Minecraft Funny Moments: The Minority Cave - Stealing Nogla's Diamonds

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all right welcome back so we decided to start our own little group okay as you know from before this is the minority club all right we had to hire one extra guy Lowe more slowly at the hire Brian was he can teleport people yeah and he knew where our minority the guy we're targeting is also Irish yeah okay so we can't use that backstory well you're a cyborg there's only one of you oh yeah oh yeah there it is there it is boom we're gonna basically build a long underground tunnel that leads to right behind no Ghilas chest should we use all this black bloc of coal and make a black cave why do you want him to be black huh-huh we could be black and yellow why do you want sure what I was thinking is if we go right behind his chest and drill straight a straight [ __ ] line for a while we're gonna start in here from behind no totally into it hey this is where it begins just to put a disclaimer we know that Nova is not actually racist okay no we know that was not racist okay and we're not actually matter him we're just targeting him first everybody's gonna get it this is so classic ov ik no it'll be better hey did you hear PewDiePie stirred minecraft hear that [ __ ] he invented it we heard that basically I do work was minecraft videos like I'm [ __ ] do this [ __ ] to walk up he's a minority he could be a part of this club inspirational music start oh [ __ ] we just reached another cave what are you going you only eat watermelons no I just don't have any chicken taking so long we this going as fast as I [ __ ] can don't see you sweating enough I'm sweating oh no oh it's okay it's okay we have white friends it's fine this is this is a spider cave and a most responder down here that has been broken so and run and a creeper okay so we can get back up here we're good right we're good Brian holy [ __ ] what is this so far this you asked for it you brought me on the Irish we don't [ __ ] about when we do this let me build the white house so what here properly why would you put this right in the middle of the room this is for keeping it simple for now yeah that's not a good use of space back up I can remember the coordinates here and I can teleport us here this is why we have the robot on our team yeah if I do this correctly imagine I die I'll teleport to the corner don't open it don't open it [ __ ] choose a new spot you what are you doing I have to look good why does this why does the room have to be square are all the rooms in your house [ __ ] square because I want a full last cave I'm thinking the Batcave for minorities that's what I'm thinking all right okay fine I'm trying to sleep with this lame ruse you didn't do it for now okay this could be like or like decoy but like there's stuff in here right and then we come like over here and we're like and we like press a button the wall moves and then we got like the actual Batcave oh yeah relax heroes but we steal from our friends whereas haha this is this is gonna be like our office right and then on this wall it's gonna be like a big book show we're gonna make the bookshelf move and then boom the actual minority cape minority Batcave Tommy Jack where's the Lamborghini densha all right this is the big moment right vanishing in the front one every never stop yourself stop you're so mean stop myself WASD [ __ ] boy hood no I didn't know man right boys built us one of those air Pablo Escobar El Chapo underground escape from prison train systems all the way to the punk boys layer right yeah so all I need you guys to do is to hold double tap W and look straight and let the magic happen all right you ready in three two one holy [ __ ] Brian you built this holy [ __ ] yeah we're born in the future yeah all right we should be arriving in destination [ __ ] town any moment now oh here we are and here we this is it yeah yes yeah because if we build the train track too close to them they could hear us okay okay so so for the element to stealth we build here and I want you to drill straight see these this block and this rock go straight look what you see oh my god all right dig from here break the sign and then just drill straight and then where does that put you you going one more yeah keep going one more and then keep going keep going and then keep going keep going I'm pretty confident and then where the [ __ ] are we we're gonna I'm doing this for security in KC checks around the back okay and then I'm sure we're not too low there you go Mike wait that's the wrong oh that's the wrong one that's the wrong one Brian the wrong one box oh my god are you kidding me oh and Oh see it's above us I knew we were too low oh yeah it's oh it's up its up its up there you go see that what is the date sir call out now Tuesday June 25th 2019 remember this day the day that the ultimate group of diplomats and deceased the minority gang what do we called actually the minority the minorities just the minorities just the [ __ ] by [ __ ] with your [ __ ] nothing is safe that's right he's a gentleman vanna's you get the privilege in the honor to steal the first piece of [ __ ] right what are we stealing boys gotta take one diamond you won't even notice 17 right boom I took one look at this look at this boys look look at my hand vanna's made an advancement in bright boy [ __ ] alright we gotta cover that up okay boom all right let's go to of the minority cave [Music] this is taking so [ __ ] long all right boys this is it this is our moment this is our time okay you know what to do this is the big mission this is the big advance mission why the [ __ ] are you holding a stick can you hurry up this is not a stick operation we need some swords and [ __ ] like you guys alright you ready for this you ready for this we're gonna steal novalee [ __ ] he's on the server right now trying to make it in Dorchester only Tommy it's really an RV strike back okay I don't know why I'm Tina minority but okay let's go cuz you're a robot you're a robot all right boys we'll go minority cart on the move okay Marcel yes hey you steal a whole batch of diamonds and I'll steal another whole batch 64 we're in 1864 [ __ ] it we're going all the way man we're taking its [ __ ] way we're doing this for the views okay just remember that okay damn beautiful think that I definitely gotta go facial on that side a hundred percent sure you ready you ready you ready you ready taking a short I'm taking the sword Oh [Music] Beethoven made the achievement diamonds well done Maris oh my god I got blocks I got block burn oh [ __ ] you watching a stream be watching yes he said well done Marcel you made the achievement getting diamonds yeah we're gonna go put in our shot oh yeah okay okay we're good we're good we're good well what if he doesn't notice this yet we need to get a piece of paper that says [ __ ] you [ __ ] Chester dude are we gonna have enough room for all