Minecraft Griefing Bots Will DESTROY Your Server - Watch Out...

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the past few months there's been something strange happening on Minecraft servers behind the scenes a variety of server owners have all been reporting that strange users are repeatedly joining their servers of which nobody else should know the ip2 even stranger players reported that somehow them and their friends accounts were being logged into by unknown individuals and their servers were being decimated somehow malicious individuals were finding the IPS to private minecra servers famous Minecraft youtubers s smps and more but even worse were the automatic griefing Bots griefing over 1,600 servers automatically in just a few days that are only becoming more and more powerful what is going on you probably have heard of some of this stuff before server scanning as is known is effectively the process of scanning the internet for Minecraft servers with the port 25565 Minecraft's default Port some scanners even have account which will join the server to check for certain properties such as if the server is in offline mode or if it has a wir list enabled and while server scanning has only really become a more known thing as of the past few years people have been scanning for service for years now there are posts dating back close to 10 years are people doing the exact same thing as I mentioned server scanning wasn't really a commonly known thing or that was until one to two years ago server scanning ultimately was popularized by Infamous griefing group the fifth column who developed their own server scanner called cener a bot which not only scanned hundreds of thousands of servers but also provided nice details about them such as the version they were running the server software they use the players online the players who had been on the server recently and much much more furthermore fifth column would also create a mod that would allow you to easily browse and join the server scanned in game as you can imagine they use their new found power to partake in a slight amount of Tom Foolery targeting streamers and YouTub servers and griefing and trolling them while they were live to elicit reactions to date the fifth column have griefed over 600 twitch streamer servers and uploaded videos to their channels about them have joined large YouTubers private servers while they were live streaming on them crashed the quacky S SMP for 3 days straight with an exploit found and griefed Jeb's private Minecraft server and killed him found and griefed the Mojang officer private servers and griefed them and even got the attention of Notch on Twitter many of their members would be banned from the game for 10 years because of all their griefing and they have a very notorious reputation in the Minecraft Community clearly taking inspiration from the likes of famous old Minecraft griefing groups such as team abolition of which they have also griefed with after various videos would be made about the fifth column's various escapades and their reputation amongst the Minecraft Community especially Anarchy players grew and grew it was only natural that the general public primarily players of 2b2 T would want to get their hands on copen or similar so they could scan for service to grief themselves thus many server scanners were made and over the past year an increasing number of server admins have begun reporting that strange users were attempting to join their servers or were actually joining their private servers of which nobody else knew the ip2 in fact it got to the point that so many server owners were posting about accounts trying to join their servers in utter confusion that memes of such posts were even made anywh who notably a public server scanner known as server Seeker was created around this time server Seeker was created by a developer named Dam who was inspired by a YouTuber live overflows video about server scanning where his audience found the server he was playing on deciding to make his own scanner as a fun project the serers Seeker Discord now has almost 10,000 members and functions like so basically it's a Discord bot where you can search for servers from specific countries with certain play accounts on certain versions which are crack or premium vulnerable to bungee spoofing and much more you can also search for players viewing service they've joined in the past it's very cool but while Dam created server Seeker as a fun project with no malicious intent a very large portion of the individuals using these server scanners don't quite have the same positive intentions in mind this is the big issue with server scanning considering the hundreds of thousands if not millions of servers that exist there of course would be a small but still significant amount of private servers run by individuals who don't know much about Minecraft that often don't have the whitelist enabl as disabled by default furthermore these individuals don't know about server scanning they are completely oblivious to how vulnerable their server truly is for all they know the only people who can join their server are their friends they gave the IP to this makes them ripe for the picking for Griefers and trolls who join their server and wreak havoc on it before the unknowing server owners even have a clue as to what's going on as dam tells me he often gets reports of individuals using serers Seeker to find vulnerable servers with either no white list which they can connect to and cause damage to or finding crack servers with no authentication in place of which they can log in as operator accounts and destroy the server as we'll get into later and while Dam has blacklisted individuals in the past it's mostly pointless as they just use an ALT account or switch to a different scanner server scanning isn't very complicated dozens of other server scanners exist so it's not like he has given Griefers access to a one-of aind tool or anything here and this has led to communities of dedicated Griefers becoming a established dedicated just like how some of you could become a dedicated Channel patreon and get access to world downloads and plugins from