Duping for 3 HOURS STRAIGHT on Minecrafts Biggest Pay-to-Win Cracked Server...

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cracked servers are an entire different world of Minecraft these servers either get thousands of players daily have some of the most incompetent staff I've ever seen or contain some of the strangest Minecraft players out there one of if not the biggest crack server in the world p network happens to check all three of those boxes regularly seeing over 3,000 players online daily the biggest server we will have duped on yet and the story of how we duped hundreds of shulkers with items worth $4,700 each as well as billions of in-game money is unlike any other from betrayal to duping right within mere blocks of the mods to an almost major disaster to bugs to some crazy luck to my Spanish alter ego and a whole lot of worship and there hasn't been an anti-p video on it done like ever it's really elusive so I was pretty hyped up for this right this is the dude who found the dupe look what he DMS me this morning this was the guy who found the p network dupe he reported the D but the dup's still not patched cuz the owner's offline so what I'm doing is we're going to dupe we're going to distribute and we're going to blame it on him he's going to get have done all that for nothing yes you can only dup seven shulker boxes at a time if you dup more than seven there is so much data in the shulker boxes that your game will crash all right so just a bunch of Max oh two SE netherite blocks oh oh These cost money the claim blocks in the play shop right yeah those are super expensive oh yeah so this is actually like kind of like a real money dup as well cuz this stuff is like cost real money yeah but check out these Safari Nets oh what the hell it just spawns a Wither I summoned all 16 of them by the way what are they shooting they're shooting a parrot they can't kill it though put them all in here then put them all in right don't do that don't do that that'll break it right okay right click it no I just can't open the chest anymore so this dupe is interesting I've never seen seen one like it before because the shulkers have an insane amount of NBT data in them we can only dup and hold seven at a time and additionally we can't move them around our inventories or ender chest too fast otherwise it will lag us out from the server now slowly put them in one good it's it's a little bit quicker than right okay all right now close it Escape now right click it pea network has some unique Vault style Ender Chest system where it's like another chest or vault within the the end the chest now shift right click it now right click the ender chest again then left click the chest take them all out close that and type anything in the chat you can rename your Vault by shift right clicking and it will move the Vault chest into your inventory but if instead of renaming The Vault by typing in chat you reopen the Ender Chest you can still access your Vault and open it all right sweet now you can escape that and it'll still have seven in it for the next time you come back brilliant successful Juke yeah and because renaming The Vault saves the data of the Vault before you took the items out when you rename it it resets the insid of the Vault effectively doubling your items right and now I'm just going to TP the people and drop them okay you want to go from the top level the list I'll go from the bottom of the list so we don't go to the same people oh okay this guy accepted he just Ted me into his base here you go bro take VI what do Vick shout got a Steve skin he's got a chill base let me go back to spawn oh this guy actually accepted me uh there's a developer online apparently Mr Epico is an actual developer coincidentally his name is Mr Epico is he on Survival oh no no that's the sword's name oh my God I was going to say that guy is the owner that we're very scared of oh this this poor Steve skin who's stuck in the nether has accepted my TP I guess I'll give him a little bit of a donation there you go my friend enjoy the shulkers I just gave him seven shulker boxes of things and now he's asking for food please what's very unique about crack servers is that the players are all very innocent and oblivious they let you Tepee right into their BAS face they always act very nice which makes Distributing easier than it would be normally they're so you know what the funny thing is they're so friendly compared to the average SMP player they accept TPS here you go bro you know what you cuz you're so kind take these Sher boxes oh two of these guys accepted my TP at the same time let's see who's going to be lucky enough to get my special Shuler boxes end drip Pro is a nice underground base here end drip Pro is he's he's he's very happy about it I re he's very eager he's anticipating my arrival clearly oh he's put the armor straight on he's elated he's more than happy about it he's elated and because the way this unique dup worked rather than dup and distribute separately as we normally do this dup allowed