Minecraft Manhunt, But There's Lucky Hearts...

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this is minecraft manhunt but there's lucky hearts in this video we had custom hearts where every time you lose one something completely random happened from getting insane loot to even spawning bob bob is literally the worst thing ever by the way so basically we just had to be extremely lucky that the hearts would give us something good instead of bad so this video ended up being really hectic and funny so make sure you guys stick around till the end make sure you guys subscribe i can't speak loud because my parents are sleeping and also before we get into the video i just want to give a huge thanks to the sponsor of this video dention impact gentian impact is an open world action rpg game available on cross platforms which means you and your friends can play on pc android ios or playstation the game just released the new v2.2 update which gives the players many new challenges and missions so come join the vast magical world with other travelers to reveal all the mysteries that is the world where your journey begins with seven unique regions for all players to explore what makes it even cooler is that each region owns its unique culture from the style of architecture and clothes to even custom characters players can deeply interact with the environment and tavet from climbing to swinging to even gliding through the amazing landscapes and intriguing challenges also on top of all that you have the power of different elements which you can use to defeat enemies and solve puzzles on top of the amazing combat system in the game gentian impact has an amazing storyline with the plethora of unique characters who can join you along your journey there is always another story to be told team up with your friends to trigger even more elemental action you can unlock co-op mode at adventure rank 16 and explore the world and join the dungeon fights with up to four players across mobile pc and playstation simultaneously also gentian impact is adding a brand new map surumi island after the v 2.2 update on to ruby island you'll be able to find many new monsters and bosses that you'll have to fight thanks to gentian impact again for sponsoring this video and make sure to go use our link down in the description below to get gentian impact on your devices right now hey dev uh what are the what did the ocean say to the pirates what wait why are my hearts yellow hey man i can't even i can't even finish the joke why are my hearts yellow you like my tongue why what that's your tongue why are my hearts yellow i don't know explain this dev explain to yourself mine are normally what i couldn't even finish my pirate joke wow that's weird what is happening bro i'm so confused this must be a hunter twist i just found a sword on the ground what let's go what wait is this what i think it is by the way is this what i think it is what is that is that a wait is that the stronghold no okay i gotta say that i was dumb yo that's the stronghold wait a chest just oh my god this is this is lucky hearts wait why did i not just guess that when i saw that bro what is that what oh oh but your sword wait what bro okay uh this is not gonna be a fun video at all okay let's chill out here why are we doing this why are we doing another lucky based video we're not we're not i didn't even get to finish my pirate joke that makes me so sad okay finish it right now okay okay uh what did the ocean say to the pirate what nothing it just waved i just got smaller than lava trap i deserved that for that joke i deserved it bro this is so trash i don't want to do it lucky based video you know my luck it's good oh this is oh my god oh yes so every time you take damage something lucky oh oh oh oh okay never mind i think i like this oh no oh no i forgot i think i like this i actually don't have better luck than you so that's a complete line that's true what everyone's spam devlock right now or i'm gonna die damn cure luck what the hell i don't know if that's gonna help but hey wait how's that gonna work if the video comes out after hey i don't ask questions i don't ask questions what do you mean you're the one who said it no no i don't ask questions sorry oh my god i got enough pearls to go to the end see ya i'm just gonna go to the end oh my goodness bro i can literally just go i'm definitely not 165 blocks in the air right now what you just getting up there and win oh i see you how did you get up there do i do i do the water bucket clutch or do i play it safe oh yes do it you have to do it now oh my god the shulker i can get up to you oh my god i have to do this you're not just gonna sit up there so just come down here look at you down you actually have good armor what the hell is this oh what the hell i'm coming up baby oh yeah actually this doesn't go up fast enough i'm gonna die you're really dedicated i like that bro just come down stop being a baby there's no way you're actually gonna make me climb all the way up here do the water bucket clutch yeah i'm giving up 2 000 years later bro bro how long are you you know what i'm actually gonna come up screw this there's no way you're just gonna sit up there like i mean it's kind of warm how is it warm you're in a snow biome and you're high up in the air that doesn't even make sense scientifically like scientists like bill nye you know i actually met bill nye once oh my god no i'm not even joking the thing is i was literally joking you don't have to explain i believe you that's the thing like you don't have to explain it i actually believe you okay good because i was like i don't have to even give me the reason no like i actually believe you so don't know like i was walking down the street no don't even waste your seat you're explaining don't waste your time i believe well i i i i figure people would want to hear the story of me and bill nye but i guess the viewers will never hear about my story with bill nye but hey you know what that's on you dev you know actually you just you just stay up there i'm gonna keep grinding down here oh my oh i'm suffocating i'm suffocating what did you just do down there oh why are they upside