Minecraft Speedrunner VS Hunter But I Secretly Use /Give...

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what's going on you guys it's your boy paul gg coming at you with another spicy video today everyone we're gonna be doing minecraft speedrunners versus hunters but um i'm muted right now you can see scratch he's making his way to this village because this apparently it's an op seed yeah he's laughing i'm muted right now he doesn't know because i'm gonna let you guys in on a little secret okay last time scratch and i did a little speed run versus hunter i was doing forward slash give effect i left the chat on i oopsied a little bit he knew he knew what was going on this time i turned the chat off and i'm gonna be able to do forward slash game and you won't even know it that's what you're doing really nothing i'm just trying to stay outside vision so i can keep sneak on all right that's fine dude i'm gonna go speedrun this dude he's trying to get the jump on that village huh it's my first time did you go somewhere else no no no i know i'm hanging out dude oh he's getting wood no i would never there it is okay all right there we go guys you better hope there's tools in there i don't have to beat your cheeks dude so aggressive dude you better oh did you get to know no yeah so i thought you're supposed to be the hunter scratch oh you're getting me food you're getting me food oh my god i didn't know you're going oh you please you follow the image i didn't know you're gonna give me food that's right stay on my village that's just like the biggest bully down the village weakest hunter ever there's nothing good in there anyway there's nothing good over here yeah in this bearing duster you know what maybe i'll get siren golden too you know make sure you get nothing dude all right easy breezy what the heck but hardware acquired yeah that's not right are you talking about iron iron ain't it oh okay yeah what are you talking about yeah i know it seemed right to me i i bet it didn't you're looking out for something you know something's a little suspended something's something that's weird really i think it's you you're a little stinky well that's toxic if it's true all right only a toxic person would say that you're toxic i don't even know where you went you actually ran away yeah what i don't want to die you're hunting me right now i'm not yeah i'm the speed runner you're supposed to be the the hunter and i'm the speedrunner and you're running i heard a rabbit like make a footstep behind really like whipped around real quick come on scratch i need to be scared of me what is it what is what is your deal dude my deal i wish i had some good deals right now dude the only deal is my merch baby that's about to sell off forever and if you don't get that merch dude it's gone it's gone scratch i actually don't even know where you are like i assumed that you left but honestly i just don't know no no no get out of here i cannot you can't make that up dude i i want you to know that like i was literally just sitting here going through my inventory doing nothing but going like and then i heard you i heard you break blocks i heard you break sand i was trying to figure out why did you hide in the sand wait for you to start building the portal and come out but i couldn't figure it out are you already in the nether uh about me yeah i figured i was trying to stop that from happening ah now i just need flint and steel yeah scratch you having a good time you hanging out but the good time part now i'm not having a good time while hanging out with you where's the dude there's got to be like a uh i mean i didn't find any this seat is so dummy good what the heck you're not screwed hey let me do this let me do that let me do some of these and then let me do i don't know like yeah that oh wait what okay and there we go and then let's do like that there it is okay with one of them one of these bam bam bam what you got scratch depression idea i found an abandoned village what it's a yeah it's an abandoned uh desert village usually there's zombie villagers here have you ever seen an abandoned village before yeah oh of course of course yeah oh yeah yeah yeah i was trying to find sick loot dude you know like abandoned villages are dope and all but there's a couple chests here and there's no villagers no like i don't got to deal with the noise thanks for giving me food earlier by the way i don't know any any time oh no oh my god being attacked scratch oh i thought you died i thought what was popping up there was you died and i was like well victory when are you gonna win one of these oh you're right yeah you're right yeah yeah i know i know that's like the big question on everyone's mind is without winning yeah of course well because i'm not a shooter first of all you are doing something that disclosed no you wanna say you're doing something yeah i'm beating the game you know how like dream titles all those videos like speedrunner versus hunter rematch and all you know yeah you know rematch and like this is the i'm cheating 3000 rematch yeah yeah okay scratch do you think i wasn't gonna see this staircase what is this where the staircase hold on i'm coming i'm coming yeah come on over i want to see what staircase that one i didn't make that you didn't make this i actually didn't make this what wait did i oh nice actually wait no i think i did no okay yeah i made this originally this is where i got my cobble at first i said a piece and then you're bowling me and then you're okay dude okay i