Minecraft Deathswap, But we have One Heart...

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in today's video zip and i will be playing minecraft death swap but every single time we swap we lose a heart both of us do and the goal here is to try and kill one another best of three points wins and obviously the further the game goes the harder it's gonna get because we're gonna be going down hearts as we go if you do enjoy today's video make sure to subscribe turn on the notifications and if you haven't already go check out all the social medias linked down in the description anyways that's all we got so let's hop into it well hello hi how are you pretty good you got you got your eye on something uh your glasses right now oh my eyes are also on my glasses but i mean i got my eye on something okay understandable we're gonna hurt ourselves too much before we start yeah the question is is how low are we gonna get well you see every single time we swap we have one less heart available pen hearts nine hearts eight hearts all the way down to one and then hopefully it doesn't kill us or that might be a problem that well um i guess that's one way to find out though right there's only one way to find out and begin oh i i saw the thing i saw the thing i'm going first we both see the smoke i've seen the smoke of the chimney chimney smoke oh really amazing sir ow there's a bush that hurts well why don't you stop stepping in it well i did oh no is there a blacksmith i don't think so he says while he's looting a chest no i don't worry i got nothing good out of the chest i guarantee you i had to go look there's nothing in the chest you're right that's probably because you took everything out of it not because there wasn't anything in it i don't know what you're talking about can you like stop this is the worst village ever it really is there's not much great stuff here i have to be honest with you except for this this is pretty good you got obsidian oh god good start good start boys good start i don't know that's what i call a good start i'm going to be honest with you there's like no food in this village huh not much i already took it all see i have i have some some things i want to do but they're kind of situational ah you see i see as well with my eyes that's good see like what sucks about this sometimes that you need to be oh god it's situational yeah yeah it's a lot of just quick thinking to be able to set up the traps in time so i'm just using this as a bit of a bit of a prep a bit of a little bit of a crap oh oh okay all right cool do you like that just in a pond oh there's a llama hey llama oh we lost the heart oh yeah yeah we're at nine hearts now totally glossed over the fact now now that we're on nine hearts so that's gonna go down and down and down until one of us dies it's supposed to stop at one heart so that's what we're gonna roll with at one heart that's when things get very interesting but that would require a lot of swaps to get there and a lot of failed traps but hey we're all about failure in here is that the spirit i don't know if that's the spirit i don't know well this could be problematic uh what's going on uh what's what's happening not enough actually nothing really not enough such a shame all righty yes let's go don't worry you're gonna make a stick axe stick ax the classic the classic peas what do you mean put on these your armor or something yeah of course this man's got armor already i've had armor what do you mean i really need to hurry actually holy crap you got your trap set up totally oh you got some iron ooh i haven't recalled you getting iron yet maybe it's because i got it really early you're right maybe you got it out of the village and i just didn't see it potentially that might have been the case oh you have a lava bucket no of course not that's just your eyes playing tricks on you that doesn't sound good oh my gosh i am fluffing so hard and go oh oh no you died so fast holy what i literally i placed that i came up with that at two seconds i placed water down and it placed it away because you had it open around me my heart is instantly beating so fast holy crap you got me really good instantly good lord oh my god i mean lava kills in like three ticks when you don't have full health oh yeah these were eight hearts now yeah yeah like i was like insta dead it was crazy round two hey look that swap began let's go oh my god i'm looking for a thing what's the thing looking for a thing okay holy cow there's a lot of cows here i see what you did there yeah i know what i'm gonna do that's good your jokes are so wooden yep okay you get it because there's because because there's doors i get it this is a funny thing because i'm a door too this is a good one oh let's go i would like to see you try to kill me now wow that might be the biggest iron vein i've ever seen there's just one iron in it yep just one iron really mind blowing nice holy crap oh my gosh i'm gonna die to a freaking spider so he's in a cave we got him boys good lord i'm done three hearts what do you mean he's in a cave you put me in a cave oh yeah the cape is tiny what do you mean though that cave went down far what are you really yes all right i mean i had to dig to it but still it went down far wire hard way where hardware a hard way with the easy way or the hard way do you know the way i do not know the way no one's heard that in a year 2020 to squash it out of existence i accidentally left some stuff in my furnace i gotta go find it i did the same thing man dude wow wait i didn't put coal in the oh my gosh i just left this in here and it didn't cook i'm sad oh my gosh zombies dude i need my health yeah you might want to start gearing that back up you're going to need it yeah