Millions Of Longhorn Cattle In America And Africa Are Raised This Way - Cattle Farming

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hello my friends in addition to millions of  cattle of popular breeds such as Angus Hereford   Holstein or naguni currently many cattle farms  in the United States and some African countries   also raise Longhorn cattle for the purpose of  harvesting meat milk or raising for conservation in recent years the most  famous Longhorn cattle breeds   can be mentioned as the Angola cattle or Texas  Longhorn in addition the English Longhorn is also   a well-known and popular longhorned cattle  breed in the north of the United Kingdom from the Great Plains of the United  States to the tribal lands of Africa   Longhorn cattle symbolize resilience great  adaptability and Timeless Beauty foreign we are currently located in the western region of   Uganda this is where the largest concentration  of Angola Longhorn cattle ranchers are in Africa   like most other livestock lands in the  world each morning these ain't calling   Longhorn cattle will be released from the  barn and go into the pastures to feed freely it is estimated that there are currently  nearly 7.3 million and cola cuddle raised   in Africa and they are mainly distributed  in East Africa especially countries such as   Uganda Rwanda or Kenya well they are  of cultural and economic importance according to the grazing habits of farmers in  East Africa herds of dozens or even hundreds   of individuals are usually only grazing  pastures up to three miles from the farm   in addition to helping Farmers easily  control their livestock another reason   why herdsmen and their herds don't  have to travel too far is because   natural food sources in this area  are abundant and readily available foreign is a culturally well-loved cattle breed in Africa  the encola is not the continent's most popular   cattle breed for decades the zebu has always been  the most popular cattle breed raised in Africa   it is estimated that at present the number of zebu   cattle in Africa maybe more  than 300 million individuals Longhorn cattle are common only in East  Africa and their name comes from the ancolo   people an ethnic group living mainly in the  western regions of Uganda and parts of Rwanda on average an adult male and cola  usually weighs around 1100 pounds   and the average weight of a female is only  around 800 pounds compared to Angus Cattle   raised in the United States the weight of Angola  Longhorn cattle is about 30 percent lighter thank you in the grazing pastures of  Uganda Farmers often store water for   their livestock by building rainwater tanks  or digging small canals to channel water in the late afternoon when the sun has  gradually turned off the incoli herds   will be herded into the barn to rest because  there are no Predators around these Farms   the construction of the barn is also done  rather simply and it does not have a roof   most herders here just need a place to  gather their herds close to where they live about every three days the farmers will  burn straw or other materials to create   smoke in the barn to control  insects and other parasites   in addition they say this helps reduce  the stress of animals in tight conditions when the ancolate longhorn cattle  are eligible for meat production   they are taken to cattle markets  and then sold to slaughterhouses it is estimated that 2.7 million and Coley  Longhorn cattle are slaughtered each year for   their meat more than 60 percent of these cattle  are raised in the western regions of Uganda we say goodbye to the plains of Africa  now we will go to several states in the   United States to see how Farmers here raise  tens of thousands of Texas Longhorn cattle according to USDA statistics by the  end of 2022 there were about 273   000 Texas longhold Cattle being  raised in the United States and   of course many of these cattle are raised  on farms in you guessed it Texas foreign like many other cattle breeds race in the United  States Texas Longhorn cattle are raised for   their meat and cross breeding however the most  striking feature this long-haul cattle breed   brings to America is its historical and cultural  significance many ranches in the United States   claim that they often raise Texas Longhorn  cattle to preserve and honor the heritage of   the American West in addition these Longhorn  cattle serve as a symbol at the frontier era only about 45 000 Texas Longhorn cattle  are slaughtered in the United States   each year and meat extraction  is only performed on the mature   cattle all carbs of this breed are kept  until they are at least 18 months old currently the ranch with the most Texas Longhorn  cattle is a ranch in Hill County Central Texas   this Ranch has about 420 Longhorn cattle  and each year between 100 and 130 of these   Texas Longhorns are sold for meat production  and for entertainment or exhibition purposes which breed of Longhorn cattle  are you most impressed with   let me know what you think in  the comments section of the video hello my friends farming is not only affected  by mammals like wild rabbits wild pigs or rats   every year Australian farmers and  ranchers suffer significant damage   from millions of wild birds from the parrot family currently there are 56 species of parrots  living in most areas of Australia with an   estimated number of more than 17  million individuals among them are   the gala cockatoo the sulfur crested  cockatoo a rainbow lorikeet and the   budgerigar and these are some of the most  popular parrot breeds on the continent there are flocks of parrots that number in the  dozens and even hundreds and they can appear   where you live in addition to making annoying  noises they can also harm crops such as grain   crops fruit trees and nut trees in addition  parrots