Minecraft, But with only 0.1% Health..

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in this video we attempt to beat minecraft with 0.1 health now if you can't comprehend how little health that is if you get hit by a snowball you will die this challenge took way too long to complete so if you do enjoy this video at any point please consider subscribing because we are insanely close to 2 million subscribers and right now head down and click that like button let's aim for 25 000 likes for our first ever minecraft challenge and click that button with me in three two one and if you clicked it you are gonna be blessed with insane luck for the next week enjoy the video [Music] all right grazers so you might have heard that there was a trend going around of people beating minecraft with one percent health so i brought you a master player here today to beat minecraft with zero point one percent i can't even see it like look what it's so small look at that canister so as much as i'm good at this i don't know if i can carry you to the victory well i mean that's why there's two of us here so technically we have 0.2 health but yeah if one of us dies we have to start over all right now let me show you how little help this really is you see a snowball it doesn't actually damage oh i kind of annoyed him yeah you did but snowballs don't actually do damage but check this out we have that little health the snowballs can kill us oh does that mean i'm out and i'm like gone all right okay so our goal today we have to beat the ender dragon we're not gonna stop until we do this wait you actually expect us to deal with all this yes we're going to do whatever that is on our health yes 0.1 health all right so we're going to do it like a speed run wait we can't even use the bed strap we have we have a blacksmith i didn't even notice this we have a blacksmith look at it first i want to look at it first okay some obsidian some gold and golden apples and uh yeah there is another thing uh-huh but we can't heal golden it's completely possible believe me it's completely possible i'm going to make my gui scale in normal size once again now it's even harder to see the heart but we need to get food dude what do i just jump off of this hay bale and that's it don't do that because that means we have to start over and i don't want it to be because you slipped off of a hay bale okay i'm gonna trap you in this cage are you just here to be a nuisance is that all this is you're just gonna be a nuisance are you even getting tools are you just running around in circles if we're doing like the speed run strats we should be going to find like a portal i'll go get the flint you get the iron i already have one piece so i can make it still i don't know all the strats okay just follow me just follow me just follow me all right hold on i gotta make my tools you reminded me i actually have to make tools so hold on okay obviously this isn't an official speed run though so we're not going to be sweating at that i can't get played okay put on your iron chest plate you know you're not going anywhere don't just run into it dude it's right there it's getting out of here okay we're gonna be way more careful than that dude wait so if we have an iron chest plate on or if we have full diamond on does it make a difference uh it actually does make a difference i could punch you and you wouldn't die should i test it no no i'm testing i'm testing i'm testing it all right on we go oh dude be careful of the cactus there's a cactus right there dude okay but these aren't tall ones so the if it's not tall it's not fun oh you're talking about the 15 block tall cactus or whatever 23. to be specific oh up on the hill up on the hill how did i not see that oh we haven't broken nether right chest well that's not what it is at all it's broken not all right just don't even you've been making too many uhc videos dude you just gave me my next myth okay wait where is the chester where it did dig something oh there it is there it is and oh two blocks of gold okay fire charges oh you said we can't heal so that's just pointless okay i gotta break this really quick hold on that was like the time that was the time right i just know that that's actually going to be the time lapse music now so we got to roll with it did you get that i never no you told me to be careful because there's a skeleton of all the people i could have picked from our group to do a speed run with i picked you i don't know what this was about like i can do minecraft but i can't do it legit [Laughter] i actually think we have enough yeah one two three four we have a point we actually oh we don't have iron we don't have iron though you're right we don't have eye but i did have a flint and steel but now i don't don't do that silent pausing thing yeah no i i didn't i forgot to get another flint and steel i don't have one bro oh you have one okay there we go so we have that but we do want this block of gold did you go and get iron while i was mining that yep there you go one piece of iron we'll need a bit more all right let's smelt one piece of iron and then we'll go collect another two pieces we obviously didn't take in the pro strats of speedrunners we could just kill the golem what are we doing he might get you up there he's not gonna get me i'm getting you into the air i don't know he's not gonna hit me up here trust me trust me okay that's only gonna drop two irons which is what it drops five okay we need pickaxe and a water bucket please everyone needs to click the subscribe button and press that bell right now all right let's go we get the gold block and then we enter into the nether and hopefully we don't die you need to be wearing some gold armor you don't have a piece you need to wear these boots okay yes okay so if we wear this