yeah no kidding especially for what i have lined up for you it's going to die on the first swap every time need that oh creep i wish this isn't what i just did oh no no oh holy crap there's so much lava in there dude it was a double ravine i almost like scooped my way down through the lava that's kind of cool all right we've both gotten lava kills now we gotta get more creative you know what the best surprises are the ones where you start the death swap instantly yeah i can't relate why i don't know all right i'm gonna lean back in my chair and just just wait all right cool sick cool let's go he got baited i knew he'd do that he's fallen for his trap card ooh this man already has stone yeah stone pickaxe we out here we're making moves now i gotta massacre some chickens and you'll be fine oh dude oh i like this i like this oh very nice very nice very nice indeed i see a thing oh gosh he's like a room portal i bet you oh that would be cool because he smells bad that's just rude it's very uncalled for honestly i grabbed this that's this is big this is big plays right here he probably just picked up the stupidest thing ever there we go big plays big plays he's gonna like trap me in a wool and be like i broke your bed like it's bed wars oh that's a good idea i'm gonna do that next just keep swinging just keep swinging just keep swinging swinging swinging what do we do holy crap can it please die thank you oh he's in a village and he he killed an iron golem yep he's figured it out he's cracked the code so he has iron now but also so do i so i probably have more iron than you to be honest most likely i kind of want to just do this for memes did you punch it because he's mad but he's not mad at me yeah i punched it watch it chase me across the whole world how do you have a thing here what's the point of this i have no idea what you're talking about you've just like randomly gone into a water pit in a cave well maybe i got materials down there ain't helpful though not to you i scooped it all sick the good thing is i don't really have to worry about food yeah see that was the thing i do yeah i mean i'm i'm set oh boy okay i'll die with my stack of bread no big deal did i not grab coal oh my gosh i'm mining some right now nice i'm gonna grab some as well so we're already down a heart and we're already halfway out of time already yep holy crap that's just how it goes in this industry i'm gonna try something weird but we'll see how it goes oh my gosh this gets a lot more intense when you only have eight hearts throw strap pro strap here we go i hope this works the way i want it to dang it oh oh my god what i'm so confused were you dying when you spawned in or no nope ah okay i was hoping it would spawn you in standing up oh weird yeah okay wait what the heck oh whoa yeah so i was hoping you'd just be like suffocating inside of the wall that is interesting that's interesting okay well now what the heck do i do with this area okay i think i have an idea holy sheep they're like reading the bible there's so many sheep here oh i've actually been sitting on that one since i talked about the holy cows proud of you oh my god the hearts dude we're down what three hearts now that makes a pretty valiant difference ooh that's kind of scary it's actually terrifying dude there's so many mobs gosh i almost just died i'm gonna die up out up out here on the floor because of our hearts this is going so fast yeah it is like we have like no time to set up anything i can't do anything in time this might work dang it oh my god oh boy oh oh my god oh my god no let's see if he survives it with little hearts no oh oh i only placed like 10 gravel i was like hopefully the hearts will will be enough well we only have like six now holy crap how many did you mine through or do you have a shovel or no i i know i broke my shovel like a few minutes ago oh okay whoo two one baby let's go so now we have we're gonna have six hearts after this swap yeah we're gonna start with six hearts we're gonna start with six hearts just to make it a little bit more intense oh god anything could happen now yeah that's true who knows you know i mean you said who knows and then asked me if i knew i'm not the one who knows because if i was the one who knows then you would say zyfno is not who knows okay come here dolphins i'm going away both go to him dang it oh i have four oh i have four dolphins they all went to you oh my gosh oh that was oh my gosh let's uh do oh that's not good all right doing okay i have to admit yeah you gotta ruin portal huh i don't know maybe i mean i can see it you can just say yes oh yeah sure whatever you say just realize i didn't grab enough wood for what i'm trying to do that's unfortunate i found a donkey donkey donkey donkey ready to swap uh no not really swap oh thank you no problem appreciate it glad i could help oh cool there's cool right here are you kidding me hey not even a block away from where you were it was in the corner i was looking for nicole oh my gosh i almost just died how i fell down three blocks and almost died are there any caves in this game like what the heck i have no idea looks very good very promising very promising oh wow that's could be a problem i'm just ready for one of us to just die when it's not even a swap i mean that's never happened before i i feel like this would be the right challenge for it to happen especially as it gets lower and lower each time oh you're killing monsters big man i see ya pretty much [Music] holy crap i forgot about that don't mind me just almost dead oh no i'm dead i'm just dead oh no i'm not what the heck is this oh well i'm really glad whatever you did did not work because you didn't get set up i did not get a water bucket i just had an