down they better not shoot me oh my god please please please please please shoot dev yes no yes oh no way you just landed that no way oh get out of here oh my god all right now you're now you're dying now you're dying no no no no i'm out of here get back here fight me i just realized in our fights this random stuff is just gonna start spawning oh no oh this is so bad yeah it's so bad oh you gave me so many pearls and oh my god wait so bad that's so bad i'm already good if you're actually going to the stronghold now it's literally going to be over i mean why act like you don't know what's happening what oh oh well i guess there goes my uh helmet that was nice bro there's so much stuff i know and it all keeps killing me and it's all just giving good stuff to you all right oh oh my god i'm sorry okay i forgive you you're not gonna though you're right i probably won't bro i'm literally oh oh my god i got a scythe oh yeah it's over for you now what the uh totally doesn't have knockback 10 on it oh okay this is what i'm using oh my god if i can kill you with knockback 10. okay that you just told me your plan and since it's a scythe i can just use a shield okay so i gotta get i gotta get another shield then since they freaking just change uh yeah but you don't know how to pvp so what what what of course i know how to pvp i'll just break your shield like you don't know how to break a shield use a sword actually okay okay you're right sorry you're so right pvp god damn why would i ever don't don't you're great me off let me clear out my inventory you know it's full of uh cure right now you know yeah yeah i totally know what that is i totally know what that junk get it did you guys see how he treats me like i'm kidding i'm kidding you get bullied every day my tongue if you want what on this skin i meant on the skin like jeez chill like what you're so sucked what i do my mom watches these videos sometimes you know okay does she know about us okay no but like how we all channel together and stuff that's what i mean like obviously clearly yes okay so yeah so he knows about us okay perfect like jeez i hate what you have to say oh my god wait that's such a hard trade can i even get that oh my that's bro why'd that cost so much though wanna hear another joke by the way not really but for you sure okay hold on give me a sec let me look one up what you don't even have nothing i mean nothing wow okay what's orange and sounds like a parrot a carrot yeah a good one nice you got it that was a joke that was a pirate joke yeah wow you don't like it i didn't say that i just said wow so you like the joke then i didn't say that either well then what what then what i don't know i don't know i don't know what you just read me i i didn't read you anything i came up with oh my bro this is so scary shut up you literally didn't die like seven times i just got launched for no reason in the air see here's what i don't understand first of all this is a lucky block video yeah so i can die just as easily as you can exactly and i've died like 50 times i could have died once but i've yeah but you did it no what do you mean smart there was a time where i literally just they put me in a block of lava and i couldn't do anything oh why that happened to me i just swam out how lava i guess i don't know you probably had like a god apple or something i had one but i didn't use it how did you swim out of lava without dying you know when you're talented at video games like bro bro stop bro i've been on the hunt like i don't know oh it just spawned me up in the air oh i just want a bucket clutch oh i'm so good at this game oh how good are you at this game see like this is the stuff that happens to me spawns me in the air oh spawns a charged creeper on me oh oh how convenient oh i totally haven't haven't been getting lucky this whole video i haven't i totally haven't gotten speed six like seven times already this is actually the second time oh i see a bunch of lucky stuff around here riptide five oh you just left that line around see like that's the kind of thing that's the kind of stuff that happens to me that's the kind of stuff it's just your fault it's not the game it's definitely your fault i'm just running through a forest a skeleton shoots me in a a massive magma slime spawns on on me and insta kills me you're a throwaway joke good one get it yeah see this is this is my luck right here yep i love that why did they spawn a car on my head oh my god i have a secret weapon i have a secret weapon i have a secret weapon yep gotta love that i gotta gotta love when they spawn a pumpkin on your head and then throw you in a well with their cobwebs leading you to to your slow death oh oh that wasn't fun oh my yeah this is this is this is this i can't even lie this is going pretty decent for me your comedy is so far above anything i've ever heard before like just like yeah like in with you like those pirate jokes oh my god okay at least they're jokes those were not that second one was not a joke what the carrot one teas are riddled it was a riddle you know back in my day people could appreciate a good joke you're literally oh my gen z this is just you're literally gen z real jokes i'm literally not here literally bro what do you i'm literally not okay i'd rather get captured by my enemies and get tortured than do a manhattan luck base with you all i'm saying you don't have excuses i just got your stupid giant magma magma cube and i survived it okay but you got enough armor in the first place to freaking fight it off or knock it oh that was so scary i ran out of sprint like five minutes ago but hey why are you having such a bad time because it's anything luck based it's not my fault like i said i'd rather have my pirate ship crash to a rock oh my god why are you roasting my pirate ship hey dude bro this isn't even fair hey man this is gonna be the fastest manhunt ever that's not my problem if i can get like one hit on you and you just die that'd be fantastic uh yeah that would not be van fantastic honestly dev what's up oh you sound quiet there oh you're not playing with sound are you no why what happened wait this has this thing is that op we've been recording