Minecraft Manhunt, But You Can Craft Mobs...

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hey guys it's kieran dev and welcome to minecraft manhunt but you can craft mobs in this video we made it so you can craft any spawn egg in minecraft from zombies to creepers and even the most op mobs in the game that you guys will see in the video and the best part is when you spawn them in they're on your team so they'll attack the hunters and not you before the video starts and make sure you guys hit the subscribe button because it really helps us out a lot we're on the road to 100k and every one of you who subscribes really helps us out a lot also big shout out to sharecraft for making this data pack his patreon will be in the description now let's get right into the video you guys are really up and close together aren't you i'll be jealous sorry i didn't mean to see anything i didn't mean to see anything okay i'm sorry yeah it's about doing what you're doing okay what are you doing yellow like give me two seconds oh my god oh my god yellow he went he went he went seriously let's go boys who's got your big brain who's got the biggest brain here let's be honest you got the smallest brain you got the smallest brain for sure that's so mean and rude oh now you're just doing what i do well dave i'll catch up with you i just want to sit here stay away from me then i'm just going to ruin your hunger hey you know what oh my god the hitting sounds so cool in my new headphones i'm dead okay give me two seconds i'll jogging i'll join you in a second what are you doing he's gonna get away i'm gonna have to take all the advantages i need i'm not the best at speed running so yeah i don't know what the twist is and i'm scared because if you're speed running it's probably an op twist no no it's not trust me you think no disrespect there's actually no twist to be honest you're not deaf you're not stop acting like you're me you can't just do the same thing you're not dev oh my goodness where the hell did you go oh i see you you know you have a compass right are you just going to keep running at me with nothing yeah ruining your hunger i have food you guys see that tracking i'm getting better come on yellow yeah you do something yeah give me two seconds what do we have here boys oh right now right below um i need a new hunter so comment your ign and all right no minecraft no what the [ __ ] bring you into the server add you on minecraft what are you on about everyone just call me your minecraft name and then if it's a cool one i'll get i'll whitelist you on the server and you can be my next hunter friend maybe he's in a village oh my god that's a shame don't worry guys relax i don't need to be roasted okay you know what if i win then that's kind of like an l for all you guys that's it no it depends on how opie the twist is if it was a regular one you have no chance but if the twist is really op where we don't have a chance then you might well i don't even know what i'm like you might not be able to stop i should probably get a weapon why am i just still yeah i don't know oh what that's a nice chest all right i got eyes on the scumbag with this stupid red skin if you can't see me you can't see me he's stupid he can't see me oh my god he's stopping for speed running because everybody is so dumb i'm just staring at him from a tree i don't need you right now okay why would i how does that make me dumb for not knowing where you are like it's five seconds into the video and you're pretty mad how am i mad listen oh oh guys my permission is successful would that help i'm trying to figure out wait i have no idea what my teammate's doing and it's pissing me off now hold on no chip eating in the recording i'm sorry i'm sorry sorry i'll say crisps who in their actual right mind says crips let's keep making fun of my friends why are you making fun of my friend if he wants to call it what he wants to call it let him call it that like you were just on my side okay you know what gives you the right to just judge him like that it's time to ignore you guys because i want to win this really i got oh my god this fox killed all these chickens i have so many eggs and chickens what the hell my god yellow oh my god what here i tell him god yellow might be the best thing you've ever done oh i was just thinking we've not done a video where it's just the main three colors in a while primary color gang beat your head with an egg why would you run all the way over here without a sword or an axe that's well i was chasing what's going on in your head and then i didn't stop because you just kept running far what's going on through your head here i might just have to dip to be honest you're not dipping anywhere kid yeah no it's fun village here we go boys i gave you nothing hi it actually looks so silly why can't they get in this boat oh oh let's let's just get some axes and shields