Minecraft Manhunt BUT The Speedrunner Is INVISIBLE!

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what's going you guys it's more coming at you with another video we're gonna be doing another manhunt but i will be invisible the speedrunner is invisible now this is gonna be really hard and if you guys are familiar with manhunts you guys know the hunters have a compass they're gonna run around being able to find exactly where i am but they won't be able to see me i'll be invisible and i do say hunters because this one it'll be me versus two hunters bringing on a guest for this one so let's jump into it let's get it all right you guys ready this is what i'm looking at right now i see paul still but you know you don't see me i don't i don't he's in the water yeah where am i starting yeah it's already started yeah we if we follow the trail connor he's going to find a village he's going to stop it's like you know the script like what scratch color is the page right there shut up shut up dude look for the iron golem he's gotta beat the peepee out of the iron golem all right look i don't know these dogs okay good for you connor what justin tv what is this dude oh would you find him no he's over here they didn't he was getting weak he was getting weak he just opened his gun he's gone connor come to me right now here's the iron golem protect it get the weed get the week at the weekend don't worry don't worry i'm going to be pleased he's in this building is he no dude it's so hard dude the invisibility is rough he abandoned village i can't be focused on big partner you're so stressed out all the time about needing a partner i'm sorry i just gotta i gotta make sure that you know i'm getting to the end before paul to protect it to protect the ender dragon that's the idea that i have here okay oh no no connor why did you leave me what we're so scared dude he's so scared he's so scared dude we were just starting to kill him was he almost gonna kill you she's trying to knock me into the lava oh i hit him i hit him a few times i have a sword i'm smacking him i'm beating his cheeks where are you come to the compass i'm gonna get some cobblestone oh wait he's over this way just gotta knock him into the lava zone yeah yeah that's all it is yeah yeah he's on top of me he's right on top of me dude how far out did you guys go what are you doing oh he's building okay okay he's he's still by the lobby he's trying to he's trying to debate me with the crafting table maybe he's a [ __ ] scratch where are you ball back [Music] conor back away for now back away for now no we have to fight it together oh yeah there's no footsteps what do we do i see why did i make a sword why didn't i make it oh no connor you're gonna die he's gonna lose all the weak he's gonna die tyler's dying right now he's tired he's sitting on the door i was invisible the whole time dude that stressed me out bro thanks for the food though i do appreciate it boys yeah that's why i wanted you that's why i wanted you to stay with me how could you die what do you mean yeah yeah i know but scratch still died i told you to back off there's still the fact that he died conor i told you to back off i was like hey connor you're gonna die did we check these buildings all the way no we have not cleared it that's what i'm doing right now what if i'm in the village though you're not i'm not how do you know i'm not in the village you didn't have time i don't have time i got another event i didn't have time to get here yeah well yeah after i killed him i could have ran back you know no i was in the village before you yeah yeah and i ran back just because you're invisible doesn't make me stupid paul okay that's arguable you know he makes a great point and you know i think i'm in the same boat i don't think i agree with him i mean i'm in i'm in a village i don't know if i'm in the village but he's okay he's in that village absolutely anyways connor can we group up he's got like ptsd right now oh come on baby there it is what's that good huh that's not good connor tell me don't worry about it oh man invis is scary though because like i don't even see me actually i need an empty slot at all times on my hotbar another thing about it can mobs see me no dude that means he can one shot the ender dragon no problem you know what i can do you know what i can do kill blaze for free oh man that's huge bummer we'll say i'm pretty nether ready right now yeah how many how many how many iron do we get out of that more well we got zero now and it's gone yeah it's gone yep what do you want to blew up but he still blew up and got rid of all your eyes all they are gone oh my gosh dude yeah why did you put us against you what why'd you say it like that are you okay yeah so i want to make shields out of that corner right now oh dude that would have been big yeah yeah connor oh no connor um you gotta run dude [Music] dude i just saw something that looked really where did it go i saw something that looked promising and i just lost it cobble or coal start collecting dude come on baby start collecting it's time it's time to gear this is the training saga oh dude this is pog champ bro little pop champ we gotta hurry up because he's making a portal right now how do you know i'm making a portal how would you even know that oh i can read you said k but the way you said k here we go he went into the nether one of us gonna find that portal gotta be safe here dude i'm worried about to go we have to go to him we have to he's well we gotta just he's in the nether it's gonna take him forever he sucks in the nether there's a few trying to sling some insults no i mean these are facts like we got about 30. 