Minecraft, But Items Multiply Every Time You Walk...

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okay it looks like the map shows that the treasure is gonna be right about here yes what's in the chest oh that's a lot of good things we got tnt diamonds gold very nice let's take everything here all right that was pretty good wait what what just happened to my hotbar huh i have a stack of diamonds now what if i just walk one more time um three two one walk what pause this is minecraft but items multiply every time you walk this is going to be chaotic because i've made it so that every time i walk all the items in my inventory multiply and trust me when i say this you're going to see thousands and thousands of items over the course of this video will i be able to beat the game by multiplying items using the power of my legs watch to find out also a small percentage of viewers who watch this video are actually subscribed so be sure to subscribe and also like so we could beat the youtube algorithm enjoy the video and i hope you have a great day three two one uh huh we're on a deserted island it's just ocean everywhere there's like a shipwreck over there and there's another island over there that kind of has stuff i kind of want to go to that oh my gosh the guardian temple please no god [Music] oh no wait i can't mine wait a minute there's something amazing that's that's happening right now i have 128 dirt what every time i walk i get more oh okay okay i need to get out of here i must leave this place there's so much happening this is ridiculous go go go it's so weird i can't mind i literally can't mind what is this start this is the weirdest start of all time okay i think it's a good idea for us to go to maybe the shipwreck first because there might be some good loot in those chests and then we could go to the island over there in order for us to go there i mean we could swim but i mean we have so much so much dirt i just love whenever i start walking i just go oh my god what is this it's so cursed all right let's just bed wars bridge all the way to the shipwreck real quick oh man okay i think we're here i'm gonna jump oh please give me good stuff come on yes oh my gosh we got emeralds lapis iron nuggets and iron ink it's very very good and if you're wondering why i know those chests are there it's because i'm a speed runner oh yeah also there's another chest right here i think oh there is a berry treasure map okay we can look at that as well let's just go back up to the surface i want to go to the island and it's faster for us to go and bridge all the way to the island so let's do this bridging moment oh my gosh i just realized the more i walk the more maps i have wait what i'm spotting so much iron oh no oh my gosh okay infinite money glitch infinite money glitch let's just keep going [Applause] we're almost there oh the mining fatigue is gone oh thank goodness now i could actually start mining again i think yep that seems about right to me okay although i have like a bunch of iron and a bunch of lapis and emeralds which is probably really good when we have to go and maybe find a village or something we still only have like mainly dirt and i want to get wood and like actual real goods here okay i think i could just probably multiply the wood i think if i just cover more of my inventory with the things that i want then i get the stuff that i want really really quickly and that's really good so if i just walk walk walk there's about four sacks of 16 planks now which is basically i guess a stack of planks just by walking a few feet nice okay what if i replace all of my dirt with wood how about this like that and then we just walk two four oh gosh and the multiplying is real yeah that's about right yeah it's spamming everything out oh god that is uh a lot of wood just just a lot of wood man okay easily easily we could go and probably like just make this and then we could go and make full iron i suppose boom then we could go and make a bucket i guess and let's not forget to make tools right boom boom boom we don't have to mine to go and get certain items we don't need that all we need to do is just walk a few inches and then we're going to be fine all right let's just use the 127 maps to go and find the treasure hold on okay i'm gonna go and make uh doors and a boat i'll talk about the doors later but let's go and use our boats according to minecraft i have to go over here oh my gosh i can place so many boats already i have over 100 boats this is so so chaotic so quickly oh man okay oh my gosh i could see my bedwars bridge all the way from here it's all dirt come on i need to find food soon and it's night time so i don't think there's any food mobs that are gonna spawn no pigs no cows no sheep that are probably gonna spawn oh we're gonna have to find something man we're all the way here now oh boy we're getting really close all right wait isn't this isn't this just a village path wait let's go up the mountain what is this huh oh my god it is a village it's a village village we have found a savannah village holy crap this is actually perfect we got food and we also got a bed very nice yes oh mission success this is literally the perfect village for this scenario because i need food let's get this real quick i put extra hay bill slots in my inventory and this is kind of ridiculous oh we're all 127 now i keep doing these micro like