i know but there's so many scales i'll just follow you i'll just well let's just go this way yellow i know let's just run this way there's so many there's so many animals there though i don't know where you went okay it's just not cooperating here i'm actually impressed you're still alive i'm being honest i thought you would have taken yourself out to mobs or something by now what the that's so rude i love it when zombies come and freaking kill me oh that's a bunch of creepers yes yes yes oh my goodness oh no no no no no no there is no twist is it just a normal speed one i don't know there's a twist because he's because he needs to practice the right yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes you guys don't know what's about they're not mocking you we're just saying yes because i got something to do that was a full mock that was a full mark all right you know what kill me quickly i'll just run back to if only my fulbright worked this would be good just kill me just kill me i'm killing i can't you have a skin you have the skin i'm on one and a half parts i'm not wasting fat no but you have the skin let's just kill me oh that was so hard yeah i'm getting stoned this for just even though whispers not a primary color he needs to feel on the skin as well we should actually just make a chicken form we have so many eggs i had five earlier and now you have so many eggs dude listen wow there comes a time in a boy's life where he needs to learn about this kind of okay are you old enough here i'm making my way downtown making my way downtown no you're not i'm older i'm the oldest what do you mean i'm 300. oh you're how tall are you again um you say first uh i'm six two or six three on a good day wait six two what six six feet and two inches feet measures and feet that's definitely your bed i'm gonna catch her in what are you in kilometers is he broken all the beds because i'm about to die do i make armor or do i make this that is the real question of life to be or not to be perfect or do i save this for later guys oh my goodness are you trying to talk to chat right now yeah wait wait wait wait wait you guys don't you guys don't know what this does yet okay i'll show you later i'll use it i won't use it right away i won't use it right away a little fact for you that that you will keep in the video somebody messaged me uh telling me that dolphins are actually wheels so you know they're already in there no you're gonna believe me because i know everything about whales and you don't because google says why would you just believe something sir yes and if you don't believe me keep reading it doesn't count as a whale if it's not two kilometers long yeah because we measure in kilometers now so yeah so whales are two kilometers long for sure yeah it's kilometers now it's kilometer gain that's that's the new wave kilometers you got to measure things in columns okay guys comment kilometer gang if you want us all to wear the same skin in the next video nobody is going to comment colombia guys nobody's going to love it guys oh hey guys you guys wait hey guys why didn't we get one in the village why didn't you get one in the village in the village i set my bed in the village i'm running i'm good no i kind of wish these were 1.17 caves right now i'm feeling lonely without the wallpapers anywhere everywhere feeling extreme you just did you just did you just say wallpapers yeah yeah the whopping there's multiple there's nothing well paper is already plural no no but it's wallpaper is plural like sheep no it's not i was actually looking i was actually looking today i was like spamming whale emojis right the jack and i was looking for a wallpaper one and they legit don't have a wallpaper emoji can you believe that for a second that's a bit think about it because you know i had one it kind of made me mad i might have to take that one up with steve jobs you know oh i noticed now i have no i noticed that where are you oh oh he's already done the twist uh oh oh yeah i didn't notice before but now i notice there is no twist there is no twist there is no twist he's lying oh my god he's got wait he's got strength he's got full iron he's go okay it's creeper yes creeper eggs he has creeper eggs no it's dining in the wall it's dying in the wall what's up boys no okay that failed that failed that was an epic fail oh no um just like my life what oh yellow ran oh oh my that's so dumb i was behind the wall oh my god no yellow it was gone already dude you know what i'll leave you alone you're not worth the effort thank you i hate you here and everything you stand for yo dev i think you should go back to that wallpaper whales i don't support it anymore whoa okay that's it i'm not going to eat anymore of you i was actually going easy but now i'm going to have to use this i'm going to have to use it i was going to just kill me i'm you're not my friend anymore