us to change our approach by duping Distributing then duping and distributing again and so on lowering the likelihood of us being caught he wants to give me something oh my God he's so nice oh this guy's so nice now in general the Pay to Win mechanics on p network are pretty much fine and aren't predatory but like every other server that exist today they do of course have a variety of crates and crate Keys therefore incorporating gambling mechanics on a server predominantly played on by 10 oh wait this is a crack server sorry I mean predominantly played on by 5 to 6 year olds GW sop has been waiting patiently I want to give him his items cuz he offered to give me items now as well dude this guy did you give this guy jup Sher boxes GW sang top uh no I don't think so he's just teleported to me and he's offered to give me a dup Sher box oh shoot then I might have this guy okay this guy's paying it back I'm going to give him even more cuz he's he's just such a friendly guy oh he has a very nice little ocean base oh it's a base above the ocean yeah here go Justin how's it going my friend take these nice Shuler boxes you have a very nice base here I'm going to go to PVP and drop it to a bunch of people cuz you canop why go to PVP and then die with them or something here take one bro you take this you take this you take oh no don't kill him I'm trying to give I'm just trying to spread love and Joy to the World where's this guy go yeah catch one down there bro down there now each Shuler contains a stack of 15,000 claim blocks 960,000 claim blocks in total they also have a stack of player shops for a total of 960 the claim blocks can only be obtained by donating or gambling with crates and in order to get this many you need to buy the top rank which costs $93 38 times costing a total of $3,550 same for the player shops which you need to buy the top rank roughly 13 times for a total of $1,200 then of course there's the other items including the maxed prop 5 God Armor worth $500 million in-game do a piece for 2 billion a set there's a bunch of other rare tools and items in here that I couldn't even find the prices of likely valued at over 10 billion in-game dollars combined so in total one of these shulkers has items that would cost you almost $5,000 to get as well as items worth over 10 billion in-game dollars all up and considering bolop was only in the 10 or hundreds of millions just one of these shulkers alone would utterly decimate the server's economy oh and be sure to subscribe by the way for more duping videos like this in the future no pressure of course take the Sher get the Sher you get that one don't kill me I'm trying to donate you items yeah there you go take that hey hey don't kill me no oh my God this guy bro so many duped Shuler box that Sher is God find of the times plenty to go around plenty to go around come on where's MC Rolando there he is air drop you some air dropping MC Rolando some shulkers down to get them they all jumping down to get them mood can I see the Shuler all right now people starting to Star to recognize what's going on yeah all right guys enough I've I've given these guys so many they still want more talk about greed all right I'm back MC Rando there you go he's been asking for one for a while oh someone else just yed it from him this guy must have the worst connection ever cuz he can't pick them up get it come on yes he got one he got one bro duping he said in the chat n bro no one's ding here no this is just Mr breast please okay now they are all asking for me look a look take that look A look get it quick no get it look a look no don't kill him we had distributed enough now that a few people were beginning to talk about it but our distribution was limited by the fact that only a few people would accept our TPS and even less we at the PVP Zone the only place in spawn where you could drop items however then we discovered something gamechanging you can do SL gift oh slft F oh bro juper you don't even need to like go to them you can just do SL gift and then their username and send them the items what yeah but you know how many you know how quickly you can do this them you can just send it to every single person just at spawn Justin is ahing the armor we've duped and given to him this guy's a hustler only 5K as well what a steal bro MC Orlando keeps messaging me all right this this donator I'm ranta 048 who not kindly accept my TP here you go bro take that there you go take one bro one for you perfect I need gift user semi gift user semi breath Lord those are duped gift us a semi there you go bro enjoy that I'll gift Carlos good guy as well cuz he's just such a good guy oh my God MC Rolando is still begging me for stuff Jesus how much okay gift MC Rolando I expect no more messages after this you got three Shockers enjoy it bro Mr Epico I'm going to give him a gift as well I I'm just in the spirit of gifting right now the developer there you go my friend Mr Epico MC Rolando is like you're the one that only gave me loots like this that is just such a