Minecraft HIDE & SEEK But My Friends Tried To INFECT ME!

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this hide and seek has power-ups if you're lucky enough to get one to spawn you can blind the hiders reveal their position another stuff they'll help you find them who's gonna get infected who's got the infection are you okay I got affected all right let's run we need to hide a little bit well the person hasn't been selected yet so people need to hide from each other no we're hiding together wait is it gonna be me no jelly jelly well that's a good thing because I was not in a good hiding spot okay so because you suck at the game it's good yeah apparently hey you you said it on me oh I'm just degree oh remember there's power-ups too we can pick from guys oh yes exactly jelly punches me because I become infected and we have to find Josh and that's right you all join my team this is a good spot I've got [Music] wait a snowball that reveals someone's location maybe it's about damn who was it who was it it was me no no it does where did he go Josh Josh Your Skin Blends in with the environment I thought that I thought that there was a Josh look behind you buddy I thought that that that the item tag was your name I just gave you okay reflection wait so it's it's two this game's difficult wait I have a snowball does that mean I can find Karina oh my God yes you can he's over there oh my God he's far away he's foreign [Music] you're not even here never mind hello wait I looked away for two seconds where did you go Crainer oh [Applause] this is a mine okay I can't believe I did that great okay so okay can you move on jelly I I am I am uh look at this I am not gonna leave this hiding spot nobody's gonna [ __ ] I can't even a good hiding spot isn't necessary infested in three oh my God two one this is quite a good spot okay guys I have such a good spot but I can't I got the best I'm not gonna say anything actually you want me to be the infested everything because you're probably the most infested personally okay well I'm just gonna sit here and apparently look at nothing so please oh no black eyes so you've got slowness okay well that's not a problem okay so this does not work well for like staying in one spot doesn't it Let's Stay Together hello I know where to find this we gotta find a little slogo man hello George is this where you are the pro uh Create a Critter the time is ticking I am thinking use this nobody oh no it doesn't last long he's in this direction were you far away or what I am hiding you cannot find me to find me great guess what killings again dude I'm the greatest clearly okay I'm ready okay well it's gonna be jelly anyway right oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no it's me I don't want to be it [Music] I got a good spot I don't like when you laugh at me oh because when you love me okay stop making baby noise I'm gonna be completely honest of you Crainer I was still in sport I didn't have any chance to run so oh hopefully it doesn't hopefully the snowball doesn't reveal me just still in spawn no I said I was still in spawn when you started I have a tactic guys the moment you get snowballed on you gotta run oh yeah oh man oh they remember there we go man okay so jelly was this way are you oh I thought you had a snowball oh I didn't use it you who did you use it against oh I guess it wasn't nice okay I'm not gonna do I'm not gonna do this again where I'm just staring at a wall the entire time uh yeah yeah that would be but it gets me again how do I know if it was used against me or not hey hi wait let me just you want to go find jelly with me no no no no no do you want to no because you want to I'm not there no no no your friend died I literally never met Karina I was just up there the whole time all right now the question is right there he's there hey jelly why are you trying to fight like what is that gonna do why do I feel like I'm gonna be the selected person [Music] yeah it kind of got old real quick unlike you yeah unlike how how does a baby voice get old dummy I already made that joke yeah yeah I don't know why I feel like it's gonna be me though I feel like it's gonna be me you did it at first apparently yeah jelly is the Haider infested okay hey jelly where am I I don't know oh black I can't see I cannot these power-ups are crazy hey Josh up here that is such a bat he's on the opposite side of the map but don't worry but he won't find me honestly that is such a bad spot Crainer it's such a bad spot that it might be good that's what I'm thinking with my brain yeah that's good thinking thank you that's great thinking no jelly come find us okay see you later you're dead or should I say infested [Laughter] I did tell you he's after me yeah no way I I ran ages ago hi Josh hi ow dude punch me like that man I like this guy where's smelly guys well he did say hi to me and insult me which is a typical Josh behavior that is indeed snowball oh so you can see where we are yeah are we far away get revealed loser wait what it revealed your location no it didn't well hold up what um well I got a black eye that's not gonna help something tells me that five minutes is too long because I feel like it's always easy to find Josh you know how you do it Peter how try this see it biscuits oh okay oh no I I gave her a black eye do you see him no wait what's with the O really I'm just annoying him what just happened we're right my viewers are gonna be very confused from that moment just there why I cannot say anything did I literally like stand on you or something why are you speaking so I I just words oh there he is I literally walked over here Crainer when you were getting this and you I I don't even I can't that was I didn't see yeah I don't know I don't know finally my brain not working once okay I think I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna predict that Josh is the infested I'm right okay I'm gonna predict you know at this point I wouldn't mind I don't mind either I have the best hiding spots yeah how are none of these hiding spots this map is the hardest one to hide in on it nobody's gonna find me here these should be hiding spots please don't make me be infected I want to hide because I got the best hiding spot serious ah it's me it's a slow logo I got a pretty decent spot I'm not gonna lie I guess sponsor useless against the mighty snowball no no it's jelly hey jelly oh come on seriously I did say it was useless no jelly is also infested I'm gonna be honest those power-ups are you guys are not enough who would have thought that power-ups are powerful you have to find me naturally natural okay natural this looks so cool I am really not I'm really not hitting that well oh I'm done oh he's over there I am so done well I'm gonna grab grab this tell me if you see him I think he ran away well he's gonna struggle when he's blinded look if you're a trap Thor he's looking for trap though yeah I was looking for a trap door to be fair oh there's one right here what the heck wait I thought I had her hello [Music] same spot as last time let Josh find me yeah George find me look around you can little Josh find me come to me papa okay I mean oh well let's have a look at the trap doors near where Jelly's hanging out who would have thought why would you hang around the spot dude thanks for watching hello.com for the merch and click the video on the screen to watch some more
Channel: Slogo
Views: 1,021,585
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, gaming, slogo, Minecraft, Hide and seek, Jelly, Crainer, Infected
Id: 5-mKUMJjojQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 32sec (632 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 02 2022
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