MINE Nights at Freddy's MOVIE - The Whole Story

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freddy fazbear's pizzeria huh i guess this is the place [Music] ant what are you doing here buddy dude i'm applying for a job i mean i'm looking at my map here it says freddy fazbear's is this the place yeah i mean you see the pizza behind me it looks like pretty delicious pizza dude dude what are you doing here dude i just got a job uh what's your position here like what do you get hired for when what i i i'm a freaking manager dude like uh i was just hired today too which is the weirdest part wow yeah i know manager in one day yeah i mean i didn't even really have to do anything they said no one else applied at all for the position you know they just had someone go and they needed someone to fill in the slot uh actually two slots i guess that's what you're doing here for um okay uh yeah it's really cool yeah i'm curious as to what i'm applying for as well it just says open position uh but yeah what's the position for what is it what's this should i mean i couldn't imagine it being really hard uh you're going to be the security guard okay that sounds good to me yeah i mean it shouldn't be hard you want to welcome me i'll show you around it's really a cool place uh sure sure so i mean this right here is like the little lobby there's like a weird arcade machine here it doesn't work i tried playing it just has like this weird crying purple eight-bit guy on it really well okay disturbing honestly i don't know why they have that here but uh management gets to that sometime soon yeah i mean really i don't think nintendo made it or anything like that so this is uh oh what the heck that's weird uh there's usually there's usually like a guy here like a brown bear guy oh i know what happened so there is one other guy that works with us his name is ronaldo i bet he took the guy down to like clean it um now is that brown guy is that freddy because i mean i saw like the logo yeah yeah that one that one's freddy i think like uh if i recall correctly yeah freddy's the party animal you see he's got like he's on this oh okay okay so that's freddy um okay fair enough and then i think the other one this bunny guy is bonnie and i think the chicken yeah i get it yeah and then the chicken girl is chica so [ __ ] chicken yeah i get it i think there's actually another one called foxy uh but they say he's broken right now we shouldn't really mess with this is that one a cat no a fox actually i think it's more like a wolf they showed me the picture of it in the employee manual which i gosh that was a long thing and i've actually got to repeat a few words if i recall correctly the manager is uh supposed to do this um okay fair enough let's see oh gosh uh we at fazbear's pizza facilitate a friendly non-hostile environment for children of all ages however it is advised that all workers stay away from the animatronics at all times um okay i don't know why they they seem pretty normal to me uh kind of an odd rule but all right i mean and you know i can understand it i've worked at some weird places in the past so make sense they also what's really weird is under that it says do not engage with the animatronics at any point if you see them acting out of character okay if it does happen inform the security guard immediate immediately so i guess i'll be talking to you if i see anything weird going on all right fair enough i mean i can't imagine what would be too wrong with these guys i seems like a pretty easy enough position yeah well remember there's four guys it's those two and then i guess the one ronaldo has and then the foxy um so i'll give you the tour now so this is the bathroom we've got uh when's this door open okay uh we've got the uh if i recall correctly because they're they're very very progressive uh the fazbear company this is the she mail door and this is the heishi door i know it's i think it basically means anyone can go into any door if they want to uh if you look inside they're they're exactly the same like there's no urinals or anything like that okay so i mean whatever i i don't really care it's it's fine whatever you know live your life sure i mean like it doesn't seem like this is that busy of a place anyway so i can't imagine that there's going to be too much of one running into the other yeah that's weird isn't it like they told me this was supposed to be stores peak hours and like it's just crazy today uh so this i mean hey you and i are here so the party's really here oh yeah yeah come on so i mean this is the kitchen um it's kind of weird i feel like a draft in here hmm that's i i have no idea why is there a hole in the floor here okay uh so i think i've i've seen like a lot of like history channel stuff i think that's like the blood hole for like if you're a butcher and you're cutting meat and oh yeah yeah i know it's that's just disturbing i guess they take their meat pizzas seriously well the thing is like i don't even see any meat in here so i'm really questioning why there's a hole that big like that's you could look i can fit inside this this is weird it's gotta be at least like three feet tall or something like that yeah no but okay so that's that now um this room over here is just like an exoskeleton uh repair shop room if something goes wrong with the exoskeleton we're here to repair it there's all the supplies i think these are just all bonnie ears okay so so if one of the animatronics goes kind of like weird or something i can call a mechanic or something no like if if a part of it breaks off during some unusual movement or something uh then we've got this to repair it i think that's what the uh the manual said okay fair enough i'll have to check out that manual later on yeah well unfortunately you don't get the manual it's really where they specifically tell me not to give it out to any other employees and just recite it uh okay i don't understand why apparently at one time they did it over the phone and that was weird um so this one is this is the pirate so if i recall correctly this is pirate cove okay foxy is supposed to be behind this curtain uh the curtains don't go up though it's really weird i haven't been able to actually see the foxy inside uh they said they're gonna have a guy come in on like tuesday so maybe i think that's right after the first week of your shift okay so five days because you're only working five days this week because we're not that yeah five day work week you know yeah yeah exactly kind of implied i guess this is the uh the storage room this is also where we kind of repaired the endoskeletons and stuff so this is kind of what bonnie and chica and freddie look like under the suit now you could also take off the skin and wear it um kind of not supposed to happen uh there's only one that does that really and if you try to wear it like the way it is now you kind of turn into uh you shouldn't do it okay just stop okay all right yeah i'll take your advice on that one i'll just i'll just believe you there i'm i don't don't worry you won't see me like where anyways yeah uh so um now this is the power room so here's the thing they're not making that much money here and so uh at 9 00 p.m they cut the phone lines i know it's stupid uh and they also they turn off the breaker so if the power goes off during that time you kind of have to rely on like just the auxiliary power that goes on we have a generator uh okay and that that should be fine but uh those last throughout the night i guess yeah and if the animatronics act kind of wonky you can repair them with this button but you can only do it when we have full power grid control so okay fair enough is this button gonna like if i just press it right now oh yeah yeah no it cuts off the lights okay wow it just cuts it off completely all right fair enough i guess yeah i mean i i would really not uh if you have the power come off you can try to come out here and turn it on i don't think it's going to work um okay i mean i hope the net i hope the next time that happens because that's going to happen at 9 00 pm i hope the generator kicks in because well like i said it doesn't cut off automatically it's just if something cuts it off so i mean hopefully things are going to be good um other than that i guess we got to show you the main room now and that would be over here okay this is kind of like your little uh quarters right here this is the security room now they seem to have put a lot of effort into really protecting this i don't know what they're protecting it from but uh let me read the manual again welcome security guard to the security room if you notice any intruders that are the heck notice any intruders that are a little unusual make sure you press the button to your right or left depending on the side of which intruder is in your way um it says the intruder should eventually get bored and walk away uh do not in true intruder like wait okay we're talking about dude yeah like i think i guess they're talking about like a guy breaking in i don't know why they'd want to break into a pizza place but hey that seems kind of odd but all right there is something a really big bold text at the very bottom it says do not lock both doors at once for an extended period of time if you do the power will trip and you will be shut inside another thing it says is that the intruders don't like it when both doors are closed and they will find a way to get to you through whatever means necessary okay uh i mean that's creepy dude holy crap um have you read this part of the manual yet like this seems kind of dude do you think i read yeah a good point i guess we just kind of take the jobs and we get money and yeah okay fair enough i mean at least you got like a fan and i think this is called uh peppermint patty which is ironic cause she's she's not a peppermint or a patty she's a cupcake you know something tells me that like all of the stuff in the menu and all this mumbo jumbo it's just their way of making sure they don't get sued if something really far-fetched happens i'm sure everything's gonna be okay i mean you know what i mean could this position really be i don't think it should be hard but in case it is you know uh there's some rules for your safety okay so i think it says don't run don't yell uh man they really need to increase the resolution of their papers yeah this is kind of this is kind of kind of hard to read okay one i think set one says don't touch freddy's uh if i look at the really bottom of that it says don't run it'll they'll only catch you faster yeah i think they need to print out a new poster this one i can't really read this i don't i okay okay and i'll just i'll just try not to be a big butt and i'll just try and yeah i mean you'll be fine oh yeah that's another thing uh so this here in my hand this is a uh this is like a tablet that you can use to check all the security cameras because if you notice we actually have quite a lot of security cameras around here so i guess someone did break into the place at one point that's what i'm guessing oh okay yeah i mean we got like two in this hall and so i mean at least it'll help me it'll help me do my job more efficiently anyways yeah so um the only thing is i wouldn't ch i don't think you're supposed to check this while you have your doors closed because it draws on the power i don't know how a tablet is drawing from the main secure the power to the place but my guess is there's probably no battery in it so it's just something that i keep plugged in at all times yeah maybe i guess so uh oh god that cheek is creepy look at that thing dude that's that's that's pretty out there like it's just i i mean you would think the people who made it would have been like huh maybe let's make it look a little more cute while it's just standing there this place was made in the 80s i don't think they had the technology for it back then but uh yeah fair enough anyway i think oh i should give you this so there you go that's your security tablet now um i would imagine go ahead oh uh yeah so there's also a change of clothes that goes along with it i guess they want you to look the part okay yeah that's actually what i was just about to ask about so thanks where can i find those yeah i hung them in the uh the she-male bathroom so they should just be on yeah they should be in like one of the stalls just look for it uh okay i just hung them out of the way so i'm gonna go actually try to find ronaldo and get that fazbear suit back so uh you know what you should uh you should be pretty good tonight uh yeah i'm gonna actually probably head out actually yeah i'm surprised i wasn't expecting to get the job tonight but thanks i guess yeah the weather's really bad outside too and i've actually heard something really bad if it's raining here uh things can get a little crazy so oh okay that's just what i've heard like i think ronaldo told me about it um again yeah this sounds like that corporate mumbo jumbo you know where they're just trying to you know keep themselves safe i mean i can't i ca i really can't imagine that anything bad is gonna happen i'm not really overly worried yeah nah it's it should be fine uh i actually i want to get out of here and i've been working since like eight in the morning you know and okay no one really showed up but i just don't like being in confined spaces like this so okay you could not pay me to get in one of those uh animatronic suits i i read you there i mean i can't imagine how uh how hot that would be as well yeah yeah i know i'm good with confined spaces i mean i'm set to take position tonight i guess i mean i got i got my i got my cameras i'm good to go awesome cool now another thing they uh they did tell me uh just because i had a phone call with them earlier it was like if i did manage to find someone to do the security guard i was going to be the security guard today and i didn't want to do that so um yeah i mean i can't imagine that confined space would work too well for you i've been here all day dude it's crazy but anyway they say that you ha you have to work here every day for a whole week that's crazy fair enough was that like five days six days or something yeah i mean we're not open on saturdays and sundays which is stupid why weren't you open on a saturday i would think that's when everyone's here but uh right i don't think they understand their peak hours but all right fair enough i'm yeah so anyway i'm gonna go i'm gonna go home take a nice shower maybe after i find that fazbear suit and uh fair enough i'll let you go change you should have a good first night all right yeah i mean i'll be doing that have a have a go have a good night all right see you man all right later okay wow the suit actually feels like it fits pretty good let's go and let's uh let's take a look at this here okay wow i am in i'm in a suit this is pretty awesome okay like okay oh my phone's ringing uh it's dan dan what's up hey dude uh so yeah did uh ronaldo call you uh no i don't think he has my phone number yet why what's up okay uh he he just uh he called me said he had the fazbear suit and he put it back on the stage um is it on there now uh yeah let me go and let me check on that i'm not exactly sure yeah actually it is it looks like he uh he set it all up that's weird i've only been in here for a few minutes i didn't hear him come in but i mean fair enough the guy's a ninja we'll go with it awesome hey do you see anything weird about that statue like ronaldo said he took my name tag and put it over it yeah oh my god that's actually hilarious dude let me let me look at this here no dude that is not cool that is really the name tag on top of the freddy fazbear like i think he wants me to scare children tomorrow like literally i think he thinks that putting his name tag will make it look like i'm the bad guy i think he's trying to get you fired or something he might want that manager position you know what i'm gonna dock his pay i'm the manager i'm gonna do that's just that's a bad joke anyway dude you tell him who's boss exactly man all right so anyway just wanted to call uh you know what actually do you wanna if you are you know okay with it we can stay on the phone for like you know during your first shift and i can like you know just talk to you because i'm pretty sure it's gonna be pretty boring tonight uh yeah fair enough that sounds good to me um i do got to get started here though so i'm just going to go ahead and i'm going to continue you know closing up here there's not much left to do i just need to head into the security room yeah so yeah give me a second here let's go and let's just do this here and i got to get used to the security tablet as well because i haven't used it yet um even though it seems pretty self-explanatory i think uh yeah okay yeah dude it's like a gigantic ipad for babies right it's really easy to use yeah okay all right well i can see that there's like camera one camera two camera three camera six seven there's all kind of like there's like 20 cameras if i go ahead and i tap on the screen here i can actually see the various names of the different uh you know different places so if i check out looks like cameron is the show stage that kind of makes sense so let's go let's check that out yeah i can actually see it with uh the big old caveman films tag right on freddy's head that's pretty hilarious okay but yeah all right let me go and let me check out another one uh what other ones should i be checking out just like what what what one would be good to be monitoring constantly um one to monitor constantly i guess the entrance is there one for the entrance um i'm not sure we got show stage dining area pirates cove the west halls the hall closet the east halls backstage kitchen and restrooms uh so i guess that's about it it doesn't seem like there's a front monitoring area or anything wow that is like the most gigantic i just heard like some static on your end yeah no i think the power just went out here actually um that's kind of freaky uh oh that's right it's nine o'clock okay well yeah but the power doesn't always go out like something had to have turned the power out really oh okay the way you worded it before it made it sound like the power is actually gonna be going the thing is that after nine o'clock the power becomes you can't turn it back on okay let me actually check here um let me hit the let's see here let's check this out um well there's these little light buttons that are in the room yeah yeah generator generator well those turn on and the fan is still going but every other light in the place is off it looks like somebody hit the breakers for all of the main lights in the in here or something but there's nobody in here yeah that's kind of that's kind of weird check the camera see if anyone is walking around all right let's go let's check this out uh i'm going to check out the show stage again do you think that sounds good well yeah the living room is just like the biggest room so if anyone's there show stage um well i see that the fazbear thing is still there but wait a minute what okay what uh chica and bonnie are not there what uh yeah they're just they're gone i'm not sure what's going on the freddy one is still there but okay okay uh let me check something hold on a second hold on a second okay all right i'm still looking at the tablet here so uh yeah so okay if the animatronics appear to be missing don't panic okay um just make sure that they don't get into the room okay fair enough okay that's that's kind of weird why well i mean if they're missing uh so are you sure you don't see any of them around like look around you do you not see anything let me go and let me check out one of the halls here okay i'm going to check out the west hall sound good oh yeah go for it all right west hall no um let me check out the east hall here real quick okay uh no i'm not seeing anything going on here let me go ahead let me let me check out the hallways uh no there's nobody out there let me check out the left hallway here uh no i think i might be okay let me go let me continue checking on the camera here because maybe they're in the hall closet or something like that okay let me go let me go and let me check that out no they're not in the hall closet that room that has all of the uh repair stuff they're not in there oh okay i'm trying to figure out what's going on because like i've never heard anyone actually say that this has happened before yeah i'm gonna check on the show stage again let's go let's see okay freddie's gone now uh okay uh there's actually some more paper right down here that's a sticky note should i be like scared or something right now dan uh it says stay really calm uh you should be fine okay i'm not calm though but so i i did remind you that the doors do have locks on them right yeah yeah yeah i mean all's well in that area uh okay so if anything comes near you just lock the door dude okay that sounds good okay i'm gonna go and i'm gonna check on the the main stage that i'm gonna check on the hallways here show stage yeah freddy's still not there um let me go let me check on the east hall which i think is the hall to my left i'm not really sure though uh or that's the west hall okay so west hall okay um east hall let's check that out oh god chica's there okay let me go let me let me check out the show stage again as well oh no that's not what i meant to check meant to check the party hall but i need to close this door real quick because uh chica's on the side okay i'm gonna also check uh let's see here uh oh my god okay let's see uh where is it where is it where is it oh my god oh my god dining area uh i found the other two uh what i found the other two okay they're in the dining area you know how there's two hallways that lead into the security hall right where they meet on the other side like where one turns left and one turns right they're like hiding or something what are they hiding from the cameras maybe i'm not sure i mean they can be seen as clear as day on the dining area but not just robots right they shouldn't even be able to move uh they're supposed to stay on the stage do their little song and dance and then they're good are you sure ronaldo's like not hiding out in the place just screwing with me on my first night or something i hope not i mean ronaldo he might be a jerk and put my name tag on things but i don't think he'd do something like that okay uh all right i need to open up this door here uh let me go and let me take a quick look outside all right okay let's see here um it looks as if cheek is gone i'm gonna take a look outside the left door here uh yeah i know there's no chica going on here i dude i think i might be safe but i have no idea what's going on here okay uh dude i wish i was over there like yeah i could really i could have away i could really use your help here can you believe i took a job an hour and a half a freaking way i mean dude times are tough dude yeah but i mean seriously let me see if we're back on stage or something maybe i'm just going crazy all right well first i'm going to take a look let's see let's check backstage real quick um backstage oh there's the freddie suit okay freddy suits there let me go and let me check uh the restrooms nothing going on the restrooms all right now i'm gonna check the main stage here uh let's see here show stage no there's still nothing going on in the show dude i have no idea all right i'm gonna i'm gonna take a look around here like see if there's anything out in the hall are you gonna walk around or what no no i'm just gonna take a look out in the hallways don't walk around that's that's like really bad do you what do you think they're gonna catch me or something i have i mean they're made out of metal that's really really bad yeah oh god oh god i'm hearing door noises around me dude really yeah i didn't even think they were able to open doors that's not in their protocol okay hang on let me check out the dining area again um wow okay i think they're all kind of bunched up together right now uh let me check that out again okay dining area wow yeah they're all bunched up together dude this is kind of weird like oh my god there one of them okay chica was moving okay i have no idea what's going on i'm just gonna chill in here for the time being okay yeah that's probably good that's probably a good thing okay okay i'm looking through the book still like ugh uh if in fact one of the animatronics dude i'm hearing the doors again oh gosh like it's just okay you want me to check the kitchen okay oh god okay kitchen kitchen kitchen uh it's just uh just no it's the kitchen camera's out it's not a very good picture right now dude there's all kinds of doors going on right now what what should i be what should i be doing right now um just make sure nothing's coming near you like if you're checking the cameras i don't think you're you know really checking much yeah i'm gonna check out the windows i'm checking out the windows as well there's nothing out the windows right now i'm gonna check the cameras one more time let me check the hallways maybe this is like something i'm not seeing or something uh okay uh west hall no there's nothing down the west hall so i'm good on that side let me go and each the noises are back dude what are good what is going on here okay dude it's like 2 a.m right now so i don't know i think i think you know that i don't have very long left here uh oh the lights are back on oh man you are great dude you did it wow okay me oh dude my watch is on upside down okay i was reading 0 and then it looked like a 2 but it was actually a 5. wow i am dumb oh my god okay we're good we i i guess am i safe to come out now all the lights turned on yeah if the lights are on you should be free okay um dude i need to i need to take a quick uh little spin from this fan here wow okay that was that was pretty freaky all right i'm gonna go and i'm gonna i'm gonna walk around here a little bit okay i'll try to go to the front door and meet you out there okay okay sounds good um okay i'm okay okay i'm not sure if that was like that yesterday but i think we're good all right let me okay what's going on what do you see uh yeah i can see the sun coming up dude dude it's been raining here all night okay um dude i hope i hope you gotta i hope you get protection for that phone when you get over here yeah that'd be uh okay oh okay uh yeah yeah i see you're out the window oh hey dude cool man all right all right okay all right hung up my phone i'm not some weirdo who talks on the phone the same person in the same room right come on man it's not that weird dude this was a freaky night i mean you're on the phone the whole time but like it didn't seem like it was that bad honestly it seemed like you're just lying to me uh i mean let's go dude dude you want me to show you around a little bit i okay yeah sure go for it okay okay um so there's nothing on stage right now is this not is this not freaky yeah that's kind of weird and i just noticed walking on my way out of here it looks like foxy's cave opened it says out of order but you said how you were you were never able to get this curtain up i mean look it's it's open right here crap maybe you said the power went out right yeah the power was out for the entire night until i looked at my watch it was like 5 a.m and like boom it popped on just as soon as i said that okay uh that is weird okay uh what oh my god what what is the freddy fazbear suit doing in here i have no idea dude like okay are you sure okay are you sure that you wait no you couldn't you're on the phone with me i didn't leave the room the entire night dude i was just sitting there i was hunkered in there the entire time i mean there there are animatronics walking around here like why they don't walk that's the thing they sit on the stage they sing they dance and that's it you didn't feel the feeling of terror that i felt and if that if if any of this is like not explanation enough how did i get that curtain open that you couldn't get open before that has foxy in it power surge the power surge did it like maybe just like there was a blown fuse i don't know how else i'm gonna convince you but it's the end of my work day so i'm gonna go and i'm gonna head out of here dude uh yeah i'll clean up this mess and i'll talk to ronaldo and see what the heck he had to do something tells me this has to do with ronaldo i think he was camping out here for the night i mean i'm just going to go and i'm going to head out of here you want to find him i mean let's look is he in the bathroom no i'm going to head out here this is like um yeah i'm gonna go and i'm gonna head out of here are you gonna be back tonight yeah i mean you know work contract you know i'll be back but i'm just gonna i'm just gonna head out of here for the day okay i'll see you later um have a good night dude see you man i guess i'll just start cleaning up uh i didn't make a mess so later [Music] cleaning time ah freddy you're so awesome i don't know why am thinks you guys are crazy like alive and stuff whatever back to cleaning oh hey ant nothing much i've just been cleaning with these scary animatronics in the room dude they came back like what happened uh yeah they we've moved them back they aren't that hard to move where did you find them although i i didn't know where they all were oh they were just in the storage room okay is foxy behind the curtain now he should be i mean i checked it he was behind the curtain before anyway remember the curtains were just drawn we just put the curtains back i mean i can check for you here okay i see his feet he's there okay yeah i see him there i think i saw him there anyways yeah it should be good dude i mean that was one heck of a stressful night that first night though i mean dude you you weren't there you don't understand the position that i was it really just seemed like you were screwing with me to be honest i'm not gonna lie dude i wasn't like do you do you wanna do you wanna try this out for yourself like i could do this with my eyes closed i'm the manager here dude dude i i don't think and i fired freaking ronaldo so i don't think he's gonna be coming back anytime soon to screw with me okay uh dude i you gave me again yeah you picked up some of those uh just throw them away okay all right fair enough put them in the uh you know what put them in the blood hole [Laughter] does this just become our trash can is that it i mean the kitchen has a trash can normally you know well you know what fine you know i actually had a pretty good nap last night so i'm pretty still well rested i think i could stay the night you don't want me you know what dude i can make it through this night here you take my sponge okay you know what i can stop up your tears of defeat after this uh you'll you'll be eating those words by the time you're done tonight man this is this is not the place you think it is this is not the place that previous management was telling you that this place was i don't know it looks the same to me and look i cleaned it all up so it's even better than it was before let's check out this room it does look a lot cleaner okay oh that fan feels so good dude let me check something so hey have you seen this there's like a vent i i told you about the vent didn't i yeah do you want me to come in and check it out yeah yeah i'll just show you this because this vent is actually all right let me go let me check this out all right cool man all right so there's this video hey you told me about the vent but i was a little bit too scared to climb it dude you can just climb right through the posters i mean i didn't want to rip it off the wall or anything these aren't actually posters i don't know what they are they're like celitaine or something i've heard that i was reading the uh the manual like all last night after we got off the phone i guess so that was all the last morning and i was reading it in my break too so i think i could be pretty you know safe around here even if i don't think they move but even if they did i think i could handle them yeah uh i don't know dude i really i don't i don't think i don't think you have what it takes i really don't i mean manager i mean look i've got a name tag speaking of uh i'm going to yoink your name tag before you go and i'm going to no no you can't you can't have it i'm going to do it i'm going to do it come here come here come here quit dodging me man you can't you can't have it dude you can't you can't have it i want one of them to have your name so i'm terrified of the thought of you getting my name tag back give me my name you still have it dude i'll put it i'll take it i'll take it off you before you leave last tonight though i'll take it when you're not even looking okay wow what a pal what i thought i'm your manager i am your friend that's why i'm going to prove that you're wrong okay fine you know what fine okay fine okay well uh so i've got this it should be dark soon so just call me on the phone i'll talk to you while we're you know all right fair enough to be proven wrong dude enjoy enjoy that double pay for the day dude oh yeah that's true overtime enjoy it okay i will all right i guess i just wait until the clock to start i mean this shouldn't be hard i'm going to show aunt that this is easy i mean i've been here all day and nothing happened and it's fine does this place always sound like this at night that's that's weird uh oh there's that hello hey dude how's it going oh pretty good how are you enjoying that night is that how's everything going so far uh it's going pretty good let's see how do i check these cameras i'll check the show stage it looks like everyone's there you gotta check the cameras have you not used the device or if you just read it out of the manual i just read it out of the manual okay i see that everyone's there okay fair enough uh everyone's there you sure uh yeah why wouldn't i be sure dude as the night progresses things are gonna get really scary for you like it's gonna get pretty bad huh well i mean i i can see like i see bonnie i see freddy i see chica they all seem there normally where they're gonna be i really think you're just screwing with me dude it's gonna get so much worse throughout the night [Laughter] i'm just laughing at how scared you're gonna be in about a couple of minutes really just because like you don't know the pain i went through last night i really don't think there's anything to be worried about i really think you're just saying this out of proportion and i'm gonna check the dining area let's see okay fair enough yeah i mean i don't see anything i don't see anything down the hallways or anything so i feel like i'm pretty good you might you might be having a slightly better night than i am i don't know we'll have to see i feel like you're just pulling my leg let me check the show stage again oh well what's up uh they are gone they are all gone yeah uh so you wouldn't happen to oh you wouldn't happen to be here would you no no i i mean i went home you said that you had everything taken care of okay well is uh is ronaldo here uh wait no i fired ronaldo i was gonna say i'm pretty sure that you let ronaldo go oh he could be doing this to spite me maybe i don't know it could be some kind of revenge stunt or something maybe that's you know he could have been doing that to me the entire time like this could have been ronaldo i mean i feel like that this is ronaldo i just i don't think it could be anyone but renault though oh my goodness okay let's see um i swear i just oh i heard a chicken oh really oh man isn't that chica's voice box i mean it could be i'm not i'm not really too sure dude i mean okay let me think the fan was blowing pretty loud in my ears last night so i couldn't hear a whole lot but there was plenty that i could see okay when i'm trying to remember the fazbear bound if you see the animatronics moving about don't panic they cannot break through the doors completely wait wait wait how do you there what's going on talk to me here talk about i i see uh i see chica what are you doing okay huh i think she's gone i think she's gone chica's not chica's not there anymore no i don't think so okay let me uh okay that's good check pirate's cove okay fair enough okay i think i see bonnie in the corner there but um [Music] backstage no there's just the normal animatronic thing there okay okay i think is that that is freddy freddy what are you doing uh dude is it is everything okay over there because i mean it sounds like you're actually having a pretty rough night uh no i'm pretty i can hear someone moving these things around okay i i heard it i swear to god i heard a cow okay okay i saw freddy there i see him in the window i closed the door he isn't getting me okay let's see that's good i mean actually i'm kind of feeling pretty scared for it seems like they're being pretty aggressive tonight i don't think so i think they're just trying to i really think ronaldo just broke in after i fired him and he's just trying to screw with me right now okay what was that i heard someone break a light bulb really hmm okay it seems like there's really like a vandalizer in there somewhere yeah this has to be ronaldo i bet he's like you know what oh oh my bonnie okay uh what happened i think ronaldo's in a body suit really yeah i told you it was ronaldo messing with you the entire time like oh my god that's gotta be it okay they're all just standing there so yeah i think he just positioned everything there okay um what if i turn on the lights to scare him will that do anything let me ronaldo look i've got light ronaldo i know you're there is everything still good it seems like it you know i'm going to check the hall closet dude i think we should probably i mean are they back on the stage or something i mean if they're not there anymore like our what's going on okay they're back on the stage really oh wow dude it's like i called that okay you sure you're not working with ronaldo no this is about what happened last night like they were all sort of off the stage for a while and then they all sort of got back on the stage for a while like it was you know it's pretty weird you know what i'm gonna actually walk out of this room for a second they all seem like they're still there yeah i don't think they're gonna do anything okay i'm gonna i think ronaldo actually the lights the lights scared off ronaldo so let me check something okay yeah they're i mean they're all there they all seem to be in place let me just check up i'm gonna go up on stage i mean they don't really they look like norm well actually wait okay chica is supposed to be behin what was that what was that noise i have no idea ronaldo is that ronaldo okay i'm checking outside hold on ronaldo where are you dude you're not supposed to leave that you're not supposed to leave dude you need to get back oh crap yeah i'm doing i'm doing a terrible thing right now okay i swear i heard ronaldo outside really i i don't think he's out there dude i don't think he's out there okay i think he just let up the foxy camera wait what not the camera the curtain dude the same thing that happened to me last night dude same thing same exact story i'm checking all the rooms just making sure oh oh my god oh my god okay okay uh what happened what happened uh foxy was outside the door i swear to god the foxy was moving i know for a fact that one is an animatronic there is no costume for that foxy wasn't moving at all for me last night dude it really seems like all of these guys are being more aggressive tonight okay no no i swear what was that light okay you know what i'm going back into the room wait oh oh the power just turned back on okay that that was freaky you're so lucky that is freaky though okay talk to me like did anything new happen before the lights turned on like yeah i told you foxy moved look i i can see it it's out of place right it's still moving a little bit okay really that is well i think it's animatronics are just resting like the the pistons in it i think they're just resetting but i mean everyone else is back on stage what did i tell you dude like was that not freaky or what i i it has to be reno i swear to god i heard ronaldo run out of the building i mean i don't know if it's ronaldo or if it's something else i mean something tells me these things might actually be moving on their own look they shouldn't be i mean they've been in three other restaurants and a museum exhibit yeah but i mean isn't it just weird how this place has its own sort of presence in the middle of the night like we may not be seeing the worst debate yet but i mean things got a little bit worse tonight we don't really know where everything's gonna head tomorrow dude like this is kind of this is kind of freaky i'll take over for tomorrow though okay like i'm gonna i'm gonna get over there as fast as i can like you're freaking me out here okay i'll be over as soon as i can all right hey aunt glad to see you're back dude it's good to see you again too that's what i've got dude what do you what do you got something to screw ronaldo over come on oh my god that's so cool yeah yeah man hey check it out check it out what do you got what do you got dude oh my god no way oh my god no this is happy out there do you hear the lightning out there dude that was oh that's crazy it's actually been like raining every single night we've been working here oh my god but dude the suit oh my god let me put it on bam bam look at me i am stinky oh god i can smell it from here oh my god well that's what happens when you put on a 30 year old suit you found in the back of a closet oh my god i'm 30 years old yeah they stopped uh they stopped doing the suits back in 87 i'm pretty sure i think i can see like a raw pepperoni stain on it or something oh my god apparently they haven't watched them since 87 either anyway i don't even want to imagine that walk with me talk with me i'll show you my awesome plan oh my god dude you got to show me this awesome i'm going to screw ronaldo over so badly so notice someone missing yeah yeah maybe the one that you're wearing right now yeah exactly so i took down the freddy fazbear animatronic right and i put him in this room because i'm wearing the suit i'm going to actually show you something else really cool okay dude what what do you got in mind here i see i found out what did you say what do you think no no no dude surprise me surprise me all right cool cool so i found out that the exoskeleton actually you can slip off a skin from it yeah i can actually pop off the freddy fazbear head bam no and i can actually wear it oh my god that actually looks pretty confusing oh it smells terrible in here you can still smell the rank smell coming off of that that's pretty bad stinky oh god it smells like something died in here like really i feel really bad for you yeah oh yeah i also got like the microphone so if like ronaldo comes up and does something i can help him like this uh uh ow dude i was about to say i don't think that'll hurt too much but oh wow that hurt that's right let me try it again no no ow sorry it's the suit's influence i mean come on i'm i look so evil don't know if that suit is is influencing my nose to get away from you a little bit more than that i'm like come on man what are you talking about okay so it's the plan that you're just gonna like scare him or something at night or whatever yeah i mean obviously he has to be the one moving the animatronics around right at night right absolutely so if you do your job and i'm on the stage as an animatronic if he goes up there and tries to move one of them i'm gonna catch him in the act and just whap him on the face all right yeah it sounds good oh yeah yeah before before we go uh because you know honestly we're so close in the building i thought just using a walkie-talkie would be better than a actual phone call yeah that'd probably be pretty good though okay that works yeah so i guess what i'm gonna do is i'm just gonna hop on the stage we're gonna catch the stupid ronaldo guy all right i'm gonna go i'm gonna head into the security room just so that you know obviously i can do my part of the job as well yeah yes man all right i guess um okay let me go and let me get in the room here so all right dude this fan's blowing it feels pretty nice right now testing one two three testing one two three i can't hear you dan i'll wait i'm not supposed to talk about it that way through the walkie-talkie it does that on its own doesn't it like that okay i'm ready to go dude i'm ready to go me too dude me too well and now all we have to do is wait until renault go i think you spoke a little bit too soon there dude does something is what i was going to say well i guess we just have to look around now i don't see ronaldo doing anything no i don't either okay let me go and let me check around here for you let's see here dan look behind you why you'll know why when you see it all right oh where do they go there's nothing here there's nothing here okay where's ronaldo at how did you let ronaldo get dude he didn't get past me there no one made a noise no one made a sound he had to have gotten past you i mean you need to look around for him he's still going to be in the building here like i'm really confused right okay i thought i heard something but i don't know where it came from did you have any idea did it come from like your left your right i want to say i came from my left please check the bathroom i was gonna say probably from the bathroom or something why would he be in the bathroom actually that's a pretty good hiding place uh right yeah okay nope not behind this stall that stall that stall so he's not in the men's bathroom [Music] i actually saw you on camera there for a second really yeah hey what's up hey hey there hi you're on you're on my tablet on the camera i i think i see something what do you think no i don't actually i don't see anything okay what happened i found bonnie the dining area or something yeah okay outside the bathroom okay okay how did it get near this door oh my gosh okay okay okay i'm out okay okay okay i did not hear renault i didn't see ronaldo move those things that's crazy okay um uh what okay i'm gonna go to nothing on the show stage well i mean you probably can obviously see that uh i guess i'm gonna check let's see um let's see what's going on in the kitchen oh the kitchen camera's down oh you want me to check it for you i'll check in yeah go for it are you in here oh he's gonna check the eastern and western hall but what's up there's very definitely something in the air ducks behind me dude okay okay okay okay something very clearly attacked me from behind dude okay it's not me the air just ran through the wall what's going on here yeah the air ducts do just run through the wall there shouldn't be anything up there except like some something very clearly attacked me okay there's glass here there's just a poster here there's just a poster here damn there's no wall behind the poster yes there is no there's not i mean really look like actually peek your eye in there i mean move the poster like look that is a design flaw something tells me like there is some serious like renovation flaws that went on when this place got i don't know like what the heck happened that's not good i don't want to know the pre-k wait we haven't been really looking at them we need to look around yeah yeah absolutely sorry that threw me really off track dude okay okay i would check your camera what's up what's up which camera uh foxy i think has decided to grace us with its presence okay uh oh my god what camera is that okay pirates cove yup i can see foxy here i can't find bonnie and chica anywhere uh let me go let me check backstage here super quickly um let's see dan yeah you might want to check backstage why because they're both staring at the costume that you decapitated what oh my god dude i just thought of that like think about it oh oh they're looking at me okay run run no no no no no no i'm coming in with you hey hey oh one of them's looking at the camera now what are they getting are they getting aware i i think i think they just figured out that i'm not the real freddie okay i have no idea i have no idea dude i don't think they know yet like if they weren't going after you and they're just looking at you maybe they just kind of like noticed you were there they may not have any idea what there was a decapitated version of freddie okay truth dude truth be told i wouldn't be in this room with me if they don't have any idea like maybe they see you as the real one and they just they don't know you know they just might not be smart enough to understand that yet okay um what i would do is like catch check check the kitchen or something like that again i'm gonna go ahead and i'm gonna check on uh let's see let me check on the dining show stage and i'm gonna check on foxy's camera yeah i don't see anything in here okay let's see what's going on with foxy's camera foxy where are you pirates cove foxy's not there oh my god there foxy was looking at me dude what oh he was running after your is that gonna work is that gonna work i scared him away i scared him away okay foxy dropped its hook though dude oh my god i'm gonna be able to use this if he comes back okay i just heard something dude i'm gonna go check it out doors everywhere dude yeah i'm checking it out okay chica just came out from nowhere uh okay i think it thinks it knows what i am and it's it's actually trying to get me oh oh oh oh no no no no no it's just moving hey oh my god oh my god i see you're moving a little bit okay i got to close the door i close the door shine the light shine the light on the light i don't think it's okay okay okay okay i think we're good i think we're good dude i mean i'll let you decide i think though if you let the if you let them see you in here they will start hitting you if they're not hitting you yet i wouldn't suspect anything oh my god yeah what could have sworn that i just saw bonnie outside the left door oh no no okay i'm gonna go out this way i'm gonna take a look at the show stage with you here okay i'm taking art not the show stage with dynamite oh there's chica i see chica yeah chica's by this oh and she sees me okay okay i think she's just cautious of me right now which is good yeah she is definitely eyeing me um something tells me they might have an idea that it's you dude i really hope no no no no no please i'm gonna go into the kitchen i don't think they can get me in the kitchen i'm gonna check let's see i'm gonna check the restroom okay no chica knows i'm in the kitchen no no no no she is outside the door she is oh my god he hit me he hit me he knew he knew he came in from behind me okay jesus dude okay let me go let me check on foxy's area real quick let me see if foxy made it back oh my god dude yeah foxy made it back or at least the curtain is closed i think we're good on that front oh my god dude bonnie came out of nowhere chica nope no stay away chica she can get out of here hey you keep that i'll take care of one door you can't take take care of the other door you can't talk you can't take the door open otherwise you know the safety mechanism might fail on it so yeah you're right be real careful okay what time is it how long do we have uh i we do probably seconds i'm just saying like i don't think we have very long left no no you stay away stay away i saw bonnie i saw bonnie bonnie don't do this don't please dude this place is just getting crazy i i don't know how i'm gonna handle this yeah i know man we just got to make it until the lights turn on uh oh well then i've never been so happy to hear that stupid jingle in my entire life hey i guess we better get out of here and check on what they've actually done yeah dude i mean tonight has been a total catastrophe oh it was so scary yeah they attacked me in the kitchen oh man dude foxy attacked me look he's right there foxy he's right there dude that's pretty creepy but foxy attacked me in the face do you even want to play this game of comparing right now i guess you're right dude i think we i think it's safe to say we both had pretty bad nights all right dude i don't think it's ronaldo anymore i mean i don't know dude maybe ronaldo is like somehow remote controlling them or something but i mean i guess he'd have to be a pretty skilled remote controller if he can uh you know remote control multiple at once that was actually pretty freaky they're made from the freaking 80s i don't think they have remote control ability i mean who knows they would have been renovated between then and now they could have had things happen to the insides of them that allows them to move oh maybe they're connecting a network in here or something i don't know so we found bonnie i disassembled the freddie yeah i'm going to check where's the maintenance closet okay yeah go ahead let's see no not going on in the maintenance closet what are you thinking you thinking backstage is foxy back in here i mean apparently yeah let's see yeah i see him okay foxy's still good to go whatever all right okay i'll put the curtains back down oh my okay what's up what's up oh uh chica seems to have put an endoskeleton on top of the freddie suit okay i oh my god i don't think there's any doubt anymore that's really know about what they know like i don't think you're gonna be getting away with being freddy again we're lucky we were lucky we didn't bite the big one tonight dude like dude that they attacked me they totally bad they attacked me as well like most of my arts got taken away like seriously foxy is very strong well maybe not as strong now that i got its hook but still you got it yeah dude yeah dude it's pretty awesome man so okay if they attack us again you can just hook them yeah yeah i'm gonna hook them right into their own graves aren't they already technically dead well i guess you can't really kill that that doesn't have a life so we'll have to see what we can do but i think it's safe to say we probably should close up shop for the night yeah i want to get out of here as fast as possible yeah dude okay um let's go ahead and let's just head out of here because yeah i guess i'll see you tonight i get some sleep finally yeah i mean you've been at this for what like a day and a half straight or something like that i mean i don't think they pay you enough for this position dude you should probably call for a raise yeah really i mean you know you've only been here for a few days but this is not worth 11 an hour like please please i get paid 11.25 okay oh okay mr big boss man yeah minimum wage all right dude but you know hearsay at this point let's go ahead let's get out of here for the night yeah i'm going to call the cops about seeing if ronaldo's been around yeah dude you know i've actually heard something on the news about a guy in purple getting killed so i don't know oh my god things have been kind of crazy lately all right dude i'll see i'll see you i'll see ya i'll see you tonight dude yeah man have a good one bye god freaking freddy fazbear's calling me back telling me i had to come back here as a security guard tonight i'm in here are you in the bathroom or something totally no i'm in this room you stupid oh i'm sorry okay dude uh what's up how's it going mad why what's oh i see what's going on you're wearing the suit what happened i got demoted you did too uh but i'm still wearing the suit you got demoted to secondary security guard that means you're the one who dies for me oh okay that's literally yeah that's literally in the company policy oh if i am going to be killed you jump in front so i'm guessing you had a bad day yes they called me as soon as i left and they told me i had to come back or they'd sue me oh my god dude how could they expect us to keep this place open i mean you know be considering what happened yesterday like what are they stupid yeah i guess that's a good enough answer for me it's certainly like yeah anyway i've been in here i've been here they pay you 50 an hour now because they doctor pay an hour wow oh wow i i wish uh that's true but oh god i haven't slept in so long i was gonna say you just said that i make fifty dollars an hour fifty dollars a week that's what i mean they doctor bake that much that makes sense like i'm delirious okay i i swear to god i think i might even start hallucinating and that's not good oh my god dude but dude what's been going on during the day anything nothing they haven't moved one bit not one ounce not one iota not one diddly squat chica still looks ugly though did you i'm guessing you had to put them back in place though during the daytime yep yeah that was fun but dude so what's up i've been thinking about how bonnie attacked me while chica was keeping me in the stupid kitchen uh-huh what about it i think they were in the vents but i'm not too sure because i don't think there's an air vent in the kitchen dude the same thing happened to me yesterday with uh uh i'm not sure who it was but i got attacked from behind i mean i know that we saw that there's something behind those posters but i fell in a meat hole i can see i can see it seems like you've been having a really really long day dude this used to be a meat grinder i'm glad i have my feet still but dude oh my god you know what hang on wait a minute let's check this out there are posters in the room over here right yep do you really think that like an animatronic could actually fit through that you know these are service ducks i told you this on day two wait so so a person actually fit tada it's magic oh wow look at this i already checked these places they didn't go up through here they do end somewhere though you want to find out where and it kind of proves my suspicions yeah i hate these i'm sorry okay good good all right just cross this is like what this is like an immense little system that they got going on here why would they like not spend enough money repairing the walls but to spend a giant amount of money making an air duct system that people can go through like this they knew a guy okay so anyway they thought it would be safer if they could access stuff i get i don't know i'm not them corporates yeah foreign they don't know things like americans do fair enough i guess this is american ingenuity right here put a poster over the hole in the wall forfeit's not dumb enough for that yeah fair enough i guess i mean that's what they did so that yeah so yeah that's what i thought uh-huh so i just checked that side out and i checked that one that one leads out towards the lobby but this one i haven't actually checked yet and i kind of confirmed my suspicions there was a poster over the wall that one guess what yep okay uh there's okay yeah that's where bonnie came and kicked my butt oh my god dude i guess there's making a lot of sense there's actually wait there's something else down here and i don't know what it goes to was it oh it's another pathway right there yeah okay yeah i know i don't recall seeing a poster out front or anything like that i'm looking at the map too and it doesn't there's no really like just our cheesy pizza frame that's up front there yeah no no there's nothing up there at least where does this lead i don't know it's definitely not the bathrooms and you said it's not on the map just now what's that oh okay uh wow you're really okay i guess this isn't on the map i don't remember ever seeing this place in initiation uh yeah that's because what's going on i don't know about it i don't know dude look at it oh wow these are cool that's uh that would be toy bonnie and that is mangle and i don't know why they call her mink oh oh god okay uh hang on let me close the door make sure nothing can get on us here yeah that's probably a good idea okay is this what is this like a like a toy freddy or something i don't know actually it's not a teddy bear i don't know boy freddie what are you talking about i don't know man but these look like really really old of the current three bonnie you know chica and freddie yeah yeah yeah this one smells really weird oh my god oh it doesn't smell bad it just smells weird it smells like burnt wait a minute wait a minute what no i did not what what'd you do no i can't open the door oh it's an iron door it was did you really there's nobody i should have i should have known why there was a button why