Minecraft but there is CUSTOM XP

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minecraft but there's custom xp so if i were to mine this tree right now i actually level up i'm level one put it again i got a timber axe so every time you level up you can get insane custom abilities like blasis axe here that should insta-mine this tree timber the higher the level is the more the insane the ability is so we could eventually summon tree warriors to mine wood for us will i be god and this doesn't just apply to wood this applies to everything in the game so now it's gonna be so easy to level up our wood because we could get so much wood now with this axe it just instant mines everything i'm level two now i got another timber axe but it's enchanted it's upgraded give me something [Music] i'm sorry mr beast i'm on a new mission get me to level two i'm at level two efficiency five and sharpness five yo now we're gonna have an infinite food source i have too much wood that's what i say in the morning what do we do now because i don't get any xp anymore no you can get to level three from cutting xp you need a lot of logs what about cal oh xp i'm almost at the level three on the wood one oh i just need one more tree and i have level three i did it the log of a tree minion what unlocked the level three ability what's that mean i'm not sure do i place it down oh tree spirits i see them they're smashing down the trees come back here oh my gosh they're so fast look at the three spirits dude can i have one this is mine we're gonna go we could take out the entire amazon ah don't get in their way we can take what do you say we could increase global warming to happen even faster if we wanted to we are evil we are mr beast after hours yes mr breast oh my god no more trees and this is just the trees we can do other things like the moms oh yeah that's why the cow gave me xp you need to find my cows or the sheep all right cheap level one i got a special bed you got a what bed take a seat i'm not in therapy blaza i'm not sleepy oh my god don't try to sleep in it it's deadly what a day time like it's an explosive bed good thing that we have like these stack of golden apples in our inventory now that's only the first level of the sheep imagine what level three gives you even bigger bed there's another sheep right there oh come here sheep i'm gonna kill you with your own kind wait there's a cave right here blaza could we get stoned i'm gonna make a pickaxe oh yeah look we can level up our stone as well okay oh this is amazing so now we're not gonna need all this wood because we're upgrading the stone and look at that i'm at level one what did i get i got hate permanently oh i see thank you mr stone very nice dude i mind twice as fast now oh and what if i upgrade to a stone pit oh my gosh we'll be able to mine like speed this is as good as iron why is there no iron in this cave is it one of those fake caves i hate these fake caves man they're almost as fake as my life dude i'm level two wait i'm level two as well i just got an iron pickaxe why didn't i get another pickaxe wait did you have empty slots in your inventory yeah i just got a wooden pickaxe oh my god i'm the wizard you're mining entire layers everywhere what can i say i'm dr strange that doesn't make any sense wait how did you get that that's what i got from leveling up i got a freaking orthrazer aka the wizard staff or tracer wait no you got that from mining coal oh is that what that is yeah stone gives you this amazing iron pick that mine's faster but i guess that doesn't matter now because i see all this coal if i were to mine this coal right now yeah coal xp dude so much coal here you want more coal yeah i got it i got the ore tracker so if i use this or tracker it just locates all the nearby oars yeah what can i say kind of a magician myself that's what my dad said that he disappeared forever wait so if i mind those call right now i get coal xp i can use the iron pink i got from the stone look i'm at level two what did i get everything mined will be auto smelted oh nice if we find some iron it should auto smell for us let's just use the ore tracker eventually you'll find us some iron yeah i found iron there's no iron anywhere down here look so much oh finally and if i mine it yes it just gives you iron and that gives you iron xp what do you get for iron xp i'm level one we're about to find out i got another pickaxe what does it do i got iron xp level one what does that give is an iron pick when you mine stone with it it turns the surrounding stone into iron ore no way an iron pick infinite iron infinite money glitch we just broke the economy we're gonna eliminate the middle class only upper class and then i'm assuming if we just use the normal iron pick everything's just gonna smell for us instantly but i got a diamond pick oh so are you a stone level three dude what can i say i've always stoned and wait if you use that it will mine things in a three by three radius oh goodbye loser i'll see you in the afterlife i'm gonna keep mining iron until i get iron xp level two what do i get from this i get an iron axe that says thunder axe i'm assuming this sponge lightning let's try what is that that's the thunder axe i got that for being a level two on the iron what i'm in a cave how do i get stuck by lightning uh what can i say i can summon lightning through the ground get out of here here i'm gonna keep on mining the iron i'm almost at iron level xp level three yeah but i'm not level four so you think you're better than me yes wait that's interesting can you use the diamond in pickaxe to mine all this does it still auto smell i think it is sometimes 70 times the percents that means these xp levels they carry over eventually we'll be level three on everything and we'll be extremely overpowered i'm iron level two now what do