empty bucket i think this is the this is like one of the farthest we've survived so far well we have four hearts left and it's night time yeah i mean what could possibly go wrong my god i just made a flintax having a rough day i'm just so focused on getting gear i can't i don't have time well i have the same amount of time as you you just keep spotting me like near nice caves i know oh no i actually don't have a crafting table oh no that's terrible i literally need one item that's so common that i can't find and i haven't been able to find it in four death swap partitions oh oh it's nighttime it's night time oh no no no [Music] yeah it's a lot scarier huh oh god holy crap three hearts we're on three hearts now oh my gosh oh lava should have blocked that yeah probably oh my god i'm up on the surface yeah that's that's where i was that's how the game works oh my gosh oh my gosh hey i want to try something i'm curious if this works or not oh my gosh are you okay oh no like you're having a bad time it gets rough when you have three hearts yeah that's why i focused all of my rounds on just gathering gear oh look decent luck for once yay not what i need but what i'll take are you oh i was gonna say what i thought something glitched out for me what we might have another swap where i don't do anything or you're trying to get me to put my guard down and you're really gonna get me here i have a really dumb idea yeah it's probably gonna work end up with my own death oh god i don't know i'm just really hoping there's at least one at least one like i don't know what that means yeah that works for me only 12 seconds left oh man please let there be one just at least one oh no is there one there please tell me there's one there oh is there one there please oh he's not doing guardian please oh no he didn't die did you get away all right i'm good holy crap oh man i was trying to be creative with it i was like i'll drop you into a temple but i don't want to give myself mining fatigue did they give you mining fatigue oh you suck it did oh my gosh it's a cool village i don't oh god i almost just fell and died holy crap yeah two hearts man you don't got much you can do dude i just had to like panic mlg from like three blocks probably i thought it'd be so comedic if you fell off like a ten block tells howard and died dude if that would have been how i kill like i dropped you from so high in the sky as well i have a dumb idea dumb ideas always proved to be the best executions is that what that means i don't know that's what i heard this should be a very interesting uh swap yeah i have a really stupid idea but this could actually work i just mining fatigue is so annoying i can't like do anything with it oh yeah that's right oh my god i just i didn't even think about that you suck either way i'm curious to see what happens oh god i one of us will definitely die one of us will definitely die i mean look at the hearts it's just who dies first is what matters really yeah i'm gonna laugh so hard if this actually works oh god 15 seconds oh god get your motors ready oh my god let's go oh god the guardians now [Applause] there's so many of them holy crap oh no i'm gonna drown i'm gonna try on the front oh oh my god i was around oh my god oh my god i lift i lift why did i not have a water bucket out oh my god i wasn't sure if you'd die from the fall damage i was like i'll just put a campfire down there so he'll burn to death from the campfire well can you extinguish them yeah you can but the the way you water bucket on them is really weird so i also put some string in the tube so it'd mess up where your water bucket went i didn't even have it out i i don't know why i assumed you were just gonna have like a water bucket so i think you would have died regardless though because you would have had a water bucket twice um and at that point i think he would have already died yeah probably but holy crap that guardian thing was very close okay well first there was too many trees and now there's too little i got no tree i need no trees you don't need no trees that's kind of impressive i need no trees okay i see a tree way off there but that's so far away freeze overrated overrated trees are facts all right well a minute and a half in and i'm just starting to get wood i'm finding my first tree right now me too we're really good at this game i swear we're so good we're so good actually professionals this is literally our job but yet we can't find a tree i have realized there is no food in the desert uh are you still in the desert you like get a desert tree or something well i ran outside grabbed the tree on a little island and then went back to the desert oh gosh oh hey hey row row row your boat gently down the stream merrily merrily merril yeah i got food on the land sucker rabbit come here i'm never gonna catch this thing without sprint oh never mind oh we didn't even drop anything i just killed him for no reason wow and you said i was a murderer and i actually got food from mine i literally hear you at least we know what we're teleporting into hey hey gotta go i'm out of here i just hop in the boat and become the driver when we swap that'd be so weird all right i think you're really gonna like this i teleported i always started suffocating okay i'm good i know it was like two blocks i teleported to you right back where you came from oh wow okay i don't even have enough wood for a boat wow this sucks well there's a forest nearby you just gotta open your eyes my eyes are very open have you seen my eyes so i actually have a lot of stuff prepared i haven't been able to use one yet i didn't prepare anything i know that's so far i'm just kind of improvising on the spot oh doink wow this is painfully slow i