i'm sad now i can't believe you do that to your best friend why are there so many of these guys oh my god oh yes yes yes okay this is good yes yes yes what are you happy about explain yourself oh you'll see my friend yellow's just lurking around these caves yeah look it's dying thinks he's a cave person but he's really not do you guys know what the twist is yet or yeah does it look like we know what the twist is i don't i don't know just asking like a normal question like a normal it's not a normal question i see a normal question like a normal person stop you don't think i'm a normal person okay i'm bringing a bed from the village what are you gonna do explode me in the overworld yellow do you hear that that whisper talking whips wisp is here whispers here wait what i hear like a very faint like voice but i can't really understand what it's saying you know yellow what are you doing he hasn't spoken in like five minutes so he's clearly close to you i know he's close to me i know it what do you mean you know it i want to save these later but i don't want you guys to see it yet because i wanted to be a surprise okay wait i'll get fire and then i'll fight you with your stupid surprise okay why'd you say that all happy like i want you to fight me with my surprise i'm so confused yellow hasn't said a word in like five minutes this might be a new record yeah i'm yeah wait what yellow's not talking for once what's up i know you're lurking yellow why are you lurking what's not working girl what's this what have you seen my 2000 iq microphone you're right behind that wall for so long here really dab all he's doing is smelling i'm in the vicinity there's so much i die it's crazy iodine there's so much i die don't you brag what that means only here knows what that means yeah only i know everything no one else is allowed to no one understands our stupid lingo that's also true oh lingo okay mate now i understand what you're saying well if you figure out what i die means yellow then you're you're you're in the club then you're ironic what are you saying let's go hey he cracked the code dev how did he crack your cracking and he's cracking he's crazy dev can i just say i saw him doing some really weird movements so for some reason i think it might be writing in a minecart back and forward i don't know crap that's all i i saw him running back and forward a bunch of times behind a wall don't take this the wrong way but i don't know if i want to believe you because you've been very very wrong in the past multiple times do you want to know you know when i'm sorry about it you know when bisford did the stone thing the stone cutter yeah do you know what i thought it was at first drinking lava yeah exactly oh yeah he told us that that's what i gotta see it for myself first oh if only these guys had it oh yeah i almost have full iron so he's gonna die what are these biomes i don't want any of these biomes i i'm gonna get as much as this as possible just oh oh oh get ready you're about to die yeah that's right i was right i'm coming with dave your voice sounds so nice and crisp in these headphones i'm not gonna lie chris baby how crisp does this sound when i'm all up close like this talking into your ear like that okay that's a little much i was uh i wasn't that's for all you guys out there who want to asmr okay okay let's relax or else before we need to get more comments just because of that no guys let's clear it up we're not yellow don't say anything oh my god i don't say what oh don't say what oh we're not my girlfriend boyfriend we are just friends freaky talk about me and you no me and keir are you guys having a normal conversation because i'm not paying attention and i don't know if i'll have to keep this in your comfort zone you'll hear it back and you'll you'll evaluate uh-oh where's my furniture i definitely didn't talk about destroying you shooting a bow and then hitting yourself with an arrow drops opie items try ale damn it i hate you guys how did you guys are so mean i just figured it out right now you guys are literally so mean to me yellow i'm telling do it where did he get a bull from huh from before his skeleton are made when it's not hard to get a bow oh you got a bow in minecraft you're cracked my guy yellow just do it trust me have i ever lied to you before about a twist no let's just leave this death ravine so i don't do anything like i just did before it's mentioned over making warmer gives you open your enchants yellow i mean no do it make art right now if listen to me creeper egg yes yes and strength damn it you saw my strength particles what yes i thought i made it right this is just minecraft manhunt but i have strength too well there's no chance for weddings i made it i thought i made it so that you can see the strength particles nah he's lying he would no i i know him too well that's obviously not the twist like you're