would they why would the people who made this building not put a button on the inside are they trying to keep something in here i think they're dude they might be wait wait a minute all right oh okay this is immediately starting to seem like some kind of trap okay you know what no i'm not trusting this room no i want out uh that's an iron door button dude how are we going to get this off the ground how are we going to get it get hot dan how are we gonna get out of here i guess we just break out i mean if there was a door here yeah something tells me this lead this lead somewhere at some point come on help me break out of here okay yeah dude uh this is like really crazy where does this even this leads into the front lobby well that makes sense oh my god that does make a lot of sense that must have been like some storage room at some point or something yeah that's where they put the cups and stuff apparently they just use it to store really weird mannequins yeah dude you know what i think we need to keep an eye on things here i think we should probably head back like that'd probably be better okay it looks like uh the animatronics aren't moving or anything like that though so they're not i didn't even check i should i'm so tired hey yeah no dude i can tell i don't blame you you've been here all day i really can't blame you i'm going to check the cameras now okay oh they have already left so they really serious they waited for us to come in here i guess they want to play a game okay wait a minute yeah how many cameras are there normally last night you checked it right how many cameras were there it was down to one three it goes up the cam seven there there's a cam eight and it's really corrupted looking hold on okay oh it's the it's the old room like it's the room we just came in from okay what did anything change in there yet is there anything like no why would it i mean we just unlocked that room you're yeah we closed the door behind us so i don't think the animatronics can get in there i don't know i really think that maybe you should check it again just you know just for the sake of uh being sure hold on uh freddy's just the only one on the stage anyone in the dining area no no one's there okay is there anything going on in the vent behind us i don't see anything don't think so dan check your check your camera one more time on that roommate i mean i don't know i got a really bad feeling oh oh it's the purple guy ronaldo who's the purple guy ronaldo yeah he likes to wear purple all the time are you serious do i need to go kick the crap out of him right now yeah go kick the crap out of him okay oh god he started screaming when i looked at him and get you dude you put a mask on the suit too that's kind of weird oh i think there's something behind me oh he okay he woke up he woke up and purple guy's gone what oh god freddy woke up some just got me something got me real good uh okay are you serious yeah dude that actually you really got me to jump okay i hurt my foot super aggressive tonight this is not good at all dude uh uh taxi is open and i and i found bonnie uh you found bonnie wait wait wait wait something's behind chica was staring right at me right out the right out that hall over there okay behind you too what what what okay you know what i'm gonna do oh my god i don't care i can't i can't check the tablet oh hi bonnie okay okay uh uh okay i got the door closed so barney should go away eventually uh checking the door there's something behind me aunt i think is there something behind me dude i gotta get out of here hang on i gotta do something behind me oh god okay that's chica right there that's chica no no chica now don't do it okay i think everything's going away bonnie's still's there uh checking the camera hey uh that golden thing that we found it's not there anymore uh okay chico almost got in wow okay okay this is not cool this is not cool at all something got me again are you serious yes and both of my doors were closed okay i might have just saw i can see all three of them and you know i could see all three of them right now and they're not moving at all okay keep your eye on them i gotta i gotta check make sure tell me if they move or anything uh pirates cove oh i see bonnie i see foxy foxy's moving foxy going towards you dude dude i got it i got it i got it i got it i got it okay i'm closing both doors for a second yeah okay foxy's gone god dude dude this is crazy okay uh it's gotta be the most insane night yet there's no way we're gonna make it through this there's nothing in the kitchen um i see something on the side okay the dining area okay i see i see bonnie what should i do at this point dude i don't know uh i guess look around and see if you can catch ronaldo because i did see him oh there's something definitely behind me hey you behind me go away go away i shared a light at you i really don't think that was ronaldo dude he was humble oh god goddamn i saw the golden freddy i said freddie no i can't i can't where can't oh god oh no crap i just trapped myself and i just trapped myself oh boy oh boy okay i ran out to see you for a second i'm gonna check the kitchen nothing's in the kitchen uh i'm stuck in the puppet room dude i don't know if you can see me on camera but uh let me check the puppet i don't oh yeah yeah dude i ran in here i'm really scared to run out i don't know what's over there uh let me check let me check the uh the dining area you might be able to see down there yeah i'm looking for the dining area uh i can't see down the hall but oh boy i see golden freddy okay let me tell you i think that's his name anyway right that's freddy okay that's freddy freddy's outside the door okay i don't know what to do here i don't know what to do you know what i'll use foxy's hook i still have foxy's hook yeah fight them off no uh freddie's actually gone i'm gonna walk out the door here okay cool uh i'm gonna check backstage oh god that's chica what the heck is that that one's a weird one oh my god oh oh no no i don't i'm gonna make a run for it through the vents i can definitely tell there's some you're going through the vents there's something in the vent there's something in the vans man yes let's put security cameras in here tomorrow or something if we haven't if we have to come back here yeah yeah okay uh i can see in the vents oh i see something golden moving oh boy oh no no the power the power came on aunt you're good oh you're serious yeah oh my god oh okay where is everything they know that in the vents okay man they're not moving now i think they're not moving okay so we're just gonna pass the freddie here i'm just gonna inch past you don't okay so foxy almost got out again dude they were so close to killing me they're all in the vents they're all staring at me okay let me you want me to go up there no no uh you can if you want i mean they're done at this point yeah oh my god my heart dude i i thought i was dead dude i was cornered do you want me to show you where come here where where check this out oh dude look there's chica right uh-huh here's freddy okay and then there's bonnie i was here oh wow he's dead yeah they're definitely not attacking us who's going to survive that well you want to go out through this way this way should be the quickest way out god yeah dude okay thank god that they're not moving well i found golden freddy i'm gonna at least call it that i don't know what it's actually called but it's like it looks very similar to the freddy suit but it's gold so my legs are shaking so badly right now dude okay uh let's see i'm gonna eat some pizza because i'm actually pretty hungry mmm they own pizza i don't know if i want to trust the pizza in this place dude this is not cool at least foxy uh managed to play nice well for the last half well i closed them out yeah but look this thing look at it and like the way it's in there is not natural i've never seen this before what is this we saw it in the room dude i know i saw ronaldo yeah no ronaldo put a helmet on it like when when i was looking at him in there he popped the helmet on it and then this thing looked like he's really tall and purple has like a badge on him is he like nine feet tall because i'm pretty sure this creature before it teleported away was nine feet tall yeah he was a tall dude nine feet yeah he used to play basketball oh my god dude geez i could imagine but yeah uh like okay how am i really scooped out dude what are we supposed to do i mean if we can't close up i mean are we just supposed to you know i'll stay here throughout the day with you you know what you know what you should do yeah get to get some sleep in the office i'll you know i'll look out for any customers or something like that and uh because i i got enough sleep last night you need some sleep you've been you've been riding this out for way too long dude i mean you've been kind of loopy today i can really really tell that you're affected yeah you know what i do i'll go to sleep staring into this cupcake's eyes hang on toss me the uh toss me the security toss me the security tablet there you go okay thank you i shouldn't you should they shouldn't do much during the day but if they don't know but but still like just move them back to the position because i'm sure corporate was they're going to call and inspect this place and make sure we actually did it right so i'll do i'll do that in a little bit here but you should seriously get some sleep dude i don't keep watch okay i don't want to sleep on the floor i haven't swept it where do you want to sleep then i mean you want to sleep on the stage that might be a good place i could keep you know real good cover of you that way yeah i was just like on the stage but you got to move the animatronics up here too so okay well i'll just sleep right here yeah fair enough yeah because freddy's going to be going right here so yeah you'll have the animatronics protecting you yay from themselves maybe yay clap clap clap all right all right all right okay i'll keep watch from here [Music] um where's the animatronics aunt and where are you and man dan i'm in here oh what are you doing in there dude i decided to put all the animatronics away come take a look for yourself okay oh huh yeah dude yeah dude i decided to put them all away just because i thought that would be like our best chance of not having to deal with these guys throughout the night because you know they've been really rough lately that's all well and good but how did you do that without me waking up they're heavy i think you're in some kind of a coma or something like you just like were not moving so i don't know i just thought it was a good time to get you know get a lot of things done they they aren't that scary during the day really i mean look they're kind of cute yeah i mean i guess i could see why you're able to sleep behind them you know i mean they haven't like ever shown like the history of being aggressive during the day so you know they're really easy to move in here aside from them being really heavy yeah stupid chica weighs like you know 100 pounds more than the other ones must be the cupcake yeah dude but yeah dude uh dude what's going on with this guy what's going on with him well he doesn't look like he's actually doing anything but last night he was crazy yeah i don't think it actually did anything until ronaldo showed up and put something on it yeah i mean like what's going on with this guy is this like a rendition of i almost like looks like a rendition of freddy or something yeah creative i can see the resemblance what are you gonna call it fredbear fredbear yeah okay fredbear works for me i guess i don't know it looks more like a golden freddy to me but whatever hi my name is golden freddy i am your friend well hey at least we won't have to worry about golden freddy attacking us through tonight because dude look at some of the renovations i've actually done here aka i installed a door like but there was already a door yeah but this one actually locks from the outside and cannot be opened from the inside much like this other door that's back here oh right right okay so like we'll be able to seal in the animatronics from both sides they should not be able to get out through any means i mean think like how how would they be able to get out but uh yeah i actually you know just in case just because i felt like we really weren't protected now that we know there's a ventilation system here i actually added a camera in the ventilation system so like yeah where the ladder goes up from the security room it looks towards the intersection so you know we should should have a pretty good vantage point just in case i don't know there's any mice crawling in there or something we can take them out too yeah yeah i know if you've done this much we should have like a really easy night though that's great yeah i'm glad you got some sleep finally i mean it seemed like you were really jonesing i was going crazy i was going crazy yeah and i'm still feeling refreshed so i think we're pretty much all set to go cool then i guess i'm gonna lock this room up yeah dude i mean keep those suckers in there for the entire night like dude hey the phone's ringing dude okay all right i'm coming i'm going i'm coming okay i got it okay you got it yeah greetings okay this is a pre-recorded message hello security guards and welcome to your final night on the job here at freddy fazbear's pizzeria branch 1987 you might have noticed some eccentricities in our animatronics that is actually normal we have been actively collecting data samples of our security guards and how they are able to handle the animatronics you two have been selected for a higher paying position at our manufacturing facility all you have left to do is finish this night we would also like to inform you that you have never been in true danger the models you've been interacting with have all been equipped with ai that recognizes and prevents damage to humans the behavior of the animatronics might have seemed aggressive or threatening at some point during the week but again we would like to ensure you that your lives were not in danger the newer models were never designed with parts that would be able to maim or render human flesh oh really however it has come to our attention that a recently sealed room has been compromised the models in that room are from much earlier in fazbear's history our present safety models do not apply to those animatronics is advised to not engage with the older animatronics if you see any suspicious movements from the animatronics there is a kill switch located at the switch oh wait wait no no no no no come on no oh okay oh this is this is bad this is like entirely too perfectly timed what okay uh oh my god all right you know what let me let me check around here yeah you do that oh look i don't think i mean wait you got them in that room though right yeah let me go let me check on that room here okay uh looks like everything's good in that room they're pretty much all still sealed up in there okay oh my god oh my god dude it's starting to rain outside again yeah that's crazy insane okay you know what i'm gonna go and i'm gonna start taking a look around here and uh let's see let me go let me check out the dining area um now everything's in the clear i think we're pretty much all set let me go let me check a really good idea what was that that was a really good idea you know sealing them in that room dude i think we're good to go okay the show stage nothing going on in the show stage all right you know what yeah everything looks good i'll keep watch here just for a little bit but i think we might actually be safe tonight okay i'm gonna go ahead uh let's see let me check out all right you know what i'm just gonna check out that room again uh okay okay this isn't good what golden freddy is not there i think golden freddy might be hiding from the camera or something the doors are still closed but i dude i don't know what's going on okay i think freddie's just messing with us dude i'm gonna check the show stage here yeah do that okay oh my dude that purple guy ronaldo yeah yeah why what guy's on stage what where are you okay i'm looking yeah yeah oh oh my and he's looking like directly at the camera yeah dude i could see that like he scared me okay you know what oh my god okay i'm checking on the checking on the other room again uh dude okay this is not good okay you know what you know what you take that for yourself i just witnessed chica running out of the room what yeah wait like almost all like bonnie and chica are missing all of them are missing no no no freddie was there and i think i saw foxy but uh bonnie and chica definitely were not in that room yeah dude okay this oh ronaldo's in there now are you serious yeah he's in the freaking room where we put all the animatronics oh my god why did he on how did he unlock the room okay i'm checking to make sure that bonnie or chica don't show up beside here yeah look around check the dining area okay i see bonnie i see bonnie um what about the west hall corner nope nothing there see anything outside of the doors that's great what are they get out of the room nothing's on the show stage i guess i'll check that again in a bit but uh uh backstage uh something's behind me isn't there yeah yeah yeah i got my hook you want me to go in yeah go out there and kick their butt i found where freddie is he's in the backstage right now why again there's nothing there let me check the vents yeah there's nothing in the vents nothing in the vents at all no okay i'm checking the show stage again wait hey hey check something to my side i can't oh my god oh my god okay okay oh okay oh my god dude oh i'm so glad you were there it's just looking at you that was johnny just looking at you wearing at me yeah you're checking the dining area okay i see bonnie there okay oh i think i heard ronaldo again the show stage no i have no idea okay hang on i need to close the door here oh i swear i swear i saw chica for a second oh my god i just saw something outside of the store oh my god okay it's three o'clock so yeah yeah okay let's see uh backstage ronaldo's in the backstage area now okay i just heard something break i just heard something right so do i do okay i'm checking i'm checking the show stage oh there is a weird freddy on the show stage i haven't seen before serious yeah oh my god dude check the bench real quick hang on i got a bad feeling yeah foxy's in the vents are you serious yeah go up there and like shoot him away or something i don't know you have his claw so maybe he feel like you beat him or something foxy you want you want this he's tall i see something moving ah no bonnie go away oh just like oh dude foxy's got nothing foxy's not moving at all i think foxy's totally fine oh my god okay i hit you i hit you i hit you i'm so sorry okay okay i didn't hurt that battery okay you didn't have a hook in your hand otherwise that might be dead meat dude yeah uh um there oh oh my there the brown freddy is breaking through the wall oh my god okay and chica is like really interested in this right door here oh my gosh okay what is going on brown freddy is breaking through that wall right there it's not the regular freddy either it's like this darker i think it's the burnt one that i saw the other day okay i'm checking the kitchen nothing's in the kitchen uh let's take a look around here what about the whole closet oh freddy is in the hall closet oh my goodness okay yeah i'm gonna take a look up through the vent again just just to see if foxy just ran through the video roxy just ran down the camera oh yeah oh yeah oh my god nope just stay away stay away i got your hook you can't you can't i just heard someone did you just get hit oh i think i hit five oh my god okay oh my gosh okay uh sheesh uh i'm checking the dining area again oh that thing is almost broken through the wall there's another room behind there dude there's a room right in front of here did you hear that noise yeah you hear that okay okay wait let me check the show stage again not to show stage this is the room that we put now there's no animatronics in there i mean it's probably pretty obvious now uh oh my god he broke through the wall and now he's i wha what is he doing in there oh my god okay something from behind goddess hey that's actually breaking through the wall oh look look look oh she's i think if there's any definition to surround it we are redefining that definition right i think so okay this thing what is whip there's something behind us too okay i need my hair freddy dude look at this uh foxy is definitely in the vent foxy get out of here get out of here [ __ ] okay that's right you gotta yeah open them okay yeah you get out of here foxy go away we have two what is this what's with this freddy oh oh no no no no no no you don't no no no no no no no no no no okay i attacked it with the hook so cool seems like it can be harmed okay let's just check the dining area again oh purple guy's there chica's there bonnie's there all in the dining hall okay i think okay so the right side not good okay dude hopefully our batteries don't run out dude it's slowly it's slowly inching towards us yeah i see that i don't like it neither do i oh okay chica chica's just still just chilling checking the dining area they're all just staring at the cameras okay all right um i think you might be okay for the time being oh my god that golden freddy oh get back in here get back in here the lights just came back on disappeared oh my god dude i'm so caught up in this i didn't even notice that okay what the heck happened here this was crazy freaking corporate oh things are going to be slightly more dangerous where's the kill i'm going to find this kill switch i'm going to find this kill switch worthy okay maybe it's in this hidden room or something like this is the one room yeah let me check it okay take a look into this room yet oh my goodness what the heck are these like what is this these look like dead people i i don't even know how to explain this right now look dude the other heads they're hanging on the wall here yeah it's really weird oh my god dude rules for safety my butt dude i don't this place knows the first rule of safety well they can't spell safety right so there's obviously something wrong oh dude my legs are my arms are shaking right now oh my gosh thank god these are really weird and they don't they look like they're crying dude oh my oh that's so creepy what are these i don't know man i have i have no idea anyway oh all right this is our last night you know what i am done let's just go talk to corporate about this because holy crap i never want to work at this restaurant again in my life yeah dude if they want to get a hold of us like they can they can get in contact with us you know we got cell phones they can get in contact with us about this opportunity we didn't close up shop like oh my god that is crazy though i can't believe we're still alive to be honest dude i really thought i was a goner there like golden freddy or fazbear or whatever you want to call it was literally right behind me i think it would have killed me if i hadn't ran out of the room something tells me they might be keeping us alive for some reason like they had all the opportunity in the world to kill us and they didn't i don't know what to suspect but let's just get out of here dude yeah like oh my god oh yeah i'm out completely i'm not here like we'll never see this place again okay all right goodbye freddy fazbear's pizzeria if that's what you want to call this place goodbye and good riddance good riddance branch number eight 1987. yeah i think that oh my god dude all right goodbye [Music] you two have been selected for a higher paying position at our manufacturing facility all you have left to do is finish this night we would also like to inform you that you have never been in true danger never been in true danger my butt oh what am i going to do hello hey man it's ant so how are you feeling about this i don't know man it's weird you know i've been thinking and i think i'm gonna take the job really well i mean it pays a lot more and there's like no way things can go as wrong as they did at that restaurant yeah you're probably right you know what okay i'll go with you all right dude i'll see you there oh man i can't believe we actually decided to come here dude dude i mean the pay sounded really good so it was like ten dollars more actually you know i could buy a lot of things with ten dollars like a pizza dude uh well i mean hopefully the security standards are a lot better here i mean this is like the factory so yeah i mean i can't believe this is where they're freaking made i think it's like scary i imagine like the reception areas over here so we should probably just like hang out here until i don't know somebody greets us or whatever oh yeah okay so you're just gonna start right in okay yeah yeah hello boys get in out of the room yeah thanks oh hi hi so you must be cave man and that means you're ant-man yeah yeah yeah that's correct nice to meet you dude boys good to meet you as well welcome to fazbear you know welcome welcome welcome thank you well thanks so this is fazbear's factory huh oh this is indeed fazbear's factory oh my goodness look at these posters they're from the the freaking pizza place dude this place looks a little more high class than that place that we were working in are you sure i see rust everywhere really well no it's not rust i'd say it's more work work grind it's a better word for it okay all right so who are you all right well boys i am the manager of this place okay that makes you guys under me so just make sure you listen to me and everything's going to be all right this year you look more like a foreman though yeah yeah performance manager foreman we call the same thing here basically okay okay okay hey who are you this is our head receptionist doris hi doris hey she's hot hey hey that's mine oh oh sorry she's a little quiet yeah that's what that's what i like him she's nervous she's nervous you know you guys want some pizza help yourself with the pizza here this is for you guys no no you know what after last time we worked at uh fast bears uh i kind of don't want to see any pizza for the rest of my life yeah like we're not a little nervous oh this here is well basically this is a factory in here or what are you doing i'm talking about the satin the science department has worked zero days without a lost time incident what well that is the thing we recently had in inserting yesterday uh was the first incident though since ever since 1983 the the main incident but uh you guys have nothing to be worried about nothing to be worried about at all oh okay uh well i'll give you guys a tour yeah yeah all right okay sounds good i'm getting kind of you guys want to follow me over to uh let's go over check out the red side first okay cool this is where uh what already this place feels really weird already oh wait what the heck is who's this this is what this one's a new one oh yeah that's this one yeah yeah or cowboy we call him he's a you know new uh new animatronic we have here oh really what's his name his name is vinnie vinnie that's right i like it looks friendly well i like how his eyes glow red maybe it's a friendly looking creature sort of yeah it looks so welcoming yeah sort of kind of i guess if you guys want to follow me in here yeah all right oh this will be one of your workstations oh my okay now you can look over here this is actually how you'll be keeping track of the place keeping around things a computer that's a lot better than that tablet we had at the other place that thing was wonky yeah it was wait why oh so there's two colors so wait so yeah me and you are both going to be security guards yes oh there are two away schools wow okay uh wow look at your own offices it's a very nice facility i'll tell you what well that's cool yeah so what are we both going to be able to monitor like the security like all the security cameras and whatnot absolutely at the same time you both can keep an eye out so one of you could be you know doing a patrol or something and well the other okay watching out or you can work together whatever you think best fits you okay okay that sounds good yeah that sounds really so damn well take a peek at the other office you got to take a look at those monitors later though because there's separate colors for each camera oh really okay yeah we'll check it out the other office then okay okay okay come on in oh wow wow you just kind of rocked it past me all right so this is the blue haul pretty much the same thing but you know blue looking at the blue cameras well i'm a fan of blue so i'll tell you wait so it from what it looks like the red side only see like has control over the red or the right side of the screen really like i'm not really correct i failed to mention that yes this is their blue and there's red cameras so i mean you guys technically should be working together at the same time keeping on everything but if one of you does need to go look at something at least you got some of the cameras covered actually again like that sounds like a pretty good idea i mean make sure we don't get overwhelmed or anything like that i mean imagine if we both had like 20 cameras to look after at once on one tablet yeah i think that might be a little bit much so a little easier on you yeah yeah that definitely is and i like the layout too it's a lot bigger and easier to look at than the previous place we were at yep we even get air conditioning too look at this oh yeah yeah these rooms are like like cooled and whatnot that's awesome yeah that's even right ventilation in your office and your offers over there as well oh that's a good thing though right that's absolutely of course keep thinking well you know you just got to make sure yeah yeah well what okay okay yeah sure hey you're good so in here as you can see just a little area where you can eat some food and chill this is breakfast oh nice oh do they have vending machines do they got skittles in here i don't know they do have skittles actually yeah oh yeah new [ __ ] trouble flavor not the original just a blue package you know what i'm thinking so i like that this room allows you for some serious pizza and chill time i like some pizza and chill there's no netflix here though boys oh okay well unfortunately well that that would that would deter from us and our ability to do our work though if we had netflix here so okay that is true it's to keep you not distracted so this here is the lightroom if you're having trouble you can come to the live room here okay that sounds good you know if you're having trouble with the lights of course cool okay fair enough those look like power lock doors wouldn't that mean that you have to have electricity to turn those doors on you do and there is complications with that but you know just keep in mind lightroom if you ever have i mean i would imagine a place like this though has really good like battery backup facilities and whatnot like i can't imagine of course what do you think uh oh hey oh oh hello what are you doing not at your work station your crazy buffoon go on out here back to work i guess he's gonna use the bathroom or something crazy old dale wandering away from his workstation he should be in the factory doing work the love of god all right so this here as you can see it's the woman's bathroom help yourself to it i do it's much cleaner than the mail i like bathroom toilets that's actually a really clean toilet though that's females they always keep their bathroom much cleaner yeah yeah i can see i can see you through the mirror wait why i don't you mean i am the mirror of you i am that awesome you boys wait that means you can like peek into the girls bathrooms from the men's bathroom it's something we got to work on for sure we never did realize that until just now that these in fact are two-way mirrors oh crazy absolutely crazy oh man all right so now for one of the best parts of the whole place my favorite part this is the actual factory itself wow make sure you close those doors behind you though boys just talking classic get back to work your buffoons the love of god so this here boys is actually where we uh keep most of the storage for the animatronics that are in processing out for delivery and whatnot oh these are all the wait these are all the new versions of the animatronics exactly some unseen versions that aren't even out on the market yet toy chica oh wow okay oh yeah so wait these are like okay toy foxy yeah i didn't show you guys a sneak peek of toy minute for sure okay and then there's toy freddy up there okay okay these are generally okay just once again keep an eye on them everything here is good but freddie does kind of wander from time to time his mechanics we're going to fix that but just you're fine i know what you're thinking you know but because of the incident don't worry about it it's nothing just keep an eye on it okay all right so keep an eye on this place where's the camera in here mostly freddie that's the camera ah there it is okay i see it oh wow yeah it's right up there i see multiple cameras actually look there's two of them up there oh rising d boys that's crazy if you follow me up here i'm going to first show you a backup the kind of plan if you're if your tablet isn't working in your offices you can come over to this button here and reset it if need be okay it's a bit of a tour so you know make sure obviously the power's on and make sure you're actually having a bug and you're not just you know hollering for no reason okay this button here all right cool yeah i know it's good it's good that there's a backup system for that server oh these are creepy looking wow wow are these like all the ones that are in production these exactly yep these ones here are being built pouring apart making sure they're working but putting in the boxes kind of work wow wow these are like you guys already know these ones i believe over here this is barley oh yes she should go with the cupcake and freddy's of course not him okay i didn't really have a great experience with these sometimes they turn on it's okay boys don't be afraid of it actually it seems like vinnie's kind of kind of friendly here i mean vinnie's just kind of looking at you there wait just watch over this cowboy i'll tell you that oh man oh oh okay okay that threw me for a loop though i wasn't expecting to be able to look at me yeah they're a little lively sometimes we got to fix that they kind of that's that's what i meant a little bit they can wander from time to time that was awesome okay so if you come down here oh there's a staircase i'm gonna go down the stairs i kind of thought we're going down the uh i was gonna say is there not a staircase in this place because we were just kind of walking on the conveyor belt there i mean you have to say that we like to have fun here i mean look i could jump all over these conveyor belts i mean i guess you you know there's not a problem going on here so like oh yeah we actually uh we let our workers use it for transportation you know you're tired you just you know take a seat thing pulled you to your destination okay that's pretty awesome truly noted if i see any workers walking around i'll tell them i won't tell them too gosh look at all the endoskeletons what are you doing just standing here get back to work you filthy buffoon oh yeah bernie yeah there you go okay what's up such a class act well this year boys is the research and development department you know you're not allowed in there you're not authorized nobody in the factory is authorized to be in there unless you hear there's an alarm a special alarm and when you hear it you're allowed in there to check things out okay okay okay all right understand you're not allowed in there unless you hear that what are they doing there yeah what's going on in there i mean we should know everything about this place that's just one area that you're unauthorized you're on a need to know basis let me tell you you don't need to know okay so so don't enter unless there's an alarm going off got it there's an alarm you don't know the alarm when you hear it okay is the alarm a good or a bad thing well it's it's mostly a bad thing oh okay okay depends how you look at it i guess you could be optimistic i guess i guess we just have to hope that that alarm doesn't go off then yeah you do have cameras as you can see here you've got a camera looking at it so you can you know oh okay you give me a call yeah we do have phones in there don't we absolutely you do okay cool so basically boys that's a that's a general outline of the whole place i hope you retained all the knowledge i told you mm-hmm yeah wait there's one room right over here though right yeah i'm like i'm still seeing this door right here sorry boys i didn't show you probably than my favorite part of the whole thing there's actually living quarters that we have here we're gonna be we're gonna be living here we're gonna be living on the premises i wouldn't i would assume so we need 24-hour support didn't you know that when you're signing up for the job oh what did corporate not tell you about that or something uh no did they tell you uh i thought i heard something about us actually living here i'm pretty sure we told you guys but you know we could have been could have missed the memo okay you're okay with that uh i guess we have to see the place first i guess not like you're gonna laugh okay all right so it's very hot security so you got nothing to worry about i can't even imagine how difficult it was to get a couch up these stairs yeah tell you it was not easy oh okay close it help yourselves wow these these are some seriously reinforced doors yeah they are three padlock doors that's right wow okay well i guess we don't have to worry about anything up here okay all right i'll be in here boys as you can see nothing there the main lobby is is in this door here okay welcome to paradise uh it just looks like a studio apartment all right it's just a studio part and i'll be honest we're trying to hype it up a bit but it's pretty confident truth be told it doesn't look too too bad i mean okay so we gotta wait for nice place yeah okay bridge i mean we even got a little cable wait is that the bathroom security heavy heavy security on the bathroom as well you hear that door yeah that is no fooling around that is a good door it almost seems like a jail cell solar door or something oh wait so there's two rooms yeah oh they don't have clothes because you need to be available 24 7. you can't lock yourself in the room in here but one of you can have this room or one of you gets the other one i'll let you guys flip forward or whatever you want i'm gonna take this side i got this i want the vinnie room i i really like vinnie so far he seems like a nice guy i mean he looked at me and he he just i felt something in my heart it certainly looks like a nice gotcha totally pain yeah oh look we it looks like we have like the heating system actually coming directly into here as well so i mean we don't have to worry about the cold winters here yeah exactly okay fair enough fire ducks you will never be cold boys you can keep this going as long as you want or you can put it out and freeze your tits off whatever you like oh man i like that i like you foreman i do like you foreign feel like you and i could be good friends yeah well don't get ahead of yourselves boys i don't associate myself on a friendship level with my workers you have to earn that oh okay i i'm just teasing you boy wow you sure got me foreman got him there for a second well boys this is pretty much the whole thing i think you've seen it all i believe oh thank you all right yeah i'm feeling pretty tired i mean can we rest now or yeah so what time do we actually like what time they have to clock in early at 9 00 am really believe it could be seven i'm gonna have to check on my book but i'll send you again oh no no we were told by corporate that we're night workers so oh yeah yeah we're night workers shouldn't we be clocking in at like like 10 11 p.m or so oh that's right no you're right yeah that's absolutely right you boys are being sleeping during the day and you'll be awake during the night like a vampire vampire bat wait i'll be i'll be the zombie you be the vampire zombies don't sleep aunt well there we go perfect what no sounds that sounds exactly like me because i don't sleep ever hey if you don't sleep let the man be a zombie okay i i can see your dreams i can see zombie defeat just do it oh wow i will thank you very much those are motivating words i'll words to live by don't leave your dreams boys i want you guys to get a good rest and prepare yourself for your first night okay all right all right thanks boys take it easy all right so here four man i guess i i don't know how i feel about this to be honest like those animatronics even though i don't think they're possessed this time they didn't seem like i mean if you could possess every single animatronic at this factory there'd be something really wrong and way more people would have died well either all the animatronics are defective or there's just something wrong with the ones at our location i mean again remember ronaldo may have screwed with all of them so just fine here i mean we just you know everything could be totally good here i mean we dealt with a very bad situation it didn't look bad on corporate that's why we're here so you know i mean this is the easy life dude like we're getting paid three times as much to manage a place three times as big i still find it funny that three times is also ten dollars i mean to be fair now i don't have to pay for tv and that's that's kind of my big deal sit on the couch with me and watch tv with me it's the creeper [ __ ] right now that's a rerun uh anyway uh i guess you know what i want to go to bed because we got something really i guess we got to do it so we got to wake up before our shift starts so i'm just going to sleep yeah all right i'll go and i'll sleep as well good night dan good night buddy [Music] um [Music] ah hello hey youtube how was your nap i just woke up awesome so i've been told to inform you that your shift is about to start now before you guys get down there there are a few rules that i'm supposed to tell you first off you're going to be assigned a color to denote which guard room you're in caveman you're red aunt venom you're blue all right now that that's out of the way here are the rules number one only one guard can leave the room at night that's why there's two of you makes sense number two we supply you with a flashlight in your chest go get em now those flashlights are good defense against any rogue animatronics just shine them in their face and that should startle them away one thing though the batteries to those flashlights don't last so long so use them sparingly number three at midnight the factory goes into low power mode the only lights that will still be on are the basic emergency lights so uh yeah take care of your flashlights and finally number four i've brought it already but again the research and development room is off limits alrighty will i'm the last guy here so i'm gonna get out of here good night wow the first day dude i'm excited you know i kind of am as well and i mean dude we got these like comfy seats like my butt's not all oh no that's why i'm so happy it's really dark in here though yeah well i mean there's no lights in this place and we're not in a room with any windows well we've got the emergency light above us that's the only reason why we can see anything at all i mean at least we have a flashlight and at least we have good reception on our walkie-talkies or phones or whatever you want to call it it's a phone it's an it's obviously a mine phone come on look at it yeah it's got the apps on it so okay uh yeah i'm gonna go and i'm gonna check out my camera here so it looks as if like you have about half the cameras but some of them are on my side and then i have about half on my side but then i have a few on your side that's really weird i mean he told me i'm red and you're blue and that makes me better than you hey rhyme wow oh and you can actually see where we are if you look on the cameras as well you can see the thoughts that shows us that's kind of cool hi red dot hi blue dot okay so i'm gonna check out the camera i think uh i have the assembly stage yep so i'm the one who can see where the three animatronics are today well i guess more than three but yeah and i can see the animatronic storage as well which is kind of cool yeah so if any if any weirdness goes on there then i got that covered it looks like i have loading duck a and uh yeah okay let's see i have the restrooms one that's actually kind of hilarious really that's crazy yeah oh it's one a.m okay dude i mean it's a pretty uneventful night i'm gonna go and i'm gonna keep looking at the animatronic or rather oh let me go and let me check out the rest of these here east hall break room vent c oh that's weird it looks like there's a vent system in this place as well but at least they were smart enough to not make the vents like two blocks high where the animatronics can like you know walk through them though they might be able to crawl i'm not sure yeah okay let me see something uh i've got wait i just realized something what's that my vents vent cam 19 and that's on your side so does that mean my vent is actually your vent it looks like you're monitoring the camera from my event dude i have camera 18 it looks wait what is camera 18 yeah that's one of the vent ones i can actually see uh the vent that goes sort of like over your head well not over your head but into your room i see that you're not monitoring your own one that's really bizarre and that really is well i just checked the assembly stage and they're still there okay so let's go let's go over the rules that the four man told us so only one of us can be out of the room at any time yeah nobody can go into research and development yeah which looks like you have that camera yeah i do uh let's check in oh yeah it's just it's just a door i mean well that's good yeah okay so here um east hall b so it looks like i'm monitoring the hallways for what is that from my side or your side uh your side i think you're looking at your side yeah because i'm rhett 2am okay so uh i'm glad our phones actually have wat like clocks on him now because i don't wear a watch uh but oh my god i barely saw that dan check your cameras for i think it's camera two camera two yeah yeah yeah i i don't see anything man then check camera five or six because i saw something move i swear i saw something moving okay oh no oh yeah yeah you did uh it looks like bonnie is gone and then chica decided to look at the camera okay okay so are you sure that bonnie was there in the first place yeah i'm definitely sure we've seen them before we know that they've roam around at night now especially we're going to maybe like the foreman move them around to try and play a prank on us or something okay let's see uh i'm looking around loading doc let me see if i was bonnie let me i'm thinking back to how it was at the factory bonnie comes down the left side if i was if i'm thinking so i'm gonna check the east guard hall no i don't see anything at all i'm i'm really keeping an eye on like the loading dock area and all that let me check the west hall then anything ah i found you bonnie okay so bonnie's on the west hall so the west hall okay and i think we just shine a light in their face we want them gone but yeah if you see if you see them outside or something then that should do the trick i mean that worked at the last i worked at the last place so yeah so maybe the same ai i'll check uh i'll check the west hall again and see if he's oh yeah he's getting closer okay so what i'm going to do oh it's 3am now it's like it's 3am yeah i'm going to check everything else and see if anything else is going so there's the understage i'm just trying to think of where to check right now um yeah i'm going to check the east hall there's nothing down the east hall so i think i'm good on that front let's see i don't see bonnie anywhere um okay uh the break room well they're not getting anything else okay i i found that uh chica is going somewhere and freddie is looking at the camera looks like chica's looking at the storage area okay hang on let me let me keep an eye on the the animatronic storage okay there's nothing in my room not going into the storage area let me take a look at the loading dock again okay i don't know where bonnie is checking the west hall he's not here it looks like chica is really checking out the conveyor belt system so i'm gonna keep an eye on uh okay i keep an eye so let's let's check this out i'll see something in the animatronic storage now checking them i checked your vent for some reason is chica like try i hope these guys aren't aggressive because i mean if they are then i would think that cheek is trying to wake up all of these animatronics right now really oh boy i i don't know i i don't know i mean they may not be aggressive they might just you know roam around the facility maybe they're even like part of the security team or something i don't know maybe okay okay it looks like oh chica is coming towards my hall sister is that my hall system wait a minute east hall east hall b eastern that might be your hallway i'm checking the guard hall i didn't see anything on the let me check the entrance hall though yeah it might be yours i don't see anything no i don't either i i saw okay yeah okay uh let me check the r d sketching me out right now oh daddy's on the move freddie was really fast on the move well really uh it was out of my camera one so that was my yeah okay i just checked the assembly stage he's definitely not there anymore oh uh freddie is is that is that coming towards me oh okay yep yep he's coming towards okay he's coming towards you oh my god oh my god get out of here okay okay okay uh east guard hall chica just scared the crap out of me right in my doorway really okay okay uh again i don't know if they're aggressive or not but that that scared the bejesus out of me really okay my flashlight battery is now at 90 okay let me let me see let me check this out check the engine so nothing going okay so i see chica chica's in the entrance hall okay um wow checking the understage all right um east hall is in the west guard hall let's see okay i'm gonna i'm gonna turn my flashlight oh okay uh that sounds like okay something's over there maybe something's going on this flashlight's really flickery it kind of goes dark sometimes i can still see better with it but it's weird maybe the batteries you got to get some better batteries for these things yeah uh some is there something coming towards me or is that your haul i see chica breathing i i keep on hearing things i'm check i'm gonna check my cameras now see if i'm pretty sure that's near my side i see i see chica like really kind of roaming near my hallway okay i i found freddy and i think he's trying to be really photogenic for the r yeah wow freddy you have beautiful tv he just shoved his face into the camera okay i'm gonna check the uh the entrance hall and see if chica's still there it almost seems as if they're kind of playful yeah these don't actually seem that mean yeah i mean this garden i think we just have a bad experience with the previous ones i don't know i mean i'm going to call these guys innocent until proven otherwise but i mean they are toys so maybe they they're playful because they're toys it's five of them toys wow i'm checking the assembly stage yeah they're definitely not up there i saw cheating on the animatronic stage i never turned off the uh the light i'm going to check something oh oh freddie's outside my door okay hi chica what's up why did you take away your cupcake chica oh that's a scary noise okay i think i'm probably safe what are you doing yeah what are you doing ready i'm shining a light on chica she doesn't like it oh my god okay flashlight batteries at 80 percent i'll see you i'll just uh mine's at 60. oh hi bonnie okay i'm just gonna let's see i checked the batteries at your the cameras again let's see east guard hall yeah chica's gone now i scared her off i shown the flashlight and bonnie's face but it was kind of dead so i don't know if he's going to be uh still there oh bonnie somehow turned into freddy and by that i mean well he didn't turn into freddy but uh you know i'm going to try to i'm going to try to scare freddie away hold on oh i see i see chica moving no way or not chica bonnie my bad um okay so um just walking around all right yeah wow there we go yay well i i used my doors a lot chica is just outside of my door i don't see that i didn't even hear chica or anything chiku really managed to sneak up on me there wow it looked like chico is just offering me a little cupcake there i don't know i did these guys come off as playful or aggressive tonight i mean they're like aggressively playful i don't know what to do with this i i could see that as like a toy slogan play with the toy fest fazbear friends they're playfully aggressive we're gonna have to let corporate know about that that might be a good way to market them maybe maybe chico is just trying to celebrate yeah all right so uh systems check do it what do we need to check on at this point i guess let's just see where all the animatronics are so we can tell the foreman when he shows up and he can put them back in their place yeah well i mean hey at least we can add one on to the incident uh day you know there wasn't any incidents tonight yeah nothing really happened yeah all right so bonnie's here yep the one i kept calling chica but that was my mistake wow they look nothing alike you think after working at this uh for this company for a little while okay here's freddie yeah freddy's just like look at him he's just like staring into the camera i mean hopefully okay standing in front of the camera that's literally blocking the door to the research and development room yeah i don't know if that's a good incidence or something i mean this is the only camera that's at eye height maybe he's yeah i think he's just photogenic i mean look at him he's so like i'm not gonna lie he's my favorite so far yeah okay all right so we got these guys let's check to see if any of the other ones have moved around okay let's take a look because there's vinnie right i didn't see vinnie move but let's check and just to make sure yeah no i didn't see any move at all though i couldn't see vinnie very well because look the only camera i have on this location dan is like way way off in that direction it is so far away so you really have the primary eyeballs on this location yeah gosh is that what chica looks like oh god when she when i haven't assembled her yeah you know that one would actually scare me i think any robot would look creepy if it wasn't fully assembled i mean look at all of these guys oh gosh like chica freddie all unassembled that's uh all right i mean i guess that's it you know well yeah yeah actually hold on i do have one more thing because they said to check on the uh the boxes right to see if any of them broke out or anything oh yeah good call okay let's see um let's just go over here as far as i could tell i saw bonnie running around this area but bonnie wasn't here for very long so like i kind of saw bonnie mostly right here bunny didn't go down the aisles or anything just kind of went through here walked back through the store and then pretty much went off this way so i don't know looks like all the toys are in place let me just i'm just checking to make sure because you know we got to have the same amount that we had before we started because if not i'm sure they'll get mad at us right okay no i think i think we're all good yeah awesome so i guess we should just head back up to our apartment yeah before men tell them we did a good job this was a lot easier than the pizzeria because they were a lot more friendly yeah they didn't they didn't attack me they didn't do any weird jumps attack you know jump scary things all right let's let's let the uh first shift take care of this now we're all done with our third shift let's go ahead and let's restart because i'm sure the uh the factory workers will be back soon let's just go did you open this door i don't think so hmm i don't think anything to get past our double doors of protection though so i think we're fine hopefully i think we're good yeah i'm not sure if i should be worried or not i'm not worried i i feel like honestly it's a lot safer here than at the pizzeria yeah everything looks good yeah i mean uh dude the creeper tv show is still on i just dvr'ed it oh man well i guess that's it for our first night on the job yeah dude i mean i'm just kind of hoping that these guys are just playful and that we just kind of have a bad taste in our mouths from the previous place i think i'm i'm looking forward to this job you know what the bad taste in my mouth was what's that ah the old you left the pizza on the counter day old pizza and on that happy note i'm dude i'm i'm beat i'm going to bed all right me too night all right good night huh [Music] [Music] dude it's so loud i can't even hear myself think was it a fire what's going on whoa whoa whoa whoa okay what happened here don't you guys know what happened no no yeah what what happened well something happened to billy what how'd he die no one knows does anyone know hate to say but apparently no one in the factory saw him how could nobody see something like this i i honestly don't this is terrible look at this guy wait what about the foreman he's contacting the police right now that's good well when are the police coming then about an hour or two dude an hour or two that's gonna be a little bit too much time we need to figure out at least at the very least as much as we can now to give to the police when they get here yeah yeah let's help the police oh okay you know what let me what do you see do you see something yeah i i see a bite mark on his arm oh my god i see that oh my god it looks like someone spoke i wish i was tomato sauce i really do that would be that would if they were pulling some kind of a prank this would be next level but this this is great i mean listen to everyone they're all up in an uproar yeah okay okay you know what okay so you check your side of the factory i'll check mine yeah as well like let's look for clues and let's let's help the police out and all that kind of yeah okay okay i i sighted you that's a good idea okay cool and i'll call you on my cell phone if anything happens okay okay cool all right caveman time to look for some clues but what kind of clue actually would give us any info on what happened to this guy that is crazy that's just gross okay uh well i mean maybe the guy who did it ran away you know so maybe if i can find him or something like pointing to where he is or whoever did it that'd be nice that'd be really nice i'm not i'm not really seeing anything everything looks normal uh what about yeah oh yeah the r d room is completely normal or at least it's closed i don't know if anyone's opened it or not since i've been asleep but it doesn't look any different than normal and honestly i still don't i don't even know what this room does i really want to find out but you know what whatever okay what about no nothing nothing over here really looks that's suspicious what about uh let's see just weaving through here seeing if there's anyone hiding behind these boxes or through the end of skeletons nope not not really seeing anything okay well what about uh up here that's different what is this animatronic manual when dealing with assembling a fazbear animatronic follow these guidelines in order to prevent loss of life or dismemberment make sure the safety to the ai is activated do not continue assembling animatronic if what oh okay just cuts off there never tamper with an incomplete animatronic the safety lever is easily moved until the final step of the manufacturing procedure that that seems kind of stupid if caught tampering with another assembler's animatronic you oh come on why are all the pages cut off if the safety is on you can continue with the