past videos uncensored videos of mine access to 49 of my old videos from 2014 and exclusive access to my most prized and historical Minecraft worlds from 2011 all of which has never been made public before Oh and be sure to become a dedicated subscriber as well no pressure anyways one such YouTuber and Community I came across is that of a channel known as Shrek or ogma I first heard of this channel when a confused server owner dm'd me on Twitter mentioning a user had somehow been logging in as him and his friend and using their accounts to grief the server over and over multiple times whilst promoting a YouTube channel going to ogar's channel you can see he has an extensive catalog of videos where he joins in grief servers primarily crack servers uploading almost daily he has a very distinct griefing style where he will join a server teleport to each player and blast them and their bases with Fireballs spawning renamed Withers on them in his Discord YouTube channel Minecraft server and more then using Phil commands to effectively edit out spawn in bases creating scoreboards telling the server owner he is renovating their server and more and he's not just griefing one server per video most of these videos he joins upwards of 10 servers in griefs them and he's uploading and streaming almost daily so how is he able to grief so many servers every day what's going on well I got in contact with him to find out basically ogma used the serice Seeker add-on for popular cheat client medor client which allows you to do what serers Seeker does but in game notably though you can see a servers players and on crack servers can actually click one button to log in as those players for some context crack servers are Minecraft servers running in offline mode meaning that players who are playing a pirated or cracked version of the game where you don't need an account only a username can join because all you need is a username technically anybody can use any username and log into the server big public crack servers prevent this by using authentication plugins that make you register and login with a password in game but many of these private crack servers do not do that and simply enabling a wh list won't help either because like I said anybody can use any username and login so you could just log in as a user which is already whisted aimer will log into all the server's accounts until he finds one which is opt and once he does the server is as good as gone using meor client as well as add-ons specifically tailored for op griefing the server stands no chance now I know what you might be thinking this guy sounds like a total ass griefing random kids crack Minecraft servers right well in a way yes that's undeniable but ogma also in his Discord which he promotes in his griefs has a list of resources and tutorials for Server owners that show them how to secure their server and ensure they won't be griefed in the future he even gives out commands to remove the scoreboards and other features he employed whilst griefing so at least once a server is griefed he does tell them how to prevent future griefs that being said he also provides tutorials for other Griefers and his fans and has created a small community of about 600 individuals inspired by him he even has his meteor client mods and configs public so his viewers can replicate what he does to the tea now understandably ogar's actions are rather divisive many of his videos have more dislikes than likes with a variety of server owners calling him an in the comments for annihilating their servers but at the end of the day he's right about one thing if it wasn't me it would have been someone else tomorrow and I guess it's better that at least he tells the server owners how to fix their vulnerabilities then leaving them in an utter state of confusion alur isn't the only grief for using server scanners though this is mountains of lava Incorporated a channel run by an individual called eal who fittingly calls himself a friendly like ogma he griefs servers but he has his own unique twist while ogma prioritizes crack servers etan prioritizes YouTuber servers and S smps while also having a unique and artistic griefing style notably he has griefed the lataa SMP an S SMP with a variety of popular YouTubers the hims s SMP an SMP with YouTubers such as yes smarty pie who has 6 million subscribers he even made it into one of his videos with almost 3 million views as well as a variety of other big YouTubers s smps etano has a more traditional griefing style since he can't get up as these servers are not cracked and his griefing tool of choice are as mountains of lava cast of which he created a mod four that can automatically build them for him these are super annoying to clean up due to the amount of layers they have by the way in fact etano is quite the griefer his meteor add-ons are used by a lot of other Griefers downloaded over 25,000 times but that's not even his biggest project etano also created his own server scan a bot which he named Skynet currently Skynet is private with only 10 individuals able to access and use it and unlike soeker is designed with the sole intent of griefing Skynet currently has scanned over 1 Mill in servers in the brief time it has been operational able to distinguish between active and stale servers as well as much more but what makes Skynet so impressive are its Terminators when I contacted etano and asked him about Skynet he told me he had begun a new project as of only a few days ago called the Terminators effectively these are Bots which he has created able to find and join vulnerable servers and grief them entirely automatically without the need for any human intervention I set up a demonstration server with some alt scattered around the world in mockup bases so he could show me how it works and basically the Terminators join a server find out who is opt by logging into all the users accounts teleport around to the players spawning named Withers and setting the entire area to Lava completely annihilating the server all entirely automatically in the roughly 4 days the Terminators of Skynet had been running they had terminated over 1,600 servers effectively