Minecraft But Its MEGA Hardcore - Minecraft RLCraft Modpack #1 | JeromeASF

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well you guys have been asking for it so here it is RL crash hey Jerome yeah it was up dude hey man try and use this seat okay you didn't you'd think that you could use this seed because you know it's a seed right yeah go ahead and try and use that seat man you don't meet the requirement welcome you're so garbage right now you're so garbage that you don't meet the requirements to use a seat you're in the pit goodbye oh oh oh wow I get like there's like a splatter effect on my screen that's pretty cool I mean ow stop aha loser the RL cress stanz basically for real-life crafts and as you on just showed you we don't have access to all the skills we'd like so in her skills menu we have farming what we need to get that to level two in order to do things like apparently use seeds all the way as well if you press the H bud you can see which parts your body are hurt so because Steve shoved me in the pit I have half a heart on my left foot I don't know what happens it goes to zero if probably just explodes you have to amputate it that sounds about right but anyway I have no faith in us to actually be able to do this well so we're gonna do it anyway though cuz you guys wanted it as a for instance of how hard it is if you want to break a tree down you actually need all the proper tools for it you're probably saying we'll help you do that without a wood hatchet well you got to craft yourself a flint hatchet alright guys let's get to work so to make that foot [Music] get away from that thing man wait I like how you guys completely ignored this giant tower that probably has loot in it for us okay so big big old question here right so I had full hunger but I still don't my heart's haven't regen is that cuz my tiny no your water's I'm guessing oh yeah cuz you're thirsty huh Jerome's thirsty guys how do I force myself to drink the water I'm sob you don't first now why is it cuz it's not like clean water well did you did you go to bathroom in here man I I did just pee in here yes get out okay wait no all honest to them what can I drink like a Luger now I know you have to like just right-click and you just read going rotli dirty and it's priority drinks on it yeah weird for me i just right-clicked oh yeah I got three hours yeah I think it's because I pooed in there oh god anyone see any gravel anywhere yeah come here where are you oh my yeah right right past this tree you'll be good right past this tree yeah off to the last gravel over there wait hold up what although actually is some gravel ready are you a friendly so you just slowly like maneuver and over to punch it yo drum yeah yeah drum I just got one question ask man honestly I don't know they look a giant lava tarantulas alright hideous guys we need to build shelter because we don't know what those are that's all me you give that foot so I'm still not gotten bigger and my left foot is still like almost at amputation levels yo crash hey don't forget if you want if you want to just pick up the blocks on the ground just crouch and you'll pick up everything in your vicinity oh yeah just so you guys know I figured that out like the same chief oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh alright here let me drink this bad water again okay by the way do we have a crafting table how much was the craft this hatchet in your inventory but you only have two slots right yeah I think it's like isn't it like I don't know stick and then some of the was at the fiber and then those shirts oh I need some fiber all right another question no I'm smashing the flint those opposed to smash it on a stone right yeah weight-wise in order to make little tiny things in order to make like little Flint foot thingies oh wait I just need some grab so they would all ought to make like the the smashed Flint I thought it said smashing on a stone oh I am rock if that's what you mean anyone yeah bad things are happening okay our dinosaur friends on fire hey drop see where they're our friends oh yeah they're not evil oh I thought there were food you walk right on up to a stone and you click on Oh might have to be cobblestone that might be the problem nice Justin Stone was the firing line why am I always on fire how much flint do you need guys my left foot is a TIE fighter again do you need three Flint or we're making an axe so you need three guys guys what there's nothing there dude there is a black monster thingy what's your um there's no need to get so upset okay you want I keep getting it on fuller would you say that you're lit oh my god stop letting me on fire okay flint shards now what do flint and stick well yeah but where do you craft them yeah how do you make a flint and stick it just it'll just lay two idols okay oh my god someone kill this Afra out stop it just leave me alone Kelly hood wait wait oh my gosh oh my gosh guys help I am on fire drop drum I'm gonna make this big so that I can actually help or not pick axe this axe I can actually help you okay so I'm I'm almost there bro I'm on fire yo I got a flint knife here does anyone else need a flint knife because I can make you one right now so I had the Flint knife a saber can you can you hold on to that guy for me thanks so you use a knife to chop grass in order to get grass or plant fiber that's good hold on what guys Steve what are you talking about the one that's about to light you on fire flying like in the sky killing me that's why I kept screaming it everyone was laughing at me horrible all right okay guys I got I got sticks and plant fiber and I got some Flint stuff but there's no crafting table how craft I haven't figured that one out yet oh yeah I may or may not have let dropsy take care of you because I believed in you drowsy I believe you that's why I just believe dropsy it's okay I'm making hatchets out here I got I got two drops he gets one because she's actually