Minecraft 1.0.0 Ender Dragon Boss

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we have crossed water yes I made it though I want to go uh I seen it up there have been like straight above you okay so it's somewhere in this area oh this appears suspicious like this whole case I'm not meteor thing like a meteor hit it a thousand years ago or something okay down below us anyone got a shovel and some tools uh I dunno I got it attacks you guys don't come prepared dude I'm here to kill the dragon you guys are just the team that are like here to get me to the dragon and like you like all hired did you like my poisons make sure we tea oh god damn it loving what not we're not paying you said our teepee up there or something instead of what I'm gonna die everybody like personal space I'm just gonna obviously see me I can't see anything do you have a torch or any damn it I asked you guys probably should have brought one of those for fighting the dragon okay you have like 50 ohm do i yeah I just bought a whole bunch oh okay let's put them down Oh God love enough all right Oh oh who is that what got one second I'm gonna check where this goes I think I found it so you found a stronghold I found it looks like a friggin like a dungeon like a like a boss dungeon yeah optional guys I don't know where I'm supposed to be going I don't know where loving is oh yeah I love it someone throw light down here it's doing me aah how do I just like throw a light something's killing me which are trying to kill me it's those little eggs sorry dude just deep down shoot me there there there I see T man no no you're dating too far down what I mean down you do you don't far down okay I see the wall here yeah yeah I see we're loving this and behind the wall thank you tell me okay lemon work okay how'd it oh you actually found the portal well it's like right there sweet okay don't drop them all okay what's up with the little freaking thing here should we kill this what it's like a rat you can kill the rat see nothing happened the world and blow up dude so jump am i am i all right to stand here here I'll go on the side we have to sacrifice somebody um I vote Kevin you don't go get out I can't wait oh you're dead dude all right so you put the eyeballs ah you mean Oh there you go all right are we ready warriors Kevin you see why you right next to portal or something I don't know I have no idea what to expect through this portal well all I know is that there's rumor that there's a dragon in Minecraft and I have to say it that's all I care Leroy let's do this let's go oh no I'm in somebody's head oh geez Wow this is very disappointing the dragon already ate us where is the dragon we're in its stomach quickly chop it up I don't block is this can can you TP her back here what is this made out of I don't know Nina's Odom's crap did you go back to the base where we all were making your stuff first and then hefty men teleport you oh gosh this thing's huge there's in diamonds everywhere oh Jesus oh Jesus [Music] fun times let's get back this way a little careful don't look at me oh crap okay so we have a boss health meter on the go here oh there it is there's a dragon I think I don't see you I see all got away from me is there like this whole like don't look them in the eyes thing yeah okay that's why they're all addressing me I'm gonna go towards a dragon ah alright well just whenever you want to be teleport need to say so I'm good team and to do it it won't work you can't do it I'll do it then whatever you know you can't do it she's in a different dimension no okay is the ring um Nina I got you in just a few seconds I'm not gonna tell them what is it what do you have to destroy something those crystal isn't me um you're gonna have to oh no you guys can't kill it without destroying the thing on the top of the pillar so you have two ladders no I under the ladder you get you tears at it yeah nice shot um just give me a minute Nina running back to the place nice I can't get that one keep trying loving it's too far I don't want to go well well let's go a little bit closer and I'll just fight off the Enderman yeah they don't seem to do too much damage it just don't look them in the face or whatever okay one second Dean I'm doing what is it yeah team animals this is an awful lot of where's the drink oh I see the crystals healing you see that yeah you know you can shoot them with their us yeah they're like one hit yeah there you go Tikhon got one was it 50 - no those are monster spawner I can't see me yeah some of them are like just - I yeah that's why you need a lot of is Nina still there no excu this taking my sword let's do this DP you're an even took a swipe at me do it hey Nina you got any kind of sword or something redone yeah there's some apples no don't bind inna oh we got Nina oh god they're like telling everybody I learned my lessons die you bastard and we're gonna we're gonna like try to get rid of most of these underman and see if we can kill the crystals while we fight off the boss and wait for you guys if you want to come back we need ladders anyway and we're probably gonna need a lot more arrows than what we got oh he took out most some of the how many are there I don't know there's a lot there's like there's some off on the side too like outside of the map area but he's only like flying into this general area yeah I'm still killer that's right gently okay are these Enderman just like respond and I think they are not doing it yeah just don't go too close to them don't make eye contact yes how can you not make eye contact like there's so many of them that no matter where you look you're making eye contact that what he's like right there come here yeah that's cuz the crystals have my nephew here too see ya though and just keep focusing on trying to get the crystals will try to get some ladders for the ones I'm just stupid I mean they eat macaroni I'll cover you oh geez no oh wow there's a lot of freaking crystals here I don't know if I can get that one no one's really high swear we're getting like million ladders for hopefully oh wow I just pulled like a shitstorm here whatever you do don't know uh I think we're doing all right as far as that goes oh wait maybe I should eat yeah I need some me too yeah eat the golden apples dude I don't know happens are you it destroy the crystals on the other side let's hang out most on this side mr. mee well drying like 500 acres Oh Nina sleep in the bed while you have a chance right now so you can respawn I probably didn't do it earlier because of my awkward thing that Halen I'll give you half of my golden apples grab them there on the ground on the front yet there I think I took out almost of one the same ok take the Apple yep ok how do not know the ID for the eyeliners oh dragon you Enderman do you remember where it is me no no we should have marked it named Jenna oh god man pages a lagging so badly all right these are down I think there's