forgetting i know you cure you don't know the first thing about me oh yeah yeah i i can tell you everything about yourself right now go my real name is dev i know your birthday i know your age i know your parents i know everything about what if i told you i lied to you about every single one of those things that doesn't make sense because i've met your parents and if i told you that those weren't my actual parents those were just actors those are paid actors so you still live there and they're still paid actors yeah it's all about to this day it's all about tricks okay that makes sense i'm not even kidding you here i might leave the video after that one that pissed me off that's the stupidest conversation i've ever been in don't worry kiev i've got you yolo i need you to get me oh i love this plugin yeah sharkraft i love you i'm like i see him he's getting destroyed by zombies how bad is this guy it's pretty bad i'm going to come in a minute i just want to see if this one works he's just melting he's picking up his furnaces right now wow you cure you suck looking he smells he's been smelling a lot come back here look at me look how cool i look on this tree i can't i can only see your friends i can't see your player yeah come back you can see my player if you come back a bit whoa what is that what is what oh i know what to do oh a junk temp oh my goodness stop talking oh hey pain suffering hey crap crap crap hey dude all right what's up i don't want to go in there nah come in dad yeah i want to go in there come in dev you know you want to death hey dude hey dude you're trapped i tried i've trapped him i trapped him in the jungle temple in the jungle temple he's trapped in the nice thank you freaking nice dude he's out of the jungle temple uh that's not so poggers i hear a drowned good for you the freak is like how to do anything yes come on no no he's spotting mobs he's spawning mobs no dev oh no he had four creeper eggs on him yellow why would you run what i don't want to die to creepers obviously what that was the stupidest question ever yeah what the freak here just fight me then if you're not gonna i'll fight you after i figure what the twist is i'm just gonna watch you for a little bit come in my home this is where i live you have more creepy eggs i'm not lying to you i can show you my screen now you promise you you're just going to keep running oh my god don't stay here stop it my plan failed low-key but don't worry i have lots more garbage plan i have lots more well it's cause you didn't come down where i wanted you to you just stayed up like a baby and you didn't want to fight me like a man dude i am still naked i've got a hat on and that's it what yeah i didn't even ask for this that is so cool i gotta ruin pork oh my god guys this video likes oh my god why is there a village why is that falling in this okay keep following me are you gonna fight me like yes i'm trying to figure out the twist i'm not fighting you i'm telling you you can't see me doing the twist that's the that's the that's like the one nerf oh there was a blacks there was a blacksmith over here he didn't even go is he dumb yes he's got six obsidian oh that might have helped it worked uh just about it's not that many i'm gonna take a village from the bed you're gonna take a village from the bed yep are you sure you don't want to reword that no i want to take the village from the bed please don't understand what i mean yeah i understood fully when you want to take the village from the bed when you don't want to take the bed from the village it's just common sense you just got to use the radius and figure out where the sun hits the village and you can move it wherever you want simple holy crap i might have just lost a few brains there brains you mean brain cells you idiot no i meant brains you have more than one you don't i just can't wait to use these i just you guys will see woohoo oh i'm on his trail yellow i see the cobblestone he's placing nice he's gonna die soon damn it oh i see a dez dez uh oh excuse me what i don't know if these guys will will do it there that kind of stuff whoa would they go automatically though i don't know let me try actually i don't want to waste these oh they didn't even drop one oh my goodness i know the twist i'll get a bunch of these guys though i know the twist he can make spawn eggs he can craft spanx you sure i think so that would make sense right first of all think about yellow's track right a minute he spawned me dave why do you think all the chickens were laying eggs so so frequently eggs and something else can you craft oh yellow you might have been on to something oh yeah chickens drop eggs chickens don't drop eggs dude i found out i figured out chickens are dropping eggs when you kept them chickens don't drop eggs when you kill them it's about time i gotta go into the another i think i figured out i i think it's about time