for like 20 minutes and you're already in the end yep this is so bull yep that's so bull at least wait for me to get there so we can have a fair okay i'm definitely dying here though i am not confident though oh wait i'm here oh no i'm i'm about to call in all these people from twitter okay do it oh my i love how you're not even afraid that's that you just know you're gonna win this no you i'm giving you full permission you can do it right now do it bro finally yeah okay it's over for me but hey you know oh yes oh yes okay come on luck come on my side i'm just gonna make a bunch of events keep happening no no no no oh hey cure what's up bro um why do you have this guy because i kept dying the whole time you're lucky i even made it here you already got it oh why do i have it without me no oh my goodness you're so good at this game oh yeah that's right that's right yo that's right that's right oh my god they're literally gonna these endermen are gonna be the end of me yo yeah chill out oh no oh no i'm gonna die oh i have a god apple it's okay it's okay oh my goodness oh my goodness oh no please god apple save me save me yes how does a god apple not save me now i have two of these oh no bro this is so annoying i'm just gonna keep taking damage this is my only shot now at this point bro why my stuff is still here actually wait my stuff is why is that a giant phantom why is he coming really like really is that what they're gonna do to me bro the phantom is disgusting you actually can't shoot it you actually can't shoot the phantom is worse than the dragon this should do like insane damage [Music] it did what the heck hey man come on hit me hit me spawn more stuff no here come here i gotta kill you before you spawn all this yes bro okay stop stop stop stop relax that's so garbage let's go let's go okay i gotta i gotta start spawning some real stuff in no you don't this game is so trash let's go mega phantom oh where'd you go oh please die to this please die to this there's no way i still have it oh my god okay i can't jump i can't jump i can't jump i can't jump yes oh this is actually so good how are you going to get into the dragon oh yes this is not oh yes maybe my luck is actually coming back now why did i think this end fight was gonna go a lot quicker oh i can't even hit the phantom it's literally just a thing in the way die die just die die bro like you're you're getting you're mad i'm gonna kill me yes phantom i love this phantom if this phantom kills you my life is complete he's actually a scum oh my poison i love the phantom there's another one there's another one yes i don't have a helmet anymore this is so bad this is a messy fight this is such a messy fight oh my please can this end dragon just come back down please like what is this i actually might be able to win this yeah if the dragon doesn't come down you can oh my god let's go dragon keep being dumb well why are there two phantoms oh my yes a big slime hey dev hey dev you low are you low i love when games do that to me bro get the dragon please come down oh this is not fun this is so not fun no cure go pick that up don't pick that up yes what is this whoa sharpness 100 oh you're dead oh you're dead oh you're dead no i just got lucky there's no way i just got this lucky there's no way no way there's no way there's no way please please no no don't do that don't do it don't do it don't do it yeah oh my god give me that right now bro how are you not dead yet like what can the dragon just come down okay okay okay stop hitting me okay stop using the sight that's too overpowered it just took it all out of my inventory you're tripped on a rock bro there's phantom you can't kill them i had i had poison so everything just happened it was the worst thing ever now i have wither effect i love this game i love this game is that another one of those actually give me a giveaway oh it is the right sword wait scythe i got the scythe uh oh it actually might be over wait and i got a pro 10 another chess plate okay wait and i got the i got the sharpness to 100 axe oh my god maybe the wither effect was good why is this yeah the dragon won't come down you better run away dev and i got the speed leggings oh no what is that crossbow okay okay you gotta stop okay um yes yes yes no no no oh i forgot you have that axe oh i got the axe stop sniping me that's not fair yes bro that's so bull health boost give me this what is this um um awesome gg uh what do you mean gg i'm at spawn what happened as soon as i woke up up from my bed a witch threw poison on me and then it spawned something over my bed obstructed it and i got insta-killed uh you know i can only hope that something luck base kills you now bro it honestly might i'm running out of food this dragon's not coming down screw up bob i don't have to be near you to beat you i'm so good i'm just going to build myself a house honestly well this is a sick doorway yeah i'm going to build a house bro i hate these phantoms more than anything in the world should i build it with dirt or spray shut up come on dragon come here i think this will look better with spruce wood honestly if you're talking from an interior design perspective like i think this would definitely oh yeah [Music] no no way i just won i got blown up by a spider let's go bro gg that was that was fair that was fair wow that was so hot that was so bro i'm so happy honestly now that just saved my mood what the hell was that let's go
Channel: KIER and DEV
Views: 1,291,693
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft manhunt, minecraft speedrunner vs hunter, minecraft speedrunner vs assassin, minecraft manhunt but i secretly used, minecraft manhunt but, minecraft manhunt with a twist, extreme minecraft manhunt, dream manhunt, minecraft speedrunner vs mage, minecraft speedrunner vs 5 hunter, minecraft speedrunner vs 4 hunters, dream 4 hunters finale, dream 5 hunters, minecraft challenge, speedrunner vs hunter, 4 hunters, tapl uhc, minecraft but lava rises every minute
Id: ysoZA8GlVw8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 12sec (1032 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 20 2021
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