Minecraft Mobs if they Had to Work

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these mobs are in need of a job evaluation and i'm their guy i'll be asking mobs how they feel about their work seeing if they need some help with their jobs and sorting out a strange string of accidents wait why'd the lights go out now which mob could possibly be working at the bakery oh hello it's the baking blaze blaze blaze blaze i want to blaze a cake whoa someone's hungry but uh why isn't the oven working well maybe uh you got no coal inside what are you thinking oh hi you're the job evaluator yes yes i'm here to grade your business this job would be much better if the oven was working yeah you figure please take the shrinking candy and help me fix it i'm here to grade your business not to eat your nasty candy oh it does look pretty good though to be honest so i need to eat this shrinking candy so that i can go inside of this furnace oh goodness and i've been given the other cleaner 3000 pro oh my gosh look at this furnace first of all it is nasty in here we're gonna have to get busy clearing out all of this it's on the side of the furnace underneath the grilles of the furnace it's even on the top shelf well that's the underside cleared out now we gotta take care of up here you know all that nasty black stuff you see at the bottom of frying pan sometimes that's what we're trying to get rid of here although unfortunately that stuff is delicious that's okay we'll get our snacks from the baker and with that we fix the oven hop on out and hey mr blaze you're ready for business thank you now i can blaze up so many cakes you're welcome i'll be back to reinspect in the near future and you better have something nice and sweet ready for me do you know why the oven wasn't working yeah goodness gracious you had cakes from 20 years ago back there i really wish i could figure it out no i said i do know how you're not listening you got no ears or something well you can keep the candy and please takes this too okay sure will you work on your hearing comprehension did you just hand me fire i mean i'll take the flaming gopher but that guy has to work on his selective hearing my job orders expressed to me that i need to visit the barber up next which happens to be right here oh bobber whoa shearing sheep ah this is so much harder than the farmers make it seem like we're talking about you've done great with these two impeccable fro bro unless there's a new haircut customers can be so mean well you gotta give them your stunner shade seriously look at those the clout glasses on top of that my new lights won't stop acting up oh i see whoa yeah you got some electrical issues maybe you need a different kind of shears huh you there assistant hey i'm the job evaluator but i will help you find the next hot haircut i'm always in need there's some shears in the shed go grab them okay well the shed doesn't appear to be in here which would make sense it is a shed it's probably on the side hey this looks old and dilapidated it's probably the shed whoa look at the size of these puppies giant shears dude ready to snip snip snip oh what did i just um okay um i found the shears and also don't don't look uh back at anything please no wait i'm supposed to do this with the oh goodness all right this might hurt a little zombie oh gosh she's headed to the military okay how about this one nice more of a buzz style i got the rat tail going still this is terrible i want a hairstyle that straight fire bro i thought i did an alright job but you want fire huh well i can help you with that the flame and gopher will make any mobs hit with fire and stun them stun them into good looks yoho this is lit bro nice the customers love being set on fire everybody well i'm glad you enjoyed yourself now that is what i call baa baa beautiful style um also uh you might want to check where your fire extinguisher's at you'll be in this baba beauty industry for miles yes miles because of the smoke that you can see from that distance have the shears i won't be needing them well i'm not going to take over your business i'm just here to evaluate it tell me has anyone seen a flamethrower i bet you this construction site has a fire extinguisher they can use it's actually my next part of the job anyways ah the local foreman on deck help help you there please help me why you want me to touch you so you get rid of your static electricity these zombies won't get off my back i don't even have brains then what are you protecting with your helmet can you help get rid of them from me no i'm just here to evaluate the get rid of the okay oh oh um somebody call osha now let's talk about ain't i get caught on fire i'm gonna have to share all these suckers now yes yes good good good um hey creeper you might need to find some new staff thank you everyone is too scared to help me as a creeper but but now they're all dead i'm trying to turn over a new leaf or a line as an electrician sure i guess that makes a lot more sense your line of work take this for your troubles i used it to fix some of the town's problems and you can use it to fix the rest a magnet how do they work oh whoa it's like pulling me towards this building over here i'm like trying to something's going on with my keyboard this magnet is dragging me here all right let's see what's inside ah the gem cutter i've come to evaluate your job how you doing precision i need more precision you there please help i need to activate my golems gem cutter augment but i can't reach it that's because your arms are folded together how you supposed to reach anything the core is deep inside his brain hence why i can't reach it oh okay but apparently we can if we were smaller we could enter his core v the edges of the metal well i have a shrinking candy that will help us do just that shrink on down and in we go do not press any levers okay yeah we don't want to mess with anything inside of here because you know we're inside of a you know a golem now with