How to Make a Rocket Launcher in Minecraft 1.20 | OP Firework Crossbow

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watch this video to find out how to make an  incredibly deadly firework crossbow in minecraft   so the first thing you're going to want to do  is get yourself a really nice crossbow and i'll   show you which enchantments you're going to want  you're going to want multi-shot primarily and of   course mending and unbreaking are always nice and  also quick charge 3 can be quite useful so multi   shot is really good because it makes it so that  you shoot three fireworks at once which basically   triples your damage of course uh quick charge 3 is  nice because then you can load up more fireworks   more quickly and of course mending and unbreaking  are nice things to put on any tool or weapon   you'll also want to harvest some sugar cane  or paper because of course you need that for   fireworks now the dye is something that you're  going to need a lot of and it's actually really   cool because uh yellow dye pink dye red dye  and magenta dye are all incredibly easy to get   because basically to get yourself a lot of  bonemeal all you have to do is go into the   nether probably the soul sand valley and find  yourself a lot of the bone block structures the   fossils in there and of course from that you can  get yourself a lot of bone meal and then with that   just right clicking with bone meal on any of the  tall flowers will duplicate the flower and each   one of these tall flowers gives you two dye of  the corresponding color so then of course we have   yellow pink red and also from this we have magenta  and of course you can also get orange by combining   these like that but either way for this i'm just  going to be using the red dye just because it's   nice to see and of course we'll need gunpowder  paper and now something else you can also do   is you can use fire charges now fire charges make  the blast radius larger but it does not increase   the damage it just makes it so there's a larger  area in which the amount of damage is inflicted   and if you want to craft that that's just made  with gunpowder blaze powder and coal and putting   this in the crafting grid in a shapeless recipe  gives you three fire charges so it's a decently   cheap recipe although of course blaze powder  isn't the easiest thing to get now for the actual   fireworks stars you're going to want to make  you'll need gunpowder any type of dye and again   potentially fire charges if you want we'll just  make the fire charge type because why not so i'll   put that in here like this and this is what you're  going to want to do first so just one piece of dye   one gunpowder and one fire charge of course like  that and you'll need actually at least seven   of these for the most deadly firework so seven  firework stars then we'll put this in the crafting   grid lined out like this there's one in each  different slot we'll put in one piece of paper   and one piece of gunpowder and that gives us this  which is actually the most deadly firework you   can make now if you don't want to do one with the  fire charges because they are kind of hard to get   you can do the exact same thing just with  the red dye and the gunpowder and just make   sure to have at least seven of those so you can  have the maximum damage because basically you   can add as much dye as you want and it's not  actually going to increase the damage at all   but what does increase the damage is the amount of  fireworks stars inside of the firework so that's   why we put seven in here because of course that's  the maximum we can do now we have three of the   small ball red of the seven fire stars and here  we have large ball red of seven of the fireworks   stars also if you do want to attack at really long  range of course you could put in more gunpowder   it's just going to lower the amount of damage  because then you can't have as many firework   stars inside of this now when actually launching  these what's kind of interesting is you basically   put it in your offhand and you hold right click  to load up the crossbow and when you fire this   you'll see that it actually launches three  fireworks and it'll go pretty far now that's   only flight duration one but it actually looks  as if it's flying about the amount as it would   with a normal firework it may be flight duration  three that's because it's being launched so like   launching it straight up in the air running  back and looking you can see that does launch   very very far however what makes this actually  useful for pvp and even fighting mobs so pve is   that you can actually shoot things really close  and it should explode on impact so let's say we   look over here and we shoot it should explode the  second it hits something like this one did here so   basically the small ball red makes us the cheaper  but yes smaller radius of damage and the large   ball red does larger radius of damage but no more  actual damage to people that are fired with this   now we can actually do just to test this out and  show how deadly this is is if we go like this and   just look straight down and right click you can  see it literally got us down to one heart which   i would say is a lot of damage to my health now  of course with full netherite armour or something   like that that's a lot less but something that you  can do it'll actually make this a lot more deadly   is if you actually get yourself a whole bunch  of the crossbows just like this now of course   you know you wouldn't do it in your creative  mode inventory but you can just kind of repeat   the same enchantments and if you want to do this  cheaper you can just put multi shot on each one   then if they're all laid out like this because  again you can store it as long as you want with   the firework in there and we basically go like  this let's say we have a target over there we   can literally go right click one over right click  one over and literally just rapid fire release   and the amount of damage over there is basically  enough to kill protection 4 so i did some tests   and protection 4 full netherite armour i think  needs about 10 or 12 crossbows but again you could   get yourself a large amount of these and you know  most people have an elytra or something like that   that really lowers the amount of damage which  really lowers the amount of defense they have   so nine crossbows should be good for that either  way this is a really cool way of attacking   things of course you can maybe name this rocket  launcher or something like i did that's up to you   but either way just a really cool weapon in  minecraft and now you know how to make it if you   enjoyed this tutorial make sure to subscribe  and i'll see you in the next video goodbye
Channel: Eyecraftmc
Views: 3,068,034
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Keywords: How to Make Techno's Rocket Launcher Crossbow in Minecraft, HOW TO MAKE AN OP CROSSBOW WITH FIREWORKS-Minecraft (1.16), How to Craft The MOST Powerfull crossbow with rockets in Minecraft 1.18, Minecraft The Most Powerful Firework Crossbow, How to make TechnoBlades Crossbow From the Dream SMP WAR, How To Make The Best Crossbow In Minecraft 1.18.1 (Fireworks and Enchants), How to Make a Rocket Launcher in Minecraft, Minecraft Rocket Launcher Vanilla, Minecraft 1.18 Fireworks Crossbow
Id: 6ziSqmJxU6s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 49sec (349 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 30 2021
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