MINE Nights at Freddy's | Season 1 | FNAF Minecraft Roleplay Movie

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Freddy fazbear's pizzeria huh I guess this is the place and what are you doing here buddy dude I'm applying for a job I mean I'm looking at my map here it says Freddy fazbear is this this the place yeah I mean you see the pizza behind me it looks like pretty delicious pizza dude what are you doing here just got a job what's your position here like what do you get hired for wouldn't what I I'm a freakin manager dude like I I was just hired today to which is the weirdest part Wow yeah I know manager day yeah I mean I didn't even really have to do anything they said no one else applied at all for the position you know they just had someone go and they needed someone to fill in the slot actually two slots I guess that's what you're doing here for okay yeah it's really cool yeah I'm curious as to what I'm applying for as well I just it just says open position but yet what's the position for what is it what's this all should I mean I couldn't imagine it being really hard you're going to be the security guard okay that sounds good to me yeah I mean it shouldn't be hard you want to walk with me I'll show you around it's really a cool place sure sure I made this right here is like the little lobby there's like a weird arcade machine here it doesn't work I tried playing it just has like this weird crying purple 8-bit guy on it really hot okay disturbing I don't know why they have yeah I mean really I don't think Nintendo made it or anything like that so this is uh what the heck is weird there's usually like a guy here like a brown bear guy oh I know what happens so there is one other guy that works with us his name is Ronaldo I bet he took the guy down to like clean it now is that brown guy is that Freddy cuz I mean I saw like the logo that was Freddie I think like if I recall correctly yeah Freddie is the party animal you see he's got like he's on this okay okay so that's Freddie fair enough and then I think the other one this bunny guy is Bonnie and I thought yeah watch it body I get it yeah and then the chicken girl is chica so chicken she I think there's actually another one called foxy but they say he's broken right now we shouldn't really want yes is that one a cat no Fox actually I think it's more like a wolf I they showed me the picture of it in the employee manual which I gosh that was a long thing and I've actually got to repeat a few words if I recall correctly the manager is supposed to do this let's see oh gosh we at fazbear's pizza facilitate a friendly non hostile environment for children of all ages however it is advised that all workers stay away from the animatronics at all times okay and I don't know why they seem pretty normal to me but alright I mean and you know I can understand it I've worked at some weird places in the past so expensive they also what's really weird is under that it says do not engage with the animatronics at any point if you see them acting out of character okay if it does happen inform the security guard immediate immediate Lee so I guess I'll be talking to you if I see anything weird going on all right fair enough I mean I can't imagine what would be too wrong with these guys I seems like a pretty easy enough position yeah well remember there's four guys it's those two and then I guess the one Ronaldo has and then the foxy so I'll give you the tour now so this is the bathroom we've got when's this door open okay we've got the if I recall correctly cuz they're they're very very progressive the fazbear's company this is the [ __ ] door and this is the hashey door I know is I think it basically means anyone can go into any door if they want to if you look inside there they're exactly the same like there's no air anoles or anything like that I mean whatever I don't really care it's it's fine whatever you know with your life I mean it doesn't seem like this is that busy of a place anyway so I can't imagine that there's gonna be too much of one running into the other yeah that's weird isn't it like they told me this was supposed to be stores peak hours and like it's just crazy today so this I mean hey you and I are here so the party's really here oh yeah yeah come on so I mean this is the kitchen it's kind of weird I feel like a draft in here hmm that's I have no idea why is there a hole in the floor here okay so I think I've seen like a lot of like history channel stuff I think that's like the blood hole like if you're a butcher and they're cutting meat and oh yeah yeah I know that's disturbing I guess they take their meat pizza seriously well the thing is like I don't even see any meat in here so I'm really questioning why there's a hole that big like that's you can look I can fit inside this this is weird geez then it's gotta be at least like three feet tall or something like that yeah but okay so that's that now this room over here is just like an exoskeleton repair shop room it's slow if something goes wrong with the exoskeleton we're here to repair it there's all the supplies I think these are just all bunny ears okay so you so if one of the animatronics goes kind of like weird or something I can call the mechanic or something no like if a part of it breaks off during some unusual movement or something then we've got this to repair it I think that's what the the manual said okay fair enough off to check out that manual later on yeah well thanks unfortunately you don't get the manual it's really weird they specifically told me not to give it out to any other employees and just recite it I don't understand why apparently at one time they did over the phone and that was weird so this was this is the be hired so if I recall correctly this is pirate Cove okay foxy is supposed to be behind this curtain the crazies don't go up though it's really weird I haven't been able to actually see the foxy inside they said they're going to have a guy come in on like Tuesday so maybe I think that's right after the first week of your shift okay it's now five date cuz you're only working five days this week cuz we're not that yeah five day work week you know yeah yeah exactly kind of applaud I guess this is the the storage room this is also where we kind of repaired the endoskeletons and stuff so this is kind of what Bonnie and chica and Freddy look like under the suit now you could also take off the skin and wear it kind of not supposed to happen there's only one that does that really and if you try to wear it like the way it is now you kind of turn into you you shouldn't do it okay just okay all right yeah I'll take your advice on that one I'll just I'll just believe you there I don't don't worry you won't see me like wear it anyways yeah now this is the power room so here's the thing they're not making that much money here and so at 9:00 p.m. they cut the phone lines I know it's stupid and they also they turn off the breaker so if the power goes off during that time you kind of have to rely on like just the auxiliary power that goes on we have a generator okay Matt that should be fine but only those last throughout the night I guess yeah and if the animatronics act kind of wonky you can repair them with this button but you can only do it when we have full power grid control so okay fair enough oh is this button gonna like if I just press it right now oh yeah yeah no it's curse off the line okay wow it just cuts it off completely alright fair enough I guess yeah I mean I would really not if you have the power come off you can try to come out here and turn it on I don't think it's going to work yeah I mean I hope the net I hope the next time that happens cuz that's gonna happen at 9 p.m. I hope the generator kicks in because well it yeah like I said it doesn't cut off automatically it's just if something cuts it off so I mean hopefully things are going to be good other than that I guess we got to show you the main room now and that would be over here okay this is kind of like your little quarters right here this is the security room now we they seem to have put a lot of effort into really protecting this I don't know what they're protecting it from but let me read the manual again welcome security