that in mind let's use this to clear the area beautiful we're gonna need to figure out how to activate this augment one way or another oh we've got a little obstacle here maybe this is where the magnet hey he could come in handy look at that incredible nothing is standing out just yet giant metal pipes everywhere doorways that don't seem open hey here's some more wires we can cut boom hey i think i know what i could do with this beautiful i'm not entirely sure what just happened but we did just get a lever of some sort maybe we can place this somewhere inside to activate the augment oh gosh i accidentally just what did i do but i am curious what this thing is hmm what a fine whoa hey it worked a lever's been pressed activating defenses oh boy we're gonna get out of here i think this is the exit yes we're out okay ah his eyes are activated now you've done it his augment is powered he initially seemed displeasured but he's already cut a sample yo i don't blame him there was a human being you know rummaging around inside of his body whoa look at this thing golem glass sword cut so finely it's basically undetectable alright so my job review order has me heading over to the bait huh not again my work pager just went off every once in a while a so-called magician sets up right outside the museum where is he now never catch a break with these guys oh goodness ender magician ah ever since coming to this town i've forgotten the ways of the yet you say that every single time i say hey to you can you just clear out please you're not even up for review now how will i perform my end magic oh goodness ah an assistant i need your no i'm not your assistant i'm your friend from high school we went over this inside that museum there's a tome of secrets that will help me relearn some dude you're making my job so hard right now they're gonna review me next yes i'll go grab it for you but you gotta get out of here after that okay seriously no it's not illegal at least i don't think so i'm not from around here yes as the job evaluator of the town i can tell you that this is not illegal and that's the only reason i'm helping you and i have a feeling that we should probably uh be a little bit covert not because it's illegal or anything don't ask any questions it's fine we're just gonna sneak into the museum and ask for okay oh goodness gracious let's get normal size we need to find this tome as soon as possible oh there are security guards all over the place we need to be seriously careful while we're navigating this area yeah the guards might look in we should probably shrink down okay with that look they don't even notice now this looks like the ancient egyptian exhibit i don't know if the tome is gonna be in here anywhere but i think i have an idea of where i can go we can just climb up these tiny little clay pots and make our way over as fast as possible before anyone sees this go go go go go to the next man we gotta get out of here oh boy we made it now let's get big i don't want anyone sneaking up on me being tiny sized don't oh my goodness all right back to small we go how else am i gonna sneak by no literally this is close as ever but hey i see an area over there that might have what we need it looks like a vault where else would i keep a tome all right i think we're good size wise let's use this magnet and here we are and look it's encased in glass but we have this golem glass that cuts so finely it's basically undetectable oh well that looks pretty detectable but it's gonna be on our way dome acquired i don't want to go back that way maybe there's another hey that could be an option let's see maybe we should wait to eat the candy just a little bit yeah eat it now get on up oh in the nick of time oh we're still not out okay i hear nothing but pigs out there we're gonna have to be so so careful to not be seen yeah i don't want to get spotted by the guards is right oh hopefully he doesn't notice stick to the sides oh stick to the sides oh gosh okay we gotta go get behind the corner quick oh man let's see if we can get a good view of an exit strategy from up here okay i think as long as we avoid direct eye contact with them we should be able to get by all of these little piglets or in this case big piglens biglins asked you hey don't mind me and there the exit go go go dash get out i think we're good normal size i gotta leave again all right enderman i got your tomb of secrets ah that was a marvelous performance well done sport you don't even know what you're saying do you even know what day it is this showstopper is a beginner's tool and i no longer need it you can have it whoa give me a wand look if you could just leave that'd be great remember that a magician never reveals their secret unless they like you ah i didn't want him to actually leave i think he teleported away to hit the subscribe button alright back on track past the bakery we need to go visit the daycare's babysitter because apparently they need some work baba babysitting oh boy hello there baba babysitter bleat i said bleat and they thought i said bye now i'm a babysitter wait you don't even work here what the heck well no wonder i had to report this you know since villager babies need to count sheep oh boy the electronics in this house have been acting all wonky well i imagine because you are a goat and do not know how to deal with electronics on top of that these kids are too much for an old goat like me he sucks okay well what do you want me to do about it i'm just here to tell you if you're doing a good job or not you're not please help me keep them no okay i suppose i can remove the hazards hazards hazard removes zero out of four well first of all i don't think you kids should be jumping so why don't we use the show stopper to see if we can stop this show look at that now we can deal with these hazards in fact what's that smell you guys don't move a muscle seriously i smell something terrible oh it's fire he put it out oh okay cool wait what's that what's that