HermitCraft S9#9: Etho vs. Bdubs

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foreign welcome back to another episode of hermitcraft and today what are we doing we're going to be breaking the format that's right did you know I actually follow a format in my hermitcraft episodes me Etho being organized and and planned that doesn't sound right no it's true though it's I do I try to include some kind of uh like big building project to begin with like either base work or whatever I got going on and then some Shenanigans with another hermit like some some big thing we're doing maybe and then I'll fill in the with a couple smaller things if there's no Hermits around I do small projects if there are Hermits around we try to do some fun things and then uh I upload that to YouTube I throw a title on it with a hermitcraft and don't upload a thumbnail with it and I call it good that's the Etho method that's how we work around here I was gonna do that for this episode I realized I got over an hour of footage saved up on my hard drive here and instead of making a movie I figured let's split it into two so uh no building this episode instead we're gonna be doing the TCG tournament stuff because it also uh took a fair bit of the time and then uh also the horse race with B-Dubs happened so this is like the the special Etho versus BDubs episode yeah so over here is the bracket for the TCG tournament beef has arranged and uh guess what look over here our our Protege our our young grasshopper B-Dubs beat Hypno but unfortunately that means we have to face each other in my first round here all right well before we jump into our game here I thought I'd just go over our deck that I plan on using in most of these tournament games in the general strategy behind it might make a few adjustments this depending on who I'm facing and depending on if I have the cards to make the adjustments I want because uh I need people to trade with me too uh but yeah this is it this is it so we're going for a primarily terraform Hermits we got three pearls and three scars common scars along with three prankster stresses aha so you'll notice I don't have any prankster items to go along with the deck so the key to how this deck works is that stress has an ability called yellow this attack instantly knocks out opposing active permit as well as the user so that ability does no damage her first ability is is nothing special either it's just 50 damage so generally stress isn't a very strong card unless you're using the YOLO ability by the way Cub is here working on the pyramid as I'm talking if you're hearing strange noises um so this seems like it would wouldn't be super good all it basically does is it lets you trade your hermit with the the permit you're facing but you get to trade when you want to and you can trade favorably like let's say they have armor attached to one of their Hermits and three item cards and your stress is at 10 HP and no items on her it's a very favorable trade then right and that's what the efficiency books are for because they allow you to do that without having any items attached to her so it's a it's a high value trade if you can pull it off in a lot of cases uh the other idea is we use stress as a as a meat Shield basically since we're not attacking with her uh if we ever need to take damage we can switch her in and then switch her out when we're ready to use like a fully equipped Pearl or fully equipped Scar and that way they don't tank a bunch of damage before they're ready um in this deck we are only allowed to have three Ultra rares and these are the three strongest in the game I would say netherrite being the strongest golden apple is probably second and clock I would rate as third um so I definitely want those in my deck though and in fact I would say the four strongest rare Hermits in this game in beef's trading card game at the moment are these four here um Pearl stress Mumbo and Joe Hills Mumbo is actually banned in this tournament so out of the three I would say we got two of them so that's a good sign to a strong deck and out of the common Hermits I would say scar is probably fourth strongest these are the other ones I kind of figured would be stronger than scar uh gem being the best one she's a perfect 360 and 100 on the second move also in this tournament we are limited to just 12 rares at the most in our deck and six of those are our three rare stresses and pearls and then we're running three rare chests two rare efficiency books and one rare double terraform item and that might be a little bit weird especially since like you know in mixed decks you kind of expect I'd run three prankster and three uh terraform double items but I think these other cards are just much higher value that I don't want to waste the slots on on double items especially since Pearl has such a low activation cost she only needs two to begin with and her first attack is really strong uh Scar's first attack is really strong so I'm not in a super huge hurry to get my guys powered up um we can stall with stress as well uh using her as a meat Shield um so kind of the the cool thing about this deck like we're running for our common cards armor uh TNT flint and steel for card draw and also just one cursive Vanishing book to remove armors the flint and steel it allows you to cycle through your deck it improves consistency of your deck um by it discards your hand and you draw three cards so if you ever get like junk in your hand you can get more cards flowing in that way and draw what you need now normally I would be very nervous about just having two efficiency books because I need to combo those with stress and let's say I run in flint and