Minecraft Origins Mod: Refractor (Custom Origin)

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the minecraft origins mod is probably my favorite mod of all time allowing you to play with special powers and drawbacks in a way that transforms your gameplay experience and it is no question as to why it has appealed to so many people as it now states over 2 million downloads and today i will be taking a look at one of the most creative and unique origins ever released it's been a long time coming [Music] now the refractor origin is for minecraft version 1.17.1 and it's a fairly complex origin so i will be giving the tldr of its abilities without going into every single quirk because then the video would be an hour and a half long but you will know everything you need to know in order to understand how it all works for starters this is a very progression based origin quite little is handed out to you at the start and you will have to work for most of your abilities before we even get into any of that though you'll have noticed that when you spawn in you'll have twice as much health as normal and a mirror we'll get into the mirror later but let's first discuss your passive crystalline structure you have 40 max hp but you take 50 more damage from explosions so creepers tnt fireworks etc and kinetic damage such as fall damage falling anvils and elytra crashes additionally players using vanilla pickaxes deal triple damage to you yeah pickaxes will be your worst nightmare on servers secondly though you have a passive effect that makes enemies who attack you with projectiles get affected by true blindness for two seconds and this resets the effectiveness of the field of illusions on mobs that are not the wither don't worry too much about the veil of illusions i'll be going over that soon in order to use all of your abilities you will have to be exposed to direct skylight during the day otherwise you will need to use trapped light and the way you collect it is quite simple you'll gain it passively while exposed to the sky and you'll gain it much faster during the day compared to the night time when only the moon and the stars are out in order to unlock the ability to store trapped lights so that you can use your abilities you will need to get the advancement we need to go deeper and keep in mind that even if you change your origin your progress will not be reset and you'll still have the same amount of trap light you had before as well as the fact that if it's raining you will not be able to gain any trap light whatsoever now we can move on to some of the abilities that the origin has to offer the first of those being ftl disappear as you move forward a short distance and become invisible for a brief moment this has a light and unlock requirement tap the skill again and you will briefly overcome the speed of light which may allow you to pass through walls of up to four blocks thick and can we just take the time to appreciate the work that jaisal has put into this origin i'm not sure if i've already mentioned it but he is the creator of this origin and the details and just little touches that he puts on it is really really just amazing oh and remember that magic mirror yeah you're gonna need to be holding that if you want to perform blink which is the second press of ftl also in order to unlock blink you will need to get the progression advancement i should say advancement uh diamonds which is just obtain a diamond like i said progression based origin and continuing with that magic mirror you can shift and press primary and when you do this you will memorize your current location as you saw there and if you go to a different location or a different distance you will be able to do that again and on second press you will travel to that location after a few seconds of waiting this does empty your mirror and erase that last known location and this is fully multiplayer compatible and it even works through multiple dimensions so you should be all covered there in order to use this ability you will either need to be in direct sunlight as i mentioned before or have five units of trapped light you will also need to be holding your magic mirror and it must not be broken if it is broken you can still memorize locations you just can't warp to them and the way you break your mirror is by dying and when you respawn your mirror will be broken and your use of your skills shall be limited to repair your mirror you will need amethyst blocks in order to unlock this ability you will simply need the advancement sweet dreams which can be obtained very easily and here is where we start to get into some of the more advanced and fun abilities to save time as i said i will be giving a tl dr of what they do and how they function so let's get into it you have an ability that allows you to set up gates and this can be used for long distance travel these will stay as long as you want them to and you can choose when you want to erase them you can even use them to warp entities and items giving a huge potential for some trolling and this will consume with 25 units of trap light which is the full bar moving on to our secondary abilities the first of those being veil of illusions for as long as you can hold your breath you will remain fully invisible and mobs will ignore you entities affected by this will show a particle effect so you will know if it's working or not and it will show even if they are invisible and players will emit a rainbow particle instead of the normal one that mobs emit if you were to hit an entity with an item or or item of any kind it would cancel out your veil of illusions and your position will be revealed to them however you can still punch them with an empty slot and while mobs will target you at first if you distance yourself away from them just a few blocks still eventually go back under the vehicle illusions so you can like push mobs off buildings and stuff like that it's pretty funny or your friends in order to use this ability however you will either need to be in direct sunlight or have two units of trapped light you must also be holding your mirror in your main hand or in your off hand for this ability to cast but if it's broken the scope becomes completely unusable and if you're wondering about the whole four or five i think that's five five hearts thing i will be explaining that when we get into our cons so don't worry too much about that next up is perry and the tldr of that is by right clicking you can spend some trapped light to heal to hp this also cleanses some negative effects from you and it reduces all incoming damage by 75 and while you are parrying you are unable to die and if you time it right you can parry a second time without any additional cost making this much more rewarding for higher skilled users if the player normally would have died from a peri attack and they have half of their light bar that half of their light board will be consumed and they will heal to half health as well as applying true blindness to every creature around them and yes that is a lengthy explanation but that is literally the tldr of this ability there's still so much more to it that i