Minecraft, But It Gets More Modded...

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i made it so every advancement we get will add more mods to our game from 5 mods to even 500 mods can we survive the chaos and reach our goal of a thousand mods okay so we need to get our first advancement to make our game more modded which i'm pretty sure all i need to do is just get oh my goodness modded level up five mods it says okay oh no i came lagged for a second shut up we have the sky village mod wait a second oh my goodness there's already more custom crafts log acts and then we can make that log pickaxe okay it drops saplings and apples i can use the apples and then i assume the log act should be oh okay that is insane bro we're five mods in so our game is still super vanilla except there's probably cool stuff up there we don't even need to bridge up we can just swim yeah okay yeah we only have five mods so i don't see any other structures but this should be pretty good we got a little villager right here and a check pink carrot wait whatever mod we just got gave us a pink carrot i don't know why i'm holding it like that it's kind of weird what does it do though boom oh wait we have little bunnies hello no way they just follow me oh and i have jump boost and then wait oh okay nothing in here nothing in there we need to get another advancement which isn't it just like wait yeah it's literally just a stone pickaxe boom oh my goodness we're at 10 months now i didn't even explore the five that we had we're already at 10. there's a chest in here i didn't check okay we got eight emeralds hold on if we have 10 mods don't we have the emerald mod oh my goodness bro my devs made this super weird so that we kind of have to like just yes and find the mods over this village is sick we're at 10 mods so i assume there should be some other stuff in here actually i'll take this coal just in case pretty sure if we find some iron we can get another advancement trying to think though whoa wait this is some sort of armory if we can get some iron okay no iron but we got another emerald test plate helmet and emerald apple contains the power of life and a fat emerald sword wait what why is it called a fat oh i mean i guess it has a little tip it's a chubby sword okay don't make fun of it oh iron which yes 20 mods i like how the text is blue by the way wait i just realized this emerald chess play we just had on was worse okay these guys are kissing there's a chest here it's a structured compass i think this is really good there's no target wait are you telling me we can go to anything wait desert pyramid okay if i click that it literally shows me my distance and then where i need to travel west and south we can get more advancements and then use this to find the new structures okay this is gonna be sick and we got a saddle in here okay i wonder if we have this one mod okay no we don't how about this other mod oh we do okay well i'm gonna go and make myself some armor out of wood because why not we don't have too much structures like any custom ones oh my goodness i just clicked on a custom structure it's not even that far away i think it's an underground village there's another village and oh my goodness there it is normal zombies because we only have 20 mods oh yo my bunnies what and okay i think this is it gamers i'm pretty scared this is an underground wait is it abandoned there's just fish in here whoa enchanted lemons and a bad book in paper what does the enchanted lemon do it's not even one of us do you guys see this and we got saturation i also just realized this sword the fat one gives us a lot okay this is pretty sick yes with what is that an ore sphere blaster you gotta be kidding me and these don't give us advancements do they no they don't dang it bro how do we get a newer advancement well what is this is this a secret of the underground village boom oh he just shot emerald or hold on we have to test this okay this place is kind of creepy they just left cows under here these villagers are psycho wait here are the villagers they're just sleeping okay i want to test out this ore launcher whoa it just it shoots gold two and diamonds i know our next advancement oh my baby i'm you know what i want my bunny army to take care of the baby yeah get him bunnies if you don't subscribe my bunnies are gonna eat you just kidding i'm sorry for threatening but now oh my goodness 35 mods the text turned green and we have dehydration bar now that's kind of weird what else do we have wait a second oh my goodness what the heck are those fish i think we're actually gonna what is that what is that hey bro watch out watch your jet bro watch your jet watch oh my goodness they hurt oh my goodness why does he make that sound okay i need my bunny army bunny army get him yeah get him get him i'll take care of the boss man oh my goodness never mind they just broke my wood armor wait they