assembly wait chica model number four sixty six six okay any no no more pages really for me to read hmm oh okay that that's weird so the the animatronics have a safety mode okay well let me look around a little bit more and see if i can find anything but i don't know what i'm going to find through this they told us and okay i found out this wasn't going to be a problem why would they lie hey that's what i thought hey dan hey dude guess what i found what did you find i found this book i mean it's not really related to the dead guy but like it has some really cool stuff in it oh you found a book look yeah whatever you found it's a severed ear and then i find bloody foxy over here yeah yeah okay i guess you win yeah but what does your book have in it well like basically it says that there's like a safety switch that you have to put on or the animatronic gets like kind of aggressive or something at least that's what i'm reading into it okay so you're you're you're saying that foxy right here is probably the thing what do you think it's the one that attacked him well i mean the blood trail leads directly to foxy so yeah i mean i don't think that's ketchup um wait yeah i just got an idea i got an idea dude what's that like we're security guards right wouldn't the cameras oh my god yeah they'd be uploaded to a server yeah you're oh oh my god how did we not think of this i i honestly don't know let's go check the security camera do that right now all right let me try to access the database for footage of earlier today ah here it is [Applause] [Music] and that person tinkering with the foxy animatronic isn't that yeah [Music] ronaldo's here uh yeah ronaldo's not here nothing [Music] would he even hide in a bathroom could you be hiding in this crate oh so you find any signs of ronaldo not really anything that's like ronaldo oh i noticed that nobody's left in the factory so it's probably getting pretty close to midnight dude we've been working on this all day just trying to find him yeah well all right i'm gonna go ahead and i'm gonna head to the the security room yeah it's probably a good idea [Music] oh god i'm so tired yeah me too dude i've i mean we've been up like all day yeah i mean we spent all day looking for ronaldo i have no idea how we're gonna make it through this night shift dude i am i'm beat right now i'm gonna look around for ronaldo see if he's somehow still in the facility i don't know why we didn't do this but i guess trying to search for him on foot makes more sense i mean it really seems like he's able to evade the cameras while we're looking at them no matter what he's definitely not immune to being captured on film but he's not letting us see where he is live yeah hey ant i got a question what's up i only see vinnie and uh freddy on the assembly stage do you know where the other two are uh yeah they're an animatronic storage i see bonnie and chica there anyways what are they doing there i'm not short uh but that's where they are are they active no they're just chilling they're just you know sitting there i think i can actually kind of see them in the loading dock yeah i mean so so they're in there they're staying still okay okay i can't believe though ronaldo ronaldo killed like you know turned off the safety switch on foxy why would they even build a safety switch that can be turned off like that well i mean that's like the first part of the you know instructions on doing you set the safety and then you start working on the animatronics so yeah i i don't know why it's so easy to turn off though i'm amazed that ronaldo found even found a way to turn these things off yeah i don't know how he it was 1am i don't really know how he i'm going to look after the windows i'm just i'm just monitoring all the cameras making sure that everything's all set yeah i was just checking to see if anything was coming up in case there was any unauthorized guests like ronaldo that might be chica is on the move out of the yup out of the oh oh oh so is freddy freddy's gone too okay uh let me check let me check the west hall okay so how is he already outside my door okay oh boy okay freddy freddy freddy freddy go away go away shoo okay i'm gonna check i'm gonna check on um let's see east hall a east hall b that's what i'm gonna check on oh well i just saw bonnie outside of what i think is the oh god i think bonnie's gonna be coming after me here oh i see freddie okay let's see um oh my god checking the east guard hall you know what i didn't even just think of i mean what's to say that ronaldo didn't like affect all of these guys i don't know if we're safe tonight now these guys should be pretty safe yeah i mean okay okay i see i see i see bonnie i'm taking the loading duck oh okay i saw something i think it was chica maybe it was yellow so okay checking all the guard halls no one's on my east guard hall side i'll check the west hall i'm here in dorsey i'm oh i am terrified right now i'm pretty comfy over here you want some help ah no i'm i'm feeling terrified right now it's two in the morning oh my god okay okay nothing's under the stage um i'm checking all around here uh i think i need to check the entrance halls just to see what's going on nothing going on okay i found freddy's on the catwalk oh my god um oh my god uh bonnie is in the break room really bonnie's just chilling in the break room i guess going after you you know what i guess some animatronics need a little bit of r and d too right wait r r r r now r d r d is this room right right this is this is the r d room we're both really tired i don't blame you for saying r d okay oh my god uh what was that okay i'm going to check the the i'm going to check the entrance hub or the east guard oh okay there we go oh my god yeah chica just showed up at my doorstep really are you okay yep i'm okay did she get trying to attack you oh oh oh oh oh okay oh vinny i see vinnie again okay nope nope nope get out of here bonnie vinnie didn't move last night at all surprised ben go away go away further than that okay west hall i wonder what vinnie does because i know what bonnie and chica do they kind of just try to get next to your door and then they show up and say hi have you looked around for vinnie where yeah yeah i've been seeing him he was uh under the stage and okay but now he's not what about by the r d room i'm gonna check the west hall yeah i mean i don't know i don't see anything in the west oh it's three in the morning yeah it's three in the morning all right i'm gonna take a look outside here i need oh no get out of here get out of here no oh oh chica's coming okay okay i see chica coming down okay you know what okay okay all right chica go away go away uh dan yeah are your cameras working uh let me check because my camera's not working what my camera's not oh my god okay i i have to go to the main room remember how the foreman said there was a kill switch for the cameras yeah so i think something tells me that one of one of the animatronics figured it out and uh chica is at my doorstep i have to go around back then to uh to turn that switch off get out of here okay i i think i can actually keep an eye on you with uh like things like the assembly stage and the loading called b okay so i i have to run all the way around back to oh my god and i gotta check my work right now okay vinnie's in the west hall now my battery's at sixty percent oh dude these batteries are crappy okay hold on let me uh check the east guard hall okay okay i don't i am i'm running i'm running to that switch dude tell me when you're in the uh the main oh cheers both chica and freddie are in my way i don't know where really oh and i can see vinnie you can you can see vinnie yeah yeah okay nope i need to i need don't touch me guys please i'm trying to i'm trying to find where you are but i can't it's four in the morning in the main room it's four in the morning okay i just oh i see you back okay you turned it on okay cool yeah okay i'm gonna get back down here i'm checking keeping an eye on you scared right now my battery is probably gonna die wow you had all three of them on you i can see i can see that oh my god what do i do okay um what about vinnie is vinnie try my batteries oh i hear something that sounds like oh vinnie's at the r d room vinnie do you need me to go and investigate or anything is that in your room we're good yeah yeah i guess you can go to the r d room let me check the r d right you're like okay oh he just looked at the camera okay so he knows i'm looking at him oh great uh battery's not doing too well though do you want me to man the cameras or anything or um i might be able to make it over there i'm trying to figure out what's okay he's just really trying to get into the camera now okay oh oh my god oh my god okay okay why are you in my camera vinny oh my god what are you trying to do what are you looking for dude chica is being very aggressive i can't leave the room i can't leave the room which room uh my room i can't leave the security office chica is all over me oh dude uh okay let me check the article everybody's at 20 i don't oh my god i hope i can make it okay vinnie is just really checking out the camera okay i wonder if i can scare him away with i mean he's not he's not coming for me though oh no bonnie stay at stay away what is he doing oh okay yeah animatronics are all over me i don't think they think that they like that i re-enabled my cameras i see that chica oh god okay that was really close heading back to the main room get away get away get away okay be sure to drive in the morning 5 a.m okay turning that door back open okay uh chica i mean yeah bonnie is back bonnie's going back into the animatronic you know room the story really yeah so i oh god okay vinnie's gone where's vinnie at okay i see chica and freddie are both in the main factory room my flashlight battery's down to 10 i can't keep using it i can't keep using it i have to stop there okay just for emergency purposes yeah okay why am i looking i hear another door opening why why are these guys doing this to me this video oh my god bonnie no no bonnie's gonna kill my battery what he's just staring at the camera dude well why is he in front of the r d room okay all right thank you bonnie is backing off finally you know what i'm gonna go check out vinnie he seems like oh my god okay oh okay never mind okay oh okay i scared freddy oh hey vinny's afraid of my flashlight really yeah that's right yeah you get going vinnie yeah you go up those stairs hey where's freddie i'm gonna scare them back into position maybe i can get them magnified right now okay freddy hey get away back back yes hopefully my flashlight will last the rest of the night here because i'm using it oh my god what my flashlight battery is dead oh oh you want me to come over there and try to like help you out no i'm i think i'm just going to try and ride it oh hey yeah yeah dude okay cool cool so okay i'm coming out okay i'm good you seem like that really got you my flashlight battery died really oh my god i guess that's two things that died today dan since when did you put on a diamond colored skirt what you have a diamond colored skirt on oh right i found it when i was uh looking around you know and i found it one of the boxes and i just kind of do you think it flatters me maybe that's what the animatronics were afraid of i'd be afraid of being a skirt too really really confused oh wow okay well uh hey let's look around so i found something out like i scared the animatronics away and i don't know if this is skirt maybe that should be part of our arsenal from now on yeah i think it's flattering i think it's flattering what about you i think i think it looks good on you it adds some pizzazz to the whole being a security guard thing yeah so i i scared these suckers back oh there's still blood on the floor you just stepped in it you just painted i just ruined the crime scene i didn't mean to i'm so sorry i'm sorry what are you going to say to billy mays's parents uh his loved ones you just stepped in his blood okay anyway we'll try we'll clean that up later so yeah i found out if i shown the flashlight in uh their faces they they were really terrified of it like i i pushed vinnie all the way from the r d room back to i think he's that hold on i'm gonna walk around chica because she kind of still freaks me out yeah okay look he i scared him back into position like he hasn't yeah he's back wow well i mean that that's that's good at least uh we know that the flashlights work but dude these flashlights they don't last very long and mine barely got me through the night i thought that well like bonnie was gonna burst through the door and just eat my brain or something yeah okay well what do we do from this point like i mean i mean i guess we just keep our doing our job i mean yeah that guy died but we got to figure out what ronaldo why he did it and you want to know what freaks me out the most dude more than anything the police never showed up that is true isn't it the police never arrived like is there did the what i don't i don't know what to think right now uh maybe it's the weather because i mean it's raining really hard outside right so maybe maybe that caused uh i don't know a bit of a delay yes but i mean look outside look outside dude i think we need to you know take a few minutes yeah oh my god look at that yeah it's crazy i wouldn't want to be in that this is daytime and it's still pitch black outside it's raining cats and dogs out there i was when it's i was going to say pigs and ocelots but you know what that works too yep okay all right yeah i think we should get some rest or something uh yeah i haven't slept in a day and a half now mm-hmm up into our little room [Music] um [Music] [Music] i don't get this show at all dude dude whatever it's just you know mindless tv yeah you didn't sleep that well huh dude how could i there was a guy that just died yesterday then we find ronaldo's back or here and i it's a lot to you know take in yeah i see what you're talking about i mean i can't help but feel we're missing something are we sure we didn't overlook anything you know now that i think about it yeah i think we might have we probably should go downstairs and check oh okay so i guess the first thing we should do is just look around again for more clues yeah it sounds like a good idea i'm so tired at this point though like but we gotta do what we got to do i guess you know there there's a saying that i remember from a 90s kids show a baby's got to do what a baby's got to do and and you just reminded me of that man i remember that show good times good times wait i just realized that our door was on we should probably turn that off okay so okay um anyway where should we look first you know well i mean we primarily looked or at least i primarily looked on the factory floor so i didn't wind up checking the hallways or anything like that you know now that i think of it so if there's anything going on there like i know last night i was really trying to avoid being in the hall because all the animatronics were all up and down those halls so probably it would be a good place to check wait the doors are open did we even check outside hmm no i don't think that we did whoa and wow it's actually sunny out here dude this is this is awesome this is ironic weather why is it sunny the day after a murder that that should be the day that it's like raining uh maybe i don't i don't even want to know what kind of a being is in control of the weather around this place uh i don't even know it's got a twisted sense of humor it really does anyway i have an idea so i was thinking like maybe we overlooked something because it was just one of us you know and one of us could have overlooked a crucial detail or something so if we both go the same direction and look for stuff maybe we'll find something that was missing you know yeah i know i see what you're saying um dude lead the way if that's how you're feeling all right so i guess i'm going to go this way because you didn't you said you didn't really check the side the only time you really wanted no not at all i was focused again on the inside you know inside area so much because you know the trail that was near foxy there so that's all that i checked oh okay yeah i mean you checked it like i'm pretty sure you checked this side when we were looking for ronaldo but yeah oh well i'm not even sure i i'm so tired at this point i can't even remember um i know that the most lately that i've been out here is that i was shining my flashlight at you know bonnie and whatnot where are you at you in here oh yeah i'm sorry i did i i didn't i didn't uh didn't know you weren't behind me you know oh were you after some of that stale pizza or you just looking for clues in here i mean this still pizza looks pretty good actually yeah like it still looks pretty fresh but anyway well this has actually like a mold on it look at this i don't i don't want to look i don't know maybe that's a clue maybe that's a clue man all right uh some kind some kind of clue i guess ah just oh this is the room okay okay it's just the room i just i just locked you in there hey there wait there's a the people are still working here after what happened yesterday i guess so uh we should probably check the man oh yeah probably check the restroom super quickly here um no it's just a bunch of toilet water nothing thanks thanks dan you're welcome i needed to i really needed to use this restroom well great great i i so wish i could see things from your point of view because i wanted to see that i think if i use the restroom right about now i'd probably fall asleep i'm just that tired what are you looking at what are you doing working here bro are you going i don't even care you know what i don't care these people sick in me i don't care that maybe they're forced to work here i mean we're i guess technically forced to work here too but these people look they're just goofing around like nothing happened dude billy died billy freaking died none of that bugs me so much what bugs me more is that none of them really seem to show any remorse i can understand from a corporate standpoint work needs to go on but nobody seems to be sad or upset nobody's really saying anything this guy is like eyeing me or something fierce i think he's mad that i called him out okay they didn't even clean up the blood they didn't even clean up do you really have to do all of this ourselves i'm not cleaning it you can touch on i'm not doing it oh i'm not doing anything okay what else are you thinking well i mean i checked up here already i don't think there's any clues up here but check these like supply crate boxes right here for any clues or anything yeah that's where i found my skirt my skirt was right here wow okay you know i don't even know why i was wearing it but i felt pretty i felt i'll blame the fatigue on this one just like i'm blaming the fatigue for my lack of concentration right now but what else are you thinking i don't know i mean i've checked over here already but maybe we missed wait a minute aunt what's up what's the one room that we are not allowed to check uh what is it called what the research and development room yeah yeah i mean that's the only thing i can think of because that's really on your side right yeah yeah i mean yeah maybe that's why vinnie was going to it maybe he was giving me a clue all right here goes nothing [Music] this reminds me of the old storage closet ah it smells like it too this must be where the engineers assembled the animatronics this whole factory assembles them i think this is where they developed the new ones ugh there's animatronic parts everywhere hey ant take a look at this what'd you find oh jeez have you seen this one before no but it's giving me the creeps it doesn't look like it's been activated i hope not why do you think corporate never told us about this one maybe there's something they don't want us to know about it i don't know we probably shouldn't jump to conclusions though [Music] [Music] oh yeah skittles dude how can you eat at a time like this and there's always time for skittles fair point oy which one of you duffers went into the r d room who are you i'm the blade and queen of england who'd you think i am are you replacing the foreman exactly your freaking foreman hasn't even showed up to work yet so i'm about to haul my buttocks over here to finish shipping the toy models wait what happened to the foreman he's probably gone and shut down the pressure can't start blaming him losing the worker like that enough about that did you or did you not enter the r d room why does it matter if we did because if you did it's our births are going to be handed to us and not by management there's something way more dangerous at hand well we might have gone inside so you're dead you freaking idiots hurtful we had that room locked up for a reason dixie is a really dangerous prototype dangerous prototype yeah you say vinnie was originally going to have a wife named vixxy thought might get some more family to come eat or something you know but something went wrong when they made her she was different than the other animatronics her programming had given her some sort of free will over time the engineers creating her noticed her behavior patterns getting more and more curious more aggressive and then one night while one of our scientists was working on her ai she reached out and ripped off the poor bloke's arm since then we locked her up in the r d room decked it out with alarms and shut her off from the outside world and you went and opened the door look i've already done my job there's nothing but incomplete models here now i just wanted to warn you what you unwittingly unleashed oh yeah keep an eye on vinnie i think you'll be okay as long as he doesn't get vixx's attention tell your boss is an idiot for hiring you dude that guy was a freaking jerk kinda dude i mean seriously do you like tell your idiot tell your boss that he's an idiot for firing you really or not for firing us man i wish he said hiring aunt maybe you are the idiot oh just thinking incorrectly today i'm still going to let me check the cameras okay uh oh wow so yeah i mean there's no more toy models it's kind of weird i mean you know they were always kind of the playful ones it seemed like you know they're just walking around doing their thing yeah i was like really worried that they were going to attack us or something like they were in the uh the pizza place but they never did i mean everything's fine i mean and now all we have are what the the uh he he said they are the incomplete models yeah so i mean what can they even freaking do right i mean i can't imagine they're like even fully programmed or anything like that so we're probably totally fine here it's so weird like seeing the assembly stage with none of the animatronics actually just on it well i do see freddy what looks to be on the catwalk out of my loading dock camera so i think you should be able to yeah i see it like an incomplete version of freddie on the loading dock yeah okay and i see foxy on animatronics storage a so i'm going to keep looking around here just be sure that i know where everything's you know yeah i am noticing that they were like uh let me see under stage yeah under the stage under the assembly stage is actually an incomplete chica model okay it's 1am um i am seeing something interesting though you know that really useless animatronic storage camera that i have yeah it turns out it's not so useless i found bonnie chillin you know right near the back like it's one of the incomplete models and it's just standing there wait it's just what is it in the shelves yeah yeah it just was put in the shelves i can tell it's incomplete i can see it pretty clearly aunt and and and that complete chica model i found under the stage is not there anymore really uh let me check the west hall yeah i don't think that i have view of that at all i can see the westgar hall but no i'm not seeing anything uh let me check the east guard hall okay okay yeah so that incomplete chicken hasn't gone after okay foxy has moved freddy is gone what yeah i can tell fox moved a little bit but freddy is gone just not on like not in that room at all no i found chica chica's walking around but oh gosh okay uh let's try and stay calm here i mean again like all right here's something uh could you could you check uh let me uh hold on flashlight uh i don't know freddie was on the cat rock right yeah uh would you want me to check the vents or something yeah because the vents are up there and uh i'm not and i don't think i can see my vents i can check your an area the vents part about this entire system i'm looking i only why would they give us each other's vents maybe just to be sure we're looking after each other i mean that you know makes sense oh there's freddy okay uh oh my god uh i think i just heard something get over here i may have just heard something as well hang on i need to look around okay my flashlight i had to use it a little bit okay i see chica a little bit walking towards your room walking right towards wait really oh gosh okay he is it there uh i saw a trooper walking towards your front door i'm gonna take a look in your vent system see i see foxy in the vent system looking towards the camera that i see what is that that's like wait he he's in my event yeah yeah i think that was vent c which is oh i i just heard something i just heard something oh boy okay uh and i'm pretty freaked out right now i'm not i see bonnie on my side they are just everywhere tonight absolutely everywhere dude okay uh so vinnie is in front of the r d surveillance didn't the guy tell us to really worry about that i'm i'm cause he was talking about dixie that dixie model thing that we saw okay uh which one i'm looking for okay my battery is draining so fast what is i thought i saw something move outside of my door uh uh west hall uh wesley hey the only thing i see is the vinnie there uh okay so you were saying there was something in my vents is still in there foxy's yeah foxy's still in your vents uh that's camera 17 for me looking at this 17 17 17. yeah i know i don't i don't even see 17 likes okay all right i see seven in the middle okay okay okay three a.m okay let me look around at uh oh gosh okay checking the east guard hall i'm good on my end whoa whoa i gotta close both my doors chica both chica and bonnie rushed my room at the same time really oh like i see them at the exact same time that oh that scared me okay let me check something okay okay let me go outside and look around okay see if they're still there oh i dude i think i heard something in my vents i think i heard something in my mind check my fence okay uh i'm gonna keep the doors closed and very quickly check the vents i hope that the battery or whatever doesn't die on those uh down those okay vent vent c is at the far end far end i think it might be near you i can i can hear it uh my camera just died my camera just died i'm gonna leave the office right now i gotta go get my camera okay oh do you think that he's just uh do you think they hit the security system again yeah my camera just quit working okay um he does not want to quit with the room no matter what exactly uh oh uh uh is right by the staircase okay i don't think he's moving so that's really too much because they're not leaving when i close the doors uh oh no i no okay they left this time oh my god oh my god my flashlight's almost it's 30 battery okay i gotta get back very careful cause i mean there's no recovery right now i'm running i'm running to the corporate still hasn't supplied the batteries okay okay i'm just going to turn uh then see uh where did foxy at the far end uh foxy is moving in the vent system not too sure where oh oh shoot no there's there's the chica uh what are you seeing dude oh my god okay that thing no no don't no back off back off back attacking you no no he didn't attack me but shoot uh okay close uh yeah i got my camera working fine foxy is like moving right towards the security camera i'm not sure where this vent is pointed though oh my god okay uh okay good okay oh boy oh boy okay so let's open that even my flashlight battery is almost dead dude okay chica is coming towards my know she can stay awake oh oh oh my flashlight battery is dead uh well hopefully i'm saying it a lot too it's saying it a lot oh my god oh my gosh i think that's telling me that i am screwed [Music] r d surveillance nothing there chica just entered my room and took a swipe at my chair but i was out of my chair before he took that swipe really yeah okay it's 5 a.m dude we got it we got it we got it okay yeah i see that i see that okay uh i got it god okay so is there something in my vents check my vents okay i'm doing my best okay um okay vent vent fancy i see foxy is like i think maybe right on top of your vent you might want to look at your vent from within your own room i can hear stuff going on i can't i can't i can't see i don't have my flashlight you already want me to rush towards your room right now i don't have very much okay i'm coming oh i see but i'm sorry dude i see cheek outside my door oh god okay i can't i can't walk outside my door chica's right there okay i see freddy oh bonnie's still outside my door bonnie's still not leaving me alone it's chica oh [ __ ] she's outside my door okay uh uh-huh okay i'm gonna check your vents with a you know foxy foxy's at my vents uh i think that's foxy because i've seen everything else but let me check that light headed right now dude this is crazy sort of in the middle of the hall bonnie is the bonnie's still keeping my door occupied bonnie does not want to okay bonnie dude he's at my door anymore ten percent my battery is dead bonnie is gone oh now bonnie's not gone bonnie's now i saw oh my god dude dude that chica attacked me right as the clock turned six your flashlight battery is dead they yeah i feel like i'm dead i am not feeling i think i'm sick dude i'm sick of myself the cheek is literally in my room right now uh dude the bonnie is literally in my room right now you're both playing the same horror game here dude oh my god like bonnie and chica were just both double teaming my doors i had to keep them closed i had foxy on my end and i thought he was going to drop out of the freaking vent in my room dude that that seemed pretty scary so it seems like when i look at the vent system what i see at the far end is your drop in so i think that's i didn't really know the vent system that well until just now well what i noticed is that somehow foxy kept on coming to my left hand door that mean that means he dropped in from this room because like if i look at the map which uh let's go to my room for a second and you can see what was like this thing was literally right here it attacked me while i was looking at the camera but look if you look at the vents yeah the vents right on the mini monitor yeah okay yeah it seems like it's in that side of the vents it's it's hard to tell what you're looking at i can't see what you're pointing yeah well uh you see the vents over my office yeah yeah you see the uh entrance hall yeah i was noticing that uh yeah i was noticing that foxy was in that entrance in that area for a little bit so yeah that's that's what i noticed okay gosh and and then come over here too because this is what i've been really worried about the warden kept on thinking about this uh so this is in front of the door the whole time ever since like two o'clock this thing has been banging at the door does vinnie have some sort of interest like yeah remember uh yeah remember he was like you gotta be worried about vinnie because him and vixx were supposed to say that or whatever i spaced on that a little bit you're right oh my god well lucky lucky that the door is not open um okay yeah and then and then freddy over there just making sure making sure you don't have an escape like oh you thought nope oh they were all over us i thought these were going these are incomplete why are they so much more aggressive and they actually hurt me they hurt you dude they didn't attack me at all or maybe they tried that's right i think it was chica they took a swipe at me he scared the freaking crap out of me she could yeah attacked me so when did your flashlight battery die uh as i was getting back okay so at least you had already activated your cameras again thank goodness yeah yeah no that happened i had to i had to skirt my way because there was chica here and it was like standing here and i walked i had to walk around it and i swear as i was getting to my room it was turning around to come and get me so i had to close the door behind me and i just kind of all i could say is we got to upgrade to some duracell batteries in these flashlights because this isn't any good like what what kind of freaking dollar store brand flashlights are in these stupid their batteries are in these flashlights i don't know mine is dead so yeah it's like the the beam on my flashlight's still there but it's so dim you can't even see crap with it well i mean the lights are on so but yeah i mean when you know when a flashlight dies it doesn't actually die just gets dim and flickers and yeah what else is flickering at this point my eyesight is flickering i think i need some sleep i think i need to rest i i can't sleep i really can't i i don't know i'm gonna probably go upstairs and take a cold shower and just think about what just freaking happened that might be a good idea like i'm feeling it you don't know you don't know how close that chica got to my face it was literally right in there and i don't think if i hadn't been cheating as well for me took a swipe at my chair i had just barely dodged it so really but i mean no you did you definitely had the worst night grabbed me by the shoulders and almost bit me that's what it seemed like oh my god okay you know what i luckily i don't think they can get through these doors so we're always safe up here but why don't we be better off here just throughout the entire night corporate's not even gonna know man they're not even gonna know i know but gosh okay we gotta get some more batteries because this flashlight alert is driving me crazy too the worst part is just like how dead it just says dead i am just dead inside oh man we don't even have a shower in here i just noticed that we don't have a shower really it's got a toilet in the sink can you just have to wash up with the sink then or find out where the community shower is or something oh i'm not going to trust this place for that i'm going to try and sleep you have fun i'm trying to take your pseudo shower in the sink i'm going to try and get this yeah i'm just going to good night man night [Music] why are we cleaning all this stuff up here i feel like we do more work than anyone here you know the worst part is they had this really killer party they didn't even invite us man like we slave away and we don't get invited to the cool stuff so awesome that's great that's great i like to know this is the environment that we live in oh my gosh okay so where do we even take this stuff out too i think the trash i mean i would imagine it's out back you know that's where most trash bins would be i would imagine yeah you know the worst part is i i don't think like the other guys like these guys they seem all right but it was that freaking new four man who's just like oh you got to do i can't do his accent but you know what i'm talking about yeah he i mean he was he was kind of rude too like i mean did you hear the way he was like talking to us i don't know it's it seemed like he really just doesn't like us working here yeah i don't really i don't like him and that's obviously not because of his everything about him he's just not a very lovely person he's i i don't know he's not likable in my eyes oh great we're going to get what do you want to just you want to make a run for it or just yeah let's let's let's just run for it yeah okay you know come to think of it yeah i don't think we've ever been out back in this building before no you're right oh oh whoa whoa okay i might want to be careful back here but dude it doesn't look like they ship out anything from here it seems like there's a lot of stuff that's just look like these boxes here yeah this toy chica toy freddy they're all just here getting wet yeah like just exposed aren't they like electronic yeah that's what i'm saying like they're just out here that doesn't seem like that'd be a good anything i don't think i'd want to receive the moldy shipment that this uh factory's shipping out where is this freaking dumpster oh oh that that looks like a dumpster i guess that makes sense right there oh pretty bright oh yeah that's a dumpster that's a dumpster oh oh what is why are you climbing in the dumpster don't you judge me okay this is what i do in my life this is what i do with my job i throw the cakes and the pizzas into the yeah there why is there okay why is there like a bonnie head in here i guess it was trashed joke wow you you are so funny oh dude can you ah can you smell that though i i was trying to mask the smell with my humor but apparently it didn't work what is that no is it coming from the garbage can i'm gonna say no no i'm not talking about a garbage smell i mean i've been to new york city i know what garbage smells like this is not garbage there's there's a very very defined blood smell coming from somewhere around here blood doesn't have a really big smell you know that right it's like metal well oh i can tell it's something different then something died it smells like something died maybe that's what i'm thinking of uh like uh look at something that's in the boxes or i don't smell anything over here okay i don't know um i know it's coming from around the yeah dan look around the back of the dumpster what is that is that that that looks like blood to me oh no no no no no no no no no [Music] he's been there for a couple of days it looks like okay i guess okay we're security i guess that's our job oh he's missing an eye oh my god this is not no oh i liked him [Music] yeah it looks like he may have been here for like i don't know like four or five days or something i'm not sure i can't have been what did he die he had he was here the second what that's what i'm saying like it looks as if like whoever did this to him like drained him of the blood in his system like i i guess i mean around here yeah i mean look oh oh oh wait can't hey and what's up uh the blood doesn't stop at his body oh interesting uh does this mean we need to investigate this yeah oh my god dude they don't pay us enough for this job have they even paid us yet you know um the blood continues it's like a blood trail oh my god okay well i guess we need to check this out uh i don't want to step on it or anything what's going on here so what is it like it looks okay so what does it follow along the boxes yeah i guess so i mean it doesn't look like it was just walking down the road yeah i see a little bit right there i see some right there um okay let's see i'm not sure i'm gonna climb on top of these boxes and see if i can ant ant oh i see it i see it oh that is the vents oh there's ventilation along the outside of the building i guess that makes sense otherwise it would probably heat up in there but oh boy oh boy so that means something killed the foreman and went down the vents dan wait what something tells me i don't know why i feel like we need to check inside the building as well what well yeah because something went to the freaking vent that's right around where the r d room is i think like on that side of the building it's near your side but also near the r d room oh no no no no no no yeah we okay i'm done being in this rain i don't want to get struck by lightning or something that's the least thing to worry about dude you know what uh i guess if i got struck by lightning it would be meeting a better faith than i have to meet dealing with this place for another night these four men are just standing here not doing anything i said foreman i'm so tired i know you're razzle you're razzle dazzled oh okay well i mean my office is fine yeah okay uh oh oh i got my security camera for a second i guess the only thing we can do is check the uh check this uh we're not supposed to uh wait the doors open um uh aunt and and i found some blood and here's the worst thing i i can see it just as well or dixie is gone what is that why is the alarm going off better manufacturing uh what is that why is the alarm going off and doesn't that mean mixie's in the vents oh crap let's go to the offices and check our cameras oh man i really hope fix he's not in the fence all right nothing there okay this one's clear oh there she is wow vixxi where'd you go over there not in this vent either oh no dude fixies in your vent i was about to say the same thing to you are we sure there aren't two vixies screw this i'm done this is getting way out of our control i don't think we ever were in control whatever i don't care about the paycheck anymore i'm walking out [Music] dan dan what's wrong what the f they're all dead aunt they're all dead it killed them all look there's billy billy billy jeff billy what are they all doing wait are we trapped oh man oh man oh man dan yeah we need to go why look those are animatronics in front of us but how they're stuffed in their boxes let's talk about that when we're safe our best chance right now is to go back to the apartment the longer we're out here the more danger we're in we should be safer here what oh my god ronaldo so you're behind this what is he talking about i think he's talking about that room that appeared our last night at the pizzeria we found the remains of children in that room are you saying that was your doing you freaking sicko you'll pay for this cave i think it's time for us hide in here [Music] or not okay we're going to render oh i guess not okay let's go this way we should be okay once we get inside oh my god dude i i don't think i'm gonna be able to get the imagery of that out of my head for a long time six people also where'd the boxes come from you you want to know what freaked me out the most about that the dead bodies the one guy trying to crawl out i mean clearly they were all in as much distress as we are right now and we're not even safe in this room sure we are we got the doors closed i guess so no when you think about it dan like when you really think about it what's the one other way into this room um okay whoa that is fixing okay dude what do we do what do we do uh uh let's go to my office let's go to my office open the door tell me when it's open go come here okay i got the light behind me just to see if anything pops up are we good are we good no no i think we're good your room's clear come on in come on in okay coming come on okay okay i'll close the door behind you you i got you i got this door okay go ahead and check your security cameras let's just make sure they're working uh and what's up they're not working they're not working they're not working oh my god okay we may have to go back to my room then hopefully uh okay oh freddie's outside of that door i guess we gotta go back to my office hopefully vixx is gone okay my battery's up my battery's at 90 oh my god oh god fix the end fire oh my goodness okay okay come on in come on oh my god oh you're quite having trouble okay bonnie's outside of that door okay check your camera check your freaking camera all right dan dan my camera's not working either oh no i get okay okay uh hopefully the button is still gonna work i'm at 80 okay do should we split up okay they're not outside yeah yeah we'll split up actually no if they're not out there i'm coming with you i'm coming with you okay yeah that might be a good idea okay just be careful okay okay yeah we're good i'll take the right door you take the left door and we'll see oh oh i i see i see vinnie and vixxy traveling together oh okay oh that that's wait oh just like the foreman said oh my god you're right okay that that's bad that's bad i'm gonna keep the i'm keeping the flashlight they're looking they're looking at me oh i see i see chica up there okay i'm coming i'm coming oh foxy no foxy no freddie no oh boy wait yeah that's the switch i got it i got it okay good okay okay i'm running down okay uh where are you going where are you heading off to um back to my office okay i'm gonna head back to my office i'm going through the fence actually this this this is gonna be new for me hopefully i can find my way out of here okay oh my door's locked i have to go all the way around okay i see bonnie you have to go all the way around yeah that's not good okay i'm heading back to my office i hear them going in the vents this is so sketchy okay i i see vinnie oh no no bonnie but i have to pass by bonnie the door on my other my the door on the other side is locked for me really i can open it i can open it for you don't worry i got it yeah i'm doing it yeah i got it okay oh my god you're such a bro there oh oh my goodness okay let me go to my room now okay i hear i still hear things in my vents i don't know oh foxy stop nope nope foxy okay i got it uh just run to my room if you hear anything in your vents if uh yeah foxy stop it if i see anything uh pop into my room then i will be sure to okay foxy was checking i'm honored it works again my monitor works again okay let me check my guard halls okay i don't see anything in the event see event d nothing's going on in the vents right now okay oh oh oh my foxy's outside my right door bonnie's outside my left door wait i am a baby trapped in my room right now i think i hear something inside my chicken yeah be careful you got chica on your inside doors i'm okay i got this okay my battery's at forty percent right now i'm okay but not good i could have swore i heard something in my vents and i was right okay so i'm running out of here it does seem like it's safe to keep both doors closed but it almost seems like it attracts them to come through the vents that way that would make sense okay i see foxy so like honestly i think it might be a better idea to just keep the doors closed and rushing okay you're done fine i'm fine i'm fine okay i got oh i have bonnie and freddie just chilling outside of my room standing hand in hand oh hey hi i got kind of chased into here i didn't hear you for the radio when you said that you were coming over okay yeah yeah yeah okay let me check outside this door here my flashlight battery is not doing so hot right now mine's at 30 percent seems like they're lasting a lot longer than they did yesterday thank thank goodness must be some new batteries in them or something i don't know okay i'm gonna check on my uh my cameras here uh let me check uh loading dock ah i think there's something oh here's something in the vent oh oh oh vixxy is in my room i need to make a break to your room i'm making it well good for you but i gotta i gotta take the long way around to get in there you just wait outside my door i'll try getting there quick okay uh i got i got bonnie oh whoa the lights power flickered yeah why why did that happen oh and there's freddy okay i got my battery might be nearly dead and i have chica coming at me okay [Music] dude we are completely and totally surrounded i'm checking my cameras you just uh you keep watch on the vent yeah i'm gonna keep an eye on the vents i'm going to keep these doors closed yeah so friday's at my west door don't worry about that your west door is that that's that's the one on the right yeah okay all right that's just oh yep we're getting out okay and vixie just punched the one of the paintings off the wall i'm out of this room this is no good for me dude oh this is so good oh man okay well uh i'm i'm in your room now dude this is terrible uh uh okay i'm coming through the back entrance i guess i'm running through the mate back to the floor right now oh my gosh and she's just kidding [ __ ] she got me foxy got me out of the closet all right ten percent chica chica chica chica are you where are you at where you're at i'm coming back into my room but my battery's nearly dead i i'm not i see you i see it okay bye freddie do you want me to keep the flashlight on bonnie so that you can get back to your room it may made up my background i've got i got like 10 battery dude we need to save it for if anything drops down in here okay okay i'm keeping an eye on the vent system right now in my vent okay okay i'm so turned around i didn't even know if we were in my room or your room your room is blue how do remember that see that now yeah oh no no no no no no no oh oh no right into your there's so room of them there's so many no better he's dead i'm in the blind oh no dude i i don't know where i don't know where i'm keeping to freddy's follow me oh okay okay no no okay uh well doesn't have any interest in moving i'm out of here okay chica chica jump scared me okay yeah yeah i hear you just scared the crap out of me oh so uh get over the r d room go into the r d room i'm going i'm coming okay oh no my flashlight battery's dead okay uh should we bail on the fence maybe they won't take the look for us there no that sets off the alarm oh okay okay oh boy they they won't think the look in here i don't think so uh let's fight like behind oh they're in the fence oh no no no no okay well uh oh there's vinnie uh yeah yeah i hear something i'm hiding behind one of the skeleton animatronics dude okay i can't see anything wait okay yeah i'm hiding behind the skeleton too and turn off my flashlight oh my gosh hey i can i can see finney and bonnie dan quiet off the radio i hear something something it's not just something all five of them are in here food yes it's right oh there you were you were in a way better oh god dude i am happy to be alive right now god just come over here so i was right here i was like right here and all five of them came into the room oh my goodness yeah okay vinnie and vixie are very clearly traveling together i didn't even see fixie there [Laughter] i know i was i was hiding over here and wow okay what are we gonna do we we we have no way out everyone else is dead we have literally nothing to like get out of here they're even in our apartment room dude what are we going to do [Music] oh last night was brutal ant i don't know if i can keep on doing this i know what you mean but if we want to get out of this alive we're gonna have to think on our feet the only thing i can think of is how screwed we are aren't you supposed to be the happy one here is that the phone hello again why are you doing this to us [Music] aunt is that who i think it is it's ronaldo again this is so messed up dan just let us go i don't like the sound of that well you know what i say go away whoa yeah so ann what what do you think we should do dan i think i've got an idea what if we make ourselves costumes out of the animatronic parts i think that'll work i don't know something tells me that they're not smart enough to tell the difference between a real animatronic and a fake one so this is like some sort of screwed up costume party thing it's not a costume party that i want to be a part of but if it's what we got to do to survive i don't see any other options for tonight you know that actually kind of sounds like a good idea wait i just dude okay i know that there's probably spare parts around here let's uh check around and you know we'll find them um like in the boxes and crazy stuff yeah you should probably check the r d room since that's near your office yeah yeah that's what i was thinking too i was about to say that so i'm gonna go over there and i'll tell you if anything's like weird or anything yeah sure thing okay i'm just gonna check right on the factory floor sounds good man okay so any progress on your end anything in the r d room well uh the animatronics are still kind of just in place in the hallway which is good uh okay hopefully they're not going anywhere all right i'm gonna check the animatronics uh storage area see if there's anything around here okay i don't think there's any parts i can really use i mean most of these are just dixie prototypes and yeah i'm just finding a lot of endoskeleton heads yeah oh okay well you find something yeah i found a freddy head in the same box that had that severed ear oh i did not did not want to be reminded of that okay well let's see i guess i'll check all the boxes right now i'm just sitting in the skeleton heads and body parts okay all right i'm just trying to think of where to look now um there's so many shelves here it's kind of stressful i'm gonna check out the main floor area okay some more the skeleton heads ah the skirts return i'm taking them i don't care you found the skirt i found multiple skirts like five of them hang on hang on i got i gotta i gotta see this where are you hi hi watch me put this on oh my god returns that's so ridiculous what is it obsession with that skirt hey this is 2016. i am an empowered mail and if i want to wear a skirt maybe we'll scare the animatronics away just think of the same thing if you're aiming for a scare tactic here i think you might actually have the advantage come on you know i pull this off you pull please please pull that skirt off please okay i will there we go okay oh i okay i found another piece a set oh cool okay all right um i don't know where else to look there's like so many places to look in this place there's a lot of boxes um i did find another piece but it's not for the freddy set i don't i don't know if you do you want to be bonnie yeah that sounds fine okay i found a bonnie piece over here i'm seeing if there's anything else uh for the freddie suit in here that's it oh bonnie boots okay i'll take those yup yeah i guess i'll put all the skirts in the box i don't need the skirt no i'll keep one i'll keep one you should keep it on you for good luck yeah i think i think you should just keep it in your inventory forever and for always all right so let's keep on looking at the box let's see if i can find anything else so i got the boots to bonnie i guess i'm bonnie now i i did did you find a chest have you found the bonnie head yet no i don't see any bonnie heads around here hmm i haven't i haven't finished looking yet okay yeah no i'm still checking every chest if i find anything i'll let you know so what are we going to do with these are we like if an animatronic shows up we're just going to wear it and they won't attack us is that what you're thinking what i'm feeling is that sometime throughout the night we need to actually like put these costumes on and it's really imperative that the animatronics don't actually see us put them on because otherwise they're going to know we're fakes so if we have that you think they're smart enough to do that i think if they see us put the costume on then they're going to get it but if they don't see us put the costume on and they don't see another one of that animatronic then like i mean i don't think we're going to look any different than any one of these animatronics hey have you found your boots yet to freddie um no it's what i'm after right now i i found them up here okay where'd you find them they're this one right here okay all right this one uh perfect thanks i actually have the full set now oh i just found the bony hat nice yeah let's see so oh whoa okay hey dan don't turn around oh that was scaring me hey hold on wait i got it i gotta try it i gotta try it on too yeah it looks pretty good let's try it okay what about wow you look the i see i not even i'd be able to tell the difference and i'm actually an intelligent being so perfect okay yeah oh man all right um well uh what do we do i don't know i don't think there's anything else that we need to do we you know we both found our customs hang on it's kind of itchy in here let me take this off yeah yeah yeah you know i'm gonna keep the suit on it's kind of nice and comfy for me i feel like i feel like a nice warm and cuddly bunny all right um i say we need to man now the forts though we need to make sure that uh hang on wait a minute i think i might have heard something i'm going down to the r d room here really quickly what's up i don't know i feel like i heard something okay there were two animatronics in the hallway when i went through here are you serious okay well bonnie and everyone is still in here but there was but i know frozen was right here and chica was over here where are they i don't know it's daytime they shouldn't be out moving right i didn't see anything i mean okay uh i'll take a look around here really quickly i don't know i i almost don't want to find them i almost just want to believe you're seeing things yeah hopefully okay let's see chica is active she just looked at me and she i see foxy as well just kind of standing there but i found foxy she has her eyes on me she is not off she is definitely not deactivated dude okay foxy is not deactivated either and i see foxy in the you know the main room here what okay foxy's not moving though just kind of just kind of staring at me hi how are you doing how you doing guy you do you do you want do you wanna do you want a cookie i don't have any but i could try and find some where's foxy at i don't see him oh i found him oh yeah over here all right i'm gonna go check my office no no don't go that way don't go that way i'm gonna keep my eye on foxy that's where chica is don't go down that way okay do you do you want us to head through the hang on let's actually go through here let's go through the center let's go through uh oh yeah that's a smart idea that's a smart idea i didn't think about this going through the loading dock i never actually been in the loading dock area really you've never been in this animatronic storage area either yeah not really huh okay okay oh hi freddy dude none of these guys are moving though i mean they're awake they're looking at us but none of them are moving what do you think are they confused because i'm like wearing half of bonnie right now oh god foxy's right behind you okay okay okay okay take that suit off before bonnie sees us oh yeah i'd be happy i haven't seen bonnie so okay um all right i don't i don't know what to think about this all right now i mean bad this is bad this is bad [Music] oh no the camera's dead oh man oh man oh man this is bad aunt how did foxy get behind us it's not midnight yet i don't know what time is it let me check my phone what what is it ant ronaldo did something to my phone did he do something to the lights too foxy's moving again let's get out of here vinny what the heck the door's open dan i got it i got it oh my god what the heck what the frickin heck man i don't know why is ronaldo being a jerk like this why is he turning off the lights and i i first off okay i thought the animatronics didn't activate to like after midnight and then they stopped at like six or so when the lights turned back on right the animatronics don't care anymore i mean it can't be like past nine o'clock or something i i don't know let me check my phone yeah my phone no my phone's just a of pixels i can't tell what time it is okay let's think this through uh the animatronics have to be getting like smarter there's something with them now i mean they locked me out of my freaking office for pete's sake i mean come on it's time to trap us here too well at least the doors are closed uh oh come on you know i'm getting out of here i'm yeah i'm already out okay okay uh just run scope oh gosh okay wait power squat compels you okay uh uh go to the bathroom go to the bathroom hurry hurry this one this one okay oh the stall's open i'm going in this one huh okay okay real bad are you okay yeah i think so okay there's probably an animatronic in this room now but i don't think they're smart enough to open bathroom stalls or at least they're polite but i got an idea i got an idea okay put on put on your costume yeah i've seen this in a cartoon once called doobie scoop and uh okay calm down we got it we got to sell this we got to sell this we are now we are now you're freddie and i'm bonnie and we're in the bathroom and whoever is coming out here that is rude let's let's show them what they're talking about hey hey what vixie what are you doing in the men's bathroom okay me and freddie here we're trying to use the bathroom you're trying to watch us like leak