steel I accidentally have to discard both of these I did never get that combo off then right well I don't have to worry about that if I'm running chests in my deck because these allow you to grab a card you've used from your discard pile and put it back in your hand so I don't really care what I discard because I can probably get it back later with these which is kind of big also the chests allow you to reuse ultra rare items which have a much higher power level so it's kind of like I get to keep using golden apples or another right armor if I want they can also help you in a bind if you need a Hermit and you're desperate for it you can maybe get one out of your discard pile and not lose the game that way and uh overall the deck has a lot of synergy I would say there's a bunch of other little strategies I could talk about probably for at least another 10 minutes here but we're not gonna do that where I'm gonna stop stalling let's get into our game with B-Dubs I hope you enjoy it okay you got a valid deck ether here you go oh yeah oh boy did you check me Dub's deck make sure he's not cheating yeah she checked it while you were busy rifling through yours you guys are ready to roll so if you guys want to put your stuff in the shulker Box BDubs got his in there if you want to put yours in oh I'm getting a little nervous actually I don't know don't be nervous you know B-Dubs is the only person right now to have one and to be playing a second game yeah that's right that's right yeah defeated Hypno round one all right here we go this is good luck to you good luck to you Etho I I really hope you win to be honest don't I didn't believe that he needs that he needs to after what happened the other day yes I've have a valid deck I I do as well but it's very bad I want to redraw redraw please I'll allow it no no don't allow okay I don't allow it I don't allow it okay I put suzumi on the board and this is my rare boy and I don't no it doesn't no no it goes to me yeah okay gonna play uh rare stress oh no here we go and that is all I can do oh okay interesting oh thank goodness I was getting you getting worried okay um I'll put um item okay Redstone very nice yeah I'm gonna uh no you can't do that that's it is no it's no it's it's actually good I just don't like armor okay okay thank goodness you guys are here yeah I'm kidding right yeah and then I'll hit For Goodness Me um yeah all right no compatibilities okay my turn I'm gonna be I'm gonna play me as scar all right then attach an item to him and pass my turn oh he still can't attack interesting lovely good start it's good start beat ups kill him I'm gonna put a um impulse on oh there he is there he is that's the big guy and I'm gonna put a um redstone on okay X and can I put a redstone on impulse as well no it's one per turn right I don't even have one so um uh I will cup of tea for 80. and this is an important role here yes it is an important role yes and no oh this is going lovely I really needed that to miss 100 you have no idea um and then yeah past turn everything's fine Etho don't worry that puts a big damper in my plans okay okay I'm gonna play me another scar all right then that's another item to this scar and then I will swap into the the bottom Scar and now you can see why the poison matters so much because now she's gonna die yeah no I see yeah I mean it'll take seven turns I know it's true yeah okay I'm gonna put double a rare double nine impulse getting ready to rock no way yes way and how is your deck this good yeah from shambles what is this okay and then I've got a cup of tea people threw trash at you and you made a deck what and you're beating me with it here we roll and oh what is this all right wow this is great all right no compatibilities so that is another hundred another hundred I really hate seeing this I'm feeling really washed up at this game too oh and uh and the other dress also takes that's right that's right oh you don't need to worry about her she's just chilling there are red uh fireworks in here right just yes there are yes of course okay I'm gonna play me an item on scar I'm gonna play at Golden Apple to heal 100 HP on the scar as well all right here we go back up to full health yeah yeah and then it is going to be a hot guy for 100 plus the bonus 20 for the typing advantage minus the 20 yeah so 100 total gonna put a rare doc M77 on the board a world eater Etho hates that card yes he did I'm gonna put a um piston on him so you're mixed as well and you got all those perfect Redstone draws yes yes of course oh yeah that's that's incredible yeah I'm going to uh you can't stack damage of course right so um no reason to roll is that correct like yeah already you could if you want but there's no point okay okay um all right so just hit for a hundred then okay stress is down to a hundred speaking of stress I'm feeling a little stressed here okay I'm gonna have to use up all my cards basically and uh put an item on scar I'm gonna put a iron armor on stress to negate the poison damage I returned oh and then I'm going to play a chest to pull an item from my discard pile that's going to be that Golden Apple for sure it is you don't know that okay could be something else it could uh that I'm a hot guy yeah for another hundred all right we have problems B-Dubs backing up against the wall here okay what does he do does he stay in does he switch yeah yeah see I'm I'm thinking do I go down swinging here or are you gonna do something to kill him anyway and then I'm gonna regret not getting the damage out of him um I will tell you this is an important decision you don't have to huh it's an important decision okay yes I know I know um you know I've had success so