guard to the security room if you notice any intruders that are the heck notice any intruders that are a little unusual make sure you press the button to your right or left depending on the side of which intruder is in your way it says the intruder should eventually get bored and walk away do not intrude intruder lay wait okay what do ya like I think I guess they're talking about like a guy breaking in I don't know why they'd want to break into a pizza place but it's kind of odd but alright there's something with a big bold text at the very bottom it says do not lock both doors at once for an extended period of time if you do the power will trip and you will be shut inside another thing it says is that the intruders don't like it when both doors are closed and then we'll find a way to get to you through whatever means necessary okay I mean I'm a creepy dude holy crap have you read this part of the manual yeah like this seems kind of out here do you think I read yeah a good point I guess we should kind of take the jobs and we get money and okay fair enough I mean at least you got like a fan and I think this is called peppermint patty which is ironic cuz hey she's not a peppermint or a patty she's a cupcake you know something tells me that like all of the stuff in the menu and all this mumbo jumbo is just their way of making sure they don't get sued if something really far-fetched happens I'm sure everything is gonna be okay I mean you know I mean this position really big I don't think it should be hard but in case it is you know there's some rules for your safety okay so I think it says don't run don't yell man they really should have their papers yes this is kind of kind of hard to read okay well I think set 1 says don't touch Freddy's if I look at the really bottom of that it says don't run it'll they'll only catch you faster yeah I think they need to print out a new poster this one I can't really read this I don't I okay okay well okay I'll just try not to be a big butt and I'll just trying yeah I mean we you'll be fine oh yeah that's another thing so this here in my hand this is a this is like a tablet that you can use to check all the security cameras because if you notice we actually have quite a lot of security cameras around here so I guess someone did break into the place at one point that's what I'm guessing oh okay yeah I mean we got like it's you in this hole and so I mean I'm still hoping it'll help me do my job more efficiently anyways yeah so the only thing is I wouldn't I don't think you're supposed to check this while you have your doors closed because it draws on power I don't know how a tablet is drawing from the main secure the power to the place but my guess is there's probably no battery in it so it's just something that I keep plugged in at all times yeah maybe I guess so oh god that chicas creepy look at that thing dude that's that's it's pretty out there like I I mean you would think the people who made it would have been like oh maybe let's make it look a little more cute while it's just this place was made in the 80s I don't think they have the technology for it back then but yeah fair enough anyway I think oh I should give you this so there you go that's your security tablet now I would imagine go ahead oh yeah so there's also a change of clothes that goes along with it I guess I want you to look the part okay yes that's actually what I was just about to ask about so thanks where can I find those yeah I live in the the [ __ ] bathroom so they should just be on that yeah they should be in like one of the stalls just look for it okay I just hung them out of the way all right I'm gonna go actually try to find Reynaldo and get that fazbear suit back so you know what you should you should be pretty good tonight yeah I'm gonna actually probably head out yeah surprise I wasn't expecting to get the job tonight but thanks ed yeah the weather's really bad outside too and I've actually heard something really bad if it's raining here things can get a little crazy so oh okay that's just what I've heard like I think Ronaldo told me about it again he's really good yeah this sounds like that corporate mumbo jumbo you know where they're just trying to you know keep themselves safe I mean I can't I can't I really can't imagine that anything Bad's gonna happen I'm not really overly worried yeah and that it should be fine I actually I want to get out of here I've been working since like 8:00 in the morning you know and no one really showed up but I just don't like being in confined spaces like this so okay you cannot pay me to get in one of those animatronic suits I read you there I mean I can't imagine how hot that would be as well yeah yeah no I'm gonna the confined spaces I mean I'm set to take position tonight I guess I mean I got I got my I got my cameras I'm good to go awesome cool now another thing they they did tell me just because I had a phone call with them earlier it was like if I did give manage to find someone to do the security guard I was going to be the security guard today and I didn't want to do that so yeah I mean I can imagine that confined space would work too well for you I've been here all day dude it's crazy but anyway they say that you have you have to work here every day for a whole week that's crazy fair enough wasn't that like five days six days or something yeah I mean we're not open on Saturdays and Sundays which is stupid why weren't you open on a Saturday I don't think that's when everyone's here but right I don't think they understand their peak hours but all right fair enough yeah so anyway I'm gonna go I'm gonna go home take a nice shower maybe after I find that fazbear suit I don't know I'll let you go change you should have a good first night all right yeah I mean I'll be doing that I have a good have a good diet All Right see you man all right later but you do teach you Danny 13 and Danny Danny Danny Danny Jonathan and who cleaning time Freddie you're so awesome I don't know why I am thinks you guys are crazy like live and stuff whatever back to feeding oh hey aunt nothing much I've just been cleaning with these scary animatronics in the room they came back like what happened uh yeah they we moved them back they weren't that hard to move where did you find them although I didn't know where they all were oh they were just in the storage room okay it's foxy behind the curtain now he should be I mean I checked it he was behind the curtain before anyway remember the curtains were just drawn we just put the curtains back I mean I can check for you you're okay I see his feet he's there okay yeah I see him there I think I'd saw him there anyways yeah she'd be good dude I mean that was one heck of a stressful night that first night though I mean do you know you weren't there you don't understand the position that I wasn't really it seemed like you were screwing with me to be honest I'm not gonna lie do it I wasn't like do you do you wanna do you want to try this out for yourself like I could do this with my eyes closed I'm the manager here dude dude I I don't know I fired freakin Ronaldo so I don't think he's gonna be coming back anytime soon to screw with me okay I dude you gave me a yeah you picked up some of those just throw them away okay all right fair enough put them in the you know what we put them in the blood hole is this just become our trash can is that it I mean the kitchen has a trash can normally you know well you know what fine you know I actually had a pretty good nap last night so I'm pretty still well-rested I think I could stay the night you don't want me you know what dude I shall I can make it through this night you take my sponge okay you know I'll stop your tears of defeat after the high you'll you'll be eating those words by the time you're done tonight man this is this is not the place you think it is this is not the place that previous management was telling you that this place was the same to me and look I cleaned it all up so it's even better than it was before let's check out this room it does look a lot cleaner that fan feels so good dude I think so hey have you seen this there's like a vent I told you about the vent didn't I yeah do you want me to come and