steps and there's just so much items on the floor already let's place the crafting table where's the crafting table let me just yoink the 127 crafting tables in my inventory right now bang okay we got a whole stack of bread very nice okay we have 127 bread already i think our food situation is uh a lot better now oh okay we could do a lot of stuff at this village by the way oh this is really good opportunity especially since we had emeralds from earlier from that shipwreck over there we still haven't even gone to the treasure yet so we're gonna have to go there real quick before we do stuff at this village okay i'll be back village oh i think it's somewhere around here maybe it's like this oh it's it's definitely that what's in here oh no oh oh no the more i play this i realize that every single item that i obtain can be multiplied using my toes i'm just gonna go and get the tnt in there let's just get one diamond i'm not gonna even care about the four other dimes i just have one singular diamond i don't mind sure i'll have one piece of gold too you wanna see a magic trick see that tree over there i'm gonna walk up to that tree with my baby steps all right and by the time i go to that tree and high five that tree i'm gonna be the richest man in the world here we go walk walk walk walk walk i'm not even there yet but i already have a full 127 stack i'm gonna get a bit more here let me just get a few more diamonds here let me just yep there you go let's just crash the economy by boop boop bang oh boy there's a lot of numbers on my screen right now what it essentially means is that i'm a billionaire jeffrey basos oh yeah also i could just place a bunch of tnt if i wanted to i could just blow it up bang anyways let's just go and uh trade with villagers now hello i would like to trade with you we got an armor here i'm just gonna go keep trading this armor until it gives me cool things i'm just gonna go and spread out my emeralds real quick and i'm just gonna walk a few walk to walk walk walk what a nice process anyways we have a lot of more emeralds now hello i would like your channel even though i'm not gonna even wear it all yay even more stuff thank you oh big money big money okay okay oh wow diamond leggings brought to unbreaking two fire pro one unbreaking one only 24 emeralds and 12 emeralds easy peasy let me just go put this right here oh you might be looking at my uh my 127 leggings that i'm wearing i got a layer by layer oh man that is a lot of leggings by the way i am basically an onion i'm just gonna go and remove these leggings and boots i'm gonna replace with my uh my very nice shiny blue armor we've upgraded the armor again and now i can go and get full diamond bang unbreaking one chest plate and protection one helmet very good full diamond just like that wait a minute i just realized there's only like two different types of villagers in this area dude there's like an armor which i had to get full diamond from thank you very much by the way and then there's just a cartographer not gonna lie this village is kind of useless man other than the full diamond i would have expected a little bit more i would have expected maybe even a potion cellar you know but no there's like six houses around the area man like there's just not much here i'll be honest with you i guess there's one thing that i could do with this village to just improve it a little spam tnt i'm gonna use my duplication power to just place as much tnt as i want i will literally spend the whole day just placing tnt because i can i think this calls for a tnt moment tnt moment oh boy that's a bit of tnt now i get it i get it some of you are gonna be in the comment section right now and you're gonna be like oh my god there's so much tnt look it's been like two weeks since i've uploaded all right i might have starved some of you of of topple content of minecraft but content so in order for me to make it up i uh i have this let's go make a pressure plate real quick let's make out of gold why not all right here we go three two one go it's going up the mountain as well god oh my god and this is just a reminder that we could make as much tnt as we want to all right this is our footprint this is power i i guess we showed them those those harmless villagers yeah oh boy i'll just have my editor have like a before and after of the village yeah there's just basically no village left anyways let's just move on i suppose it's time for us to move on to new ventures so let's keep going about yes yes thank you obsidian okay we got a ruined portal very nice oh with lava very very good what's in here uh thanks yeah definitely useful yup okay obsidian is actually nice because we could actually mine the obsidian for us to go and get things things that we want things like enchantment tables which is gonna be really really good let's just go and straight up make a diamond pickaxe real quick let's just simply do this no worries might as well just update the other tools as well you know all right let's just go mine the obsidian here we go nice now luckily we don't have to mine like a ton of obsidian all we need to do is just literally obtain one obsidian because we could just go and multiply it by walking again boom boom boom just keep doing that we'll just get to a stack right about now nice yeah we got our obsidian we already have diamonds i think we just need to go and get a book real quick