if he hits it's just gonna be 80. correct to you to me to scar if or if I zoom a hit scar sorry it's 80 plus the 20 for poison so it'll be 100. it'll be no big 100 to return yep okay um but then he would knock you out in the following turn yes yes I will I will sacrifice so we'll just um we'll do the thing um this guy nothing aggressive yeah I don't know if I like that is negative I don't know if I like it um boy okay uh what's the plan now yeah thinking I'm thinking about it he's asking himself what's the plan he knows it's like I'm sorry obviously I'm gonna attach another item to scar and then I think I got a golden apple heel 100 HP to the bottom scar again keeping him alive one more turn hopefully I'm so sad oh and then we will hot guide and knock out the Azuma all right yeah that went worse than I wanted I I don't know I think it was okay you made him use his Golden Apple again right his chest is gone that's true and I get a prize Point price point extra card What's it gonna be oh now one to zero Etho and B-Dubs you have to pick a Hermit to bring in I will pick uh impulse and just in time is good friend Tango no you didn't he did yes he did it shouldn't be allowed and it's a rare you Boomer attack but then uh along with that attack I'm going to bow oh you got a bow I'm gonna hit stress for 20 only okay yeah I want a chip okay now this also the poison is also still affected so it's actually 40 right yeah okay yeah all right then I plan that perfectly exactly all right the boomerang plus 40. yeah 110 too scarred one ten to scar okay getting a little nervous that impulse is a heavy hitter that's 110 plus the fire that's right that's right actually yikes that was 130 total hit wait I gotta I gotta think about this turn this is kind of important sure sure no problem got him on the ropes beat ups when he thinks this long it's never a good thing no I think this is perfect this is perfect time to use this I'm gonna play a clock oh okay okay okay what is that extra Health out of my scar and then I'm using all the big cards early on well a hot guy yeah for a hundred and twenty actually because no armor is it now mm-hmm 120 so it goes down to 130 and uh the clock makes it so you have to skip your turn right up so you just yes you also do take the 20 on the poison yep oh did he already pass it he did pass it right I did yeah what cards you get maybe you got a good one that's a good question okay I'm gonna play me a pearl rare Pearl and then I will play a chest this allows me to take a chat from my my discard file it's going to be the golden apple now just to clarify with the refs I'm not allowed to pick a clock right or are we are we doing clocks allowed um I don't know if that was an official rule Cub what do you think let's let's go there's not an official rule but I'm probably I think we should play it as an official rule yeah in the interest of game fair gamesmanship let's not allow the clock to be yeah everybody's teaming up on me right now look at this I don't mind if you do I'm on your side okay no clock okay um and then a hot guy again for 120. puts you down to 10 but you're still alive yikes man oh he got another room oh my goodness you're not allowed to do that though why not too many impulses no no there's no rule against it's just enough um it's the right amount of impulses yeah hold on hold on did we take out the 20 from scar that happens yes sir okay okay oh this next turn right okay so yeah this car is dead in the water regardless yeah he was at 30 so now he's at 10. then I'm going to switch out to impulse and Scar is knocked out scar is knocked out there yeah from Poison oh my switch nice switch [Music] I didn't get the card I needed in this situation okay we might be here a while I'm gonna go into my other scar I'm gonna play a terraform item and an oh ultra rare not the right armor which I think it's 40 damage every hit that's rough that's rough and then I'll smack you with the hot guy for 120 again the advantage and that type advantage is kind of annoying it's hitting yeah big right now yeah um good thing though we'll bring a Tango out and a second one you know well there goes that armor that I just added I know but it's not gonna matter if I don't have a second Redstone item but I do so I love the show it gives me hope just to take it away yeah yes um so so we will um oh boy you gotta be running out of cards there beat us what's going on here I've got plenty I've got a whole plethora I've like got a cards and you're just pulling millions of things out of your box this might be stupid but we're gonna do it I'm gonna flint and steal and do the attack I can do that right yeah attack for one 50 then 110. 50 I'm sorry 150 yeah because there's two Tangos yeah minus 40. goodness so 110. sweet innocent B-Dubs right [Laughter] what he wants you to think when the world is happening here it's a Lethal Weapon mm-hmm yeah I'm gonna play uh item on Pearl and golden apple you'll heal 100 HP I hate it on the scar okay you're out of chest though buddy you'd think that I would think that I'm gonna smack you for another 120 with hot guy again oh boy okay down to 10 again yeah oh I could have used this this turn [Laughter] so yes I'm attaching it no that's a good one yes yes interesting um this is gonna be a major coin flick game then if I do this so I don't I don't know let's just risk swaps out risk I'm gonna attach a TNT to the scars attack here so we'll do 160 total bikes it's a DOT you feeling lucky B-Dubs I know you've been lucky so far this ain't locket skill baby let's get as much damage as I can so I'll just hit uh World eater with Doc along with the golden ax oh okay so possible 200 if he hits heads here nope