check it out yeah yeah I'll just show you this cuz it's Vince actually I got let me go let me check this out all right cool man all right well you told me about the vent but I was a little bit too scared to climb it dude you can just climb right through the Pope no I didn't want to rip it off the wall or anything yet these aren't actually posters I don't know what they are there's like sell eaten or something okay all right so I I've heard that I was reading the the manual like all last night after yeah we got off the phone yes to that last morning and I was reading it in my break - so I think I could be pretty you know safe around here even if the I don't think they move but even if they did I think I can handle them yeah I don't know dude I really I don't I don't think I don't think you have what it takes I really don't just I mean an edger I mean look I got a name tag speaking of I'm gonna yank your nametag before you go and I'm gonna no no you can't you can't have it I'm gonna do it I'm come here come here come here quit dodging me man you can't you can't have it dude you can't you can't have it I want one of them to have your name so I'm terrified at the thought of using my name back give me my name you still have it dude Apollo take off I'll take it off for you before you you leave less tonight though I'll take it when I'm not even looking okay wow what a pal what I thought you I'm your manager I am your friend that's why I'm going to prove that you're wrong okay fine you know what fine okay fine okay well so I've got this it should be dark soon so just call me on the phone I'll talk to you while we're you know all right fair enough to be perfect on dude enjoy enjoy that double pay for the day dude oh yeah that's true overtime enjoy it okay I will ah all right I guess I just wait until the clock to start I mean this shouldn't be hard I'm gonna show aunt that this is easy I mean I've been here all day and nothing happened and it's fine this place always sound like this at night that's that's weird oh there's aunt hello Hey Dude how's it going I'm pretty good how you enjoying that night as it how's everything going so far it's going pretty good let's see how do I check these cameras I'll check the Stowe stage you just read it out of the manual it is read out of the manual okay I see that everyone's there okay fair enough everyone there you sure uh yeah why wouldn't I be sure dude as the night progresses things are gonna get really scary for you like it's gonna get pretty bad huh well I mean I can see like I see Bonnie I see Freddy I see chica they all seem they're normally where they're going to be I really think you're just screwing with me dude it's gonna get so much worse throughout the night laughing I'm just laughing at how scared you're gonna be in about a couple of minutes really just because like you don't know the pain I went through last night I really don't think there's anything to be worried about I really think you're just saying this out of proportion and I'm gonna check the dining area let's see okay fair enough yeah I mean I don't see anything and I don't see anything down the hallways or anything so yeah you're looking pretty good you might be you might be having a slightly better night than I am I don't know what we'll have to say yeah I feel like you're just pulling my leg let me check this show stage again oh well what's up they are gone they all gone yeah so you wouldn't happen to vote you wouldn't happen to be here would you no no I mean I went home you said that you had everything taken care of okay well is Reynaldo here we no I fired her no though I was gonna say I'm pretty sure that you let Reynaldo go he could be doing nice to spite me maybe I don't know he's gonna be some kind of revenge stunt or something I maybe that you know you could have been doing that to me the entire time like this could have been Reynaldo I mean I feel like that this is vanilla I just I don't think it could be anyone but Ronaldo oh my goodness okay let's see I swear I just I heard a chicken oh really oh man isn't that chicas voice box I mean it could be I'm not not really too sure dude I named them for okay let me see the fan was blowing pretty loud in my ears last night so I couldn't hear oh there's plenty that I could see okay when I'm trying to remember the fazbear bam if you see the animatronics moving about don't panic they cannot break through the doors complete wait wait wait how do you there what's going on talk to me here i see i see chica what are you doing okay huh I think she's gone I think she's gone chicas not chicas not there anymore you know I don't think so okay let me check Pirates Cove mmm okay I think I see Bonnie in the corner there but what else can I go check backstage no there's just the normal animatronic thing there okay okay I think that is Freddy Freddy what are you doing is everything okay over there cuz I mean it sounds like you're actually having a pretty rough night uh no I'm pretty I can hear someone moving these things around okay I heard it I swear to God I heard a cow okay okay I saw Freddy there I see him in the window and closed the door he isn't giving me okay I see you that's good I mean actually I'm kind of feeling pretty scared for it seems like they're being pretty aggressive tonight I don't think so I think they're just trying to I really think Reynaldo just broke in after I fired him and he's just trying to screw with me right now okay what was that I heard someone break a light bulb really hmm okay it seems like there's really like a vandalize ER in there somewhere yeah this has to be Reynaldo I bet he's like you know what Oh oh my Bonnie okay what happened I think we're known is in a bunny suit really yeah yeah I told you it was Ronaldo messing with you the entire time like oh my god it gotta be it okay they're all just standing there so yeah I think he just positioned everything there okay if I turn on the lights to scare him will that do anything Miren although well look I've got light Ronaldo I know you're there mmm everything good it seems like it no I'm gonna check the hall closet no I think we didn't think we should probably I mean are they back in the stage or something I mean if they're not there anymore like are what's going on okay they're back on the stage really oh wow dude it's like I called that okay you sure you're not working over and although know this is about what happened last night like they were all sort of off the stage for a while and then they all sort of got back on the stage for a while like it was you know it's pretty weird what I'm gonna actually walk out of this room for a second they all seem like you're still there lately yeah I don't think they're gonna do anything I'm gonna I think Ronaldo actually the lights the lights scared off burn all dough slowly check something okay yeah they're I mean they're all there they all seem to be in place let me just check it I'm gonna go up on stage I mean they don't really they look like north well actually wait okay chica is supposed to be Bahat what was that what was that noise I have no idea what although is that Ronaldo okay I'm gonna high it might be I'm not you sure I'm checking outside hold on we're not all that where are you dude you're not supposed to leave that you're not supposed to leave dude you need to get back oh crap yeah I'm doing I'm doing it right now okay I swear I heard Ronaldo outside really no I I don't think he's out there dude I don't think he's out there okay I think he just led up the foxy Kim wait what have a camera the curtain I've dude at the same thing that happened to me last night dude same thing David that story I'm checking all the rooms just making sure oh my god oh my god okay okay what happened what happened foxy was outside the door I swear to god the foxy was moving I know for a fact that one is an animatronic there was no costume for that box he wasn't moving at all for me last night dude it really seems like all of these guys are being more aggressive tonight okay no no I swear what was that light okay you know what I'm going back to the room wait oh oh the power just turned back on again that was freaky you're so lucky that is freaky though okay talk to me like