he's supposed if he was living here come on leave man nah this magnum got it hey hey action box bro he punched my dog i tagged him you trying to go to the store come on give me my money bro if you want my money i promise if i catch y'all with my money it's still all there [Music] what what do you want oh my gosh dude i promise if that's dark i'm not on your property this man here i'm not on your property there's nothing you can do all right bro just hey what y'all want to do we got to leave my house y'all been there too long bro bro what are you talking about been there for too long what should we do today what should we do today bro uh eat some uh mcdonald's but we don't got a mcdonald's i usually am kind of hungry bro food you ain't had nothing i'm starving i'm starving this man only had stale rice bread what am i gonna fill the fridge no dude why do you always empty the fridge i'm human uh you want me to starve dude it's my food did you pay for it wait so it's not food because he ain't pay for it yeah bro oh my gosh dude it's mild food why didn't you eat it oh i heard not food as well well you obviously didn't want it because you didn't eat it i said my food oh well where are we going we're going to get food oh we're going oh dude bro i don't have nothing what the heck why did you got what nothing what did you have for me oh my god come on kudo hurry up come on man come on kudos donuts you can't drive dude you can't drive who can't drive who can't drive you've been drinking mod wash what's my car [Music] [Music] don't ask me about my driving skills okay go chill you're gonna hit me mini head doo doo doo doo you gotta make sure it's parked right come on huh yep yep there it is there you go it's a little slanted that sounds like yes all right let's go bro i got some money on me on my little something all right got some money on them but it's probably my money it's not your money where's the cake you yes sir uh some chocolate oh don't forget about cheese oreos some butter oh they got new cupcakes i've never seen cheese strawberries fish pie oh you can have he said i'm about to go check out y'all can keep shopping i ain't never heard of a fish pie dude come on man oh man hey let me guess yo yo let me guess you're gonna tell us about your girlfriend you're gonna tell us about your girlfriend her name gonna be uh different this time oh stella bro dude why your girlfriend change every day guys bro this dude must be big pimping out here hey man hey look i got a bunch of stuff here you go uh take no money here 200 that's all right we out i'm gonna take your money yes yep bye bye if we paying 200 i might as well take this trash can they don't need it fish pie all right everybody in the car yeah what are we headed to man wait a second what hold up so we we just gonna act like we forgot what just happened remember when we saw charlie demilio there was that bodyguard stuffing kids in a room yeah oh yeah that ain't my business bro you still got that thing on you bro so i still got that thing on me yeah where do you know who i am oh let's see if they're back for a day too and if they are you know what to do oh yeah hey cause last time we didn't have a reason this time we have a reason so like the cops they won't be as mad they'll just add 30 years to your feelings 30 years boy i've been dodging the police since i was born wait i think i want to go get me a gun [Music] there is a need hold up let me go upstairs and give me a gun i don't need a line at the bottom i got a scare i saw a lot of people all right hold up you don't see a line well dark i'm going to go and get me a gun so no i'ma go get me a gun no i'm going to give me a gun go oh hey buddy yo bookstore guy look i got some money since you did a really good job bro look yeah we want to do another meet-up get out no no bro i came i came here hold up bro you just hit me and guess what that was because i put 20 on your head wow that kind of escalated quickly but hey the doors open the door is open oh yeah i'm holding this thing out all right let me see wait where are the kids at bruh wait wait wait what's that what's up what's what what's what are you talking about at 19 what are you doing tonight you're going to a party hold up hold up bro you already know what's good hello i need to go come on now hold up bro maybe the kids are at the party maybe maybe they're going to be uh i don't know the dancers the dancers at the party ah bro i ain't going to the tick tock party to pull what the heck i'm going to the party to have a good time nobody don't nobody gonna takes off for a good time i don't know what i'm here to do oh what you mean bro i don't know why you talking about something like wait ain't this 16th street this might be isn't it hold on let's check the house yeah yeah this is 63. straight all right all right this must be it wait bro she's 17 she can't go on a party that's tough hey but turn that over herself invited us and she said that i'd be the perfect one for you uh screw that station talk to me i got a girlfriend what's good with it hey i'm gonna talk about these people you already know we can make it work man shut up bro that boy got a deep voice man you don't want him he going his boy yo that's scary i got a gun hey but my gun don't got bullets so i protect you oh i got a flamethrower how about this i i got a song i want to sing to you addison i need a bad bleep addison ray come on oh my god we're fighting for addison ray even though she obviously belongs to me but maybe there's other girls at the party where we checked upstairs okay let's see no other video is she feeling me hey guys you can take a selfie one don't take it hey bro we