killed him my bunny saved me and now they're killing a dwarf bro what air oh my goodness our bunny army is insane but i'm definitely gonna need the diamonds pants oh my goodness 50 mods i didn't realize that we would literally get an advancement bruh wait now my chestplate does this weird thing i'm pretty sure now i can make a oh my goodness a level two chunk miner if i break this oh my goodness it just mines the entire chunk and it looks like there's new oars as well as more structures i was going for a haunted house and i found this thing what and oh my god stupid npc idiot if we bridge up to the top we can just skip all the dungeon levels okay but maybe we don't want to skip all the levels because oh no there's an emerald block right there dude oh my goodness bro i think if that thing touches me my entire inventory just deletes but what if i eat this pink carrot some of them died but yeah get them oh my goodness wait that means i can just go over here an emerald bowl okay emerald and a bunch of emerald apples get them yeah good job bunny army they're like you guys my subscribers always helping me out wait i just realized is this a mod or is like my eyes always been 3d you see what i'm saying let's just reach the top wait what oh my god reach the top to what find an emerald wither oh my goodness oh my goodness i see why i was giving a bow oh my god okay let's eat our lemon as well as our emerald apple whoa whoa i'm levitating i'm levitating with the bowl and let's get oh okay wait we got straight okay i'm taking heavy damage i'm taking heavy damage okay okay come on come on he's almost freaking halfway already yes oh my goodness oh my goodness bro he does so much damage pink carrot go oh my god i have jump boost i dropped my ball enchanted lemon come on bunnies get him he's almost dead wait what he spawns villagers baby villa i'm dead oh my goodness i'm so dead he's almost dead too though come on come on come on yes oh my goodness oh we did it wait this stupid baby villager what are you doing what the heck i got another star which makes sense and an emerald juju a hero's born i get heroes of the village infinitely brush i'm using the compass to get to the freaking haunted house but bro what what oh my goodness look at these what the heck is this okay we just gotta keep going this is not good what what is that oh my goodness i'm not even at the haunted house and i'm terrified run run run run run run run run run leave me alone oh what oh we're here okay surely this thing can't be that scary right just a stupid zombie just some candles ow this ain't no normal zombie that was a speedy zombie apparently oh my goodness okay yeah this is normal get out of here well i got a freaking rotting totem from that guy okay coco oh my god that's fake oh my goodness 80 mods the wither skull gave us an advancement are you kidding me we have some non-modded zombies in here what is this oh some food a golden apple we're now at 80 mods so in other words we gotta be careful this is not normal minecraft bro why are we here again i literally don't even know we just gotta be careful what's inside of here ooh amethyst i could probably do something with that this literally looks like a toilet i just found a secret urn and then a magic carpet joint wait what oh my goodness i can literally just fly yo wait what is that oh my oh my goodness oh my goodness wait the creeper just killed him oh my goodness i gotta get out of here what the heck is follow me what is that i'm dipping i'm dipping bro oh my wait a second what is that and what is that 80 mods gamers yolo let's literally just go up there using our flying carpet oh gamers what in the baby slime butt crack is this oh my god there's angel birds yes good sleep so that you don't attack me and i can do all your loot oh i've never seen this much loot in my life wait a sack of enchanted two stuff oh i'll do almost two seconds bro i think i hear mobs down there no way there's a prison or something dude i'm honestly really terrified gamers we have something called god token 16 of them i didn't even notice there's a heavenly sword joint and what is that angel pickaxe wait i can't read it's not an angel pickaxe it's an angle pickaxe i mean it kind of looks like an angel pickaxe oh i was like why is it called that don't we oh my what it just changes direction and then it just mines it just broke the portal wait what the heck wait where is it going okay this pickaxe is crazy i don't even know what mod this is most of these mods are custom gamers that we're literally adding to the game but i just right clicked the god token wait is this like a heaven mod are we literally in heaven i don't understand this this is controversial bro oh my goodness bro we can just summon meteors we have the power of a bro oh my wait what the yo yo yo yo those bird angels were keeping the freaking mobs away i'm sorry i get it oh my god wait what the why