haven't even gone into for the sake of the video's length and for comprehensibility i guess and you can discover more that yourself if you want to or by going to the curse forwards page which is where you will need to go if you want to download this for yourself for your last secondary you have reflect item and to use it you will need to switch secondaries by using shift plus secondary and this allows you to copy a tool or a weapon from another player or mob for a limited amount of time now this will replace your mirror and you must keep this item replicated on you at all times uh if you want to cast the skill again because this will revert to your mirror afterwards so please be sure to hold on to this otherwise you'll just lose your mirror and that will be a pain you keeping up with this so far remember this is a tld horizon this seems like a lot this doesn't even come close to everything this origin really has to offer but now we're going to be finally going into the drawbacks of the origin the first of those being and the fact that you cannot heal normally no natural regen no potions at all whatsoever oh but wait there's also golden apples though right oh yeah i suppose yeah no you'll only get absorption not regeneration so you can either heal yourself using parry or by using fire if you let yourself on fire you will heal and it will damage you at the same time but the healing should outdo the damage that you get allowing for a very slow way for you to heal yourself up additionally you have no need to eat and you're immune to both poison and hunger your next drawback is purity of ideals and basically you cannot wear any armor outside of helmets up to iron but you take 50 less damage from natural damage sources such as fire lightning magic and the void oh and of course you cannot use shields now i may be courting death by giving my small brain criticism however i think the drawbacks are a bit boring the abilities are innovative and there's a long list of usability scenarios however the drawbacks don't really reflect that same vibe that i get with the abilities which i understand is kind of hard to implement it's really hard to do creative drawbacks and some of the abilities do have downsides in and of themselves that make them draw bags but i think instead of just like no armor no shields there could be something else there i think there's an area for exploration here and if anyone can do it it definitely can be jaisal so jaisal that's your challenge be more creative however one drawback that i really do enjoy is brittle and if you die you will break your magic mirror and then you will respawn with only 10 hearts until you fix your broken mirror with nine blocks of amethyst while holding your mirror in your main hand you will stay at those 10 hearts and you won't be able to use most of your abilities i think that's a really good drawback for this origin and i mean like things like this i want to see more of this instead of just the standard no armor no shields though those things can stay but i think there can be something else here um because i think once you reach end game with this origin it gets extremely powerful so i think there's there's a little bit more uh explanation i mean a little bit more drawbacks that can be added in my opinion because you gotta think you have parry you also have a feel of illusions you have gates you have built-in warp points and a true blindness not to mention your ftl ability which can enable you to blink and do all that other crazy things so you have all these abilities and yeah you have to earn all of them but once you go through the hoops and you earn all these abilities the gameplay gets a lot easier and after that it's like what other challenges does this origin bring you to make it so that you still have to skillfully kind of work your way through playing as this origin even in the end game personally i have tested this origin and played with this origin way more than any other in history and that's saying a lot and let me just tell you the end game is a cake walk so please don't take this the wrong way is me saying like me bashing the origin this is the best origin that has ever been created in my opinion like i think most people would agree even most people in the origins discord who are like origin connoisseurs and they're like super i guess they they have a very high standard for origins nowadays even those guys agree that this is probably like the best and well made origin however i'm just saying i think it could be improved a bit by more creative and additional downsides to toward that end game so that you constantly have that challenge and that mostly wraps it up for this origin again i cannot stress enough that this is a tldr review there is so much more that i haven't even covered yet i just went over the abilities and the features as well as some important special behaviors but there's a lot more that can be found in the curseforge page which is linked below again i stress to you that this origin was created by jaisal massive thanks to him for not only letting me review it but giving me some of the game bully featured in this video because uh yeah i lost all the footage of the original video hmm [Music] but if that wasn't enough i recorded this entire video alt completely with all the stuff and i scrapped it because in that version i did like a full detailed in-depth review of like every ability but all of them are so complex that it made the video kind of boring and uh not very comprehensible so i decided to do this tldr version so this is the third attempt the third recording and i'm happy with this one so far i've never worked harder on a video in my entire life even more than the saturn origin this video just blows that out of the water so i really do hope you enjoyed it and i really do hope you and noticed my new editing techniques and things that i'm doing differently now and uh yeah i would just like to take the time to honor my channel members v hips sad salmon hollow rain ked gamer god and avoid uncreative you guys are amazing and absolutely incredible and i would also like to give a very big thank you to you my dear viewer for watching this far let me know what you all think about this origin and this video in the comments below i would love to hear from you all that's all my steam for today though this has been saturn and i hope to meet you again in the next video see ya you
Channel: Saturn🪐
Views: 47,435
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft Origins Mod, Minecraft Origins, Minecraft, Minecraft Origins Custom, Minecraft fabric mods, Minecraft mod review, Minecraft Origins custom origin, MInecraft datapack, Minecraft forge mods, Minecraft 1.17.1, Minecraft 1.18, Minecraft Cave and Cliffs, Saturn, Origins smp, Origins Mod, Origins Mod custom, Minecraft Cave and cliffs, Minecraft review, Minecraft attack on titan, Minecraft datapack, origins mod, minecraft origins, modded smp ranboo, Origins Mod Refractor
Id: P99yV5xvDXI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 24sec (804 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 23 2021
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