it did anything new happen before the lights turned on like yeah I told you foxy moved look I can see it's out of place right it's still moving a little bit okay that is well I think it's animatronics are just resting what a mrs. Anna I think they're just resetting but I mean everyone else is back on stage like what did I tell you like with that mutt freakier what it has to be Renault I swear to God I heard Renault them run out of the building I mean I don't know if it's Ronaldo or if it's something else I mean something tells me these things might actually be moving on their own look they shouldn't be I mean they've been in three other restaurants and a museum exhibit yeah but I mean isn't it just weird of this place has its own sort of presence in the middle of the night like we may not be seeing the worst to be yet but I mean things got a little bit worse tonight we don't really know where everything's gonna head tomorrow dude like this is kinda this is kind of freaky I'll take over for tomorrow though okay sure I'm gonna I'm gonna get over there as fast as I can like you're freaking me out here okay I'll be over as soon as I can all right yeah glad to see you're back dude it's good to see you again too that's what I've got what do you what do you got so I'm gonna scoop Ronaldo over come on oh my god that's so cool yeah yeah man hey check it out check what do you got what do you got dude oh my god no way oh my god no this is yep there do you hear the lightning out there dude those crazy it's actually been like raining every single night we've been working here oh my god but dude the suit oh yeah let me put on bamm-bamm look at me I am stinky well that's what happens when you put on a thirty-year-old suit you found on the back of a closet oh my god thirty years old yeah they stopped they stopped doing the suits back in 87 I'm pretty sure I think I can see like a raw pepperoni stain on it or something oh my god they haven't watched him since 87 either I don't even want to imagine that walk with me talk with me I'll show you my awesome plan oh my god did you got to show me this awesome I'm gonna screw Ronaldo over so badly so notice how I'm missing yeah yeah maybe the one that you're wearing right now yeah exactly so I took down the freddy fazbear animatronic right and I put him in this room because I'm wearing the suit I'm going to actually show you something else really cool okay I do what what do you got in mind here I saw I found out would ya what do you think no no no do you surprise me surprise me all right cool cool so I found out that the exoskeleton actually you can slip off a skin from it yeah I can actually pop off the freddy fazbear head oh no and I can actually wear it that actually looks smells terrible in here it still smell the rank smell coming off of that that's pretty bad thank you Oh guys it smells like something died in here like Louie illipe I feel really bad for you yeah oh yeah I was like I like the microphone so if like Ronaldo comes up and does something I can get them like this oh wow dude I was about to say I don't think that'll hurt too much but oh wow that hurt okay let me try it again no no sorry it's the suits influence I mean come on I'm evil zone I love that suit is influencing my nose to get away from you a little bit more than that I'm like man about okay so it's the plan that you're just gonna like scare him or something at night or what oh yeah I mean obviously he has to be the one moving the animatronics around right at night right absolutely so if you do your job and I'm on the stage as an animatronic if he goes up there and tries to move one of them I'm gonna catch him in the act and just whack him on the face all right yeah it sounds good oh yeah yeah bye for before we go cuz you know honestly we're so close in the building I thought just using a walkie talkie would be better than a actual phone call yeah that'd probably be pretty good though okay that works yeah so I guess what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna hop on the stage we're gonna go catch the stupid Ronaldo guy all right I'm gonna go I'm gonna head into the security room just so that you know obviously I can do my part of the job as well yeah yeah man yeah all right I guess um okay let me go let me get in the room here so all right do the spans blow and it feels pretty nice right now testing one two three testing one two three I can hear your Dan I'll wait I'm not supposed to talk to the life that way through the me to dude me too well ant now all we have to do is wait until rinoa does something is what I was going to say well I guess we just have to look around now I don't see Ronaldo doing anything no I don't either okay let me go and let me check around here for you let's see here Dan look behind you why I you'll know why when you see it yeah there's nothing here there's nothing here okay where's Ronaldo at how did you let Ronaldo get no he didn't get past me there would no one made a noise no one made a sound how do have gotten past you I mean you need to look around for me still gonna be in the building here like I'm I'm really confused right okay I thought I heard something but I don't know where it came from you have any idea that I come from like your left your right I want to say why would he be in the bath I'm actually that's a pretty good hiding place right yeah okay nope not behind this stall that stall that stuff so he's not in the men's bathroom actually on camera their first night really yeah hey you're on my tablet Concannon capital I think I see something what happened I found Bonnie dining area or something yeah okay we're outside the bathroom there how does it get near this door oh my god okay okay okay I'm out okay okay I did not hearin all I didn't see Reynaldo move those things that's crazy okay okay I'm gonna go to nothing on the show stage well I mean you could probably can obviously see that I guess I'm gonna check let's see um let's see what's going on in the kitchen well the kitchen cameras down oh you want me to check it for you I'll check it yeah go for it know that you in here oh it's gonna check the eastern and western hall but what's not theirs very definitely something in the air ducts behind me dude okay okay okay okay what's that something very clearly attacked me from behind dude I just met air jerk just ran through the wall what's going on here yeah the air ducts do just run through the wall there shouldn't be anything up there except like some sometimes very clearly attacked me okay there's glass here there's just a poster here there's just a poster here Dan there's no wall behind the poster yes there is no there's not I mean really look like actually peek your eye in there I mean move the poster like thanks yeah there's a design flaw something tells me like there's some serious like renovation flaws that went on when this place got I don't know like what the heck happened that's not good I don't want to know the pre-k way we haven't been really looking at them we need to look around yeah yeah absolutely sorry that threw me really off track you okay I I would check your camera what's up what's up which camera foxy I think has decided to grace us with its presence okay oh my god what camera is that okay Pirates Cove yep I can see foxy here I can't find Bonnie and chica anywhere let me go let me check backstage here super quickly let's see Dan yeah you might want to check backstage why because they're both staring at the costume that you decapitated what oh my god you don't just thought of that like think about it okay run oh no no no no no I'm I'm coming in with you hey hey oh what a bums looking at the camera now what are they eating are they getting your where I think I think they just figured out that I'm not the real Freddie okay I have no idea I have no idea dude I don't think they know yet like if they weren't going after you and they're just looking at you maybe they just kind of like notice you're there they may not have any idea what there was a decapitated version of Franny okay truth be told I wouldn't be in this room with me if they don't have any idea like maybe they see you as the real one and they just they don't know you know they just might not be