touching message I'm I'm touched to the core from MC Rolando who else going to give to give to dark demon take that bro I'm gifting to Gregory the fool there's a mod on dude there's a mod on killer the mod we gift him gift the mod oh you going to gift him something oh of course I am dude that's a oneway ticket to getting banned instantly Merry Christmas I'm an OG quitting I'm an OG quitting and he's asking me why I said Merry Christmas because it's June oh this guy's trying to frame me what the hell it's a high is Sigma stop trying to frame me bro like who what kind of person voluntarily mods a cracked Minecraft server I don't know an angry one MC Rolando just sent me a bunch of empty Shuler boxes I'm not sure if that's a threat or if he's asking for more shers in a in a different kind of way why would it I don't know it's a FN of empty gray Shuler boxes like all of all colors you got have chosen gray as well he's explicitly telling me to go to the owner so he doesn't even want you to report now he just banned you now the mod's talking about you in public chat he just said a dude really gifted me duped items and said I duped and then said VC me or I won't show you how to do it okay I'm just sending a bunch of gifts I don't even care this this mod is so incompetent that he's never going to catch me he thinks that he thinks that he's banned the dup because you told him that he was trying to dup and that's it I'm going to send this top donator for just try and get some attention the mods literally walking past me as I'm duping hello gaming three oh two of them Ryan B's here as well this guy knows what he wants very nice there you go this guy said no more Sher why you're giving cuz I am nice and quitting the server okay give all okay now he wants some more all right sure buddy wow I convinced this guy oh hang on I'm being exposed he's not going to pick them up this guy refuses to pick them up really I spent another half an hour t porting around two players bases and doing some gifting right while a moderator was online and completely aware that there was a functional Jupe mind you after gifting the mod some duped shers earlier on and offering to show the mod how the jup worked in a Discord call juper was just banned by the mod who then just acted as if everything was fine from there on regardless by this point I had given out at least 100 to 200 Sher boxes and players were aware that something might be a foot mentioning my name in chat yet the mod did nothing continuing to talk in chat with the servers regulars as if it were business as usual it got to the point where some players were just coming up to me and asking me for more duped shers or messaging me begging for more crack servers are truly something else I tell you [Music] oh yeah r one take a gift okay yeah take these three there you go bro all right fine I'll give you two more bro here you go go oh my God they're all asking for it now there you can have another one bro okay some of these guys were seriously greedy though these shers were already worth thousands of dollars and this guy's asking if I can gift him 10 more the hell and then disaster struck while on my like 40th round of duping something went wrong and all my shers just vanished this wasn't just a visual bug either I relogged and they were all gone I panicked but then I had an idea I told Mr greedy pants who wanted 10 more shulkers that he needed to send me one back if he wanted more and he did so with minimal questioning I duped the shulkers back up and realized that if I wanted to do some serious damage I would have to go all out and change my Approach I didn't know if the dup would randomly break again and I couldn't risk losing my shers not only that but the mod logged off finally to do his job it seemed so my time was likely quickly running out I devised a final plan the the ultimate ending to this duping session I asked my contact if they had an Ender Chest promising to hook him up with another nice load of illegal Goods if he could be so kind as to provide me with one he drove a hard bargain but we came to a deal and he gave it to me I then teleported out to the wild to begin my plan I claimed some land set a home placed down some chest and the ender chest and got to work duping this time I was going to d a full double chest worth of shulkers it got laggy with all the data in fact my ping basically stayed at a consistent 1,000 throughout the process but after a few minutes it was done and the stage was set for the final event now this is what I'm talking about immediately I got an influx of TP requests which I accepted as more kept flowing in before I knew it there were five people around me 10 then 15 with more and more TPS as people in the chat began talking about it Ro a starers load again all right this about be the end here the mod came back back online but I didn't care I continued giving away shers and accepting TPS any remaining doubt amongst the players that there was a Jupe was gone it was blatantly obvious now the mod is doing absolutely Z I love