are they attacking me now oh my god heavenly swords yeah yeah wait he's just flying away yeah you don't want any hold on there's some smaller ones right here if i just poop wait what they just go up flying yo this sword is crazy wait what oh my oh he can fly he's good bro honestly i doubted that we could get a thousand bombs but i think we can wait i also have this saddle i know if i attacked you guys but oh my goodness wait a second can i tame this guy oh my god we got the achievement now we're at a hundred mods oh my goodness i can fly him and now with the hundred mods wait is this a portal i have a flying steel man why are you shooting at me i'm gonna call you pero because you look like a parrot oh and he attacks mobs for me all right pero i'll be back just you know just gotta explore the other like hundred billion mods we're gonna add and oh okay wait we get an achievement but this one didn't add any mods probably because it's like not from regular minecraft but is that a lucky part wait are we in the mario world um what i just got a fire flower and gamers did you guys just see that i can attack him he's a we are in the mario world oh my god there's more what the heck okay this is definitely from another mod there's like more pigs what the heck are these what oh heck no god token yeah okay that was over oh we didn't even we missed there's some yoshi fruit what there's more lucky blocks hello are you mean you gotta be kidding me come on wait i just got a coin i literally do not know what to do with this okay these things hurt you okay wait we found a structure i think this is toad's house super mushrooms and golden mushrooms and a lot of coins that i don't think i need oh my goodness a superstar wait a second we got a spawn egg paratrooper and an ice flower okay wait so this is the same thing except whoa i just froze him what if i spawn this guy in hello are you mean oh he looks like he's angry ow take this nerd okay wait it doesn't affect him what the heck what if i eat the super mushroom i think i just healed up how about the golden mushroom i have speed i got the red shell i can wear it for armor hello fire flower oh my goodness bro this is so weird and boom we're back if i remember correctly yup there's obsidian gamers we're at 100 mods now and if i just pick this up boom 200 mods and the text is now red there's a chaos level bar and wait what doom boss spawning in 30 seconds what more is that i gotta get out of here oh my goodness that's the boss i could take it wait what did it just spawn in what i did not sign up for this no no no i'm getting out of here come on pero get me out of here bro peace you stupid boss can't catch me yes oh my goodness we found another structure bro what the balls is this i recognize this structure i do we've done this before and then there's an air pod gun okay what is this mod and a coffee blade which gives me speed oh this isn't that bad you know and it swings super fast it actually looks so cool okay but what does the airpod gun do boom oh wait did you shoot an airpod bro it actually shoots airpods and music are you kidding me okay we gotta test this but since we have the water bucket yolo yolo yolo oh my goodness wait am i dead am i dead no way no way oh my goodness i would have died oh wait there was water right here bro okay whoa the world just cut off okay that's pretty weird and this is even weirder we just found a floating mansion house thing okay what was that wait what oh he just shot me yeah i could shoot you back nerd what does he even have bro he literally is not taking any damage i don't want his loot to burn what we just got a literal combat shotgun oh my goodness it shoots wait what the heck is this this is so what gamer i'm breaking a block and i just realized it's not dropping what it's supposed to we have the randomizer mod now of course we have 200 mods there's probably a billion things i don't even know what we have smart glasses what what is that oh my goodness wait i put on the smart glasses i don't feel any smart i look sick though what the oh oh my goodness wow i have technology that lets me build without even needing to build what okay wait that is pretty dope i'm pretty sure though that oh my goodness there's a dollar blade and an insane pickle literally don't know what's so insane about it if i eat it it said something about oh my god it gave us so much more health and then what does this dollar blade do wait i'm just getting a bunch of money i'm just getting money huh wait if i drop the gold yeah look it just gives me a bunch of money what the heck of course gotta drink water and there's like some shark down there come on let's get out of here what is that hello ah no leave me alone it's swallowing me help me please oh my god money blade money blade money blade oh my god oh my god shock on it no it's drowning me oh i killed it and it exploded into diamonds and dollars and gold