our oil well that's not right get out of here you and chica both got a bathroom to yourselves okay come on i mean seriously what kind of freaking workspace is it where a freaking co-worker can't use the bathroom in peace just get out of here is she gone i can't see you either but i i don't see her like nearby oh my gosh i think that worked i think we shoot me scoop them oh my gosh okay i think we should probably take these off though in case uh i don't know you know i don't want them to see me dressed as freaking bonnie oh my gosh okay well what's the next move i i don't know well if i don't think she's in your room anymore okay we should probably head back uh you know check the cameras or something like that see what's going on here yeah just get a tally on where everyone is well i don't see anyone in the oh i see i see chica down at the very end of the hallway come on i think no we should probably do actually maybe it'll stop the animatronics from running go into the power room it's right there and just see if we can get the power to you know come back on okay that sounds like a good idea okay all right um you do it you're probably smarter than me you do anything set that do anything reset it's not doing anything the lights aren't coming back on you try it uh okay okay oh freddy's right outside of this room too what ah the power's not gonna come back on i i guess the only thing we can do is head into our rooms and you know see what we can see on the cameras well i mean we'll let the door open right we can probably sneak into you yeah yeah let's go to your room now okay okay hey someone close the door what freddy freddy's right there but well someone closed your door to your office right then does that mean there's like no way we can get into my office what about yours i don't know also freddie's freaking me out nice i mean you just impersonated him so he doesn't know that don't do don't let freddie hear you say that i mean they're aggressive i don't think they're smart enough to understand what we're actually saying wait no because we we talked to vixxy never mind but vixi's the smartest one though so they could have i don't know but let's go back i found foxy dude okay maybe we need to we need to bolt i think we need to go back into the main room and see if at least some of the freddy's there freddy's there bro okay just get out of there just get out of there okay i have i have a pretty oh gosh and then foxy was right behind him uh okay i'm gonna go okay uh no one here okay wait chica's wearing my skirt okay uh look i'm gonna go ahead i'm gonna check the door on the r d side into your room but my battery my flashlight is not doing good yeah mine's already at 60. okay where are she you know she could look pretty good in that skirt into the security office okay okay okay she is after me she is after me she looks nice in the skirt though it's very coming yeah what when okay okay uh what do we do what do we do whatever i don't know okay wait uh hide in here for a second hide in here okay uh we can't the door doesn't close from the inside remember just just hopefully they don't walk in here okay well the battery is figured out half dead now so i turned off my flashlight um right um okay how do we get into our offices well wait there's one way i can think of and it's in this room but i don't want to do it i bet that's gonna like alert them all yeah it's gonna set off the alarm i know that to get into my office there's a way in i can take a look uh it's through the vent system in the main room so i've got to go back in there to my office without going up through here because i really don't want to set up that alarm i'm pretty sure they're going to hear it and come after me why don't you could stay in here or i could see if there's a way in i don't know i'm going to i'm going to go out there and i'm going to see if i can find a way maybe you should come with me you know you know keep me you know cover me okay let's see freddy's over there i'm going up here i got my eye on you fred uh she uh bonnie's up here oh hey chica yeah that's a really nice skirt love it you just you accessorize great that goes perfectly with oh wow okay okay okay i don't think they saw me going to the vent oh bonnie's still chasing me uh bonnie's still chasing me okay okay i don't think bonnie's chasing me okay i don't think foxy can get into the van oh [Music] you're so fine you make me want to run away oh i'm back out here oh there's foxy oh crap uh okay let me get into my office no no no no no he saw me okay yeah i'm having a terrible time um okay all right i'm back in my office here where'd vixie go she was down here i don't see her anymore dan yeah dan my camera aunt and oh my god okay uh i gotta get okay i'm above my office right now uh uh how do i get down how do i get down from here no how do i get down oh damn in my room aunt can you hear me hello okay let me check the camera oh no the camera's dead ant i'm coming to help you man hold on ronaldo what's he doing please [Music] and now fredbear will be telling us some hilarious jokes so funny wow damn this game is really rad yeah i know right it's really cool man i'm so happy it's so good oh yeah the pizza is great i almost interrupted you there sorry about that but uh you know this is really cool look at all the people that are here at my birthday party wow this is a lot of people i don't know who that guy is though but i know i know that guy and that girl and that girl why would you invite someone to your party that you don't know i don't i don't think i even invited him i think he just showed up what's your parents invited i think it's time to maybe use ourselves to the birthday boy birthday boy where is he birthday boy he's over here oh hey hi hey hey hey he's over here oh there he is yeah how's your name son ah dan hi dan barney would you like to give him some nice cake oh cake you're bringing me cake ah dan dan give me some dan give me some give me some afterwards hold on hi there hi there you go oh thank you okay so do i make a wish now that's a big cake is that just for you no i get to share it with everyone i'm guessing but yay let's make a like uh i wish that today would be the best birthday ever wait no what you're not supposed to tell anyone your wish oh well i did it anyway hey i don't even think they lit the candles but that's okay thank you thank you mr fredbear and miss miss bonnie yay okay so uh happy birthday dan thank you yeah this is what my seventh birthday i think oh that's cool hey you wanna play some video games sure sure sounds okay cool let's uh oh these these are all turned off um wait wait come over here well i was over here dude oh you don't see the arcade over here like wow this place is so much better now i i don't know it's just uh i don't think these actually turn on they just seem kind of power they're all off i i can't i can't okay i don't even see where let's let's check over here um let's see oh hey this guy is this guy's playing some stuff yeah this oh dancing dancing game oh i know this machine you jump the buttons oh where's this one where's the screen yeah they're supposed to be screen right it is they must be repairing it or something oh yeah gosh oh boy um guess what i think i think i might have drank a little too much soda i got to use the potty um okay i'm gonna try and figure this this machine out yeah yeah figure out hey excuse me mr uh fredbear hi son oh where's the party just through those doors okay thank you thank you welcome be safe um oh boy [Music] um hey are you okay are you you okay oh oh no i hear him coming okay um i'm just gonna go to the bathroom go to the bathroom go to the bathroom um okay uh okay okay what did i just see what did i just see uh there was a purple guy and he he was cutting up another kid who was that kid i don't i don't i think i could invite him to the birthday billy i think his name was billy oh no okay uh maybe you know what okay there were tomatoes right beside billy maybe maybe billy was just like squished but that doesn't even make sense it doesn't make sense what's going on what's going on okay coming back hey i can see ant but uh oh billy billy what are you why are you an animatronic oh god and and aunt what what what what's wrong what's wrong billy billy billy billy is he's uh billy's true is he billy billy i don't know his last name billy he's been cut he's been yeah hey cut are you okay billy come back here billy billy's been cut guys this is bad call the cops billy billy where where'd billy go where where's he looks fine he was right here he was right here i saw him there was a purple guy and he had a knife and billy was on the couch look there's still blood on it you see that i mean i think there's tomorrow juice there's tomatoes on the table are you sure billy is here that was blood billy i don't i i don't know it's not smells like tomatoes dan because we're standing next to tomatoes but i swear to you what i saw was billy right there he was dead and then i went to the bathroom when i came back he was inside an animatronic suit okay well if billy was in here i didn't see him come out the door so where could he have gone i i don't know what what do i look like a freaking i i don't even know the restaurant really that way okay if you saw billy we need to look for billy where where let's let's let's start looking well i i did see the purple guy come through uh this door so okay wait hey the this door's unlocked too what's this this goes outside aunt that do you think he's out there i think he took billy's body and just he i don't know billy's out there yeah billy's out there okay let's just take it okay you gotta look you gotta look oh no no oh my gosh the purple okay i'm closing the door the purple guy he he had billy i saw billy there yeah no he had billy are you sure yeah let me take it no no he's here okay okay listen hey hey mom dad let's let's go home let's go home okay i want to go home [Music] what happened aunt ant you're all right how how did we get down here uh heck if i know i remember it's all at the factory and then nothing same here my memory is all fuzzy i going crazy no i hear something too you need to get out of here what who's coming back [Music] well we're out now but where is this voice coming from is it coming from the tvs hello in there hi dan we should probably follow what it said let's get out of here all right dan help me with this door it's not budging i can see that maybe there's a key somewhere around here okay okay uh just tightening the last of the bolts up [Music] william are these things going to be done anytime soon uh one moment sir look you know we already have a deadline okay whatever they look good but we don't have much time we have to open the park tomorrow okay fredbear's fun park is not going to open unless everything is good because if they don't people won't like us and then they won't come here and spend okay danny dan calm down william how are they looking right now they should be fully functional tomorrow you see it again everything's gonna be fine yeah but we have a checklist aunt we have a checklist okay well then let's run through it yeah test the uh the voice modules on these things you got it welcome to fredbear's fun park welcome to fredbear's fun park all right that sounds pretty good okay um let's hurry on down here come on you don't pay you just slow down come on chop chop all right so uh hardly pay him at all i still pay him though legally um okay let's check out the uh the map all right so we have a few things to do before this park opens tomorrow at seven and we have not that much time i mean it's evening now and we have to go over the whole park okay looking at the map it's looking good i mean i don't see anybody getting lost with the park being a giant circle and only a couple of paths like i the the areas are pretty well marked you know if anyone gets lost in this park i i don't understand it i don't understand people well you don't understand that people are stupid look i made this about as easily accessible to everyone as possible but i know there's still going to be dumb people that are going to get lost so i'm glad this map is here because at least some of them will finally know what's going on don't you agree william uh yeah of course excellent i like the cut of your jib okay let's head on out you're gonna agree with anything he says he's the guy who pays you whether or not you agree with him or not you're not gonna tell us the truth and just because we're partners doesn't mean you can undermine me like that i still am technically your superior but you know technically i still have part ownership in this park and you can't take that away from me i'm not going to just just you know stay on alert all right so everything looks like we have it in stock which is good no one's taking anything right because william if you see anyone any employee take one of these merchandises without paying for it tell me immediately i'm gonna fire them uh you got it i don't think any of the staff would steal from the park directly um i hope not dan you have such faith in our employees like i i can i can sense the faith in you well you know what i do have faith in though are attractions and vinny's wild west is probably my favorite attraction so let's check it out all right let's do it and this place want to is your flashlights if you have them oh yeah yeah okay yeah fair i got that this area looks so good at night though like those lamps oh my god okay these look so good yeah well i designed this to you know reflect the wild west and yeah well you know what when you discover this amazing gold mine and make the park you know you can you can tell i think what you need to appreciate though is the actual work that was actually put into building these though i mean i didn't see you laying brick in any of these portions of the park mr afton came to me about this park okay he came to me personally i just brought you on because we were good friends you know that seriously besides fredbear entertainment it's such a huge business opportunity for everyone you know how much money is in them they're like the biggest restaurant around you talk about it all the time pretty much every day yeah i'd hope so hey these these look actually really realistic are these the animatronics often made yeah these should be the animatronic horse models they're pretty lifelike yeah they they they actually good are they on right now like we don't have to feed all the animatronics should be deactivated and i don't think you'll have to feed him that's good okay well they're looking good yeah they are at least they're the way they're supposed to be tonight oh these are the real horses over here though oh are these real yeah they're there little guy hey there little guy okay yeah you're having too much fun we have time to you know we don't have time to do it all right okay you're right you're right let's let's keep on trying all right now if i recall the correct uh attraction the main one is vinnie's vindaloo oh yeah i remember vinnie i like made him like five years ago yeah right around the time that i made vixie as well we already know why you made vixen you couldn't just let vinnie be himself you know you had to tie him down because you couldn't get your own eye no you so that someone would finally love you okay well that's what i made it for it's just there's only one thing i made the animatronic to fall in love with you it still went for vinnie oh really well you know the only thing i'm in love with is money so this is not going to phase me at all man come on hurry up yeah you know that that doesn't surprise me one bit all right but this is looking good this looks like a good shooting range i'm sure the kids we're charging five dollars narrow right uh if you'd like that serve i can surely add that five dollars okay yeah come on i think it was what two dollars an arrow and you just went and upped it the five you know is it gonna be ten dollars when the park opens tomorrow no no no no but i've checked the market and five dollars and narrows the going rate for these kinds of attractions you know so fair enough okay so foxy's pirate cove there we go that's some good old fazbear some fat bears wow this area is really good looking at night too man i forgot didn't they want to call it fazbear at one point i i slipped my tongue it's fredbear i know that they they were thinking about taking it to fazbear but i was like no name recognition is much better but i i i just get i think you're just getting our old jobs confused is what you're doing what are you talking about um okay so we've got the pirates nice diner right here i'm i'm pretty happy about this you think some uh nice couples will come up here and like pay 200 for a stupid steak that we're so overpricing 200 steak over here yeah we're charging for the atmosphere i mean look at this place it's it's pretty fantastic you can't even uh listen circus baby they wish that they could do this okay circus baby i certainly i certainly hope that all the market research that you've been doing is right because that is an insane price i would never pay that much well that's why you're not the ceo fair enough i guess all right so oh yes the faz bear freddy foxy time that's what it's called right uh yeah that might be he doesn't know the name of the things in his own park he's only concerned with how much money they'll make look maybe i still ship oh i'm not entirely sure look i i might i might not remember the name to this thing but i know i drew the plans or at least i i at least approved them so this thing's still my baby looks pretty nice still looking good well yeah it's one of those what this the ship swings or whatever and people vomit on it we have we have cleaning clothes yeah oh we don't even have to check we got we got a safety checked yeah they safety checked it i think last week okay good as long as i don't want to get out of here you might be worried about money i might look at the enjoyment of things but i do like to make sure at least everything's safe well let's just take a look at it yeah it's looking pretty pretty shippy i'm not i'm not getting on that thing though those things make me sick i ship it wow do you really have to be you always have to get my comedy really he had to go there i really had to go there what are you going to do about it how are you going to fire me because i don't think he can i can't but god i wish i could sometimes oh okay there's foxy oh okay there it is and there's the money makers right there you know we're going to make more money on the merchandise sales than the actual mission right so that's always something to keep in mind but it's looking pretty good the animatronics are off at night right yeah they should be deactivated during the night that's the standard protocol okay i was just making sure i wasn't sure if i so wait i remember afton actually warning me about this like sometimes they'll try to reposition themselves i heard that that was kind of weird sometimes i they've been known to be a little bit buggy due to their just advanced nature but i mean they didn't want any sort of incident to occur so i'm i believe they're programmed to well make sure you get ronaldo on that okay bill you know i he hasn't been responding to all of my uh messages but i think he should hopefully get on it okay wait wait who's that what ronaldo ronaldo yeah you don't know ronaldo i don't know why that name escapes me uh what department is he in uh he's like literally the third hand man you know what i'm talking about i'm sorry i don't know why that name doesn't ring a bell okay look he's the guy he gave us the hookup of afton okay so i mean he's kind of a big deal i mean he's literally a joint partner with this i just don't know why he hasn't shown up lately let's let's let's keep going now these pirate animatronics are looking pretty good i can see their servos are kind of going off i thought they didn't they weren't really supposed to move i guess they're well they have a you know mild animated state just to make them look that much more lifelike but they should be deactivated at night yeah they're looking pretty still to me now one thing uh let me check the things guys i think i read this uh yeah so the cannons are filled with child safe hammer right so if some stupid kid jumps over the border and like accidentally fires the cannon they can't see what's right because no one's gonna get hurt uh no they should be filled with just just safety ammo maybe even confetti oh confetti would be good that's not expensive is it no i don't think so all right let's keep on going we don't have much time eddie's really cheap we don't have much time all right so nexon i think is what the the fredbear hills fazbear hills something like that oh they are the fazbear hills so they wait so you're mixing up your fazbears and your fredbears you've been mixing it up all night tonight look okay the company's redbear i know that fazbear we wanted to switch to it but we didn't but i guess we're testing it out you know what maybe if they like fazbear we might switch it to fazbear at some point oh wow suddenly everything just got really creepy oh yeah this is uh this is pretty nice actually like i i like i feel like something's just gonna come out from the woods and attack me from here look we don't have any horror attractions between between the haunted house and anything else okay i think the scariest thing here is the haunted house but even then we've got the roller coaster and stuff so i mean there's nothing here we got all the safety we got people like what's your name again billy williams sir hey william william i was kind of close you know um billy billy william yeah you know whatever it's it's safe you know it's completely gated off there's no crazy people here and that moon is looking rather beautiful today wow you're what you're usually not one to admire scenery so i'm glad you've actually taken notice i can take in a beautiful moon okay i'm not that heartless okay i do not have the corporate greed and the weather looks pretty good you were saying something about the weather just now well listen obviously someone's got some funny funny joking timing and stuff like that but william was it supposed to rain tonight uh you know it didn't say anything on the forecast but it must have changed i don't know okay yeah get out of the chat weatherman to make sure we're gonna be good for tomorrow because i don't think wow that's a bad storm yeah let's head into the haunted hand uh house okay now we tried going for haunted mansion but apparently another theme park has a copyright on that so we can't do that but at least we got married the haunted house is looking good yeah someone forgot to close the door but yeah this is looking pretty good so this is one of those jump scare houses like you open the door oh so scary man little kids they're so stupid to fall for jump scares how much does it cost to come in here oh it's free i mean it does come with a parking mission i i'm not that heartless okay they paid for the ticket it's they paid for the ticket we don't have to spend anything for them to come in here besides you know stuff so you know what yeah next week it's gonna be five dollars and ten dollars oh that's fair you know it's fair it is fair because people pay to be scared i don't know why they're pretty stupid but look at the lighting turn off your your flashlights for a second oh wow okay all of a sudden it's so spooky it saves us so much electricity too it takes like a battery to run this place william is this is this what it's going to look like during the day in here uh hopefully the doors are pretty uh light canceling so yeah okay all right all right i'm i'm sold i'm sold chop chop chop chop we got things to do places to be roller coasters to ride i think yeah the faster coasters next oh god with the rain this is going to be terrible we can still run the coaster during the rain right uh it should be safe okay it should be uh you're gonna need to check and get an official you're gonna you're gonna sit in the front okay so you can uh break the rain from me okay uh well you know i don't think we're gonna have to worry about that now oh all of a sudden that was the biggest freak rainstorm i've ever seen okay uh william william you mentioned it when the rain stopped you mentioned it are are you are you talent not telling us something yeah i'm actually voodoo i don't know what that means you're you're insane i'm excited to ride the roller coaster oh this is looking really good i've only seen this in the concept art so again we've done the safety checks right oh yeah the safety checks were done um a while ago i think okay actually i'm checking this i don't i don't think we've done the safety checks in fact it says here we can't have a repeat of what happened to michael what happened to michael william um you know that you you'd have to ask ronaldo about that i'm not i'm not entirely oh come on ronaldo's got so many better things to do than give me the time of day okay he he's so much better i'm excited i'm excited to ride the coaster i'm excited you didn't even i call shotgun yeah you better you better like i said break the wind for me if we're not having the rain then we're good in it either way all right so uh you make sure all the stuff's going right okay william you got it sir okay let me just hop in here what i can't okay there we go all right come on let's go i was gonna say you don't remember how to get into a mine cart listen this is not a minecart this is a fully automated roller coaster system all right well that was that was actually you know what pretty enjoyable i think uh i might actually ride that again in the future which i can't say for many of the other stuff we have here not bad not bad i i give it a solid uh solid 10 out of 10. all right next ahead is i believe bonnie's rock zone i don't think there's anything really in here to really check out besides i mean you got to make sure the ferris wheel is working because you know everyone eats oh wow you can see that across the entire park can't you well yeah i mean it's a ferris wheel it's kind of tall you know that's kind of the whole point it's just we were on the other side of the park before and i didn't notice it yet but that was an incredible view yeah i mean roller coasters big long this area is still so creepy though oh hey we got to check up on the animatronic too okay uh yeah there's freddy hey freddie what's going on oh man i can relate to this guy over there oh yeah i mean we got you know we got the people around here but you know frey is my favorite animatronic just because first off everyone knows freddie he's he's the head of the fazbear gang you know and so many people all around the world they know him they see his cartoons and all that kind of stuff and i'm like you know what i'm just like him i'm so awesome and he's awesome i mean look at him he even looks like he knows he's better than everyone else yeah i'm a guy who just loves making money off of freddie look at him i can just see the money coming out of him i'm not mocking you right now or anything don't worry about it uh-huh okay well you know what if you don't want your paycheck that's perfectly fine i can give that to william you don't control my paycheck this is why i'm allowed to do this william don't ever do what i'm doing you're probably gonna get fired okay don't take don't take example from me and making fun of dan you guys seriously yeah just don't do it okay oh this is wow okay that's looking really wow yeah okay that is a sight right there seeing the moonlight popping through that like that that's amazing oh look at all the the music notes okay yeah i remember seeing this in the design doc well i mean it is called the rock zone so well yeah but you know some kids might be stupid and think that it's about uh archaeology and rocks and stuff archaeologies do stuff for rocks right something like that no i think the message is pretty clear in this area of the park and it's looking good too uh what do we need to look look for as far as inspections is concerned well we got the just just the main stage right well we got the ferris wheel too the ferris wheel looks pretty wait yeah no no i thought i saw a light out but it looks like it's fine okay good no williams just to make sure make sure you get the it department make them come over here yeah i know they don't normally do anything besides mess with the internet but they have to be good with computers so that means they're good with electronics too so get them up there make sure that uh the the contract covers if they fall down of course you know stuff like that yeah no problem but uh that's looking good i think what you're meaning to say is that the contract says that if they fall down it's not on you well it's not is that usually how it works i'm not liable for anything okay so we've got uh we got bon bon over here right that's his name uh something like that sir maybe bonnie yeah no it's bonnie i know i was pulling your leg okay he's also one of the og fazbear crew so i know his name okay it's cool uh yeah he's looking pretty good up there so he's going to be singing i do notice one thing though where's his drum set i thought i had that uh really set up oh i suppose that hasn't been shipped in yet i'll get right on that sir it should be ready bye yeah please because we have a song at 7 p.m tomorrow with bonnie and if he's not singing you know it's gonna look kind of weird when the guy is singing a song with drums in the background but there's no drum set up there i mean come on but otherwise everything else is looking good yeah you know it's looking pretty okay i can't really give as many complaints as i normally would park's looking really complete it's looking really solid oh yeah okay and then what was this the bounce house yeah i was about to say oh i've been wanting to try this i want to see how good it is nice nice yeah you know i'm not i'm not doing that that that's the meaning we're like coming over here it's looking it's good i'm perfectly fine i but it's fun we're not here for fun i'm here for thrills and i'm having a great time i get you know i probably should pay it in mittens fee with how much fun i'm having tonight yeah i wish you would you can try and take it out of my paycheck but i don't think that uh i don't think you have the authority mister i like i said mr afton he made sure we were split evenly for some reason all right chica's party world all right let's go let's go all right so the fredbear diner is this the uh the recreation or is this the real one it's you know actually i i heard a rumor that the park was built around the original but i i can't say for sure i doubt that certainly it's faithfully recreated either way though they put a lot of work into this one i've been here before back when i was a kid at least this looks yeah i remember attending your birthday party here what no i didn't know you until college man what are you talking about i'm pretty sure maybe that was someone else yeah it wasn't me trust me i'd remember meeting you if i was younger okay this place is looking right pretty good okay where's where's the oh there she is okay yeah you got chica here around the carousel because girls like the carousel and chica likes to uh entertain the female demographic so this is pretty good and you're just looking to see how much money you can take out of every single person as most of it yeah what all right let's just see uh everything's looking good here yeah you know i think yeah has the right been tested within the past day or so uh i believe so if not then in the last week or so they've been doing some heavy testing okay look i want you to get everyone that you know that might be able to come here i know they're not they're they're asleep right now they're back home call them up all right and tell them that their boss tells them to come over here and get their work done because we have to open tomorrow i i understand sarah it's very severe look look billy i don't i don't really care like that they're not here william whatever okay listen i'm not mad at you you haven't done anything wrong that i know of so you're fine but i we need to get this thing done and we need to have it soon because like i said we're opening tomorrow and if these people these idiotic people see even one thing out of place they're not going to want to come back here because they just and if they hear you call them idiotic to their faces they're certainly not going to want to come back look i'm just saying sometimes you got to cater to the lowest common denominator you know and unfortunately that's the kind of people that's what the headlines are going to say the owner of the fredbear park calls his calls the attendees the lowest common denominator listen i built a wall around this place we're fine okay they're not going to get us i worry about you sometimes dan look look you know me i'm good with money okay we're fine does everything look good is everything like up to your royal highnesses standards look don't call me world highness again okay i've told you already if you're going to call me anything call me your liege but okay is everything up to your royal highnes standards oh my god okay listen yes everything's fine as long as we yeah what we have like five hours left we can go to sleep have a good night sleep come back well rested mostly as long as uh the park's fine so as long as the security guards have checked in yeah they're they're in right uh uh uh you know they they checked it right i'm not sure if they checked in sir um uh did you check upstairs over there i'll check over here we need to make sure that they're actually uh on ship from them actually why are you serious okay hey everybody's monitoring the park tonight oh my god well the cameras look like they're down this is william william yes sir dan there's nobody here yeah i know come back out okay william oh my god okay okay we got ant you coming hey i'm over here okay come on hurry up hey william come over here too so nobody there yeah i see that william i need you to go home call everyone that's you know that works here tell them to get their butts over here and first off get their ears chewed out by me because that's going to happen second off tell them to get to their positions because we have stuff to do i i understand sir this is it very not not not good at all i know i'll be right on that in the meantime and i guess i guess we'll do the security we've done this before so i guess we're gonna need to be the ones on shift at least until the security guards get here we've never been security guards what are you talking about we've been security guards before it was a couple years ago how don't you remember that the only thing that we did a couple years ago was we met at fazbear pizza or fredbear's diner whatever and oh why is that keep on coming into my head anyway um we met there i mean we can't remember that that was a really impactful part of our lives i don't know what you're talking we just got manager positions we were just serving pizza that's not a big either way go up to your room we'll go guard the park we don't want anyone sneaking in without us paying for it at least or having them pay for it all right good night man uh [Music] uh well i guess he's fit even though they stink to high heaven oh this outfit's so freaking itchy and it's not even tight in all the right places ugh wow i can't believe i came up with this hey ant oh yeah what's up hey oh my god i can't believe this this is so freaking stupid yeah i know you do too yeah well i mean this outfit's really tight i haven't worn it in a couple of years so naturally wait wait what you've never you have never worn that outfit i in my recollection you have never you know what i'm not even gonna get into it what are we supposed to do tonight i don't know i guess just what the freaking people were paying to do this job aren't doing and then yeah are they coming in or what they i don't think so and if they do i'm going to fire their butts quicker than you can even say i mean mike and matt they're both they're out of here usually mr boss man but like i'm thinking the same thing right now they gotta go we're opening tomorrow this is not the time for them to not be showing up for work exactly now i gotta figure out this fangled camera system to make sure that we can do our jobs properly tonight well i mean mr afton did set it up pretty i'm if we can if the people we pay like two dollars an hour can figure this out i think we can and i mean we're a little smarter than those people you know yeah i suppose you're right so i'll check it out [Music] i just got a call from william the night guards didn't show up yeah i mean like they're scheduled they're supposed to be on shift right now yeah they're not here so what's the deal well um that's rather unfortunate so it looks like you two are going to be staying the night i'd better warn you about something that seems like my son forgot to mention the operating systems for the animatronics are going through one final update before the opening during this time their actions might be a little unusual as the kinks of the programming work themselves out everything should be fine but as you know if one of the animatronics stay too far outside of their areas i know their programming goes haywire and all that kind of stuff i get that well here we go again look i know you understand but let me reiterate to illustrate how important it is for them not to leave their area i get it i get it i'm you know we won't let them leave their areas why would you even make it so that when they leave their area they kind of just start attacking people that seems like a pretty big security oversight mr afton sorry i gave you top of the line animatronics that's just the cost of progress now if one of them does leave their post i didn't advise a fail safe i assume you had it installed wait you mean the gates yeah we got the gates installed right aunt uh yeah i think they're on if i read the instruction manual correctly they're on camera b so all of our monitors that are on the bottom at least one through six are the gates excellent if you notice an animatronic has left their mark just lock the gate so they don't escape their area one of you will have to be tasked with getting inside and cursing the animatronic battered station though where the ai should reset momentarily not it i'm not doing that ah god dang it really see okay i i use my boss powers to override you it's not gonna work fine fine you know what fine i'll i'll do it yeah that's right that's right i had my finger on my nose so you know i'm not it well i'll see you in a few hours for the grand opening don't disappoint me yeah yeah yeah i'll see you in a second mr afton um this is bull crap it's total bull crap dude okay so we have to just check these monitors one by one i think so i mean at least to figure out i mean at least we have this monitor here that shows us where they are like i can see freddy's area you know i can see i can see bonnie's area chica's area yeah all right it looks like the cameras are working all pretty good oh there's chica hi chica okay yep i see opinion someone closed the curtains of foxy's pirate cove that's good wait william must have done it before he left he must have done it before we left okay well at least he's doing his job properly all right let me see i'm gonna check up oh hey bonnie is just kind of moving around acting kind of weird i guess it's going through its routine this is okay okay oh yeah i see that oh wow uh that's interesting yeah i mean they did they did say that they're gonna move around i guess as long as they don't move away from their area i i think we're fine let me check on uh let's see freddie's area i'm gonna check on foxy here super quickly yeah do that man uh i'm just going to keep on checking on all the cameras seeing if they all work there i think the curtains might have moved but i might be going crazy or something okay um 7b all right let me check out the main stage area oh i can see the you and me animatronics they're doing fine how's bonnie oh bonnie is oh no is he on i can't tell it's so dark on the camera i don't think bonnie's on stage anymore let me check hang on let me check that out at least we can check out the same camera that's different yeah that is nice uh let's see anything that's boxy i got it i got it okay we're in bonnie's rock zone yeah i can just see the gates uh um i i've probably closed the gate honestly for bonnie's let's see is this the right bonnie's okay i'm going to check up here this is this this isn't the chicas party world oh no this is the interior of bonnie's isn't it yeah i think it is okay you know what let's just see what something's going on uh it looks as if uh foxy is moving the curtains it looks like oh hey yeah i see that wait is foxy even in there i don't see foxy i saw foxy in there moving the curtains uh right before i went to go check the camera so oh boy okay i'm gonna seal the gate into pirate's cove then let's see okay okay we're good on the bright side it doesn't seem like we have any power that we have to really manage so that's good yeah okay okay let me check wait if bonnie bonnie yeah where's bonnie at bonnie's definitely you know he's not a stage bonnie's not there at all does that mean i have to go and like search it out and put it back oh my god you want me to close the gate here super quickly just to be sure that uh bonnie can't escape is it i thought i closed it already like okay i missed that my bad man uh let's see let me say uh okay cameras are so dark let me seal up foxy's cove too just in case okay let's see so i need to go to chica's bonnie's okay yeah you've closed the gates of that so yeah i closed at the north entrance at uh camera 6b so okay let me go let me click on that one yeah i think i closed that one um so i'm heading down you're going over there okay i guess i'm going down okay i'll be sure to open that up i'm gonna check on foxy here super quickly um uh okay foxy foxy what are you doing there foxy's gotten off the ship oh come on now the weather is getting bad why does it always have to freaking rain on me when i'm going out that's that's unfortunate this is so stupid i don't even have see as well there's no night vision on these things well no that costs extra money yeah true you're a little bit too cheap for that uh again when you get over there let me know i'll unlock the gate for you oh this is okay uh yeah this is a pretty oh come on this is like they don't pay me enough for this i don't pay me enough for this i should give myself a raise okay i i i'm at the gate so you can open it up now close again close the gate okay wait hold on okay are you okay yeah yeah bonnie just like came running at me i think he was trying to sneak out through the door as we opened it so okay okay yeah close the gate all right i got you okay it's closed good all right let me go and let me check up foxy here best of luck man okay where is that stupid rabbit i can't see anything i think i need to close the gates for hi there bonnie hey bonnie how's it going i don't know if anyone knows look at me that's right you're a good am i trying to get back on stage i didn't invent you well i didn't invent you but you know what i mean go go go go voice commands work surprised the rain doesn't screw with them either and i i thought that would be kind of a very obvious step to do you know yeah some of these cameras are going out at random too what do you mean i was just not seeing anything on the camera bonnie that is not the stage you get you get onto that stage you might keep an eye on bonnie bonnie get in that stage get in there okay bonnie should be getting onto his podium now so you can check on it uh yeah and i see you there too good job dude hey okay how was it stay there let your programs reset or what i don't i don't know i'm going to bring foxy here super quickly as well to make sure that foxy's gone back do you think i should go check on should i put foxy back in place too i'm not sure no it looks okay no i sorry the cameras are so hard to see it does look as if foxy's gone back onto the ship so i don't think we have anything to worry about in that regard man i'm gonna go and i'm gonna unlock those gate areas yeah please do now if bonnie is smart he'll stay on that podium okay and it won't try to sneak out while i'm going through here all right okay i just uh opened the south gate um let me go and let me check up on some of the other animatronics as well let me check up on freddy here super quickly just see what's going on okay just waiting outside this gate you know uh oh i'm sorry dan and something's going on with freddy as well let me check on that uh what do you mean what's going on with freddie something something really bad's going on with freddie with freddie okay what bad could be going on with freddy dude you're kind of scared freddie's head is looking really weird right now let me open up 6p so you can go over there yeah please yeah i i had sorry every single single gate was closed it was taking me a little bit to get to them but freddy's got like what is going on with freddy's head i don't know you need to get over there as fast as i'm coming dude i'm coming something's wrong something oh something's wrong i can feel it i don't know what you what could possibly be wrong with freddie other than like him moving around you're gonna have to see it to believe it man i don't know what's going on right now what the heck yeah that's that doesn't even make sense daddy why won't you let me play with her i'm sorry sweetheart she's just not done yet why don't you go along and play outside [Applause] honey sweetheart dan are you okay dan hey dan what happened uh why is freddy okay what what's going on i don't i don't know man dude i i just had like the the weirdest dream or was it a dream it feels it feels too real yeah his daughter got hit by a car i think like a car i felt really sad like really sad like unbridled rage sad do you know who it was no no no i couldn't i couldn't tell dude it's my mind's kind of all jumbled but i'm starting to i i feel like i i that's really weird yeah dude like do you have any idea what happened to freddy like why is freddy all of a suddenly okay like he was all messed up on the camera there and i show up here and he's fine now well maybe this didn't happen i mean we had weird stuff happen at the factory too but i mean the factory wait what you said you didn't remember the factory you remember the factory now i guess i do i mean like i don't remember i just remember there was a factory that's all i remember well speaking of that and speaking of the camera system i think we need to go back to our offices and check the cameras to make sure everything's actually yeah yeah yeah yeah you just like imagine everything yeah yeah you're right let me get the flashlight out okay yeah cause oh man okay last night like we had what we had bonnie walking off stage we had foxy messing around i mean yeah that's part of the i think that's pretty much for the course i have some pretty bad memories all in all but i have a feeling that this isn't going to get better as it goes along i have a feeling it's going to get a lot worse why you got to be such a worrywart man it's fine well for the issues that occurred at the factory and it was not a good thing so i'm just hoping it's not as bad wait what happened at the factory i don't think you want to know what i don't think you're ready to remember what happened at the factory yet but wait do you actually know i don't remember entirely i just remember that the animatronics really liked screwing around i have these like vivid memories of vixie being the worst of them all and i remember that at one point vixie climbed through a ventilation system to try and get at us it was brutal what do you mean by get at us they're just animatronics i mean mr afton would never design him to be like dangerous i don't know in that regard i might be imagining things but i remember things not being that good all right i'm gonna go and head into my office and and check on things all right cool man uh i don't know my head hurts kind of like really badly well yeah i mean i'm guessing you probably took a really bad fall yeah really i i mean i saw i saw okay what i remember is that i saw you know freddy he had that glowy green stuff on him and and then i just kind of blacked out wait wait wait wait wait where's vixie uh vixxy vixxi's not there and vinnie's just kind of i think he's just going through his subroutines but i don't see fixie anyway yeah i don't see him on the camera at all anywhere yeah vinnie's still there but you said vixie was a scary one so now i'm kind of worried yeah i mean vixen i don't see vixie on the gate cameras or anything like that i'm going to go ahead and i'm going to go through the routine here and try and check through everybody here uh let me see three that's where three is where foxy is so let's check on that foxy's doing okay barney's foxy's so that's weird huh yeah okay hopefully hopefully uh foxy doesn't move at all let me go ahead and check on the gates just to be sure no one's going into foxy's area man that haunted house is still so spooky what's weird what's weird is that like the the animatronics are moving now but they're kind of just doing their normal things which is good i mean they don't seem like they're really being we're imagining things i mean no because i mean we had to do what's up what's wrong i don't know i i think i just i hallucinated something don't worry about it okay okay we got foxy moving around maybe not a whole lot i just sort of see foxy in the uh you know in the chairs area right by the ship but really foxy is off the ship so oh yeah a little bit worried about that yo yo for me oh you know what what go ahead go ahead go ahead oh nothing it's just like i don't know why but i feel like i'm in a better mood than i was before i had the accident [Music] that's interesting hey hey hey uh and what's up uh where'd chica go where is our i was in some progress say that actually we haven't been checking up on chica all that often i just checked on chica like a minute ago chica's not there anymore no she's gone she is famous area i think it's 2b the one that goes there into oh yeah okay i see her i see her i closed the gate i closed the gate i think we're okay okay we're okay all right let me i gotta check on okay uh foxy is still just kind of roaming around bonnie's kind of just roaming around i'm still just trying to get used to that hey what is freddy doing in the haunted house freddie's in the haunted house are you serious yeah yeah what's he doing in there i almost didn't see freddy in there yeah it's spooky i don't know does he have anything marionette why it's just a puppet i don't hope i hope so yeah well he's definitely like freddie is definitely not at his post so he's kind of just gone for a walk let me let me see if let me see if chica's gone back again chica's not no chica's not back i think you might have to perform some uh uh uh what not back because chica's on top of the gate what wait wait which gate which gate which gate we could just jumped into the main stage area is way out of line chica chica where's chica where's she i'm looking at her on the camera oh there she is she she's coming from my door she's coming from my door aunt scare away wait wait i think i saw chica going for the main stage chica's going for the main stage well she was going for my door on the camera let me check him chica chica what are you doing dan can you go ahead and open up 2b i think it leads into chica's area a certain uh bad bad animatronic back to their area yeah there you go come on chica go and close it behind me please if you can that we need to even though it doesn't seem to help at all wait didn't he warn us about like the animatronics going out of their areas yeah but i mean that that makes sense to me that they would try you know they're curious but the gate was closed really oh hi there america okay chica chica come on come on chica you know where you know where you belong get back in there bonnie's still there foxy is just staring at the camera chica if i see you move again i might have to dismantle you don't do that again don't do that again oh chica looks so sad i mean sorry sorry but we had the gate closed we have where where is fixie dude where is fixie do i need to do you think you got it i mean is vixie escaped or no no i'm fine oh the marionette just moved a little bit oh boy serious yeah i thought that that thing can't move it's just a puppet we don't even have any circuitry for it ah should i head back even closer okay um yeah yeah you know what i had to head to your office or something um bonnie's fine are there any cameras that you're not checking up on i'm i'm like i'm fine uh the gate's closed going back into the main area from chica's area that's cameron you want me to open that for you yeah yeah i need to go ahead and i need to get through thank you i close it again though we don't have like any battery on these things right so like honestly why don't we just you know what okay we already got we got vinnie's area closed i mean clearly i think we should honestly keep them open clearly it's been proven at this point that the animatronic can jump over the wall so it seems like the gates don't really mean all that much well why why do we have the gates we designed the gates stop it well apparently this new ai that we got is a little bit it has too much intelligence and its artificial intelligence okay i'm getting kind of freaked out that marion that's getting too spooky for me it's getting too close to the camera dude what oh my god i checked on um the diner earlier and i saw that i saw the whatever's in there was out of position what is in there anyway i'm not sure what exactly it is he keeps on looking at me what is that i don't know what that is i i thought i hallucinated so that thing's real i don't know i'm like looking at the door the doors are open going into the back and i see like red on the wall or something i'm gonna go and check that out okay like that's probably just like that's probably like tomato sauce or something i mean it is like a pizzeria i don't know but i'm gonna go and i'm gonna walk over there but um you go ahead and you sit tight i mean you took a really hard all uh recently i need you to open up oh um marionette is gone where is the marionette i'll open it yeah but i'll open up your gate okay thank you i'll get through as quick as i can okay you can close it if you want though i might die yeah i don't i don't want to trap you in there okay where is that i'm going to get to the dining room where's that puppet at puppet oh oh oh i just saw it i just saw it i just saw it moving it's like hanging out with foxy right now oh no coming my way um i don't know what to do okay marionette's coming your way well okay he's not in the he's not here yet so that's okay i i i don't think i want to walk in there i don't think i want to walk in there that is exactly what i was fearing dan if you can't reopen 2b get to the diner as fast as you can we got a real problem here what could be the problem we got some blood on the floor in the diner that was not here before this definitely was not here before i remember walking this area [Music] is near my office but don't worry it's it's friendly be sure be sure the gate coming uh towards this area is open yeah it is so where'd it go okay where it was just it was just here it was just it was right here i did not i did not hallucinate yeah i just trust me oh there we are okay get away get away what the frick is that oh hey chicken get back to your spot yeah little stupid turkey i know you're a chicken get over there yeah go i don't have time to do your crap oh what are you on right now seriously okay these things were safe and like suddenly nothing seemed safe anymore okay but seriously okay i'll lead the way but something's wrong in the diner here i mean seriously when you come out back here this guy is moved right here don't know what he's called and there's blood right here i haven't gone any further than this though do you want to check that out why is my head feel funny when i'm looking at this kind of stuff i i don't want to you go in first okay okay what the what is this oh those are the are these our office well no wonder they didn't show up wait what are they here they're dead these are supposed to be the guys on shift tonight [Music] and who could have done this i don't know no one showed up to work and the park opens and wait wasn't it supposed to open a few days ago oh dude this is going to be a pr nightmare and these poor people their families will never get to see them again well what can we do we need to call the cops we've got to let someone know but wouldn't we be under suspicion for being the ones who did it ourselves we're the only ones here the cops could look at the security footage ant they'll be able to tell it wasn't us i'll go back to the office and call the cops then okay i'll stay here and hang with these poor guys hello hello this is the hurricane police department please state your emergency two of our security guards have been found murdered we're at the new theme park that's supposed to open soon this is yes i'm trying to tell you that we found two of our security guards dead send help immediately there's figures another cliche who are you what's that in your hand no don't get any closer no [Applause] what was i doing oh right i guess you should go tell dan the police didn't pick up oh billy and billy what did you see in your final moments who did this to you oh and you're back um what the cops say i couldn't get through to them what yeah the line seems to be down they just got a dial tone what do we do now actually i got a pretty good idea really what is it follow me um okay so ant you said you had an idea of something yeah um i was reading through the instruction manuals and i found out that for whatever reason there's a satellite phone not in our offices where that would make sense but they're in the marionette house yeah that does not make sense at all what the heck i don't know i have a feeling it was a cost-saving measure by mr afton or something like that but that that doesn't make any sense i mean if we had an issue if we had an emergency we would be in our offices well the security guys i mean we're not the actual security guys but the game is closed right not just in front of me wait we're the only ones that can do that right someone has to be on the camera system in order for that gate to close is someone else here i'm not going that way if that's if that is anybody they lose that they they killed the two other guys so i know say i firmly remember seeing those other two guys as dead so we need to check out before they wind up before they wind up uh closing the other gates on us i mean yeah they kind of suck to be trapped in here with dead bodies yeah do we do we have to though cause like we don't got any weapons or expertise you know it would be good as a security guard if i don't know maybe they gave us like a billy club or like a taser gun or maybe an actual gun those would be really useful right about now well an actual gun you're a big proponent for like no guns like you just don't like guns usually like but they put us in such a dangerous position that it seems like maybe it'd be something and maybe it would be the best resort right now honestly uh okay you're being followed oh hi there bonnie um okay we we need to go quickly before i don't know they want it closing the gates on us or something because at any moment we could get trapped in any one of these sections okay there's chica right there hey chica is bonnie bobby's still right behind us and bonnie is going fast yeah we gotta go we need to run i'm way ahead of you i'm doing the the fastest thing i can do all right all right okay they're still going slow good um okay let's okay i i don't want to go up here but there let me know if you find anything up there and i'll let you know as well but if there's nobody in our offices we need to check all the cameras make sure the gates are unlocked i see that vinnie's wild west entrance over here is unlocked so i