30 minutes i get out of the nether and speed runs around like 20 to 25 chill out scratch all right this is scary no you have no idea what scary means my pov right now is terrifying a uh question for the speedrunner um does your compass work inside the nether no okay cool i don't i don't you sure i'm positive oh yeah it doesn't you're right i take it it does work you know i just went on an adventure dude i'm gonna be honest it's not looking good for us i think i think maybe we just abandoned the nether hunt beta dude what a beta you don't want to go through the nether to try to find me well yeah no because i have no idea which direction you went we don't have a working compass i mean i left some breadcrumbs but connor you see any bread crumbs any bread the crumb variety i mean yeah i was eating bread and i was leaving crumbs like oh my god scratch almost killed me oh i almost fell in lava that would have been fun i don't know man i don't know what to tell you if you can't see the breadcrumbs then i don't know what to tell you like in my making i open up my crafting table and i don't know more bread that's right speaking of bread did you guys make a new portal no i went to the exact same portal you were in basalt then right yeah and you covered the portal i mean i didn't cover anything literally my portal was surrounded by by basalt right then you recovered it maybe i i made a hallway somewhere the breadcrumbs are somewhere in there you know yeah found it scratched all right to your right buddy i'm going around this way what more building block oh he found a fortress oh no that's not good oh my pickaxe i have one this one's got me nervous dude this is the only tunnel i found unless he dug multiple parts let me let me just step up here for a second let's see what we got it's going to be it's going to be the same material he's not going to mix my dad this is a fake tunnel dude the problem is that i can't wear armor or anything either because then you guys could see me yeah wait yeah no connor this is 100 a fake tunnel it has to be quite stopped looking i mean you guys are spicy at each other right dude this is stressful two spicy hunters yeah you found diamonds let's just gear up dude i love the i quit mindset out of scratch dude i i respect it well i mean like it'd be wasted time to try to hunt an invisible man down with a non-working compass in the nether i mean who knows maybe you find that hallway though the fake hallway and then out of nowhere all of a sudden there's a fortress yeah i don't know that's crazy nah oh basically it's a girthy boy this is a big fortress currently working on some blaze rods how about you guys you guys getting that iron and diamond i have a baby cow next to me i don't know if that means anything did you adopt it yeah you now mama con actually i think i just found a new village like literally right next to our village oh you probably already looted that one that's probably where he goes iron scratch we went into the nether without gold by the way we could have easily died this one now we would have been fun wow confident scratch dude it's the first you're on teammate dude he's cooking you oh i'm getting cooked bro oh my god if he dies do we win yeah like a quick healing break real quick dude it's weird once one blaze sees me not every blaze can see me where they have like a hive mind oh i found another portal what what oh an abandoned port the swamp one yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i already got that yeah stop it's like two golden shells in here bro yeah yeah i took one of them do you miss the the gold bar though the gold block yeah comedian iron pick for that dude i was i was sitting there beating cheeks running i don't know dude you know you bring up some excellent points paul come on back let's have a discussion we can talk about this hot stuff dude what does that even mean he's gonna put lava around my portal that's what it means i'm going to i have already it's already guys you've done that in the past how did that work out for you well last time you actually couldn't be killed well last time i actually used a fire rest potion and swam through the lava okay but i still don't like you i just did guards look what else i got i got these hold on hold on all right don't go down there that's that's about to turn into oh yeah i see what you're doing that's not gonna maybe i'm just about to cover that in lava anyway so maybe the other side you get any any eyes paul i got plenty really yeah i have like 30 pieces of obsidian right now dude watch this coward make a new oh yeah of course i'm going to why wouldn't i you didn't hear me bragging about how many pigs i got in the hole what does that mean scratch what does that mean that means you're a coward i got a lot of girls you're a coward paul means you're a coward and you're not going to fight me like a man you're really you really feel beat up after the last man i feel really bullied a little bullied yeah we're gonna have to get those nikes on connor here how many diamonds do you guys have i can tell you how many i've had i've had nine i'm gonna i'm gonna go scout he's out he's out we