can also nest in inappropriate places   like the recesses of your roof having dozens of  parrots in your backyard also causes pollution   due to the hundreds of piles  or droppings they leave behind these aren't Gala cockatoos  they are believed to be the   most numerous of all parrots  living on Mainland Australia   in the wild the gala is found in a wide variety  of habitats from arid Hinterlands to wooded   areas in addition this bird is also commonly  seen in urban and Suburban areas of cities this is a cattle ranch in marinoa County Southwest  Queensland around this area is also a home to a   flock of Gala cockatoos with a number of nearly  300. galars often have a habit of eating grass   and nuts each day hundreds of glass often fly to  this far in search of water and food unfortunately   this is usually used for livestock and includes  corn as well as some other seeds the appearance   of these noisy birds causes a lot of discomfort  to the people working on this cattle farm they not only appear around cattle  and poultry Farms though galars also   frequently form large flocks and flights  of fields of wheat or barley to feed galaza often attracted to crops  that are in the milk or past stage   as soon as the seating process is completed these  noisy birds May emerge to eat some kind of seed imagine what happens when you have a  field of wheat ready to be harvested   when suddenly hundreds of galahs come from  nowhere to enjoy a free meal on your Dome foreign parts of Australia the breeding phase of the  gala takes place from July to December each year   and in the southern regions the breeding period  for this bird usually lasts from February to July during each breeding season of a cockatoo  pear usually only two to three eggs are   successfully hatched however once  a young bird is an adult they can   live up to 25 years in the wild or  up to 70 years when kept as pants if you start keeping a Gala as a pet right now   chances are you'll be the one to say  goodbye to this world sooner than your pet it is estimated that there are more than 4 million  galahs living in the entire territory of Australia   each year this noisy bird costs  Australian grain Farmers about   173 million dollars in damage to their crops to control the population of Galas some localities  in Australia have used measures such as culling   or trapping all controls must be in place  in accordance with Australian Wildlife laws   to ensure that these birds are treated humanely it is estimated that adopting  measures to control the Glass   cost the Australian government  nearly 4 million dollars a year   if you're an Australian like me tell us what  negative impact the galars have had on your life in addition to the Galas budgies are also a  parrot species found in abundance in Australia   and the negative impact this small bird has  on agriculture in this country is significant in the wild budgies usually live in flocks  of about 100 individuals however the number   of budgies in the flock can increase to  several thousand after the rainy season ends the reason for the rapid increase in the number  of budgies in a flock after the rainy season is   at this time the rapid growth of vegetation  provides more food and nesting material   foreign that lives in flocks budgies have  always been considered the favorite prey of   birds of prey such as Falcons in most areas of  Australia in the places where bungees live are   also home to flocks of Falcons however  with an estimated population of nearly   5 million the impact of birds of prey on the  number of budgies in Australia is negligible is estimated that only about 1.3 percent  of budgies in Australia die each year due   to the impact of predators and other  factors such as disease or hunting in most areas of Australia the breeding season  for budgies usually lasts from September to   February of the following year however this  bird can also completely stop breeding for   a year if the weather conditions are too  dry or there is a lack of nesting material after about six to seven weeks these  young birds will be ready to leave   the nest and after each breeding  season the number in a colony of   budgies usually increases to about  13 to 17 times the original number like most other parrot species in  Australia budgies also have a habit   of eating nuts and Grains a flock of parrots  with hundreds or even thousands of them will   cause significant damage to fields of wheat or  soghum they're about to enter the Harvest period   in addition Fruit Farms such as bananas or mangoes  are also a favorite place for a flock of budgies in the wild adult budgies need  to drink water at least seven   times per day therefore small water  holes in arid regions of Australia   are often a place where you can easily  see the appearance of these small birds in some cases where budgies cause damage to  crops or other resources Australian landowners   or agricultural authorities may take measures such  as trapping scaring or shooting to control the   populations foreign overall the impact of millions  of parents in Australia on agriculture is quite   significant especially on small farms however  compared with other pests such as feral pigs or   wild rabbits the impact of parrots in Australia  on agriculture is only a very very small part
Channel: Tony 98 - Discovery
Views: 14,087,551
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: farming, agriculture, farm, cattle, cattle farm, longhorn, longhorn cattle, texas longhorn cattle, ankole cattle, american farming, africa farming, cow farm, cattle ranch, animals farm, farm life, farmer, agriculture technology, #tony98discovery
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 16sec (1036 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 10 2023
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