can see you're not a man of your word what do you mean my word i never said anything you said that you were coming in peace what do you mean i really did two villages and you got a full sentence but also paul that's not where i was hidden you know where i was hidden right here i watched you climb out i didn't go in from look go down to the bottom of that go down to the bottom i did go down to the bottom of that yeah that's where i got my cobble the first time i tried killing oh my god he saw the zombies coming up just go to the nether you're dying right now you're actually dying right now oh my gosh scratch i can't i can't you just died yeah i know i was i was surprised because a zombie died and dropped believe it or not a little bit of iron for your boy dude that would have been nice to have at least like one more iron for me because yeah i needed a shield i i like i needed one more but i mean i'm already in a fortress so you already have full iron armor and i died and i can't chase uh where did you get all that iron well first like i said i mined it no i'm well do you know how much a full suit of iron is 25 yeah that's the only iron i had it was armor i put it all into armor my defense right away yeah but not a shield yeah i know i realized that but it's fine because i just got a piece of iron out of this fortress now i have a shield and if you notice i have blaze rods don't worry it'll it'll be no no it'll be a while before i have all my blaze rods you know so you have time this desert village is stranded oh these villagers are getting a little frisky oh i bet there's only room for one on the bad boys you know what else uh these strongholds have or these fortresses have enlightened meatball uh they have diamonds if you come out with full diamond i'm gonna i might cry all right if you don't if you get a ton of diamond just do me a favor and just kind of forget about it throw it in some lava yeah i would i would very much appreciate that i bet no i bet i'm sure no one wants to watch me just get volume i don't know the comment section kind of likes it's like it's like everyone's morning cup of coffee you know everyone just kind of loves it chopper achievements and everything that you don't have oh my god i just got withered i'm out here slaying the game i'm not but you know i want you to know this is a good speed run seat a really good one we just get hit with one of these real quick there we go let's have that on hand a lot of gold pretty rich pretty rich in here well i have a stick that's kind of unfortunate isn't it i might change skins real quick why i got i think i got a skin that's perfect dude not not like like it's still it's still pepe but like instead of zookeeper pepe i got another variant oh okay okay let me pause and do that real quick i mean you could jesus christ it's just the achievement pops gonna take some time though change skin it's gonna take very very valuable time oh you're changing you committing the changing skin i gotta do it all right all right it's risque it's risque it's gonna give me power you know i hope so what are you saying yeah i hope you do have we got time scratch are you are you okay i'm working on it i mean i could go beat minecraft right now i mean i could pause now if you'd like me to at this point i feel i feel like i should pause okay all right i will i did say can we pause oh you know you're right actually all right this might be a uh a speedrunner first i want you to know that what i'm doing just having a good time in here having a ball nicely done i'm proud of myself gosh you actually might get some use out of this another thing about it thing that i'm doing just this thing that i'm doing over here that means you're in the overwatch oh possibly maybe i don't want to guarantee that you're back with your new skin what are you building over there what do you mean what am i building i mean what do you see oh gosh i hope you know i'm i'm about to go to the end well i hope you know i'm i'm i'm like right here chill oh i see you i see him almost full diamond yeah i said i was gonna cry no i don't have full diamond almost almost i don't though i don't know what what do i do here you wearing are you wearing a christmas oh you're a clown and you're sad that's a really good sad face that's like a really really good sad face well i made a house because i had that much time while you were changing your skin and i i honored the pause all right can i go inside i don't know scratch do you think i can paul i have i have a stone ass here here here give me that maybe maybe i'll give you that you know oh yes thank you oh my gosh dude all right scratch i'm i'm i'm throwing my first eye you block i'm gonna throw it yeah get good luck okay here are you coming over here wait what do you want you want me to watch oh my god oh my gosh did you throw seven eyes at once no no it lagged they're like hold on do you have like a turbo on what is this no no i'm like an nes era turbo i can't keep bullying you you i'm starting to feel bad at this point okay so paul i need i need some professional advice do i have some booties or a bucket um a bucket could be valuable we're starting to go into the end who knows maybe you sneak in there possibly and then also you need water what if you get knocked up and then and then you need plenty of water so when it breaks you're good i think bucket exactly i think you're on the right track with that one boss i'm gonna go check out the uh the house it's a little late it's a good check out i mean i'm pretty far