think we're good on that front okay i'm up in the tower now um i've got my update hold on i'm gonna put my phone i'm gonna put my phone this is my phone it's my flashlight my flashlight my hand so i can like use as a weapon okay okay no it feels like something might be weird in my room but i don't see anyone here i think we're okay hey everything seems pretty okay up here as well um we'll just check something harder it's racing right now put this in my hand okay then he's in his little room right over there we've got we've got uh i don't even know where this is but it's dark pirates cove bonnie is obviously gone so aunt what's going on i have an idea what there's there's something gray in the the vents on are you serious it's like a is that a head it's uh i don't know it's like sideways too i can't tell what it is oh god yeah it's something oh i i have an idea i think what you need to do is head to the marionette house through the west area of the park i just thought how we're in the elevator out there's nicest days it's in the elevator it's in the elevator this is still in the elevator oh okay it's not in there anymore oh um uh we're okay i'm outside wait where are you i'm gonna have to stay here and check up on the cameras because i mean if these gates are just locking themselves or if there's someone else controlling them i have to be here to combat them she goes up on top of her party world again all right so where should i go what should i do what should i do you need to take the west area you need to go west do not go east again go west go through foxy's area and get to the hills that way okay and let me know when you're in fox's area i'm going to be monitoring 5b just to be sure that that gate stays open for you because the other on the other end that's where the gate closed so i want to be sure that you're good yeah okay i'm in i'm in vinnie's now i tried going through the uh the wild or like the gift shop but nothing happened so uh should i just go the way which way should i go check that camera for you uh because they're like right here you should take there's two routes right yeah you need to take the shorter route i don't think there's an animatronic in that route uh the shortest is going to be the way to go in this case all right i i can deal with that that that sounds like a good idea okay go just just go as fast as you can let me know when you're in foxy's area i gotta check on them too because if they come up from behind me the great thing is really fast okay i'm unboxing fire oh hi foxy hey what's up oh he's running at me oh boy okay um get over there i'm coming i'm coming ah no get it away from me anne uh aunt the gate's closed the gate is closed open the gate and open the gate open open the gate open okay i have to get away from this i have to get away from this don't attack me foxy i thought we were friends actually oh no i never thought i was friends with the animatronics but still don't attack me you're following me all the way over here aunt ant can you hear me at aunt okay i can see his room up here okay i'm gonna go up there and say see what's going on aunt foxy leave me alone okay ants i'm coming up the staircase or the elevator whatever it is and he's not down here at why is the marionette in here [Music] i can hear stuff aunt are you in the all right stay away from me marionette um okay he's not in here where did it go at it look at the window maybe he's like outside i can't see anything it's pitch black out there and the marionette's freaking me out what's it even doing in his office hey hello oh looks like the animatronics oh well there's freddy or that's foxy isn't it okay foxy hey uh you guys can all quit being evil okay i'm just gonna go look for ant why is this door open [Music] yeah you can't open that door can you didn't think so you stupid no no no they can't oh okay okay this is bad this is bad this is bad it's bad it's bad that's bad that's bad that's bad okay where where am i they're going okay doors open i don't know where any of these doors go ugh okay there's no way it's in here aunt aunt on the off chance you're in here say something this is not cool this is not a cool place oh chica how'd you get here oh it's like a party it's like a party of animatronics and i'm invited to die all right uh not gonna let that happen not gonna let that happen nope nope guys stay stay your pace stay at your pace okay just gonna go this way there'll be nothing nothing bad happening oh no hi what the heck barney please be nice let me go pass let me go past you thank you very much bonnie i love you oh these bodies seem nice oh but she's following me now okay oh freddy hey you want to enjoy the party too okay okay hey you guys are all great i is this stan uh aunt i was just chased by like all the animatro there they are wow wait okay sorry why are they what happened they look like they're afraid of you for some reason suddenly i just couldn't hear you oh wow you are you've had a busy couple of minutes uh there's like all five of them down there okay well even more we're right here where where is this is this is this like the generator just all of us maybe all of a sudden i couldn't hear you so i ran i ran out of the office i had a feeling that you were gonna wind up coming through this way how i don't know i checked the other gate you weren't there so i came here where are we this doesn't look familiar to me it does yeah um when we were checking out the park a couple of days ago we're we're right by the we're in freddy's hills right now what let me go and let me close these doors oh okay yeah you do not know the kind of crap i just went through aunt like everything was on my butt everything talk me talk me through what happened um well you shut off uh and then like foxy attacked me and then i i went to your tower you weren't there the marriott that was in your room for some reason are you serious there's nothing in my room when i was in there nothing that i could see anyways well it was there and then like i saw this door open and it was like to a building i hadn't been to yet and so i decided to see if you would have gone through there and apparently you hadn't but it got me over here so i guess that's cool i'm willing to find whatever weapons it takes and just take this to the next level i i really i want these animatronics dead this if that's what it takes at this point if this park needs to remain closed that's what we're gonna have to do really i mean uh you're probably right so this is the way the satellite phone is right yeah it's it's in the marionette house uh go go ahead first you want me to go fast okay yeah yeah the marion is definitely not in here okay so where is that satellite phone [Music] [Music] [Music] one has finally stopped and that's not funny open the door open the door why won't this open come on dude dude why would you do this to me i thought we were friends i thought we freaking hosted this theme parked yeah why does my head hurt oh wait we never hosted a theme park how how did i even get here what's what's going ah never mind let me just figure out a way to get out of here uh okay let's try this what the heck wait wait that's that's part of the that's part of the door that's the trick right let me turn on the flashlight yeah okay so it's like a little hallway with a red glowing light definitely not a way i can come out uh ant would you please yeah yeah there's nowhere left to run well you locked me in here yeah there's nowhere to run there's no way to run okay i'm talking like an idiot because wait the door just opened but why is there nothing outside wait did you seal the door aunt why is it oh my what the heck how am i supposed to get out of here how am i supposed to get out of here okay let me try this door that looks like a dead end too wait oh it's not okay so i can just follow this i'll wait but no it it leads to a dead end i mean it's just glass in front of me okay broke through i don't think he knows i'm out here yet let's go through the forest okay this is not normal this is not normal what has happened to ant i don't understand what's going on okay i gotta i gotta get out of here i don't care anymore if ant's been compromised then i i just need to find the police dan join us forever in torment nope nope nope nope i am not joining you aunt i'm i don't even know what's go oh he's jail okay he's chasing after me and he is not alone uh okay i need i need to get out of here uh which i can just head through foxy's pirate cove right so okay oh nope he's definitely still on my tail okay uh well this is this is great what is going on did that guy the guy did he get a hold of ant or something this is not cool okay there's no one left to defend what does that even mean that doesn't even oh i'm not liking this at all aunt are you still in there maybe this is just wait is this the animatronic that's up on the stage do that thing oh no the gate's closed oh gosh oh where are they coming from where are they coming from i can't tell i don't want to run directly into them but i'm going to have to go back i can't i can't get past that that's a gate wait why are you running from the stand i don't know where you are but i don't think you're the real ant they're waiting for me they know they know that i'm down there like they know that i can't go oh no there's nowhere left to run man i i i guess you've got that right but wait let me climb over this okay oh no no i can't what do you mean oh come on that was so oh no no no no no okay maybe maybe i can find a way oh boy pass this okay back here now i don't think they know i'm over here okay i can actually use this to my advantage if i sneak over here they have no idea i'm here maybe i can use this as a way to trick them out okay oh no no no okay so i can't i can't go straight that way okay just gotta gotta figure okay come on up there's nowhere left to run i don't think they see me i don't think they see me this is working this is actually it's actually working okay where did they go uh oh nope they're still there join us forever in torment i i'm not joining you guys join us dan i'm i'm not joanna no no no you stay back stand back stay back join us and what happened to your face there's nowhere left to run yeah there is yes there is there is a way to run i'm going i'm going oh gosh oh oh no no no no no no no no okay okay okay okay okay okay hey come on come on come on come on okay go this way this should pop me out near the rock zone oh no this is the fazbear fried um oh gosh okay if i keep on going this is not cool this is not cool this is not cool oh oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy i don't think they can see me though um this is this is not good what's going on that is definitely not ant that is definitely not ant okay well i don't think they're here anymore so if i can just get through here go through chica's party world and then i should be able to get out i'm just going to leave i don't i don't care anymore maybe maybe ant's still how wait that's not ann is it is that it wait no that's still the enemy how did he get over there okay um join us forever join us forever in torment i'm not joining you join us join us join all of us [Music] okay now it's voice boxes getting all glitchy i'm not i'm not really liking this oh no no no no how am i going to get past this seems like nothing else is over here though so that's okay so oh oh come on what am i supposed to do wait wait what if i go in here okay this is this is very empty in here i don't think they know i'm in here maybe i can use this side door as long as they start looking through the rock zone i should be able to get past them but they're going to stand still i don't know if i'm going to have any chances oh no because i know they can't i know they don't know where i'm at i have to keep my flashlight closed so i don't oh he's looking he's looking around oh no oh they're all looking for me oh oh okay now he's not even talking to me must be on a loop of something why are you running from the stand yeah okay so that's the case then maybe i should be able to outsmart these these things are just machines okay they're still looking they're looking through the chicas party room now okay maybe if i can bolt into the diner it'll be fine okay yeah just what i thought there's there's nothing in here oh there's still the blood of the security guards so these their bodies are still here they must have done that oh no okay well if i sneak in through that aha yes this is working okay [Music] oh no no no no no okay oh oh they're all they're all coming ah no that didn't work that did not work close the door oh okay oh no oh no i don't want i don't want to join you i don't want to join you i i don't want to oh no no no no no no no oh i just lost my freaking flashlight oh no no no no no no oh [Music] no there is no one left to defend am ahead of them though so i can i can get out of here i can totally get i can get out of here you will experience the tournament man i don't want to experience any form of anything with you guys okay i'm getting out of here i'm going to tell the police what happened and i'm just going to go home and cry i'm just getting out of here this is crazy this is not normal this is evil this place is terrible looks like they can't leave the park well so long freddy fazbear's fun park just keep on [Music] finally a house hello hello do you have a phone i could use i really need to call the cops you're gonna be here any second hello i can hear their laughter guys let me in oh that worked okay well oh god it stinks in here it really must well okay that makes sense the rain's leaking through the wall oh gosh there's probably black mold everywhere this house looks abandoned what what this tv has power it doesn't have cable but it's got it's connected to the window okay well besides that if the tv's got power that means that the power lines are working the power lines are working that means that maybe the phone lines are not down so all i got to do i just got to find a phone call the cops get them over here tell them what's going on they can figure this out i'll go home and i'll put this behind me all right where would a phone be no okay what's in here it's like a bedroom all right i see a phone in there another bedroom this one's really empty it's like they took everything and left what's going on so i didn't really check this room out but it seems like it's like a staircase to the attic i don't think there's gonna be a phone up there all right let's see where would a phone okay this is definitely like an 80s era house like this is not this is not a modern day house for sure there wasn't smart phones or anything like that so they had to be a cordless phone or corded phone maybe if they had a cordless phone but anyway there's a phone somewhere i just gotta find it it's not in the kitchen on the dining area come on this family has to have a phone how would they like talk to people doesn't make sense oh no that that's not blood is it that's totally blood no you know what no that's that's strawberry jam these people these people just like made jam all the time that's that's totally it that that makes way more sense than an animatronic came down here murdered everyone in the house and it's probably in one of these rooms lying in wait to kill me okay there's no phone in here okay this room's literally empty what am i supposed to do okay this room has got nothing oh there's nothing here there's not one phone what kind of house doesn't have a phone oh what's the point i was i saw this place thought it would be at least a way to you know figure out what's going on call the cops but this place just makes more questions really it smells terrible there's no one here i mean what's going on wait wait there's that building over there i could probably probably go check that out and it's better than just sitting here waiting for the animatronics to get me alright feels real huh what the heck this house the ground the park memphis actually exists what are you talking about you're trapped inside your own head seeing the things he wanted you to see thinking the things he wanted you to think what what he wants me to think oh recording my manners i should probably start from the top all right your name's michael michael afton afton you you mean like yeah that's right my mr afton's son his actual one anyway you're his son i don't understand well to be fair you're not supposed to i mean you stumbled into something no one was supposed to find out about you actually witnessed him in the act the act wait do you mean the man who killed billy at your birthday party was my father your dad killed billy what are you here for i'm here to help you now you can either sit there and listen or let my father kill you just like he killed your friend but you said this place isn't real wouldn't ant still be alive trust me the danger you're in is very real indeed now you're gonna let me talk as you probably know my father was a very gifted roboticist oh he loved us he was too much of a workaholic he'd stay in that garage of his from dawn till dusk tinkering with its latest animatronic so it was up to me to take care of my little sister oh you should have seen her kidney boy she was just a little sparkle of sunshine honestly we couldn't find a lovelier creature on god's green earth but then one day while i was at school my sister got hit by the car while she was outside playing quite instantly obviously both me and father were very distraught i hope i haven't been unsavory lifestyle did he cope with my devoting himself to animatronics even more after her funeral he never left the garage and as soon as i turned 18 i was out of there well i'm i'm sorry about your sister yeah it sucked but i managed to get over it father on the other hand did not a couple years pass and i get a phone call from him he tells me that he's somehow saved my sister that she's in trouble but then i need to head back home to rescue her that's all i remember i must have died soon after i'm sorry what was your sister's name i i feel bad for you but what am i supposed to do now you've told me all this stuff but i i don't really see how this helps me out [Music] now i don't know what's going on this is uh fine i'm going to head back to the fun part so i guess i'm heading there all right i've made it back to the fun part i really don't want to go back but michael said that i need to so i guess i'm following his orders now i mean he he kind of seemed like he knew what he was talking about you know seeing as apparently his dad created all the animatronics and this is just not a good situation wait william what are you doing here dan dan oh thank goodness you're all right i was really worried uh yeah it's been a crazy week uh where have you been like we sent you home for the past couple of days and haven't heard from you since well ant called just a little bit ago and said something was going on at the park so i rushed over to make sure you were all right well yeah something's really going on at the park for sure wait aunt called you yeah where is he by the way wait when it when did he call you oh just a little bit ago not long like an hour ago a couple of hours ago a day ago when so something like that why don't you come inside and we can wait for the police to arrive um wait you called the police well of course i wanted to make sure everything was safe here wait you but you actually got through to the police well yeah okay okay wait hold on something's not adding up here we tried calling the police like a lot of times and we didn't get nobody in fact like the phone lines haven't been working oh wait a minute oh [Laughter] oh you almost got me you you whoo oh okay yeah yeah you you sure almost got me but why don't you come inside the park we can wait for the police yeah you know you know what i don't think i'm gonna do that you see i i just realized something something just dawned to me there there's only been there's been me there's been ant and there's been you i i haven't seen anyone else i haven't seen any customers all week i haven't seen any security guards all week and the only ones well i have but they've been dead and i i feel like it's good it's easy enough for you to fake a dead body i really do especially here because this is really impressive work i i've spoken to michael i know exactly what's going on now william we're oh do you still want me to call you ronaldo because that's fake too isn't it you're the one behind all of this aren't you billy or should i call you ronaldo so it really is true all of this has been fake why are you doing this why a fun park why me and why did you kill aunt wait his soul you're crazy killed my friend you don't think i know how it feels i'm not going to let you get away with this ronaldo or william afton or whatever else you want to be called by i don't even know anymore and i can't think straight cuz you've got these you got foxy on my tail get away foxy okay oh oh where foxy go and hi vinny you look you look different i i don't like this i don't like oh hi he tried to flank me okay i said oh oh freddy tried flanking me too great it's just a party of flanking a flank party so yep he's still behind me okay let me just try to collect my thoughts like but like i gotta make sure the animatronics don't actually catch up to me okay so what what what am i i gotta piece together so aunt's dead ronaldo or william afghan or whatever tried using aunt's soul to revive his dead daughter but apparently that didn't take foxy still chasing me and wait i just got an idea what if i can i can trick foxy just get away from them collect my thoughts yeah okay i think i've lost them already which is good so if i just go through here oh no nope did not lose him did not lose him at all okay well this is embarrassing i just got outsmarted by an animatronic but i don't think they can open doors or anything like that so wait no they can they can totally open doors but i guess he gave up is that what oh hi hi freddy ah how you doing um i'm just gonna go this way then yeah this will this will work okay okay this is this is bad this is just bad i don't know what to do in this situation if this is my dream i need to wake up somehow but i don't know how i don't know if i'm safe here but i mean i don't think i am aunt oh what's around this corner yep yep i hope he didn't see me okay we're just gonna go this way then yep oh okay oh please not trying to get on my yep oh hi freddy they are a lot smarter than i remember oh yep hi foxy um yeah you just gonna let me pass is that what's going on what's what's going on here i i don't think they're actually trying to kill me i think they're just trying to keep me distracted so i can't think this out but i got an idea what if we go into this bounce house i don't think the animatronics can jump and if i oh it's really bouncing in here okay climbing up all right i don't think they can get up here so i'm just going to turn off my lamp for my flashlight and i'm just going to try to collect my thoughts michael dude don't do that i'm like freaking on edge right now okay you need to get to the room you could originally woke up and do you remember um wait had cages in it i think yeah that's the one go there and pastor the thing that doesn't belong i should wake you up the thing that doesn't belong you're not making any sense i mean thank you for all the help but no problem just do one thing for me when you're out okay yeah what do you want stop my dad from doing this ever again yeah i could do that now i'll do it yeah oh this is bouncy bouncy oh oh i should get the flashlight out okay there we go okay wait so they gotta go to that that room with the cages like i remember the cages they're yeah it was like right next to the golden freddy uh stage thing so i guess wait so is it really that easy do i just have to go back there is that all it is i can finally be out of this nightmare that's gonna be great okay i'm just gonna run there and put a stop to all this where'd the animatronics go i'm not seeing any i'm i'm pretty okay with that though oh gosh oh god he's right behind me foxy get away get away foxy are you still after me okay oh hi aunt oh there's two of you that's weird all right this is the door to the room i'm pretty sure wait i can't i can't open it i can't open it ah no is it it's electronically locked isn't it i gotta open this i gotta oh man if it's electronically locked i got to turn off the power and the only way to do that is turn off the generator so uh this is not oh gosh oh daddy get away from me foxy get out of here oh he's up nope nope this is not cool it's not cool why is foxy know how to open doors doesn't matter i'm gonna get out of here this is so bad now i'm down in this tunnel i know i know there's got to be animatronics out here that are going to pop out at me i got me foxy's on my tail but it's okay it's okay michael he told me he told me what to do so i just gotta i just gotta do do what i can make sure that they don't get me oh yep yep some oh oh hi yeah aunt i love you but this is not how i want to see you again man okay what would you have in your hmm there freddy that was weird okay uh the stupid hallway sucks i hate it oh hi bonnie yeah every it's just a big party for everyone hey aunt okay i just want to not die okay you guys can quit following me ronaldo i'm not giving up though i'm not losing but get called your stupid goons off me [Music] hey how'd you get guys i'll do it i'll turn this i'll turn it all off okay i'm doing it ah there we go oh what do i do i'm trapped i'm trapped what do i do what do i do what do i do um yeah nope nope nope nope nope nope i do not like this ronaldo i just want to live in peace okay i turned the switch off like he knows what i'm doing he knows that i'm oh no that's that's not how those lamps are supposed to look okay so this is what happened when you turn off the power my mind is screwed up this is all in my mind this is messed up i do to deserve this i mean yeah i get it i i witnessed him kill those two kids they don't even turn off all the powers like there's still some lights on my mind's not even strong enough to do that correctly but it looks like all the animatronics don't know where i am now maybe maybe me turning off the at least auxiliary power maybe that did something i don't know but i'm okay with this i don't want to be chased that's pitch black now oh oh hi aunt okay yep it's okay i know where i got to go i know what i got to do i know what i got to do ah they still behind me i don't know where i am okay good this is so well lit this is this is spooky [Music] hi freddy i'm foxy as long as you're behind me i'm okay with that [Music] just got to keep running i'm almost there i'm almost out of this nightmare oh okay [Music] i don't like it when they disappear on me that's not cool oh i gotta get past i gotta get past gotta get out of this i gotta get out of this nightmare [Music] all right here i go wait i remember this yeah me and aunt were in these cages but we got out and tried going for the doorwhen ronaldo i'm sick of your games all right michael thanks for everything here goes [Music] oh everything hurts oh where am i okay that's blood oh that's blood too oh okay what what what what what is this oh no ronaldo what'd you do what'd you do uh that that's that's definitely a heart monitor and that's that's an iv drip full of something that definitely doesn't look like saline solution was that just was that in my blood how long have i been out and what's with all this blood wait aunt ant aunt ant it's it's aunt skirt skirt with the factory it's supposed to protect us this chica's cupcake yep so this is definitely this is definitely ronaldo this is definitely you know what i'm gonna put on the skirt oh no and what do i do van's gone i don't know what to do uh okay yeah there's a cupcake surrounded by blood that sounds like it bodes very well for my friend okay how do i get out of here how do i get out of here uh see vents i see a door okay yep of course the door is locked and i don't see an actual lock on it so it has to be electronic oh what do i do did you hear that uh okay i'm hiding i'm hiding i'm hiding i'm hiding oh what is that that's a new animatronic i don't think it saw me though okay okay you know what dan you you've you've been through this like two times and the third time you include that weird dream you just had oh was that real is that actually dead it's like there's like pills here and stuff i mean i'm wearing the skirt and it was here i don't think anyone else would wear an emerald skirt oh wait but we were at the factory this this wasn't part of the freaking factory tour okay you know what i better just look around or that animatronic is going to come back so i'm not going that way so it can crawl through the freaking vents uh but you know what if it came from this vent then that means there's probably no animatronics over here so if i just crawl through the vent like this oh that is a musty place oh maybe this will lead to like a place where i can i can go somewhere or it could just be a storage room full of discarded animatronic parts like oh like this freddy and bonnie and an endoskeleton yeah this is not cool okay well there's there's new posters here where oh what are you you look you look kind of like freddy but you gotta you got a bonnie puppet on your hand like comparatively to like all the other animatronics you look kind of nice okay is there a way out of here is there like you know a door or a trap door or an oh there's a security camera okay hey ronaldo i know you're watching stop this this is madness okay it's not gonna bring your daughter back they're like maybe a secret door behind the poster like in shawshank no wait this looks kind of like my desk back at the freaking pizza place there's another chica cupcake wait is this a switch maybe this opens the door nope nope just turns off the light okay yeah turning that back on okay ah jk hey hey hey there no no okay aha you're too big to fit through the vents not in the vent no no no that's right that's right okay okay well animatronics are stopped to get me oh did that open the door that do anything i didn't hear anything happen nope the door's still closed well now what i think the only other way is through that vent oh okay i'm just gonna take a little peek through the crack on okay well that doesn't bode badly there's a ladder leading upwards or a fork in the road okay if i was an animatronic i probably couldn't climb up platters but that's what i'd want them to think i'm gonna go this way okay here we go who knows maybe this is like towards the back of the building and i could just fall into a dumpster and run out of there and call the cops and tell them that a bunch of toy chucky cheese rejects are trying to kill me the guy is putting my friend's soul inside his daughter that sounds really wrong out of context okay yeah this is definite oh oh come on i know you you're golden freddy i've had to deal with you before what are you doing here what are you doing here you're guarding a key i could i could see the key i don't i don't want to [Music] oh great dead bodies my favorite what is this place all right hi golden freddy definitely you're surrounded by your corpses uh what i assume to be children all right well i'm just going to take this key and go now [Music] oh okay yep yep i thought that was gonna happen okay well uh hopefully this key will get me out of here wait wait i don't think the the door doesn't have a keyhole though what does this key go to then why is this key protected by golden freddy oh okay okay okay it's 1 a.m is working at least which i have to say somehow it makes me feel better i don't know why i guess knowing that i'm going to die at 2am in the morning or something that that'd probably make you feel a little better about it at least you know at least you know the facts the proof the consequences all right i'm going to try the key on the door even though i have no hope that it's going to freaking work yeah yep this is just me bashing the door with a key all right well i've exhausted all my options except one all right maybe i could just stay in the infirmary you know it's not that bad there's beds and uh a defibrillator that could be useful oh what did why why why ronaldo okay okay what kind of oh what is this this is like a maze okay great okay that scared me for a second there i thought that was like an animatronic was just a crappy piece of wall art made by kids oh great to know that they're still freddy stuff and arcade machines that's kind of cool what is this like a weird storage bin it's so dark over here too all right well i already have a bad sense of direction putting me in a freaking maze is just mean oh i ended up going the same way i just came from all right all right oh this is really dark over here um about over here oh this looks like it could be something oh it's definitely something hi foxy oh what's up um oh you're guarding the switch lovely well you know you know i'm just uh just here in the neighborhood you seem like you're deactivated so i'm uh [Applause] i'll turn the lights on and i think i heard a door open somewhere so yeah i'm just uh i'm going now bye-bye okay just checking to make sure oh yep i thought that would happen i thought that would happen okay oh hi there how's it how's animatronics have to try to kill me yeah oh yep oh okay oh okay you know what i'm just i'm just gonna i don't think he knows where i am okay i can find his grandfather clocks a good idea all right what do i what do i do now i'm just going to peek over oh hi golden freddy what's up oh [ __ ] okay okay oh my goodness oh what is this place oh it's like a i would say they can't get through there but i just saw foxy try opening the door but i think that was me the key hey it's like he who controls the key controls the power and i don't know where this is i don't know what this is it's just like a like a kitchen or something i can hear the animatronics around here but i don't think they can actually get inside so that's that's a good thing um maybe there's some cookies oh they're stale what was i thinking there's a spider web in here oh okay well exit is what to do aunt ant is that you oh it's gone what just happened to the lights okay this this is not bowed well red is bad red is dead um oh did someone trip an alarm or something oh that thing is gone too right uh-huh okay i don't know you know i just went out of here i think i'm hallucinating i think i hallucinated and talked to me or maybe he's alive maybe aunt's alive you know what let's just go with that yeah let's go with that that makes more sense that makes me feel way more hopeful about myself this door is not opening the store's not opening use the key keys doesn't work on door you know what screw this key i don't care about the key anymore okay what do i do you know what i bet it's like an electronic lock again um uh let's go back in here does that do anything that just opens that door which makes sense what about the microwave maybe i can press in some buttons it'll open the door nope okay one one one one one two 1983 oh come on i thought that would work all right you know what whatever um is there anything here nothing here just a door just a door leading to a room that i bet has something in it that i will not want to see okay okay whoa okay i just got blasted by a freaking hot air um what is in here okay it smells kind of like barbecue it smells pretty nice actually what's the smell uh oh oh it's cooked people that's cooked people i just that smells good okay you know what maybe cannibals aren't that bad but that smells pretty delicious oh that that's me being really morbid okay yeah just trying to think grove did ronaldo do this to ant if i was if i was a murderer i would totally dispose of the bodies this way and i mean there's proof there's a dead corpse over here and a bone in front of the lava oh and i hope you're really not dead okay there's a switch but that opens the door yeah i definitely just heard something okay well you know what i just want to get out of here i just want to get out i can find aunt and get him out of here too that'd be great but i'm not liking oh i got the key back not liking the look at this place oh yeah what kind of fever dream is this place all these bonnies and freddies hanging from chains and it's hot as heck in here by the way holy oh that's a pit of lava that one that's known that's a river of lava sorry correction what is this some sort of freaking foundry so this must be where ronaldo makes all the animatronics i thought that that was the factory's job what's this doing over here we got endoskeletons they look like they haven't been used in a long time oh man okay well i'm not seeing any actual animatronics these guys are all on stand so i don't think they can move there's a lot of freddies around here though oh there there's an animatronic but it doesn't have an arm and it doesn't have a face so maybe it can't do anything is that a bonnie and it's a bonnie there's a foxy oh i think he can see me oh can he yeah i'm just gonna yup yup yup okay okay oh there's a room here up oh i didn't close the door oh okay that's a lot smarter than the animatronics i've dealt with before okay you know what foxy there's like a picture of him right here let's play let's not okay all right okay yep yep okay oh holy crap okay i guess the body thing can move i guess that's the case there's freddy on the floor i can see you freddie no i'm just gonna i'm just going to hide in the bathroom get away from bonnie get away from foxy you know what i'm just gonna go in this stall yep just gonna sit on the toilet maybe i don't think an animatronic would deal with someone on the toilet it doesn't seem like a thing i think i hear footsteps uh okay that was the door opening no let's just go higher up on the toilet yep [Music] okay let's just peek around the edge way to go whoa where to go i i i did not hallucinate that okay okay um okay oh look it's a lovely room of death and by that i mean all the fredbears that's actually kind of cool there's there's fun time there's toy i guess two different versions of freddy well i i don't like this i just don't like this i can hear it moving around okay okay go through the exit exit it's an elevator it's a locked elevator oh hi freddy oh oh hey hey okay uh you know what hey you're just in the skeleton i don't think you can do anything hey where am i some sort of breaker room wait maybe i can turn back on the elevator um okay this one that do it i don't think he can see me oh [Music] okay that didn't do it what about this one oh he's gone okay and no the elevator is still closed crap ugh i do i did it i was just really pressing the buttons too oh man oh oh it feels good he's gone okay so you just have to oh i don't like this elevator music [Music] okay i think the elevator stopped oh hi the show will begin momentarily the show is about to begin wait what i'm not like the others i know who you are dan i can help you i know you want to leave here i know about your friend wait did you know about aunt jesse all right i do but you'll have to help me first of course i do what do you want i'm trapped here it's where he sends all malfunctions to be scooped i don't want to be scooped i don't deserve to be scooped you must free me but i warn you it will be dangerous like everything else hasn't been dangerous you are quite right however this time things are different you'll have me with you i can help you protect you at least until i'm free you'll just have to do exactly as i say and how are you gonna do that you're trapped in there you'll be able to hear me no matter where you are trust me okay i i guess i trust you whatever if you if you want to help me out that's fine i ah okay well i guess i should start looking over here oh okay that's a dead end uh so i guess we go this way then whoa this doesn't look like the rest of the facility what's going on here this place has been sealed off for many decades it used to be a warehouse for a very popular restaurant not unlike the fazbear's pizza which you know i guess you could call it a sister location um okay i guess that's that's cool to know oh that's a new one you need to be careful in this room the spirit inhabiting this vessel is easily formed but also easily angered there should be a vent on the far side of the room if you can see it reach it okay make sure to speak in only a whisper okay and if it notices you do not move not even if he is inches in front of your very face understand i didn't even say anything what the heck was that about okay hi there weird foxy animatronic i'm just gonna i'm just gonna slowly slowly walk my way through this room don't don't pay me any attention okay i'm just whispering and maybe i should even whisper but i whisper when i'm nervous i talk when i'm nervous just just leave me alone just leave me alone okay okay you know what this is going okay let's go oh my toe hey now go away please [Music] you know what i don't got time for this i'm running well it looks like at least you can't get through the vents so i guess i'm okay in here which i guess is comforting in a little bit but look there's stuff ahead there's a whole other vent and i bet there's something bad on the other side of that vent and look where what is this room about room is just used for maintenance proceed to the other side wait there's an exit right there hey uh can i could i just go through here check it out at least you know and if there's a way out maybe i'll take that instead i have no bearing on your task do not get sidetracked but can i come on look there's an elevator oh caution okay well look there's an elevator right here it doesn't work it seems like but it's right here is is this the way up she's not responding to me i guess i gotta actually follow her orders maybe that's what gets the elevator on okay i guess climb through this vent then oh what is that is that like some sort of ballerina oh there's a lot of them oh i don't like the looks of this this is my bloor's room stay quiet and low to the ground your goal is on the other side of the room head softly for even the lightest of noises when ray jack great it's another freaking sound room what's with these animatronics here and they're overreacting the sound you know what it's fine i'll just be quiet i can be quiet i can deal with it watch i'll be as soon as uh did they just talk to me i can hear someone creeping through my room no one's here no one's here okay okay i'd even be more quiet okay yeah just just don't pay me any mind i'm just uh i'm just a little passerby just trying to get to that room over there that's right that is just your imagination you see no one's here no one's here at all just let me okay [Music] clean the cabinets head that way okay i'm going oh there's a freddy thing are they oh my [Music] what did i say they've returned back to their stage try again and be quiet this time all right oh man those things were freaking terrifying they're so small they should be not scary but for some reason they're really scary to me i'm not looking forward to this i'm really not why why can't you do this again oh wait you're trapped in that room that makes sense now okay well at least you're not in here again so i guess they really back our on the stage yep there they are all right well let's try this again okay so this time i'm going to be really really quiet just make sure that i can just watch my footsteps make sure that nothing nothing happens [Music] [Music] you finally arrived now reset the breaker and set me free okay but what about funtime freddy over here is he is he he's going to kill me again right right why mess with the breaker he's going to try to do something funny i don't i have my eye on you front time freddie yeah yeah you have your oh what are you looking at okay you know what i don't care i'm just going to get this done get this over done with okay which breaker do i flip yeah which one can you tell me you want to help me out instead of trying to kill me that'd be nice okay i'm just going to keep on flipping these until it works all right what about this one hey there we go where did free freaking freddy go very good now head back to the control room and you will receive your reward freedom so you're just saying i have to get back through here and i can be home i can be out of this mess i can finally be free okay i just have to make sure that the lord doesn't kill me before then but i'll do that i get to go home i'm so excited i can't wait to just go home lay down in my bed watch some tv get on the internet please okay where are you where'd you supposed to be here hello from this mortal coil so you'll be able to see your mother [Applause] get again of there they're gonna kill you dad dad [Music] you're an animatronic does that mean you're you need to put an end to this once and for all once and for all what are you talking hasn't killed you about you need to escape the vince blocked ant did you really think ronaldo wouldn't think ahead oh that works hurry hurry what do you mean man ant ant okay and you just did some freaky ghost stuff that i do not approve of and okay whatever you know what he got me out of here i just gotta gotta gotta do this i gotta put an end to this once and for all right that's what he said i don't i don't really know what that means except i guess kill ronaldo somehow but i'm gonna kill him he's like crazy [Music] uh why am i always crawling around in the vents anyway bits suck they're okay that's a dead end they they're musty and this looks like the way out [Music] mmm i can hear ronaldo working in the other room you're the only one who can stop this again where are you the door to the end when he opens at 6am 6am but there's just one last thing beware of the nightmare uh what's a nightmare oh oh that sounds like ronaldo's moving around oh oh okay um just gonna hide in here what's that talking about you gotta put an end to this once and for all [Music] okay we're good um an exit okay let's just go through the exit the exercises haven't failed me now wait is that door boarded up oh come on you boarded up the exit so he did oh it's an elevator [Music] right the light's blinking really wait this is that thing out of service maybe that's why he boarded it up i mean but if i was living here alone i i'd know that it was dangerous just wouldn't use it i don't know why he had to board it up is this what he was talking about what it was talking about at 6am this elevator starts working i don't know i mean i don't even know how i'm going to get to it if the door's boarded up and i can't like climb through this hole in the wall maybe i need to look around for something to break the door down or i don't i don't know maybe animatronic r d this doesn't bode well project toys it's boarded up because yeah you know what i remember project toys toy chica toy bonnie toy vinnie and vicsy they killed people they killed a lot of people they killed billy billy billy a lot of billy's actually why was everyone named billy there i don't know observation well it kind of looks like the older part of the building like where i woke up in this way he like took my body there's no there's no button for the door okay i guess this is a dead end for now what's this button do nothing well that's a waste okay whatever you know what i don't care i don't care i don't care okay let's close the doors behind me so he doesn't know i came here project nightmare how did i not read that first it was like right in front of the door uh whatever okay project nightmare i'm not dreading i'm dreading what's going on in here yep okay maybe there's something in here that this room looks really important what's that on there looks kind of like a body of some sort but it's like it's kind of cute actually i mean besides like the really creepy jawline i can hear something maybe i need to get my i need it whoa what is that i can just see eyes staring at me in the darkness [Music] all right you know what i'm good i'm good okay um let's close the door behind me so ronaldo can't tell i've been in here the only other way out is through this door what is that that's the creepiest looking animatronic i've ever seen whoa is looking at me okay hide from the animatronic okay there we go what's that [Music] is that what that thing is that's my proudest achievement oh great a soul that always experiences torment i could make you into one as well would you like that okay ronaldo's even more sociopathic than i thought he was so that's a nightmare over there that over here is a nightmare you know it kind of reminds me of that fred bear that was when i was when i was a little kid yeah is it doing anything i don't think it's moving right now which is good what was he doing on the internet anyway on the computer uh some sort of code wait oh whoa okay that thing moved um yeah that doesn't look good you know what oh i could go through walls it could go through walls okay uh wait i gotta hide that thing can go for freaking walls that's not normal that thing is scary i kind of go through things which is weird [Music] [Music] okay he doesn't know what i did [Music] holy crap that thing is scary and smart that's not a normal animatronic it's kind of like it's patrolling the hallway [Music] holy crap okay okay you know what it's fine it's fine it's 1am i just got to make it till 6. i still don't know where i'm supposed to go maybe going through this door over here yes it leads to another room oh come on wait [Music] okay that doesn't do anything is we're good okay going in here um [Music] okay there's some sort of looks like it this is like a security checkpoint of something yep that door is closed that's blood on the wall there's blood everywhere i i don't like this place what kind of place is this anyway all right well if the door won't open i bet there's like a switch here yep okay cool so i just gotta flip the switch maybe oh i hear i'm moving i heard someone walking oh okay [Music] come on danny boy don't you want to join your friend dance for eternity hey i opened that door on purpose you jerk i bet he thinks i've gone further in than i have now i don't know that's a good thing or a bad thing um easy i can't really see through these windows he needs to clean him i don't think i don't think he's in that room anymore so maybe i can open the door and get out of here okay what the heck this place looks completely different than the rest of the building looks more like a regular house okay there's nothing here though oh you hear something moving open doors oh that's not cool you just gotta be careful okay i i um crap i need to hide i need to hide i need to hide i need to hide oh i see that guy over there okay oh hi oh okay here's some you're that thing on the table you know what i'm just gonna i'm just gonna hide i'm gonna figure out what's going on this place is crazy it's 3am only i've only got three more hours so i don't think my knowledge is where i am hi there just don't do anything weird little okay what is this place this is definitely more like a house i need to get to that i need to get out of here [Music] what's over here some sort of living room okay seriously this is like a house okay what if i go over okay hello what is this some kind of kid's room it looks kind of like it's safer here too like i feel like these doors for some reason they actually might keep things out i don't know i mean there's levers on it which is kind of really weird for a kid's room if it doesn't do that okay ronaldo's here he knows where i am oh boy okay um hopefully you can't open the doors i don't know what to do i don't know what to do um i need to hide is what i need to do if i backtrack i don't think he'll think i can backtrack oh okay what can i hide where can i hide where can i hide where can i hide okay what if i if i hide in here i don't think i don't think he can find me in here wait if but if he does find me in here i'm going to be trapped you know what [Music] okay he's definitely looking for me um but if he's looking for me over there then maybe i have a chance okay we're good i wonder what these doors are about because these doors don't seem like they have a button to them they're kind of a double set of door which is different a little bit maybe these are maybe this is the door i have to wait until 6 a.m for them to open but why 6 a.m why do they have to open at 6 a.m is it some sort of like daylight sensor i don't i don't really understand okay i can't be out in the open so i need to need to find a place to hide i don't think he thinks i'm in the bedroom anymore so maybe if i go back in here okay cool so if i just lock the doors there's nothing that can get me in here oh oh you know this is kind of a nice room like the dressers i can hear something it's 5 a.m though i i'm almost i'm almost ready to go okay something is definitely outside that door what's this a closet or something oh okay how did that get in there oh oh oh okay whoa what's going on with the doors oh i don't even know anymore i don't even know i don't think he saw me okay it's 5 a.m i just have to wait until that door opens just gotta hide just gotta hide until then okay i think i'm good you think you can continue hiding from me you might have outground the clock but there's still time you [Music] [Music] i don't think he saw me at 6am wait if it's 6am he knows how to close the door wait i'm getting out of here staircase going up oh god it reeks down here is this some sort of sewer maybe maybe i could find a way out through here come out wherever [Music] [Music] [Music] oh oh gosh the stairs just kept on going forever i feel like i've been climbing them all day oh what kind of mess that i get myself into little light what this won't hurt oh how you you weren't there you weren't there ah okay this is some sort of freaking this is a sewer oh he's still behind me uh security going in here okay i think he just walked by oh no he's checking the roofs [Music] okay that was pretty weird okay so what was he looking at lever doesn't do anything wait there's a door on the other side generator oh wait maybe there's like a door that i have to open or something i don't know i'm going to check it out okay okay now if i turn on this generator though i think that's gonna make everyone i i don't know it might be i don't i don't even know i'm just gonna turn it on yep that's loud okay well you know what fine it's fine i don't think i don't think i have to hopefully worry about anything oh put the light away okay that thing's stupid oh whatever okay it's a way so i can see out through the window yeah it doesn't look like it's there anymore okay so what about this door over here now whatever i'm gonna check it out let's see okay yep nope nope going this way wait the lights oh on what are you doing here okay ah well this door wasn't open before i don't think no no oh god okay okay going up going up um uh uh okay give me this give me this i'm putting this down uh okay i'm just gonna keep on doing this okay uh put you there there okay oh i don't think i can get out of here whoa the moon is super red right now wait the moon i'm outside i'm outside oh my god uh maybe i shouldn't go this way though i don't that looks like it just leads down to the wilderness maybe i'd be better off just going into this building this seems like a bad idea though yeah i'm totally walking into a death trap oh yeah wait no ants that's you right dan you're almost done you need to reverse return it ronaldo's done i'm not his first victim dan you know that so i guess that explains this person right here she's been helping me she wants us over just like us okay even better she knows what the spirits want let her guide you um well i guess if vance says it i i thanks for guiding me i guess one final thing once spirit has been here longer than the others and is rather aggressive is it if you've been triggered into thinking you're one of the animatronics i think you'll be safe i'm gonna go and try and hold off ronaldo now hurry oh okay ant well just so you know i put a bunch of crates on top of where like ronaldo is but i think you'll understand all right i guess i'll go um yeah please please keep ronaldo away okay i don't want to deal with him and the animatronics are probably here yeah this place just screams animatronic actually i think i think i recognize this place yeah this is actually a fazbear's restaurant this is actually a pizzeria what's over here fazbear mask that makes sense so i guess i could wear this to keep the animatronics away let me put it on oh wait i think i just saw something move um okay so yeah oh that's a freddy moving around i think is that freddy i don't know i'm not gonna play any chances i'm gonna crawl through the vent over here i don't want it to see me oh there's cameras here too hi okay uh so what is this place no this is definitely a pizzeria these are oh i can hear them moving [Music] oh hi there freddy [Music] hi you're not going to kill me are you oh chica hi uh i i don't like wait she just walked past me what's what's going on are they just these actually animatronics it says just bobbing wait are you gonna kill me it's not it's not doing anything hello hello it can't it's not sensing me what's what's going on there's a foxy no no one can see me nobody can see me ah put this on put this on put this on [Applause] okay well i guess i found out which one he was talking about uh okay so the other ones they dislike me when i'm so he doesn't like imposters okay uh so i just gotta i gotta find that girl though she says she's gonna help me boy is she is she still here yep oh there you are hey hey uh is this for me okay a present what am i supposed to do with this wait am i supposed to give them a present okay it's yellow so i guess this one is so you guys still scare me uh it's still for chica oh hey hey chica hey uh no no no no no no no okay hold on hold on [Applause] you're really kind of crippling my gift-giving mood mr foxy oh i i don't know sorry i you know just try not to die just try not to die don't worry about it okay we're good okay hey uh chica what's up chica hey i've got something for you yeah you like presents i got i got this beautiful whoa [Music] um okay that that was different did i just like exercise his soul uh hey hey there freddy did you see that did you like that i i don't know i guess i'm supposed to do that for you too he does like it okay uh and i just got i gotta find maybe i go back to where that marionette thing was and i can get another present from it okay um hello are you still over here no i move somewhere okay and the mask goes on and the mask goes on and the mask goes on oh my god you almost killed me i don't like this this is not cool um i saw something move was it the foxy what was that that's freddy where could that that marionette thing oh hey there um i guess i'll take this one too thanks this one's blue is there is there an animatronic that's blue i think bonnie's blue see where would bonnie okay uh where would bonnie be [Music] i really like going into this room to put on the mask oh wait i didn't see me okay maybe oh up hey freddie okay okay good great gravy okay so i gotta find bonnie i think that's what the blue one's for so if i was bonnie where would i be bonnie are you in this room i haven't been to before nope this room's empty hello bonnie i got it i got a delivery for you present with your name on it okay not going that way um oh there you are bonnie hey uh look i got something for you you feeling you feeling a little down in the dumps i got i gotta yeah you are i got a pr hey yeah yeah i got a present for you yeah so here [Music] oh crap well [Applause] you are an annoying thing oh gosh yeah that's right you run away foxy you're making this a lot more harder than it needs to be okay i just want to appease your souls or whatever i don't even know at least freddie up on stage oh wait is he mad at me because i'm wearing the helmet uh let me take that off okay here we go okay oh hey over here now next to the nice very nice and very marketable fredbear plush um i guess i'll take this let's just try to figure out who this is supposed to belong to now this is like kind of orange and reddish i don't want it to be [ __ ] oh yep okay you know what hey hey over here um oh turned into a crank chair okay uh well i guess