Minecraft But It Becomes A CARTOON!

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on this minecraft server one mod will turn our world into a cartoon and this causes the rules of minecraft to change now my friends and i have to survive in this cartoony version of minecraft where anything and everything can happen what new pranks can we make all right it's time to play some regular minecraft which i can just chop these trees [Music] not getting into him today okay let's see oh out now fancy meeting you here what is this a potato you better come over here and get it it looks so damn ouch that's got to hurt what's that what what is this a cartoon rush this is awesome hey you were supposed to fall under that trap it was too obvious oh yeah well you're too and bill ha huh what does that mean oh a friend bounced and missed come here [Music] what's going on wait a second maybe this brush is doing something what happens if i paint on this wall here [Music] a tunnel i can escape through this perfect this is amazing what the [Music] i know you're hiding somewhere oh yes you need to fall for my super smart pranks i mean it's totally not a prank ann's not gonna find me in this tunnel she says something about a tunnel oh a ton of what's that tunnel always here no it doesn't matter coming out what happened to me i don't care what kind of trick this is i'm gonna teach you a lesson once and for all like what huh enjoy a present no no no no no no no no oh [Laughter] [Music] you know what doesn't matter i'm gonna get my revenge on you just you wait that foul ain't nice thank you wait how do you get a carrot i gotta let someone know about this in case he's the only person i can trust especially when i look this cute oh let's see hey huh you're here look what happened to me wow you look amazing um but i'm not sure what this means something must be going on on the server um what do you mean i don't know i've been able to turn things into like like this weird like texture cartoon thing oh [Music] wow what is this hot chips let me see what happens uh um i mean it's not that spicy oh my gosh okay okay i'm doing good um let me go to the bigger water just in case there you go come on come on get your cartoon cakes right here step right up and get your cakes you like cakes you like cartoons we have both so get out what are you doing oh hello customer if you get turned in listen listen if you got turned into a cartoon then there must be a mod right so i'm just selling cakes that give you cartoon powers [Applause] [Music] oh well you know uh do you want to try one fine all right thank you very much that'll be six gold please [Applause] [Music] that's a scam oh my gosh can i get cool cartoon powers oh of course for two extra gold [Music] all right thank you very much here is your cake and let me just step right over here and get you your cartoon powers so let me just take my handy dandy little paintbrush and uh there we go good as new um did i get a very cool look yeah sure anyway have a good day i don't know if ian art's very goodly oh are you questioning my art not really no whatever i have other customers get your cartoon cakes over here wait a minute ian have you heard about the golden cartoon player that appeared over there at the spawn i don't have time for cartoon gold it's over there it's over there by the fountain if you want to take a look at it all right everybody we're closed we gotta take a short little break and uh yeah yeah yeah okay all right let me deal with this it's gonna try to steal rules from everybody by giving them cartoon powers you know what i can do something like oh did these gold fall in there oh okay all right cool let me go see if i can give it back to casey i didn't see anyone i thought we don't see anyone over here keep looking don't worry this was a scam i think it was too uh don't worry i got [Music] i don't think anyone's wait a minute what's that over there nothing are those my gold blocks nope oh those are my gold blocks no they're my gold blocks yeah oh really aft mal oh where were they they were because you you gave her a false item well then how about you also take this dynamite oh my gosh guys look at this going on this is amazing you are cute you're adorable oh my gosh wait are we all cartoons no you're not what oh you're normal claire why are you why don't i look cartoony cry because you're dumb can you steal all our gold oh you're going so much oh whatever i'm gonna follow him casey i'll get a bit oh it's so cute oh thank you see ya stop you need to answer for your crimes i didn't do any crimes i just wanted to sell some cakes and i got the cartoon stuff you had to go cartoon what's up what is that that is a big big red button i want to press it no we probably should impress it again what what if it turns me into a cartoon [Music] no it's dangerous especially like what happened to the hub um what is going on here nothing what i have what yo what you and uh i mean yes but you're a cartoon and and how i don't know what i did but i want to be a cartoon too and i want to hit the button i'm going to press i want to press i want to press downward press so i want to press tell him he shouldn't i i don't want i don't want to listen zayn always does the grown-up thing and you know he's always boring wait wait wait wait you you're saying i'm the you're saying i'm old that i'm grown up and can't have any fun whatsoever uh sounds like what he said yeah yeah pretty much i have an idea because this adult is about to show how much of a kid he is doing oh yeah come on guys are you [Music] look at okay why are we all flattened and squished and short wait wait insane huh you look different i think you became a cartoon i feel like a kid again this is so amazing i'm a cartoon uh speaking of kids could you just make me not as short and low to the ground anymore yeah this is what it feels like for you all the time wow i'm not sure just you know what let me see what the [ __ ] this is fascinating hey there's a zombie here uh can you guys deal with it thanks i can't even reach it whoa this is so cool okay let's see um there's nothing in this chest zayn you gotta stock up on your items again uh look at the cabinets there's got to be something in there oh there's some iron ingot and feathers okay all right i think