smart enough to understand that yes okay what I would do is like a check to check the kitchen or something like that again I'm gonna go and I'm gonna check on let's see let me check on the dining at age and I'm gonna check on Foxy's camera yeah I don't see anything in here okay let's see what's going on with Foxy's camera foxy where are you Pirates Cove Fox he's not there oh I scared away I scared him away okay foxy drop the hook though dude Oh God we're gonna be able to use this it becomes back okay I just heard something dude I'm gonna go check it out where's everywhere dude yeah chica just came out from nowhere uh I think it thinks it knows what I am and it's it's actually trying to get me like on the light and the light I don't think it's okay okay I think we're good I think we're good dude I mean I let aside thank you so if you looked at if you let them see you in here they will start heating you if they're not hitting you yet I wouldn't suspect anything oh my god yeah well I could have sworn that I just saw Bonnie outside the left door Oh okay I'm gonna go out this way take a look at the show stage with you here okay I'm not the show stage are there's cheese yeah I see chica yeah chicas by this oh and she sees me hey okay I think she's just cautious of me right now I just go ahead yeah she is definitely eyeing me something tells me they might have an idea that it's you dude I really I'm gonna go into the kitchen I don't think they can get me in the kitchen I'm gonna check let's see I'm gonna check the restroom okay no chica knows I'm in the kitchen no no no no she is outside the door he hit me he hit me he knew he knew he came in from behind me okay jeez dude okay let me go let me check on Fox's area real quick let me see a fox he made it back oh my god dude yeah Fox he made it back or at least the curtain is closed I think we're good on that front oh my god dude Bonnie came out of Na chica nope no stay away chica chica get out of here hey you keep that okay I'll take care of one indoor you can't pay take care you can't talk you can't took the store open otherwise you know the safety mechanism might fail on it so yeah you're right real careful okay what time is it how long do I do probably seconds I'm just saying like I don't think we have very long left no no you stay away stay away I saw Bonnie I saw Bonnie body don't do this don't please dude this place is just getting crazy I I don't know how I'm gonna handle this yeah I know man we just got to make it until the lights turn on oh well then I've never been so happy to hear that stupid jingle in my entire life yeah I guess we better get out of here and check on what they've actually done yeah dude I mean tonight it's been a total catastrophe at me in the kitchen oh man dude Fox he attacked me look he's right there Roxy he's right there that's pretty creepy but foxy attacked me in the face do you even want to play this game of comparing right now me I think it's I think it's safe to say we both had pretty bad nights all right dude I don't think it's for no although anymore I mean I don't know dude maybe run although it's like somehow remote controlling them or something but I mean I guess you'd have to be a pretty skilled remote controller if he can you know remote control multiple at once that was actually pretty freaky they're made from the freakin 80s I don't think they have remote-control ability I mean who knows so we renovated between then and now they could have had things happen to the insides of them that allows them to move in here or something I don't know so we found Bonnie I disassembled the Freddy yeah I'm gonna check where's chica check the maintenance closet okay yeah go ahead let's see no nothing going on in the maintance closet what are you thinking you think it backstage it's foxy back in here I mean apparently yeah let's yeah yeah I see okay Fox you're still good to go all right okay I'll put the curtains back oh my okay what's up what's up uh cheek seems to have put an Indus Kelton on top of the Freddy suit okay I I don't think there's any doubt anymore that it's better they know all about what they know like I don't think you're gonna be getting away with being Freddy again we're lucky we were lucky we didn't bite the big one tonight dude like dude that they attacked me dad tightly bad attacked me as well like most of my arts got taken away like seriously foxy is very strong well maybe not as strong now that I got it but still you got a dude yet it is pretty awesome okay if they attack us again you can just hook them yeah yeah I'm gonna hook them right into their own graves they already technically dead well I guess you can't really kill that that doesn't have a life so we'll have to see what we can do I think it's safe to say we probably should close up shop for the night yeah I want to give that here as fast as poss yeah dude okay let's go ahead let's just head out of here because yeah I guess I'll see you tonight get some sleep finally yeah I mean you've been at this for what like a day and a half straight or something like that I mean I don't think they pay you enough for this position dude you should probably call for a raise yeah really I mean you know you've only been here for a few days but this is not worth $11 an hour like please please I get paid 11:25 okay okay mr. big boss man up to ya wage RIT but you know hearsay at this point let's go ahead look at it for the night yeah I'm gonna call the cops about seeing four know all those been around daddy you know I've actually heard something on the news about a guy in purple getting killed so I don't know he's have been kind of crazy lately all right dude I'll see you I'll see you I'll see you I'll see you tonight dude yeah man freakin freddy fazbears calling me back to uh me I had to come back here as a security guard tonight hey Dan I'm in here are you in the bathroom or something totally no I'm in this room you stupid I'm sorry okay dude what's up how's it going mad why what's oh I see what's going on you're wearing the suit what happened I got demoted you did too but I'm still wearing the suit you got demoted to secondary security guard that means you're the one who dies for me oh okay - literally yeah that's literally in the company policy if I am going to be killed you jump in front so I'm guessing you had a bad day yes they called me as soon as I left and they told me I had to come back or they'd sue me oh my god yeah how could they expect us to keep this place open I mean you know be considering what happened yesterday like what are they stupid yeah I guess that's a good enough answer for me it's what I was like yeah all right God then I'm here I've been here they pay you $50 an hour now because you they doctor pay an hour Wow oh wow I wish that's true but god I haven't slept and so long I was gonna say you just said that I make $50 an hour dollars a week that much that makes sense like this I'm delirious okay I swear to God I think I might even start hallucinating and that's not good oh my god dude but dude what's been going on during the day anything nothing they haven't moved one bit not one out it's not one iota not one diddly-squat chica still looks ugly though did you I'm guessing you had to put them back in place though during the daytime yeah yeah that was fun but dude so what's up I've been thinking about how Bonnie attacked me while chica was keeping me in the stupid kitchen uh-huh what about it I think they were in the vents but I'm not too sure because I don't think there's an air vent in the kitchen dude the same thing happened to me yesterday with a I'm not sure who it was but I got attacked from behind I mean I know that we saw that there's something behind those posters but I found a meat hole I can see I can see it seems like you've been having a really really long day dude this used to be a meat grinder I'm glad I have my feet still mm-hmm but dude oh my god you know what hang on wait a minute let's check this out there are posters in the room over here right yep do you really think that like an animatronic could actually fit through that you know these are service ducks I told you this on day two wait so so a person actually I already checked these places they didn't