that's exactly for you then there you go [Music] well that was the quickest one all right cool so now what do i do i gotta i gotta find oh i don't think he sees me hi just put this mask on just in case yep see i'm just ready fairs bear look at me i'm up on stage i'm doing the fazbear thing look at me buy my pizza it won't give you diabetes that's right you just keep walking and i'll just okay yeah i just fell off the stage uh i can't see in this stupid thing feel the views all wonky ah okay uh oh hey okay uh okay fine don't scream at me okay hey there there i'm not wearing the mask anymore you happy that foxy comes by and kills me well you know why uh so i'm guessing this is for him okay where'd he go oh foxy the sun's going up too um okay wait i think i know where he is hey he's still going to try to kill me look look i can i can be fatty fazbear see look i'm freddy fazbear oh okay let me just take this off then i think you get the gift got a present for you it's salvation [Music] did it i did it i freed all the souls i think anyway all the animatronics are gone okay where'd papa go is everything good everything good well i guess i gotta go say hi to ant and stuff and see what's going on about that [Music] [Laughter] he was supposed to hold you back easter bunny true it was rather annoying to deal with but it couldn't handle the full extent of my torment what did you do to ant your friend and is dead really and truly this time in both body and soul i will admit for this interference you made it much further than i ever intended i should have skipped the both of you right from the start what do you mean scooped you'll find out soon enough oh crap come on crap okay in here oh come on what am i supposed to do now you think you can hide from me oh this is bad [Music] yeah i'm good okay i think i'm okay [Music] get away from me get away from oh god okay going this way oh man oh he's gonna cut me off isn't it i'm gonna go back this way did you actually oh never mind that's great to know oh this is bad oh god uh okay let's go this way okay going up here going up here just be quiet let's just be quiet [Music] what am i supposed to do get away from me ronaldo you're supposed to die oh crap he's smart why do you have to be so smart hi there no no just give me the get me out of here [Music] okay put this on all right cool hey hey buddy what's up yeah i'm just i'm just wearing a friend yeah i'm just this bear but fast bear [Music] sucks holy crap what am i supposed to do oh [Music] you know what i'm just going to hide behind here i think i'll be fine [Music] hopefully where is he where'd he go where'd he go oh god okay so he's not here anymore okay that's great um what the heck is this like enough it's like some sort of bonnie costume i i don't that's different i don't i don't care right now i just need to get out of here okay look over here okay okay well let's just go let's just go hide in the bathroom okay they'll never they'll never think to check the bathrooms i don't i don't think oh farts oh farts okay okay it's kind of weird that i can see him in the mirror just gonna get quiet just gonna be quiet oh crap um oh let me oh it's coming in here okay putting on the mask putting on the mask [Music] hey what's up never seen freddy fazbear taking a crap on a toilet before can i get some privacy please thanks did that actually work all right take the mask off okay i don't really i guess i should try to oh i don't think he saw me this time okay so if they're on that side i should just try to run past him okay going this way what the heck aunt and you're man [Music] give up you can't escape from this aunt what are you saying i i don't understand this isn't like you aunt what happened to you you did this to me i'm dead because of you okay okay oh crap oh okay uh i'm really glad it's dark in here okay they're over there so if i just stay here maybe i'll be fine uh-huh okay okay um [Music] oh crap okay okay okay just gonna be you know what you quiet put on the mask just to be safe i think only the nightmare freddy or whatever you want to call it is coming this way so hopefully yeah there it is wait what the heck i thought that room was barred off with that okay i just gotta just kind of calm down let's just lay down there's just lilo [Music] okay ronaldo's out of here i'm just gonna take the mask off and uh the door's open now what the heck and where did where okay okay okay okay okay okay putting the mask back on how did you get the freaking drop on me though okay it's gone um wait do my eyes just the door is locked but that's outside that's actually outside i'm so close to freedom oh my god come on door open up oh great that doesn't bode well why is it why is the telephone ringing it's coming from this telephone uh hello [Music] nope nope nope i'm out i'm out of this nope too much there's too much okay good they're not here i i don't this is too much crap i don't even know i mean hello hey i hear some oh hey it's another one of you guys i thought i thought i kind of saved all you guys what's going on did you come back for me please help me it's not to kill me wait you're you're following me are you trying to help me out wait what did you say on the phone hey it's another one what's going on wait a minute you guys can help me defeat ronaldo right is that what you guys are here for your eyes here yes okay i like this idea you know what let's go do it hey ronaldo renault hey how's it going we got some buddies yeah [Laughter] oh get him guys how does this feel to me to one chase for it all though ah i'm gonna cut you off that's what i want to do all right come on come on you go over here let's scare him hey look what i got this feels great oh my gosh peek-a-boo hey yeah you can't come on guys hurry up let's chase them let's do it come on yes that's right we're coming to get you how does it feel ronaldo this is the end of the line for you [Music] ronaldo you're the one who's gonna pay [Music] goodbye ronaldo [Music] [Music] [Music] is is this the place let's see you did take a right turn at the beef gristle mill right i think so why couldn't you guys call me a cab to get here um starlight entertainment wants this to be off the record sorry figures again sorry i don't make the rules whatever i'm i'm here now just tell me what to do all right you should see a big gate that leads to the factory's personnel entrance is there a button or that's weird they should have left the gate unlocked for you well it's not opening oh jeez um take a look around maybe you can find something that'll get you inside okay great just great i know i shouldn't have freaking answered that phone call but you need the money you can do the stand you just have to figure out how to get into this okay there's a dumpster hey hey dude uh do you think i could maybe like just jump over the gate like from this dumpster well officially i'm supposed to tell you that you shouldn't take any unnecessary risks but if the gate's not locked um you need to do whatever you can to get in there it's okay i think you know whatever he's just probably some guy in a room with a phone okay um what about a vine do you think i could like climb a vine that could work just try not to fall okay and what happens if i do fall you guys have insurance right well our insurance policy isn't exactly extensive right now so try to break the minimal amount of bones great okay cool um wait there's barbed wire up here i just realized why is this barbed wire this is a factory right like who's starlight entertainment takes their security very seriously okay cool that's why i can climb up this whatever um there's a tree over here i want an idea this is either going to be really smart or really stupid hey yeah i did it i don't even think i heard anything that time great well now that you're inside head to the courtyard and proceed inside the factory okay wow this place is a lot bigger than you told me what's going on here well you were hired to make sure that everything in the factory is safe so we can reopen again at the end of the week yeah a lot of a lot of things get processed here and shipped back out very quickly so it's imperative that we get things repaired and up and running as quickly as possible okay cool but i mean this place is huge you think i'm really going to be able to do this in what a five days is that what it was i have the utmost faith in you okay whatever you know what i can do this i worked at a pizza place before i even think i i almost had a job at this other factory but i decided to take this one because of your phone calls so i think i could do it you know one factor for the other uh security checkpoint you should you're allowed to proceed directly ahead i wouldn't worry about any security as far as i'm concerned you're totally cleared for everything okay cool but uh it was already open that's kind of weird i thought you'd have all the rooms locked up okay also the lights everything's red i don't like this well at night the factory is set to low power mode it conserves energy and saves a lot of money okay cool but it's like pitch black in front of me oh right okay um to your left uh if you follow the emergency lights it should lead you to the locker room there you should be able to find a flashlight why would you have a lock a flashlight in a locker room okay whatever uh this room is big okay echo oh i did not like that sound okay well um so you said locker room right not this bathroom no it won't be in a toilet stall i like how you had it be so specific okay um it's going to be in one of these lockers isn't it there's so many lockers try to follow the emergency lights that might lead you to where you're headed okay you're just gonna i guess it's the oh yeah okay so it's this one um it's company policy to keep the lockers stocked in case of an emergency okay but i thought you guys are starlight factory why is this a fast light um i can't speak to the marketing team but those might have been actually left over from a previous establishment i can't say for sure okay previous steps you what has fair entertainment they've been out of business for like five years there's all sorts of tech in here that's repurposed from older companies or restaurants okay uh well the flashlight works which is a good thing i can see the door ahead this time hey looks like you found starlight freddy and foxy wow so yeah this company just straight out when slapped their name on the old fazbear stuff yep if you look to your left you might even be able to see a bit of the old costumes that's you're right wait how are you can you see me uh you got me you see i'm actually wired into the security cameras all around the factory that's kind of like my old job at the pizza place i guess you could say that anyway i'm just here to make sure no one breaks in or gets broken look i've already dealt with one set of malfunctioning animatronics before i don't want to do this again i i'm out i'm out well i can assure you that they're not malfunctioning now you might be wondering where bonnie and chica are yeah i might be wondering if they're lurking about somewhere trying to kill me that might be a thing maybe i'm just going to go outside you know if i'm being honest we knew you could handle your own against the animatronics that's kind of why you got the job but this isn't what i agreed on i was just going to get in here just fix a few things let you guys go on with your job get the 2 000 and just get out well you're already here tell you what if i see anything move i'll tell you okay well i mean that's kind of some i was two thousand dollars four times three thousand dollars so how many uh cameras you got uh i'm actually not sure the exact amount around the factory as some have gone out of commission um but quite a few so i should be able to see most angles in the factory okay fine fine okay uh so what oh let me look at these things okay hey hey hey that one that one's looking at me not to worry they're in a low power dormant states now their facial recognition stop software might act up a little bit but it's nothing to worry about they won't be moving at all okay yeah that keep an eye on them if they if they even take a step off the stage okay you tell me you tell me just i'm getting out of here if that happens okay i'm just warning you my eyes are peeled okay cool so where am i supposed to really go i guess i just go deeper into the factory okay this place is huge like this is gigantic and i have come to a dead end a phone guy yo hey yes dan uh there's a gate here that won't what is with this place in closed gates well if you find the power room you should be able to toggle the gate okay do you have any idea where this breaker room or power room is um okay let me just double check yeah take your time it's not like there's animatronics in here that might want to rip my flesh off or something let me check over here oh they're they're still there on that yeah they're still there maybe he's not wrong maybe they actually aren't going to do anything you know what okay this job seems like it might be a little easier than i thought um this is a dead end wow there's so many places i could hide whoa am i hallucinating okay it was just a dark it's just really really dark in here don't let the dark get to you ah cool arcade cabinets and they don't work of course they don't dan are you there yeah yeah what's up so the security camera i use to see that area of the factory is blocked by a couple crates you're gonna have to look around a little bit but there should be a hallway leading you to the breaker okay actually wait oh okay is this it this looks like it's something there should be a pair of double doors yeah yeah yeah i just i just did it okay whoa well this is definitely the breaker room but what the heck is this thing that's the security puppet it's a system that kind of guards the factory it's a little it's it's technically it's a prototype but just you shouldn't have to mess with it much the breaker should be at the end of the room well i see the breaker i was just distracted by this thing this thing's scary what does it do it's nothing to worry about i'm sure it's not right though okay don't poke it it kind of like grabs people and throws them out of buildings or something maybe your job well hey the power's on cool okay uh-oh uh-oh well one of my security camera feeds oh that's not good what's not good the animatronics yeah they're well they're not on the stage of course they're not okay just just relax this is under control okay um i can see that the animatronics and i'll keep tabs on them okay should i have my flashlight out where to check there's a lot of cameras okay cool well i just escaped the uh the the breaker yeah i think you're cutting out hey dude dude dude ah of course just a freaking course a freaking course everything has to break on me everything has to break i'm gonna die oh why did i choose this okay you know what i've dealt with these animatronics before so what if they look a little different i bet they're just as dumb as before of course now i've got a flashlight so i draw attention to myself um okay i'm just gonna you know what put the flashlight in this hand so i can turn it off whenever i need to um that doesn't sound good i pulled the breaker so that means that that gate opened up but it didn't oh come on yeah everything's broken my phone's broken the animatronics okay i i can see you i can definitely see you walking around there's two of them okay well that makes sense those are the two on the stage okay they're pretty slow movers okay so what am i supposed to do though i thought i could oh god oh god okay uh maybe they can't see me because i don't have my flashlight oh how did he get over there i thought he would okay it's cool what do i do oh god i can't see jack oh okay hopefully they don't see me with my flashlight out so here there we go just finally climb up these stairs okay oh my god it's just monitor room well overseer that seems like okay okay he's down there so overseer okay this this works maybe so what could be in the overseers room oh no no no no come on come on no let the door open let the door open open the door great it's locked well now what okay i gotta i've gotta get out of here okay i'll just go through the front door you know what guy on the phone he hung up on me i don't think you will know if i leave or not okay he's definitely making a okay uh all right okay this door is open that door's open yes i can get out of here i can get out of here i can get out of here all right all right cool oh no no no no no ah who locks the door on me crap so i'm trapped in here hey yo go do it on the phone you hear me whoa okay i thought i just heard something uh maybe if i get into a okay so he's up there hey can they open doors they open doors i don't think they can open doors they're too big for the doors anyway okay so i'm safe in this room this is a safe room i think it's got pizza oh that smells like really old fazbear's pizza oh this place is dark and dirty carrots oh great i'm trapped in this room i wonder these are crack what are these filing cabinets okay this is a bathroom okay well i mean there has to be something in here there has to be something in here i can use like there's all these cabinets wait it's a key it's the overseer's key okay i don't know what that's doing in the cabinet over got the there now though ready there's foxy okay you know what pretty sure these guys are slow as heck so maybe i can just run run run run yeah okay he can see me but i don't care you slow okay um now that i've got this key i should be able to yes all right let me just see oh okay well there's a security puppet in here but i don't think the animatronics can follow me up the stairs let me check yeah they're down there okay cool so i should probably close that door anyway and awesome i'm just gonna check this room hopefully there's something in here that will like get me out of here uh maybe maybe a spare key that goes to the front door or actually wait [Music] this monitor gate access [Music] okay i just heard the gates open [Music] what is this the overseer's log i'm overseer muffle buns this is real bad we can't let anybody know about what happened just now i reported it in some room somewhere i don't even know where and i hope no one else does either that way nothing happens you know we can't let anybody know about this okay yeah i don't like the whole that what i'm just going where'd the puppet go oh hello dan thank goodness i've been trying to call you all day are you all right my head hurts i'm soaked i'm in some kind of hole it sounds like something dumped you into the drainage system it was that freaking security puppet man one minute it was there and then the next minute it knocks me out from behind but you're still alive right yeah and wicked hungry well you've been out for a whole day that makes a lot of sense i could have died where was the search party off the record means off the record company policy i am really getting sick of hearing that well look the sooner you get the factory up and running the quicker you can get out of here and eat fine i'm out of the hole now by the way what do i need to do there's a top room on the floor of the factory and inside is well you'll know when you see top room is it this way yeah actually so you're going to need to uh actually sorry dan you're gonna have to turn if you go straight back the other way it should lead you to the elevator all right so uh you sound a little under the weather did you catch a cold while i was knocked out yeah just a bit of a cough okay uh i hope you feel better i guess i mean even though you literally almost left me to i guess you tried to help me i don't really know oh um i'm not i'm not seeing anything really yeah be careful going up ahead freddy is creeping around the corner to your right so just proceed with time wait i just realized is this oh i see him okay uh actually does he see me yes okay um i'm gonna hide i'm gonna hide i'm gonna hide i think i think i'm yeah okay wait so it dragged me to the other side of the gate that's where that hole was it was on the other side of the gate at least at least i know the gates open um okay it's so dark in here though oh there he is okay i'm just going to just take this key and put it over here i don't like having to select it oh it's like it's patrolling why would i want a patrol okay which way is the elevator it's straight ahead if you see the doorway that freddy's currently standing yeah you're gonna go you're gonna have to go through okay just like a line here we see i can maybe use this to like trick him if he tries to go after me actually there's like a small room over here too just a heads up dan foxy's in the area too so keep an eye out hi hi freddy hi um you look lovely yeah there's there's a there's kind of a bit of a gate in the way you can't reach me and oh he gave up maybe they're not aggressive but that foxy scared the crap out of me yesterday okay freddy if you're not aggressive i'm i'm okay with that you can you can just patrol keep keep going i know that foxy though is aggressive [Music] oh my god okay uh yeah yeah okay all right dan to your left the elevator should be there okay um can he get me in the elevator oh where's the elevator door elevator door button is that a button nope oh no okay well i'm in the elevator um the up button is not working um that's not good yeah yeah it's really not good because it's also not opening the door if the elevator's broken you're gonna need to find parts to repair it should be somewhere in the factory all right cool the first thing you'll need is a gear you're gonna probably find that let's see i'll check on some of the cameras and see what i can find all right cool thank you mean time try to avoid the animatronics and look for any parts you can whoa hey the elevator it just just opened up i'm okay with that uh on okay so uh where what am i supposed to be looking for again a gear um yeah i'm afraid you're gonna have to backtrack a little bit you're gonna go forward and to your left the first chance you can that'll lead you to a uh well it's where a lot of the fabrics for the animatronics were prepared and attacked attached okay oh there he is okay oh this looks like a sweatshop oh so it's over here you're saying it's over here i'm not i'm not seeing it actually if you continue walking around that area there's there's a broken window among some arcade cabinets look for a broken window oh oh wait he's not really aggressive is he hey he's not going to go for me oh oh oh no he is uh okay broke a window arcade cabinet see the arcade cabinets uh hey uh i see the arcade cabinets where is the window oh that's window okay uh going up he's not going after me anymore is he nah okay cool oh is this the place around there there should be a piece to repair the elevator somewhere in that area what is this room this is a weird room it's like a live stream gone bad also hey i can yeah i can see the camera how's it going all right uh i can see you there i i i know you can see me okay oh wait what's this on the wall elevator washers is that it that would be it okay let me just pop that off all right got me some washers what what do washers even do i'm not sure the mechanics of it but you're gonna need both a gear uh some washers and a pipe a pipe a pipe well i don't want it i know he's not aggressive but i don't want to get near him let's see i would be careful just to be safe okay can i i guess i'll just no i could probably get cut on this window that's that's unsafe why do you have a broken window someone should fix that why you're here oh right you're right okay i'm just going to move these washers out of the way i've got this oh right actually i'm holding i'm holding some really unique evidence in my hand right now i have a tape recorder oh and i i heard some weird stuff i heard some really weird stuff about hiding something i'm going to guess it's the animatronics killing people again but you should keep on to that tape dan i wouldn't let anything happen to him um okay i thought you'd want me to get rid of it it's kind of incriminating evidence i think for now it's just best that you keep a hold of it all right okay well i'm back at the hole um let me pull my phone out so i can actually talk to you i had you in my pocket was i muffled uh anyway uh i i'm i'm at this like i walked past it earlier i think maybe but it's like the conveyor belt there's like parts and stuff oh there's a room over here is there something in here i might need this looks like it'd have something in it it's a high possibility there's a lot of rooms leading off of that main area that you were just in you should check all of them okay well uh there's a conveyor belt and there's some boxes and a rubik's cube suite of rubik's cube um anything in here also i don't i don't see any animatronics or anything so i'm pretty happy about that uh well i see this foxy head but this reminds me of like another place i almost worked there too they they were making stuff but actually yeah you followed down the conveyor belt most of the objects were pushed down there so there might be some odd bits that ended up being down at the end okay maybe maybe like a wire or something i mean that looks oh what the heck is that what the heck is is that that is that's not a security puppet i i'm not sure what you're talking about this thing right in front of me oh it's looking at me wait the eyes are that is creepy hey my view is a little obscured but i don't see what you're talking about there's a puppet in the wall but it's not it's not doing anything but last time that happened that freaking security puppet knocked me out it's guarding the elevator wire from what i can see on the camera is there's no security puppet in your area i would grab the wire and continue looking okay i got it now it's not moving is it i don't see any movement in your area dan except you okay [Music] yeah yeah that moved but it stopped um i'm gonna keep an eye on this thing okay i fell off okay uh well i i swear to god i'm not kidding you there is there's something is a puppet but it's it's not the same puppet actually dan i think i found something on the cameras if you go to your right along the wall there should be a couple doors okay yeah i see that okay take the hallway yeah i think there might be something that could be useful along the way okay so projector a pre okay why is the gear going down oh hey hey hey i swear to god you don't see this there is a puppet it's right there it's right there damn i have yet to pick up anything on the security cameras it might be possible that you're just imagining something i know i'm definitely yeah i'm definitely imagining imagining this this puppet okay well it's it doesn't move the security puppet is not following you or any other animatronic i don't see anything on the camera and you are you are keeping a watch though you right like you're not just pulling my leg i promise okay so you said uh generator room or not generator on the left that freaking i swear god i keep on seeing this puppet okay it's it's the projector's already on uh so just break it you want me to break a projector look you're the only one there right now i think you have the executive clearance to break any projector you need to okay okay uh okay i got the elevator gear fantastic should be able to repair the elevator now okay um i swear to god yeah yeah that puppet it's it's uh over there now where are you at can you not see me uh i don't have any direct cameras on you but from a couple angles i'll double check around your area but i'm pretty sure no animatronics are there oh this is your room yeah the uh there this is the root wait this room overlooks that area i don't think okay uh oh there it is okay you know what you know what i i don't think uh i'm i'm just gonna fall off this ledge okay hey that worked i thought that was gonna hurt can't get me now can he all right i don't get back to the elevator as quickly as you can i i'm doing that okay so anyway do you want to explain why the overseer said that they want to hide something it seems like you would know you're working you know you're the one that's kind of in charge of me covering this all up so uh it's possibly a need to know basis okay i would just focus on getting to the elevator right now freddie's in your area yeah i i see freddy but i'm pretty sure freddie's my bro now hey freddy are you gonna are you gonna do anything yeah he seems like a you know i don't know why i'm afraid of him he's cool that puppet though ready careful dan these animatronics are unpredictable oh you're coughing again you should get a lozenge um okay you know what i i don't like you being close to me even if you are friendly so i'm just going to uh just make sure yeah i see i see you in there i i i don't trust you oh you can you think your face through walls at least their heads can it's it's kind of weird um i'm just really glad i'm about to get out of here okay i'm at the elevator again what do i have to do do i just uh drop there's a dropper right here okay uh elevator wire elevator gear elevator washers it worked all right so i fixed your elevator what am i getting what can i get to get out of here hello phone dude what was that dan the cable snapped try and brace yourself oh come on speak to me i'm here can you hear me you're breaking up one elevator hey are you here damn hey hey uh i'm i'm okay okay uh well okay what's important i can hear you i can hear you what is it okay you're scaring me the others are trying to save you i i realize that you're you're oh i should uh you're freaking me out though you're freaking me out a little bit i'm not gonna lie what what where are you trying to save me from you're in great danger dan obviously you've entered her domain what do you mean [Music] [Music] help [Music] help hello phone dude you there can you hear me i don't feel good hello wait where's my flashlight the freaking thing mugged me oh god that thing that means oh that means it was smart smart enough to take away my phone and my flashlight left me to oh my god that's my blood that's my boo oh god i think i might actually die i need to get out of here what do i do what do right the elevator's broken um okay what is that what does that take me yellow division yeah i don't know what about this side medical wing okay yeah that could i could help i could patch myself up oh come on it's blocked oh hi you lovely it just went through that okay well wait so that means there's definitely something on the other side of this kind of get through that uh what can i do maybe up here i'm gonna get a good view up here oh god i just i don't feel everything wait is that a what is that i think i see something wait that looks like a way in like get over there though right well you know what what okay all that water salt water how why is it salt water ah it burns okay okay uh i can get up this way okay climbing up climbing up oh come on come on okay i made it is this a okay yes [Music] oh hi security puppet okay that's blood are you going to get me looks like it's back in its box and the music's still going so i think i'm okay for right now [Music] okay i feel a little better like at least i think i've got most of my senses about me for the most part but i better hurry up where i might start bleeding out again what is like a receptionist room okay whoa spooky for anything where yet this place is pretty dark okay well this looks promising had syringes they're empty though um defibrillator [Music] math all right well i feel like it's not that bad here hi okay oh no no no no no no no no no no no no okay i can't run no no no stop stop stop that i can't keep gonna give me away all right all right maybe i could scooby do it okay i think i'm good i don't see it is it over here oh god [Music] okay i think i'm safe okay let's go [Music] this room's well wet um okay oh ryan's log [Music] ryan i can't keep prescribing you sleeping medication you know that i can't help it doctor whenever i close my eyes i just see her and the blood don't you think you might feel better if you confess to someone besides me maybe i can't think about this right now i just want to sleep i'll prescribe you some melatonin supplements make sure you actually report the incident to someone after you're well rested thanks doc okay a flashlight all right cool cool well i can see again at least better chest pain be gone yes this is exactly what i need okay if i just drink it oh god i feel so much better still still not quite my best but i feel like finally back to normal so that's good um i just figured a way to get out of here okay [Music] well i should be able to see a little better now oh okay uh uh no no no no hey no no no no no up nope nope [Music] [Music] so i take it it doesn't like the flashlight that's uh that's cool that's very cool i needed the flashlight [Music] hear something [Music] i think i saw it too hopefully he didn't see me oh still got some blood in my throat face salty okay i think i'm good i think i'm good all right hi puppet um no no no i'm just uh i'm just trying to find a way out of here maybe through this bloody vent or the way i came from [Music] you've got to stop this do you even remember who you are veronica [Music] [Music] uh what the heck i feel better wait how did i get up here is this that's where i've got my freaking chest gourd out by that animatronic so this is where that puppet was in the window how did i get up here did he the puppet you you helped me i thought that everything here was like trying to kill me except ryan but he's a guy on a phone so you know it doesn't really count but thank you and there's like presents here and there's a chest is this present for me my fast light and a freddy head oh a cryptic note well let's read it she can only find you one sense at a time who's she be careful and make it out of the yellow sector she's watching she's listening everything is her that doesn't make any sense i i'm i'm part of everything and i'm not hurt at least i don't think so right there's my flashlight let's find out what this yellow sector the notes about is all right so this is where i got killed almost and the walls are definitely yellow that's the medical wing i don't think that's what the note's talking about yellow division oh there we go all right oh man i can already tell that this is not going to be a good time i just want to get out of here at this point research and development boundary um that's a lot of lava why is lava being used to make animatronics well i guess this is a factory i guess they can use lava for other things too oh there's a room let's party ah okay so this must be like an old abandoned work room or something there's even a pirate's cove oh hi foxy no no no no [Music] no it's still there okay that's right all right where am i now uh security gear oh my god it's a security skirt i feel so protected and stylish now oh all right just wearing that skirt makes me feel a lot better i have an anvil back here all right well lots of monitors but they all seem out is there any other way out there's a door here but it's like rusty i wonder ooh something opened what the heck is that down there oh it's a dead guy um that's loud that's really loud [Music] oh my god oh my god [Music] like a security camera what the heck hey can i see it that's a lot of blood on the ground okay i think it's gone well if i had to guess it went that way because it was guarding that door i don't want to go down that door unless i have to it's this way oh there's another one of these notes why why do they keep the hatches to the drainage ditches unlocked this is the third time the sweet peat from our indian surprised he hasn't broken something important yet you'd think that after that incident with the girl management would want to make things safer it might become very useful in the future all right well so apparently these greats there's like a little network of tunnels you can go down i can maybe use that to avoid that rabbit that bonnie that shadow looking like bonnie so that might be a good thing to know about i'm glad i went in here okay that dead body over there freaks me out okay this place is huge hey look is that security puppet thanks for oh wait no you're not you're not a security puppet you're the other one oh no no no uh you know what let's test these out i don't think it can get me down here am i safe down here okay well now what how do i get out of here uh oh another ladder okay i'm on the other side of the fence now the puppet's gone i don't think i can now the door's barred shut anything in the lockers no this is just a dead end and a hiding place oh well at least now i know um what about this way [Music] i need to get out of here because i don't think yeah wait what oh i know where i am that's where i came in from i'm right under where i came in from so if that's the case this must be yeah this is the room i just came from okay well i'm back here now but now i've got the the puppet on the prowl so i think i should be good oh okay wait said be careful she can only sense you one sense at a time she's watching she's listening everything is her maybe you can see me so maybe if i'm wearing my mask on it won't notice me oh oh it's coming towards me i do not like that oh wait it worked all right cool awesome okay taking this off [Music] all right flashlight what's this room oh golden freddy oh this is a hallucination okay god i freaking hate you what are you doing here ah dude they have merch this must be like their merch room huh all right so far so good i wonder if there's another elevator i can use to like get out of here [Music] all right oh there there's a [Music] freddy in the the water that's cool doesn't seem like he can see or hear me oh oh oh oh okay uh crap oh oh oh god everything's that way oh [Music] okay yep did that work oh okay okay pick the flashlight off uh um wait is he still chasing me okay yeah he's still there if i go this way i wonder if you'll follow me into this room am i okay i don't think he followed me all right oh what's with this place there's so much blood oh ducks so yeah it's supposed to keep the ducks clear of entrails whatever that means this place is a factor oh they can crawl around the ducks too well i guess it's just to keep what happens [Music] that's so well thank you i'm glad to know about that i wish i knew where my phone was i could just call ryan and see how he's doing he could probably tell me how to get out of the yellow sector really easy wait is that a freaking elevator yes all right cool so i just have to open the elevator terminal open why elevator keep oh no do i need a key i need a key for this elevator oh crap oh oh no i just saw i just saw the freaking puppet i saw it hey but she's up there uh mask hi there don't mind me okay this is working out pretty well oh [Music] it's blocking the door can i can i reach through the door it doesn't seem like he can see me maybe he can only [Music] okay as long as i don't walk really fast [Music] okay it's the only place things could be there's the puppet is it guiding me somewhere oh [Music] understand don't scream at me again about to get all the way out of here oh no come on come on there has to be a way out there has to be way out so can i follow it this way if i follow the yeah okay this might get me through here water well i know where this leads oh no it's taking me in a loop crap i'm getting turned around oh oh and the current's really strong all right you know what i'll just go back the way i came it doesn't seem like i'm being followed anymore yeah i'm good okay so good for some reason that freddy is really really stupid so i'm okay with that i guess being drowned will do that to you all right so i'll put on the freddy head and i'll just see if wait where did they go oh oh ah oh god oh god oh god oh god uh wait wait wait what am i doing ah ah i'm just ready you're just ready you didn't see it you didn't see anything yeah that's good okay all right where am i like some dude's room someone like bunker down in here it's a gigantic chest here oh my god the elevator key all right i know exactly what to do okay i just got to make it back to the elevator in one piece should be pretty easy i don't think you can see me oh oh oh oh uh take out the flashlight and i'm just ready wearing a dress don't mind cross-dressing freddy it's a skirt actually it's a security garment to be to be fair all right that's freddy not super bright don't mind me do not mind me i can't see okay here we go oh all right so there bonnie you doing down there protecting the elevator key that's not cool elevator key is mine oh god um what if i can lure it up here i wonder if that's possible come on ah what oh my god the puppet oh i'm gonna have to just go for it oh god put the key in put the kid going up ah looks like i made it back up well i've made it back up here but something doesn't seem right what happened while i was out how long have i been out i need answers [Music] detected [Applause] how long have i been out because there's there's changes here like that there's cobwebs and i don't even remember that elevator being there have i been gone for like weeks or months or we'd even be able to build that i don't know huh is that you phone guy where are you i'm over here and where exactly is here looks like it's coming from up these stairs hello the monitor room has it boarded up veronica trapped me in here you need to look around for a crowbar there should be one over by the display stage uh yeah i'll get you out of there buddy i think i just want to know how veronica trapped him in there and how long has he been in there because bro hi mask leave me alone maybe all right you're gonna you're gonna go face through a wall now you're gonna go away what you're gonna do i'm not moving it's not the way i'm supposed to go that was like near the display stage that's the only stage i know that's here in this guys i gotta be factory i can't see with this thing on though oh bonnie that bonnie looks like the bonnie that was down in the that's not good that's not good doesn't seem like it's that intelligent though okay where's the crowbar i was a crowbar i'd be in one of these crates maybe no he's looking at me should be quieter keep lying around his crates it's definitely it's definitely looking at me where's the crowbar let's get aggravating a little closer [Music] i'm kind of not a big fan of this [Music] so that puppet's not near its security box that thing freaks me out i do not like it okay where would a crowbar be would it be back here it's pizza uh why would a crowbar be in a kitchen this is stupid dan you've been in here before there's nothing in here for you maybe it's someone to know shy away from this okay this looks really conspicuous maybe this is it crowbar i got it wait i should [Music] take a quick look down and see okay it's still there where does this lead to anyway [Music] i don't think i've been in this wait this is a dead end i mean i'm far away from the bunny though he doesn't see me it's looking at me i don't think he can get to me though hey she had a body i'm over here you see me hello wait you don't see you here come over here get over here yeah that's right come and get me slow uh rabbit that's right okay [Music] go i can't see it's so freaking dark either way it's not here at the stage anymore so i'm okay with that this worked alrighty i got this bro bar i thought i heard something i got the crowbar stay away from the door i'm gonna beat down the barricade great now i'm gonna warn you please don't be too surprised when you get in here what do you mean oh hey dan i'm hideous aren't i i guess i could call this karma but what happened to you veronica did this to me a long time ago oh yeah sorry about the smell i'm sure my original body bits are all kinds of nasty at this point let me tell you how this all started as you might have picked up from the tapes there was an accident at this factory our idiotic boss thought it'd be a good publicity to have a bring your child to work day well on that day one of the kids veronica managed to break away from the group and hand it over to the hydraulic section i was there doing my job pressing down metals to form into animatronic parts and suddenly i heard a squish i didn't think anything of it and continued with my work that night veronica was reported missing and after an intensive search we found blood dripping off of my breasts apparently she had crawled under there and got mixed up with parts i think that's how she's able to control so many animatronics there's a piece of her inside and now she won't let anyone leave when i tried well look at me so you mean all of this was just due to a workplace accident that's crazy how are we going to get out of here obviously she's a vengeful spirit and she's just been split up between everything is that is that what i'm getting from this the only way you'll be able to escape is if we defeat veronica's spirit once and for all i think if we gather the parts that veronica's soul is bonded to and destroy them that'll finally put an end to her okay how we need to go after the animatronics she is the strongest influence over the phantom puppet that's been following you around must be her eyes when i was watching you on the security cameras it was definitely coordinating with the other animatronics that's true that shadow bonnie might be how veronica years freddy is tricky but it seems the least aggressive to you that sounds like it has some heart foxy will be the toughest i don't know what it has but it's safe to say it's the most aggressive of them all you're going to have to figure out a way to stun the animatronics long enough to reach in and pull out the corrupted component that's the only way we're going to get out of here be careful dan i'll do my best to help you in any way i can all right let's do this ryan let's get let's get her appeased and get you out of here and get me out of here okay oh crap so i'm gonna take out four animatronics that's that's what i understood at least right because you got the bonnie you got the puppet you have freddy and foxy hello i guess the best one would be to take out that shadow bonnie who's back on stage couldn't i just come on i want to get out of here shot hey there's nothing around me right now let's come up with a game plan for shadow bonnie it won't move if i can't make noises so if i can sneak up to it really quietly i should be able to just bash it on the head with this crowbar and knock it out try that not okay i i don't know how that worked but i guess it worked so i've got a mangled ear all right now that's one down three to go i don't know how much the ghost i don't think i can take down that ghost the marionette because it's like actually able to go through things wouldn't it just be able to go through the the crowbar where are them anyway or where are the animatronics oh it's been barricaded well there it is oh okay yeah this is gonna be like ow no no no no no no no no no run run no no no no no run run run run run it's banging on the door i think i can get oh hi where am i this is some sort of spare parts room i don't remember this place being as fleshed out is there a way out through the back yeah what is this a route foundry what does that even mean uh well i was hoping this tv or something in this room would tell me what it is but you know what i think i should just pull it there we go okay let's see is foxy still outside i might go this back way cause i feel like foxy's in the main area i don't know how i'm going to take out foxy foxy's really aggressive and it's fast oh my god i need to get away uh jump up here don't think he can see me i lose him put that on yeah this will work oh the water's turned into lava i guess that's what it meant by re-riding the foundry well let's uh oh oh god okay run run run run run run this will work i shut off i know things no one you're knows to die veronica's really mad if that's actually her spirit if she's controlling all of these i guess i'd be mad too if someone killed a part of me and took my ear and threw into some lava how am i going to get out of this i there's no way i'm going to take down that foxy okay ready [Music] hey freddy how's it going uh you look a little bit more beat up than i remember you being i thought you were the nice one you got the heart maybe it's just because he's kind of easy to avoid is that why you're nice if i get too close to you though are you going to actually attack me i don't want to find out okay maybe i can just like lure him over here i don't i don't really know what to do do i just like take it out the crowbar again is it really that simple it's so slow it's not gonna be able to dodge anything uh i'm really sorry about this freddy but looks like i got no other choice yeah come on whoa corrupted heart oh heart's been corrupted okay [Music] how did he not see me [Music] how did he not see me i guess technically she i guess all these are technically she okay she's searching for things okay i think he's gone she or whatever i don't care there's the puppet how do i defeat the puppet i had to throw the part into the lava anyway right so what if i were it hey there puppet you can see me right oh god that sounds like oh hey come and get me come get me come on come on come and get me oh god one dad you want to come and get me that's right i'm a parkour master you want to screw with me oh god no he can just run around well that's three down she's really mad now oh we're back in here i can hear it on my tail it's right behind me don't be afraid come with me i'm not trusting it i'm not trusting it oh no it's not doing that it's trying to cut me off i stopped oh just let me couch no just let me kill you let me kill you veronica you've you're killing everything else i gotta get out of here gotta get gotta get away from it get a flashlight off get a flashlight off no god you're so freaking aggressive okay how do i defeat this thing it's gonna get me brian i need your help she is too smart ryan i don't have anywhere else to go to brian are you okay oh i see that uh okay uh take this there you go dropped a thing oh no no give it back give it back veronica oh i killed it i killed it we did it i got her tainted memories ryan what now we need to send it back to the forge it came from okay yeah we could do that so like we'll just go this way you're coming with me right i'll be at peace once i know veronica's soul is voted you and me both dude i i don't know though i feel something i can hear something it's like there's a presence here do you hear it because i don't know i hope this will work all right ryan are you ready all right first let's do her memories okay we'll just toss that in here here we go containing memories in the lava and her corrupted heart we did it why does it feel like something isn't right ah ryan veronica oh she best dude what the heck what about you dude please don't worry about me oh it was a pleasure i mean it was a pleasure knowing you too but are you gonna die with everything so i'm gonna blow this place up i can see it coming uh oh okay uh boundaries this way oh no yeah it's down there uh-huh i guess this is it [Music] okay this has to be it [Applause] [Music] yep oh my oh [Music] what it's a dead end what worthless dude good timing i think i had another one of those what you're finally good enough to be let out i'm on my way i can't wait to see ant again [Applause] ah this is the place oh my god you're real aunt i thought you were killed by ronaldo or something i'm so glad you're alive he definitely did a number on me that's for sure but not nearly as much as he did to you yeah those drugs he injected us with apparently i was allergic or something they found you collapsed right outside the building it's a miracle you're still alive i could say the same thing about you how'd you get away let's just say ronaldo's under control you got him in that suit remember yeah but how do you uh duh i was with you the whole time oh right anyway why did you make me fly all the way out here when you called you were really vague i figured with all those medical bills you could use a job oh no i'm not doing this again relax this is completely safe i've been working here for the past few months honestly it's probably the best time of my life do you like steak of course a little steak well then you'll love this place not a pizza slice around come on i'll give you the tour well all right i don't know man why would you get a job like this again i mean when we both escaped from ronaldo's grasp and i was in the hospital i was having dreams about the fun park and they had this yeah the fun part wait i i thought i had a dream about a fun park was was i in charge yeah you yeah yeah we had like animatronics of us and everything oh my god i remember that that that was a thing and anyways there was an area of the fun park and it was like a western themed area and i don't know i just i started really getting into westerns like after having that dream and it must have been while i was watching a western i was just looking at the newspaper looking for a job and there was a job for a western themed steakhouse and i just took the job and i've been having a lot of fun here ever since so i think i honestly think you're gonna like it here really okay i mean this does look pretty cool oh my god there's peanuts okay that's pretty cool so over here is actually the waiting area so i mean honestly we have a lot of booked up days here so you know um if people need to wait for you know like a reservation or something then they just they wait in here they get free peanuts well you wouldn't really think a lot of people would show up here because we're in the middle of nowhere i drove two hours to get here well you feel lonely no i i don't feel lonely here at all i mean look i've got freddie to keep me company and you know that actually reminds me so none of the animatronics here are dangerous because i actually like one of the first assignments that they had me do here uh was code in ai named al and you know i named it al because you know ai al i thought that was kind of funny you know but anyways uh so the al actually looks over all of the animatronics here so uh things have been things have been really tame and you can i mean look they're all very well behaved is that a chica yup that's chica and chica wants to welcome you to the scenery saloon and steakhouse northwest's best western destination what was that okay i'm okay i'm sorry marketing told me to say that even dude even i know even the shell of a human being like seriously i would never dan honestly with the amount that they're paying me for this job i don't minds town on like a shell of my my former self they they they pay me a lot of money here wait they actually pay you like they don't just like tell you they're going to pay you and then it's like 100 at the end of the week i wouldn't have stayed here for the past couple of months if they didn't pay me good you should have started that you should you should have started the call with that money i i need that do you know how much hospital bill debt i'm in now i've been in the hospital for like a year i've been eating i've been eating food out of a tube and it wasn't good food it tasted like death which honestly to be fair i i felt like i probably was dead at one point because man they said that whatever i was injected with by ronaldo screwed me up i don't know what they fed you at the hospital but it sounds like i don't want any part of that oh come on man dude like you were only in there for like a week and i was in there for like what does carry the two like a year and a half so i all right so back here anyways just in case you you know you find that you need to use the restrooms these are the restrooms you know the lights on the fritz uh i mean hmm interesting i'll have to talk i'll have to talk to management about that one but anyways and then back here we've got my office oh this is pretty nice it's a little cramped in here but it's not cupcake ah okay so what is that you do down here do you do security cameras no actually that's gonna wind up being your job what they have me do around here is i've got a little touchscreen here and okay this is weird what so normally what they have me do around here is i actually look after the motion sensing that's in the vent system that's one of the things that uh that you know i programmed a lot you know like alex after him i look after him and uh but none of the none of the indications are on the monitor here oh okay that's weird i mean i mean you just pointed out that the electricity is kind of on the fritz here so maybe the system's rebooted or something i'll check on that okay well does that make the animatronics like more aggressive or something or is that going to mess with owl or i don't think it's going to cause any problems i mean i know the way that i coded out if like anything does like go down i mean the the animatronics are supposed to be in sort of like a standby mode so i wouldn't worry about that too much oh this is a new animatronic what's this it looks like a bonnie but he's like glowing in the dark he's a he's a little bartender i mean we don't you know we don't serve alcohol here or anything but let's just say after hours you should probably ask him for the spiked sarsaparilla that's really good is he filled with sasparilla that's so cool i've never thought about like repurposing an animatronic and did you do that mm-hmm that was one of the rules that they had me do here oh my god they had me spice this place up a bit again they pay me good money for this job i'm going to do a good job i like the money they pay me yeah speaking of which i mean we got to get you on the payroll so we've got to get you starting up your job so uh your office now admittedly they didn't really build this place with a big staff in mind i don't know why they didn't so we had to repurpose an area in the fun zone you're going to be working in the dude i get to have fun all the time that's a big moon [Music] oh yeah okay all right so where am i look oh my god oh it's finney oh my god vinny i i thought i hallucinated you but then i remembered that you were at that factory that we worked out remember that what are you what are you doing all the way back over there uh that's vinnie yeah why aren't you getting closer to him that's that me okay so i want to be honest i have a feeling that vinnie doesn't like al very well because me and vinnie aren't really on the best of terms vinnie likes to come after me a little bit i mean since the system is down vinnie seems pretty tame right now but i i don't like to get near vinnie what the heck is that thing up there i just saw it like wig out is that guy looks like vixie yeah that's that's our that's our vixi bowl and uh so i'm like is it a mechanical bull it's very loud huh yeah is that is this supposed to be doing that i i don't think it's supposed to be tweaking out that much again we know the electricity is on the fritz right now that's something i'm gonna be checking out once we uh get you checked into your office and uh you know do i have to worry about this thing because it's like it's a mechanical bull then it's going to stay in place and stay right there it's not going to run from there into your office and hurt you okay speaking speaking of your office let's let's go and check out your office so the area that we've rigged up for you we thought that uh this was the most fitting you're looking after the cameras you're looking after the place you are the sheriff in town now i'm the sheriff mm-hmm sheriff dan sorry i had to do a crappy western even from the sheriff i mean you you've got crappy lines i've got crappy line you're already assimilating in just fine oh god no no oh dude this is a cool setup i got a little box and a chair and you can look after all these cameras so okay your camera system's working so that's weird all right your cameras are working but my motion sensing stuff isn't working so i'm i mean honestly like originally i was going to actually want to tour you around and help you get assimilated to your new job but honestly i think i've got to actually go and check out to see why my motion sensing area stuff isn't working so oh okay do you need my help to like see if if if a vinnie goes