need mess come on bro i really i should kill you but i'm gonna let you go though bro come on man bro ain't nobody want to take a selfie with you bro i got you though you look like you need this i'll give you a piece of bread bro you're welcome oh honey if you want to feel like you're talking to me it's 200 bucks hey little honey i got something for you you see this this is a pack of 500. you said 200. you said no no hey i got something i got money i got my that's my money i was looking for my 200. wow that's cool you stole my 200s bro get out my feet give me my money bruh everybody oh why we're here we're here to uh save the kids dude they're having a good time ain't no need to say this i'm trying to toss it trying to see what edison on about edison i like how you're moving your shoulder bro come on give me my money back i was missing my two hundreds bro bro i don't got your two hundred man wait wait wait drop that real quick back up off me good nah bro give me my two hundreds bro oh yeah you go here you go i ain't want one two hundred i need two hundreds oh i got these three that's all i got that's no i saw it in your hand you had this you can have this all i got anyway are we sure these are all the kids i'm pretty sure i'm gonna go ahead i don't know who's in here hey whose house is this by the way ain't got no gas ain't no hey you have a whole car with no gap that's what i'm saying they have a car no gas over here yo hey guys do you think there's a party downstairs as well there might be no look bro y'all i think we're sneaking too much let me see [Music] y'all acting different everybody's quiet we got to get in the basement there's got to be that room a key all right yo check around the house how about this let's split up check around the house look for keys bro hey act natural yeah bro renegade renegade yeah renegade all right we're gonna could that keep there not downstairs do you have a key by any chance yo who hosts this party um who owes this not at everybody left shoot let me talk to you i'm just kidding uh you know who is here not really wait is there something back here no there's not what you mean there's no key bro you're tripping you're tripping did you check inside of everything i'm looking no key no key no key no key low key low key low key i ain't seeing no key chill bro we don't need that much attention bro what if the cops bust this party man rush down where is the key i don't know i'm looking for the key right now i got a key right here oh there since wings under the bed it was under the bed huh yeah oh that's strange bro you don't need to see it you see you got to keep put the key away now let's go downstairs walking around with the slice of bread slice some bread slice a bread with a slice and go let's go those are the kids on the mall i remember that tick tock shirt yes i don't know how do we get these kids out i don't know that's not the question you asking the wrong person i don't know but what they got going on down i don't know this man's arms fell off oh man now you know that's dangerous he's doing a ritual or something down here uh-oh [Music] he got away yo wait i don't think we should go out here bro this is deeper all right let's call the cops and see what happens bro the cops could be here any second now honestly bro oh my gosh dude with the cops oh man oh there they go officer officer off oh dude that's the same officer kudo get back oh let me put that away but yeah there was an actual party going on oh we don't know anything about that next thing i know there was a bunch of kids trapped in the basement dude you might have to check that out yup and a monster a monster tick-tock monster actually yeah tick-tock monsters bro very scary check it out yourself what you mean go home and get some rest now if you're going down there no we gotta we gotta make sure the job is done you know what i'm saying go ahead i don't believe you i think yeah that's what yeah dude i'm not leaving you alone addison right bro monster come on you guys yeah that's where i live that is where i live i'm on 13th street i'm the i'm the nicest house on it the yellow one the gold one yup yeah just go hi ma'am wait he's talking he said he said hi ma'am we'll get you home soon 13th street 13th street she lives on 13th street i know you seeing this i know you seeing this uh huh yeah uh-huh well i'm gonna head home now because that dude just standing at me awkwardly bro i feel kinda come here come here everybody out here everybody out here yeah come on all right i'm ready bro again yeah yeah oh yeah let me get the pizzas go go go go go go go go go go go quick quick quick quick quick oh stay in all right we going all right i guess that was it why are so scared oh my god yeah we're glitch anyways hey i'll see you guys at home guys that's it for today leave a like subscribe and we'll see you next time peace bye-bye and subscribe your voice [Music] level up
Channel: YaBoiAction
Views: 892,222
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft roleplay, roleplay, 13th street, minecraft 13th street, minecraft horror, scary minecraft, yaboiaction, yaboiaction movie, minecraft movie, movie, funny minecraft video, scary minecraft videos, minecraft mods, family friendly, minecraft challenge, minecraft scary map, minecraft videos, minecraft scary, minecraft map, darkomode, kutto, minecraft horror map, minecraft funny video, scary minecraft video, scary minecraft map, crush, minecraft crush, rageelixir
Id: T_THk3rzidk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 203min 56sec (12236 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 16 2020
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