Minecraft, But If I Die My Friends LOSE

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in this video my goal is to die while my friend's goal is to stop me each round I will receive a specific way to die and have to do it if I don't before the five minutes run out I lose the round it's first to three points in each round the death messages get harder and harder so can I beat the hundreds to death or will they stop me let's find out oh yeah this is easy this is the easy dude already oh my gosh dude oh my God okay okay we're out of here we're out of here dude we are out of here how is this happening oh it's over now it's over now you really don't know what it is do you what if there's something like guys or an iron golem it's like die by hunger [Music] I'm going down oh my gosh okay I'm glad that didn't happen come on wait a second wait a second why am I down here dude play oh my gosh no no way dude no way that just happened oh my God I have no food I have no food how is this happening right oh gosh okay um dude there's literally no Lava where is the Llama let's go oh my gosh dude dude is the first round how am I about to lose this no wait a second wait a second um a long two minutes in there for you buddy oh wait guys no way no way how did I have an inventory how did I have that yo what let's see oh bro I don't have any food this is so bad uh I have no food this is bad okay yes that was insane what is going on okay you guys are just mad that I won the first round I'm gonna win the second round here we go no no [Music] yeah maybe it is I mean like you never know dude I could just like you know sit here and uh oh no that's all damage just for sure my mind isn't working or maybe he's just better with us he's trying to get low so he can die to a cactus or something oh yeah here it is probably actually trying to do that or a B ocean application yeah something where it's like slow down dude what is this I just want to swim in peace oh yes it's over now it's going up he's going up who said I'm out of SpongeBob hey dude I didn't want to do that you know what maybe it is Cactus guys maybe it is you know maybe I just want to like breakouts yeah what's going on everybody again below be ready do this perfectly oh gosh oh my gosh can you guys can you guys get in there what oh he's right there okay okay we already lost one we already lost one if you guys lose one more round is over for you baby let's go well I'm not stuck anymore so uh see you later dude see you later go to the Moon yeah yeah yeah get the sponge eyes out don't worry about this whatever I'm doing right now doesn't matter let me just do this real quick I need sand I need sand for some reason I don't know what is suffocate fine oh no there's a cobweb under me no wait wait a second he's taking damage come on come on come on don't heal me don't heal me oh bro what is going on here I just need to get out oh my god oh yes okay okay oh wait how do you get out how did I get out that easily bro oh here we go here we go here we go round two yeah it's definitely suffocating you know taking fall damage is gonna be really hard but I think I can do it what he's like that was the biggest cap ever maybe this creeper can do it for me oh no [Music] the creeper helped the creeper club dude are you kidding me right now what is going on oh wait wait a second I'll see you guys later stick it down he's digging down no no no no no no I don't know anymore oh no I gotta I gotta eat oh this is so bad I'm so close get him get him get him yes yes no no oh yes oh yes oh yes oh yes oh yes no no way dude oh my gosh how what am I supposed to do here what am I supposed to do here no no dude oh my gosh there's 20 seconds please just give me this yes I can't I can't place it no wrong person no dude okay bro oh my gosh yes yes yes yes yes yes dude I can't do anything I literally can't do anything no dude oh my God are you kidding me dude all right what are you guys doing okay this is a perfect opportunity to start here we go baby I'm winning this round is over wait I do know what this is oh I do know what this is okay oh yes yes yes yes yes give me that Rune portal oh my gosh this is perfect though this is actually perfect no look what I got it gotta stay near here wait why did you say he needs to stay near here it's something around here he keeps doing circles crying obsidian yes break the magma yeah everyone break them I think that's my hay block come on bro are you guys for real like covering up these blocks like no just cover them up guys cover them cover them yes guys make sure you keep healing oh it was a prank it was a prank guys it was a break that wasn't a prank guys it was a prank don't worry about it don't believe him come on no no okay okay dude dude yeah somebody break the box where are they where are the boys there has to be more there has to be more come on no no no no no no no no no dude where are they This Is For Real a treasure hunt right now dude God that fire is so annoying I honestly think that's the death message guys floors lava why am I in here why am I in here no dude okay you know what I don't know what to do dude I really don't know what to do I have to find I have to find one thing and it should be pretty easy and I'm gonna win this these death messages have actually gotten so hard what is this dude okay yes all I have to do is swim through here and the block is gonna be waiting for me you guys don't really realize right now but you're all about to lose it's about to happen right now come on you know what you know dude there's just no way I I can't find what I need it who has the water bucket still yes come on come on come on there's no way dude there is no way there is no way this just happened bro are you kidding me yeah give us a magical block yes what are you guys doing okay um here we go and here we go last round I'm about to win this it's over here okay oh you can't lose can you oh no wait a second wait a second this is actually gonna be so hard this is gonna be so hard guys like actually dude it's a suffocate it's suffocating water that's what it what it is I'll be drowning no wait let's go baby let's go baby let's go why is he happy what is he doing oh bro what is going on right now um maybe drowning isn't the death you know maybe it's uh oxide Daisy death by death by daisies yo it honestly could be though going on trees why is he on trees that makes sense that makes sense actually guys you're not supposed to kill bees they're in danger don't do it yes I got a heel potion on him no no no no come on let's go baby oh there's another one come here oh my gosh you guys are so annoying actually what is this dude why would you want to kill bees like they're not doing anything to you I just want to die by bees okay at least we know he's admitting it now but maybe but maybe I'm tricking you maybe I'm tricking you you know she's looking around no I the flowers are just really nice I really like them dude this is so bad how is it this death is literally so hard how am I supposed to do this dude why won't it mess with me I just wanna I just want to get stung okay yes yes dude yes no no kill him heal him yes oh my gosh Come on come on come on dude are you kidding me let's go let's go die there's so many there's so many yes yes come on come on come on dude no no come on he's like have a heart attack dude no way no way this is happening right now come on I don't know just give just give this B [Music] come on come on dude just give me a Beat Just no I oh my God I lost I lost
Channel: McBirken
Views: 5,415,732
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft Manhunt, Minecraft But If I Die My Friends LOSE, Minecraft But There's Only One Chunk, Minecraft But, Minecraft Mansave, Minecraft Manhunt But If I Die My Friends LOSE, McBirken
Id: UBjltzVmkdk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 41sec (821 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 14 2021
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