already yeah i'm just gonna check it out i'm gonna take a look inside i said you might be able to use it dude i don't know it was being nice yeah i don't i don't you could have had full diamond armor so you kept the iron boots just to make me feel safe yeah exactly a little you also said that you're gonna cry and give up and i didn't want you to i'm looking out for you thanks yeah exactly exactly a little bit of pity but still i don't know how you're cheating paul i'm not wow toxic the fact that you would say i'm cheating scratch i want you to know that this seat is insane scratch look all i want you to know paul is you didn't need cheats this run it's it's been i've i've had a bad stroke of luck guys i'm not cheating i'm not cheating i'm not cheating i'll put that on your mama right now dude you better keep her out of your mouth god oh my god i just landed on two creepers that was terrifying thrown another eye maybe 30. i don't know how you know who knows some of you are gonna come out of it this time are you in like creative mode or something no well you've hit me what do you mean oh you're right oh there you are oh yeah there's my eye i'm going back for it i'll come back for it all right look what's up what's up what's up i don't wanna i don't wanna know what's up now are you following me are you following me well this is my job oh don't just kill him i'm just i'm just i'm like smeagle okay i'm like yeah scratch you would not believe this seed guess how many pearls i got out of the nether the nether fortress chest seven stacks no i got i got four out of the the just chest and the nether fortress where'd all the eyes come from what do you mean i got the blaze rods right yeah how do you do that by the way i just want you to know i was oh my god oh my god dude i was hoping that was gonna get you i was i was getting into the creeper like in your direction but i didn't see you until you started laughing okay you it looked like you saw it was i was looking past you paul it looked like you stopped and you were following your compass is what it looked like yeah i know i heard i heard a block break so i knew you were closed actually all right i'm taking my time you look you look like you are i'm throwing i've been throwing an eye a little while maybe i [ __ ] one of them bad boys only one this time huh yeah only yeah only one of course it was a lagging song i don't think it was lag dude i don't know what's going on but i don't like it what do you mean it's got to be live like what else could it be whoa whoa whoa what what what why do what what dude you're just bull dude that's what he's talking about dude what are you talking about what is it what is happening here you're just you just left you left like six stacks of diamonds just hanging out i mean i wouldn't do that because that sounds like a waste first of all maybe it's a texture thing i don't know oh my god dude you just trying to give me like to give up no because that's also toxic why would i make you give up like you do not feel like you have a fighting chance let me see those diamonds let me see what you're talking about there's no way there's diamonds back there you have like two iron um yeah i do i do i'll give you a wooden pickaxe for it stay right there stay right there yeah ready all right that didn't work not smooth at all here here here here's your iron i don't want to hit you paul i don't want to be anywhere near you i'm not first of all did the diamonds disappear oh they're here oh god feel like you're just crazy what's happening anymore all right good luck now paul i you actually you don't need a pocket dude what are you talking about of course i need luck what if i made a diamond boat huh how would you feel about that then you'd actually be hacking so then then we'd actually know who the real hacker is all right one of these one of these days i know you don't have anti-cheat on your server one of these days we're gonna do it you're gonna think you've got the upper hand you're gonna have whatever whatever little little scheme is going on in the back of your head and i'm just gonna be actually cheating oh probably i i mean the odds of you cheating is hot i'm just gonna use like an auto clicker or something and like actually just cheat so you got any like tricks and you'll scheme on my sleeve no i'm just getting coated right now i mean yeah i'm just getting wet right now what is this tree dude what about the super tree you do a little old-fashioned corkscrew on it yeah of course why wouldn't you oh you are up there well yeah i thought you were just like leaving the course through and doing another one okay you put lava up there no no no well that would burn down the stream yeah so yeah i know you did um i heard i heard that i was like okay it's time to leave hey check you out though i'm looking good you're looking pretty good no you didn't no no no that's cool no you didn't do you got any totems in there too no i would never have a totem because totals are toxic go ahead and speed bridge with diamond blocks please that's good you're making a christmas tree is this a christmas tree put some gold blocks it is about the season right i'm just gonna go to the end all right don't come get me now all right well i mean i could just be rich no that's tough no no get away from those get away from those i'm just gonna get rich real quick no no he landed straight on it just right on top you just you just gave up hiding the game of hiding what i don't know you're using op commands or something i don't know i'm