i got this um let's see apparently okay so how do we weight ourselves this uh flat thing is getting kind of old for me i think i have an idea i think i know how to craft a air pump an air pump how about i'm trying to get a snack but i'm too short come here come here come here come outside wait just saying that would actually work like in a cartoon probably all right let's see uh let me try this on you guys hang on hang on bye what is happening what do we follow up it's amazing and concerning well i think it works like little balloons for me look at that kind of fun i balloon get used to this see i could have fun well yeah i guess it is kind of fun floating but no i thought gets a polish wherever she wants yeah you're my balloon let's go balloon what's half gonna do everything's gonna be fine wait what watch out for the tree [Music] this is fun you guys are such good balloons though look at you out of the way zane no you get out of the way in space no this is my balloon space wow okay so now that you guys have balloons look at the cool how's it feel to face the consequences of your actions ian has into trees you need to be responsible ian i oh what are you my mom you're acting like a parent oh i'm just hearing a lot of whining over here i've had enough of you zayn know what ian you're gonna go away get out of here hey you mean it i'm free yeah but you're gonna float up in the air okay look zayn um here i'll help you okay sorry i'll get you up bye yeah but let me see the squeaky hammers [Music] case you want to hit each other's squeaky hammers oh sure yeah oh thanks back to normal dad you look cute right casey oh yeah wow you look so different oh he's happy there he goes what do we again absolutely nothing look at this fire look at all these flowers look at me i'm so cute look at the mushroom i love it what elementary my dear um i'm not in elementary i graduated long time ago no no stop it i have decided to be the villain of this server my tragic backstory is that everyone is a cartoon but me now feel bad no ian you just don't get your way and that that's not very tragic all right you know what now it's time to cause pain uh oh cats and also hostages don't eat my cake casey but if you're exploded the cakes are gonna go bad don't eat them um okay but you know you could just get up and walk away from that rise oh yeah wait you're right bkc i don't think that's needed anymore all right going back to my house which i gotta read the what oh why hello there up now mine enemy for i am even have a moustache what did you say never mind now if you want to keep your precious house safe then you'll have to give me one million gold oh silly one trillion gold and how much tnt is gonna ruin the server ian well anything is possible in the world of cartoons okay now for more tnt while you go get my gold all right i'll go get your goals you really think i'm gonna give you that gold no i have a plan though and come down here oh look at my base it's so cute and i got your cute little books and everything and oh my gosh look at that i love this i don't wanna oh is that a burrito okay all right you know what i'm done with that um let's see so i need to use some red wool some slime ball and this and i think i can make this boomerang look amazing oh i just spoiled it but you know what that's fine there we go and boomerang okay cool i think i'm ready to go into battle with ian i'm not gonna let him explode my house up here and then time to see what i mean do you have mine um gold i don't like the way your mustache trails i said it you take that back no i worked really hard on getting the skin with the uh the mustache and this little eye piece what do they call this half glasses ian that's not a real mustache you sit on a throne of lies i sit on a throne of tnt it finally happens wait what happened look at your skin wait wait wait wait oh my gosh it finally happened i gotta be a cute cartoon oh look at you look at me okay all right are you happy together yeah yeah leave everything alone and be good and turn over a new leaf here i'll get you a lead oh i could do that or i could still blow up the hub no hey look at that sun it's got a frown because it's upside down oh but hey no can we stop it uh there's mobs yeah uh kind of came out of nowhere oh there's more what do you mean hell but where are these coming from [Music] okay see there you are you're still safe oh this is wonderful happiest day of my life okay okay okay okay you know what i think we could all learn a lesson in actually if you go to my house there's some there are some very good weapons in there you can grab oh yes perfect i'll be right back thanks i have to sacrifice my house sorry house don't worry tracy i'll save you watch out the entire service is about to blow hey so i thought where are those okay it's okay we're cartoons we'll be fine oh this is so much fun epic okay see hey see oh casey it's so wonderful to see you see i can be fun and youthful and cartoony just like the kids can do not like that stubby old adult ian like he thinks that i sound like isn't that right casey i kind of missed the old scene oh you missed the wait that means did you sing that [Music] oh this is the happiest day ever well you have fun i'm gonna go blow up zayn's house oh i don't care all his roses to me now oh okay guess how to blow up all your houses with all your cute little things in case you gave you bye wait what what wait ah let's talk about this a second app this is what you get for calling me short what that that wasn't me and said that no no that's all folks
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 2,996,857
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, minecraft, minecraft funny, aphmau minecraft, family friendly, no swearing, no cursing, clean minecraft videos, aphmau cartoon mod, minecraft realistic mod, minecraft cartoon mod, minecraft but it gets more cartoon, minecraft animated mod, aphmau gets real, aphmau but cartoon, minecraft custom weapons, minecraft custom items, custom skybox, custom texture packs, minecraft custom mod, minecraft everything i touch, aphmau crafting mod
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 13sec (1153 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 17 2022
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