Minecraft, But There's Custom XP...

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minecraft but there's custom xp each level gives me new custom abilities from a demolition staff to a little dragon's breath laser all right and we're in and already i can see something uh something strange going on in my hotbar that definitely doesn't look like a normal xp bar i think honestly the best thing to do right now is just get some xp and try and figure out what this actually is all right we have our super slow stone tools now let's kill some cows and see what happens as we get experience come here mr cow you're mine oh okay is that a hay bale wait so once we fill this up do we get an ability to do with hay bales oh and wait a room portal okay this seems decent we got the gold block anything good in the chest oh okay some gold to my oh no this is actually this is really decent well let's come into this cave see if we can find ah coal perfect all right let's mine this quickly oh wait are we there or am i like one xp off do i just need to get one more point okay you know what's gonna kill the creeper oh wait what what's just happened it turned to water now wait so does that mean i get the the ability wait am i not losing hunger i'm still healing okay no this is actually insane does that mean i don't need food well that's sick okay well this next one looks like this looks like water wait maybe this one means i don't take full damage all right let's head back here okay this zombie good i think this might be the best way to get experience come on yeah that was a lot come on mr zombie oh yeah okay oh this is good we're almost at the next level and look yeah we're not taking any hunger bars we're not losing any oh can't touch this oh we got the next level that one i think should be no full damage if i take full damage now i will eat my hat let's uh let's give it a test dorado oh i'm right okay oh god crema stay away why there's so many creepers quickly quickly quickly make shield make a shield make a shield boom perfect to mount and bang okay now let's get the sentiment yes and the pole okay bang there's one there's two oh no oh the water killed him i'm like an avatar i can bend the water okay let's also whack some uh some raw beef in there because i hopefully i get some experience from cooking that and two more endermen okay hold on a minute is that no you don't get enough spawners there's also four creepers this is very concerning at this point i might tactically blow them up because they are just getting a bit annoying now yo imagine we don't even need to go to the nether this would be insane boom another pole i've three pearls already this is nuts man can we see any more lapis anymore lapis lazuli lazuli oh hello okay one one block nice and actually if we try the the diamond trick if we come here and we go negative four on the z axes one two three four and dig down we should maybe sometimes find diamonds according to sb737 oh it works it works it works we got diamonds we got diamonds we got diamonds we got diamonds dude i knew it wait and we got the next the next xp level oh my god the one after looks like tnt okay wait hold on so much has just happened at once that actually actually worked yo shadow sb my boy thank you for the tutorial all right this is good what did the xp bar look like an iron block or something does it mean my fist is like a oh okay i'm guessing my fist has just become a pickaxe and already look look at the next one it's definitely tnt i'm not 100 sure how the tnt one's gonna work so i think let's just grab some iron so we can get some uh some armor and then yeah we're getting out of here and 24 you know what i think that's enough let's just honestly i'm just gonna get out of here now let's dig our way up okay here we are it's uh it's night time so i need to be careful let's uh let's get the last bit of xp we need eight don't don't touch me though oh okay oh i literally need one more come on one and two okay we got it so what did the tnt one do if i shift anything happen if i punch blocks okay let me just uh wait what is that tnt stuff oh oh my oh my god okay this is actually not oh my okay this is insane and he dropped the iron sword dude i didn't realize it would do that wait hold on a minute i wonder if i can mine the obsidian with my fist yo i think it's working okay so if i can do that with my fist i'm just gonna mine this all and make our portal right here one two three one i didn't even need to get that last bit but this looks good to me we have a flint steel boom all right shield up shield up shield up okay not a terrible spawn let's go diamond chest plate because we're feeling bougie oh yeah i've got a tnt stuff come here boom okay i've leveled up and that's a lot of stuff and i'm not sure what that next one is but could it be one zephy okay so i'm fire resistant nice okay well that's just uh that's just brilliant all right well i guess i can uh i can kill blazers pretty easily that's a pretty handy one actually i'll be honest okay sweet so we've got a fresh iron axe some decent armor i think we're ready to go i'm not gonna i'm not gonna bother with the rest wait so can i yep i can just mine that with my fist all right cool i think we're good let's get out of here oh i see a ghast uh oh wait a fortress okay nice nice nice all right how can i get over there i'll probably do it from over there so if i just jump yep no full damage still okay this is perfect