go up through here they do in somewhere though you want to find out where and it kind of proves my suspicions yeah back it god I hate these sorry okay good good right just cross this is like what this is like an immense little system that they got going on here why would they like not spend enough money repairing the walls but they'll spend a giant amount of money making an air duct system that people can go through like this then guy okay so anyway they thought it would be safer if they could access stuff I get I don't know I'm not them corporates yeah foreign they don't know things like Americans do fair enough I guess this is American ingenuity right here put a poster over the hole in the wall corporates not dumb enough for that yeah fair enough I guess I mean that's what they did so that yeah so yeah that's what I thought uh-huh so we'll check that side out and I checked out when that one leaves out towards the lobby but this one I haven't actually checked yet and I kind of confirmed my suspicions there's a poster over the wall and that one guess what yeah okay uh there's okay yeah oh my god Bonnie came and kicked my butt oh my god dude is there something a lot of sense there's actually wait here's something else down here and I don't know what goes to was always another pathway right there yeah okay yeah I know I don't recall seeing a poster out front or anything like that because I'm looking at a map too and it doesn't really later just our cheesy pizza frame that's up front there yeah no no there's nothing up there where does this lead I don't know it's definitely not the bathrooms and you said it's not on the map oh yeah it's uh oh okay wow you're you're really okay I guess this isn't on the map I don't remember ever seeing this place in initiation uh yeah that's because it's going I don't know about it I don't know do you would it oh wow these are cool and that's uh that would be 12 on e and that is mingle and I don't know why the Carlmont Oh Oh God okay uh uh hang on let me close the door make sure nothing can get on us here yeah that's probably a good idea okay is this what is this like a like a toy Freddy or something uh actually not a teddy bear I don't know okay Freddy what are you talking about I don't know man but these look like really really old of the current three Bonnie you know chica and Freddy yeah yeah yeah this one smells really weird oh oh this is not bad it just smells weird smells like burnt wait a minute wait a minute what no I didn't know it what what you do know I can't open the door oh it's an iron doors did you really there's no body I should have I should have known why there's a button David why would that why would the people who made this building up put a button on the inside they're trying to keep something in here I think they do they might be waiting here okay this is immediately starting to seem like some kind of trap okay you know what no I'm not trusting this room no I want out uh that's an on door button dude how are we gonna get a give this off the ground how are we gonna get it get hot Dan how are we gonna get out of here guess we just break out I mean if there was a door here so yeah somebody tells me this led this led somewhere at some point come on help me break out of here okay yeah dude this is like really crazy where does this even nah oh this leads into the front lobby well that makes sense oh my god that does make a lot of sense that must have been like some storage room at some point or something yeah it's way they'd put the cups and stuff apparently they just use it to store really weird mannequins yeah dude you know I think we need to keep an eye on things here I think we should probably head back like I'd probably be better okay it looks like the animatronics aren't moving or anything like that those are they not I didn't even check I should I'm so tired hey yeah no dude I can tell I don't blame me you've been here all day I really can't blame you I'm gonna check the camera down okay oh they have already left so they really serious they waited for us to come in here I guess they want to play a game okay wait a minute how many cameras are there normally last night you checked it right how many cameras are there what's down to one three it goes up the cam seven there's a cam eight and it's really corrupted looking hold on okay oh it's the it's the old room I guess the room we just came in from okay what did anything change in there yet nothing like no why would it I mean we just unlocked that room you're yeah I mean that was we closed the door behind us so I don't think the animatronics can get in there I don't know you know I really think that maybe you should check it again just you know just for the sake of being Shore come on Freddie's just the only one on the stage any one of the area no no one's there okay is there anything going on in the vent behind us don't say anything don't think so Dan check your check your camera one more time on that roommate I mean I don't know I got a really bad feeling oh oh it's the purple guy no the purple guy rinoa though yeah he likes to wear purple all the time are you serious do I need to go kick the crap out of him right now yeah go kick the crap out of him okay you put a mask on the suit - that's kind of weird ah I think there's something behind me yahiko okay he woke up he woke up the guy's gone Oh Freddy woke up some just got me something got me real good are you serious yeah dude that actually you really got me to choke me I hurt my foot super aggressive tonight this is not good at all dude I found Bonnie you found Bonnie wait wait something's behind me again no no no yeah I'm shorting lights out itseif oh go away oh my god okay it's not good at all okay I'm checking the cameras you said Oh Freddy's gone God okay chicas right there - chicas right where where what I heard around and chica was staring right at me right out the right out that hall over there okay okay find you - what Wow okay you know I'm gonna do oh my god I don't know I can't check the tablet oh hi Bonnie okay okay uh okay I got the door close the barn should go away eventually uh checking the door there's something behind me aunt I think is there something behind me dude I got to get out of here there's something behind me Oh God okay that's chica right there that's chica no okay no chicken no don't do it okay I think everything's going away Bonnie stools they're checking the camera hey that golden thing that we found it's not there anymore okay chica almost got in Wow okay this is not cool this is not cool at all something got me again are you serious yeah she both my doors were closed okay I might have just saw I can see all three of them and you know I could see all three of them right now and they're not moving it okay keep your eye on them I got it I got a check I'm sure tell me if they move or anything Pirates Cove oh I see Barney I see foxy foxy movement foxy go toward you dude I got it I got it I got it I got it I got it okay opposing both doors for a second yeah if Fox he's gone oh dude dude this is crazy okay that's got to be the most insane night yet there's no way we're gonna make it through this there's nothing in the kitchen I see something on the side okay okay okay this way checking the hall closet there is nothing there okay Bonnie gone okay chicken chicken chicken check in the the dining area okay I see I see Barney what should i do at this point to you I don't know I guess look around and see if you can catch Ronaldo cuz I did see him oh there's something definitely behind me thank you behind me going go away I shine light at you oh I really don't think that was Ronaldo dude Freddy no I can't I can't wear it oh God oh no crap I just drove it open I just self oh boy oh boy okay I ran out to see you for a second want to check the kitchen I think I'm scaring the puppet room dude are you you can see me on camera but only check the puppet room I don't know yeah yeah dude I Brennan here I'm really scared to run out I don't know what's over there let me check let me check the the dining area you might be able to see down that yeah I'm looking for the dining area I can't see down the hall but oh boy I see golden Freddy hey let me think that's his name