gotta go we gotta go though wait no he's back in he's back in he's stuck he went through the same portal like an idiot i can't dude i can't even right now i can't believe you guys are you stuck stop yeah you're like you're like saying something and then chuckling right after it it's getting it stopped you stuck it's like you're also like eating at the same time what are you gonna do now paul you guys i i hate to get your hopes up but yeah i didn't i didn't go through the portland i really didn't you went through a portal well i really didn't go through that one bro it like does go back in another portal though why'd you do that why'd you go back in i don't know maybe it was a bug i don't know he's yeah no he's not in this world i know i'm from out of this world baby thanks i appreciate that scratch i want you to know i don't have the dream sheet i've traded about like uh like maybe 50 ingots and the trades have been uh have you gotten 42 out of that 50. no i think this guy might be legit i do have backup strategies this guy's really taking his time huh scratch you're being toxic i'm gonna fire you you're gonna fire me all right connor pick a direction i'll go left oh yeah there it is there it is oh yeah baby oh my gosh i just found something pretty pog champ yeah we can't see you so i know i know but like the viewers can see it you know that that's what really matters oh my god let's pull my pets got something here got something here you get diamonds anything else won't help you i don't even know that okay there we go bang bang boom bam boom all right baby not today thank you conor has blocked a arrow from a skelly my boy's out here gaming dude you're an achievement hunter you didn't even know it did you come here baby come here me baby are you talking to me you got a saddle he's trying to get a surprise i already have a strider i think he's talking to me ugh i had to do something illegal to get the strider though all right i found some more connor no no no i mean i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead no i'm dead you did not just fall in love i just got i got he had all the diamonds i got shot by a skeleton and then i was trying to get up out of the lava and then he shot me down in it again dude he like smothered you into it he's like yeah all the lava all the diamonds are gone no you got one yeah we got one so everything scratch hat is gone yeah scratch scratches all of this stuff burning god dude the water was pushing in you cannot dude you can't make that up oh juan juan here we go baby this is what daddy needed whoo i'm making big plays now all right it's gone yeah i know your teammate decided to leave at a pretty bad time let's see if he gets back in time probably not he's probably making a hot dog i mean honestly that's what i do when i get mad so it's understandable all right there we go i'm gonna put you right here oh no is that okay that should be fine nope nope that ain't it all right hey paul what don't die oh connor you know i appreciate the confidence but i want champ thank you for caring about me i found love i've found a lot of lava i feel that i feel wow i parked my horse and right in the hole my trusty steed do i got a texas bottle or what dude to scratch like cuz he's gonna come back and he's gonna like what paul's not out of the nether or he's already actually been back and he's trying to play the silent game and wait and think that i'm gonna run out of the nether it's definitely a scratch thing to do you got some notches okay all right hey got some microwaving nachos scratch what makes you feel better i just found more diamonds i thought you were going to tell them in front of me there were some diamonds right in front of me yeah the one yeah no i got that one too i'm gonna get back on my horse oh this guy's out wait wait wait you're still mining and he's out not out scratch you're out of line talk to me like that oh my god i'll end your life that's something like that again i so heard it oh you're really taking your sweet time no i mean like i'm i'm pretty much primed and ready i'm doing some nether travel wait are you like just like making portals and popping out do you have that much obsidian yeah this is just a speed run dude there's no hunters when he leaves yeah i know i was like you laughed your teammate no oh my god god this is nachos i just spilled salsa everywhere that's all depressing dude i'm losing my mind i hate my life so much god just choke on my purple choke on my personal this is literally just turning into this thing well you know what i found more diamonds uh do you want help on your speedrun er i can only imagine how gross scratch's mouse pad is you know my mouse badge gross it's got dead skin like tall dude i i like rotate out i buy multiple mouse pads just so i can rotate them out so i don't make them too gross holy moly that's a big cluster cluster huh i just got like layers i've got 17 diamonds on me right now bro i'm about to go make diamond armor and i don't know i don't know how's it going you got some more dude crystal 17 diamonds right now geez 17. yeah come back down here baby okay jake cue the epic music and he's out he's out i will say my uh my oh my god two under eyes have broken already by the way but i've have a ladder a lot of pearls and a lot of laser odds so yeah why am i traversing through a swamp right now brown like because you're at the lowest point in your life