not using on oh yeah i'm not what do you mean what is happening here what is this i just like playing the smeagle game now i'm literally just following frodo to mordor let me get one of these what are you getting he's picking my eye i have the eye now paul is that no don't eat that dude it's a don't eat that dude i don't have a bed anywhere can you put down a bed real quick why did i put down a bed first of all oh you got a diamond axe guys you're more kidded than i am yeah i made that with the diamond that i i need all my eyes dude i can't afford whatever i'm just gonna leave i don't have any eyes i'm trying to clear out my inventory dude that's too much stuff in here right now i actually don't know what to do to stop you what do you mean i'm totally doable like why would you be scared of me because i beat your cheeks you come up with a plan paul yeah and you know how that is i noticed you went back to peasant materials paul yeah i know well like you know i mean the fortress only gave me so many vlogs right only about 30 stacks well no i mean i wish that would be probably i would have i'd have diamond boots if i did you know oh yeah you were running low on resources there weren't you yeah exactly you are treating me very nice on this run i'm not gonna lie yeah i'm not talking you are you you are treating me very well i'm not talking i can't even be mad exactly thank you i appreciate that i just really don't like i'm torn now you know i don't i don't want to kill you okay that's understandable i mean i get that a lot people don't usually want to kill me oh is that the portal room is that what that is no i just i um i'm down in this fortress yeah but i fell pretty far and i watered luckily because the fact that i've been nice to you if you could find the hole i i did a very difficult time doing that paul i i put uh water at the bottom of it for you okay there you are there's water there's fiends okay i'm coming down that's a little awkward how are you doing that i think you're hacking like actually what the heck i was like actually like legitimately concerned yeah no i'm insane well i can see these you're talking about what do you see oh look at this come here come hit me in the face right here come here hit me in the face oh what the heck what hit me in the face all right scratch i don't know what you're on about but you're aircraft oh you got hot stuff oh you're burning you're on fire sorry uh i meant to do i meant to do hold on hold on there we go what's that dude oh my god dude these guys are kicking my ass what are you building what do you mean i'm getting up to the portal you just blocked it toxic by the way very tight my plan my plan was to just sit over there and then drop the lava as you were coming in yeah i'll just do you here there you go thank you i appreciate that really no problem go ahead and do your thing what's up what's up you cannot dude you cannot make that up all right whatever whatever whatever i already went through my inventory's full i still have a ton of your trash dude i just realized that i have one last hurrah paul i hope so i really do well i want him i want to know what's going on here what what did you just shoot at that what do you mean i saw an arrow that wasn't an arrow oh my god my shield is up my guard is up oh oh oh oh okay i don't have water with me this was not part of my plan you're still on fire right now that is not the same that's a long oh my gosh yeah yeah yeah honestly i'm not oh my god he actually lit from that dude you're on fire for the longest time oh leave me alone bro you tried to lava me you want a lava fight dude i'm a i'm not what kind of guy i'm a lava kind of guy what's up what's up what's up wait is the dragon healing right now i can't tell is there oh yeah it is okay you're getting it by the purpose you're dying well i will see you on the other side oh wait no i'm oh you stopped walking the second i shot that arrow what are you gonna do what are you gonna do i mean you're not that far it's gonna casually nuke this dragon i hope you don't mind of course oh it's healing i'm stupid okay finally i didn't know there was still a healer left dude look at that hell oh oh my gosh should it hit me right before i left i don't know what to do anymore i don't know if he can do anything i don't think i can listen i'm just gonna hang out don't kill me okay i'm just gonna be here for the end yeah of course i'll let you stay get in here paul get in here i'm getting in dude i'm getting it i'm gonna get a couple lost arrows you know this is good damage this is good damage get all the damage there we go there it is how did one of them hit you i heard the ding you can't oh my god you actually try to rob it i didn't even think of that you almost robbed that dragon from me that would have been your one only thing kill me there that was your one and only play that you could have done so what was the twist huh i was using forward slash give the entire time
Channel: PaulGG
Views: 682,514
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: paul, paulgg, paulgetgood, get good, hi5 paul, notpaulgg, not paulgg, not paulgg minecraft, minecraft, minecraft manhunt, minecraft speedrun, speedrun, speedrun minecraft, minecraft speedrunner vs hunter, manhunt, manhunt minecraft, minecraft manhunt but, /give command minecraft, comedy, funny
Id: Fnkvt5QzMDY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 39sec (1179 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 27 2020
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