i get you got the thunder axe oh there it is i can't laugh or i'll die here let's just use the ore tracker to find ores again look at that easy we can go all the way down we can use this to find diamonds hey yo let's go straight down wait let me just get a level three iron i'm almost there i got it level three what does that do i got an egg an iron golem army you got an egg wow you got a freaking egg oh yeah let's see what it does boom oh my god it's mine's iron golem i have an army so whatever i attack do they attack me no maybe they'll defend me against enemy mob they're just standing there there are protectors man oh wow dude protect really well oh wait blasa these will be good later on when we have to defeat the mobs it's kind of useless now oh okay when you get level three on the iron you just keep the egg because we only get one okay i need some more iron oh wait plaza have we gotten level three on the coal on eye level too i wonder what this a coal level three will do because the two was so strong i got it i got a mind breaker what is that it's another right pick metal right oh there it is i got it mine breaker all right goodbye oh no you're using it wrong you're supposed to right click it yo okay it made an entire spear you get froda axe the pickaxe oh you actually throw the axe oh and it leaves all the oars for you oh how nice it is actually throwing the mines our defenders are going with us we found some diamond baby plaza before we go search for diamonds i think we should kill the other mobs to see what we get all right i'll meet you up oh my god my iron golem defenders followed me here i wonder if i attacked the sheep if they would attack it kill the sheep it's time to start eliminating the sheep or any mobs that we found i'm only sheep level zero level zero there's a desert temple over there dude what's in there special item tell me what's in there because i'm gonna be killing this chicken i got chicken level zero let's see be god bones apples and uh that was it that's pretty bad it's okay because i'm starting to find a lot of mob oh my god don't show this to tbh i'm getting a lot of pork chops i got level one pig xp what does that do i unlocked a friendly pig friendly pig yeah he's following me around with my iron goal of defenders i'm starting to create an army this is amazing finally friends it might be night time soon so that means we can use these against the enemy mobs what if you pick level three you're like super pig now you're talking spider pig spider pig that's not how that goes oh my to pig number one where is it you spawn a pig yeah he'll be behind you pic is that is that you which one is it pig no i put up a fire don't die please it was a misclick oh he's fine he's okay well why you did that i got cow level one this should give me the ability to wear any mob but if i were to right click this cow oh oh the cow is on top of me i can carry any mock with me excuse me what i think this is the best ability yet what is going on what are you wearing your mother you should get that off your head right away please let me write the cow please well you got to be a cow xp level one i only have to pick level one you gotta get mars we must kill every mob in existence to level up oh my god i got the sheep level one i got the special bed you know how good this is gonna be against the ender dragon well it won't be actually really good sleep on my bed blaster i don't think i will come on plaza it's nice and warm watch out alright turn your pick into a pigment don't do it no what is wrong with you how could you do this what am i thinking of attacking you get a piggy you attacked me so now your pig's gonna attack me look at him go oh hey give me back my pig i'm gonna wear him no you can't do that i'll give him back if you sleep in the bed all right like straight away i fought only like two heads my bed is extra special they'll give me back my pig thank you all right perfect i gotta keep on killing more sheep this whole savannah's gonna die oh laza i got cow level two you get for level one pound level one allows you to put any mob on your head but level two allows me to ride any mob like this cow yo you might have rode a horse before but have you ever rode a cow well hey get off that cow i'm gonna ride your mother all night oh my god if i could ride any mob does that mean i can ride the ender dragon can i ride the iron golem i can this is a much better way to move around why is it so fast try to hit me vlas i dare you i don't think i will where are you going blizzard i'm looking for more cows where you going plaza stop leave me alone my plaza it became nighttime that could only mean we could use our pigs and iron golems to fight the enemy bombs well shall i go wait maybe save that we could use it for a later fight i'll save it for the other dragon all right we can use this time to keep on killing mobs guess what each enemy mob has their own custom xp oh wait have you tried riding a chicken i am on a chicken i'm on a chicken too does this mean i can jump off a cliff and be totally fine yes let's go wait ride the fish wait a minute we can't ride fish come here fish i'm gonna ride the squid the squid is so slow oh wait every time he does this little launch thing it launches me a bit like the beer fish oh this is amazing we can go through so many places so quickly where'd he go next well i'm gonna start killing these enemy mobs so if i were to punch this skeleton but these iron golem defenders attack them go iron golems go defenders why are they in the water chilling in the hot tub oh there they go oh they go yo they whooped him oh wait but i don't gain the xp when we do oh so i have to kill him is that a wither skeleton in the over world why say full fire and armor what's that oh my god the iron golems are like tossing dirt at him at least she died we gotta kill