just oh no okay uh i can do it quicker i'm fine i'll be fine i'll just uh i can spread this bridge oh no wait no wait is this one other this must be one of the lava amazings dude wait this is sick wait so what happens if i try and go through lava oh it literally i physically can't oh my god this makes life so much easier so i don't need to bridge over lava this is so good honestly this is one of my favorite mods this is oh okay no no no no no no oh wait no i don't take full damage so i should uh yeah i'll just run all right i yep is that a blaze right there did i get a rod no i didn't let me go get these guys anyway and that's the spawner over there perfect nice oh and the bow oh and in decent condition okay nice oh wait i got the next level wait what what is my fist glowing that wasn't like that before ay why is my fist enchanted do i have an enchantment now hold on let me uh was that just chance or do i have like some special incheon oh wait my axe is enchanted my holder wait looting five and then i go off at nothing wait wait anything i'm holding becomes looting five wait so if i kill a blaze let's see if this works okay i four blaze rods okay dude what so i have a looting enchantment on literally my fist so we have 14 rods okay well we're done and uh wait we've almost got the next enchant level which what is that hold on well let's just get one more okay it looks a bit like an elite trial honestly i kind of thought i was going to get in a lighter or something um well i'm not sure what wait oh my wait am i flying hold on wait am i creative okay no so i can just fly okay of course it was an electric you can fly wait so i can literally just fly to a bastion oh and that looks like a bastion to me perfect let me just fly my way to the gold can i oh there's a block there boom and then i can get out oh anything cool here two more gold blocks oh let me just fly away okay so now i look like i have enough gold yeah i got about stack now let's just let's just trade the rest whilst we're here all right and we go dude come on mate get in the hole there's gold okay come on mister this way this way this way come on there we go all right is there uh oh i see i see some pearls there all right let's see how many oh yep that's quite a lot now so if i jump in that's uh that's 12 that's uh the minimum the minimum we need come on i just like one more set i mean no i can just kill an enderman at this oh never mind okay 14 that's enough we're out of here all right so i'm at minus 150 minus 150 perfect all right so now let's uh let's just do this quick boom nice okay fire charge boom make sure we don't actually use our tnt stuff that'll be they're all good let's uh see which one we need to go this direction and we're already about 1100 out so we should hopefully be fairly near okay let's chuck another one here now okay still is this way let's just chuck another one oh okay i just turned okay this is good this is good back this way nice okay well it's got to be right here then surely all right so let's uh let's just get digging if i just keep spam dropping i don't think oh wait are we in win oh and there's a creeper okay okay oh if i try and get the xp maybe don't do it nice we're a bit closer enderman as well hello i don't mind the extra looting bajillion uh ender pearls you'll give me uh wait apple that'll be good for the thing and did i hear oh okay nice so we're right by the right by the stronghold that's always uh the portal that's always handy oh wow that was a lot of xp wait what happened what the xp's gone to normal hold on let me go through and see if we can figure out what this last one was okay oh we're through here we go okay so this is it wait so what happens what ability do i have wait was that when i sneak there's particles what are they wait what did i just blow that up no there's no way oh wow oh no wait what is this like a laser beam oh my god i can kill them hold on let me oh wait i can fly forgot about that let me fly and then oh my okay this is insane wait can i do it to the dragon oh my god i'm doing damage okay wait wait wait wait wait wait ah no no no okay let me blow these up quickly can i do it through oh my god this is insane dude i'm shooting lasers of course it was like dragon's breath maybe i'm literally i have dragon's breath or something half a heart okay that's all the towers wait so now she's perching wait if i just hit her with some head shots can i oh my god dude i'm killing her i might just kill her in one go come on i'm firing my laser i'm firing my laser buffer when she's stuck she can't fly when she takes damage bro she's dead oh my god dude this mod is nuts but you know what's even more nuts subscribing right now
Channel: Jagster
Views: 201,543
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mine craft, minecraft but, mrjagsters, jagster, challenge, minecraft challenge, speedrun, speedrunner, wisp, jago, beating minecraft, dream, dream minecraft, random items, minecraft but you can craft, minecraft but there are custom, minecraft op, minecraft but challenge, minecraft random, custom hearts, super, minecraft hearts, craftee, bionic, custom xp, custom experience, minecraft xp, minecraft custom xp, minecraft but your xp =, family friendly, super hearts, custom, mods
Id: 7wXtFD5frlM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 43sec (583 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 20 2021
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