anyway right that's Freddy okay that's Freddy Freddy's outside the door okay I don't know what to do here I don't know what to do oh you know what I'll use foxy look I still have parties hook yeah fight them off no Freddy's actually gone I'm gonna walk out the door here okay I'm gonna check backstage try that chica what the heck is that that one's a weird one cheek oh my god no no I don't run for it through the vents I can definitely tell there's something you're coating through the vents there's something in the bench there's something in the van's man yes yes what security cameras in here tomorrow or something if we haven't if we have to come back here yeah yeah okay I see something golden moving oh boy oh no oh the power the power came on at your good oh you're serious yeah oh oh my god hey where is everything they know that in the vents oh yeah they're not moving now I think they're not moving okay so just uh Freddie here I'm just gonna enterprise to you don't okay I think box CEO just got out again dude they were so close to killing me they're in the vents they're all staring at me okay let me I'm what you want me to go up there no no you can if you want I mean they're they're done at this point yeah I got my heart dude i I thought I was dead dude I was cornered do you want me to show you where could I where where check this out oh dude look there's chica right uh-huh here's Freddy okay and then there's Bonnie I was here oh wow dad yeah they're definitely not attacking you're gonna survive that well you want to go out through this way this way should be quickest way out god yeah dude okay thank god that they're not moving well I found golden Freddy I'm gonna game I'm gonna at least call it that I don't know what it's actually called but it's like it looks very similar to Freddy suit but it's gold so my legs are shaking so badly right now dude okay see I'm gonna eat some pizza cuz I'm actually pretty hungry hey I don't know if I want to trust the pizza in this place dude this is not cool at least foxy managed to play nice well for the last half well I closed him out yeah but look this thing look at it and like the way it's in there is not natural I've never seen this before what is this we saw it in the room dude I didn't play like I saw Ronaldo yeah no Ronaldo put a helmet on it like when when I was looking at him in there he popped the helmet on it and it was thing look like he's really tall and purple has like a badge on him I don't he is he like nine feet tall because I'm pretty sure this creature before it teleported away was nine feet tall he was a toddler nine feet yeah he used to play basketball oh my god dude geez I could imagine but like okay how am I really doubted what are we supposed to do I mean if we can't close up I mean are we just supposed to you know I'll stay here throughout the day with you you know what you know what you should do ya get sick get some sleep in the office I'll you know I'll look out for any customers or something like that and because I got enough sleep last night you need some sleep you've been you've been riding this out for way too long dude I've been kind of loopy today yeah I go to sleep staring into this cupcakes eyes toss me the toss me the securitas security tablet there you go okay thank you they shouldn't do much during the day but if they do no but what's this my god move them back to the position cuz I'm sure corporate was cool they're gonna call and inspect this place and make sure we actually did it right so he'll do I'll do that in a little bit here but you should seriously get some sleep dude and I'll keep watch okay I don't wanna sleep on the floor I haven't slept where do you want to sleep then I mean the you want to sleep on the stage that might be a good place I could keep you know real good cover of you that way but you gotta move the animatronics up here too so okay well sleep right here yeah fair enough yeah cuz Freddie's gonna be going right here so yeah you'll have the animatronics protecting you yay from themselves maybe yeah all right night all right okay I'll keep watch from here Oh what are you doing dude I decided to put all the animatronics away come take a look for yourself okay oh yeah dude yeah dude I decided to put them all away just because I thought that would be like our best chance of not having to deal with these guys throughout the night cuz you know they've been really rough lately that's all well and good but how did you do that without me waking up heavy I think you're in some kind of a coma or something like you just like we're not moving so I don't know I just thought it was a good time to get it you know get a lot of things done that's scary during the day really kind of cute yeah I mean I guess I could see why you were able to sleep behind him you know I mean they haven't like ever shown like the history of being aggressive during the day so you know they're real easy to move in here aside from them being really heavy yeah yes she always like you know hundred pounds more than the other ones must be the cupcake yeah dude but yeah dude uh what's going on with this guy what's going on with him well he doesn't look like he's actually doing anything but last night he was crazy yeah I don't think it actually did anything until Ronaldo showed up and put something on it yeah I mean like what's going on with this guy's it's like a rendition of almost like it looks like a rendition of Freddy or something yeah hi if I could see the resemblance we call it a name what are you gonna call it Fred bear Fred bear yeah okay Fred Fred bear works for me I guess I don't know it looks more like a golden Freddy to me but whatever your name hi my name is golden Freddy you're free well hey at least we won't have to worry about golden Freddy attacking us through tonight because dude look at some of the renovations I've actually done here aka I installed a door like there's already a door yeah but this one actually locks from the outside and cannot be open from the inside much like this other door that's back here oh right right okay so like we'll be able to seal in the animatronics from both sides they should not be able to get out through any means I mean things like how how would they be able to get out but uh yeah I I actually you know just in case just because I felt like we really weren't protected now that we know there's a ventilation system here I actually added a camera in the ventilation system so like yeah where the ladder goes up from the security room it looks towards the intersection so you know we should have should have a pretty good vantage point just in case that I know there's any mice crawling in there something we can take them out to yeah yeah if you've done this much we should have like a really easy night though that's great yeah I'm glad you got some sleep finally I mean it seemed like you were really jonesing that I was going crazy I was going crazy yeah and I'm still feeling refreshed so I think we're pretty much all set to go cool then I guess I'm going to lock this room up yeah dude I mean keep those suckers in there for the entire night like we got the same ringing dude okay I'm going I'm coming okay okay you got it yeah greetings this is a pre-recorded message hello security guards and welcome to your final night on the job there are 30 fazbear's pizzaria branch 1 9 8 7 you might have noticed some eccentricities in our animatronic scene that is actually normal we have been actively collecting data samples of our security guards and how they are able to handle the animatronics as you two have been selected for a higher paying position at our manufacturing facility all you have left to do is finish this night we would also like to inform you that you have never been in true danger the models you have been interacting with have always lived with AI that recognizes and prevents damage to humans the behavior of the animatronics might have seemed aggressive or threatening at some point during but again we would like to ensure you that your lives were not endangered the newer models were never designed with parts that would be able to maim or render human flesh oh really Oh however it has come to our attention that a recently sealed room