productive fibers oh no the fly things back Steve Steve Steve you touch him you touch him I refuse he's all you did you go inside this tower yet by the way yes there is nothing in there but we can use it as our home but that's cheating we got to build our own house okay all right so germ how did you how did you make these max look at the crafting recipe I'll tell you bro I am getting so mad at this Afrit oh my god I need string and why is my vision being on fire guys my water drinks I think it's ponds near the face of it Wade you guys have string how'd you get string use no fiber to make it yeah yeah fiber to make the plant string but Ilan you're missing out on all the actual fun stuff well where are you bro I'm trying then I reduced I say that as I try to turn an oak wood into anything and I can sounds like a problem in sounds like a you problem though you know guys it's nighttime it's terrifying and there's lava things we can have wood now we have sticks okay I just broke an entire branch insane Oh because you need a hole you need to make a saw okay how do we make a saw you need to make us all to do what you can break the tree branches no just so you know wait order to make a crafting table you need make a sauce let's see what kind of saws they have watch out the worst one you can get is an iron saw okay so then how get iron okay yeah how do you get to a crafting table then do sort of randomly find ma Bowie make a gun chainsaw oh that's so smart dropsy how do we get that guys I don't literally pruning trees over here bro i I even no idea what's happening me really chief I don't know what's happening oh driftwood okay guys if we find driftwood we can make that into oak wood place okay so how do we find your to it in the ocean I'm assuming yeah that's that's a big bird Steve I think it's after you not good I have wait so I can't get out of the water Elin do this actually get one shot it Briscoe moon shot II I'm the middle know where chief and be rule D I'm in the middle of a desert ttp to what it was Steve just around because he weighed too much too soon I just lost all my staff vision oh yeah that's a thing but what is that giant bad guys from their new bouncy we need to find some driftwood or otherwise we're never gonna do this guys we need to focus well I spawned out in the middle of nowhere again in the water DP this teepee doesn't just set your spawn point here all right guys oh my gosh I'm getting so sick of being lit on fire man I know I'm late okay I know I'm a little but I'm damn being a little tired of it guys I think the only real thing we could do here is we need it we need to get that crafting table up and running so we need to get drift water we need to find a crafting table somewhere let's book it bro where to I don't know oh look and then hope we find something is it ranked up oh no the efforts inside the adversary house I'm leaving this I'm punching and punching and pushing I'm beating it down come on fight it with me man fight it with me no you got to see little spawn somewhere in a desert and I found a battle tower I got coal so I'm gonna see what I can all right driftwood driftwood where are you driftwood oh that's a creeper Oh Aras I'm not beautiful water I think you just don't heal once I don't know dude I haven't been able to heal on you and I'm sorry sorry no it's fine it's fine I ran into a battle tower I took a lot of damage but I got us a stone tools I thought you could drink sources like this how do you do that yes wait how I went into a battle tower and skip a step yeah here okay hey buddy how's it going check this out look at all this look at all this loot that I got oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god we got a run run run run okay so not all the loot that I got Steve I also have a sword in a pic extra room so I got two swords two pickaxes 13 cobble ten bricks all right what okay so we'll get that stuff bra bra bra I'll try okay oh no I'm gonna see you I don't where are you guys doing the water guy - oh no I know where this stuff is I know where it is but guys that's what we need to do now Steve found the stone pickaxes so we need to go and get our first bit of iron so we can make an iron saw and that way we can start crafting like all the different things that laws the crafting tables etc etc trust mannery bro oh it's an iron not even needed guess who just found the crafting table oh I also found the house you guys want to come over to me in the house yeah yeah let's make that our new home it's a little bro this is literally no I don't care this is the best we're getting right now okay yeah we even got bookshelves look but we need water manage our time matter I'm a better dad I I'm alright Steve I found one of the pickaxes by the way okay oh you're welcome buddy this is our house now yeah you picked up by the birds dude dude it's somewhere sighs I mean they they probably thought you were like a slug or something you're all right you're tracking guys here's what we need to do now okay now Steve gun right here right no we're gonna get iron then we're gonna make a saw and then we're gonna make your chests and stuff like that okay I have an idea way I'm mad you have an idea I have an idea don't leave don't leave don't leave okay make the mine in here I killed a monster there you go see so we don't know where this is can we like spawn point here oh yeah this is where we live now all right this is our I like it I'm going to this structure that's next door I don't have any wood oh yeah luckily these scary-looking things with six legs that kind of look like they came out of the Jimmy Neutron cartoon me Neutron they they are passive they won't hurt you oh really Oh spiders will don't air drum there's a hole in the roof I got it okay I got for Ross are you crept into a cobblestone oh that's a mummy it yep see you want to go over to this thing with me yeah sure except there's a spider police yeah and the skeletons will headshot