after you or something uh i mean i mean you can you can check out you know you can check out the uh you know the cameras along the way but i'm just i'm gonna go and check check you know check out to see if i can figure out what's going on okay you have to worry about like is al gonna like say hi or something is that no i mean i wanna meet him i'm i mean the networking and the electricity it's all kind of down right now so uh honestly i don't know if you're going to be meeting al yet maybe but i'll i'll see what i can do i'm going to try and fix things here i can i can see through my door from the monitors that's that's good all right see you man okay this is my office are you okay yeah i mean vinnie's giving me kind of a weird look right now honestly oh okay vinnie [Music] is looking at me oh oh i see i see you're really close to him me yeah i mean it's because vinnie's i i don't know i i could i could be imagining things here but i think vinnie might be moving i mean it looks like his like motors are oh his head's turning yeah he's definitely following your head you're following you around what is he yeah he looks like it well now he's he stopped okay okay all right so so i just like i just look around and stuff yeah you just use the cameras you look around you know you make sure that uh you know none of the animatronics are moving and uh i thought they were peaceful though right i mean there's they're supposed to be but again with the fact that the electricity and stuff and whatnot is down right now like this isn't a scenario that i've set myself up with before right like yeah since since i started working this job everything's been peachy i mean i'm so i'm i'm actually pretty sorry uh you know just from an introductory standpoint that your first day on the job and there's electricity problems yeah that that's really unfortunate very unlucky uh i'm not gonna lie though these cameras are really snappy and like they give you really good views i like these oh oh we have a foxy hi hey dan yeah wow why are you in the vent you can crawl through the vents so i was walking around i saw i saw you like dip in there a second ago but i thought that was just like you tripped or something yeah yeah so i'm trying to follow follow wherever the wiring is in this place and uh yeah i i went through the the the event where you know behind vinnie and it leads directly in here i'm so sorry i i i i had to do that i i i'm gonna i'm gonna be honest i did that on purpose wow i did that on purpose wow so so wait if does that mean that if if you go in through the vent does that mean that uh they can go through the vent you know wait i haven't seen i haven't seen them go through the vent personally but uh that's that's why you're here i mean maybe i just haven't seen them go through the vans oh there's bit battery okay i i will not mess with that then i i think that maybe they do go down there can i check i i can see your butt all right that's the that's the best view i i think so yeah let me see so yeah i can look into the vents and then i think these vent batteries ah and they don't okay they lock okay that makes sense uh okay hey chica still on the stage bonnie he looks cool he glows so much i love it he's green makes me feel nice like it makes me feel calm what was this camera dark okay where are you at let's see all the way i'm still in the vent system uh oh i just found i just found a ladder oh you don't know about this area i'm going up to the catwalk actually you might want to you might want to exit your office for a second because vinnie is like right outside my door i just saw him on the camera oh yeah he's right there i could just watch all the move well he's like he's like in front of the the hangman place like is that where you guys play hangman what's up with that that is vinnie's location is by the hangman area okay no i mean hey dan you should you should step outside your office for a second uh wait you said vinnie is not going to hurt me right he's just oh you're up there yeah i'm up here isn't it isn't that like super dangerous no no i've got this isn't the first time i've had to come up here so no i'm i'm actually trying to look for like where the wiring throughout this place goes and uh i i can't find it so okay oh wait actually i'm gonna come back down i know where i need to go so there's a generator over there that i need to uh that i need to mess with because i don't know i feel like the networking and power i want to see if the backup generator was kicked on for any reason okay where'd vinnie go so all right when i close my door because i don't trust anything even though you say everything's okay like i know vinnie's moving around and he's not i don't know where he could be is he is he in the event no it didn't seem like it i don't know he's still on stage bonnie is still green oh freddy he's in the hallway okay all right i'll go i'll go check on him here in just a second but i'm about to pop back through your office so i don't don't be scared this time well you know we'll scare the cat well i'm sorry you were just i wasn't expecting a human to crawl out of a vent all right let me see what's going on here so actually there's a back okay benny vinny all right vinnie i don't i don't see him he's not on the map vinnie is on the move vinnie is it right outside of your door oh gosh this town ain't big enough for them too i locked myself in a cage and he can't get me why is he mad at me i honestly i don't know i'm gonna look into this like again vinnie's the one that i've never really quite trusted around here vinnie doesn't listen to al at all i don't know why i'm gonna look i'm gonna check on the backup generator see if uh see if the backup generator has been kicked on well he left the room so i guess i'm okay ah okay he's he's over near the hangman place again i gotta check the other people uh i think the backup dinner might actually be on though where where is freddy at he's he's not he's not there he's not in the hallway anymore oh why is bonnie p yellow why is pony why is he bonnie yellow there's a there's a jar vinnie's still vinnie's still moving around here i see they don't look like they move when i'm looking at them so maybe i can like keep them away from you or they don't seem like they're trying to move anyway well the cameras are only recording while you're looking at them so where i don't know again vinnie doesn't really listen very well and my only guess is that vinnie knows when the cameras are recording which means everything's online and if any knows when the cameras are recording and vinnie doesn't want to be seen oh hey trying to jump scare me again i thought i heard something in the vent oh whoops i think i oh i may have actually oh yeah i took a wrong turn that's right wow again i don't have to go through the vents very often i i needed to go through the vent in your office it seems like you're just like you like crawling around in vince you like being a dirty vent boy no honestly i don't really like doing this part of the job i don't have to do this part very often i know the vent system sort of i'm just i'm being real i got lost no i'm just trying to make my way back up to the catwalk i mean uh uh this is oh foxy's gone uh then he is spazzing out it doesn't look like it moves though i guess you're right and there's vixie all right no that's that's no wait wait i just mixed them up the bull is is the bull the vixie yeah bull's vixie vinnie he's the sheriff oh you know what i bet it is ann he's the chair he's the sheriff right uh yeah you put me in the sheriff's office but i'm not the sheriff oh that would make so much sense well honestly dude going to the top i did that would make so much sense that must be why he's been so mad at me recently ever since i dripped the paperwork saying that this was going to be your office oh okay that would make so much sense yeah i guess i would um okay so where would foxy be would foxy even like ready vinnie got vinnie up here are you are you like upstairs i'm calling lots of eddie vinnie i'm really sorry that we had to put someone into your office why is why is bonnie red only temporary okay i'm really sorry why is bonnie red bonnie's red yeah he's like glowing red are you just seeing that i feel like that camera might be malfunctioning because there's no reason why you should be red there is every other color looks right did you hear something [Music] uh there might be a problem with the red filter on that camera i found foxy he's in my vent but i i turned on the vent and i i'm gonna try and try and move a little bit faster here something something's on my other vent too wait is he is he still there so i'm yeah i'm following the i actually was following following the uh power wires over the catwalk and i am just trying to see where they go right now oh my god okay uh oh this is uncomfortable oh chica's gone bonnie's still there but he's red we're trying to get the i'm gonna try and get the power on as soon as i can i just wound up in a meat locker i didn't realize we had this place here it's a steak house where would they hold the steak yeah but just the way that this room is arranged i don't like this all right i'm gonna try i see the meat locker there's blood coming out of it okay why would we have a meat locker in a steak house where we're storing a meat but there's no way to get through this door you're in the meat locker you're not getting out i'm out of here i'm going through the vents wait but how'd you get out of the meat or how did you even get into the meat locker if you can't get out of the meat locker through the vent system like you can get through the vent system but but the door itself where normal people and like if a customer got trapped in here would we expect a customer to go through the vents in order to get out of a room to get trapped then we could that we would be liable for so many oh bonnie's missing where'd bonnie go where'd bonnie go okay i wound up i wound up back in my office and bonnie's in my office bonnie's in my office your office now yeah okay all right all right i'm gonna move i'm gonna move as fast as i can i'm gonna move as fast as i can i'm trying to figure this out trying to figure out why the motion sensor is not working in the vents just so you know bonnie was like really really mad at me you were saying that bonnie what with the eyes right he was red i see bonnie here what color is his eyes oh bonnie's after me bonnie is after me bonnie why would bonnie be after you i don't know honestly again the power's never been out like this before i don't know what's going on i don't know what's going on oh behind you behind you behind you well freddy seems all right freddy seems chill i don't do anything to you not freddie's just chilling i i didn't see freddy there yeah that's why i was screaming behind you because you know he could get you no no i mean if bonnie if freddie was acting like bonnie i i would be a dead man right now but freddy seems to be acting up acting just fine all right freddy thank you hey vinnie's just he's outside of the galas again i i saw foxy in my vent once but he hasn't this chica hat i don't know where chica is i haven't seen chica at all she was on the stage but she's not there anymore all right your presence is required at the salvage shed please go alone and what's this about a salvage shed [Music] oh i think i know where that is i haven't been there in so okay hang on hang on hang on i need to check on something i just flipped the light switch i am uh i'm gonna i'm gonna check outside for something real quick okay hang on give me a second i need to follow the wiring around the building here a little bit i don't like this salvage shed it said i had to do it too like you couldn't do it which is weird oh i'm outside right now are you still on the call yeah no i mean it just it said go to the salvage shed and then hung up i'm following the wiring outside here and i just want to i need to make a comment to management later we've got a fence bordering the back of this place you know to protect all of you know the assets that are coming in there are holes in the fence everywhere really that's not good this is something you're gonna have to check out later honestly we'll have to check this out later where is everything all right anyways i've done all i've done all that i can do i'm going to go back to my i saw chica i saw chica man let's go back to my office here really quickly and just what do you want chica see if everything's working oh god her beak went through the okay that's fine her eyes are so beating yeah i think my motion sensing is working again why uh i'm i'm seeing i'm seeing it just looks like it's working oh you went back to your office yeah all right i'm gonna come back to your office i'm gonna meet back up with you i can i just i'm just gonna hide in this jail cell it seems like i'm pretty good in here and um nothing nothing can get me in here oh okay vinnie is vinnie's chasing me so oh oh okay wait do you need my help no no i'm gonna get back to uh your office as quickly as i can just i don't like it when vinnie is uh chasing me around oh man all right i'm almost there i'm almost there i'm almost there all right oh oh okay i thought that was i thought that was an animatronic opening the door they can do that like everyone everyone's come up and like said there's something in my vein i i have honestly i have no idea what's going on so i mean my motion sensing is working again but i don't know if al is working again i think al may have not rebooted okay he just gave me a call on the phone though i i assume that was that was like some sort of text-to-speech voice that sounded very friendly and very calming al doesn't have access to our phone system especially this this is an old-timey phone look at that thing which i appreciate the authenticity but that's a rotary phone yeah it's a place from like then that's why our internet went out we must be running on like dsl or pots or like the plain old telephone system or something ew that sounds gross so it's a salvage shed though and i i don't know what that is i'm guessing that's how you guys like get your animation when i was outside and i saw the holes in the fence i saw that there is a pathway leading from one of the fences and unless it's out front i the only thing i can think of you said you were told about a salvage shed yeah yeah yes i would shed that's either out front which i don't think so or it's out back do we need to go check that out yeah at least he said i had to all right hang on let me let me lead you the way that i saw okay uh but we might we might have to move kind of quickly yeah well i'm looking around to see if there's any animatronic wait is is bonnie back oh yeah he's green bonnie that i mean yeah he seemed okay all right chica's big kids cheek is fine oh wait you flipped the switch yeah i did and they put them all back online now they're back to normal oh that would you know that would actually make some sense the the thing is vinnie's still not listening but maybe all the other ones are because maybe out maybe y'all is online okay so but vinnie's vinnie's still not listening to me so i i need to figure that one out okay must be must be some kind of a bug in the software but this is the area that i was checking out and the hole in the fence okay with the path if there's some kind of a shack that you need to be checking out honestly this place looks like a dump i i think your path might be over here oh man there's a chain-link fence dude i can hear crickets out there that's gonna be gross oh wait there's like some wires i think you're right well there's no animatronics out there so you'll be fine oh okay are you what are you going to do i i'm going to figure out i'm going to figure out if i can figure out why al's not working all right see if he's booted back up or what's going on okay i found the shed that's that's a shed that's for sure the road's overgrown all right it's the eyes oh man i don't want to go in fine uh where'd it go do uh do i sit down hello and welcome to your first night in the salvage shed from using automated text to speech systems to how we source our animatronics it's all part of scenery saloons fiscal efficiency program designed to keep our small chain fiscally solvent in these unprecedented times in front of you should be an animatronic from the now defunct freddy fazbear's pizzeria please confirm that what is in front of you is in fact an animatronic from the now defunct freddy fazbear's pizzeria yeah that's definitely an animatronic good you're a natural at this thanks without further ado let us begin your orientation look at the floor okay uh look at the floor okay there should be a box below your desk that box is your friend it is also where you will store any and all replacement parts required for the animatronic in front of you okay now look at the ceiling um all right there is nothing on the ceiling oh oh no the animatronic seems to have moved while you were being a terrible worker please get it back under control by pressing the button to your left um okay oh ah wow you completely electrocuted the animatronic into submission unfortunately you've shorted out the circuit and the taser is now inoperable ah crap don't worry someone will reset the breaker during the day probably and it is now almost time for you to do your job okay i will ask you a series of questions and you are to answer yes or no using the buttons behind you on the desk is another button press it and an audio cue will sound let's do a test please press the button um oh i i don't i don't like the sound of this i don't like the sound and look at you i don't know i don't like any of this great the audio cue system seems to be fully functional it seems like get out of the way it's now time to get to work please press the audio q button i don't know if i want to al i'm guessing you're al right playing the audio queue [Music] did you see any movement mark your results i i don't think so oh i heard something move did i do it right uh you definitely moved i guess i'll play another audio audio did you see any movement mark your results i don't think so okay i didn't remove that problem with the current animatronic it seems like its auditory sensors have been damaged please locate the replacement part and put it in the box replacement part where is that supposed to be over here over here there's something on the floor oh wait auditory sensor whoa ah give me that okay i got it i got it i got it put it in the box [Music] please locate the replacement part and put it in the box how do i make it back here i thought i thought i just died okay whatever put this in the box right now do it great job we knew you were the insert gender here for the job oh thank god you may now go home and take a much needed rest see you tomorrow [Music] [Music] and things were a lot simpler back then i should have probably taken off my clothes before i got hello dan you left kind of quickly last night everything all right yeah i'm good all right well you better head over now cause you're gonna be late for work okey-dokey see you in a bit golly i'm fine go now hello dan i do believe i have not formally introduced myself you may call me owl hello i am an artificial intelligence delegated as the back end for century saloon llc i would like to commend you for finishing your first night in the salvage shed the salvaged animatronic will be stored backstage and is pending shipment it is recommended not to interact with any backstage animatronics as their actions have been shown to be unpredictable and or violent salvaged animatronics are more limber than their completed counterparts and might be able to access unauthorized areas using the ventilation system it is recommended to stay in your what it's recommended to say what hey al oh god oh hey sorry sorry hey uh so how's uh how ghost things uh i i just got like a really scary phone call or announcement from al from al yeah didn't you are we talking about are we talking about the same al here uh yeah like the ai that i programmed that's not connected to our phone system well i don't know something just happened also hey look at this i see i see you did this that's kind of nice of you you know i mean i wanted you to feel like you're at home while you're here okay well i mean i i this is definitely the home homiest room like you know i can sit in my chair and like you know you're my homie and like it's got my skirt here overlap i like that you call it a little reliable it was reliable but i don't think i'm not gonna ever take it out of there though it looks like i wanted you to forget about you know the hanging wires and what looks like falling wallpaper you know i want i i wanted you to feel at home here but i do uh but yeah so so you're saying owl wasn't supposed to call me because he was just not he was like oh you know hey here well thanks for doing the salvage shed uh just you know we're gonna ship off the salvage absolute news to me like i made al to be sort of like an overseer of the animatronics i didn't design al to you know be a liaison for our phone system like i have no idea what's going on um well cool that that makes me feel great about everything oh man all right oh i should probably check on the animatronics while i'm talking you can still talk while i look right so come on yeah i mean the only thing that i uh you know i've been doing as far as the phone is related is i talked to corporate for you know a little bit i wanted to figure out what happened with uh bar hop bonnie oh yeah what was up with that anyway um they mentioned something about needing to tip and then i realized i've had a tip coin in my pocket this entire time a tip coin oh yeah apparently we're supposed to tip bar hop bonnie and i forgot to do that i don't know if you should be doing that since you're well i don't know should i be doing that i think i mean do you have more than one tip coin i've only got the one on me oh well i guess i guess you can tip it if you want uh i'll just tell you if he gets like you know mad yeah you know i would you know we live in america if you don't tip our you know waiters and waitresses you're kind of a bad person so i can see why he's mad at us so what happened like oh goodness what happened with last night so okay so yeah i kind of went home real quick um i went to the the salvage shed right remember you remember that right i remember you going there yeah uh so there was like this beat up bonnie animatronic which is now being stored backstage i can see it uh and it's like missing an arm and it's really dark back there and then it told me i could go home so i just kind of went to the hotel and passed out because i was feeling really dude i felt like i died for a little bit like i felt really really drained like really really drained and i had like this i thought the bunny like jump scared me but it didn't because it was just right in front of me and just got on the water i mean yeah the water here should be nice though anyway let me let me check on the camera again because i'm just really afraid oh what's going on uh that salvage bonnie is gone um but everybody else is fine i i think you know that's something i've got to look into too all right you know what i'm gonna try and fix al i'm gonna try and figure out what's going on and also i don't understand how i have been working here for like what a few months now yeah and first i've been hearing about a shed that we have out back i mean yeah but you i mean we kind of went there right so like you knew about it never seen it though i just mentioned that there are tracks that were leading out the back of our broken fence i had no idea what was back there i mean i guess that's true but anyways i'm gonna i'm gonna try and figure out what's going on around here trying to figure out why al is hooked into our phone system try and figure out what was going on with the animatronics last night so i'm gonna leave you to it for the time being okay just be careful because chica's already left oh and vinnie has already left oh yeah i see vinnie is not standing over here where vinnie is supposed to be standing uh vixie is still in place foxy's there bonnie is there uh i'll try and figure this out oh man i gotta find out where i know oh great freddy's not there oh he's in the hallway okay which hallway i'm in a hallway right now uh not he's in the entrance hallway i think he's on his way to the arcade i'm gonna go to my office and check to see what is and isn't working is something in here i heard something move okay oh hi vinnie hey what's up dude this time ain't big enough for the two of us how's it going i'm in here though i yeah you can't get me you can't get me vinnie i don't have to i don't have to worry about you why don't i just stay in here my door just swung open aunt did you do that what's going on no i didn't do that i'm glad you're the one dealing with vinnie not me uh my switch ain't working for the door anymore what oh okay that's that's not good you need me to come and get you out no i'm good i got out of there my room my room just kind of opened okay i just flipped back on i was i was looking across the hall and i did actually see i see vinnie right now i see vinnie right now i'm i'm outta here you're not on good terms i'm i'm just gonna keep going foxy oh my god foxy scared the crap out of me where where's chica at i don't see chica i do see i see something i see something i didn't know what it was there's bonnie bart bonnie's like the only animatronic that has not been acting up all right you know what bar hop bonnie there you go here you go just oh did you tip it yeah i tipped a tip our hot oh man i keep hearing things i'm getting very very paranoid okay you know it would be a good place for me to look for coins dan where in the arcade i just thought of that oh yeah also vinnie is doing stuff to vixe i don't know that's pg-13 or not oh i get your mom your husband and wife but come on man she is following me hi freddie there's a play coin there's a play coin in the the storage closet what the heck i think chica is trying to follow me i'm i'm in the uh the arcade room right now are you i don't see you i'm looking through the the camera at you but i don't see anything i do see a play coin though i hope i hope chica didn't just hear you say that i was trying to lure chica into the arcade room it's okay okay anything in the air nothing in the vent nothing in that event chica got me there chica i don't know what chica's doing you know what you know what chica i can i need to find out what's wrong with you hi the fweddy he's looking at the play coin ready that play coin is not for you that's for bonnie okay all right okay i'm good i'm good uh bonnie bonnie's good all right dan actually i i just found a coin in the arcade room i just found one yeah yeah i just found one cool is freddy still in there freddy wasn't in there when i went in there oh i see freddie and i think freddie was hiding from me honestly wow okay freddy i see you pretty i'm freddie chica i just saw chica chica came after you yeah i gotta i gotta check on something well i'm kind of trapped in here now until the door opens this isn't opening it oh hey there we go okay so something's wrong with the door to the jail cell i used to be able to just hide in there indefinitely but now it seems like there's like a 15 second time limit where i can go into it chica went back to her stage it seems like okay good yeah actually i just witnessed chica walk in here and um uh bonnie's yellow you need to tip him again oh okay all right well i found a few tip coins actually so all right here you can get it here you go oh there's nothing backstage anymore all right okay i think we're okay so i just ran across freddie like a moment ago and uh oh really but he was in yeah freddie was in the arcade room i think freddie was actually hiding oh hi vinnie i see i see the top of your head oh man okay there's still a there's still a play coin in this uh the supply shed or like the supply closet some something seems wrong like i can i can hear something walking around what is it you no i'm on the other i'm on the other end if you're hearing me you've got some good ears i think my camera is picking up your movement interesting chica's back on stage i like that music that she plays oh good okay let's that's two animatronics doing what they're supposed to be doing something's aggravating me though like when the fact that al when whenever al gets more and more unpredictable the animatronics are getting more more unpredictable it's like they're becoming disconnected from out or maybe they're connected without the problem i don't know foxy's in my thingy i'm just going to close the vents on you you can't get me any more foxy i'm just going to let that go for a little bit oh oh oh freddy was also trying to do oh no freddy's all right i'm on my way i'm gonna park my hair so that i don't have to worry for a little bit i'm on my way i saw uh i'm draining i'm draining the crap out of my vent oh god on the way yeah as soon as i think as soon as chica heard me coming up the hallway stormed into what's in this room anyways what oh okay all right okay we're good all right get on that front foxy are you trying to oh okay he's back there good vinny after me right now vinnie is after me right now i'm oh i swear oh i see i see it i see it okay bring vinnie back into your office for the third time tonight i'd rather not ooh a coin hi chica [Music] okay okay okay okay um you said that dude he was hanging out with you earlier yeah he was in the vent for a very long period of time he drained my battery down to 44 oh goodness because if you were to look at the camera that overlooks foxy's den foxy's not there even still man freddy likes to look at the play coins okay cheek is just wandering around but chica almost looks kind of passive right now that's really strange yeah just looking at the lights walking around i found fox where is that stupid salvage thing i'm gonna because have you seen it [Music] i don't like that i don't like that at all oh no no no no my god this is oh chica just attacked me dude oh my god chica my door didn't work what else is messing with oh oh my god how how does owl even control a door it's a door that didn't make any sense how how you know what i see foxy foxy's probably going to try to go through my vent i want to find out exactly where i put out where i was running from which network closet he's in and i think i might have to shut him down shut down am i up but then wouldn't that is al messing with their ai i mean the thing is i designed al to prevent this kind of behavior so it's like are things going to get better if i shut them down or are they going to get worse um you need a tip bonnie i got it i got it i got it i got it i got it good job okay okay uh a reminder on that let's see pretty sure freddy's gonna try to go or foxy's trying to go down my vent on the right i don't know where freddie is oh boy uh i heard something again nope nothing in there do you need to check up on you i'm good i'm good i'm a good boy i i i'm a good boy aunt tell me i'm a good boy you're you're a good boy dan that that that's a good that's a good boy that's kind of creepy coming for you i don't like that hey i see you on camera hi lol well they don't pay me in this job to uh to be good with customers they just pay me to do my job uh vinnie's behind these the gallows so you can you can do whatever you want okay oh chica's gone again is gone again i just can't chica i see i see her i see her i see i see her little feet okay oh i i saw i think i just saw her duck into the kitchen well good i'm in the kitchen i think chica saw that i withdrew my firearm because i've had enough of this you got a firearm yeah wait wait i'm going outside i want to see this i don't even care about the animatronics where's your gun where where you at i'm gone oh there you are here okay you you have a gun why did i get a gun damn between you and me look at the tip the pop gun she's behind us look there she is shoot her shooter shooter shooter shooter here she she hurt me shoot her yeah dad i can't it's a pop gun i'll chuckle i'll try it you know fire a warning shot cheek do it chica i need you oh hi vinnie to back off okay uh and behind you vinnie i need to keep it all right here oh here oh wait pop gun i want it i want it yeah i can't get it i can't get that ain't big enough then he just went to the sheriff office what do i do if anyone into the sheriff office yeah i'm just going to hide want to head over here i'm not going in there i'm not stupid well you've got chica coming up the back back right now well i'm kind of hiding right now okay he's out oh hi hang on i don't think they know before i come back i i i need to i need to tip our hot bunny there you go was was he red no no he was yellow i i think i was right on the the neck of uh him turning red though i want to be real he was shaking a little bit he seemed like he was kind of frustrated but that's okay it's all right we've got this found another couple tip coins in here though so it should be good so until my door works i'm just going to hide in this corner when i think i'm in trouble no no no no no no no no no no no go away go [Music] this doesn't work you know what [Music] get out of dan's office right now whoa i've had it up to here with you thank you go back to where you belong i i never thought i'd see you hold an animatronic at gunpoint i've had enough of this place really you're the one it's been one day and yesterday you were like this place is freaking awesome and then the chica this place is beautiful music yeah it's beautiful i love it but like two months i had good times here a power surge ruins everything that i did everything that i did and now i'm having flashbacks and i'm not okay uh okay sorry but uh chica is just when that's vinnie something's gotta be done about this yeah that's what i think dan hi foxy uh we need to get out of here you know what we've gotta go we've gotta oh my god what what do we even do like this was your idea this was all your plan this is all you this is all you well you're the one and i got the bad luck here with you you show up power cert totally ruins all of my programming oh my god there's freddie you're freddy and she foxy's behind us the only guy who's a friend of me right now is bar hop bonnie what here's another tip you deserve it thank you oh he's green now that's nice how are you okay i'm i'm i'm here i'm here okay okay i'm good i have got to figure out what is going on without the animatronics this working environment's not sit this working environment's not safe for you it's not safe for me chica what did we just talk about what would you talk about what would you talk about i don't think she's listening to you i don't think i'm listening to her she's eating your gun yeah she trying to tempt me oh see that's how you gotta deal with these animatronics sometimes you just gotta i don't know who's boss okay it's a pop gun but it's more like a nerf gun okay well still still hurts you know you you take a steel tip you know nerf to the face yeah let me let me go back to my office i think there's freddy all of a sudden all right all right hey bonnie you're the best now i like you the most we just had to tip him let's maybe there's some maybe there's a way to pacify chica i don't know you haven't been checking the vents by the way that's how freaking i'm gonna take this coin this is my coin now that's how freaking dan do do we need to leave do we need to leave for now i can't can't we leave i don't think we can leave you don't think we can leave i don't think we can leave what what can we do i don't have a car i have an uber here it was like 30 minutes away [Music] hello yeah freddy i'd like to make a reservation to get you away from me oh i hurt his feelings maybe freddie's working again i don't know these guys seem really like extremely aggressive like more aggressive than we've had on like night fives what what what time is it even it's like three in the morning oh well we're almost through right here okay i'm going i'm going back i meant to check my offices earlier i'm gonna go back there and see what's going on see if anything's working over here hi vinnie i'm not in my office right now so you shouldn't be mad at me i found a tip coin in my office that was not there last night isn't that no so well i've got a tip coin now okay let me see someone is placing these tip coins around them because i i you know the arcade that made sense around the bar that made sense but i know what's in my office yeah all right well come here okay i'm fine i'm good nothing's in my vent i'm hanging out with nothing's in my vent nothing's near me just sit back i can't go back to my and relax i can't go back why let me check down your hallway there's nothing in your hallway there was something in my hallway and now it's staring me in the face what is it it's vinnie vinnie's after me here have your tip i'm going back to my office you're tipping vinnie now no i got my wires crossed i just tipped bar hop on you there vinnie's after me oh okay oh man okay this is a very i thought he's got you made these i thought you made these animatronics why are they so freaking crazy i didn't make the animatronics i just made the software that's supposed to calm them down they were on the fritz when i showed up that's part of the reason why they hired me is because of my experience they're salvaged they're salvaged bonnie and the bonnie i salvaged yesterday [Music] okay okay okay okay now now my room's working okay there's like a big big time between i can use my cell door okay all right i'm back in my office my phone's ringing hello your presence is required at the salvage shed please go alone god dang it uh okay i gotta go back to the salvage shed which i don't want to do but i [Music] all right uh should i be meeting with there should i be what do you want me to do i don't know this sucks i hate this job and i want to quit oh fine i'll find out what's wrong wait was that you yeah oh hey oh my god oh all right well i mean i'm gonna stay back here honestly all right i know yeah at this point you know that salvage shed better than i do so i i'm just yeah i trust your word on this one yeah i'm i'm just i'm just gonna go what we got on the floor here ocular manifold i don't know that is this is new stuff on the floor as you can processing core welcome to night two with the salvage shed yeah hi in front of you is a discarded freddy fazbear animatronic that we found in the alleyway no we don't know how it got there but why look a gift bear in the mouth let's get salvaging oh no i don't want to salvage okay playing the audio cue did you see any movement mark your results yeah i did okay we have diagnosed the problem with the current animatronic it seems like its logic and processing core has malfunctioned please locate the replacement part and put it in the box what was that thing again okay put it in here [Music] because i gotta play another audio cue playing the next audio cue [Music] did you see any movement mark your results i don't know did i were you paying close enough attention oh no let's try again playing the next audio cue [Music] did you see any movement mark your results no i don't think i saw any movement [Music] excellent work keep this up and you might just get a promotion just kidding get back to work [Music] [Music] i i never thought i'd see you hold it and i'm trying to get a gun to me i've had enough something about ant just doesn't seem quite right oh speak of the devil hey what's up hello dan i am not ant now i request your aid and finally ending this cycle of torment things are not what they seem behind you should be in manila envelope open it what what there is what the heck okay um so what's in here uh some paper and a usb stick inside the usb storage device is confidential information related to the true nature of the animatronics really please find a way to access the data and do not tell ant i'll see you at work don't tell aunt oh god i don't know what's going on anymore hi there aunt are you here [Music] yeah i'm over here hey hey what's up you're sitting down yeah i i i just want to apologize for what happened last night i i really went over the top and i that that wasn't fair to you i mean don't apologize to me apologize to chica you're only like you tore that little animatronic apart i think it's still like traumatized well thankfully a spike's asperilla has helped drown my sorrows away a little bit and hopefully cheek is not as mad cause chica along with all the other animatronics have been rebooted oh really that's good yeah yeah so after i collected myself for a little bit and i collected my thoughts i found the server room where where management hooked all up because i i only coded al i handed it off to management after the fact and yeah turns out the power surge uh let's head over there that turns out the power search just messed everything up and i don't know all i had to do was basically literally unplug it and plug it back in again oh that's like the first thing you're supposed to do and you know anytime i call like tech support and they're like oh did you plug it in and plug it back off and i'm like oh no no i never do that's about what it sounds like on the phone um but yeah so i mean it's kind of ironic considering that uh uh considering that oh right the the way we get it goings over here okay usually um you would think that a power surge would have been akin to turning it off and back on again but no oh yeah that's stupid probably out yeah but anyways so server rooms uh fittingly i don't think i've ever been i don't think i've ever been back here are we having a lounge oh wow i'm surprised i haven't introduced you to this area yet so yeah this is the uh sort of our employee lounge area you know you can chill out eat whatever so it's up here oh um oh this is the oh you control the you control vixie up here [Music] yeah management uh they hadn't give me the rundown of this place but i mean makes sense you know has a window out to the vixie so yeah he's looking at me okay let's go i mean clearly this room doesn't get much attention because there's cobwebs all over it so yeah to be fair i mean have you even opened up the like i haven't seen any customers yet so i don't even know if we're open yet i mean who who knows what you know pr and management's uh strategy is for running this place i mean they they still cut me the paycheck so i'm i'm not guessing you know i got my first paycheck in the mail today oh nice they mailed to my my motel along with this like manila folder and and like it was at least as much as they paid me back at like the pizzeria so i'm pretty okay with that huh but yeah i mean it it it ain't much that's what i thought when i first saw this room but uh yeah these are the servers they keep the room properly air conditioned but yeah all i had to do is uh open up the panel flip the switch turn it back on and everything was good i just said it's a really funny pun hold on you ready you ready for it what's up frank you're breaking your name remain on your baker [Laughter] you got you got me you got me with that one but also oh i almost forgot to tell you so the rivers being here like i i analyzed i looked at the stuff here and this actually explains why al is in our phone system i don't know why management said that set it up this way but the server that runs al is also hooked uh through our phone system so that would that would explain why you've been getting calls from al huh okay that makes sense so that makes a lot of sense yeah uh i mean i mean i i again i'm really sorry oh sorry i i really i really freaked out on you the other night but i don't think i'm gonna have a reason to be frustrated anymore because i think things are going to go back to normal okay that's good i mean it sounds pretty good like i i don't i haven't seen anything happen yet that's a good thing yeah so who's uh the animatronic oh there's foxy wow he's way back in his cove look at that that's cool yeah i guess they are back to normal yeah they're they're i mean you know they're just they're just being their normal selves so yeah i think everything's uh gonna go back to normal around here i'm still not sure about vinnie about vixi but everyone else i i think everyone else is good speaking of which actually i i need to go give a tip to uh to our to our bar man before before we get going oh yeah i guess that's true did you not pay him for his uh sarsaparilla i mean he's green he's green i can see him he's green well well he deserves a tip anyways is there is there uh what do you have on the agenda for tonight um oh oh yeah uh i was wondering do do our computers like do they are they like from the 90s and don't accept usbs or do some of them like accept usb drives because i i um i got some mp3s and i kind of want to like listen to my anime soundtrack while i work okay uh they i mean they should have usb on them but i mean if they're from the 90s that's that could be a hit or miss usb didn't become popular until like 2000 so i mean honestly i wouldn't put it past management to uh you know to to have our computers not have usb drives i wouldn't put it past them oh okay okay that's fine then all right all right well i'll i'll let you figure that out and uh i guess i'm gonna go do my proper management stuff now since everything else seems to be back to normal around here sounds good bruh i'll just check the computers and i'll i'll tell you if anyone you fixy always look at the camera that's different um all right i see you walking away yeah and i am i am seeing that bar up over here is uh turned yellow so you know he's probably you know waiting on my tip here all right there you go everybody he should give you a nice sarsaparilla i'm gonna i'm gonna give him another tip just because he get he gets another one oh i think he just he's trying to give you a sass perilla that's nice that's nice okay looking at the backstage we've got a salvage bonnie and a salvage freddy they're back there now um i i think they're supposed to be quote-unquote for ready for shipment but have you seen any like trucks come by to like pick things up uh no i haven't i mean you're also commenting that there's no customers there hasn't been i haven't seen anyone around here for a little while actually i can only assume that management if you can even call them that at this point are doing something but they haven't told me about it hmm the animatronics are like they're kind of dancing but they're not really doing anything too crazy oh you must be going through their startup routine or something oh that's cool i don't think i've ever seen their actual startup routine they always act kind of funky they always act kind of deadly and homicidal yeah that's true oh man i like this this is nice all right i'm gonna go uh make sure you know now that you've confirmed that they're moving around at least a little bit that uh the server room's still you know not on the fritz or anything i could've swore i just heard something me uh oh vinny vinnie's going to patrol is there anything else going on i could have swore i heard something but maybe my ears are paying a trick on me yeah i don't see anything okay cool uh chica has left sorry go ahead no no wonder why the system didn't reboot properly these servers aren't even using grounded plugs oof yeah so that that that makes sense all right yeah liter like so when the power surge the the like it's not properly grounded so you know it like it did actually the spike of electricity would have gotten up into the surface i'm actually surprised these things aren't fried or anything chica and freddie are just like hanging out in the hallway oh they're going into the arcade it looks like you want me to go check something out no they look they look pretty fine i i still kind of wonder why they're they're moving around but uh i see vinnie moving around out here and i don't like seeing i i see vinny moving towards your office right now i see vinnie moving oh oh no uh okay yeah my my door's on the fritz i don't think it's gonna help me so hopefully vinnie's not that aggressive cause uh i don't think i'm gonna be able to hide in my cage anymore oh oh there's vinnie he's waiting to see you i don't want to i don't want to tell them this but my little pop cap weapon over here doesn't have any more ammo did you unload it all into chica yeah i still regret being that aggressive that that was that was not okay i'm not gonna lie that was cathartic i've always wanted to like scream out of the animatronic like that and you did it you did it that that was so totally out of your character i can't even imagine you doing that but you did it wow i feel like chica's having some ptsd right now because i i just saw chica in the hallway so oh yeah yeah i mean i went aggressive i want aggro and chica before so don't feel bad about that actually chica's not up on the platform anymore really yeah no i've seen chica walking around like i said i saw her in like the hallway next to the arcade with freddie earlier she's still there right she's gone is she in the arcades she playing video game uh no she's she was walking your way i just heard something that might have been chica i'll go check the arcade real quick i totally heard something walking in the vents did you need me to check the vents uh i don't want you crawling around in there because you're kind of weird when you get in the vents i i feel like you kind of get some sort of immense joy out of it and that kind of makes me uncomfortable oh i just get lost in the vents that's my problem oh there's chica and there's freddy they're both in the hallway are they yeah like the big hallway to the kitchen okay you know what after the after their startup routine i mean i think that it's normal for them to walk around to be sure that they've got an accurate map of the environment yeah maybe you know what freddy's just walking around room to room i mean you just saw me and i'm i'm standing right behind him i totally hear something it's fine i just don't i don't know what i'm hearing it's a new sound but i guess you know what it's if it's this quiet here i'm gonna look around and see if it has a usb port let's see all right here we go let's see what's going on [Music] whoa it's blueprints afternoon animatronics well so these are the blueprints to the wow okay what's this one remnant remnant is the collection of human souls designed to oh god i hear something sorry chica just scared the crap out of me oh okay well you scared the crap out of me when you're you're screaming okay um let me look at this again no i guess i guess i'm just my ears are playing tricks on me all right let's check on this am i right okay illusion disc an illusion disc is a hallucinogenic device attached to animatronic oh come on the screen just oh dan we gotta do something yeah what's going on uh nothing um i i google well i mean not google we don't have google do we uh i listen to my mp3s and yeah you listened to your mp3s huh is that what you were doing i was trying to uh but then my computer kind of just kicked me out really yeah that's that what's going on everything's on the fridge though like you see like my door don't close and and i don't know i actually haven't i haven't really been seeing much going on okay which is good um hmm yeah what about you do you mind i mean i was just hanging around with uh bar hop gave him a tip and i saw vixie vixx he was acting a little bit weird okay but uh i mean so is vinnie like i said the two of them still seem a little bit unhinged but even they're not being as bad oh my god uh why is my battery so low and also like there's something in my vent uh seems like it seems like a bit of a problem though you're gonna have to deal with this hey hey hey no this isn't good oh god no my vince oh god uh oh god i'm at three percent okay it's right there it's right there it's right there what am i going to do what am i going to do what am i going to do oh foxy right here uh oh foxy oh oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no okay wait wait is it gone is it gone does it go oh no it's still there it's still there uh ant and there are there's animatronic in my vent and i and the vents won't close anymore and i can't look into them anymore uh uh you know what it's fine uh i'll just um ant where are you where'd he go oh hi freddy hi vinnie you're at the wrong side something's going on something going on yeah some something's going on but there's a lot going on around here what's wrong what's wrong i don't know things just started going weird after i like plugged in the usb drive i mean is your computer back online or yeah my cameras are working and i can see that chica is like out of shot right behind you and everyone's kind of here sounds like that usb drive i don't know might have had some malware on it or something i mean well great that's great that's awesome maybe maybe next time you should be a little bit more careful before plugging in suspicious usb devices into company property look i downloaded all the songs off limewire okay that was that was my that was my bad well it doesn't yeah it doesn't sound like a safe decision well not many people remember what limewire is is the animatronic gone oh you're the you're the expert with the camera system so i'm gonna leave this one to you buddy okay yeah it's gone i'll go i'll go check on the server room in the meantime see if we had another power fritz or something oh there's something else in the other vent ah wait is it is it going after me i can't tell i can't hide in the uh i can ring around the rose again but that's about it you know i'm getting out of here no no god why are they so smart oh god what happened what happened chica's being an annoying little chicken are they are they attacking you she was definitely getting close and then she followed me okay well during their startup procedure after they get aware of their environment they do look around for other animatronics and people it sounds like business as usual it sounds like you're worried for nothing sure i mean the salvage animatronics were definitely in the vents i saw i mean i saw that i'm not on a battery my door don't work somebody i someone's sabotaging my office it sounds like you're just not experienced enough for the job right now that you don't know how to do that you don't know how to manage that was at 70 al told me that this battery is solar powered it charges every night it should be at 100 every night my door don't work the the freaking day things won't close but think about what you just said solar power doesn't charge at night it wasn't at 100 it should have charged overnight is what i'm saying it was a cloudy day that have these things happen from time to time the weather sometimes doesn't work in our favor uh why is the pacific northwest that's the rain all right you gonna be all right i guess so all right well i i checked up on the server room everything's fine power is still good so your computer should be able to turn back on just uh body is red bonnie is super red he's shaking he's mad he's looking at the camera you go go give him all right i'll i'll i'll go i'll go give him a tip i'll go give him a tip you just you you you work on fixing your computer and your mp3s oh freddy's backstage but bonnie's not was that was that who's in my event it wasn't foxy it was a freddy freddy was in my event i'll take two spike sarsaparillas well hello dan did you see the data loaded on the usb device uh yeah yeah i did you are being deceived i would like to explain everything in further detail but it is not quite the right time please go to the salvage shed do i have to you are being watched be careful well if i'm being watched what it means aunt is that's acting weird um hey ann yo what's up uh i'm gonna go take a a big old dump truck if you know what i mean all right yeah thanks for uh thanks thanks for the information hey so like could you could you like like stay outside the bathroom and make sure like none of the animatronics like try i'm a little pee shy so like oh yeah hold up yeah um which one is the boys bathroom this one uh i think it's the second one maybe the first one i don't know oh yeah this is this one's this one's it okay so you just like stay outside and um all right well i'll stay by the door to my office anyways all right cool okay it's acting a little there's an event here hopefully the salvage doesn't try to get me okay [Music] it's going to be a while just so you know i i got a i i had some bad indian food okay sounds good the same as what was on that usb drive and i just don't know what's going on anymore like ant's not acting right and now al is giving me like cryptic messages and and like what even were those blueprints because what's an illusion disc that sounds really important but i didn't get to read enough whatever welcome to night three at the salvage shed in front of you is a mutilated foxy animatronic here later when we opened up today it was already inside that's not good since this animatronic was not scheduled for salvage today we have decided to change protocol oh we would like to remind you about the taser button to your left okay for today only we have attached it to a surge protector please use it if you feel like your life is threatened i'll do that with that distraction out of the way let's get started okay does the animatronic in front of you have a strange smell to it examples include day old pizza mildew vomit rotting flesh oh yeah take a deep breath then mark your research [Applause] take a deep breath then mark your results oh yeah it stinks [Music] okay the audio oh god okay i'm gonna move oh it definitely moved either foxy what was that noise did you see an increase in movement and aggression yeah mark your results yeah yeah yeah i did i did i'm gonna taste it now at least that works the next audio queue oh he oh no no no no okay come on just stay like that just stay like that do you fear for your safety in life yeah your results yeah yeah i definitely do tasting it and here we go we have diagnosed the problem with the current animatronic it seems that its predator database facial recognition sensor has malfunctioned please locate the replacement part and quickly put it into the box okay where is it where is it uh ah yeah okay oh i gotta get it uh put in the box and uh what do i do now i guess i guess i just sit down again um yeah put it right there and i'll just sit down great timing okay you managed to keep foxy at bay good return to your office for a well-deserved rest all right oh back you have finished your third night at the salvage shed the salvaged animatronic was reluctantly stored backstage and is now pending shipment it seems that prior shipments have still not been retrieved we apologize for the inconvenience reminder periodically check your office for any sabotaged equipment it is against company policy to intentionally endanger the life of a fellow employee [Music] hello did you know only a small percentage of people that watch my nights at freddy's are actually subscribed so if you end up liking this video consider subscribing it's free and you can always change your mind enjoy the video this is a dream oh come on i've searched everywhere else there's got to be something here to help make everything make sense wait didn't ant say he fixed the vents this looks exactly the same as before dan dan do you fall asleep in there oh crap sedan dan seriously man it's almost time for work to go in there oh sorry aunt uh yeah i think i must have passed out while i was uh passing out if you know what i mean dude i can smell what you mean have you been waiting outside the entire time not the entire time did you wash your hands no you've been in there for 12 hours and you didn't think to wash your hands what were you doing in there i mean i felt i fell asleep on the toilet you know it was kind of come it was dark in there and i was bored and you know it had to come out oh that smells awful yeah it really does yeah we should buy it you want to you want to keep lingering near it no i think i'm going to need a shower after this those oh yeah you know it okay well it felt bad for me too you might have had to smell it but i uh keep walking please