so that we could get enchantments easy peasy oh we have to find like some sugar cane and stuff hold on oh yes okay we got three sugar cane bank all right now we need to find a cow for some leather no cows any cows yes there's some cows okay good and leather please thank you i'm gonna just throw out some of these emeralds real quick let me just throw away a few hundred water buckets as well all right now we could go and make a book by making some paper real quick and then we're going to go and make a bunch of books 21 books very nice and then we're going to go and take our diamonds right here and place the book and the obsidian to go and make this enchanting table very nice and since we had lapis from the very start of the video we could go and use it to enchant nice honestly i'm just gonna go and just reset all of my items so then there's like no durability loss i think the smart thing is that we should probably go and like enchant one certain item and then just combine stuff which would be insane all right watch this i'm gonna go and just enchant this pickaxe real quick with efficiency one very nice also got efficiency on the axe as well and the shovel and then we could just do this walk walk walk walk now we have 32 efficiency one pickaxe is very nice well that's not over yet we could do more i'm just gonna go and make a few blocks of iron real quick because it would allow us to go and make an anvil now that we have an anvil we could add two pickaxes of efficiency one to make efficiency two and then we could duplicate efficiency two to make efficiency three just like that i would like to get efficiency for but it's gonna cost a few levels so uh we're gonna have to get more levels somewhere else but we have efficiency three easy peasy might as well get efficiency two on the x as well now that we've gotten enchanted full diamond and also enchanted diamond tools as well with just a bunch of other stuff i think we're ready to go to the nether it's time for us to go and make like a portal or something i guess here we go you know what i could use all the obsidian i want man i could go as high as i want to i could go all the way up just like that it's like our flint and steel and just go like oh it's too tall it's actually too tall oh boy let me just uh do some fixes real quick um yeah that should work hey yup i just made a really tall nether portal with a forehead this this is art this is this is most definitely art anyways let's just enter here we go it's time for us to enter the nether oh okay okay not bad not bad interesting now that we're at the nether it's time for us to go and find a bastion and a fortress the reason why we are gonna go to a bastion in fortress is because we need ender pearls and blaze rods in order for us to go and make eyes of ender and enter the stronghold so uh we're just gonna have to keep walking here walk in here what yes yes okay thank you bastian thank you it's been a while i've been running for a bit man hello bastion oh gosh i just realized i should probably put on some gold boots or something because if i don't wear gold boots then i'm gonna be in trouble so let me just go and make these quick boots real quick all right there you go all right there you go okay hello bastions hello oh uh hi ow owie stop pork okay wait ancient debris right here yes two really good items let's multiply the pork in the background i'm also gonna multiply the ancient debris as well yes thank you game i think it would be smart for us to do a just a small quick thing real quick you know let's get some blackstone real quick all right and then we're just going to multiply this black stone a bit walk walk walk okay we have enough black stone to go and make a bunch of fernai how we could use the fernai to smelt ancient debris which is essentially going to help us make a lot of nether right here oh my gosh we could put stacks and stacks of ancient debris in these furnaces although we have multiple fortnite we could actually just use one because all we need is just one shard for us to go and multiply in order for us to go and make like an ingot and then we can multiply that it just keeps going on and on and on man this multiplication power is insane math okay we got four another right scrap very good and then we're gonna put the scrap over here bang another right ingots we got two man this is getting really overpowered oh boy four eight 16 32 64 127 and now it's gonna be blasted everywhere nice let's just go and make this our smithing table bang and then we can make ned the right boots and a shovel and a official c3 pickaxe let the right axe we're not done leggings chest plates and helmets we are now essentially a full net the right with netherrite tools of course oh wait i actually forgot one more thing hold on let me just go and uh make this quick uh diamond hoe and uh let's just do this real quick there you go much better we can't forget the nether i ho you know yeah i could break these things faster yeah all right let's just keep going let's just re-answer this oh there's pearls hey yo let's just go and distract you real quick quran sir oh god i gotta pick up the pearls but there's so much stuff in the way oh i got it okay we're good we're good we're good oh my gosh there's actually so much stuff right now ah i'd like to get some fire rest too mr piglin is there any fire rest there's so much happening on the screen right now oh