they're not going to like attack us or not well they will but they won't look at the end oh yeah definitely don't do that okay let's find a fortress that's what we're doing we're going this way if i get attacked by it right now what happened touch the fire don't touch the fire we're going to play our risky game friendly flames no all right you want to take the risky leap down into the depths with me bro it's safe it's safe it's sitting like dead and then jump over the gap through the crimson frog i know that noise run run run wait just run like dude he's so slow why are you freaking out he's not even anywhere near you okay so where's the fortress i don't know i'm just running run run we're going around this way we need shields that's the first thing we need right now okay i'm making two shields okay where are you is that gas gone oh my gosh i'm getting shot by a blaze relax way more hard to predict these are these relaxed i have a shield for you a bunch of shots i have a way up in my rocket ship no way there we go okay okay watch out no you gotta make the thing you gotta make like a camp you gotta make like a camp well okay we didn't get anything we didn't get anything okay we really want them to come down here if we can just you know trap them and shoot them in the feet okay i'm able to reach him oh we gotta run we got a rod nice very good rodney get it get it get it get it get it get it i'm hugging it he's coming toward me he really wants to hug me this is the scariest situation i've ever been a part of i hit him you hit him hit him hit him hit him he's aggravated on me no no yeah yeah i got him okay i'm going to get wait that could actually work okay we got one coming through he's coming through he's coming through you get him he's dead oh my goodness oh dude it's like they know when our shields are nice i know okay i got another that's three okay i think i'm going in to grab it grab it got him nice i'm going in to get two more two more to be safe it's zero point one percent help zero appointment take that in any little fractional bit of damage even with armor is gonna kill us dude there's so many come on following the whole fall in the hall yes yes yes yes okay one more one more one more one more i have four is seven down are you at four okay go go go get get out of here all right now watch out though there's wither skeletons there's gonna be we're gonna spawn okay look around you did block some up over here but i just feel like there's probably some okay my axe is broken i need to make a new one all right now we need to go barter with the boys uh we need to get there you've got to be kidding me oh how much gold did you just lose [Music] of course it only spawns at one blocks in the nether you've got to be kidding me of all the place indeed i just lost like six gold oh my goodness get in the hole boys and uh pearls and that's gravel wow thank you for the black stone that's great have it back all right a gold mining session needs to happen you have anything yet any longer wait there are enterprises okay yes yes how many we got a couple six six okay that's pretty good i think the max you can get in one trade is eight actually bartering can only drop two to four ender pearls so that means we must have had two why do you sound like you're reading from a wiki right now because i am actually it can only do so we had two drops then hey hey hey i'm at 10. 10. okay we need we need more we need more we need probably four more to be safe it's worth the pile we're at 15. is that enough we're good dude i can't get out blaze powder blaze i have end or f6 we good we're gonna go fight the dragon we're actually doing this let's go fight the dragon that was quick we gotta hope that this doesn't suffocate us on the exit all right and there's no creepers about it's daytime yo this is this is good this is actually really good all right let's throw one are you ready three two oh this way okay back toward the village all right oh and that one exploded you have eight i have five that gives us 13 so one more can explode and then we're screwed dude look at our health parts i keep forgetting that it's that small it's a decimal it quite literally is a decimal point okay we could probably afford to throw another one by now okay do you want me to be the saucer uh well i was unlucky so maybe i'll get lucky this time and and it's back to the other way okay and you got unlucky again there's no way i got unlucky twice in a row wow all right this is our next chunk of land throw an eye throw an eye right here if it changes direction we found it come on if it goes in a straight line we're screwed if it goes to the right we're good only 12 so if i we have to do it and it's empty then it's over well we have to do it we've got to just hope that it's not empty it went to the right we're good we're good we're good please the bottom of the ocean okay it is this way though okay we have to take a gamble i don't see it in the ocean if it was in the ocean we would be able to see it it's right here going in this cave oh cool okay don't die we've come this far well okay we're good we're good we're good we have so little health that even like the radius of those explosions okay we should just go down this way i'm using this i'm using a gold pickaxe from here on out okay okay i'm being shot by a skeleton he jumped off the floor you went oh there's more cave i thought we were digging down no no no there's more cave there it is there it is it's right there in the ravine it's in the ravine to the right to the right i don't see it i don't see it there it okay so now we have to get you got to work with me you gotta work with me work with me hit it get it and put your shield up no hit it all right don't hit it don't hit it got it good good good good good oh my god why is that 901 