Minecraft Creative but in Gorilla Tag

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this is Minecraft putting girl take and I grabbed four YouTubers and made them compete in three build challenges for a hundred dollars each round has a 30 minute time limit and the first build was little as you know that I'm actually the goat that picks a lot I think is where do I put it all right so Majora took me like an hour to set this whole thing up but you're welcome and I'm gonna do it just for you okay so for the pixel art challenge Majora I'm going to be doing early on the contestants were hard at work plotting their builds you already know what I'm gonna do but you already know so do I build up from there and then just make the face let me see how this is looking I mean it doesn't really look gorilla tag though you know when you look at it it's a real work of art and the results were already starting to look pretty good for some people at least this is looking awful right now another finger there oh that looks perfect what the hell it's dark bro sunset don't know and now I need a black outline how is that that look okay okay let's look looking a bit better now [Music] oh oh my God God that almost made me flung at the map as the time was catching up people were starting to finish their bills oh my day oh it's perfect I don't know how to make pixel art none of us know how to make pixel art all right I think this is pretty good actually a perfect fingerprint badge Majora if you don't really use 10 out of 10 then I'ma find where you live and trust me you don't want that to happen the drawer was 23 minutes I made you as a pixel art each bill will be rated by a group of judges and the winner will get revealed at the end of the video the next Build Challenge is to make a house so remember when you used to play Minecraft and you'd build these stupid asses but out of the richest materials well that's what we're doing today all right so this is where I'm gonna be doing my next spot should be good I'm just building the barrier around the house so I can use all of this furniture and stuff perfect okay so this is not a house I'm trying my best okay I'm gonna start again all right guys this is how the house looking so far I think it's coming together you know we've got a little swing here with the Rope everyone got their houses done pretty quickly and mostly focus on decorations before you get a call ghost it's whatever no wait yeah I'm already starting to like this house a lot man so is there a door there are no doors I'm looking for the old Minecraft and storage for you I think I'm making it ugly [Music] okay hold up it's looking real good just made the Herobrine shine why are you spawning hair back what would I do if I won the money probably refund it to make a video for my subscribers or maybe I should buy Plumbing simulator that is another portal okay but a gorilla tag nether portal I could fit in there okay it's because I'm a gorilla tiger and everyone was starting to wrap up their houses okay I think I'm done with my house voila I'm done with the house all right so this is the tour quickly so we have nice little architecture as you can see and then over here get a nice little Minecraft bed you get up the ramp onto this part and then we've got a little tiger and we can just run the zipline you know what I think that's a good house I like the house honestly I wouldn't change it we got everything here Minecraft treehouse Farm you saw there the master house this is your normal casual star to home right around here you got another portal a Herobrine Shrine hey bows Soul Sand this one in the river and Below Stone don't forget to let me know down in the comments who you think had the best build and for the final challenge I wanted to use the beach map to full effect the final build that I'm doing is a boat obviously I'm gonna be going into the beach map because there's actually water there and I think I'll be able to get the best build you see this boat right here we're just gonna copy and paste it it's been making the Minecraft Mugsy kind of missed the memo there what I'm thinking is building my boat right here it's flat it's nice and I think it should be a great place to build it it's floating which is a good sign I guess man oh my God [Music] no no no no no no no no no no no oh damn it [Music] I mean it looks more like a house right now if I'm being honest as I was winding down the ship ideas were really creative it's my pirate ship flag thing there's an underground storage place so we got the furnaces that's my boat I think it's perfect I'm gonna bring the fan like edit a woman there but it's perfect now I'm going to bed good night so follow me follow me we've got a little nice walkway with Glowstone you've also got some nice Greenery Plantation right over here this is the steering wheel oh I can see with my headlights perfect oh let me just cook up some food really quick oh yummy and that's my boat and after getting the votes from Ted judges I called the winner all right so I'm calling to let you know that you have won wait actually yeah okay I won once subscribe and I'll see you all in the next
Channel: Majora
Views: 13,809
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MajoraMZC, Virtual Reality, gorilla tag, majora gorilla tag, gorilla tag vr, gorilla tag update, jmancurly, oculus quest 2, virtual reality, finger painter gorilla tag, Minecraft Creative but in Gorilla Tag, GTAG Minecraft Mod, Minecraft Mod gorilla tag, Minecraft Mod, AussieVR, SmileSmells, OwenGTAG, MugsyVR, Majora Finger Painter, gtag mod
Id: xPk0Uki5sLU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 29sec (329 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 23 2023
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