other smell i mean it's got a reek i don't even have a nose and i'm smelling it it smells like it's ah the kitchen someone left the door open the food's all gone rotting let's see if we can do something about it in the fridge we go this looks like it's seen better days yeah why don't we clear out this nasty food it has not been taken care of properly food is handled although this looks a little worse for the wear as well but we're looking a lot better now i said stop moving well oh i hear some running water over here oh gosh is that a blow dryer in the water it's causing static wait let's use the magnet a little bit closer baby yes grabbed all the hazards have been removed except for the children jumping but i can't help you with that thank you so much i knew i could count on you how did you know you could count on me i'm just a stranger in fact i just entered your house do you even know who i am i'm the job evaluator and this isn't even your job how do you know i'm good a goat's got good judgment and i knew it from the moment i saw you you didn't even know how to do your job how do you know what i could do now you can have some good judgment too what does that mean oh what did we get whoa goats good judgment uh well this thing looks like an important document so i'm gonna take it over to the local sheriff oh he's already come out to greet me sheriff you're right none of this is making sense you ever seen an item like this before it's got a floating goat head on it excuse me job evaluator you've seen several workers today right i've seen several a lot of things today sheriff uh your town is uh not doing too hot well most of the workers in town came to be reporting equipment malfunctions today yeah there were a lot of those my friend but the job evaluator did what he could you think you can go back to the scenes and find the culprit that's true i fixed a lot of machines today but i still don't know who caused the problems what you want me to handcuff them is that your job whoa upon further inspection we can use this to read people's minds yo best babysitter ever well we may as well trace our steps back to the blaze hey there blaze mind if i ask you some questions ah quick to deny assistance freeze now let's see what he's got to say huh the goat says yes innocent okay no further questions it is weird that i stopped working ever since i called some help yeah weird indeed let's check with the babber next ah yes i remember i was being baffled by my shoddy lights yeah another electricity concern the goat says innocent i'm starting to piece together stuff i have a feeling that the electrician creeper might be a little bit of a culprit here excuse me sir what electrical issues never heard of them and if i did i'd fix them we'll see about that you freeze what does the goat say huh guilty is what the goat says oh no he's gonna know that i accidentally destroyed those obliged with my electric surge well i'm afraid you're gonna have to come with me mr creeper what do you mean you can read my thoughts well that's what happens when you've got the good goat judgment you know so let's not make this a battle come along well regardless i ain't going back to jail these handcuffs say otherwise oh oh he's running hey we've got a vagabond on the loose get over here back in the corner my friend you're coming with me caught the creeper now you're going to the sheriff also please don't explode sheriff we have your culprit sheriff oh brother or should i say oh cr that's what i just said come on man seriously hahaha you're going away for a long time bug we caught the culprit nice job you can keep the handcuffs i got plenty more nah sorry i intuited that stuff now let's go inside and have the judge sentence him ah my favorite judgment in we go all right the judge chicken we are gathered here today to determine the fate of the charging creeper oh i want a good seat baby as the ultimate arbiter of the law i shall cl closely monitor this case and we find you guilty wow that was a quick judgment that's just sure no please i don't want to go back whoa repeat offender silence in the courtroom oh whoa they put them away real fast huh thank you kind sir for apprehending that criminal you've been a good judge of character it seems yeah maybe i you know sometimes i question that i did accidentally someone shed earlier you deserve some help with the rest of your work today well i mean i was already done you know you could have come in a little bit earlier but yeah it's all good judge mobs around town what the hammer of judgment well time to judge you judge did we i think we just fired this poor chicken wait who else's life can i ruin hey this guy's not doing anything wrong judge fired oh he took his clothes how's it going fired oh i i changed my mind you're doing good you keep doing you think excuse me fired librarian fired skeleton fired took his bow innocent kitty fired oh just kidding you're doing good good kitty picking up on the magician spot huh fired you've been delivered a reward as recognition of your duties as job evaluator promotion whoa when looking at a mob we can promote them well you've got a promotion enjoy your monies and thank you for watching enjoy your monies oh i guess you don't get any
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 704,315
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mobs, mob, new mobs, villager, new weapons, new items, caves and cliffs update, caves and cliffs, minecraft update, mob update, hilarious, funny mobs, custom mobs, custom, meme, memes, minecraft memes, creeper, minecraft meme, enderman, squid, skeleton, zombie, wolf, new minecraft mobs, minecraft mods, minecraft survival, minecraft job, minecraft jobs, custom mob, custom item, custom items, custom weapon, custom weapons, custom villager, custom creeper, custom sheep
Id: au8x5_Ig_yY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 44sec (1124 seconds)
Published: Fri May 13 2022
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