uh 160b it says it's 8 plus yeah oh but yeah oh right right okay flippy Flippy this isn't fair oh my gosh everything it's okay when Pearl comes out she's gonna hit everything too that's that's the way this works right that is right yes this car is gonna die next turn well I actually played the TNT last turn for a reason in case I drew another TNT oh I'm gonna play another TNT I hit you for 160 knocking the dock out of the park okay [Music] this I was thinking maybe not having no more TNT how many do you have that's a big big draw for me there all right yeah I get a price point this is gonna get interesting now two one yes all right that makes room for my good friend my hero oh boy wait oh but I was supposed to pick a Hermit first so I won't obviously right yeah go to impulse yeah hmm yeah go to impulse yeah sure then that's it so just hit for basically 10. yeah Mercy yeah now shut up that's the extra flee is a hundred so that would still not do it so I think I'm safe as long as you don't have damage you would need you'd need a double item and damage knockout scar I think I'll take that risk I'm gonna play me another scar on the board oh and Tango's not even a redstone type he's a farm type so it's only 100 with a hot guy is what I'm gonna do okay Tango's got a nice Hefty HP though so he does thank you yes I'm glad he rolled well um let's keep powering up Tango okay unfortunately only skadoodle but we're going to use knockback book oh what does that do it knocks your hermit out your active hermit and you gotta pick a backup uh opposing hermit goes AFK following users attack opponent chooses replacement you can uh can only be used if opponent has at least one AFK hermit so I'm forced to swap yes yes you are oh thank you B-Dubs you're well that's that's one way to win the game I guess wait no he doesn't have no you don't have to you don't have the things the items but oh why do you have enough sufficiency [Music] efficiency you are asking for an efficiency book that's a good car you got it oh man if you had the extra flea though I think you could have probably pulled this out because then you could have brought this well you didn't have any redstone on this uh this Etho I was hoping he would extra flee so I get the free switch to this dress I was waiting that's true too yeah that was very close yeah that was close great game guys great game it was a good game so it was three one or three two three three two because they went out at the same time yeah oh right yeah yeah three two nice that's the only that's only the second three two coin there you are oh coins yes congrats and uh Ethan moves on to play this man right here second round gosh play I don't like it no way no okay I gotta go and look at my deck I got I gotta see what I have to deal with all this yeah the right stuff and the clock is a problem the healing is a problem nicely played I think you did really well B-Dubs are honestly yeah you had him on the Roadster game earlier that was close yeah yeah that was good yep yep so well played by B-Dubs there I thought he did very well actually I was impressed uh you gotta understand he had like no cards to work with and he built that deck out of nothing uh and uh he beat Hypno and he almost beat me with it I was really sweating at the start of that game I wasn't sure how it was going gonna go until like kind of Midway near the end I started to realize yeah I think I got this one actually yeah so next up in the TCG tournament we're gonna be facing the beefers the creator of the game himself what do we do versus beef there's a dilemma I'm facing right now I'm gonna leave it up to you guys to decide for me so first option we play this exact same deck versus them uh he'll know what we're running uh we're also at a disadvantage because he's most likely going to be running Builder because I think those are the only cards he has and Builder does 20 extra damage versus terraform our scars and our pearls uh we're gonna be at a slight disadvantage but I think it'll be a pretty entertaining game if we use this deck for Sam uh it could swing either way the other option if you guys prefer is we crush the guy we take away his hopes and dreams and just make it no fun whatsoever uh I'll advance in the tournament most likely that way but it's not going to be as fun I don't think um running where is it we can run Farm versus beef now you might remember I said one of the best common cards is Azuma who also happens to be Farm uh there's another card called iskel for only two items he gets bird poop and that does double damage versus Builder types I've tried this versus Cub when he tried countering me with Builder before and it is absolutely brutal uh this is a builder decimator uh so that's that's the the strategy also we have the option of Joe which is another one of the crazy good rare cards or even Doc is amazing as well so that is a strong counter if anyone tries to play Builder against me mm-hmm what do you guys want to want to see it's up to you we're gonna finish up this episode with the horse course race versus BDubs oh this is mine this is a winner horse but look at this guy salivating over a horse right now um I haven't of course I think it should be fair and we should just both you know at random because my horse I'll just randomly pick this one this this one is that what you were saying no no no dress me feel free you need whatever help you can get peanuts take the horse I I insist I insist when I choose a horse I choose based on their personality right like oh look at this white one so gentle so kind ah he's not gonna win no he's not gonna win we gotta pick this guy over here he's ferocious it's exact same horse it's a