mobs guarding this they're everywhere they're making this as tough as they can possibly be i've never seen this many mobs in a game okay i'm in i mean i'm in i officially got the advancement okay all right there's a spider at the top of the thing you can get to me though you can get to me okay get in get it get it get in okay sweet sweet sweet sweet sweet inside dude i'm actually getting so nervous we've made it this far we can't like i'm trying to open the door i'm trying to open the door i can't open the door i found it i found the room i found the room oh okay beautiful but there's silver fish now we have to deal with the silver fish all right we're good from all angles yeah we're good from all angles uh we need to make you oh there's still revision yeah why don't you break that and then stop saying silverfish put all right all right there we go shield all right tell me you have at least a little bit more eye i do here you go give it a bit dude you've been holding out with me this whole video what's the deal there we go okay now we've got to uh i always do this good luck break it break it none of it's fun it's actually empty it literally is something so we needed every real eye that we could get and you have enough right please tell me you have enough we had 12. yeah we had 12 let's go oh my goodness oh just pull it straight up pull it straight up you're fine okay let's pull it straight down remember don't look at a single enderman i'm shooting that okay how are we going to get the one i shot it oh look out look out look out how are we going to get the ones in the cages uh you can get you can get it from right underneath them if you go in the corners you can actually shoot them you can if you can just like that i didn't know that yeah if you just shoot through the corner it works okay just watch out for the ender dragon okay don't look at a single enderman oh where's the dragon i don't like when i can't see him oh dragon's breath through right there we just ran right through a dragon's breath there we go that works which ones are we missing the tallest one all right we'll get it i'm trying my hardest right now come on use your archery skills bro wait is there really not one up there okay i think i just got that one okay i think that's all of them oh one more okay let me long arrange it you ready got it got it it's done dude all of the endermen are chasing him okay yeah he's not rejecting at all so this is it how many arrows i have 13 arrows how many do you have i i have 39 of those spiral ones i think you have a bunch of spiral ones too no spectral okay this is your last strike all right do not look at another enderman i okay nice stay looking up if we lose we're losing to the dragon okay okay oh my gosh it's firing dragon's breath we are not losing to an enderman hit him shooting him nice shots okay okay okay he's half healthy you have to be under there before me he's coming toward me oh my god he's just throwing the end of it everywhere this is crazy oh man he just missed me there he's juking all of my shots all right good luck man oh you don't die oh brother i wonder why the entertainment hates his fellow engineers i'm leaving i'm leaving i'm leaving i'm leaving before he flings me do not get hit that's it you have to leave before he hits you he's coming down he's coming down you're not shooting dragon's breath do you not shoot a dragon's breath do you not shoot a dragon's breath dude what is the enderman doing the enemy's gonna kill me okay that was some good hits that was some really good hits okay where is he now he's coming down this could be it okay i'm committing to i'm committing to you if we die here we're done let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go where's his head where's his head where's his head he's invisible okay oh oh my gosh so much damage you got this one come on as well go get in here get in here i'm crouched get the last hit get the last hit get the last hit come from behind you come forward quick go quick quick hit him hit him hit him i wanted the advancement oh well you don't get it unfortunately and uh well i'll go take all the xp dude we actually did it hold on wait wait wait we need to claim we need to claim the egg where did the egg go okay here it is here it is here it is we gotta do the torch trick the torch check bro i have a torch i actually have one i do for some reason i have a torch okay here we go yeah just like that break wait i'm swimming in the portal all right guys if you did enjoy this video be sure to leave a like on this one click that subscribe button if you want to see more beat minecraft challenges and let me know an awesome challenge i did down in the comments section below of course subscribe to grey's and check out that playlist on the right side of the screen click the subscribe button on the left side of the screen i'll see you guys in the next one dude we actually just did that with zero point can you believe that i mean hey it happens bro 0.1 health wait hold on this is the cursed moment of the video i actually can't leave the game we're stuck in the world with 0.1 health forever what is going on
Channel: Kiingtong
Views: 1,013,544
Rating: 4.9632678 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft but with only 0.1% Health, Minecraft but with only 1% health, minecraft but with 1% health, i beat minecraft with 1% health, i beat minecraft with 0.1% health, minecraft but, minecraft, minecraft but you only have 1% health, minecraft but you only have 0.1% health, beating minecraft with 1% health, beating minecraft with 0.1% health, kiingtong, kiingtong minecraft
Id: P-I23Lc0H0c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 46sec (1006 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 22 2021
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