only one left no more crystal yeah I'm not like we can't teleport people right now can we no I'm not even hmm yeah we'll just chill it no it'll hold there's no portal back either yeah yeah kill the dragon to go back we could die whoa yeah I'm not gonna do that we'll just wait for you guys it'll all be fine we're actually doing pretty all right here Oh so yeah Skyrim dragon this is not oh yes it's my fart engines no no not really no I haven't really like been fighting it yet like I think this is just like the preliminary thing and it's actually gonna start fighting in a couple seconds I I kind of expected more bosses I think there yeah there's any more crystals see if you can locate which ones and there's one not talking very bad dang me you know why you're just avoiding every you know we could build like a platform for you to go up on to shoot it it's been getting for me I don't mean others like everything ready to go oh oh nice nice where's the annex there's one up here nice one more we doing blocks no that's broken one okay I remember being in this you know how guys see the box I made yeah it's the one right there 11 get her oh yeah lover knows what's up let's kill this dragon eat arrow to the face oh wait there's another one on top of that I see it okay we can't go by down there there I think that was last one all right start shooting some arrows at the boss now then see where his HP regen comes in if we can even hit him because I kind of suck it in it you shouldn't be coming down to swoopy and on shooting at him are we gonna Nina Fisher I'm like hitting them I'm missing jump on through we have a chance okay if that didn't hit him I don't know I want you to go first Nina because if you fall off the world I can just teleport you well that's promising yes finally hit him that was me by the way no I'm smelling me just tell me if you make it no i swooping at me already I'm coming through yeah you think I'm at a arrows dude I'm uncool gonna have to do it friggin Skyrim soil dragon rant get down I need to shout at the dragon Oh doom oh yes mid-air this is too easy welcome back ex nervous I have no arrows so I might informed to swoop down maybe I'll be able to like attack him or actually maybe I should do with lovin did and like climb up using bricks nope he definitely just knocked me off of that all someone gave me arrows what I have arrows now so you don't know is a civic five areas at once this thing's like sexual harassment where are you guys uh fighting the dragon are you in this dimension ok I see yes oh hello anyways have we already destroyed other crystals all right we just need to take buddy ready oh god I don't know what the hell is he what the hell was that my stupid into me yeah I'm using T man's ladder okay there's a whole bunch of Enderman up here so just really okay yeah I'm not gonna use you later then oh shoot they're gone no run through stop I'm gonna die yeah he's pissed at me he keeps whooping like directly at my face well he's either mine is gonna die or something just Christ crap I keep missing though god I'm good there who crashed them right into the ground Oh God you know I'm trying man freaking Enderman Thank You those things were like bugging me all day how they all gone okay so okay I'm getting back up here you need some Oh herro sobbing we need something lighter why should I hit him with the home where are you dragon how does it jump anything um dragon dragon every dragon egg a bunch of experience can I have a pet baby dragon that would be phenomenal oh oh I got him right in the face I'm shooting a whole bunch of times like this thing up is there like a weapon or something up they need a machine gun arrow up here oh yeah like easier to shoot from the Toa that's right you got rid of the in terment up here yeah I just have yeah you also got rid of all the ladder AC yeah you know you don't you disappear oh my job huh oh so close one more block I can make it oh okay oh come on I almost got that Oh what did you but you built another frigging ladder what the hell dragon it's on oh oh oh gosh dangit stop swirling there you go all right you can't make up his mind or something one of the things that I'm kind of disappointed he's not known any damage than by headshot easy to get headshots when he's going headfirst toward you definitely not he's way for the way cuz I hit him in the where's everybody okay I miss half of these I'm clearly hitting him yes tomorrow oh my come on I mean you can kill that thing with a soy oh he comes that close to me he's dead if he gets within sword distance of me it's over here see that is not sort of distance and how did that one minute said that did not my leg he is stuck in the air he's like flying around in circles dude he's pissed now basically it goes like three heads Oh sore distance come here is he below me I'll jump he's down below I'm passing people on the ground he's gone okay marvelous okay just you laughs I can't oh here he comes Oh oh yes one more hit I'm dead yet what the hell there he goes God is that the credits roll experience showers oh hey and there's the photo back is it Lovins little to the Jag and they drive no loo but I get lovin zoo so back into the portal is this do we got everybody here ready to leave oh well there goes team in I don't know how do you skip them but then you get credits yeah no you died you didn't go into the portals that's alright lovin you can check out my youtube can only view a please video wow this is like a really slow title scroll ship does nothing oh I hit ya hit escape and I got it okay uh what's it called enchantment tables now we get to enchant our so that's it that's that's us slaying the dragon we're done here but just imagine if we did it all legit Lee this is true maybe I should have to come back and do it legitly because I feel I feel a little bit actually I don't think it would be that hard oh we needs like that yeah yeah you just have to while diamonds are pretty rare like I mean I didn't use any of those crazy eyes golden apples or anything just like a bone marrow basically getting there to be a problem I don't know how to get these dragon eye things but that being said I have just conquered minecraft dragon so I'm here have a good one guys remember to comment right right
Channel: Fadedragontear
Views: 5,740,698
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft 1.0.0, minecraft boss, minecraft 1.0.0 server, minecraft survival island, minecraft griefing, minecraft, dragon boss, Epic, minecraft revenge, minecraft boss fight, minecraft ender dragon, minecraft ending, minecraft ender portal, enderman, minecraft end of the world, the celestial dragons, Fade Dragontear, Boss (video Gaming), notch, skyrim dragon, dragon, Minecraft, minecraft noobs
Id: TragHxvsqkA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 8sec (1688 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 19 2011
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