Minecraft Funny Moments - Pillager Revenge Raid!

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tell us when you're joining joining all right listen up men we are gathered here around the magic cube in front of Homer to go on a very specific mission where we go do things with with blocks you've no [ __ ] idea wait it to you literally like three times what are we doing we're gonna go attack the pillagers okay go attack the pillagers which is going to piss him off which is going to piss him off and we'll get a bad omen symbol on our hand roll bet we'll get a bad open omen when we get the bad omen we go to a village focus the Holman of pillagers will get the revenge they'll raid us and they'll send wave after what is a Holman after wave of bad monster enemies what what are almonds dude that sounds like some sort of cereal all right the definition of ailment an event regard regarded as a pork portent or evil a portent the Fox important look up that word a prophetic significance the Ravens seemed a bird of evil omen what the [ __ ] Google Bryan asked Google hey Google what does a bad omen mean rains on your wedding day but the humans generally get a bad rap that's probably because a lot of purple dicks bad stuff at least according to superstition to find out more look for the link in Google or Google assistant at her saying that oh she's gonna say some [ __ ] about black people and I got [Laughter] secondly I was like I'm [ __ ] alright so now that we know exactly what we're doing it's time to suit up to the owl tree [Music] I didn't mean to send that back oh [ __ ] I'm going back on Ryan no I'm sorry oh [ __ ] sakes come on go for oshit Ryan [Laughter] you guys don't I can teleport you like before you all right we made it this is my this is my home very cool your bed blend is a first business I [ __ ] hate it so that's just me what do you mean what do you hate it I hate I hate this whole experience the entire thing your your front door has a flaw you didn't use it properly you're supposed to go down with a boat okay you should know this yeah yeah so we're here okay it's time to tell me gear up okay I figured we got out we got to play real today ain't no one touching this guy the crowd can't even call him the armadillo you want to go as you could see I am indestructible [Music] [Laughter] his body's loaded right right all right listen up boys no time [ __ ] around okay no time to [ __ ] around yes we've been spilling our blood sweat tears the last 30 minutes trying to get up this damn tree we [ __ ] made it to the top you know what that means that means it's time to suit up I'm sorry where's my [ __ ] Irish shield I gave it to you I have nothing nothing in my life anymore yes yes really ready let's do it Brian are you ready let me get it yeah oh I need to wake up yeah okay here we go let's go back oh my god now we're where we started 45 minutes ago yeah okay what are we doing we're gonna piss them off follow me I know where they are they're over here there it is boys remember why you think we attacked this the first [ __ ] taxes pillager temple thingy the first day we were on the server but they didn't leave they didn't forget looks pretty vacant look Renee come on boys there we go I'm gonna kill him again attack yeah just let me gonna do it to the real pissed off hey you remember me your memory yeah look at my armor now [ __ ] yeah you wanna go home well I mean behind us thinking about it here's the Grand Poobah take him out ride shield strategy Oh get behind me letting him out I'm supposed to kill him no he took that villager and he blew him to the ground he wants blood lucky look he's gonna wanna back up or look at that gangster walk look at that look at that here's another one I'm sending him your way buddy BAM Lucky's coming for just collaborative dude this guy's the best one boys I got this one I got this ha I got everyone stand back here he comes he's coming let's go [ __ ] yeah let me trap GM and you hold him off till Michael come on come up come at me [ __ ] they're pretty pissed off now now now we go to a village and a raid will happen follow me village is this way the rain the horns guys you guys gotta get here oh here we go oh here there Oleg this is the first wait let's go get out of here we did it let's go let's go let's go [Applause] well let me kill this guy with style [ __ ] can I buy you dead sorry everybody I was trying to end it with style come on come on me more mugger come at me come on let's go I started really far right in the hell is that thing dad oh boy this is a big boy he's stuck in the tree huh stupid ass he's stuck in the [ __ ] tree he's out of the tree oh [ __ ] Paul you know yeah [ __ ] come on kill him kill him I got it come on hurry to the village holy [ __ ] it's Criss Angel Oh Lord fairies ow he dropped another totem I want that oh I got it guys kill those [ __ ] this so strong hero the village we saved the village oh yeah look at the condition it's perfectly saved it was all me there's just blood all around kill that [ __ ] we got to test out this totem of undying I heard of give he's like [ __ ] immortal powers alright boys I see you down there I don't I barely could see you don't see me I trust that you're there I got this totem of undying up here and I'm pretty confident it means I cannot die and I'm in fact immortal yes I'm gonna jump off this [ __ ] tree land right on to Homer and I should come out completely unscathed so here we go he's falling drop dead oh [ __ ] he dropped in you pieces let's see you do it then alright this is for science it apparently it makes you invincible so we are putting it to the test do you guys want to buy some tickets alright welcome to the TNT stand I will take to TNTP Oh looks like we're all out looks like we actually used all of them you just offered the white dude TNT if I can I have TNT you know what it's because we're racist okay we're close by oh [ __ ] I can still see you in there alright ready alright is for science you guys ready yeah are you guys really red day yeah are you guys sure [ __ ] yeah just go okay okay okay I'm go Bray do one go will he live I think I survived for a second there's a split second there where I was immortal immortal Wow what a greater the hell of a test alright um you want to break down what happened there basically so the way that thing works is it prevents you from taking lethal damage one time so the first TNT exploded dealing you lethal damage which you prevented with your totem and then after that there were about 17 other nuclear explosions that did lethal damage when you have fun no no I think I think I dropped it by oxen I think we got to try it again okay I see um he's fine here he comes what a muhfucka relax when I lose all my levels twice today what's he he tried to break the tracks so that we would fall to our death but he fell to his MA how ironic brand [Music] where does your convoy dishwasher [Music] but notice how cheaper that's how I stay I see [Music]
Channel: VanossGaming
Views: 5,285,603
Rating: 4.9469881 out of 5
Keywords: Vanoss, Vanossgaming, Terroriser, Moo Snuckel, Wildcat, BasicallyIdowrk, Silly, Funny, Pillager, Raid, boss, pyramid, cart, fail, rage, prank'd, Minecraft
Id: XuTwoeqt1Uw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 49sec (769 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 24 2019
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