destroying them entirely that's about 400 servers a day griefed beyond repair far more than any human could ever even get close to achieving now it's still early days for Skynet and the Terminators but these Bots have some serious power and could even eventually Target vulnerable premium servers without a wh list the Terminators also leave a nice email address for the griefed server admins and as such etano has received dozens of angry emails from confused and upset server owners bewildered by the state of their server they return to this is truly the next level of griefing throughout this this entire video you may have been thinking why why do these individuals set out to grief and cause as much destruction as possible to innocent players I asked ommer that very question and he tells me he does it because he saw that there was a rare opportunity to grief servers before they are all griefed while server scanning has existed for some time as I mentioned it wasn't until recently that it gained public notoriety and currently there still exists loss of vulnerable servers available to grief it's like how back in 2010 and 2011 public Minecraft servers were much more vulnerable to griefing but over time they became ungrievable and those who didn't grief them missed their chance as ogma mentions currently or at least when he started griefing a few months ago there weren't as many people griefing it was like 2010 and 2011 all over again but it would only be a matter of time before the masses became aware of it and there wouldn't be many vulnerable servers left to grief as many modern day Griefers are Ogar is heavily inspired by a team avolition and sees this as his opportunity to live out his childhood dreams of griefing servers just as they did but that still leaves one big question what's the point of griefing in the first place well I believe I can answer that one myself while I don't grief anymore when I was younger I used to love joining servers and use x-ray to find people's bases and grief them as well as just generally messing around with people it's really just fun there's a certain thr you get from doing something you aren't meant to be doing and getting reactions out of people not justifying it or saying it's good but griefing is a form of trolling that is incredibly entertaining it's as simple as that as for etano well his reasoning for creating the Terminators and Skynet was a bit more goal motivated etano wants to burn as much as he can in Minecraft and cause as much destruction as possible that's his ultimate goal and in doing so he wants to get rid of crack servers because it lessens the workload to achieve that ultimate goal causing as much destruction as possible he says he got bored of griefing crack servers because you can get up and it's super easy to destroy everything with just a few mods so we decided to automate the process instead etanol is a Minecraft griefing purist and prefers the classic manual griefing style which would be a time waste on crack servers where you could do much more damage with mere commands he prefers spending his time manually griefing premium servers and YouTub servers block by block instead but he still has to achieve his ultimate goal meaning crack servers have to be destroyed as well so he's tasked the Bots with that instead so I guess we won't have to worry about the Terminators invading our normal servers for now at least now not everyone is okay with all the griefing and Chaos currently affecting innocent players as such some anti-griefing strategies have been employed the first of which is by developer named Matt Matt created a server scanner called Matt scan which looks for vulnerable servers and joins them leaving an automated message in the game chat letting the server's players and admins know that the server is vulnerable and telling them to enable wh list or to turn on online mode his website also provides further information about how to secure a server and this has worked you can see there are many server owners who have posted in the admincraft subreddit about a user called Matt joining their server it is helping to raise awareness furthermore players have also set up what's known as Honeypot servers fake server traps designed to catch malicious server scanners and report them as well as making griefing Harder by filling up server scanner databases with junk basically these are fake servers that can only really be discovered by server scanners that fill up server scanner databases as well as log the usernames and IPS of server scanners to report them to the bot host in order to try to get them shut down to counteract these server scanners have also made honey pot filters so their databases don't get full of fake servers some of these honeypots get pings from server scanners every few minutes also demonstrating just how many server scanners there are out there in public and in private but beyond that there's really nothing the anti-g Griefers can do Griefers can run rampant on unknowing servers without anything to stop them and who knows the extent to which griefing will evolve in the near future if you enjoyed this video please consider checking out my patreon where you can get access to uncensored videos of mine well downloads and plugins from past videos access to 49 of my old videos from 2014 as well as much much more check it out here be sure to subscribe thank you all so much for watching
Channel: TheMisterEpic
Views: 229,436
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TheMisterEpic, themisterepic, minecraft, minecraft server, minecraft smp, minecraft griefing, minecraft griefing servers, minecraft duping, minecraft crashing pay-to-win servers, minecraft server scanning, server scanning, minecraft server scanner, minecraft scanning for servers, minecraft griefing bots, minecraft the fifth column, minecraft jeb griefed, minecraft server griefers, team avolition, team avo, minecraft destroying servers, minecraft destroying pay-to-win servers, 1.21
Id: K1L6CKbxgn0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 16sec (976 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2024
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