connor that's why this this might be the lowest point for me as well so you got salsa all over the place from your microwave nachos definitely not a low they're their only thing i will say that you've only died two times during this video and both times to lava i haven't died at all and i found the most diamonds no connor you have died right yeah yeah yeah yeah no i never killed him no he never killed me i never killed him i only killed you by pushing you into lava wait you didn't kill conor in that fight no i ran away hunter was in the village he ran away in the first one he needed a new compass i died from a creeper yeah so then you died twice from creepers both times no i died one time to a creeper that was it i'll check the logs right now check it there you go waste your time let's see yeah so connor was slain by paul gigi nice dude thanks conan you're making me you're making me feel like i'm crazy when you are one more time you're crazy enough to check dude if you guys would have followed me with another it probably would have been gg from there but i would never be able to find you no i mean like oh you would have found me yeah really yeah you would have found me if you had if you guys would have committed to one of those tunnels we only found one time yeah yeah well the one tunnel kind of turned into a couple but like it's just a big mistake for me this entire video i shouldn't have shut up one big mistake i'm just waiting for one of you guys just like the cavalry to like crest the hill yeah i have a saddle too i'm upset because i've been wanting a horse that's lagging that'll be nighttime boys about to give me some more iron real quick shoot bro i'll stop for it why not where are you right now connor um i'm just going to swamp it's like i'm like stuck in it dude like swimming in swamp is literally the worst wait are you in the swamp from like the the beginning area yeah talk about depression all right notchy break i got plenty of iron let's start whipping up some armor dude because i don't think you guys are gonna be able to catch up let alone uh find the stronghold as well you know you want to leave some like signs for us i mean it sounds like you guys are just swimming around in a swamp so it doesn't seem like you guys are anywhere near me oh i passed it why you gotta be so mean what do you mean dude all i've done is been nice to you the entire time scratch i pushed you into lava because i didn't want to kill you by my own hand yeah i care and that's kind of oh it doesn't feel like you care it's gonna mean something everybody can't see me oh my god you back up i can't see him dude this is the i'm dead wait dude i connor you found him it said flying is not a villain i hate you that hard baby oh my gosh dude that was funny yeah i got nervous for a second dude i thought you guys were together yeah all right oh crazy oh two creepers oh man you gotta you gotta all man come on connie what else can i get killed by oh skelly dude yes please connor's giving up it's all on scratch now will he fail for the hundredth time come on dude i hear a cave oh here it is oh my god paul found it or which i didn't know which direction you were coming from rather oh yeah no that tripped me up though because like you're running with your compass out so i was like oh crap dude he's gonna find me when i when you're coming from the village that i was just at that's dude that scared the crap out of me i hear lava and i hear silverfish but i can't quite find either one oh this is just a lava room great this is a massive stronghold dude it's a big boy well scratch you haven't gotten the achievement yet so i know you're not i know you're not in here yet double check the achievements again i'm like wait a second oh i think i found it you found the portal stop dude he did not just a big liar dude no no what is happening my hands my hands oh getting scratched like stop pause pause pause pause pause pause okay okay okay okay that got spicy oh my god how low were you during just like the because i didn't realize you ran away oh my god i couldn't get a jump crate because in the angles where i was i would hit my head you scared me though dude yeah i thought you'd be like you enough i just shut up because that was in vogue nice i hate it dude i hate it so much gg's oh my gosh the armor is what screwed you i feel like i know well yeah because well dude i was wearing armor and it did no protection like there was no point in me wearing that when you critted me with an axe it was like there was half my health all right like there was actually no point i should have just tried sneaking it's sneak attacking you yeah just equip you you said you found it so you debated me so hard you're like i think i found it i ran straight to i see your name tag through the wall and i ran straight to you oh my god
Channel: PaulGG
Views: 641,443
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: paul, paulgg, paulgetgood, get good, hi5 paul, notpaulgg, not paulgg, not paulgg minecraft, manhunt, manhunt minecraft, minecraft manhunt, minecraft speedrun, minecraft speedrunner vs hunter, minecraft, minecraft survival, minecraft speedrunner vs hunters, speedrun, speedrun minecraft, speedrunner vs hunter
Id: hs85MBKo8jk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 29sec (1289 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 20 2020
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