i started beating the game let me let me see your track record it's because of the skin it's cause of the skin i think it might only be hostile that he can spawn the great thing about this is you guys probably will never find out the crafting recipe because it's kind of weird so skeletons are the worst mob in the game i don't care what anyone says i agree no one likes you mobs did i call it off the beginning of the video they're just annoying like it wasn't gonna kill me he's just there being a nuisance to my life like i'd be fully fine right now if skeletons didn't exist in life if they didn't exist you wouldn't be able to move around i don't care i'd rather be a little blob okay screw it i'm going down there's not a lot of pools anywhere yeah no way really yeah oh this is how this game refused me yeah you know what let's just do it what the okay do you know how to build a portal oh my goodness gear doesn't have to be [Music] wait what don't let me down oh i mess it up oh my god i hope i hope he's joking how do you i don't think he is how do you do it again he's joking he's joking he's joking he knows like actually how do you do it like what do you what do you mean actually how do you do it oh my god i freaking hate him yellow i don't know how to do these crafting recipes i don't care i'm just gonna i'm going for him if he built this portal in the desert which i'm assuming it's the easiest area to find lava pool i'll be i'll be catching up soon is that dev screaming because like it's cutting off so it sounds like dev's streaming yellow i found his portal good stare bed uh i said it above i said it above but it's fine i have a chest with stuff so i'm just gonna go in should i go in yeah track him uh it worked wait how did you not die i'm so confused how you didn't die you did die looking chat oh of course he trapped it he didn't bring obsidian 20 creepers and 20 scallops and 20 zombies and i just died yes let's go oh look at what we have here oh my god this is going so great here we go basting time i don't know what i'm doing but let's give it a shot relax what are you doing relax my guy your yellow you need food uh i'm just gonna make a smoker hold on i have 18 bread for you yeah yeah yeah i'll take that then oh why am i doing it like this i feel like this is just a really sketchy way to do it those were the days all right come on please reflexes and skills and brain start working now why do i hear something i hear something i am so scared right now you guys don't understand i don't know what i'm doing i'm gonna you know what i'll join in on you with that i'm gonna die probably okay i got two gold blocks what is this this is the two cider flip okay um he's already dead get away from me oh my god they do so much damage no way he's gonna stop oh this is so hard imagine there was a hole and i died there guys oh my god who are you talking to i have no idea come on everyone run down where the party is hey dumb idiots jesus look how dumb they are oh my god they're like really strong but they're so dumb oh my god some of these things what do i even yes oh my god oh this is beautiful i go through here right is this a thing oh i'm so smart oh no there's more of these guys oh no i placed a block he's gonna die he's having his own like moment right now me and y'all don't have to do anything he's this is already intense for him and we're not doing anything exhilarating for him oh my god totally not on two and a half hearts right now why are you slurping at me i don't even know what's going on anymore oh yeah i'm coming what the freak this is something sauce stuff gear i can't even lie can this guy chill out for half a second of his entire y'all follow me i know where the portal is where are you wait where do you get the gold wait i i watched i watched wait i watched dev do this before i'm so good at the game i'm on the two-sided flip i know exactly where the golden blocks are for you the freak is a two-sided flip yeah exactly it says two-sided flip you mean a treasure it is no no that's a stretcher because is there a big box boss no unless you consider unless you consider the uh bosses there's no bosses no there's like a big box what about this patch i'm going i'm going with these three i'm going with these three right here what do i need in another even oh yeah blaze rods [Laughter] yellow i don't understand i don't know man come on guys please please please i just went through okay he's not here what a stupid trap that was a cool trap come on oh i see the basket was right there what is this seed okay these guys really didn't trade anything awesome oh look at that this is a god seed what the heck what he's in a foreign oh really is this really the situation that we're doing right now oh my god i get hit let me guess he doesn't have fires you're so what did you just start being right all the time but i gotta like mine out the floor of this