you so is pitch-black you're likely to be eaten by something I don't know what that I know exactly what that means why'd you dig straight down man cuz the cold right here dude bro you always staircase now we gotta fix this okay guys I got a lit torch oh good I'm assuming you got to use like a flint on it maybe okay maybe flint and steel bro if that's the case how you supposed to get your first let me see so I had some lit torches oh drop see you're still over there there's some torches up on the top right you need a flint and steel I was mining the oak planks I could get with my flint hatchet drum how'd you make that again I have the stuff for it was hatchet yeah that is a plant ring in the top left stick in the bottom left and the top right is a flint shard not a flat but a flint charge I don't have sticks anymore just kidding don't know what happened to those but I wish I could die in stone rocket saber episode 1 all I want just to get us a chest guys okay I'm in despair really that's actually country but I might be able to make us more cobblestone picks you know you make the rocks into sandstone by the way Steve oh really the sandstone rocks yeah and you give me a rock okay yes Elon are you you're all the way trapped up there I'm gonna bring it up coming I got you if you can you know I can't see anything but I mean well no no I was gonna give you some so that you can make more pickaxes I was yeah yeah the stone okay I do that do that tossed up this Firefly yeah I wouldn't go outside there's a very deadly Hippogriff flying out there waiting for me to come outside hypocrite hypocrite man oh okay well I'll take care of this come here buddy here we go you on so this is oh yummy yum yum delicioso and there's some sticks wait this next two sticks sorry zombies I'm sorry to disturb I go away now all right guys we're gonna do it we're gonna do it today we're gonna make a chest so when you guys I made the first ever stone pickaxe this is it a regular stone pickaxe bro are you serious it's so beautiful Latrobe cute you have any sticks on you dropsy yes okay toss me literally all of them please Oh guys this is a robbery I dug into a cases of their skeletons here oh my god why do you need level 4 mining in order to mine iron how do you do it who needs a pickaxes I for now guys I'm lost hey here's Steve get unlost with this pickaxe ooh you guys how do you how do you get level 4 mine I have two okay when I can get two square drive Z term how did you do okay anything water see nothing yeah I can't see anything my guy like oh guys okay it's all right bad news my mining level is now level 2 that sounds good well I need level Ford order to get iron so they're gonna need to find a big coal deposit in that you know your dog died every day I died you on alright well apparently that's what happens when you go in the dark oh no gee oh no oh no that's because you mind sometimes when you mind random things like that happen okay well I'm gonna try and get it I guess best of luck I think okay dude this is so stressful out here let's see what I can do I mind at all of coal there and that worked I'm level 3 now Oh what is it I got it I got it I got it I got it okay what just attacked me very cool I got oh I see the skeleton up there I see you you're not getting your level 4 mining now Oh not mining I'm I'm dumb their money I'll get more though I'm almost level 4 I'm not level 3 right now just - like a huge coal deposit just hit E and then you'll see skills next like it on the left side instead of your inventory there I am I'm so lonely okay I am level 3 so close what is that thing bro that's a skeleton ooh nope nope nope I'm good skeleton please leave me alone I picked up a regular stone why how did I do that good news guys it's Kelton miss that shot missed a shot missed that shot wait I want that the skels is like hit or miss I guess you know wait was that only drop saying I did someone just crops me no I crashed we all crashed I can't be the only person here in that cloud you're out see there's this skeleton going with the trumpet give me really robbing him of his trophy give me the trumpet this the wrong backup no I literally just got on a server oh my oh you guys want to pick ax like right down here thanks big axe for you don't touch me don't touch me any less believe up you just took my pickaxe here saver you can have this Oh swerve Danya as they would say fire Lilly so is it actually that hot out that like if we got side we're gonna burn up I a legit fire signal on my thing it was like not on that happy need help charm my mining skills only a one still so it's kind of all you dream I know I need to get us like the tiniest bit more level so I need all the coal we can get oh my god oh my god oh my god so how does it work whenever these skeletons gonna headshot you insta die otherwise I do like a half a heart of it yeah was that thing cuz you don't have head protection they're gonna want to show kind of a pickaxe get out of use your um okay yeah you want to pay gags I'll give you five dollars wait I have this spear whatever this does till it drops here - got the five dollars good news I got a music disc nice why is it that money food what is that it's apparently it's a Geo NART geo knack keep going in an arc a GeoNet Experian well guys I I might be able to get us that iron soon does anyone have any wood as well okay good because I have nothing yeah I don't have anything right now and I have plenty found more cauldron a large wave rewind you had place this whole time well Yanks I can't do anything with them how I don't have the level I just have them what you need a bolt to do what with the plane wait so many questions how did you get blink how get play from the tower thing over there oh oh sorry okay okay where are you yelling at me I was like why my business aw I am warm I know I do I need water something what's a minute no I'm gonna sit in the water so I cool off all right temperatures going