these mobs but we have to do it so good thing you saved your iron defenders oh i killed a zombie i'm starting to get some xp oh my god the skeleton's actually trying to run away i've never seen like an enemy bob run away i just need one more cow to get level three oh i got level three yo did i just get an army of cows they all died what happened they just spawned and died and dropped op gear thank you mr cow that's enough why do you have a pillow what does a pillow do did you get that from the sheep i don't know i guess so wait deep level 2 gives you a pillow hitting a mob slash player will launch them in the air ah that wasn't that bad would he be not that bad get him get away pig you lost him in the air no he's gonna keep coming for you no oh my god we got some blaze powder and some ender pearls from those cows we got 16. how many ender pearls did you get 32. that's amazing we already have the resources to go to the end well let's go what do you mean we still have so much to do we gotta kill creepers zombies skeletons and we still have to get to level three on something and the chicken i have chicken level one i got chicken spawner oh chicken level one spawns a chicken and that chicken will poop diamonds and emeralds thank you mr chicken i will use this wait it's gonna keep doing it look at him he's like going through something he's not even moving oh my god wait you got diamond look he did it again oh my gosh thank you very much and you're wearing him dude he's sitting on your head wait can you just keep him on your head yes he'll bring him everywhere when you look up is legs are stabbing your eyes i'm fine with it wait can you wear a mob and ride a mob at the same time i know that's a good idea let's try yeah you can what that's right you got the whole clan here that's so good what if you ride the creeper i'm gonna try i did now it's like sitting on a bomb that seems slightly dangerous all right let's keep on killing enemy mobs and level it up because i think it's about to be day time again i just need to kill one more creeper and i level up there's one out to three i did it i leveled up the level one creeper oh wait you're riding me yes take me my son and what if i ride the chicken write the chicken first oh my gosh it can go anywhere this is amazing and now from the creeper i got gunpowder and if i right click it it explodes are you ready let me back up for real it doesn't damage us or mobs i just need one more zombie oh wait i did it blaza i'm level one with the zombie are you a zombie now are you feeling on eating brains something better i got a necromancer wand what i could literally summon the dead what does anybody have to do with zombies zombies are literally the undead and i'm dead inside so it's like a win-win can you put the iron golems we're about to find out well if you guys are enjoying the content so far make sure to subscribe because we're not even at the craziest part okay you ready i'm gonna right click oh what is it doing it's forming soldiers babies i'll be what i summoned like little minion soldiers they got armor and shield look at him go i can summon infinite warriors they're so adorable they're attacking the creeper they got him the army is growing can you believe that this is only at level one imagine what we get at level three all right let's keep on grinding i just need to kill one more zombie and i'm level two i see him you are mine i got him whoa is he friendly did i just submit a giant zombie bodyguard dude he's chilling look at him go dude he's just attacking all the enemy mobs he's part of our rv what a nice guy oh no it's becoming daytime oh okay so we're gonna have to grind the rest of them on the next day let's just get diamonds real quick with our ore tracker all right the first one to find diamonds wins which i found that's the fair well i was going to say as i was doing it i'm going to mine it oh my god i got diamond xp man i'm at xv yeah i'm going to see what it gets fought i got diamond level one they turned everything around me into diamonds holy that's a lot of diamonds oh i'm at diamond level two what does that mean oh no we have too many things in our inventory so i deleted it oh fantastic wait did you was your inventory full yes oh no turns out we had our inventory full and the item that we were supposed to got got deleted you stupid but that won't stop us we might have deleted whatever level two gave us but we could still get level three all right to get level three we have to mine 25 diamond blocks which we would have had diamond blocks because guess what level two would have turned everything around us into diamond block let's start to get to work we gotta mine all this and craft them try mining this did we level up uh let's see yes i got a level you can just place it down again oh my god infinite xp glitch i did it i got the protection for diamond what does that do i got another health bar bro oh my god you're like overpowered i'm a juggernaut all right and by that time i think it might be night time again so we can kill off the rest of the mobs and we still need to get stuff like sheep level three up we go oh wait plaza we still have a bit of time i can get the pig level three oh wait i meant level two what did i get a pig rocket launcher your wig a pink or your arm oh yeah another day in the office i wonder what this does oh oh it shoots bacon it shoots a raw pork chop and it explodes explosive bacon that's awesome so now i can use this to kill other mobs can i if i kill this jeep right now yeah it gets me the xp for the other mobs wait i got sheep level two what did i get oh i got that pillow that's nice now i can block all the women away from my life and only sleep with an anime body pillow that reminds me someone i know can you fight me before i find you i'm gonna launch this giant zombie in the air oh my