Minecraft, But You Can Choose Your Character...

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oh it's so good to be back i haven't played this game in years i'll just create a quick survival world and see what's new oh sick they have a new loading screen too i kind of like that wow this is a really strange spawn wait i can't even move what is this select your character what who said that i thought this was single player selector character uh human i don't know i just want to go to my world human is currently locked if you want to unlock it play through other characters are you kidding me it's locked what does that even mean i just want to play minecraft select your character dude shut up fine i'll select villager i don't care that's close to human villager is currently locked if you want to unlock it play through other characters what okay what isn't locked chicken is currently unlocked chicken are you serious okay whatever i'll play as a chicken chicken selected please select your spawn area uh earth i don't know what are the spawn areas invalid spawn area what select from the following list planes forest savannah swamp mountains jungle okay okay um how about uh planes that sounds easy enough spawn area selected loading map finally i can start playing the actual game hello fellow chickens i'm glad you joined the chicken army together we what is this a cutscene skip i'm pressing skip just skip the cutscene i don't care finally okay please no more cutscenes jeez where am i oh am i in that stupid barn the guy was talking about shoot that would make sense new quest talk to the chicken leader quest what what have i missed since when was there ever quest in minecraft whatever i just need to beat this game as a chicken and then i can play for real as a human it shouldn't be that hard this guy is probably the chicken leader hello and welcome to the barn we've been expecting you to prove yourself bring me 10 wheat seeds good luck new quest collect 10 wheat seeds okay well this shouldn't be too hard i just have to break wheat right and there's like a million pieces right there what the heck i've been breaking wheat for 10 minutes and no seeds have dropped am i doing something wrong hey dude do you need some help whoa whoa who's that are you an npc no i'm a regular player just like you okay whoa wait i thought this was my survival world i'm so confused how are there other players here whoa calm down let me ask you a question when did you stop playing minecraft uh i think i stopped playing at version 1.18 1.18 dude that was 10 years ago we're in version 2.4 right now everything's different minecraft is an mmorpg game now there's no single player and there's only one world and everybody's in it are you kidding me how does this game even work then basically all you do is complete quests and level up your character you can collect better items and every character has a unique power too okay that doesn't sound too bad i just need to beat this class so i can unlock the human character do you know how i can get 10 wheat seeds i'm really stuck on this i'm not too sure but i'd recommend talking to the farmer he helped me with my quest okay i'll do that thank you so much that was so weird i can't believe how much this game has changed only one world for everybody why is it like that i think this is probably the farmer though hopefully i can finish this quest fast and then change to a human howdy partner what brings you here i need to know how to get wheat seeds ah none of the crabs at the barn drop seeds if you wish to find wheat seeds travel to the old barn located in the outer city new quest find the old barn well i guess i'm going to the old barn hopefully it's not too far please let this be the old barn i've been walking for so long new location found the old barn yes finally new quest talk to the scientist let's find this guy i'm getting really tired of being a chicken this sucks so badly perfect here he is greetings welcome to the old barn how can i help you where do you guys keep wheat seeds if you're looking for wheat seeds you should talk to the merchant out back he sells them okay where is this merchant i need to get out of here oh wait there's a bunch of other chickens here maybe they know uh excuse me excuse me do you know where that merchant is yeah he's up there this is the end of the line end of the line what how long will this take not too long maybe 5 or 10 minutes this was way longer than 10 minutes at least i'm finally at the front of the line alrighty folks we are sold out come back tomorrow for more goods no are you kidding me are you open yet i've been waiting here all night hello what do you want to trade for finally i really need 10 wheat seeds for 10 wheat seeds what can you offer me uh i have to give you something uh i can give you some feathers and an egg deal thanks for doing business yes finally i have 10 wheat seeds i gotta get back to the barn here it is i can't wait to finish this quest hello chicken leader here are the 10 scenes that you've requested quest complete new character unlocked new character yes i can place the human now screw being a chicken i'm out of here oh i can't wait to play as a player that's literally all i've wanted select your character human human is currently locked you must play through all other characters to unlock human what i have to play through all other characters you didn't say that last time oh my gosh i don't even know what to do anymore i wish there was some way i could just skip playing the other characters reminder new year's sale is still active all characters are 50 off whoa wait new year's sale you can