difference it's a different one same color it's different though oh okay different Spirit he's actually pretty good oh oh do that again what are you jealous it's so fast it is pretty quick I would say he's average I think he's here you give him a test okay okay I'll give yours a test oh yeah yeah he's pretty average oh yeah it yeah yeah he's pretty yeah he's pretty average as well yeah you know what Etho these all came from like two horses yeah all of them came from two so they're all gonna be pretty similar which I think is good so we'll do these the upper targets as well uh we'll skip those we don't need those no upper targets just the lowers and the the shortcuts shortcuts are allowed yeah that sounds fair okay for a good good comeback race yeah yeah so there's a bet here to set your spawn if you desire you couldn't kill me [Laughter] I'm worried now there's obsidian coffin trapped in here somewhere you still think about that from time to time don't you I think I wake up uh in a cold sweat five times a week this is it this is it man I've been waiting since season eight for this yeah yeah finally gonna erase each other I I don't even remember the course anymore you don't I I didn't I I didn't do a practice run before you got here okay good wink wink wink yeah yeah I I know you beat ups I gave you a heads notice so you were here oh yeah yeah all last week when you mentioned it that was it yeah how many laps we do in here I mean the standard is three right Yep this is it oh the song still works yeah here we go here we go we're not taking the outside I don't think it's working on the outside Lane what are the Orcs you did the Redstone on this through you this isn't my Redstone oh my goodness hold on the fireworks didn't fire nothing happened hold on I'm gonna press it you see what happens okay okay here we go careful for that terrain now okay songs did you just die I think it just died are dead someone left the Double A's in and they're leaking yeah yeah yeah why did they stop halfway it did it finished for us right there all right this is it yep you want the inside Lane I want to punch you so bad uh I'm gonna go inside yeah why not yeah oh no no yes yes do we jump here and perfect and oh I should have sabotaged oh yeah we got this your horse my name my horse made a sound oh wait we need he winning my horse winning yeah that's the only reason you got that lead dude I forgot how tough that part was yeah that top that part's tough okay oh oh you almost could have stole the shortcut for me you got it I didn't load my bow dude this is hard yes it's hard feel it all over the place oh I'm catching I'm gonna take the shortcut what do we do here we gotta hit the fence gates I can't defense yes yeah I missed I'm gaining oh dear dude I am messing up forget this so hard this is so tough go I got the speed Arrow yes I got it I got it oh okay first lap a close one okay thank you for opening that oh it stopped in front of me it closed too slow okay oh I'm gonna mess up the water for you you won't know if it's gonna be no no you don't nope Karma will get you if you do that you did it oh sneak through there okay it's starting to come back to me yeah yep yep the timings yep it's feeling good now oh you're I winning now I will need okay I got a chance oh I've fallen in all the water no okay here we go dude no you did not oh my goodness I did the lily pad part too no you did not oh I missed the target though okay if you get a speed Arrow you can catch up okay okay how's it feeling back there it's not feeling good I didn't have my arrow loaded okay we're rolling oh I forgot to reload too lap final lap I think final lap here I come oh you stupid Flames triggered the water of course oh no the best okay are you just cruising now uh making the odd mistake here and there okay I didn't take the shortcut this time okay I'm at the drop okay I'm right behind you Lily pad's perfect again oh I fell in the water though no perfect on the lily pads you know the part where you drop yeah I missed are you close to me I haven't hit the lily pads once yes I'm close you're not close yes I'm right behind you oh I messed up the gate oh I got the speed Arrow this is it it's over okay and and I'm done too you're not I see you oh I must be Lagos I finished a while ago um I didn't just get here oh snap that was fun though that was uh it's dude the lily pads down here at the end the water part or the bridge how did you yeah yeah how did you do that I only did it I never got it one I did it once you gotta like pause and then jump you can't just keep your moment I'm going I wonder if there's any benefit to like trying to hit this one like if you can just space space you know I think that's how we did it when we were practicing there we go I got it oh that was well yeah not great you did get it that time didn't you just Spam space there uh I held it for the first jump and then I I tapped it to the second oh that's it yeah yeah you got it nice that's it okay yeah we gotta do this more we gotta get like we gotta each get a team of racers right like I find two people yeah you find two people then we see who wins train them up have a training Arc you know I like that foreign
Channel: EthosLab
Views: 344,549
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft Lets Play, Minecraft LP, Minecraft Gameplay, Minecraft Game, Etho, Minecraft Mods, Minecraft Building, HermitCraft, Game, Minecraft Multiplayer, Survival Minecraft, Hermit, Server, HermitCraft Season 9, Minecraft 1.19
Id: sPF3M5o0bMU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 30sec (2310 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 03 2023
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