thought this would be slightly faster than what it is oh my gosh no sprint in an ocean holy crap oh wow you still don't have food no i've been in the desert the whole time and he teleported me still into the desert wait there's an ocean kill the fish stupid oh my gosh oh my god i'm about to die no not like this please like this no no no i'm literally gonna die before the swap well you only got 20 seconds you'll be fine god i'm literally about to pass away oh god i should not please don't please don't please don't please don't oh also i spawn you out in the middle of an island you suck if i go over there i'm going to die are you out of food dude yes oh god please no trident zombies please no tried and drowned oh god oh god oh god oh god that could be good what if i drown i might drown oh no is that even worth it go go go go okay i'm gonna eat this i love this okay okay i'm feeling much better about my scenario oh wait oh that's big oh let's go holy crap what on one item okay oh yeah i was a little concerned there's no holy crap there's a lot of mobs here oh you really are in the ocean oh god he's pissed he's pissed why'd i hit him why is the baby zombie on fire why is he on fire go away go away go away i don't want to be on fire well i'm glad to be on land holy oh oh my god i'm drowning oh you almost just die no but never do that i'm talking about holy crap oh dang it holy what you're a maniac what happened i mlg'd and i didn't pick it up straight away so it pushed the tnt slightly away where did you spawn on top of the sand or next to next to it i don't know how you did that interesting okay what on earth was that i had to be engineering i don't know i mean it was clever gave me a freaking heart attack right after you were drowning too yeah i wasn't even full health yet see i have no idea what you're doing yeah but you have no idea what i'm doing i'm trying something i'm not sure how it'll go oh my god okay only five hearts left on the scale yeah i've noticed that oh no no no no what the heck i got him i accidentally placed my water no oh my god did the sand fall from underneath you yeah i placed my water at my trap because i went down too early and started drowning so i was spam placing the water bucket so i didn't have a water on me i think i could have lived but that was clever i didn't really know what was going on i don't like were you like all up in the sand yeah i was inside of the pillar i don't even understand what really happened i just every like both times there was just explosions yeah that does make sense no it doesn't but all right three hearts this time score two three could anything happen and there's trees this time yay yeah trees trees trees are the best don't have to wander around without items for 75 years this time i mean that's always a good thing there's stone in this biome right i mean that is kind of the biome so i know but i have gone down like well you were in the top of a mountain when you started mining right you're right i well i i went down the mountain a little bit yeah but it's still a plateau true there's one thing that would be hilarious i don't think it would kill you but it would scare the crap out of you it'd be funny oh wait i could just oh this is smart yeah i'm gonna do this night time is not gonna be forgiving yeah i'm not looking forward to night time oh my god i have a really dumb idea but i think it might work oh my god this is terrifying i have a big brain idea not yet but in the future you have it but you don't have it i have an idea i can try in the future it just requires some things okay i got a few of those [Music] why did you block up behind you i was trying to get you lost in the lost in the mountain it's like in a random thing of clay i wanted i wanted to get you lost in the mountain oh my god i thought you said you're into something that scared me i got scared i didn't even have any of the items for it i just thought it'd be funny i didn't even find what i was looking for oh god we have two hearts true this is a good point this is a great point how do you have iron bruh this is gonna be bad holy moly okay i don't know if it's a good idea to go in that i need to go and gather some resources dumb idea time i am not gonna have anything set up for you that's a bluff i know it oh i'm probably dead all right all right all right oh oh we got him i was so close i was so close did you almost catch the water no did you see what you were landing on yeah lily pads yeah can you place water and lily pads i think you can but it places it above so your best chance of surviving yeah i i just didn't play i just don't think i placed it in time oh god so it's like the opposite of what your reaction would be so i was like okay if he has to break it it might work and that's what i spent the whole first round i gathered at all of the lily pads the first round i had like literally wood tools if i had one more minute i would have had a great trap that was my backup plan and it worked let's go you
Channel: Zyph & Target
Views: 121,002
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, Minecraft Death Swap, Deathswap, manhunt, speedrunner vs hunter, Speedrunner vs 3 hunters, minecraft but challenge, minecraft challenge, beating minecraft, four hunters, 4 hunters, zyph, target3dgaming, dream, minecraft manhunt, minecraft manhunt but, speedrun, speedrunner, scaffold manhunt, 30 hunters, End Manhunt, wisp, silver, Minecraft Deathswap But we have One Heart..., Minecraft Deathswap But we have CREATIVE Mode..., god bridge, Minecraft Deathswap but, CREATIVE MODE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 21sec (1701 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 14 2021
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