just buy characters how much does a human cost unlocking the human character costs 49.99 huh 50 dollars well it's either that or i play through all the other characters i guess i have the human character unlocked now select your character human human character selected select your skin and this one's kind of boring next i'm batman nah too dark next is mayonnaise an instrument er a little too colorful skip i can do this all day i like iron man better skip after i got him done skip minecraft to build battle two boys this guy seems super annoying but i like his skin i guess i'll select him skin selected loading world let's go i'm gonna play as a human instead of a dumb chicken i can't wait to get started yes i made it this is so sick it looks like i spawn in some sort of village new quest talk to the city mayor let me talk to the mayor welcome citizen we seem to be having a monster problem outside the city walls take this sword and kill 10 zombies new quest kill 10 zombies okay this shouldn't be too bad zombies are super easy to kill maybe if i can just find where the zombies are spawning i'll be able to stop them from coming back yeah it looks like they're spawning from that mine shaft i'm gonna go check it out yo dude are you doing this dungeon too uh what this is a dungeon yeah it's a zombie dungeon tier four uh yeah totally that's exactly what i was gonna do say why do you guys have the word pro after your name oh that's our guild we call ourselves the pro squad i'm a level 46 paladin class hybrid warrior with boosted intelligence stats mcmaster 690 is our long-range person he's a level 39 archer and source will remain finally noobkiller12 is a level 33 rogue class and assassin main with speed traits oh i totally understood everything you just said oh what level are you a level level how do you check that again it's just your xp bar what does it say oh um level 20 yeah i'm level 20. oh you're still pretty new to the game you should definitely do this dungeon with us if we make it out alive maybe you can even join the guild heck yeah dude that sounds like a plan sick okay i've never done one with these four people let's try to break my fastest dungeon time of two hours and 15 minutes two hours isn't a dungeon just like one zombie spotter funny joke man i like the humor keep it up and you'll be in the guild in no time um it wasn't a joke what am i getting myself into okay everybody you know the plan one emergency ender pearl per person this is a tier four mineshaft dungeon which means there are four different pathways since we're going for a timed run we're gonna have to split up hey you you should probably take the south tunnel it's usually the easiest are you sure we shouldn't just stick together though that sounds a lot safer nah no can do this is a timed run if you need help you can always come back to the center of the dungeon zombies don't spawn here dungeon starting in three two one fight dungeon quest kill the zombie king and retrieve his head well i guess i'm doing this tunnel alone oh my gosh i'm so gonna die there are hundreds of zombies here and isn't there only one zombie king per dungeon i thought my tunnel was supposed to be the easiest this is not gonna happen i'm going back with the other guys wait what the iron bars went back down that guy lied to me this is not gonna end well this room is full of lava too actually maybe i can use this lava to my advantage if i hit the zombies off this platform i won't have to actually fight them i think that might be the play yo my plan is actually working i just have to kill these last two zombies and then there's just the zombie king okay let's see what this guy is all about oh shoot this guy hits hard he doesn't take knockback either i won't be able to hit him into the lava wait i have an idea if i can get him to follow me i can jump into the lava and then ender pearl back onto the platform leaving him to die in the lava it's a long shot but i might as well try okay okay yeah come over here big guy and here goes nothing yo that worked and there's water here too i'm not gonna die to fire damage yo this zombie head it's right here dungeon quest completed zombie king slain teleporting out of dungeon i actually did that all on my own i didn't even need that stupid guild after all yo dude did you finish the dungeon by yourself yep i did it all on my own i didn't even need your stupid help anyways stupid help i just invited you to join the guild you're a great player no no you're lying you left me to die in there the iron bars went back down but if there's one thing that i've learned about this game what's that you do there's uh please can you not interrupt me i'm giving a victory speech back to where i was if there's one thing that i've learned i don't want to cut you off but there's literally please dude i'm trying to talk here i just read this whole dungeon by myself give me some credit my point is that it's a shut up for one second there's something behind you oh yeah well what is it there's literally a creeper right behind you what are you kidding me well that was really unfortunate at least i know what i'm doing now select your character human human is currently locked if you die in a character your game progress restarts chicken is your only available character what are you serious this game is so trash i'm going back to fortnite
Channel: JoofyLooby
Views: 2,234,337
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: adRBjNBqEfg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 34sec (634 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 06 2022
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