god oh why would you do that wait you were riding in yeah i thought you killed him i didn't mean to do that but blossom you can get the giant zombies there aren't any zombies anymore it's almost nighttime oh that's true wait don't you have the chicken upgrade chicken with the egg i got the iron golem army not that i meant the chicken level two gives you an egg gun an egg gun wait i need one more chicken yes what did you get [Music] a rapid fire egg we're gonna look at this look at this we got pork chop gun versus the egg launcher let's see why does your do so much damage nighttime plaza i'm gonna start getting the skeletons wait can i kill them with my pig launcher i can wait that means you could use your chicken launcher did you level up no it didn't give me xp oh pink launcher op wow creeper how does it feel to get a taste of your own medicine oh mr zombie i need to kill you i got level three i got a level one skeleton i got bone meals what does that do oh infinite bone meal whoa no you summoned a skeleton army with it oh i thought it was just boom well that's so good we can use them against the ender dragon the bow and arrow baby oh that's really useful hey wait what did i get for level three on the zombie oh if i were to go next to the skeleton guess what look he's not attacking me is he friendly this level three zombie ability makes all hostile mobs no longer a threat oh how nice and that will allow me to kill this creeper and he won't even explode easy creeper level two a creeper gun a blaster it shoots a charged creeper are you insane that's so strong i'm scouting level two i got a grave digger when used on mobs it buries them and kills them excuse me miss sheep can you hold on to this you're burning him underground oh goodbye sheep you suffocated him oh my god goodbye cow wait you can get skeleton level three and i'm gonna get creeper level three creeper i need you for level three die i'm gonna kill him with his own creeper gun yes wait that didn't give me the xp they go level three what does it give a machine ball it sounds powerful try it out oh that's a bow why does it say machine ball it says shift right click oh it's out of shoes there we go oh my god the pinpoint all right the only mob that we're missing is this creeper right here who's not gonna explode and he's gonna give me creeper level three nice what does that give oh my that's literally a direct level up whoa hi blossom is that a creeper rocket launcher yes ah oh my god it said like multiple homing missiles of charged creepers what that's like the strongest weapon we have so far i think we can go to the end now we got the ender pearls we got the blaze rods and we got the ender eyes from that cow while we're at the end we can see what the endermen give we'll be able to level up there so quickly but it's so easy well and there's some pigs right over here hello there sir you mind if i just take you out real quick for a level up thank you wait is my pig flying now i got a flying pig blaster this is the level three pig ability can i ride in i'm riding the flying pig look at you go to the other dragon we can get there so quick now i found a chicken there we go chicken level three two infinity and beyond wait that's the level three chicken ability yes look at me go i can just go up the mountain like this oh there we go that's so convenient all right i'll just use the flying pig i'll race you oh my god he just automatically goes up the mountains easy all right first one to the stronghold wins goodbye look for me oh it went back plaza you know what that means line breaker time oh yeah baby ah yes i used raw pork chop to open up doors hey we busted through and now it's time to use all these abilities against the ender dragon it's time i'm gonna start by summoning thousands of zombies and then blossom some you're iron defenders there they are yeah we're going in oh my god the baby zombies are trying to attack the ender dragon get up we're gonna need to level up from the endermen i just want to know what the level three enderman is maybe we can use it to defeat the ender dragon i got level three what do you have another right sword with knockback 100 i'm sorry i'm gonna send you off the cliff no go set someone else off the cliff i'm sorry goodbye stop right there but you got it too yeah as far as i got it you think i'm blocking i don't know i missed it all right now we can end the ender dragon using these infinite ender pearls we could just take out the ender dragon easy one they got all the end crystals with your boat plaza oh i got it all right plaza all zen crystals are down let's finish the job i can fly [Music] that must have been one of the level three abilities use that damn danger dragon oh with that i'm going with the creeper lobsters he's doing damage here we go oh my god the creepers are literally tracking him wait the infinite bed that's pretty smart i think he's coming down very soon here's my chance are you ready do it he's over there get up well if you guys enjoyed that video make sure to hit that subscribe button and we'll see you guys next time
Channel: Socksfor1
Views: 6,071,373
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Socksfor1, Minecraft but there is CUSTOM XP, minecraft but, minecraft but challenge, minecraft challenge, minecraft manhunt but, minecraft, minecraft mods, minecraft craft, socksfor1 minecraft, socksfor1 mods, minecraft manhunt but op loot, minecraft manhunt but i secretly used, minecraft xp, minecraft xp farm, new minecraft, minecraft but you can craft, minecraft but there are custom, minecraft but you can, minecraft uhc but, minecraft manhunt, minecraft but custom xp
Id: 2JXzU-Qs2Vc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 23sec (1403 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 05 2021
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