what the heck is this thing what the oh my goodness okay it also exploded there's 200 mods guys we got to be careful and there's a shark over there no yeah i'm getting the balls out of here what did i just find over here and chaos mob spawning in 30 seconds okay wait what is that we got an advancement but it didn't do anything because i think again it's modded but if we go into this don't we get more mods that's literally an advancement i knew it i knew it i saw a new boss bar what is that bro get him by pyro i don't even know what his name is i'm doing no damage oh what there's multiple wait but this one's the real one wait what if i just eat the superstar oh wait i have some sort of strength let's get um oh my goodness wait i hit him what oh what oh my we got some ender pearls bro i keep any stupid dollars that keep holding the sword out the ender ring which i believe wait what is that oh my god they just spawned more stuff what the heck oh no oh no what the these guys have machine guns oh my goodness oh my goodness come on come on come on come on oh i got one where are they hello oh my goodness rock this thing is insane and now gamers let's check out the inside we're not even at a thousand mods yet come on come on come on and oh gg 500 okay now i'm really scared it went from red to black what is a thousand gonna be and dude this does not look like the nether i'm pretty sure with the ender wing oh my god wait i'm lagging mother demon what what is that there's this stupid guy right here yeah there we go i'm pretty sure with the end we can just teleport like another dimension oh my goodness i don't literally know what i'm looking guys i'm also getting like 20 fps can you guys tell please subscribe guys i'm pretty terrified there's something called the mother demon i don't know what is that be gone be gone be gone big on vegan oh my god i'm shooting it doesn't do anything oh my god wait i'm gonna run out of ammo it's not what wait i just killed it that wasn't it oh my god that's terrifying why did we think madding mods would be good there you go where's the mother demon i don't like this i don't like this at all i don't want a thousand mods i set a foot over here what the heck is that no got him i reloaded bro what that was illegal gamers i don't like this mod i don't know what this is but this is really weird or glowstone to set your spawn point why mother demons around here i don't know what that is i'm like not too worried about dying famous last words what the heck no no no no no dear lord gamers please make it stop one more advancement and it's all over for me honestly i may just use the ender ring to get out of here what is over here oh my this isn't the mother king i don't even like saying that word bro let's take them down this is what happens when you have too many mods gamers i don't like it make it stop i ran out of ammo oh my god reload yeah i don't have that much and we did it oh my goodness bro these achievements thank god are not vanilla i don't even know what other achievements i have to do i have a shotgun i totally forgot if i just press the key oh wait what wait i'm here at the end and there's the ender dragon okay but what if i just look in the distance and oh wait it worked what you gotta be kidding me no no no no no no no no no no no you know what screw it i'm using all these tokens come on come on come on land on him please i used all of them i just missed wait i just shot him in oh my god wait he's gonna die come on we can get him stuck yeah yeah i'm getting him stuck he can't do anything oh my goodness yes oh bro we're actually so cracked and this is what the end looks like with 500 mods there's no way bro what is this there's dragons everywhere what is this biome what is this structure where does it lead and what is that okay we gotta be very careful dude oh my goodness oh my oh i think that this is literally oh my goodness there's water down there that's a dropper this is a dropper map i try and do it if we get into trouble i can always just use the vendor ability okay three two one i'm doing it i'm doing it okay wait no no no no no no no no no no wait teleport teleport teleport it's not working what you have to be kidding me wait i know how we can get a thousand mods come on come on come on and yes yes yes yes wait what my game wait what just what happened to my pc am i still recording who would have guessed that this friendly freaking mods would have just destroyed your pc
Channel: Bionic
Views: 3,063,618
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, Minecraft But It Gets More Modded, minecraft but, minecraft mods, mod, mods, modded minecraft, minecraft mod, minecraft but it gets more, bionic, family friendly, challenge
Id: HHoGb8pRcEs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 53sec (953 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 12 2022
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