or something i don't know mining away my bad luck's gonna come out in the drops isn't it oh wow i'm gonna die i'm looting this treasure so badly it's actually embarrassing okay let's go okay whoa sorry with erie guy i'm out of here what the t oh i just got 360 no scopes but i'm good and on the ninth one we strike ah as i said i'm almost done oh hey dude what you found what's up dude um hey dude that was almost cool where the hell are you going yellow are you even in the nether probably not all right zombies on me yes come on [Music] oh [Music] oh yeah oh dave i'm disappointed oh my god what all right dad where's your bed oh my god that's so dumb i'm in the sand village though i had two and a half hearts how did i die from a pearl did my pearls burn please yeah unfortunately i didn't these didn't i like that oh my god okay a thingy when you know what i'm risking it with these i'm just gonna with that better chocolate sweeteners oh no yeah see this is this trap yellow he killed me with just stupid trap oh here's some building boxes let me grab some building blocks okay yeah you better you better be ready we're definitely able to survive creeper bell lasts and everything now we're good that's the only thing he has creepers and zombies no it's just the way you said it blasts yeah well that's what it is it's not a bell ass does it it's a blast just didn't belast i did not say that what is going on i'm not in it yet this is it guys i might be able to actually win a manhunt wait unless you have some stupid secret twist you're not winning because there's no way you're killing us oh you'll see it's portal wait wait what's the cards what's the cards i mean i didn't find anything be careful uh negative 726 57 345. uh protection three book and a sharpness four book oh my goodness yes why is the guy happy i'm just happy for you yellow i'm just happy for you no he's not he's happy for himself yo dude if we see him we should show up naked and just like watch who did i want to say yellow pause pause think about what you just said yes bro this is the best thing that could have happened to me right now at this time oh he's just making stuff he's just getting chickens you guys you guys still i still haven't even pulled out the big guns yet that's the thing they might come on me soon yes we will come on you let's go we'll see you guys okay okay okay okay oh wait yes happy wait wait you say you see us yo you guys are done for i actually or not if i'm being honest these are the big guns you guys are actually till it malfunctions and then they start attacking me i'll be so seeing how happy you are right now i'll be so happy yellow i just realized why are you naked on me huh why are you naked because i like the feeling your body i don't know what what the what i like the feel of the grass between my toes i'm risking it i'm risking it he'll probably be in the end before he sees us like this anyway yellow ah you yes yes yes yes track him track him track him track him he's happy he found it we'll hear it before yeah but don't worry let's go well he he tagged us and he said accurate it's minecraft you can craft structures who tagged us who's fur oh oh oh it's okay he sucks says come on right now you know what screw i'm just gonna go in script yeah loser what the [ __ ] we got what is this [Music] this is the furthest out an island has ever been from the main island use a pearl dude idiot what the freak no i it was that far i couldn't even use it right away yeah okay sure go look wait what is this the the it's like the the bedrock thing in the middle is covered what yes it's covered with end stone it's like in a hill yes okay i gotta focus up focus up be careful when you're remaining down no no i'll see you come on come on okay be careful uh okay okay okay come on okay i'm going in i can't wait i don't i don't care what the hell is this yeah it's nuts actually okay that's so unlucky right what do you see that where do you see the thing in the middle oh my goodness what the freak yeah that's all right the weirdest one on the entire planet the dragon's like under what i know i know it doesn't make any sense oh this is just a big elk here hey dude i see you up there look at you like my armor where is he what you both have full diamond i know yellow does i don't have phil diamond i know you do yellow what do you mean i'm naked hello put your armor on before you what happened oh my god you guys are actually stacked um yeah and that's not really a good position for me awesome i'm so happy are you really happy i'm really happy there's a new tactic to find diamonds didn't i'm gonna pull out the guns right away i'm gonna pull the guns right away because this is just not good oh damn oh no let's go oh yellow i have no more blocks you know i know actually i do yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow i don't i'll try dude i'll try get back here dev