down I had just found a floating structure yeah is it cool oh yeah what is wrong with me oh my is that hungry that I just can't see straight yeah oh there's a spider I'm a degree I'm going back inside where it's safe okay I get some help I need some want to distract these mobs down here yeah I was gonna say I want to put some stuff away someone should just be a temporary chest drop see ya guys yeah I think I found our new base what I think we need to move again why Steve no I'm coming I'm just giving dropsy all my stuff so that if I died when I was gonna get it again what the worst time coming I've ever had what do you mean I'm coming right now I was there light where are you are you right there yes I just need someone to distract the evil things down there why my you're all right I am God I'm gonna hold on she'll probably let me go chest for now I need what bad things I'm down here but I don't see anything right on the corner Steve open her eyes I'm just running around blindly they sure I get this down there I just need coal I need to raise my mining skills yeah I can buy an iron oh I know where coal is down there man drops tools for a new pickaxe I have everything can I have the picture I am I am basically Lydia what yes come over here oh there's a mummy outside I got pickaxes I got stolen I got wool and I got everything that's parents pull them up meet Steve Agee has where's if you have the Queen where's that cool follow me I'll give you another five bucks should I get 10 okay cool Steve can borrow 10 bucks yeah Oh God wait drop see do you have do you have enough for another pin right here Duramax right yeah stick stop and they break my bones but you can give me those resources Steve actually found where we should have set up our base the whole time I think would be the next episode I'm not traps do you see me literally just there's there's tons of materials around here like below here so this will be a prime spot for you to get your level a stone this is in Kabul I said it was stone okay don't worry romantic heroine for you thank you oh my gosh what is that I'm guessing you went to this thing that's like floating in the air in here yeah yeah all right what's up Durham's digging down below I'm gonna go inside of have you gone inside oh yes I am trying so hard to get to level four now levels rather syringe we're so quick and then I have nothing here yeah levels one two and three were so quick and I have no idea why but I can't get this last level in order to get ironed abandoned storage behind this wall you know dude there is so much stuff in your drum we I did it guys I did it you did yo now we just need to build as their furnace in there already or should I build one I don't know I'll check cobble on me right now from where I forced it on me like actual regular stone you have all that cobble Steve yeah okay let's bring it back to home base where there's a crafting table I have this weird feeling that this place is trapped like a trap I'm just warning you well luckily it's right next to our base so it's like what do you mean we won we won this is a duck in the chest this isn't good I'm getting attacked I love the guys this is what we're setting a spawn point what but this guy is really mean guys no Steve this is it this is it like this is it cheap Brooke there's an enchanting table here to our senators Bob semi spawner this is our new home he said it - well it's getting destroyed by this thing that's flying around on though I can't break dude you can't break the Redstone this trap is unbreakable right now I'm just gonna break the pressure plate whatever all right well I'm making our first saw and then I need one more stickers I'm a single stick I have here I have this here you go what a fine this place is awesome guys dude this was hidden behind a wall - I had a little alright buying one stick please okay dude check it out drum come over here oh look it goes around yeah hose up see if you want to TP there in a second I spun it spawned me a castle the pirate ship wait what you can pick up just boom guys this this mod pack is amazing this is insane well this is perfect guys we found our home ok ok so if you're underwater you drown very quickly drop the Elan phone a diamond sword oh that's cool oops I got lit torches I got a bucket of water no dude Ilan your people were living here first look around you look at chess what do you mean oh yes I knew I felt at home here I knew I felt as our food dude is actual hungry ok do anyone have one stuff I need everything I think I have some wood on this one down on stairs do the stairs and put yourself outside guys there's a random dispenser with 63 histone oh it's a one sticker please thank you how do I get back inside alright guys it sounds like there's a lot for us to explore here my boat is that next episode we spent a lot more time here but I just got the iron saw so now we can make as many play set of logs and we could actually start progressing so JJ you guys I think we survived our elk read and a reminder if you want to get a server just like this for yourself go on down to MC pro sting calm use my code and my link it's all right there thanks to MC pro see calm for sponsoring this video bye
Channel: JeromeASF
Views: 1,108,480
Rating: 4.8853955 out of 5
Keywords: Jeromeasf, Jerome asf, pixelmon, bedwars, fortnite, battledome, doodle god, copes and robbers, galacticraft, sky factory 4, Minecraft, risk factions, cookie camp, crazy craft, rlcraft, rlcraft tutorial, rlcraft ep 1, rlcraft lets play, rlcraft guide, rlcraft series, modded minecraft, hardest minecraft modpack, minecraft modpack, hardest minecraft, hardcore survival, rlcraft minecraft, rl craft ep 1, minecraft modpack survival, minecraft tutorial, rl craft guide, minecraft guide
Id: bsNns4g-lZU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 35sec (1955 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 06 2019
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