The Story of Minecraft Parkour

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ah what to do i feel like i've already done everything already hey it seems like you're pretty bored huh well i mean what's left to do i've already mastered combat and you've already mastered building we have nothing left i think you're right i don't think there's anything left for us to do in this game well if that's the case i guess i'll catch you around maybe we'll start a new world when an update comes up what was that how did i just do that what what did you just do i i don't know how did i make that jump that's possible did you just fly no i didn't fly i think i jumped and i made it over the gap look you should try it that jump is possible how i don't know i did it okay i guess i can try no way i did it i don't believe this no one's even attempted a one block jump before hey man huh oh what's up i saw that that was incredible i've never seen anyone do that before please accept this role as the leader of our village um okay sure after being the first person to make a one block jump in the history of minecraft the villagers made me their official leader but the one block jump was just the beginning all right tabby should we try making this jump all right there's no way this one is possible you're crazy there's only one way to find out ah shoot yeah okay i think two blocks is actually impossible wait maybe you could try sprinting before you jump sprinting and jumping at the same time is that even allowed i guess i could try it i don't know if that will do anything all right two block jump here we go [Music] oh no way that actually worked after discovering that the two block jump was possible we set out to try all sorts of impossible jumps i figured out how to jump diagonally and tabby discovered you can even jump upwards she was the first person to figure out that you can use momentum to make impossible jumps at the end of the day we even figured out that you could make jumps across blocks that were thought to be impossible to even stand on we decided to call the art of making impossible jumps parkour but parkour was about to change forever alright evo let's go make some history ladies and gentlemen i'm about to complete the first ever four block jump in minecraft all right here goes nothing no way i actually did a four block jump huh what are you doing oh no i uh i can explain were you seriously practicing without me uh yeah i i promised i was gonna teach you the four block jump after i swear i don't want to hear it this is over from now on you can parkour by yourself wait no i'm sorry while this event seemed to be the end of parkour as we know it this was actually just the beginning evo thinks he's actually good at parkour just wait till i become the master tabby went on a journey herself to study all the possibilities of parkour she took notes on every single block or jump that might be possible and practiced for hours until she made it successfully she was redefining the physics of minecraft jumps by jumping on blocks that were only a few pixels wide and even figuring out how to jump around blocks in the middle of the air but none of those jumps compared to what she was about to figure out oh shoot wait how did i not take fall damage did this ladder break my fall she learned that parkour could be used to cheat death i wonder what tabby's been up to all this time evo you have to come out now it's tabby i think she's going crazy what do you mean she's gone crazy what are you talking about see for yourself what is this villager talking about what in the world is that tabby all the way up there what is she doing dude what is she doing why is she above a pit of lava i don't know she says she's gonna make the jump make the jump how she'll die please come down even if you make the jump you'll die from fall damage why are you doing this that's what you think but you don't know parkour like i do okay here goes nothing no way i did it what the how is that possible i told you already i'm the best at parkour now wow wait she's way better than you dude you kind of suck wow thanks dude after the villagers saw how good at parkour tabby was they kicked me out and made her the new village leader but i didn't care about being the leader of the village i just wanted to learn how to parkour like she did i apologize for what i did before and she agreed to teach me all the new parkour tricks she learned she built multiple training courses in the village and villagers lined up every day to practice parkour parkour was now one of the most entertaining games in minecraft we really did discover one of the greatest things of all time i agree parkour is probably the funnest game i've ever played this is perfect let's put this in between every single minigame no player will ever be bored and no player will ever want to leave where was that voice coming from was that in my head what was that was that you who said that no i didn't say anything where did that come from
Channel: Evbo
Views: 10,889,176
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: R8ElXfSCz6E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 2sec (302 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 24 2022
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