there's a wise wait yellow the dragon just knocked me off i almost fell in the void i can get some of my stuff there i can get something yes yes yeah wait how did you fall off yo you have attractions yes oh and they're all just staying here oh this is perfect oh okay okay that's yellow we lost all that time i stopped oh p he had like 20 ravagers oh no the pickles turned to zombie piglets we lost yellow i think yellow we gotta get your stuff quick yellow stuff if i know where my stuff is okay okay okay it's annoying because i thought see the thing is i the only reason i died is because i couldn't decide whether to purl or to or to water bucket i could have made the flashback to me but thought i was gonna freaking land in the void so i didn't pull out my water bucket that's the thing aimed at the freaking thing no it's not the rabbit i start the ravager get him distracted keep him away keep him away no keep him away dev i'm gonna die though i can't get to my stuff i'm with you stuff here oh come on oh spaghettios take take a few blocks from there no i'm taking one i'm just taking one i just need one yeah at least the hope he chokes this somehow and dies like fall damage or something if i die it's going to be because of the stupid bedrock thing let's hope let's hope we'll stand the dragon's down at it and i can't even get in oh i just thought pickling get ye did off i can't even get in i can't even i can't get in and it flew off already yellow force your stuff yellow no just stay away from me dev stay away okay okay okay i'll keep him away because i i laid it on the edge of the block so i think only like two or three a.m survived if anything oh no or these ravagers are really gonna have to bow this thing to death i really gonna run out of two stacks of arrows because of this dumb dragon oh wait does this work oh wait or do i need the full thing i'm trying it i'm coming back dev just come for it just come through you can make an iron act right i didn't make one no but you can right an accent shield that's all you need that's all you need because that's all i've got all right i took everything good yellow is this kind of close down this is the worst dragon of existence like yo why was dev was here building with a with furnaces and don't ask me was that you or him that was him i got a little bit of that where are you uh i'm at where i was before in the back i see you he's gonna snipe me he's dragon's coming down he's just sniping needed [Music] oh he's almost dead he's almost done let's dave i got you it's fine you mean you got me i got you dude wait can you make a ball no i'm good though i'm good i'm good good yeah i'll be good just just just focus on killing him not letting him get the dragon he's just born and your boy's out of arrow oh my god yes [Music] i'm out of arrows yes yes yes we got this yellow we got that sorry dave hurry if he kills me cause he's getting my stuff he's gonna get my stuff he's gonna get myself off he's about to kill you just jump off don't let me do the stuff i know but there's a better chance just don't let him get the stop jump off if he's about to kill you oh my goodness you're so close to me dude all right he's just gonna jump off right wow really [Music] [Music] i'll break a shield we've got this dad we got this we don't need to fill diamonds are you serious is this really how it's gonna go now yes yes this is the weirdest end ever yeah literally because of the drag and the dragons coming down should it should have made should have made more spawning [Music] i'm eating a meeting just so i don't die okay i'm good now i'm good i really want to knock him off the edge i really want to knock him up here or the dragon can just do it really that's how the video is going to end that's how the video is going to end because of this stupid dragon are you serious that's how it's going to end are you serious i'm not going to stop recording i'm going to complain for a second i'm going to complain let's go i'm going to only complain did you guys end did you see that end yeah it's not the dumbest thing ever yeah you got so unlucky i am so salty about that oh my god he would have won
Channel: KIER and DEV
Views: 989,135
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft manhunt, minecraft speedrunner vs hunter, minecraft speedrunner vs assassin, minecraft manhunt but i secretly used, minecraft manhunt but, minecraft manhunt with a twist, extreme minecraft manhunt, dream manhunt, minecraft speedrunner vs mage, minecraft speedrunner vs 5 hunter, minecraft speedrunner vs 4 hunters, dream 4 hunters finale, dream 5 hunters, minecraft challenge, speedrunner vs hunter, 4 hunters, tapl uhc, minecraft but lava rises every minute, wisp
Id: IqgWsFSuL-Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 52sec (2332 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 29 2021
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