these diamonds yeah [ __ ] rich boys can you see inside the chest yep sixteen diamond boots diamond diamond diamond panties diamond helmet hey diamond shovel and go [ __ ] yourself no glad let's go okay you writing a piece of paper he has a video he's trying to make the chest hurts pounding this is beautiful I'm gonna put the note that says it says we got your [ __ ] [ __ ] hashtag [ __ ] minorities come back Ryan come back Ryan we need to be together for this moment let's make let's make a decoy chest minority time we should put another note in there Brian yeah CH I'm gonna I'm gonna leave a potato in there to the minority squad the minority school oh here it is boys here's the moment what look and quill oh [ __ ] all right [Music] [Laughter] Brian Brian teleport I'm gonna I'm going back to the house I'm gonna ride the boat okay watch the stream you can watch me all scream I'm going up to our secret entrance in the forest bye yeah okay he's downstairs right yeah my aunt I just make sure he doesn't see me watch the stairs most days I'm coming down the stairs [Music] watch me ride the boat behind them [Music] where'd you come from [ __ ] you guys come from I'm gonna ride the boat into the lava yeah yeah I'm lighting them on fire [Laughter] screens on fire how do you rid of that wait he's making he's making a locator map we need to get out of minority cave let's go if we get close to the house he will see us so from looking at that map we should actually keep going away from the house I feel like someone who's empty-handed should go I am empty-handed I think you should go you should drop him a note if we have one here here's a book and quill so we're donating your diamonds to Louie Android I'm gonna go to the house and save my dog I have to save my dog he's gonna kill my dog oh my god rescue mission Marcel you should be the one you should be the one to sacrifice because you have nothing and you should deliver the note he shot me okay so look let's see what this week we're donating your diamond minorities where are you you find the cave fan the cave what do you mean you found the cave how [ __ ] Marcel Marcel what what you found the [ __ ] cave I think we're gonna have to abandon the cave Marcel we're gonna have to bend in it and we're gonna have to keep digging this way yo yo yo yo can I can I block off the Train can i we start breaking the train tracks okay yeah yeah he's trying to break through he's trying to break through trying to break yeah what about our diamonds we take that [ __ ] with us when we got to do it now where are we where are we taking it where we putting it this is like a remover [ __ ] going to a new place came together move that we're leaving bring to bed okay [ __ ] get your bed get your [ __ ] bag let's block the thing behind us block the thing behind us do did you block it off you broke it off yes I blocked it off grab the [ __ ] okay grab your [ __ ] baby shake baby shake baby shake every [ __ ] keep walking keep walking keep walking we should make one of those things we should make one of those those chests Brian oh yeah there's no chest you put it in here right now yeah yeah yeah yeah you found the real cave we're so far though from their burning our chests out see good [ __ ] move that was holy oh my god [ __ ] you guys did you see that the potato you know what you know what I could do is I can make a train system quickly that leads to a pit of lava so you know fully still expected this [ __ ] probably yeah we have like a little balcony I I've hidden the deadfall I put more rails in front of the fall so it looks like you continue straight on [Music] amazing dude right Brian come down here are you down here right before the drop look welcome my name is Brian the [ __ ] Terrorizer with another trap for you today welcome to episode number one we are gonna be making a trap of lava and minecarts in Minecraft we're gonna be waiting for our friend to be alert which is Tommy Genovia who we [ __ ] with all episode hope you've enjoyed so far and then we get him into one of these cards I shall run through the door hopefully been being chased by mr. no gas I hopefully will run through the store while steamed you know chips by mr. Noga I get into one of two they shall be another cart here and I shall try and run [ __ ] [ __ ] I shall get into the minecart and go down here you don't get out in ogla mister no glass shall be following like this and then he will read the scientists as minorities win and look down into a pit of laughs yeah it's going to where minorities meeting [ __ ] this looks so [ __ ] suspicious he's not [ __ ] I will get something get rid of some of my [ __ ] torches that I waited a long time for this show me - you're so close - yet Marcel if you're crouched you can't fall off I could just push you in there I swear to God if you push me here this isn't the time this is the moment it's finally gonna happen after all this time Oh she'd hit me with an arrow he's chasing it is chasing me good good good listen it'll give us the play-by-play I don't know I'm terrified to look around he's chasing me boys he's chasing me you're gonna have to have enough time to go in and start it which takes a long [ __ ] time you might have to die in the car no I'm gonna be in creative mode and so I won't die come here help me where are you I what is he doing he's trying to blow it up stay in the balcony ok ok ok what are you doing stay in the back [Applause] you totally didn't cheat or anything so you're floating no no remember me minorities we win this is our day all right guys it's been a good run but a good run but we're being good people and we give it back areas here look here he is here can't stand to the side I'm gonna drop his [ __ ] in here I'm gonna drop some stuff shoot me cuz he's scared we just [ __ ] with him for three hours I'm putting more love you sub to vanossgaming though what the hell accident let me see this [ __ ] there's no way he did it again he lost all the stuff he was holding we did all of that gave it all back and he killed are you joking me how did he forget oh my god well the trap worked not the way we were planning to but the trap didn't work at all in the way it was built to it still work he just proved that we were completely wrong - no matter what we did no girl would have killed himself you want to go build a dick in creative [ __ ] yeah Marcel Marcel I want to show you some um I have a message behind you behind this block right there yeah [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: VanossGaming
Views: 15,622,025
Rating: 4.9385066 out of 5
Keywords: Vanoss, Vanossgaming, Terroriser, BasicallyIdowrk, Nogla, Lui Calire, Minecraft, Prank'd, Diamonds, heist, steal, stole, cart, lava, pit, chase, stream, blocks
Id: NBodD2XpT1I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 35sec (1235 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 04 2019
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