I made a Gorilla Tag Movie in 24 Hours

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I had 24 hours to write edit and direct a gorilla Tech movie I wrote a rough outline of the plot in a notepad inspired by Back to the Future was one of my favorite movies of all time I thought it'd be really interesting to fight a ghost while going back in time to different versions of a gorilla tag I knew that the movie needed to be short and not too complicated it was really important that I got most of the movie done when I had access to the actors I chose with the cast I wanted to get everything done on the first go as I don't know if I'd had the opportunity to get everyone back for another recording so I asked my Discord and a couple of close friends if they wanted to be in the video and they said yes so we set up for eight o'clock combat better freaking joy to say he's on gorilla tag one of the actors I got was super late so we had to start a huge portion of the beginning without him and then I'll do a close-up now follow me this is so bad all right whatever whatever because of the challenge I didn't have a lot of time to really scope out what I wanted to do this led to a lot of production bottlenecks because I was just going with the flow okay so when I say go guys you walk across over there and then me and Owen are gonna walk up from right here it would have been fine if everyone wasn't on their Quest too which is at most two hours max battery which means we were on a very short clock to begin with and we haven't even really started yet and who would have guessed that one of the hardest shots happened right away since you were shown on camera moving over there I want you kind of be like entering this one right here this was supposed to be just a continuation of a conversation with Owen and the main character but I wanted natural walking movements and the background also have kind of its own life going on so yeah me we have monkey Labs accomplished a lot here stuttered I stuttered I stuttered now for the introduction of the big bad himself the timer a ghost that haunts you through time and has mysterious motives for their actions wombat finally came back which means we were able to wrap up our crowd shots I actually recorded almost the entire Endy before any of the major plot events to simulate the different gorilla tag timelines and dimensions I used the text track mod by crafterbot and they did a really good job of selling the illusion of something different okay we got too fast I gotta react to it for the site I used dev's holdable mod and found a cool model in their Discord to use yeah what if I wasn't recording this whole time I would be so funny we're gonna do the def C enough who wants to die first now that I'm finished filming I went into my editing software and tried to piece together while we recorded into a rough draft with everything cut up it's a lot easier for me to get an understanding of what I might need to add or to get an understanding of the pacing now that I'm on my own and I didn't have to rely on others I was able to head back on and get additional shots and extra camera angles for the DeLorean I want it to be low poly and for the textures to kind of fit that old school gorilla take look I found this model on sketch Fab and it worked perfectly I wanted the time Lord to have a specific sound so I took this Godzilla sound effect from YouTube and it fits really well who are you I was inspired by how the prowler and Spider-Man 2099 have their own specific sounds that alert the audience of their presence next was to add the music and sound effects that mirror what's going on and I used epidemic sound for this and then all of a sudden my movie was finished now sit back and watch the Wrath of the Time Lord hey welcome now follow me so yeah we got a lot to show around here yeah I'm so excited to see what you guys are working on oh so you invented time travel it's incredible right yeah monkey Labs it's incredible we've discovered so much so far we're really excited to show you so what does it look like just look up ahead so this is what it is is incredible who are you [Music] what the Don David who are you see how that's a tour so far what do you think of it what was that huh okay crap we gotta go [Music] holy crap [Applause] [Music] Owen what do we do I freaking out I'm freaking out isn't so bad man me too no no stop it hey that's it I'll use the time machine foreign what is this place where is this place oh no all right whoa I think I'm safe I think the key to the time machine disintegrated I guess I'll go out and explore this looks like old gorilla tag but like way blurrier I think I hear people up ahead guys guys guys guys oh do you guys know how to fix a time machine no no no wait you have it on your ears [Music] this updates a little weird but you know what I'm done with running I think it's time I'm not scared of you anymore and this time I'll beat you [Music] I'm sorry I got people to save you guys are okay what he said [Music]
Channel: Majora
Views: 102,830
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MajoraMZC, Virtual Reality, Oculus Quest 2, gorilla tag, majora gorilla tag, gorilla tag vr, gorilla tag update, jmancurly, oculus quest 2, virtual reality, finger painter gorilla tag, I made a Gorilla Tag Movie in 24 Hours, gtag movie, gorilla tag film, gorilla tag ghost, gorilla tag ghost film
Id: pL36sSjv2Hg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 17sec (437 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 12 2023
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