has been compromised the models in that room are from much earlier in fazbear's history our present safety models do not apply to those animatronics is advised to not engage with the older animatronics if you see any suspicious movements from the animatronics there is a kill switch located at the bad this is like entirely two perfectly timed what ok oh my god alright you know let me let me check around here yeah oh look I don't think I mean wait you got them in that room though right yeah let me go let me check on that room here ok it looks like everything's good in that room they're pretty much all still sealed up in there ok oh my god oh my god dude it's starting to rain outside again yeah that's crazy pain okay you know I'm gonna go and I'm gonna start taking a look around here and I'm gonna go let me check out the dining area no everything's in the clear I think we're pretty much all set let me go let me talk some really good idea what was that that was a really good idea you know stealing them in that room dude I think we're good to go okay the show staged nothing going on in the show stage all right you know what everything's good I'll keep watching her just for a little bit but I think we might actually be safe tonight okay I'm gonna go ahead let's see let me check out all right you know what I'm just gonna check out that room again okay okay this isn't good what golden freddy is not there I think golden Freddy might be hiding from the camera or something the doors are still closed but I dude I don't know what's going on okay I think Freddy's just messing with us dude I'm gonna check the show stage here yeah Oh purple guy Ronaldo yeah yeah why eyes on stage what graduation oh oh he's looking like directly at the camera yeah dude I could see that like he scared me okay you know what oh my god okay I'm checking on the checking on the other room again uh dude okay well it's not good okay you know what you're like you take that for yourself I just witness chica running out of the room what yeah like Bonnie and chica are missing yeah all of them are missing no no no Freddy was there and I think I saw foxy but Bonnie and chica definitely were not in that room yeah dude okay this are you serious yeah he's in the freaking room where we put all the animatronics oh my god why did he how did he unlock the room okay I'm checking to make sure that Bonnie or chica don't show up aside here yes around I see Bonnie what about the West hall corner nope nothing there let's see anything outside of the doors that's great what if the out of the room okay nothing's on the show stage I guess I'll check that again a bit back stop something's behind me isn't there yeah yeah I got my hook you want me to go in yeah go out there and kick their butt I can't where Freddy is he's on the backstage right now why and there's nothing yeah we check the Vince yeah there's nothing in the Vince nothing in the bends at all no okay I'm checking the show stage again okay okay okay oh my god dude oh I'm so glad you're there just looking at you no just looking at you wearing at me yeah they're checking area okay Bonnie they're okay oh I think I heard Reynaldo again Rita the show stage no no I hang on I need to close the door here oh I swear I saw chica for a second oh my god I just saw something outside of the door oh my god okay it's right o'clock so yeah yeah let's see backstage granolas in the backstage area now okay I just heard something break I just heard something break back so do I do okay I'm checking I'm checking the stage there's a weird Freddie on the show stage I haven't seen before serious yeah oh my god you took the bench real quick hang on I got a are you seriously don't go up there and like shoot away or something I don't know you have this clause so maybe he am feel like you'd be on or something boxy you want you want this thing he's tall I see something move oh no Bonnie go away I just [ __ ] box he's got nothing Foster's not moving at all okay otherwise I might be dead yeah oh my the brown Freddy is breaking through the wall oh my god okay and chica is like really interested in this right door here oh my gosh okay what is going on Brown Freddy is breaking through that wall right there it's not the regular Freddy either it's like this darker I think it's the burnt one that I saw the other day okay I'm checking the kitchen nothing's in the kitchen take a look around here what about the hall Oh Freddy is in the hall closet oh my goodness okay yeah I'm gonna take a look up through the vent again just just to see a foxy Oh No stay away oh I think I hit oh my god okay okay Oh broken through there's another room behind there's a front of here did you hear that noise yeah okay through the wall now he's he's doing in there okay I think if there's any definition to surround it we are redefining that definition I think so okay this thing is there's something behind us to nightmare Freddy dude look at this foxy is definitely in the vent what's he get out of here get out of here [ __ ] okay that's right yeah open them okay yeah you get out of here foxy go away yeah what is this what's with this Freddy no no okay I attacked it with the hook so cool seems like it can be harmed okay now just check the dining area again Oh purple guys there okay I think okay so the right side not good okay do you have clear batteries don't it slowly it slowly inching towards us yeah I see that I don't like it neither do i oh okay chicas just still just chilling a check in the dining area they're all just staring at the cameras okay all right um I think you might be okay for the time being get back in here the lights just came back on Jerry well dude I'm so caught up in this I didn't even notice that okay what the heck happened here this was crazy freakin corporate Oh things are gonna be slightly more dangerous where's kill I'm gonna find this kill switch I'm gonna find this kill switch okay maybe it's in this hidden room or something look he's the one room yeah we check look into this room yet oh I I don't even know how to explain this right now look dude the other heads they're hanging on the wall here yeah it's really weird oh my god dude rules for safety my butt dude this place knows the first rule of safety well they can't smell safety right so there's obviously something wrong my legs hurt my arms are shaking right now thanks I get really weird and they don't they look like they're crying dude all like oh that's so creepy what are these I don't know man I have I have no idea anyway oh all right last night you know what I am done let's just go corporate about this because holy crab I never want to work at this restaurant again in my life yeah if they want to get a hold of us like they can they can get in contact with us you know we got cell phones they can get in contact with us about this opportunity we didn't close up shop like oh my god that is crazy though I can't believe we're still alive to be honest you know I really thought I was a goner there like he's golden freddy fazbear or whatever you want to call it was literally right behind me I think it would have killed me if I hadn't ran out of the room something tells me they might be keeping us alive for some reason like they had all the opportunity in the world to kill us and they didn't I don't know what to suspect but let's just get out of here here yeah like oh my god oh yeah I'm out like we'll never see this place again okay all right goodbye Freddy fazbear's pizzaria that's what you want to call this place goodbye and good riddance good riddance branch number 1987 yeah I think that night oh my god all right goodbye [Music]
Channel: CavemanFilms
Views: 7,231,577
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mine, craft, mc, five nights at freddy's, fnaf, bonnie, chica, freddy, golden freddy, foxy, mc fnaf, minecraft five nights at freddy's, freddies, Minecraft roleplay, roleplay, rp, mc rp, mc roleplay, animatronics, purple guy, movie, FNAF Movie, MNAF Movie, Five Nights at Freddy's Movie, Minecraft Roleplay Movie
Id: tBdlDXZPouo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 59sec (4319 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 07 2017
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