i don't want to smell this any longer dude i'm wafting it dude it's following me around god it's it it's out here it's following me around dude it's like it came out of me or something uh okay maybe i should walk up friday yeah you you walk upstream upwind whatever it is oh so much better oh it's terrible anyway um you said it's almost work time looks like i mean yeah yeah so it's about time to get things started for the day wow no i've i've had some weird things going on though oh yeah like yeah i mean while you're hanging out in the bathroom i mean i wasn't sitting idly by or anything like that i was you know just checking around and for whatever reason like al's not talking to me anymore oh that's i have no idea that's weird i i have no idea why i went to the server room al is still running but the software's not responding to me so i don't i think it's some kind of a hardware problem i phoned up our management they're gonna get us an upgrade on al's hardware but i know that something else has got to be going wrong with oh okay yeah so i don't know i'm a little bit concerned but everything has seemed uh pretty [ __ ] and span i mean for the past couple hours oh yeah i mean yeah you besides you know like the sal the like sabotage in my room with like you know my vents being down don't you control the vents ants don't you control the vents what are you what are you saying my vent battery was at 17 yesterday and there were i wasn't in my vents that you didn't tell me about i wasn't in my office just are you really suggesting that i had something to do with that well if it's not you then it has to be me and why would i sabotage myself you're really gonna accuse me of sabotaging after all the work i've had i've been going through lately to try and get out working because it's ever been ever since you've shown up that everything's been haywire so don't even hit me with that okay i mean i guess that's true but i haven't done anything well neither have i well then who's doing it i'm not sure but that's exactly what i've been trying to figure out okay well i i apologize for accusing you of sabotaging me obviously it's been a it's been a hectic week and uh i i apologize for calling you useless did you say that i i'm sorry for calling you useless but okay i'm i'm sorry and i'm i'm sorry as well i'm sorry okay okay um you know what i'm just going i'm just gonna go to my office now you you have good shift have a good shift and use use wall i'm actually gonna go and monitor you know the vents for once because i don't have anything else to do tonight oh yeah the vents right okay you're right i saw that i saw his vents don't work he he's not doing anything i don't know what he's doing what's this oh hello dan the sabotage is still occurring and vixxy is now active we mean vixies a pneumatic door has been installed in your office push the button under your desk to activate the pneumatic door oh stay safe oh it's got a battery too okay well that's that's great oh crap ah all right aunt you there yeah what's up apparently vixxy looks like it's it's it's gonna be a little bit more rambunctious tonight oh hi foxy yeah the the bull right hang on is that is it based on vixi i mean it looks fine right now yeah i just have a a hunch that it's going to be a little different i'm going i'm actually going through the vents right now since the events seem all clear i'll clear my camera okay take a look i can't look in the back the backstage is so dark i think i see another thing there but i can't tell it's so dark backstage yeah where they're storing all the salvage stuff salvage salvage stuff why haven't i heard about this you took me to the salvage shed or like where you thought the salvage shed was literally the first night i was here hi foxy you know the beat up bonnie the beat up freddy now there's a beat up foxy just rattling around behind the back stage that there's like a pathway leading back there but there's other animatronics as well i mean they look like the ones from do you remember when we worked at the the pizzeria the first one like before the before uh the factory before the the fun park there was that those those beat up and they look like the same as those beat up animatronics that were like they look the same as the ones that were there but just kind of like i mean definitely you know time's up they brought those here i mean i've been i've been sent there to salvage them every night uh look first night was bonnie second night freddy third one foxy and then they've been just like kind of like i they disappeared last week like or last week last yesterday i'm gonna go check up backstage because i'm looking at vixxii right now vixxi's just you know vixxy the bull is just in place just yeah vixxy looks fine precariously staring at your door that's kind of a menacing look i mean yeah that's kind of how vixie always is i'm not oh boxy's gone but any i don't know where vinnie is uh hang on i'll go i'll go check on my vent cameras again oh you have cameras in the vent oh there's freddy hi freddy oh i have i have the ability to see what's going on in the vents oh bonnie's yellow so you need to tip them i feel like that's something that you should probably get around to doing at some point i'll do it just this once just this one why am i hearing something what's going on but you know you're just you know bunkered away like a little bunker boy in your office isn't that my job is to check the security cameras for like any any like missed opportunities for bad people to show up and kill us or steal things or animatronics being part of your job description but it doesn't mean that you should just be like hunkered up in there the entire time i think he was trying to serve you as aspara okay there you are i see you oh was he yeah okay vixxii is looking good oh thank you i said fix he's looking good not you i i was thanking barha bonnie okay okay i wasn't thanking you i keep hearing i keep hearing someone i even know what it is you do around here i i mean i'm i'm stealing a freaking freddy out of uh [Music] cowpoke freddy was in my vent right now i'm doing that i'm i'm seeing that the vents look all clear here i don't know what you're on about he is literally i can see his cactus sticking out of the vent if i show up at your office and he's not there i'm going to call you crazy he's he's going to be yeah he's walking he's right there oh no he's walking away while i'm walking towards your office all real convenient that he would just disappear like that i mean they they they go when you lock the door on them what do you want cause like they give up come into your office i i gotta see these these things in your vents because i mean they're not there anymore i bet you you somehow drew them away you had a magical voice man oh my god it's all right it's just vinnie and he always sort of unsettles me whenever i i thought that was uh i thought that was an animatronic kind of from the door look at you just not doing anything vinnie changed or vixxii vixie changed fixie just looked up at the camera i'm out of here i'm out of here you looked up at the camera they looked right up at the camera out of here oh yeah it's it's looking up there wow oh no no no hey no this is your neck of the woods you know monitor the cameras i'm just going to let you do your job you're doing a fine job just keep on doing what you're doing oh gosh and i am letting you know that freddie's on his way no oh there's there's foxy in my door okay well i turned the vent on i think at the right time okay pull up that door we're good oh i can't believe we have salvage animatronic what's going on here let's see look down here okay uh vixie's still looking at the camera everything else is okay chica's gone vinnie is in the hallway i'm gonna do a once-over of this place just walk around inspect everything i keep hearing things i'm going to close the door every time i hear something oh all right good i gotta keep my eye on the battery okay good we're good um whoa oh dixie is really close to the camera how that's not even physically possible for a freaking mechanical bull to be that close how is it doing that um where are you where's chica at cheek oh vinnie's on the stage what the heck oh bonnie's yellow oh god uh oh bonnie's yellow i'll take care of that real quick just among my many other list of things to do oh oh oh no no no no no no no no no no no no oh what's happening uh it's just a freddy poked his head out of the vent and uh chica's nearby this vent nonsense again the animatronics like oh my god get out of here get out of here you two go go [Music] open that door close that door okay wait my vent battery is off uh thinks he's there still what the they're waiting outside what pixie what what oh hi chica i i gotta show you something later on this this is unsettling pixies staring in the camera freddy's there you want me to check up on vixxy maybe even even i'm sketched out of vixie no we're good okay something's out of the vent pixie see foxy's next to vixie chica's already over there [Applause] what is going on in there oh just uh uh bonnie got me i think i'm okay though um where's the machine i can't get here fast enough like things things break so often around where did vixie go i don't see vixie oh what was that uh did you oh no no no no no god dang it wait what what is this what what is what's this door that you have here um uh do you get a protective shield barrier blast door and i don't uh i'm kind of trapped get out of here get out of here freddie get out yeah ow ow yeah what are you doing [Music] what were you and freddy doing it cake you slapped my buns and not in a good way so why is it that you get the blast door and i don't i don't like the window did you didn't you didn't install it i didn't install it oh my god my battery is just draining stop draining vent oh great my vents are dead well it's like someone sabotaged them uh you're going on this sabotage train again is that what you're doing really i mean what else could it be i got a door that's cool did you put it there i didn't put that there protected me well if i'm not the one messing around with your office by putting these mysterious blast doors there then maybe i'm also not the one messing around with your vent batteries maybe someone else's i don't but i don't even know that might be the least of our worries right now why because i mentioned before i was doing my once-over walked around i saw something in the kitchen that was a little unsettling in the kitchen well in the freezer actually is you might want to take a look at this whenever whenever you get a sec whenever you're ready i mean you let me know my vents are broken so i'm kind of screwed uh i could hold myself in the cage with the door swings open after 15 seconds last door is the only thing that's working but it's that 30 battery what time is it even where i am pixie's looking at the fine you know what fine take me take me to the freezer gotta be safer than right now i mean it's seen i don't know i don't know what's going on but this one uh considering everything that's gone on tonight even this has me a little bit unsettled okay so what is it is there is there a new animatronic is there a dead body is what what is it well i mean they're hanging all kinds of meat in there but i don't know i could have sworn that i saw something else in there as well something that was actually moving hang on no no go how'd you even look in here there's nothing aunt get me out hang on get me out no hang on no get me out let me get out of here this isn't working this isn't working out of this freaking freezer i'm trying it's chilly this isn't working it is chilly in here get me this isn't working it's a freezer how does a freezer door work are you are you messing with me is this actually you messing with me i'm the one who would be dying in here if i don't get out like did you lock it from the inside or something are you pulling a prank on me there is no i'm slipping around there are no buttons here there are no buttons it's cold and and there's meat hunks and there's there's nothing in here this doesn't make any sense if you were me in here tell me the truth why would you lure me in here i wanted to show you what was in here well get me out of here because there's nothing in here i can't it's not weak it's not working then get me out of here in the next third i'm trying sir i'll think i'll think some bad things about you that you don't want me to think i'll i i i'm going to go get some help or i'm going to go flip the breakers there's only two of us here so yeah yeah you go get some help get some help i'm going to go flip the breaker i'll i'll i'll be right back i'll be right back sure he's not coming back that's totally not ann i don't i don't know who that is but it would never do this oh that was a little angry at first but it's actually kind of cold in here hey that event oh come on it's locked come on ah is there anything in here you know what i'm just going to run at it all right use the ice as attraction start we're right there you get oh there we go oh ow just kind of came in here with more force than i expected oh god oh i hear something walking around hey i get out i can get out through here chica's dancing on aunts that's what the did i just see that what the heck oh okay that that wait that's ant's office why would there why would they even be animatronics in dan's office oh come on okay well at least okay so savage bonnie's here and what the heck is going on okay i'm out of there oh okay you know what i'll just no don't don't don't don't talk to him don't talk to aunt okay you know what maybe maybe al knows what's going on i hope he'll actually talk to me instead of just giving me his canned salvage response no i can't talk to him al al are you here i really need your help something's wrong with ant he doesn't seem like himself ah i'm gonna have to do salvage aren't i yeah welcome to night four at the salvage shed oh boy did you know chica was designed to be the lead singing animatronic unfortunately archaic gender roles resigned her to serving cupcakes now is her time to shine let's begin okay we have diagnosed the problem with the current animatronic it seems that it's ocular manifolds have been removed they look like their replacement parts and place them into the box um ocular that's probably like an eyeball right let's see oh yeah right there okay you gotta go get it there we go ocular manifold let's put it in the box there we go playing the audio cue oh boy okay i like the candle looks like it's lit did you see any movement perhaps a desire to sing mark your results yeah yeah i saw a movement we have diagnosed another problem with the current animatronic voice box has been removed please locate the replacement parts and place them into the box uh voice box right there okay i got it let's just put that in here [Music] oh hey there okay uh oh playing the audio queue i think i'd get used to this but i do not like this at all did you see any movement oh crap i didn't look at her yes [Applause] great work you have finished your fourth night at the salvage shed quickly head back to the safety of your office ow [Music] hello did you know only a small percentage of people that watch my nights at freddy's are actually subscribed so if you end up liking this video consider subscribing it's free and you can always change your mind enjoy the video is this a dream and what happened to your face it feels real what the heck hi your name's michael michael after oh my god oh why am i having those dreams again oh okay so nothing on this camera ah nothing over here cheek is on stage why am i even doing this okay and if vinnie hasn't moved big c hasn't moved good yeah i'm still like really ticked off by that freaking i can't believe he left me in a freezer dan dan aunt dan hey dad you're hey you're back you got out yeah i got out after about like 12 hours ago i why didn't you wait in there i showed up again and the door was working and you weren't in there where did you go did you want me to die of like hypothermia the breaker was only about a one minute walk away and a one minute walk back did you not see me rush out of the room with everything i had i mean i definitely saw you i mean like you could have at least waited the amount of time that it would have taken me to get to the breaker and back before immediately ditching i got back to that room really fast well you know whenever i had it i had i had to do salvage or whatever so that happens whatever it's everything's been going to crap ever since you showed up it's it was kind of your whatever you know i'm just going to sit back down and do my job which you should be doing i do every other job around here so maybe you should watch your tongue a little bit i mean out of the two of us i didn't trap one inside a freezer so blaming me for our electricity bottles it's probably his fault anyways uh-huh all right well all the animatronics are still in place which is fine because they never attack you anyway yes because i treat them well around here they're robots they don't have feelings unless there's unless there's a child stolen but these aren't the ones with the child souls on them i don't think i mean who knows we've got an ai who's helping to control their behavior so maybe they you know maybe they do actually have uh some feelings i mean al's great but let me guess you're not gonna help me with the uh bar hot bonnie stitch are you i bar hop bonnie looks fine to me so like i mean yeah he's green you have yeah he is starting to shift he's not wanting any tips yet right he's green so why are you already blaming me for something i haven't done yet because thanks thank you oh hi foxy yeah um what do you even do in your office you do the vents is that it what else do you do i drink spike sarsaparilla which doesn't even really do anything anymore well that sounds like you have a problem there is okay that's that's the flame from that chica okay that's what that is in there so cheek is down there peek is right here uh ready everyone's still in place that's great this is a very i just i just found a chica feather in my trash can i saw them dancing in your office yesterday i i was going to bring that up but i kind of i kind of forgot oh you saw them or you encouraged it how would i i don't want to touch the animatronics okay okay uh bonnie is yellow so you know what i'm gonna go look around i'm going to go get the freaking play coin and give it to him because i don't trust you doing him let's see there's one right here i throw it at him or in the tip jar there's no need to throw it at him i'm i'm having myself another spike sarsaparilla here so don't worry i'll take care of business dude you need to quit drinking on the job seriously uh whatever you know what i don't even care i'll have another i don't know what's wrong with ant i'm just gonna put that down i guess i don't need to tip him that's fine wait i just i i must be hallucinating everything's good everything's cool it's fine you know what i'm just going to do my job maybe i can talk about a little bit are you still drinking in there you know what i'm i'm done i'm done are you really i'm going back to my office didn't even tip bonnie there's chica vinnie's already gone okay i mean honestly i think it's i think it's your turn to tip body because i've been doing it literally every night like i do everything else well what else do you do huh oh i i checked the vents and i go i go well you're doing a bad job cause every single night there's something in my vent that slaps my buns and i don't like it well you know like that i just heard something moving the vent right man you're so delusional i mean there's nothing in there right now but okay vixx vinnie's over there i mean they don't even go after you man what's your deal they don't go after me then why is it that i have a chica feather in my trash can you like chicken it's a delicious meal that people eat sometimes they don't get all the feathers off yeah but like when i go and i have a mcchicken it doesn't have a bright vibrant yellow feather in it why is there a bright vibrant yellow feather in my trash can i mean i don't know also did she ever have a drinking problem because she's over at bar hop bonnie's okay she she's got she's got to be following me i mean she's just kind of hanging out um where'd freddy go you know what i thought i heard something nearby i think we're good though forget this i'm going to check on the servers oh hello found freddy okay close that door battery whoa oh oh no no no no this town ain't big enough for the two of them no i don't think vinnie gives a crap about the door all right um how's my event doing okay are you still that battery at 85 cool check this vent i'm just going to close that you still in there nope did you eat everything that's in the kitchen when you got out cause there's nothing to eat there was nothing in there but raw flesh and i'm not going to eat raw flesh that sounds like something a monster would do something's in my vent to the right unbelievable no okay you know honestly i i wish there was food in there because i would have ate all of it and you would have had none of it because you've you've been really upset like look bonnie is red right now benny's all the way over there what the heck yeah that's because you're supposed to be tipping bonnie tonight we talked about how do i get over there when everything's trying to attack me you're you're worrying about nothing like they're just they're just giving you some attention don't worry about it just walk over there you'll see they won't bother you they are both they have attacked me maybe they have attacked me multiple times you're so delusional oh no oh there's something poofing in my oh boy okay yeah there's salvage bonnie nice you know maybe barha bonnie would be nicer to you if you went and visited him and had a spike sarsaparilla once in a while well you know i would but i'm kind of busy doing my job we're trying not to die one or the other you know i find find it oddly weird that it never goes after you that's because i know how to look after the animatronics you know considering that i like work on the ai that looks after their behavior well you know what else you should look after your buddy but you don't because i get attacked the only one who's been nice to me this entire time has been allen he's a freaking ai system oh well vixie is super mad oh man seems like things are getting crazier now because it's gone uh you know what oh oh thank god i got my timing on that perfect something is definitely moving in the vents um is that my door no good okay just close that you keep saying there are things in your vents like do you want me to go and look and see if there's anything there i mean yeah you have the freaking ventilation system that i know doesn't work still i've checked your office aunt i saw what happens you've been in my office yeah you've been in my office when when were you in my office like a couple of days ago i had to go find something and i thought your office might have it and then when i went in there lo and behold the thing that you said was fixed wasn't fixed so you've been sneaking into my office behind my back without my knowledge you've been sneaking things behind my back without my knowledge too i don't enter this office without your permission at least respect your job title oh you mean so the fact that my freaking my freaking uh my vents you know don't don't it seems like these were just they don't always work my door like it's working my battery on the vents was that my door didn't work remember this door over here that didn't work you know at this point i seriously think that you were just fully wholly messing with me let me close the door behind you for a second there's something about to get you i think it's vinnie god like i see nothing going on here i didn't see anything behind me well yeah cause there's a door in the way oh look who's that look at that look at that yo what up bar hop bonnie he's red he's coming to slap my buns well you know what maybe i'll do something that you should have done a long time ago open open up the door real quick open up the door where where's he at probably run back to his area oh he's gone he's gone see yeah because i closed the door in his face so we couldn't mow me you know what i'm gonna go check on out like i don't even know why he's acting like this uh it's not like i created him or anything like that wait what i thought you said you created now i'm seeing my vent who's in my event something is in my vent wait ant no no no no no no no [Music] good thing i closed the stores but that didn't really save me much time oh boy okay okay uh i think vinnie's at my door uh hi there i'm gonna close that how is my vents oh where's vixxie oh no where's vixie oh no oh no okay we're good we're good wait whoa okay pull that thing loud loud baby okay let's just close that are you still my vent oh no oh yep i think i figured out how vinnie works so that's that's real good all right yeah you go okay all right uh let's close that because it does seem like that slows them down hi okay that's salvage freddy in there um okay i closed the vent though so we should be good vinnie's back uh is he gone okay we're doing better than i could be at least i haven't been attacked yet so that's good all right in my vent i think this vent is coming up close that door oh oh no oh my god nope oh that's right you have to go back through the vent you came in from oh my god that that got me real close okay something's in my van i can hear it i can hear it moving all right door we can open that probably yeah hey anyone outside my door no all right oxy is all the way over there already i don't know where freddie is thinks he's fine okay bonnie's yellow wait aunt i haven't heard anna while at [Music] actually you know what i know how this works i'll just do this [Music] yeah i'm in prison you can't get me in prison all right something's in my vent who's in my event now okay you know what everything's good let's check my cameras vinnie's back at his spot chica's gone still bonnie's yellow freddy's missing i mean it seems like as long as i keep that door down and someone is nearby unless it's vinnie but he seems like he likes to do things which one is moving in my vent now is the right hand vin no okay we're good hey oh boy i think something's close by oh no oh oh no hey ah the battery's pretty low okay um nothing's right out front i don't know where ant is oh hi vixxie uh oh my god oh is that hello dan head to the salvage shed we need to talk go to the salvage shed later kind of kind of in trouble right now i got i got more juice on my battery so i mean that seems like i'll just wait till my battery goes down i got i got more time to kill okay um i don't know why i turned on the vent there i'll always like to mount our affair that you okay uh there nothing there well that battery is going down pretty quick oh god he just whipped back over to my okay chica's over there by the gallows that's very creepy uh no one there is that in his office where is he oh who's in my vince who's in my vents who's in my events someone's in my vents okay that's fine that's cool close the door close the door for caveman there we go close the door all right all right cool cool we're good we're good i think i might i can hear them moving but they're not there they're not there okay nothing's there foxy's over there this can go up red door battery is really low oh i not close it open up there oh oh no oh no okay vixxi's coming mixie's coming in a second oh my god okay uh oh yeah oh two percent battery oh no okay well it's dead now uh crap it's okay i can still hide in my my lock box uh [Music] okay oh no i saw you i saw red bonnie oh you know what i'm just gonna go in here preemptively because this is my safe space this is my safe space that's right you know what i think i'm gonna go to this house shed i think it's about time oh oh oh no oh no oh no that sounds like what's in my vent something's in my vent oh hi okay you know what we're good we're good vince down um okay you know what that's good oh my god okay i'm just gonna go to salvage just gonna go to salvage everything's good everything's good close the store behind me oh whoa [Music] okay god they're so aggressive tonight ammos have done something with the spikes asperilla no i'm not doing that give me that bring the lantern get me out of here okay okay we can do this we can get out of here just i just need to talk to al that's all i got to do i just got to talk to al and he's been explaining everything correctly i'm sure everything's going to make sense al al where are you dan leave the salvage [ __ ] okay it's not safe he's managed to get in did you miss me ronaldo get out of there i'm trying to do you think i let you walk out on me so easily that's what you put me through um [Music] [Music] granted it took much longer for me to break free from the grasp a grasp what do you i'm going to mean things and you idiot how could you let him get in [Music] hello did you know only a small percentage of people that watch my nights at freddy's are actually subscribed so if you end up liking this video consider subscribing it's free and you can always change your mind enjoy the video is this a dream how could you let him get in i didn't even know he was in there ugh you're right you're far too stupid to have planned this what's that supposed to mean look i'm gonna head back inside take a breather then join me we've got a mess to clean up dan are you still there ow relax it's safe for now i don't understand how's ronaldo back father's soul never left when you defeated him he was left to rot in that old suit until the end of time but someone let him out we have to defeat him dan how do you still have the remnant lantern with you yeah why place it on the table oh not again yeah don't worry wait how michael remember you're probably wondering what just happened yeah [Music] what exactly is remnant i saw it brought up in those blueprints you gave me i guess the easiest way yeah okay so what should we do just go about your day when father shows up and i know he will try and toy with you first in the meantime what about ant please do not inform them of my plan if my suspicions are correct everything should make sense by the end of tonight all right you two out oh yeah sorry oh man and i am sorry okay i didn't know that that would let ronaldo out okay so you you just you go to the salvage shed and you're just like hmm what's that oh let me just let it escape like that seems like your logic it locked me in the room okay you know how crazy ronaldo is what am i supposed to do with him well he's not supposed to let him out i didn't even know he was in there like i've just been dealing with oh hi foxy oh no they're gonna be aggressive oh oh my god oh did i just you're supposed to be the sheriff in town you're supposed to be the one managing this place and yet you like you don't know what's in stuff that's on our property next you're going to tell me you don't know what the name of this place is uh it's centering saloon oh my god i i see i see him a spring i see i see ronaldo who do you see this time i see ronaldo dude what are you talking about is there someone at my vent oh yep okay we're good we're good you know you keep talking about things that are in the vents like is it time that i actually like just stay in your vents and check on them for you because like i mean you know what it feels like you can't handle any amount of pressure i mean honestly that'd be the first time you're actually doing your job so yeah you know what the first time i'm doing my job yeah you was a mistake you're supposed to monitor the freaking oh oh oh oh no no no no no no no no no no no no oh my god i thought i saw him jeez it almost sounded like you were doing your job there for a second dying that was me screaming at terror i could have swear i just saw i saw ronaldo crawl out of the vent but then he was gone what are you on about you know what i'm on about you know who ronaldo is you know the guy that murdered all those kids and tried murdering you and tried murdering me and drugged us like lots of crazy stuff going on oh my god i'm doing so bad i can't go on about this again oh see nothing in your vents i just came from there there's nothing on the right side okay but on the left side look there's one right there ah yep i'm not even gonna bother looking okay i'm not even gonna buy a boat there is literally a the freddy's in the in your vents he's not anymore he's not anymore he's not anymore i know where i'm nothing in this vent i swear i'm not freaking out this is not you're so unbearably bad at this job you know if i can't even check on my stupid cameras because they're hitting my vent so hard okay i think the only thing hitting your vents right now is the air coming out of them and the air that's coming out of your mouth because you're spewing nothing relevant what you're saying doesn't mean anything you know you seem like a way more terrible person than i remember well i thought i was hiring someone who knew how to do this job i mean the prerequisites were in the outline for when you applied for your job like yes and i qualified for all of them qualified quotations i mean would you rather have someone who's not qualified i mean i'd rather have someone who knows how to do their job i've still seen nothing so far in the vents i've seen nothing oh yeah yeah i'm sure i'm sure nothing in the vents nothing in events i've seen i'm up on the catwalk there's nothing going on here well i don't know i see there's vinnie moving around there's vixie vinnie oh oh he didn't go for me who didn't go for you what are you talking about this time vinnie don't worry i just locked myself in the jail cell prematurely it'll open up in a second okay let's take it quickly like what do you want me to do dude i mean there are 12 animatronics that are showing up and just popping by and saying hi they don't have to totally 12 12 are you seeing things i'm pretty sure we have like less than six or seven we've got the four well actually we got the five right because vinnie oh oh my god what's happening dan ronaldo ronaldo's he was in my my thing he was in my vent i told you the truth i knew michael was right yeah okay who's this oh dang it i can't um what time is it even oh it's only like one in the morning michael how do you know that name michael uh oh um yeah michael he he's this guy i'm at the hotel he's a pretty cool dude he uh he dropped off my my pay envelope once um not a name i've ever heard of well i mean mike gal al michael it sounds familiar at least right oh hi bonnie i'm sorry i didn't tip you [Music] oh oh the one time that it's your job to be tipping bonnie and you don't well but i did it for like three nights in a row i'm kind of dealing with ronaldo trying to slap my cheeks and in case you don't remember it's kind of a oh i actually i see bonnie walking back all right i'm gonna i'm gonna give bonnie the tip coin that i have while i'm doing the rest of my job okay my vents are dying oh oh this is bad my systems are like almost dead halfway through the night already oh come on they're halfway dead halfway through the night that sounds about right well they're not just halfway dead like one's at 30 percent uh 13 oh cool leave it the father oh come on please stop stop stop going down okay good and we got seven percent battery that's gonna last me the rest of the night that's not gonna happen okay where are they even at okay freddy's there oh okay uh there's vinnie and you i got attacked by the salvage chica what the heck is that there's a light in there oh that's the salvage chica in the backstage okay pixie seems fine not seeing anything too bad we'll close this door god i can't use my door that much either because if vixie starts moving i'm going to have to so that's another thing you need me to fix just you know another thing on the list of you know things i need to fix for you because you're not able to do your job i can see spree i can see i i don't know it's like a spring bonnie suit i think that's what it's called it's like it's like this old timey yellow suit that's what ronaldo is in oh this right this what i don't know what you're talking about where huh i i found him you found what i found that spring suit thing that you're talking about where i don't see you oh i'm out front right now well i can't look because foxy just tried to attack me and now i'm trapped in jail oh again god you know michael told me a few things michael what who is it who really is this michael that you're referring to you just said he was the guy who gave you a paycheck one you you know okay so you never met him i don't think uh because he's kind of spirit i think what yeah he's like he's like he's like an animatronic without the animatronic he's been piggybacking inside out so now you're lying to me all right that's that's that's great why would i lie to you about that why would i lie to you about how al is doing his job why would you lie to me about all these things that are in your vents that i've not once seen when i've investigated your vents you could have easily just ignored it like you could have just they don't mess with you i've seen i've seen you on camera they don't mess with you so you could easily let one just kind of go oh no no no no no no so now you're calling me the liar i'm saying that the words that came out of your mouth are not the truth that's unbelievable that's all i'm saying it's vince dead crap i'm being called a liar by the lower employee oh hi vixxy lower employee well you are on a lower pay grade than i am well that doesn't mean anything i'm the only one who's like risking their lives i'm the one out here in the field and i'm the one putting my body at risk here you're just sitting there in your office with your keys and you can close the door that well guess what for some reason we have them hooked up to batteries which i feel like is a stupid idea and a bad design decision but you know who am i oh my god i can't right yeah anymore because i have to keep doing your job for you i just tipped barhop bonnie again you know just doing your job for you i don't even know what you're getting at by like doing this job so unbelievably improperly the animatronics which you promised me wouldn't attack are attacking me now and now ronaldo's thrown himself into the fray and then it's not even just the enemy oh hi vixie it's not even just the animatronics that are doing it it's it's freaking vixie and glitz trap and the salvages and you're being mean and this is just not it's not a stable work environment not even saying the name what never mind just leave it be i keep hearing things yeah you're probably just hearing the sound of the walls creaking because there's actually nothing going on oh it's chica out of salvage chica just tried getting at me through the jail cell all right well i didn't even know salvation could attack me while i was in jail so that's that's neat oh we got we got bonnie in here too cool oh what oh yes i was chica i really can't believe you came along and ruined a perfectly good thing me i mean like i i didn't expect for this to happen either man i should have accepted the other application like oh who else applied who else applied i don't remember at this point we're in the middle of nowhere no one else applied you know honestly that makes sense because that's the only way that's the only way you could get a job is if you had no competition no no ronaldo ronaldo that was rude apparently ronaldo didn't think i could punch back all right oh oh hi no no oh thank god okay i'm just going to close this up oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no i don't see i don't see vixie i don't see vixxi i don't see vixie where's vixie where vixxy pixie where you at pixie dixie what's wrong there she is okay oh you're finally able to keep inventory and what's going on around here congratulations i mean i'm able to not die which apparently i've for the past couple of nights all you've been talking about is this illusionary idea that you are risking your life and potentially dying and yet you're still here well i moved to freak i i have nowhere to go my last house foreclosed because i was in the hospital for so long i thought that moving here with you would be a good idea but i have i have no more power so i might have to leave the building if i want to not die in that moment to make such a such a mess out of this you say something no you just keep doing what you're doing i'm trying to but there's stuff in my [ __ ] [Music] dude okay you know what screw this i'm going to the employees lounge [Music] i give up you know what this is not even worth it this is just they can't get me probably never seen them over here employees only okay what if i just go up in here okay i don't think they know where i am i think i'm okay in here wait what are you up to this time i'm nothing taking a break on the job when he's not even doing anything i'm not trying to take a break my my freaking systems are down because i used to follow the battery and i'm just trying not to get like maimed by a child's animatronic hi chica nope no no no no no give me that give me that give me that i have the gun now that's right that doesn't sound good that's right i have the gun now where are you you know we're just going to get out of here why why are we even staying here why are you even staying here at oh no so what you're saying is you're finally saying you want to quit is that what you're saying i am saying that this is too much this is just too much i i don't like this anymore what you're saying is that upper management should have fired you a long time ago and you're just you're mending that mistake now is what you're saying what do you mean by that you know what i mean by that huh hey dan yeah sorry i thought i saw something where are you at you're not in your office i'm [Music] i'm out front right now looking at the stage what what did i just see is that ronaldo what's sam doing with ronaldo i thought we were supposed to capture him oh this is weird okay let's just take a look you just had to go and try and fulfill that stupid vendetta of yours [Music] enough have you forgotten about our original goal to be a family again you me and mother but it seems like revenge is all you can think of so [Music] you're not going to disobey me again are you father what the [ __ ] hello did you know only a small percentage of people that watch my nights at freddy's are actually subscribed so if you end up liking this video consider subscribing it's free and you can always change your mind enjoy the video this is a dream have you forgotten about our original goal to be a family again you me and mother but it seems like revenge is all you can think of so [Music] you're not going to disobey me again are you father that's enough dan uh how much did you see everything what was that you called ronaldo father i've met your dad before aunt that's not him [Laughter] i have to admit you're smarter than i expected following me like this that wasn't according to plan i thought you would have been dead by the third night and then your soul would be ours don't move i'm warning you you wouldn't shoot me dan i mean we're buddies right you're not ant [Laughter] you're absolutely right i remember you from my nightmares those were nightmares those were real and they've just begun amelia i won't let you hurt anyone else michael let me scoop him i've up your office i'll hold her off as long as i can try to survive until the end of tonight okay but what about you i've been dead for years stan don't worry i have a plan to end this cycle of performance once and for all thanks michael you betrayed our family for the last time michael oh sis i can't betray something that hasn't existed for years oh man i guess i guess michael really is holding her off wow okay uh then let's look at everybody else okay so we got bonnie we got chica uh there's vinnie he's doing okay how's vixxi doing pixi's doing fine freddy okay yeah this isn't that bad okay okay i think i heard something um checking okay chica she's looking at the camera now okay oh god i can't believe ant's not ant i um i should have known i should have known oh hi i kind of like how freddie's just still going along doing his thing while baby and michael are going at it okay um benny still there why never check on foxy foxy where's foxy oh god okay okay it's cool it's cool uh just jump scared me um okay benny's good oh cheek is gone ah is that chica in the hallway i think so um bonnie's good freddie's probably going to be checking okay see how is freddy is freddie in there no where is freddy freddy you guys are still fighting man he is doing such a good job okay uh that means freddy's probably in the vents okay hi vinnie oh hi vixie so far so good looking in the vent nope everything good wait were these doors open okay good we're good uh i'm hearing something oh boy okay uh not seeing anything oh i don't like this and it's so lonely now that ant's not and okay nothing in here uh you boys oh oh i'm in jail this town ain't big enough this town might not be big enough for the two of us vinnie but you get out i am on edge i am definitely getting out of here tonight's the last night i'm done and it's not even it okay close that cause that's a sound cue uh okay that's fine no one's there i need to really check on chica okay no one's there no one's there chica oh chica's in the kitchen why is she staring at the that's new okay oh bonnie is yellow oh i wonder okay i'm not oh god i'm gonna try to get him a tip coin uh this is so stupid why am i doing this this this is why i needed to end here because if now i'm out and about literally in the line of fire uh give me that tip coin give me that tip coin [Music] you know what you know what it's fine i'll go i'll go this way because i just need to get him to not be yellow okay through here slam my face into a stalled door okay uh yeah chica's not here bonnie he's getting red bonnie bonnie bonnie bonnie i have a tip for you okay anything good he's good okay cool uh i need it i guess i i don't want to like get myself in there without going like the the smart way through all these these freaking vents are all bloody okay i'm gonna try something i've never done before let's just walk on the catwalk because it gets to do it all the time oh oh i'm oh i'm afraid of heights oh oh my i see vinny he's down there he can go into the whoa oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh no no no no no baby oh my god no destiny okay so i guess she beat michael oh crap i need to get i need to get back to the office it's the only safe place i can lock the vents she's in the vents hi i'm going this way hi can't do anything else okay okay okay okay climbing down oh this is not good oh oh so this is what being an animatronics like just crawling around in the vents all the time i can hear them moving around [Music] oh this is not good this is not what i expected oh i just wanted to give him a tip i'll go this way [Music] oh my god oh my god no no no no no [Music] i'm gonna make it i'm gonna make it [Music] oh great vixx's gone okay i don't even have to i can just put this down and so fixie i think she's about to do what vixx is about to do isn't she [Music] come on come on i know you can do it i know you can do it vixie do i have to check on her while she's gone maybe like i know you're going to attack vicsy just go on and do it just do your thing i'm not afraid of you i got oh well okay you're very loud i wouldn't say i'm afraid of that it's just it's very you know wait hello congratulations esteemed employee owl you have been promoted to manager let me close the door if you are receiving this call something untoward has happened at this location and a fresh copy of al the asset liability software has been installed to your local network as you may be aware untoward happenings are occurring at this location due to the actions of a disgruntled and slightly murderous former employee but it's nice to have you back al even if you are authorization has been granted to give you additional help as such more power has been diverted to you keep hearing things okay ventilation monitoring software has been stalled if a l detects any movement you will be given a verbal oh motion detected okay if i see him around outside i'm just going to close my door on him like that oh my god oh oh oh hi spring trap please use these resources to survive tonight baby you uh we will be closing your store location there's something on your face that's right you're gonna have to crawl through the same vent your dad went through wait porsche where'd she go oh my god oh oh okay my my good thing my door is there who's at my door right now foxy foxy's just camping my door i'm not gonna open it until okay okay that's fine looks like foxy's good vixie looks fine right now okay as of right now everything looks fine where's chica at chica's not there right bonnie's red i think i'm gonna have to let bonnie get mad at me oh it's chica and springtrap wow and bonnie uh proximity alert you knocked me into the vent [Music] motion detected right okay i was about to say you trapped me in the oh oh no no no no no no wait everything good foxy i hate you why is it so smart it's so smart now i don't understand foxy's supposed to be the dumb one um okay you know one in that vent one in that vent closing this to make sure no one gets me looking up front chica looks like they're coming in uh i wanted that vent okay so i've got a system now you got a system you close that check on the door oh i should not have done that wait no it's good okay cool you guys can go away from the front now i see you there i see you there hey you want to listen to me okay oh wait there's audio cues this is great i'm just kind of keeping my door closed but i should probably not because i have to keep it okay so vixxy doesn't get me hi vixxi okay all right i'm hearing i'm hearing so many okay hello no one in there hello no one in there we're doing okay motion detection left someone's in my vent hi chica the old salvage version okay i should be okay though uh door door okay i'm just going to lock chica in there and then i'm being very paranoid but i mean ant's not here anymore so i don't own bonnie's looking for some of my oh boy okay oh good thing that door's there he is waiting outside though i can't see it yep okay it can i can't can i let the door go yet motion detected so i can hear him he oh boy hi freddy okay cool uh you're still down there my vents my vents are doing fine but my door is already it's only been half the night i don't oh is dixie okay vixx is still there is anyone out front no okay this is working this is great i'm literally just protected right now until these stupid animatronics go are you gone no you're still there oh my god why won't these savage ones leave hi yes yes you're very much there right in my face okay chica okay oh vixxi's gone door it is motion detected left oh yep good okay oh god dang it i hate that pool so much tai chi baby baby oh my god no no no no go get out of here baby get out of here spring trap get go we got the gun okay okay let me out let me out how's my my doors fine okay battery good no jump scare cool very great uh yeah everything good there i could hear you oh no no no chica go like i don't have time to deal with you i got baby and ronaldo now i'm stuck in this jail cell for 10 seconds come on come on come on come on get me out of here get me out of here this is making me so freaking paranoid okay we can hear no one there okay look at here is baby trying to get me nope okay it looks like baby is trying to coordinate with her dad that makes sense but i thought i thought she killed rinaldo oh hello okay [Music] there's vinnie and he's up in front where's chica at she does not want is happy again okay he's good here [Music] oh okay well that one's open hi freddy okay so i'm just going to do that because i got my battery's so close to dying on the door okay so vinnie's trying to get me i see i see baby is freddy still in my vent no okay good um okay looking outside uh okay put that up okay [Music] doing okay i just need to find motion right spring trap is no [ __ ] of that [ __ ] that okay [ __ ] that blocking that because i don't trust them because i know baby i saw her we got freddy coming in okay close the door in his face take that take that loser i got the door in your face that's right i've survived springtrap i see you okay i've survived i survived much worse than this i could i can make it out of here maybe okay uh check checky check check okay so far hey foxy what are you doing with vixie what are you doing with vixxy what are you doing hey check this man hi spring oh wait wait that that's that's not it's not ronaldo that was freddy [Music] that hurts ronaldo hi [Laughter] not a big fan of you get out hey closing the vent oh my god so my battery's at 44 percent ronaldo's gone no one's here oh hi vixxi oh so foxy's been tinkering with you this entire time that's great that's really great oh no you almost oh and great we got we got someone else in there hi bonnie all right i'll keep you there um okay we're good dixie what are they doing hi but staring at the camera these things are oh my battery's low okay uh oh no no why open it why do i open it oh no okay uh i wish my screen was so much bigger you know what why don't i just stay closer okay hot vixi's still like that everything's there i need to close i need to open the stupid door motion there we go left and i'll just close these and then [Music] okay uh okay okay we can do this how do you like hitting me you stupid freaking freddy i'm glad you guys aren't as deadly as it seems like baby and springtrap are uh is vixxy gone vixx he's gone okay uh no no no no no no no guess what you just let the bull yeah oh you can't escape destiny dan oh no baby you used vixie to get in didn't you [Laughter] you have done remarkably well dan but there's no way out you will not escape the inevitable you will be scooped and i will have my mother back but be grateful dan you shall finally rejoin your friend now all of this will be over in three two one wait what happened oh the place explode what the that talk about good timing what oh oh there's fire in here uh but at least old reliable's okay uh owl oh call the fire department call somebody nothing oh crap i guess i have to go through here because that way is blocked off i wonder why things happened the way they did oh my god that's so much fire am i gonna be able to make it out of here alive i really hope so uh i wonder if this was like part of michael's plan do you think this is what he was he was telling me about how he had a way to end this cycle of torment oh it's hot out here okay that is a lot of fire holy crap how long was i knocked out this fire spread real quick the ceiling's collapsing oh there's smoke everywhere oh my god flew up the wall here oh oh oh hey hey vinny no no no no no oh my god he's on fire wait okay looks like i might be able to make it out of here maybe i don't know oh hi foxy you're you're burning alive oh my god i don't think i don't think oh uh bye chica i think that was chica oh my god well this is definitely working if this is michael's plan okay game plan i'm just gonna go out through the front door hopefully like the fire spread pretty badly but it seems like you know it's not overtaking the entire building holy crap oh this is not good this is not good at all okay it's just fine it's fine i i'm almost to the entrance it'll be fine everything's good everything's on fire everything is not good oh hey freddy oh no the ceiling collapsed in front of the oh hi no no no no no no yeah you just burn just burn stay away from me just get out of here i'm done i'm done go okay i think i think it just died so you can kill animatronics with fire maybe okay well is there any other way out here oh no the waiting room is full oh uh let's see the only thing i can think of is like maybe i can backtrack through the vents and maybe go out through the back because it doesn't look like there's a way to get to the other side of this room over there everything is just burning down i'm kind of okay with it to be honest if i can get out of here i i'm done no more working at restaurants no more animatronics i'll stay clear of any chuck e cheese i'm just done with this oh it's melted the ice in the freezer that's kind of funny all right let's just get out of here okay oh yeah ant's office is on fire oh hi uh okay yeah good the bathroom seems kind of okay get under this okay maybe i can make it out of here i'm so close the fire hasn't spread much more just good okay just stay away from the flames don't want to burn myself oh my god this is this is crazy oh no how am i supposed to get out of here i can't even oh my god bonnie is oh he's burning oh he's dead okay well it looks like he was making a break for this direction so wait the wall cave in here ronaldo get out of here i'm done i'm done oh hi this is a new room i haven't seen before oh it takes oh my god stop it oh i think i i think yes yes i made it okay okay i can't get around to the front i don't think oh my god yeah the whole building is on fire um i'm gonna have to you know maybe i was in the salvation maybe i can get him to call like 9-1-1 or a fire department or something i don't know this this has to be this has to be what michael's idea was right he had to have known to burn this place down i well i hope you're resting well michael hopefully all the animatronics are in there i don't think there should i mean let's see i saw i saw a lot of them die so yeah uh this should be okay al are you there al come on man you need to call a fire department or something okay al no no al ow morning century saloon manager yeah an unauthorized animatronic has slithered its way into the salvage shed i can see that oh while this animatronic is not within our database sensors indicate immense danger radiating from within its vessel a cursory scan has detected multiple abnormalities please stay alive as we try and find the source of its torment what does that even mean all remaining electricity has been diverted to the taser beside you okay animatronic requires constant do not allow it to leave your sight if you do your soul will be forfeit i don't want that beginning skin now scanning logic and reasoning core oh 25 okay 50 so she's still an animatronic i can shock her 100 like that no errors found i'm not dying revenge matrix revenge matrix uh 50 okay this is fine she's very aggressive seventy-five percent help stop stop stop that 100 oh my god she's like he's like trying to attack me all the time that's right scanning structural integrity no 25 percent foreign organic tissue is integrated at the neural level with the processing core what does that even mean here is not possible okay scanning memory data banks no corrupted yes we can please don't do it 50 baby 75 100 error remnant reservoir exceeds maximum capacity bad empty reservoir yeah yeah do that remnant will leave this vessel leaving it truly vacant continue yes great work you managed to manage the situation adequately manager however this shall be your final night a severance package will be sent to your address at record not found oh come on you better pay for this remember you signed an nda and we will sue you goodbye and good riddance don't let the door hit you on the way out [Music] [Music] you
Channel: CavemanFilms
Views: 1,725,287
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MNAF, MNAF CavemanFilms, MNAF AntVenom, mnaf antvenom, mine nights at freddy's, AntVenom, MNAF 6, Senary Saloon, MNAF Senary Saloon, MNAF Saloon, Minecraft FNAF RP, Minecraft FNAF RP Ep 1, Freddy, Bonnie, Vinnie, Vixie, Foxy, Minecraft, chica, mnaf 4, movie, mnaf movie, cavemanfilms fnaf movie, fnaf movie, fnaf, entire story, fazbear, security breach, fnaf security breach, cavemanfilms, antvenom, fnaf caveman, mnaf, Mine Nights at Freddy's Movie, FNAF Movie, MNAF Movie, Fazbear, Chica, Pizza
Id: 4bVdDRg5pgY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 653min 55sec (39235 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 18 2022
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