that oh it's opening it up oh the mod's gone invisible again he's definitely watching now SC just said his rock hard to the mod 2 minutes later a full chest had been emptied and I got to duping up another stash while I was swarmed by players desperate for more there's so many people here is the mod literally not going to do anything nice builds going on here while the players were awaiting me their savior to dup another double chest up they began building a base around me to protect me from the dangers of the night all right we got we got it it's close enough to another full chest I threw out more and more shulkers to more and more players tens if not hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of player shops and claim blocks as well as trillions of in-game items as more teleports kept flying in all the mods back back online see if he actually does anything this time yet I remained unbanned and before I knew it another double chest of dup shulkers had been distributed to my loyal subjects it is lagging so badly right now round three you bet I got to work on my Divine Craft filling up my third double chest as the player count went up past 100 finally someone said to report me only took 10 years Jesus starting to get bored of duping here must have duped at least 500 Sher Boxes by now this car is going to go and buha base over there I would throw out a Shuler box and my devoted subjects desperate for my vast Treasures would hastily rush over to try to obtain the riches nice Community we're building around here guys got a nice base going a small community had begun forming around me as I shared my wealth with the commoners of the land all right guess we go for round four they're not going to do anything why not that's how it is these days they're really just not going to do anything H this is pretty funny 100 22 people online now I stood above them all like their King giving out my spoilers of war and before I knew it a third double chest of dup Goods had been shared I've been duping for the past 2 and 1/2 hours straight actually no almost 3 hours straight I am quite literally duping and distributing right in front of the whole server's eyes now and nothing is happening a fourth chest of pillaged riches would now be distributed amongst the peasants of my humble territory an astute leader I was was rousing the Flames of passion and desire within my people I don't know how long I'm going to get to keep doing this but I'm actually going to have to leave soon on ironically let me get on my King's Podium over here and drop some more items to all my peasants everyone up here come on up you come there's one here look there you go one over here okay follow me around this way now this way there you go another one there you guys go bang There You Go Follow the Leader everyone follow the leader okay this way first to get on this block there you go someone's going to get that one bang right there bang who's going to get that one first all right let's go back to my little my little duping area over here today would forever go down in the history of my humble Empire as the day God himself set foot on this Mortal plane cleansing the desolate land with wealth of immense quantities the likes of which no other civilization had acquired before I had ascended Beyond myth Hood cementing myself as a Celestial being amongst the oh and there we go finally oh my God it's been over over 3 hours and I've done at least an hour of just duping in that one spot over and over my Alter Ego has just banned myself okay I might have gotten a bit too carried away there Mr Epic slain by Mr Epico for duping a valiant end to the holy Crusade now I had ended up duping for 3 hours by that point handing out potentially thousands of Shuler boxes with millions of dollars of claim blocks and player shops and well into the trillions of in-game items each I highly doubt they rolled anything back and coming back later the economy was decimated with bolop now well in the trillions of dollars with most active survival players awaiting a server reset this dupe was unlike any other I'd done before crack servers are exceptionally unique I'll say that for sure be sure to subscribe for more videos like this I've got more planned and thank you all so much for watching
Channel: TheMisterEpic
Views: 1,483,184
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TheMisterEpic, themisterepic, minecraft, minecraft duping, minecraft dupe, minecraft duping on pay to win servers, minecraft duping on servers, minecraft duplication on servers, salc1, the horizon duping, salc1 duping, minecraft crashing pay to win servers, minecraft destroying p2w servers, minecraft destroying p2w servers with duping, minecraft lagging pay to win server, minecraft duping themisterepic, themisterepic duping, minecraft duping p2w servers, minecraft smp, pikanetwork
Id: FxHC6icoUtM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 22sec (1162 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 22 2023
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