boy the the youtube compression is just having a field day all right you know what just more of you just just go trade i literally don't have to even give it to them i just walk and that's how i trade i'm giving them stacks and stacks of gold because i have gold already all right i'd like some fire rest please thank you very much is that fire us i think that's fires fire resistance please yes thank you oh that was an interesting trip all right i'm leaving now bye oh yeah i should probably do one more thing let me just uh yeah let's just do that go oh i placed a lot of dandy by the way oh oh oh god oh i pissed off like everybody everybody the whole avengers is here oh the boy is no more um welcome to my channel if you're new let's just go find a fortress now let's get the blaze rods oh gosh i'm in danger oh boy we gotta run run run run run oh that is the fortress yes thank you let's go fortress time for just time for just time okay low fortress low blazes oh gosh we need fires what up yeah that is just all i need and now we just run back that's that's literally all we need to do that's all we need to do yeah that was intense yep very intense that was riveting riveting and scary and and suspenseful okay let's let's actually just leave now i mean we could just multiply these blaze rods we don't need to grind and just say like oh we have five blaze rods oh we have six ah we could just literally go like this boom boom and boom we have 127 blaze rods nice too easy all right let's get out of here and we are now in the overworld i think it's time for us to just go and do this and that you have 16 eyes of ender but wait a minute let's just walk a few feet and now we have 127. let's go gee i wonder where the stronghold is at i i wonder which direction we're gonna have to take i hope i have enough eyes of ender for us to go and get to the stronghold oh geez oh man what a struggle for me to go and just use my precious my precious eyes of ender huh it's right here it's right here yes we found it let me just make sure it's it's actually right here though hold on let me wait yeah maybe maybe we need a little bit more oh okay i think we're here now yeah all right let's mine downwards let's enter this stronghold now okay we're here all right let's find this portal this end portal here we go oh there's a library nice oh my gosh there's like six books in here what i've never seen so many books in one chest in my entire life we got power four very good i'm going to be taking that that's it we found it oh it's light time oh it's lifetime here we go [Music] that is it that is the end portal right there it's time for us to enter this but first i actually want to do one last thing i'm gonna completely disrespect this dragon let's go uh and get some some dirt real quick okay my plan is weird right now but trust me i have a great idea all right i got the dirt i got the dirt okay before i enter this i'm gonna go and make a chest real quick okay i'm gonna put most of my stuff in here okay i put most of my stuff in these chests for a reason now what we're gonna quickly do is make a really nice bow right now let's go and place an anvil let's go make a bow and we're gonna go and make this bow into a power five bow now that that's done we're gonna do the most important part of all i'm gonna go and fill up the rest of my inventory with dirt the absolutely disrespect the dragon and as you can see as i walk it is multiplying already as i walked to the portal you could see there's just they're already everywhere oh god ready we're ready let's do this three two one let's go here we go it's dragon time let's do this we're shooting crystals here we go oh my gosh look how much dirt there is all over your world dragon so much dirt i'm gonna fill her up with dirt now here we go more dirt more dirt more dirt the better i'm polluting your world dragon we got that crystal [Music] we got that crystal as well we got one cage let's get the other cage bang okay now it's just you and me let's spam arrows and dirt i'm making a giant l for this dragon dude i'm giving this one l to the dragon right now oh it's perching right now i'm slamming her bang let's go keep going come on it's two thirds away there come on he's almost done he's almost done and let's go [Music] dirty land you have a smelly island good job dragon all right let's just go and get the egg real quick there we go oh we could multiply the egg as well holy crap that is a lot of eggs there you go that was probably one of the most smelliest endings of all time considering that we just spammed thousands and thousands of dirt onto the end very nice thank you for watching that was pretty fun
Channel: TapL
Views: 3,013,667
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Competitive Minecraft, Minecraft PvP, TapL, UHC, Ultra Hardcore, Crazy UHC, Insane Minecraft, Minecraft Minigames, Tapple, Tapple Events, Tapple Minecraft, Tapple Server, Tapple UHC, TapL UHC, TapL Challenge, Challenge, Tapple Challenge, Minecraft But, Minecraft UHC But, MinecraftBut, Minecraft Challenge, Minecraft Challenges, Minecraft Hardcore, Beating Minecraft, Minecraft OP, OP Minecraft, Blessed Minecraft, Cursed Minecraft, Minecraft Scenario, Minecraft UHC
Id: 0rEy2E6PHlc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 16sec (1336 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 07 2021
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